FOR A LONG WHILE Pierre could not sleep that night. —
有好长一段时间,彼埃尔那晚无法入睡。 —

He walked up and down his room, at one moment frowning deep in some difficult train of thought, at the next shrugging his shoulders and shaking himself and at the next smiling blissfully.

He thought of Prince Andrey, of Natasha, of their love, and at one moment was jealous of her past, and at the next reproached himself, and then forgave himself for the feeling. —
他想起了安德烈王子,想起了娜塔莎,想起了他们的爱情,一会儿嫉妒她的过去,下一刻责备自己,然后又原谅自己这种感觉。 —

It was six o’clock in the morning, and still he paced the room.

“Well, what is one to do, if there’s no escaping it? What is one to do? —
“嗯,如果无法逃避,那还能怎么办呢?还能怎么办?” —

It must be the right thing, then,” he said to himself; —
那一定是正确的事情,”他对自己说道; —

and hurriedly undressing, he got into bed, happy and agitated, but free from doubt and hesitation.

“However strange, however impossible such happiness, I must do everything that we may be man and wife,” he said to himself.

Several days previously Pierre had fixed on the following Friday as the date on which he would set off to Petersburg. —
几天前,彼埃尔决定星期五离开前往圣彼得堡。 —

When he waked up next day it was Thursday, and Savelitch came to him for orders about packing the things for the journey.

“To Petersburg? What is Petersburg? Who is in Petersburg? —
“去圣彼得堡?圣彼得堡是什么?谁在圣彼得堡?”他不经意地问道,虽然只是问自己。 —

” he unconsciously asked, though only of himself. —
“是的,在这件事发生之前的很久很久以前,由于某种原因我打算去圣彼得堡,”他回忆道。 —

“Yes, some long while ago, before this happened, I was meaning for some reason to go to Petersburg,” he recalled. —
“为什么呢?也许我会去。他是多么友善、周到,他记得一切!”他看着萨韦利奇的老脸想道。 —

“Why was it? And I shall go, perhaps. How kind he is, and how attentive, how he remembers everything! —
“思索着这个问题”。他无意识地又问道,同时凝视着贝卡陈列柜上的眼镜架 —

” he thought, looking at Savelitch’s old face. —
“嗯,好奇怪、好不可思议的幸福,我必须做一切我们能够结为夫妻的事情。”他对自己说道。 —

“And what a pleasant smile!” he thought.

“Well, and do you still not want your freedom, Savelitch?” asked Pierre.

“What should I want my freedom for, your excellency? —
“阁下,我为什么要求自由呢? —

With the late count—the Kingdom of Heaven to him—we got on very well, and under you, we have never known any unkindness.”

“Well, but your children?”

“My children too will do very well, your excellency; —
“阁下,我的孩子们也会很好的; —

under such masters one can get on all right.”

“Well, but my heirs?” said Pierre. “All of a sudden I shall get married … It might happen, you know,” he added, with an involuntary smile.

“And I make bold to say, a good thing too, your excellency.”

“How easy he thinks it,” thought Pierre. —
“他以为这有多容易。”皮埃尔想道。 —

“He does not know how terrible it is, how perilous. —
“他不知道这有多可怕,多危险。 —

Too late or too early … It is terrible!”

“What are your orders? Will you be pleased to go to-morrow?” asked Savelitch.

“No; I will put it off a little. I will tell you later. —
“不,我会推迟一下。我稍后会告诉你。 —

You must excuse the trouble I give you,” said Pierre, and watching Savelitch’s smile, he thought how strange it was, though, that he should not know there was no such thing as Petersburg, and that that must be settled before everything.

“He really does know, though,” he thought; “he is only pretending. —
“虽然他假装不知道,但他确实知道。”他想,“还是装作不知道吧。” —

Shall I tell him? What does he think about it? No, another time.”

At breakfast, Pierre told his cousin that he had been the previous evening at Princess Marya’s, and had found there—could she fancy whom—Natasha Rostov.

The princess looked as though she saw nothing more extraordinary in that fact than if Pierre had seen some Anna Semyonovna.

“You know her?” asked Pierre.

