WHEN PIERRE AND HIS WIFE came into the drawing-room, the countess happened to be in her customary condition of needing the mental exercise of a game of patience, and therefore, although from habit she uttered the words, she always repeated on the return of Pierre or her son after absence: —
当皮埃尔和他的妻子进入客厅时,伯爵夫人恰好处于她平时需要玩耍来锻炼思维的状态,所以虽然出于习惯,她总是在皮埃尔或她儿子离开后重复说这些话: —

“It was high time, high time, my dear boy; we have been expecting you a long while. —
“真是时候到了,亲爱的孩子;我们已经等你很久了。 —

Well, thank God, you are here.” And on the presents being given her, pronounced another stock phrase: —
感谢上帝,你终于来了。”在收到礼物后,她又说了一个固定的短语: —

“It’s not the gift that is precious, my dear.… Thank you for thinking of an old woman like me. —
“礼物并不珍贵,亲爱的……感谢你想到像我这样的老太太。 —

…” It was evident that Pierre’s entrance at that moment was unwelcome, because it interrupted her in dealing her cards. —
…”很明显,皮埃尔此时的进入是不受欢迎的,因为打断了她在发牌的时候。 —

She finished her game of patience, and only then gave her attention to the presents. —
她结束了她的耐心游戏,然后才注意到了礼物。 —

The presents for her consisted of a card-case of fine workmanship, a bright blue Sèvres cup with a lid and a picture of shepherdesses on it, and a gold snuff-box with the count’s portrait on it, which Pierre had had executed by a miniature-painter in Petersburg. —
给她的礼物包括一个做工精致的卡片盒,一个明亮的蓝色带盖的塞纳河蓝杯子,上面画着牧羊女,以及一个金色烟盒,上面是伯爵的肖像,这是皮埃尔在圣彼得堡请一位小画家画的。 —

The countess had long wished to have this; —
伯爵夫人早就想要这个了; —

but just now she had no inclination to weep, and so she looked unconcernedly at the portrait, and took more notice of the card-case.

“Thank you, my dear, you are a comfort to me,” she said, as she always did. —
“谢谢你,亲爱的,你是我的安慰,”她像往常一样说道。 —

“But best of all, you have brought yourself back. It has been beyond everything; —
“但是最重要的是,你带着自己回来了。这真是不可思议; —

you must really scold your wife. She is like one possessed without you. —
你真的应该责备你的妻子。她没有你就像着了魔一样。 —

She sees nothing, thinks of nothing,” she said as usual. —
她什么也看不见,什么也想不到。”她像往常一样说道。 —

“Look, Anna Timofyevna,” she added, “what a card-case my son has brought us.”

Madame Byelov admired the present, and was enchanted with the dress material.

Pierre, Natasha, Nikolay, Countess Marya, and Denisov had a great deal they wanted to talk about, which was not talked of before the old countess; —
皮埃尔,娜塔莎,尼古拉、玛丽亚女爵和德尼索夫有很多他们想要谈论的事情,在老女爵听到之前都没有提起; —

not because anything was concealed from her, but simply because she had dropped so out of things, that if they had begun to talk freely before her they would have had to answer so many questions put by her at random, and to repeat so many things that had been repeated to her so many times already; —
不是因为他们对她隐瞒了什么,而只是因为她与世隔绝得如此之久,如果他们开始在她面前自由地交谈,她就必须回答她随机提出的那么多问题,重复那么多已经重复给她听的事情; —

to tell her that this person was dead and that person was married, which she could never remember. —
告诉她这个人已经死了,那个人已经结婚了,这些她永远记不住的事情。 —

Yet they sat as usual at tea in the drawing-room, and Pierre answered the countess’s quite superfluous questions, which were of no interest even to her, and told her that Prince Vassily was looking older, and that Countess Marya Alexeyevna sent her kind regards and remembrances, etc.

