EARLY in October another messenger came to Kutuzov from Napoleon with overtures for peace and a letter, falsely professing to come from Moscow, though Napoleon was in fact not far ahead of Kutuzov on the old Kaluga road. —
十月初,又一位信使带着拿破仑的和平提议和一封来自莫斯科的伪造信件来到库图佐夫那里,虽然事实上拿破仑并没有比库图佐夫更早一步到达古卢加公路。 —

Kutuzov answered this letter as he had done the first one, brought him by Lauriston; —
库图佐夫像对待劳里斯顿带来的第一封信一样回复了这封信; —

he said that there could be no question of peace.

Soon after this Dorohov’s irregulars, which were moving on the left of Tarutino, sent a report that French troops had appeared at Fominskoe, that these troops were of Broussier’s division, and that that division, being separate from the rest of the army, might easily be cut to pieces. —
不久之后,德罗霍夫的非正规部队在塔鲁蒂诺的左翼上发来报告,称有法军部队出现在福明斯克,这些部队属于布鲁西尔的师,而且这支师是与其他部队分开的,很容易被消灭。 —

The soldiers and officers again clamoured for action. —
士兵和军官们再次要求行动。 —

The staff generals, elated by the easy victory of Tarutino, urged on Kutuzov that Dorohov’s suggestion should be acted upon.

Kutuzov did not consider any action necessary. —
库图佐夫认为没有必要采取任何行动。 —

A middle course, as was inevitable, was adopted; —
不可避免地,选择了一个中庸的办法; —

a small detachment was sent to Fominskoe to attack Broussier.

By strange chance this appointment, a most difficult and most important one, as it turned out to be later, was given to Dohturov, that modest little general, whom no one has depicted to us making plans of campaign, dashing at the head of regiments, dropping crosses about batteries, or doing anything of the kind; —
出人意料的是,这个任命原本是最困难和最重要的任务,却被交给了多胡托洛夫,这个谦逊的小将军,我们从来没有看到有人描绘过他制定战略计划,率领团队奋勇前进,围攻炮台,或者做任何类似的事情; —

whom people looked on and spoke of as lacking decision and penetration, though all through the Russian wars with the French, from Austerlitz to the year 1813, we always find him in command where the position is particularly difficult. —
人们认为他没有决断力和洞察力,尽管在俄罗斯与法国的战争中,从奥斯特里茨到1813年,我们总能发现他在特别艰难的位置处于指挥。 —

At Austerlitz he was the last to remain at the ford of Augest, rallying the regiments, saving what he could, when all was flight and ruin, and not a single other general was to be found in the rearguard. —
在奥斯特里茨,当所有人都在逃亡和毁灭中时,他是唯一留在奥古斯特浅水滩上,集结团队,挽救一切可以挽救的东西。 —

When ill with fever, he marched with twenty thousand men to Smolensk to defend the town against the whole of Napoleon’s army. —
当他病中时,他率领两万人去斯摩棱斯克保卫这座城市免受拿破仑的整个军队的攻击。 —

In Smolensk he had only just fallen asleep at the Malahovsky gates in a paroxysm of fever when he was waked by the cannonade of Smolensk, and Smolensk held out a whole day. —
在斯摩棱斯克,当他在玛拉霍夫斯基大门附近正陷入热病发作的时候,他被斯摩棱斯克的炮击声吵醒了,而斯摩棱斯克却坚持了整整一天。 —

At Borodino when Bagration was killed, and nine-tenths of the men of our left flank had been slain, and the fire of all the French artillery was turned upon it, Kutuzov made haste to recall another general he had sent by mistake, and sent there no other than Dohturov, who was said to be lacking in decision and penetration. —
在博罗季诺,当巴格拉季昂被杀,我们左翼的九成士兵阵亡,所有法军的炮火都指向我们时,库图佐夫迅速召回了一个他误送去的将领,而派去却是被人说缺乏决断和洞察力的多号托洛夫。 —

And unpretentious little Dohturov went there, and Borodino became the greatest glory of the Russian arms. —
朴实无华的多号托洛夫去了那里,而博罗季诺成为了俄军最大的荣耀。 —

And many of its heroes have been celebrated in prose and verse, but of Dohturov hardly a word. —
许多英雄被赞颂于散文和诗歌中,但多号托洛夫几乎没有被提及。 —

Again Dohturov was sent to Fominskoe, and from there to Maley Yaroslavets, the place where the last battle was fought with the French, and where it is plain the final destruction of the French army really begun. —
后来多号托洛夫被送去福明斯科,然后又去了马列雅罗斯拉韦茨,那是最后一场与法军交战的地方,也是法军最终被摧毁的地方。 —

And again many heroes and men of genius are described to us in accounts of this period of the campaign, but of Dohturov nothing is said, or but few words of dubious praise. —
再次,许多英雄和天才人物在这段战役中被描述,但关于多号托洛夫几乎没有提及,或者仅是一些含糊的赞美之词。 —

This silence in regard to Dohturov is the plainest testimony to his merits.