“I have seen the princess,” she answered, “and I had heard they were making a match between her and young Rostov. —
“我曾见过公主,”她回答道,“并且我听说他们正在安排她和年轻罗斯托夫的婚事。 —

That would be a very fine thing for the Rostovs; —
那对罗斯托夫家族来说会是一件非常好的事情; —

I am told they are utterly ruined.”

“No, I meant, do you know Natasha Rostov?”

“I heard at the time all about that story. Very sad.”

“She does not understand, or she is pretending,” thought Pierre. —
“她不明白,或者她在假装,”皮埃尔想。 —

“Better not tell her either.”

The princess, too, had prepared provisions for Pierre’s journey.

“How kind they all are,” thought Pierre, “to trouble about all this now, when it certainly can be of no interest to them. —
“他们都是多么善良啊,”皮埃尔想,“现在他们还费心为这些事情操心,当然对他们来说已经没有兴趣了。 —

And all for my sake; that is what’s so marvellous.”

The same day a police officer came to see Pierre, with an offer to send a trusty agent to the Polygonal Palace to receive the things that were to-day to be restored among the owners.

“And this man too,” thought Pierre, looking into the police officer’s face, “what a nice, good-looking officer, and how good-natured! —
“而且这个人,”皮埃尔想着看着警官的脸,“多么漂亮,多么善良的警官!” —

To trouble about such trifles now. And yet they say he is not honest, and takes bribes. —
现在不值得为这些琐事烦恼。尽管人们说他不诚实,收受贿赂。 —

What nonsense! though after all why shouldn’t he take bribes? He has been brought up in that way. —
多么荒唐!不过说到底,他为什么不能收受贿赂呢?他就是这样养大的。 —

They all do it. But such a pleasant, good-humoured face, and he smiles when he looks at me.”

Pierre went to Princess Marya’s to dinner. —
皮埃尔去玛丽亚公主家吃午饭。 —

As he drove through the streets between the charred wrecks of houses, he admired the beauty of those ruins. —
他驾驶马车在街道上穿行,看着被焚毁的房屋残骸,欣赏那些废墟的美。 —

The chimneys of stoves, and the tumbledown walls of houses stretched in long rows, hiding one another, all through the burnt quarters of the town, and recalled to him the picturesque ruins of the Rhine and of the Colosseum. —
炉灶的烟囱和房屋的破败墙壁一直络绎不绝地排列,互相掩映,让他想起了莱茵河和斗兽场的风景如画的废墟。 —

The sledge-drivers and men on horseback, the carpenters at work on the frames of the houses, the hawkers and shopkeepers all looked at Pierre with cheerful, beaming faces, and seemed to him to say: —
驾驶雪橇的人和骑马的人,木匠们正在修建房屋的框架,小贩和店主们都对皮埃尔露出愉快的笑容,似乎在说:“噢,他来了!我们要看看会发生什么。” —

“Oh, here he is! We shall see what comes of it.”

On reaching Princess Marya’s house, Pierre was beset by a sudden doubt whether it were true that he had been there the day before, and had really seen Natasha and talked to her. —
“也许那只是我的臆想,也许我会进去却遇不到任何人。” —

“Perhaps it was all my own invention, perhaps I shall go in and see no one. —
但他一进屋就感觉到她的存在,从他立刻失去自由的整个身体。 —

” But no sooner had he entered the room than in his whole being, from his instantaneous loss of freedom, he was aware of her presence. —
她穿着同样的黑色裙子,轻轻垂下,头发也是同样的方式盘在头上,但她完全不同了。 —

She was wearing the same black dress, that hung in soft folds, and had her hair arranged in the same way, but she was utterly different. —
如果昨天他进来时她看起来就像现在这样,他肯定会认出她。 —

Had she looked like this when he came in yesterday, he could not have failed to recognise her.

She was just as he had known her almost as a child, and later when betrothed to Prince Andrey. —
她还是那个他几乎像对待一个孩子一样了解的她,后来订婚给了安德烈王子。 —

A bright, questioning light gleamed in her eyes; —
她的眼睛里闪烁着明亮而疑惑的光芒。 —

there was a friendly and strangely mischievous expression in her face.