Such conversation, of no interest to any one, but inevitable, was kept up all tea-time. —
这种无趣且无关紧要的对话在整个茶点时间都在继续进行。 —

All the grown-up members of the family were gathered about the round tea-table with the samovar, at which Sonya presided. —
家庭中的成年成员都聚集在圆茶桌旁,桌上放着烧水壶,索尼娅坐在那里主持茶事。 —

The children with their tutors and governesses had already had tea, and their voices could be heard in the next room. —
孩子们和他们的家庭教师和家庭女教师已经喝过茶了,在隔壁房间里可以听到他们的声音。 —

At tea every one sat in his own habitual place. —
在喝茶时,每个人都坐在自己习惯的位置上。 —

Nikolay sat by the stove at a little table apart, where his tea was handed him. —
尼古拉坐在炉子旁的一张小桌子前,茶是送到他手上的。 —

An old terrier bitch, with a perfectly grey face, Milka, the daughter of the first Milka, lay on a chair beside him. —
一只年老的牧羊犬母狗,脸上全是灰色斑纹的米尔卡,第一只米尔卡的女儿,躺在他旁边的一把椅子上。 —

Denisov, with streaks of grey in his curly hair, moustaches, and whiskers, wearing his general’s coat unbuttoned, sat beside Countess Marya. Pierre was sitting between his wife and the old countess. —
德尼索夫头发上有灰色的卷发,胡子和络腮胡子,他穿着未系扣子的将军大衣,坐在玛丽亚女爵旁边。皮埃尔坐在妻子和老女爵之间。 —

He was telling what he knew might interest the old lady and be intelligible to her. —
他在告诉一些他知道老太太可能会感兴趣和理解的事情。 —

He talked of external social events and of the persons who had once made up the circle of the old countess’s contemporaries, and had once been a real living circle of people, but were now for the most part scattered about the world, and, like her, living out their remnant of life, gleaning up the stray ears of what they had sown in life. —
他谈论了外部社会事件和曾经构成老伯爵夫人同龄人圈子的人们,这个圈子曾经是一个真实的、活生生的人们的圈子,但现在大部分人都散落在世界各地,和她一样,过着她们在生活中播下的残余的生命,收拾着他们在生活中散落的谷物。 —

But they, these contemporaries, seemed to the old countess to make up the only real world that was worth considering. —
但这些同代人对老伯爵夫人来说,似乎是唯一值得考虑的真实世界。 —

By Pierre’s eagerness, Natasha saw that his visit had been an interesting one, that he was longing to tell them about it, but dared not speak freely before the countess. —
通过皮埃尔的热切,娜塔莎看出他的访问很有趣,他渴望向他们讲述,但不敢在伯爵夫人面前自由地说话。 —

Denisov, not being a member of the family, did not understand Pierre’s circumspectness, and, moreover, being dissatisfied with the course of events, took a very great interest in all that was going forward at Petersburg. —
丹尼索夫没有成为这个家庭的成员,不理解皮埃尔的谨慎,而且对事件的进展感到不满,在彼得堡所发生的一切非常感兴趣。 —

He was continually trying to get Pierre to tell him about the recent scandal about the Semyonovsky regiment, or about Araktcheev, or about the Bible Society. —
他不断试图让皮埃尔告诉他最近有关谢缅诺夫斯基团队的丑闻,或者关于阿拉切耶夫,或者关于圣经协会的事情。 —

Pierre was sometimes led on into beginning to talk about those subjects, but Nikolay and Natasha always brought him back to the health of Prince Ivan and Countess Marya Antonovna.

“Well, what is all this idiocy, Gossner and Madame Tatarinov,” Denisov asked, “is that still going on?”

“Going on?” said Pierre. “Worse than ever. The Bible Society is now the whole government.”
“继续?”皮埃尔说。 “比以往更糟。圣经协会现在是整个政府。”

“What is that, mon cher ami?” asked the old countess, who, having drunk her tea, was obviously seeking a pretext for ill-humour after taking food. —
“这是什么,亲爱的朋友?”老伯爵夫人问道,喝完茶后,显然是在寻找服从食物后的借口发脾气。 —

“What are you saying about the government? —
“你是说政府是怎么回事? —

I don’t understand that.”

