NATASHA was married in the early spring of 1813, and by 1820 she had three daughters and a son. —
纳塔莎在1813年初春结婚,到1820年她已经有了三个女儿和一个儿子。 —

The latter had been eagerly desired, and she was now nursing him herself. —
后者一直是她渴望的,现在她亲自在给他喂奶。 —

She had grown stouter and broader, so that it was hard to recognise in the robust-looking young mother the slim, mobile Natasha of old days. —
她变得更加丰满和宽广,以至于很难认出那个纤细、机动的过去的纳塔莎。 —

Her features had become more defined, and wore an expression of calm softness and serenity. —
她的面部特征变得更加明显,带着一种平静柔软和宁静的表情。 —

Her face had no longer that ever-glowing fire of eagerness that had once constituted her chief charm. —
她的脸上不再有那种曾经构成她主要魅力的永远光彩夺目的热情。 —

Now, often her face and body were all that was to be seen, and the soul was not visible at all. —
现在,她的脸和身体是唯一能看到的,灵魂完全看不到。 —

All there was to be seen in her was a vigorous, handsome, and fruitful mother. —
在她身上所能看到的只是一个充满活力、漂亮和多产的母亲。 —

Only on rare occasions now the old fire glowed in her again. —
只有在非常少见的场合,旧日的激情才在她身上再次燃起。 —

That happened only when, as now, her husband returned after absence, when a sick child recovered, or when she spoke to Countess Marya of Prince Andrey (to her husband she never spoke of Prince Andrey, fancying he might be jealous of her love for him), or on the rare occasions when something happened to attract her to her singing, which she had entirely laid aside since her marriage. —
这只有在丈夫离开后归来、有病好转的孩子、和她向玛丽亚伯爵谈论安德烈王子(她从不对丈夫提起安德烈王子,因为她觉得他可能会嫉妒她对他的爱)的罕见场合,或者在一些能吸引她继续唱歌的罕见场合才会发生,自从结婚后她完全放弃了唱歌。 —

And at those rare moments, when the old fire glowed again, she was more attractive, with her handsome, fully-developed figure, than she had ever been in the past.

Since her marriage Natasha and her husband had lived in Moscow, in Petersburg, on their estate near Moscow, and at her mother’s; —
自从结婚后,纳塔莎和她的丈夫在莫斯科、圣彼得堡、莫斯科附近的庄园和她妈妈那里生活; —

that is to say, at Nikolay’s. The young Countess Bezuhov was little seen in society, and those who had seen her there were not greatly pleased with her. —
即尼古拉的地方。这位年轻的别祖霍夫女伯爵在社交场合很少被见到,那些见过她的人对她并不是很满意。 —

She was neither charming nor amiable. It was not that Natasha was fond of solitude (she could not have said whether she liked it or not; —
她既没有迷人的魅力,也不友善。这不是因为纳塔莎喜欢孤独(她不能说她喜欢还是不喜欢; —

she rather supposed indeed that she did not); —
她倒是更像是猜测她不喜欢), —

but as she was bearing and nursing children, and taking interest in every minute of her husband’s life, she could not meet all these demands on her except by renouncing society. —
但是因为她要怀孕和哺乳孩子,对丈夫生活的每一分钟都感兴趣,她除非放弃社交,否则无法满足所有这些要求。 —

Every one who had known Natasha before her marriage marvelled at the change that had taken place in her, as though it were something extraordinary. —
每一个在婚姻之前认识纳塔莎的人都对她发生的变化感到惊奇,仿佛那是一件非同寻常的事情。 —

Only the old countess, with her mother’s insight, had seen that what was at the root of all Natasha’s wild outbursts of feeling was simply the need of children and a husband of her own, as she often used to declare, more in earnest than in joke, at Otradnoe. —
唯独老伯爵夫人,凭着母亲的洞察力,看出纳塔莎所有情感爆发的根源只是她自己的孩子和丈夫的需求,纳塔莎经常在奥特拉德诺谈到这个,无论是认真的还是开玩笑的。 —

The mother was surprised at the wonder of people who did not understand Natasha, and repeated that she had always known that she would make an exemplary wife and mother.