Pierre dined, and would have spent the whole evening with them; —
皮埃尔吃了饭,本来想和他们待上整个晚上。 —

but Princess Marya was going to vespers, and Pierre went with them.

Next day Pierre arrived early, dined with them, and stayed the whole evening. —
皮埃尔第二天一早就到了,和他们一起吃晚饭,整个晚上都待在那里。 —

Although Princess Marya and Natasha were obviously glad to see their visitor, and although the whole interest of Pierre’s life was now centred in that house, by the evening they had said all they had to say, and the conversation passed continually from one trivial subject to another and often broke off altogether. —
尽管玛丽亚王妃和娜塔莎明显很高兴见到他们的客人,且皮埃尔整个生活的重心都集中在那个家里,但到了晚上,他们已经说尽了所有要说的话题,对话经常从一个琐碎的话题转到另一个,甚至断断续续地中断。 —

Pierre stayed so late that evening that Princess Marya and Natasha exchanged glances, plainly wondering whether he would not soon go. —
那天晚上,皮埃尔待到了很晚,玛丽亚王妃和娜塔莎互相看了看,显然在想他什么时候会走。 —

Pierre saw that, but he could not go away. —
皮埃尔看到了,但他无法离开。 —

He began to feel it irksome and awkward, but still he sat on because he could not get up and go.

Princess Marya, foreseeing no end to it, was the first to get up, and complaining of a sick headache, she began saying good-night.

“So you are going to-morrow to Petersburg?” she said.

“No, I am not going,” said Pierre hurriedly, with surprise and a sort of resentment in his tone. —
“不,我不去,”皮埃尔匆匆地说,声音中带有惊讶和某种怨恨。 —

“No … yes, to Petersburg. To-morrow, perhaps; but I won’t say good-bye. —
“不…是的,去彼得堡。也许明天,但我不会说再见。 —

I shall come to see if you have any commissions to give me,” he added, standing before Princess Marya, turning very red, and not taking leave.

Natasha gave him her hand and retired. Princess Marya, on the contrary, instead of going away, sank into an armchair, and with her luminous, deep eyes looked sternly and intently at Pierre. —
娜塔莎伸出手,退下了。相反,玛丽亚公主没有离开,而是沉入了一把扶手椅里,用她那明亮、深邃的眼睛严肃而专注地看着皮埃尔。 —

The weariness she had unmistakably betrayed just before had now quite passed off. —
她之前明显表露的疲倦现在完全消退了。 —

She drew a deep, prolonged sigh, as though preparing for a long conversation.

As soon as Natasha had gone, all Pierre’s confusion and awkwardness instantly vanished, and were replaced by excited eagerness.

He rapidly moved a chair close up to Princess Marya. “Yes, I wanted to tell you,” he said, replying to her look as though to words. —
他迅速将一把椅子移到了玛丽亚公主身边。“是的,我想告诉你,”他回答她的眼神,仿佛在回答她的话。 —

“Princess, help me. What am I to do? Can I hope? Princess, my dear friend, listen to me. —
公主,请帮助我。我该怎么办?我能有希望吗?公主,我亲爱的朋友,请听我说。 —

I know all about it. I know I am not worthy of her; I know that it is impossible to talk of it now. —
我知道这一切。我知道我不配她;我知道现在不可能谈论这个。 —

But I want to be a brother to her. No, not that, I don’t, I can’t …” He paused and passed his hands over his face and eyes. —
但我想成为她的兄长。不,不是那样,我不想,我不能……”他停顿了一下,用手揉了揉脸和眼睛。 —

“It’s like this,” he went on, making an evident effort to speak coherently. —
“情况是这样的,”他继续说,明显费力地保持清晰的述说。 —

“I don’t know since when I have loved her. —
“我不知道从什么时候开始,我就爱上了她。 —

But I have loved her alone, only her, all my life, and I love her so that I cannot imagine life without her. —
但我一直只爱她,只有她,我一生都爱她,我爱她到连没有她的生活都无法想象。 —

I cannot bring myself to ask for her hand now; —
我现在无法开口要求她的手; —

but the thought that, perhaps, she might be my wife and my letting slip this opportunity … opportunity … is awful. —
但是,也许,她可能成为我的妻子,而我错过了这个机会……机会……太可怕了。 —

Tell me, can I hope? Tell me, what am I to do? —
告诉我,我能有希望吗?告诉我,我该怎么办? —

Dear princess,” he said, after a brief pause, touching her hand as she did not answer.