It is natural that a man who does not understand the working of a machine should suppose, when he sees it in action, that a shaving that has fallen into it by chance, and flaps about in it, hindering its progress, is the most important part of the mechanism. —
一个不懂机器工作原理的人,当他看到机器运作时,会以为机器里掉下的一根刨花,不停地妨碍着机器的进展,是机器中最重要的部分。 —

Any one who does not understand the construction of the machine cannot conceive that this shaving is only clogging and spoiling it, while the little cog-wheel, which turns noiselessly, is one of the most essential parts of the machine.

On the 10th of October Dohturov had marched halfway to Fominskoe, and halted at the village of Aristovo, making every preparation for exactly carrying out the orders given him. —
10月10日,多号托洛夫已经行进到福明斯科一半的路程,停在阿里斯托沃村,为完全执行他所得到的命令做好了一切准备。 —

On the same day the whole French army, after reaching in its spasmodic rush as far as Murat’s position, seemingly with the object of giving battle, suddenly, with no apparent cause, turned off to the left to the new Kaluga road, and began marching into Fominskoe, where Broussier had before been alone. —
在同一天,整个法国军队在达到了莫拉特的阵地之后,似乎是为了准备交战的目的,突然无明显原因地转向左边,进入了弗明斯克,那里之前只有布鲁西尔一人。 —

Dohturov had under his command at the time only Dorohov’s troops and the two small detachments of Figner and Seslavin.

On the evening of the 11th of October, Seslavin came to the general at Aristovo with a French prisoner of the guards. —
10月11日晚上,塞斯拉文带着一个法国近卫囚犯来到了亚里斯托沃的将军面前。 —

The prisoner said that the troops that had reached Fominskoe that day were the advance guard of the whole army; —
囚犯说那天到达弗明斯克的部队是整个军队的先锋部队; —

that Napoleon was with them; that the whole army had marched out of Moscow five days before. —
拿破仑就和他们在一起;整个军队在五天前从莫斯科出发。 —

The same evening a house-serf coming from Borovsk brought word that he had seen an immense army entering that town. —
同一天晚上,一个从博罗夫斯克来的家仆带来了消息,他看到了一支庞大的军队进入了那个城镇。 —

Dorohov’s Cossacks reported that they had seen the French guards marching along the road to Borovsk. From all this it was evident that where they had expected to find one division there was now the whole army of the French, marching from Moscow in an unexpected direction—along the old Kaluga road. —
多罗霍夫的哥萨克报告说他们看到了法国近卫沿着去博罗夫斯克的路行军。从这一切可以明显看出,他们本以为会找到一个师,但现在整个法国军队都在那里,从莫斯科出发,沿着旧的卡卢加路行军,这个方向出乎意料。 —

Dohturov was unwilling to take any action, as it was not clear to him now where his duty lay. —
多图洛夫不愿采取任何行动,因为他现在不清楚他的责任在哪里。 —

He had received instructions to attack Fominskoe. —
他已经收到了袭击弗明斯克的指示。 —

But there had then been only Broussier at Fominskoe, and now the whole French army was there. —
但是当时弗明斯克只有布鲁西尔一人,现在整个法国军队都在那里。 —

Yermolov wanted to act on his own judgment, but Dohturov insisted that he must have instructions from his highness the commander-in-chief. —
叶尔莫洛夫想按照自己的判断行动,但多图洛夫坚持说他必须得到高贵的总指挥的指示。 —

It was resolved to send a report to the staff.

For this purpose they chose a capable officer, Bolhovitinov, who was to take a written report, and to explain the whole matter verbally. —
为此,他们选择了一名能干的军官博霍维廷诺夫,他将带一份书面报告,并口头解释整个问题。 —

At midnight Bolhovitinov received his despatch and his verbal instructions, and galloped off to headquarters, accompanied by a Cossack with spare horses.