“Only she does carry her devotion to her husband and children to an extreme,” the countess would say; —
“只是她把对丈夫和孩子的奉献心态推向了极端,” 伯爵夫人会说; —

“so much so, that it’s positively foolish.”

Natasha did not follow the golden rule preached by so many prudent persons, especially by the French, that recommends that a girl on marrying should not neglect herself, should not give up her accomplishments, should think even more of her appearance than when a young girl, and should try to fascinate her husband as she had fascinated him before he was her husband. —
“以至于变得完全愚蠢。” —

Natasha, on the contrary, had at once abandoned all her accomplishments, of which the greatest was her singing. —
纳塔莎并没有按照许多明智人士的黄金法则,特别是法国人的教导,建议婚后的女孩不要忽视自己的修养,不要放弃她的才艺,应该比年轻女孩时更加注重自己的外貌,应该努力像她嫁给丈夫之前那样迷住他。 —

She gave that up just because it was such a great attraction. —
相反,纳塔莎立刻放弃了自己的一切才华,其中最重要的是她的唱歌。 —

Natasha troubled herself little about manners or delicacy of speech; —
她放弃唱歌只是因为那是如此吸引人。 —

nor did she think of showing herself to her husband in the most becoming attitudes and costumes, nor strive to avoid worrying him by being over-exacting. —
纳塔莎几乎不关心礼节或言辞的细致, —

She acted in direct contravention of all those rules. —
她也没有考虑以最合适的姿态和打扮展示自己给丈夫看,也不努力避免通过过分苛求他而使他感到烦恼。 —

She felt that the arts of attraction that instinct had taught her to use before would now have seemed only ludicrous to her husband, to whom she had from the first moment given herself up entirely, that is with her whole soul, not keeping a single corner of it hidden from him. —
她直接违背了所有那些规则。 —

She felt that the tie that bound her to her husband did not rest on those romantic feelings which had attracted him to her, but rested on something else undefined, but as strong as the tie that bound her soul to her body.

To curl her hair, put on a crinoline, and sing songs to attract her husband would have seemed to her as strange as to deck herself up so as to please herself. —
为了卷起她的头发,穿上蓬裙,并唱歌来吸引她的丈夫,对她来说会像是奇怪的事情,就像是为了取悦自己而打扮自己一样。 —

To adorn herself to please others might perhaps have been agreeable to her—she did not know—but she had absolutely no time for it. —
为了取悦他人而打扮自己可能是令她满意的——她不知道——但她完全没有时间去做这些事情。 —

The chief reason why she could not attend to her singing, nor to her dress, nor to the careful choice of her words was that she simply had no time to think of those things.

It is well known that man has the faculty of entire absorption in one subject, however trivial that subject may appear to be. —
众所周知,无论这个课题看起来多么琐碎,人都有完全专注于一件事情的能力。 —

And it is well known that there is no subject so trivial that it will not grow to indefinite proportions if concentrated attention be devoted to it.

The subject in which Natasha was completely absorbed was her family, that is, her husband, whom she kept such a hold on so that he should belong entirely to her, to his home and her children, whom she had to carry, to bear, to nurse and to bring up.

And the more she put, not her mind only, but her whole soul, her whole being, into the subject that absorbed her, the more that subject seemed to enlarge under her eyes, and the feebler and the more inadequate her own powers seemed for coping with it, so that she concentrated them all on that one subject, and still had not time to do all that seemed to her necessary.

There were in those days, just as now, arguments and discussions on the rights of women, on the relations of husband and wife, and on freedom and rights in marriage, though they were not then, as now, called questions. —
在那个时代,就像现在一样,有关妇女权益、夫妻关系以及婚姻中的自由和权益的争论和讨论,尽管那时候它们并不被称为问题。 —

But these questions had no interest for Natasha, in fact she had absolutely no comprehension of them.

Those questions, then as now, existed only for those persons who see in marriage only the satisfaction the married receive from one another, that is, only the first beginnings of marriage and not all its significance, which lies in the family.

Such discussions and the questions of to-day, like the question how to get the utmost possible gratification out of one’s dinner, then, as now, did not exist for persons for whom the object of dinner is nourishment, and the object of wedlock is the family.