“I am thinking of what you have just told me,” answered Princess Marya. “This is what I think. —
“我正在思考你刚才告诉我的事情,”玛丽亚公主回答道。“这是我所想的。 —

You are right that to speak to her of love now …” The princess paused. —
你说得对,现在对她谈论爱情……”公主停顿了一下。 —

She had meant to say that to speak to her of love now was impossible; —
她本想说,现在对她谈论爱情是不可能的; —

but she stopped, because she had seen during the last three days by the sudden change in Natasha that she would by no means be offended if Pierre were to avow his love, that, in fact, it was the one thing she desired.

“To speak to her now … is out of the question,” she nevertheless said.

“But what am I to do?”

“Trust the matter to me,” said Princess Marya. “I know …”

Pierre looked into her eyes. “Well, well …” he said.

“I know that she loves … that she will love you,” Princess Marya corrected herself.

She had hardly uttered the words, when Pierre leaped up, and with a face of consternation clutched at Princess Marya’s hand.

“What makes you think so? You think I may hope? You think so? …”

“Yes, I think so,” said Princess Marya, smiling. “Write to her parents. And leave it to me. —
“是的,我这么认为,”玛丽亚公主笑着说。“写信给她的父母。把它交给我。 —

I will tell her when it is possible. I desire it to come to pass. —
我会在合适的时候告诉她。我希望这会发生。 —

And I have a feeling in my heart that it will be so.”

“No, it cannot be! How happy I am! But it cannot be! … How happy I am! —
“不,不可能!我有多么幸福!但不可能!……我有多么幸福!” —

No, it cannot be!” Pierre kept saying, kissing Princess Marya’s hands.

“You should go to Petersburg; it will be better. And I will write to you,” she said.

“To Petersburg? I am to go? Yes, very well, I will go. But I can come and see you to-morrow?”

Next day Pierre came to say good-bye. Natasha was less animated than on the preceding days; —
第二天,皮埃尔来道别。娜塔莎没有前几天那么兴奋。 —

but sometimes that day, looking into her eyes, Pierre felt that he was vanishing away, that he and she were no more, that there was nothing but happiness. —
但是那天她有时候,当他看着她的眼睛时,皮埃尔感到自己像是消失了,他和她不再存在,只有幸福。 —

“Is it possible? No, it cannot be,” he said to himself at every glance she gave, every gesture, every word, that filled his soul with gladness.

When, on saying good-bye, he took her thin, delicate hand he unconsciously held it somewhat longer in his own.

“Is it possible that that hand, that face, those eyes, all that treasure of womanly charm, so far removed from me, is it possible it may all one day be my own for ever, as close and intimate as I am to myself? —
“难道这只手、这张脸、这双眼睛,所有这些女性魅力的宝藏,离我如此之远,难道有可能有一天都将属于我,永远地像我对待自己一样亲密吗? —

No, it’s surely impossible? …”

“Good-bye, count,” she said to him aloud. —
“再见,伯爵”,她大声说道。 —

“I shall so look forward to seeing you again,” she added in a whisper.

And those simple words, and the look in the eyes and the face, that accompanied them, formed the subject of inexhaustible reminiscences, interpretations, and happy dreams for Pierre during two whole months. —
这些简单的词语,眼神和陪伴它们的微笑,成为皮埃尔在接下来的两个月里无尽回忆、解释和美梦的主题。 —

“I shall look forward to seeing you again.” “Yes, yes, how did she say it? —
“我非常期待再见到你。”“是的,是的,她是怎么说的? —

Yes. ‘I shall so look forward to seeing you again.’ Oh, how happy I am! —
是的。“我非常期待再见到你。”哦,我有多么幸福啊!” —

How can it be that I am so happy!” Pierre said to himself.

…… 一,……