AFTER TALKING a little while longer with the esaul about the next day’s attack, which Denisov seemed to have finally decided upon after seeing how near the French were, he turned his horse’s head and rode back.

“Now, my boy, we will go and dry ourselves,” he said to Petya.

As he came near the forester’s hut, Denisov stopped, looking into the wood before him. —
当他走近森林守卫的小屋时,德尼索夫停下来,望着他面前的树林。 —

A man in a short jacket, bast shoes, and a Kazan hat, with a gun across his shoulder, and an axe in his belt, was striding lightly through the forest with long legs and long arms swinging at his side. —
一个穿着短上衣、木屐和卡山帽的人,肩上背着一把枪,腰间别着一把斧头,轻盈地穿过树林,长腿和长胳膊在身旁摇摆。 —

Catching sight of Denisov, he hastily flung something into the bushes, and taking off his sopped hat, the brim of which drooped limply, he walked up to his commanding officer.

This was Tihon. His pock-marked and wrinkled face, with little slits of eyes, beamed with self-satisfaction and merriment. —
这是提洪。他那满是麻子和皱纹的脸上,有着狭长的眼睛,充满了自满和欢乐。 —

He held his head high, and looked straight at Denisov as though he were suppressing a laugh.

“Well, where have you been?” said Denisov.

“Where have I been? I have been after the French,” Tihon answered boldly and hastily, in a husky, but mellow bass.

“Why did you creep in in the daytime? Ass! Well, why didn’t you catch one?”

“Catch one I did,” said Tihon.

“Where is he, then?”

“I caught one at the very first at daybreak,” Tihon went on, setting his feet down wider apart, in their flat, turned-up bast shoes; —
“我一大早就抓住了一个,”提洪继续说道,将他的双脚放得更开,穿着他的平底、翘起的木屐; —

“and I took him into the wood too. I see he’s no good. —
“我也带他进了树林。我看他没什么用处。 —

So, thinks I, better go and get another, rather more the proper article.”

“Ay, the rogue, so that’s how it is,” said Denisov to the esaul. —
“啊,流氓,原来是这样,”德尼索夫对骑兵队长说道。 —

“Why didn’t you bring that one?”

“Why, what was the use of bringing him in? —
“嗯,带他来有什么用呢?” —

” Tihon broke in, hurriedly and angrily. —
“提亨急切而愤怒地插话道。” —

“A worthless fellow! Don’t I know what sort you want?”

“Ah, you brute! … Well?”

“I went to get another,” Tihon went on. “I crept up in this way in the wood, and I lay down. —
“我去找了另一个。” 提亨接着说,“我在树林里这样悄悄靠近,然后躺下了。” —

” With a sudden, supple movement, Tihon lay down on his stomach, to show how he had done this. —
提亨突然而灵活地趴下来,展示他是如何做到的。 —

“One turned up,” he went on, “I seized him like this,” Tihon jumped up swiftly and lightly. —
“有一个出现了。”他继续说,“我像这样抓住了他。” 提亨迅速而轻盈地跳了起来。 —

“ ‘Come along to the colonel,’ says I. He set up such a shouting, and then I saw four of them. —
“‘跟上上校来吧’,我对他说。他开始大声吼叫,然后我看到了另外四个人。” —

And they rushed at me with their sabres. I went at them like this with my axe. —
然后他们挥舞着刀朝我冲过来。我像这样拿起我的斧子冲向他们。 —

‘What are you about?’ says I. ‘Christ be with you,’ ” cried Tihon, waving his arms and squaring his chest with a menacing scowl.
“你们在干什么?”我问。 “愿主与你同在。”提亨大喊着,挥舞着双臂,挺胸凶狠地瞪着。

“Oh yes, we saw from the hill how you gave them the slip, through the pools,” said the esaul, screwing up his sparkling eyes.

Petya had a great longing to laugh, but he saw that all the others refrained from laughing. —
彼得亚非常想笑,但他看到其他人都忍住了笑。 —

He kept looking rapidly from Tihon’s face to the face of the esaul and Denisov, not knowing what to make of it all.

“Don’t play the fool,” said Denisov, coughing angrily. “Why didn’t you bring the first man?”

Tihon began scratching his back with one hand and his head with the other, and all at once his countenance expanded into a beaming, foolish grin, showing the loss of a tooth that had given him his name, Shtcherbatov (i. —
提洪一只手开始挠着背部,另一只手挠着头,他的脸上突然展开了一个灿烂、愚蠢的笑容,露出了一个使他得到“斑头布鲁琴”的牙齿缺失 —

e. lacking a tooth). Denisov smiled, and Petya went off into a merry peal of laughter, in which Tihon himself joined.

“Why, he was no good at all,” said Tihon. “He was so badly dressed, how could I bring him? —
“真没用,”提洪说。“他穿得那么糟糕,我怎么能带他来呢? —

And a coarse fellow, your honour. Why, says he, ‘I’m a general’s son,’ says he, ‘I’m not going.’ ”

“Ugh, you brute!” said Denisov. “I wanted to question him …”

“Oh, I did question him,” said Tihon. “He said he didn’t know much. —
“哦,我确实问了他,”提洪说。“他说他不太了解。” —

“There are a lot of our men,’ says he, ‘but they are all poor creatures; —
“他说有很多我们的人,”他说,“但他们都是些可怜虫。 —

that’s all you can say for them. Give a good shout,’ says he, ‘and you can take them all,’ ” Tihon concluded, with a merry and determined look at Denisov.

“Mind, I’ll give you a good hundred lashes that will teach you to play the fool,” said Denisov sternly.

“Why be angry,” said Tihon, “because I haven’t seen your sort of Frenchmen? —
“为什么生气?”提赫昂说道,“因为我没见过你这样的法国人吗? —

As soon as it gets dark, I’ll catch whatever kind you like, three of them I’ll bring.”

“Well, come along,” said Denisov, and all the way to the forester’s hut he was silent, frowning angrily.

Tihon was walking behind, and Petya heard the Cossacks laughing with him and at him about a pair of boots that he had thrown into the bushes.

When the laughter roused by Tihon’s words and smile had passed, and Petya understood for a moment that Tihon had killed the man, he had an uneasy feeling. —
当提赫昂的话和微笑引起的笑声过去,彼得有一种不安的感觉。 —

He looked round at the boy prisoner, and there was a sudden pang in his heart. —
他环顾四周的男孩囚犯,心中突然一阵痛苦。 —

But that uneasiness only lasted a moment. —
但那种不安只持续了一会儿。 —

He felt it incumbent on him to hold his head high, and with a bold and important air to question the esaul about the next day’s expedition, that he might not be unworthy of the company in which he found himself.

The officer Denisov had sent to Dolohov met him on the way with the news that everything was going well with Dolohov, and that he was coming himself immediately.

Denisov at once became more cheerful, and beckoned Petya to him.

“Come, tell me about yourself,” he said.