If the end of dinner is the nourishment of the body, the man who eats two dinners obtains possibly a greater amount of pleasure, but he does not attain the object of it, since two dinners cannot be digested by the stomach.

If the end of marriage is the family, the person who prefers to have several wives and several husbands may possibly derive a great deal of satisfaction therefrom, but will not in any case have a family. —
如果婚姻的目的是家庭,那么喜欢拥有几个妻子和几个丈夫的人可能从中获得很多满足感,但无论如何都不会有一个家庭。 —

If the end of dinner is nourishment and the end of marriage is the family, the whole question is only solved by not eating more than the stomach can digest and not having more husbands or wives than as many as are needed for the family, that is, one wife and one husband. —
如果晚餐的目的是滋养身体,而婚姻的目的是家庭,那么整个问题只能通过不吃超过胃能消化的食物,以及只有一个妻子和一个丈夫(足够建立一个家庭)来解决。 —

Natasha needed a husband. A husband was given her; and her husband gave her a family. —
娜塔莎需要一个丈夫。她有了一个丈夫,而丈夫给了她一个家庭。 —

And she saw no need of another better husband, and indeed, as all her spiritual energies were devoted to serving that husband and his children, she could not picture, and found no interest in trying to picture, what would have happened had things been different.

Natasha did not care for society in general, but she greatly prized the society of her kinsfolk—of Countess Marya, her brother, her mother, and Sonya. She cared for the society of those persons to whom she could rush in from the nursery in a dressing-gown with her hair down; —
娜塔莎并不在乎一般的社交,但她非常珍惜与亲人们的交往——与玛丽亚伯爵夫人、她的兄弟、她的母亲和索尼娅的交往。她喜欢那些可以穿着睡袍,头发披散着从儿童房里冲进去的人的交往。 —

to whom she could, with a joyful face, show a baby’s napkin stained yellow instead of green, and to receive their comforting assurances that that proved that baby was now really better.

Natasha neglected herself to such a degree that her dresses, her untidy hair, her inappropriately blurted-out words, and her jealousy— she was jealous of Sonya, of the governess, of every woman, pretty and ugly—were a continual subject of jests among her friends. —
娜塔莎自己忽略了自己的形象,以至于她的衣服、凌乱的头发、说话不合时宜的言辞和嫉妒心——她嫉妒索尼娅、家庭女教师和每一个漂亮和丑陋的女人——成为她朋友们经常开玩笑的话题。 —

The general opinion was that Pierre was tied to his wife’s apron strings, and it really was so. —
普遍的观点是彼得被妻子的围裙绑住了,实际上的确如此。 —

From the earliest days of their marriage Natasha had made plain her claims. —
从结婚的最早时刻开始,娜塔莎就明确表达了她的要求。 —

Pierre had been greatly surprised at his wife’s view—to him a completely novel idea—that every minute of his life belonged to her and their home. —
对于他妻子的观点,皮埃尔感到非常惊讶 —— 对他来说,这是一个完全新颖的想法 —— 生活中的每一分钟都属于她和他们的家庭。 —

He was surprised at his wife’s demands, but he was flattered by them, and he acquiesced in them.

Pierre was so far under petticoat government that he did not dare to be attentive, or even to speak with a smile, to any other woman; —
皮埃尔深受围裙政府的控制,以至于他不敢对其他女人表现出关注,甚至不敢带着微笑与她们交谈; —

did not dare go to dine at the club, without good reason, simply for entertainment; —
他不敢无故去俱乐部吃饭,只是为了消遣; —

did not dare spent money on idle whims, and did not dare to be away from home for any long time together, except on business, in which his wife included his scientific pursuits. —
他不敢花钱在无聊的幻想上,也不敢长时间离家,除了在业务上,在妻子的观念中,他的科学追求也包括在内。 —

Though she understood nothing of the latter, she attached great consequence to them. —
虽然她对后者一无所知,但她视其为重要的事情。 —

To make up for all this Pierre had complete power in his own house to dispose of the whole household, as well as of himself, as he chose. —
为了弥补这一切,皮埃尔在自己的家中拥有完全的权力,可以随心所欲地处理整个家务和自己。 —

In their own home Natasha made herself a slave to her husband; —
在他们自己的家中,娜塔莎将自己变成了丈夫的奴隶; —

and the whole household had to go on tiptoe if the master were busy reading or writing in his study. Pierre had only to show the slightest preference, for what he desired to be at once carried out. —
整个家庭必须小心翼翼地行事,如果主人忙于阅读或写作,就必须踮起脚尖。皮埃尔只需稍微偏好一件事情,他想要的东西就会立刻得到满足。 —

He had but to express a wish and Natasha jumped up at once and ran for what he wanted.

