THE RAIN was over, but a mist was falling and drops of water dripped from the branches of the trees. —
雨已经停了,但是雾气仍在落下,水滴从树枝上滴落下来。 —

Denisov, the esaul, and Petya, in silence, followed the peasant in the pointed cap, who, stepping lightly and noiselessly in his bast shoes over roots and wet leaves, led them to the edge of the wood.

Coming out on the road, the peasant paused, looked about him, and turned toward a thin screen of trees. —
走到路上,农民停了下来,四处看了看,转向一片稀疏的树林。 —

He stood still at a big oak, still covered with leaves, and beckoned mysteriously to them.

Denisov and Petya rode up to him. From the place where the peasant was standing the French could be seen. —
Denisov和Petya骑过去。从农民站的地方可以看到法国人。 —

Just beyond the wood a field of spring corn ran sharply downhill. —
就在树林的那边,一片春天的玉米田陡然下坡。 —

On the right, across a steep ravine, could be seen a little village and a manor-house with the roofs broken down. —
右边,隔着一条陡峭的山沟,可以看到一个小村庄和一座屋顶倒塌的庄园。 —

In that village and in the house and all over the high ground in the garden, by the wells and the pond, and all along the road uphill from the bridge to the village, not more than five hundred yards away, crowds of men could be seen in the shifting mist. —
在那个村庄和房子以及整个高地的花园里,井和池塘,沿着从桥到村庄的上坡路上,不到五百码的地方,可以看到一片片在变化的雾中的人群。 —

They could distinctly hear their foreign cries at the horses pulling the baggage uphill and their calls to one another.

“Give me the prisoner here,” said Denisov, in a low voice, never taking his eyes off the French.

A Cossack got off his horse, lifted the boy down, and came with him to Denisov. —
一个哥萨克下了马,扶着男孩下来,带着他走到了Denisov跟前。 —

Denisov, pointing to the French, asked the boy what troops they were. —
Denisov指着法国人,问男孩他们是哪个部队的。 —

The boy, thrusting his chilled hands into his pockets and raising his eyebrows, looked in dismay at Denisov, and in spite of his unmistakable desire to tell all he knew, he was confused in his answers, and merely repeated Denisov’s questions. —
男孩把冻僵的手插进口袋,抬起眉毛,惊讶地看着Denisov,尽管他明显希望把他知道的都告诉出来,但他回答问题时却感到困惑,并只是重复Denisov的问题。 —

Denisov, frowning, turned away from him, and addressing the esaul, told him his own views on the matter.

Petya, turning his head rapidly, looked from the drummer to Denisov, and from the esaul to the French in the village and on the road, trying not to miss anything of importance.

“Whether Dolohov comes or not, we must take them.… Eh? —
“不管Dolohov来不来,我们必须把他们带走……呃? —

” said Denisov, his eyes sparkling merrily.
” 戴尼索夫兴高采烈地闪着眼睛说。

“It is a convenient spot,” said the esaul.

“We will send the infantry down below, by the marshes,” Denisov went on. —
“我们将把步兵派到下面的沼泽地。” 戴尼索夫继续说。 —

“They will creep up to the garden; you dash down with the Cossacks from there”—Denisov pointed to the wood beyond the village—“and I from here with my hussars. —
“他们将悄悄地接近花园; 你从那里和哥萨克人一起冲下来” ——戴尼索夫指着村子外面的树林 ——“而我带着我的胡萨尔侯爵从这里出发。 —

And at a shot …”

“It won’t do to go by the hollow; it’s a bog,” said the esaul. —
”山谷不好走; 是个沼泽地,”小队长说。 —

“The horses will sink in, you must skirt round more to the left.…”

While they were talking in undertones, there was the crack of a shot and a puff of white smoke in the hollow below near the pond, and the voices of hundreds of Frenchmen halfway up the hill rose in a ringing shout, as though in merry chorus. —
当他们低声交谈时,坑下的池塘附近传来一声枪响和一股白烟,坡上接近一半的法国人的声音响起,如同欢快的合唱。 —

At the first minute both Denisov and the esaul darted back. —
在第一分钟,戴尼索夫和小队长都后退了。 —

They were so near that they fancied they were the cause of that shot and those shouts. —
他们离得那么近,几乎以为他们是那声音和喊声的原因。 —

But they had nothing to do with them. A man in something red was running through the marshes below. —
但是他们与这些没有任何关系。一个身穿红色衣物的人在沼泽地里跑来跑去。 —

The French were evidently firing and shouting at him.

“Why, it’s our Tihon,” said the esaul.

“It’s he! it’s he!”

“The rogue,” said Denisov.

“He’ll get away!” said the esaul, screwing up his eyes.

The man they called Tihon, running up to the little river, splashed into it, so that the water spurted up round him, and disappearing for an instant, scrambled out on all fours, looking dark from the water, and ran on. —
那个被称为提洪的人跑到小河边,溅起水花,一转眼间消失了,然后爬出来,全身湿漉漉的,四脚着地,一脸冷漠地继续奔跑。 —

The French, who had been pursuing him, stopped.

“Well, he’s a smart fellow,” said the esaul.

“The beast,” said Denisov, with the same expression of vexation. —
“那个畜生,”丹尼索夫愤愤不平地说道。 —

“And what has he been about all this time?”

“Who is he?” asked Petya.

“It’s our scout. I sent him to catch a ‘tongue’ for us.”

“Ah, to be sure,” said Petya, nodding at Denisov’s first word, as though he knew all about it, though he did not understand a word.

