FROM THAT FIRST EVENING, when Natasha had said to Princess Marya, with a gaily mocking smile, that he looked exactly, yes, exactly, as if he had come out of a bath with his short jacket and his cropped hair—from that minute something hidden and unrecognised by herself, yet irresistible, awakened in Natasha’s soul.

Everything—face, gait, eyes, voice—everything was at once transformed in her. —
一切——脸庞、步态、眼神、声音——立刻在她身上发生了转变。 —

To her own surprise, the force of life and hopes of happiness floated to the surface and demanded satisfaction. —
令她自己惊讶的是,生活的力量和幸福的希望涌上了表面,要求满足。 —

From that first evening Natasha seemed to have forgotten all that had happened to her. —
从那个第一个晚上开始,娜塔莎似乎忘记了发生在她身上的一切。 —

From that time she never once complained of her position; —
从那时起,她从未抱怨过自己的处境; —

she said not one word about the past, and was not afraid of already making light-hearted plans for the future. —
她对过去一言不发,不再对未来轻松地进行打算。 —

She spoke little of Pierre; but when Princess Marya mentioned him, a light that had long been dim gleamed in her eyes, and her lips curved in a strange smile.

The change that took place in Natasha at first surprised Princess Marya; —
娜塔莎的变化起初令玛丽亚公主感到惊讶; —

but when she understood what it meant, that change mortified her. —
但当她理解了其中的意义,这种变化使她感到尴尬。 —

“Can she have loved my brother so little that she can so soon forget him? —
“她难道对我兄弟的爱如此之少,以至于她这么快就忘记了他吗?”玛丽亚公主独自思索时想道。 —

” thought Princess Marya, when she thought over it alone. —
但当她与娜塔莎在一起时,她并不为她感到恼火,也不责备她。 —

But when she was with Natasha she was not vexed with her, and did not blame her. —
生活的觉醒力量再次占据了娜塔莎,显然是如此不可抗拒,并且娜塔莎自己也没有预料到,因此在娜塔莎的陪伴下,玛丽亚公主感到即使在心中也无权责备她。 —

The awakened force of life that had regained possession of Natasha was obviously so irresistible and so unexpected by herself, that in Natasha’s presence Princess Marya felt that she had no right to blame her even in her heart.

Natasha gave herself up with such completeness and sincerity to her new feeling that she did not even attempt to conceal that she was not now sorrowful, but glad and happy.

When Princess Marya had returned to her room that night after her interview with Pierre, Natasha met her on the threshold.

“He has spoken? Yes? He has spoken?” she repeated. —
“他说了吗?是吗?他说了吗?”她重复着。 —

And a joyful, and at the same time piteous, expression, that begged forgiveness for its joy, was in Natasha’s face. —
纳塔莎的脸上露出一种欢乐而可怜的表情,乞求它的欢乐,因为它的欢乐而寻求宽恕。 —

“I wanted to listen at the door; but I knew you would tell me.”

Ready as Princess Marya was to understand and to be touched by the expression with which Natasha looked at her, and much as she felt for her agitation, yet her words for the first moment mortified her. —
尽管玛丽亚公主愿意理解纳塔莎那注视着她的表情并为她的激动感到心疼,但她的话语一开始还是让她感到受伤。 —

She thought of her brother and his love.

“But what is one to do? She cannot help it,” thought Princess Marya; —
“但是怎么办呢?她无法控制自己。”玛丽亚公主心想; —

and with a sad and somewhat severe face she repeated to Natasha all Pierre had said to her. —
她带着悲伤而有些冷酷的表情把皮埃尔对她说的一切重复给了纳塔莎。 —

Natasha was stupefied to hear he was going to Petersburg. —
纳塔莎听到他要去彼得堡,惊呆了。 —

“To Petersburg!” she repeated, as though unable to take it in.

But looking at the mournful expression of Princess Marya’s face she divined the cause of her sadness, and suddenly burst into tears.

“Marie,” she said, “tell me what I am to do. —
“玛丽亚,”她说,“告诉我该怎么办。 —

I am afraid of being horrid. Whatever you say, I will do; tell me …”

“You love him?”

“Yes!” whispered Natasha.

“What are you crying for, then? I am very glad for you,” said Princess Marya, moved by those tears to complete forgiveness of Natasha’s joy.

“It will not be soon … some day. Only think how happy it will be when I am his wife and you marry Nikolay!”

“Natasha, I have begged you not to speak of that. Let us talk of you.”

Both were silent.

“Only why go to Petersburg?” cried Natasha suddenly, and she hastened to answer herself. —
“为什么要去彼得堡?”娜塔莎突然喊道,然后她急忙回答自己。 —

“No, no; it must be so … Yes, Marie? It must be …”