“Why, you know, maman,” put in Nikolay, who knew how to translate things into his mother’s language. —
“噢,你知道的,妈妈”,尼古拉插嘴道,他知道如何用他母亲的语言来解释事情。 —

“Prince Alexander Nikolaevitch Golitsin had founded a society, so he has great influence they say.”

“Araktcheev and Golitsin,” said Pierre incautiously, “are practically the government now. —
“阿拉切耶夫和戈利津,”皮埃尔不小心地说,”实际上现在就是政府。” —

And what a government! They see conspiracy in everything, they are afraid of everything.”

“What, Prince Alexander Nikolaevitch found fault with! He is a most estimable man. —
“什么,亚历山大·尼古拉耶维奇还挑剔!他是个非常可敬的人。 —

I used to meet him in old days at Marya Antonovna’s,” said the countess in an aggrieved tone. —
“过去我常在玛丽亚·安东诺夫娜那里见到他。” countess生气地说道。 —

And still more aggrieved by the general silence, she went on, “Nowadays people find fault with every one. —
在总的沉默中,她更加生气地继续说道:“现如今人们对每个人都挑剔。 —

A Gospel Society, what harm is there in that? —
福音协会又有什么错呢? —

” and she got up (every one rose too), and with a severe face sailed out to her table in the adjoining divan-room.

In the midst of the mournful silence that followed, they heard the sound of children’s voices and laughter from the next room. —
在随后的沉寂中,他们听到隔壁房间传来孩子们的声音和笑声。 —

There was evidently some joyful excitement afoot among the children.

“Finished, finished!” the gleeful shriek of little Natasha was heard above all the rest. —
小娜塔莎激动地尖叫着:“做好了,做好了!” —

Pierre exchanged glances with Countess Marya and Nikolay (Natasha he was looking at all the time), and he smiled happily.

“Delightful music!” he said.

“Anna Makarovna has finished her stocking,” said Countess Marya.

“Oh, I’m going to have a look at them,” said Pierre, jumping up. —
“哦,我要去看一下,”Pierre说着站起来。 —

“You know,” he said, stopping at the door, “why it is I so particularly love that music—it is what first lets me know that all’s well. —
“你知道,”他在门口停下来说,“为什么我特别喜欢那首音乐——它是让我第一次知道一切都好的信号。 —

As I came today, the nearer I got to home, the greater my panic. —
当我今天回家的时候,越接近家,我就越恐慌。” —

As I came into the vestibule, I heard Andryusha in peals of laughter, and then I knew all was well …”

“I know, I know that feeling,” Nikolay chimed in. —
“我知道,我知道那种感觉,” 尼古拉补充道。 —

“I mustn’t come— the stockings are a surprise in store for me.”

Pierre went into the children, and the shrieks and laughter were louder than ever. —
彼得走进孩子们那里,尖叫声和笑声更大了。 —

“Now, Anna Makarovna,” cried Pierre’s voice, “here in the middle of the room and at the word of my command—one, two, and when I say three, you stand here. —
“现在,安娜·马卡罗芙娜,” 彼得的声音响起,“站在屋子的中间,等我一声令下——一,二,当我说三时,你就站在这里。” —

You in my arms. Now, one, two …” there was complete silence. “Three! —
你在我的怀里。现在,一,二……” 屋子里完全安静下来。“三!” —

” and an enthusiastic roar of children’s voices rose in the room. —
一阵儿孩子们的热烈欢呼声在房间里响起。 —

“Two, two!” cried the children.
“两个,两个!” 孩子们喊道。

They meant the two stockings, which, by a secret only known to her, Anna Makarovna used to knit on her needles at once. —
他们指的是那两双袜子,只有安娜·马卡罗芙娜自己知道的秘密,她会同时用针织两只袜子。 —

She always made a solemn ceremony of pulling one stocking out of the other in the presence of the children when the pair was finished.