Tihon Shtcherbatov was one of the most useful men among Denisov’s followers. —
提洪·斯切尔巴托夫是丹尼索夫手下最有用的人之一。 —

He was a peasant of the village of Pokrovskoe, near Gzhat. Denisov had come to Pokrovskoe early in his operations as a guerilla leader, and sending, as he always did, for the village elder, asked him what he knew about the French.

The village elder had answered, as all village elders always did answer, that he knew nothing about them, and had seen nothing of them. —
村长回答道,就像所有村长经常回答的那样,他对他们一无所知,也没有见过他们。 —

But when Denisov explained to him that his object was to kill the French, and inquired whether no French had strayed into his village, the village elder replied that there had been some miroders certainly, but that the only person who took any heed of such things was Tishka Shtcherbatov. —
但当丹尼索夫解释说他的目标是杀死法国人,并询问是否有法国人迷路进了他的村子时,村长回答说确实有一些骚扰者,但唯一一个关心这些事情的人是蒂什卡·斯切尔巴托夫。 —

Denisov ordered Tihon to be brought before him, and praising his activity, said in the presence of the elder a few words about the devotion to the Tsar and the Fatherland and the hatred of the French that all sons of the Fatherland must cherish in their hearts.

“We don’t do any harm to the French,” said Tihon, evidently scared at Denisov’s words. —
“我们不会伤害法国人,”提奥显然对德尼索夫的话感到害怕。 —

“It’s only, you know, just a bit of fun for the lads and me. —
“你知道的,这只是一点儿我和小伙子们的乐趣罢了。 —

The miroders now—we have killed a dozen or so of them, but we have done no harm else …”

Next day, when Denisov was leaving Pokrovskoe, having forgotten all about this peasant, he was told that Tihon was with his followers, and asked to be allowed to remain with them. —
第二天,当德尼索夫离开波科罗夫斯科耶时,他完全忘记了这个农民,有人告诉他提昂和他的追随者在一起,并请求允许他留下来。 —

Denisov bade them let him stay.

At first Tihon undertook the rough work of making fires, fetching water, skinning horses, and so on, but he soon showed great zeal and capacity for guerilla warfare. —
起初,提昂负责做一些粗活,比如生火、打水、剥马皮等等,但他很快表现出了对游击战争的极大热情和能力。 —

He would go after booty at night, and never failed to bring back French clothes and weapons, and when he was bidden, he would bring back prisoners too. —
他晚上会去搜刮战利品,从不忘记带回法国的衣服和武器,如果被命令的话,他还会带回俘虏。 —

Denisov took Tihon from his menial work, and began to employ him on expeditions, and to reckon him among the Cossacks.

Tihon did not like riding, and always went on foot, yet never lagged behind the cavalry. —
提昂不喜欢骑马,总是步行,但从不落后于骑兵们。 —

His weapons were a musket, which he carried rather as a joke, a pike, and an axe, which he used as skilfully as a wolf does its teeth—catching fleas in its coat and crunching thick bones with them equally easily. —
他手里的武器有一支火枪,他拿得像个玩笑,还有一把长矛和一把斧头,他像狼一样熟练地使用着它们——在毛皮上抓跳蚤,在用牙齿轻易地咬碎厚骨头。 —

With equal precision Tihon swinging his axe split logs, or, taking it by the head, cut thin skewers or carved spoons. —
提昂同样精确地挥动斧头劈开木柴,或者拿着斧头柄切割薄木条或雕刻勺子。 —

Among Denisov’s followers, Tihon was on a special footing of his own. —
在德尼索夫的追随者中,提昂有着特殊的地位。 —

When anything particularly disagreeable or revolting had to be done—to put one’s shoulder to a waggon stuck in the mud, to drag a horse out of a bog by the tail, to flay a horse, to creep into the midst of the French, to walk fifty versts in a day—every one laughed, and looked to Tihon to do it.

“No harm will come to him; the devil; he’s a stalwart beast,” they used to say of him.

One day a Frenchman he had captured wounded Tihon with a pistol-shot in the fleshy part of the back. —
有一天,他抓住的一个法国人用手枪射中了提昂背部的肉体部位,伤了他。 —

This wound, which Tihon treated only by applications of vodka—internal and external—was the subject of the liveliest jokes through the whole party, and Tihon lent himself readily to their jests.

“Well, old chap, you won’t do that again! Are you crook-backed!” laughed the Cossacks; —
“嗯,老兄,你再也不会那样做了!你简直驼背了!”哥萨克们笑着说道; —

and Tihon, assuming a doleful face, and grimacing to pretend he was angry, would abuse the French with the most comical oaths. —
而蒂翁则假装生气,扮鬼脸,用最滑稽的咒骂诅咒法国人。 —

The effect of the incident on Tihon was that he rarely afterwards brought prisoners in.

Tihon was the bravest and most useful man of the lot. —
蒂翁是这群人中最勇敢、最有用的人。 —

No one discovered so many opportunities of attack, no one captured or killed so many Frenchmen. —
没有人能发现如此多的进攻机会,也没有人能俘虏或杀死那么多法国人。 —

And consequently he was the favourite subject of all the gibes of the Cossacks and the hussars, and readily fell in with the position.

Tihon had been sent overnight by Denisov to Shamshevo to capture a “tongue. —
蒂翁前一天晚上被德尼索夫派去夺取“情报”。但要么是因为他不满意只有一个法国俘虏,要么是因为整夜都没睡,他白天时悄悄摸进了法军的中间的灌木丛中,在山上德尼索夫看到的情况是法军发现了他。 —

” But either because he was not satisfied with one French prisoner, or because he had been asleep all night, he had crept by day into the bushes in the very middle of the French, and, as Denisov had seen from the hill, had been discovered by them.