IT was getting dusk on the 8th of November, the last day of the battle of Krasnoe, when the soldiers reached their halting-place for the night. —
11月8日,克拉斯诺战斗的最后一天,天色开始暗下来,士兵们到达了他们过夜的落脚点。 —

The whole day had been still and frosty, with now and then a few light flakes of snow. —
整天都很寒冷,偶尔会有几片轻微的雪花飘落。 —

Towards evening the sky began to grow clearer. —
傍晚时分,天空开始变得更加清晰。 —

Through the snowflakes could be seen a dark, purplish, starlit sky, and the frost was growing more intense.

A regiment of musketeers, which had left Tarutino three thousand strong, but had now dwindled to nine hundred, was among the first to reach the halting-place, a village on the high road. —
一支拥有3000人的步兵团曾离开塔鲁提诺,但现在只剩下了900人,他们是第一个到达过夜地点的部队,那个地点是一条高速公路上的村庄。 —

The quartermasters, on meeting the regiment, reported that all the cottages were full of sick and dead Frenchmen, cavalrymen, and staff-officers. —
部队与军需官会合后,军需官报告说,所有的小屋都满是生病和死亡的法国人、骑兵和参谋军官。 —

There was only one cottage left for the colonel of the regiment.

The colonel went on to his cottage. The regiment passed through the village, and stacked their guns up at the furthest cottages along the road.

Like a huge, many-legged monster, the regiment set to work preparing its food and lodging for the night. —
部队就像一只巨大的多脚怪兽一样,开始准备他们今晚的食物和住处。 —

One party of soldiers trudged off, knee-deep in the snow, into the birch copse, on the right of the village, and the ring of axes and cutlasses, the crash of breaking branches, and the sounds of merry voices were immediately heard coming thence. —
士兵们中的一群踏着深雪,在村庄右边的桦树林里辛勤工作,斧头和刀剑的声响,以及愉快的声音立刻传来。 —

Another group were busily at work all round the regimental baggage-waggons, which were drawn up all together. —
另一群则忙着围着一起停在一起的团队行李车辆工作。 —

Some fed the horses, while others got out cooking-pots and biscuits. —
有些人喂马,而其他人则拿出炊具和饼干。 —

A third section dispersed about the village, getting the cottages ready for the staff-officers, carrying out the dead bodies of the French lying in the huts, and dragging away boards, dry wood, and straw from the thatch roofs, to furnish fuel for their fires and materials for the shelters they rigged up.

Behind the huts at the end of the village fifteen soldiers were trying with merry shouts to pull down the high wattle wall of a barn from which they had already removed the roof.

“Now then, a strong pull, all together!” shouted the voices; —
“全体一起用力!拉紧!”声音喊道; —

and in the dark the huge, snow-sprinkled boards of the wall began to give. —
在黑暗中,被雪洒过的巨大的板墙开始松动。 —

The lower stakes of the wattle cracked more and more often, and at last the wattle wall heaved over, together with the soldiers, who were hanging onto it. —
柳条篱笆的下半部分越来越频繁地发出裂开的声音,最后连同紧抓住它的士兵们一起倒了下来。 —

A loud shout and the roar of coarse merriment followed.

“Work at it in twos! give us a lever here! that’s it. Where are you coming to?”

“Now, all together.… But wait, lads! … With a shout!” …

All were silent, and a low voice of velvety sweetness began singing a song. —
众人都沉默了下来,一声绵软甜美的低声唱起了一首歌。 —

At the end of the third verse, as the last note died away, twenty voices roared out in chorus, “O-O-O-O-O! —
第三段结束之时,最后一声音符落下后,20个声音一起大吼:“噢――噢――噢――噢! —

It’s coming! Pull away! Heave away, lads! —
它来了!一起拉!嘿伙计们,使劲! —

…” but in spite of their united efforts the wall hardly moved, and in the silence that followed the men could be heard panting for breath.

“Hi, you there, of the sixth company! You devils, you! —
“嗨,六连的!你们这些混蛋! —

Lend us a hand … We’ll do you a good turn one day!”

Twenty men of the sixth company, who were passing, joined them, and the wattle wall, thirty-five feet in length, and seven feet in breadth, was dragged along the village street, falling over, and cutting the shoulders of the panting soldiers.

“Go on, do. … Heave away, you there.… What are you stopping for? Eh, there?” …

The merry shouts of unseemly abuse never ceased.

“What are you about?” cried a peremptory voice, as a sergeant ran up to the party. —
“你在搞什么?”一个强硬的声音喊道,一名中士急忙跑到队伍前面。 —

“There are gentry here; the general himself’s in the hut here, and you devils, you curs, you! —
“这里有贵族;将军就在这间茅屋里,而你们这些魔鬼,这些咒骂之人! —

I’ll teach you!” shouted the sergeant, and sent a swinging blow at the back of the first soldier he could come across. —
“我要教训你们!”中士喊道,并向他能找到的第一个士兵的背后猛击了一拳。 —

“Can’t you go quietly?”

The soldiers were quiet. The soldier who had received the blow began grumbling, as he rubbed his bleeding face, which had been scratched by his being knocked forward against the wattle.

“Ay, the devil; how he does hit a fellow! —
“啊,该死!他打人可真凶! —

Why, he has set all my face bleeding,” he said in a timid whisper, as the sergeant walked away. —
“咦,他把我整个脸都打破了,”他小声地用胆怯的声音说道,当中士走开时。 —

“And you don’t enjoy it, eh?” said a laughing voice; —
“你不喜欢吗?”一个笑声说道。 —

and the soldiers, moderating their voices, moved on. —
士兵们放低了声音,继续走开。 —

As they got out of the village, they began talking as loudly again, interspersing their talk with the same meaningless oaths.

In the hut by which the soldiers had passed there were assembled the chief officers in command, and an eager conversation was going on over their tea about that day’s doings and the man? —
“那群人今天的行动,以及今晚计划的军事行动的详细内容都在茅屋里的将军们聚集的地方进行热烈讨论。 —

uvres proposed for the night. The plan was to execute a flank movement to the left, cut off and capture the viceroy.

By the time the soldiers had dragged the fence to its place they found blazing fires, cooking supper on all sides. —
士兵们把篱笆拉回原位时,他们发现四周燃起了熊熊烈火,用来做晚餐。 —

The firewood was crackling, the snow was melting, and the black shadows of soldiers were flitting to and fro all over the space between trampled down in the snow.

Axes and cutlasses were at work on all sides. —
斧头和短剑在各个地方忙碌着。 —

Everything was done without a word of command being given. —
一切都在没有发出命令的情况下完成了。 —

Wood was piled up for a supply of fuel through the night, shanties were being rigged up for the officers, pots were being boiled, and arms and accoutrements set to rights.

The wattle wall was set up in a semicircle to give shelter from the north, propped up by stakes, and before it was built a camp-fire. —
挂篱笆墙以半圆形提供遮风避寒,用桩子支撑起来,在搭建篱笆前点了篝火。 —

They beat the tattoo-call, counted over their number, had supper, and settled themselves round the fires—some repairing their foot-gear, some smoking pipes, others stripped naked trying to steam the lice out of their clothes.