IN 1812 AND 1813 Kutuzov was openly accused of blunders. The Tsar was dissatisfied with him. —
1812年和1813年,库图佐夫公开受到指责,沙皇对他不满意。 —

And in a recent history inspired by promptings from the highest quarters, Kutuzov is spoken of as a designing, intriguing schemer, who was panic-stricken at the name of Napoleon, and guilty through his blunders at Krasnoe and Berezina of robbing the Russian army of the glory of complete victory over the French. —
而在最近的一部由上层阶级启发的历史书中,库图佐夫被描述为一个设计阴谋、胆怯于拿破仑之名、由于在克拉斯诺耶和别雷津的失误而剥夺了俄军完全击败法军的荣耀的阴谋家。 —

Such is the lot of men not recognised by Russian intelligence as “great men,” grands hommes; —
这就是未被俄罗斯情报界认可为“伟人”的人们的命运。 —

such is the destiny of those rare and always solitary men who divining the will of Providence submit their personal will to it. —
这是那些借助直觉洞悉神意而顺从其个人意愿的罕见而总是孤独的人们的命运。 —

The hatred and contempt of the crowd is the punishment of such men for their comprehension of higher laws.

Strange and terrible to say, Napoleon, the most insignificant tool of history, who never even in exile displayed one trait of human dignity, is the subject of the admiration and enthusiasm of the Russian historians; —
奇怪而可怕的是,拿破仑,历史上最微不足道的工具,即使在流亡期间也没有显示出人的尊严的特质,却成了俄罗斯历史学家们赞叹和狂热追捧的对象;在他们眼中,他是一个伟大的人。 —

in their eyes he is a grand homme.

Kutuzov, the man who from the beginning to the end of his command in 1812, from Borodino to Vilna, was never in one word or deed false to himself, presents an example exceptional in history of self-sacrifice and recognition in the present of the relative value of events in the future. —
然而,在历史上很难找到一个人物,他在1812年全程指挥中,从波罗帝诺到维尔纳,从不在言行中失去自己的真实,库图佐夫就是这样一个例外;他的自我牺牲和对未来事件的相对价值的认知在当时是前所未有的。 —

Kutuzov is conceived of by the historians as a nondescript, pitiful sort of creature, and whenever they speak of him in the year 1812, they seem a little ashamed of him.

And yet it is difficult to conceive of an historical character whose energy could be more invariably directed to the same unchanging aim. —
然而,很难想象一个历史人物的精力能够如此坚定地集中于同一个不变的目标。 —

It is difficult to imagine an aim more noble and more in harmony with the will of a whole people. —
很难想象一个目标更崇高、更符合整个民族意愿的历史人物。 —

Still more difficult would it be to find an example in history where the aim of any historical personage has been so completely attained as the aim towards which all Kutuzov’s efforts were devoted in 1812.

Kutuzov never talked of “forty centuries looking down from the Pyramids,” of the sacrifices he was making for the fatherland, of what he meant to do or had done. —
庫圖佐夫從未提到「從金字塔上四千年的眼睛」,也從未提到他為祖國所做出的犧牲,或他打算做什麼或已經做了什麼。 —

He did not as a rule talk about himself, played no sort of part, always seemed the plainest and most ordinary man, and said the plainest and most ordinary things. —
他通常不談論自己,不扮演任何角色,總是看起來最普通無奇,說的也是最普通無奇的話。 —

He wrote letters to his daughters and to Madame de Sta? —
他給他的女兒和斯塔蓮女士寫信,閱讀小說,喜歡和漂亮的女人在一起,和將領、官兵和士兵開玩笑,從不反駁試圖向他證明任何事情的人們。 —

l, read novels, liked the company of pretty women, made jokes with the generals, the officers, and the soldiers, and never contradicted the people, who tried to prove anything to him. —
當拉斯托普欽伯爵騎馬來到尤茨基橋,親自責怪他對莫斯科損失負有責任時,並說道: —

When Count Rastoptchin galloped up to him at Yautsky bridge, and reproached him personally with being responsible for the loss of Moscow, and said: —
「你不是答應過不放棄莫斯科而逃跑的嗎?」庫圖佐夫回答: —

“Didn’t you promise not to abandon Moscow without a battle?” Kutuzov answered: —
「我不是要放棄莫斯科而逃走,」儘管事實上莫斯科已經被廢棄了。 —

“And I am not abandoning Moscow without a battle,” although Moscow was in fact already abandoned. —
當阿拉克切耶夫代表沙皇來找他,說要任命耶莫洛夫為炮兵指揮官時,庫圖佐夫說: —

When Araktcheev came to him from the Tsar to say that Yermolov was to be appointed to the command of the artillery, Kutuzov said: —
「是的,我也剛剛這麼說,」儘管剛才他說的是完全相反的話。 —

“Yes, I was just saying so myself,” though he had said just the opposite a moment before. —
這個老人,通過生活經驗,已經確信思想和言語從來不是人們行動的動力,經常發出毫無意義的話——第一個想到他腦海中的話。 —

What had he, the one man who grasped at the time all the vast issues of events, to do in the midst of that dull-witted crowd? —
然而,儘管他對自己的話語漫不經心,但在整個戰爭期間,他從未說過一句與他的唯一目標相違背的話。 —

What did he care whether Count Rastoptchin put down the disasters of the capital to him or to himself? —
他究竟在那麼一群愚蠢的人群中做什麼呢?這個在當時全面把握事件的巨大影響的人需要做什麼呢? —

Still less could he be concerned by the question which man was appointed to the command of the artillery.