The whole household was ruled by the supposed directions of the master, that is, by the wishes of Pierre, which Natasha tried to guess. —
整个家庭都受到主人的假定指示的统治,也就是,受到皮埃尔的愿望的支配,而娜塔莎试图猜测他的愿望是什么。 —

Their manner of life and place of residence, their acquaintances and ties, Natasha’s pursuits, and the bringing up of the children—all followed, not only Pierre’s expressed wishes, but even the deductions Natasha strove to draw from the ideas he explained in conversation with her. —
他们的生活方式和居住地、他们的熟人和联系、娜塔莎的兴趣以及子女的教养都严格遵循着皮埃尔的明确愿望,甚至包括娜塔莎试图从与她交谈中得到的观点中推断出的结论。 —

And she guessed very correctly what was the essential point of Pierre’s wishes, and having once guessed it she was steadfast in adhering to it: —
她非常准确地猜到了皮埃尔愿望的要点,并且一旦猜对了,她就会始终坚持这个要点:即使皮埃尔自己改变了主意,她也会用他的话反对他。 —

even when Pierre himself would have veered round she opposed him with his own weapons.

In the troubled days that Pierre could never forget, after the birth of their first child, they had tried three wet nurses, one after another, for the delicate baby, and Natasha had fallen ill with anxiety. —
在娜塔莎难忘的困扰日子里,也就是他们第一个孩子出生后,他们尝试过连续三个湿乳母照顾这个娇弱的婴儿,而娜塔莎也因为担忧而生病了。 —

At the time Pierre had explained to her Rousseau’s views on the unnaturalness and harmfulness of a child being suckled by any woman but its own mother and told her he fully agreed with those views. —
当时,皮埃尔向她解释了卢梭关于婴儿被除了自己的母亲以外的女性哺乳的反常和有害观点,并告诉她他完全同意这些观点。 —

When the next baby was born, in spite of the opposition of her mother, the doctors, and even of her husband himself, who had looked on it as something unheard of, and injurious, she insisted on having her own way, and from that day had nursed all her children herself. —
第二个宝宝出生时,尽管她的母亲、医生甚至她自己的丈夫都反对,认为这是前所未闻的事情,而且是有害的,她坚持按照自己的方式处理,并从那天起亲自哺乳了所有的孩子。 —

It happened very often in moments of irritability that the husband and wife quarrelled; —
在易怒的时刻,丈夫和妻子经常发生争吵; —

but long after their dispute Pierre had, to his own delight and surprise, found in his wife’s actions, as well as words, that very idea of his with which she had quarrelled. —
但在争吵之后的很长一段时间里,皮埃尔惊喜地发现在妻子的行动和言辞中,她竟然表达了他当初争吵的那个观点。 —

And he not only found his own idea, but found it purified of all that was superfluous, and had been evoked by the heat of argument in his own expression of the idea.

After seven years of married life, Pierre had a firm and joyful consciousness that he was not a bad fellow, and he felt this because he saw himself reflected in his wife. —
经过七年的婚姻生活,皮埃尔坚定而欢乐地意识到自己不是一个坏人,他之所以有这种感觉,是因为他在妻子的身上看到了自己的影子。 —

In himself he felt all the good and bad mingled together, and obscuring one another. —
他自己感到好与坏都混杂在一起,彼此遮掩。 —

But in his wife he saw reflected only what was really good; everything not quite good was left out. —
但他在妻子身上只看到了真正优秀的一面;一切不完美的地方都被排除在外。 —

And this result was not reached by the way of logical thought, but by way of a mysterious, direct reflection of himself.