This old man, who through experience of life had reached the conviction that the thoughts and words that serve as its expression are never the motive force of men, frequently uttered words, which were quite meaningless—the first words that occurred to his mind.

But heedless as he was of his words, he never once throughout all his career uttered a single word which was inconsistent with the sole aim for the attainment of which he was working all through the war. —
這個老人通過對生活的經驗已經堅信,思想和言語從來不是人們行動的動力,他經常說些毫無意義的話——儘管如此,他在整個職業生涯中從未說過一句與他一直努力追求的唯一目標相悖的話。 —

With obvious unwillingness, with bitter conviction that he would not be understood, he more than once, under the most different circumstances, gave expression to his real thought. —
显然不情愿的,怀着痛苦的坚定,他在最不同的情况下,多次表达出了他真实的想法。 —

His first differed from all about him after the battle of Borodino, which he alone persisted in calling a victory, and this view he continued to assert verbally and in reports and to his dying day. —
他在科多尼诺战役之后与周围所有人的观点不同,他坚持称之为胜利,并且在口头和报告中一直坚持这种观点,直到他临终。 —

He alone said that the loss of Moscow is not the loss of Russia. —
他独自说过,失去莫斯科不等于失去俄罗斯。 —

In answer to the overtures for peace, his reply to Lauriston was: —
对于和平的提议,他对洛里斯顿的回答是: —

There can be no peace, for such is the people’s will. —
和平是不可能的,因为这是人民的意愿。 —

He alone during the retreat of the French said that all our man?uvres are unnecessary; —
在法国人撤退期间,他一个人说过,我们的所有行动都是多余的; —

that everything is being done of itself better than we could desire; —
一切都在自动进行,比我们期望的还要好; —

that we must give the enemy a “golden bridge”; —
我们必须给敌人一个“金桥”; —

that the battles of Tarutino, of Vyazma, and of Krasnoe, were none of them necessary; —
塔露提诺、维亚兹马和克拉斯诺戈尔斯克三次战斗都是没有必要的; —

that we must keep some men to reach the frontier with; —
我们必须保留一些人来达到边境; —

that he wouldn’t give one Russian for ten Frenchmen. —
他不会用10个法国人换一个俄罗斯人。 —

And he, this intriguing courtier, as we are told, who lied to Araktcheev to propitiate the Tsar, he alone dared to face the Tsar’s displeasure by telling him at Vilna that to carry the war beyond the frontier would be mischievous and useless.

But words alone would be no proof that he grasped the significance of events at the time. —
但仅凭言辞无法证明他当时把握了事件的重要性。 —

His actions—all without the slightest deviation— were directed toward the one threefold aim: —
他的行动 - 从未有过一丝偏差 - 都是为了一个三重目标而努力: —

first, to concentrate all his forces to strike a blow at the French; secondly, to defeat them; —
首先,集中所有力量打击法国人;其次,击败他们; —

and thirdly, to drive them out of Russia, alleviating as far as was possible the sufferings of the people and the soldiers in doing so.

He, the lingerer Kutuzov, whose motto was always “Time and Patience,” the sworn opponent of precipitate action, he fought the battle of Borodino, and made all his preparations for it with unwonted solemnity. —
他,那个喜欢拖延的库图佐夫,他的座右铭一直是“时间和耐心”,是激进行动的誓言反对者,他参加了博罗金诺战役,并以不同寻常的庄严准备了这场战役。 —

Before the battle of Austerlitz he foretold that it would be lost, but at Borodino, in spite of the conviction of the generals that the battle was a defeat, in spite of the fact, unprecedented in history, of his army being forced to retreat after the victory, he alone declared in opposition to all that it was a victory, and persisted in that opinion to his dying day. —
在奥斯特利茨战役之前,他预言战斗将会失败,但在博罗金诺战役中,尽管将军们都认为这场战斗是一场败仗,尽管他的军队在胜利后不得不撤退,这在历史上是前所未有的,但他是唯一一个坚持认为这是一场胜利的人,并坚持这个观点直到他生命的最后一刻。 —

He was alone during the whole latter part of the campaign in insisting that there was no need of fighting now, that it was a mistake to cross the Russian frontier and to begin a new war. —
在整个战役的后半段,他独自一人坚持认为现在没有必要战斗,越过俄罗斯边境开始一场新的战争是一个错误。 —

It is easy enough now that all the events with their consequences lie before us to grasp their significance, if only we refrain from attributing to the multitude the aims that only existed in the brains of some dozen or so of men.

But how came that old man, alone in opposition to the opinion of all, to gauge so truly the importance of events from the national standard, so that he never once was false to the best interests of his country?

The source of this extraordinary intuition into the significance of contemporary events lay in the purity and fervour of patriotic feeling in his heart.

It was their recognition of this feeling in him that led the people in such a strange manner to pick him out, an old man out of favour, as the chosen leader of the national war, against the will of the Tsar. And this feeling alone it was to which he owed his exalted position, and there he exerted all his powers as commander-in-chief not to kill and maim men, but to save them and have mercy on them.

This simple, modest, and therefore truly great figure, could not be cast into the false mould of the European hero, the supposed leader of men, that history has invented.

To the flunkey no man can be great, because the flunkey has his own flunkey conception of greatness.