ON LEAVING MOSCOW, Petya had parted from his parents to join his regiment, and shortly afterwards had been appointed an orderly in attendance on a general who was in command of a large detachment. —
离开莫斯科时,彼得亚与父母分别,加入了自己的团,不久后被任命为一个将领的侍从。 —

From the time of securing his commission, and even more since joining a regiment in active service, and taking part in the battle of Vyazma, Petya had been in a continual state of happy excitement at being grown-up, and of intense anxiety not to miss any opportunity of real heroism. —
从获得军职以来,特别是在参加维亚兹马战役并服役的时间内,彼得亚一直处于一种快乐兴奋的状态,极度渴望不错过任何真正英勇的机会。 —

He was highly delighted with all he had seen and experienced in the army, but, at the same time, he was always fancying that wherever he was not, there the most real and heroic exploits were at that very moment being performed. —
他对在军队中所见所闻非常高兴,但同时他总是幻想,无论他在哪里,此刻都有最真实、最英勇的壮举正在发生。 —

And he was in constant haste to be where he was not.

On the 21st of October, when his general expressed a desire to send some one to Denisov’s company, Petya had so piteously besought him to send him, that the general could not refuse. —
10月21日,当他的将军表达了希望派遣一些人去丹尼索夫的连队时,彼得亚如此可怜地请求他派自己去,以至于将军无法拒绝。 —

But, as he was sending him off, the general recollected Petya’s foolhardy behaviour at the battle of Vyazma, when, instead of riding by way of the road to take a message, Petya had galloped across the lines under the fire of the French, and had there fired a couple of pistol-shots. —
然而,在送他走的时候,将军想起了彼得亚在维亚兹马战役中冒失的举动——他没有按照路线骑马传递消息,而是在法军的射击下横穿战线,还开了几枪。 —

Recalling that prank, the general explicitly forbade Petya’s taking part in any enterprise whatever that Denisov might be planning. —
回想起那个恶作剧,将军明确禁止彼得亚参与丹尼索夫所计划的任何行动。 —

This was why Petya had blushed and been disconcerted when Denisov asked him if he might stay. —
这就是为什么当丹尼索夫问他能否留下时,彼得亚会脸红并感到困惑。 —

From the moment he set off till he reached the edge of the wood, Petya had fully intended to do his duty steadily, and to return at once. —
从他出发的那一刻起,彼得亚一直打算稳定地尽自己的职责,立即返回。 —

But when he saw the French, and saw Tihon, and learned that the attack would certainly take place that night, with the rapid transition from one view to another, characteristic of young people, he made up his mind that his general, for whom he had till that moment had the greatest respect, was a poor stick, and only a German, that Denisov was a hero, and the esaul a hero, and Tihon a hero, and that it would be shameful to leave them at a moment of difficulty.

It was getting dark when Denisov, with Petya and the esaul, reached the forester’s hut. —
当丹尼索夫、彼得亚和埃索夫到达林语者的小屋时,天色已经变暗了。 —

In the half-dark they could see saddled horses, Cossacks and hussars, rigging up shanties in the clearing, and building up a glowing fire in a hollow near, where the smoke would not be seen by the French. —
在半昏暗中,他们可以看到草地上的骑马汉族和骠骑兵正在搭建木屋,而在附近一个不会被法国人看见的凹坑里,他们正在生火。 —

In the porch of the little hut there was a Cossack with his sleeves tucked up, cutting up a sheep. —
在小屋的门廊上,有一个把袖子卷起来的哥萨克人正在割羊。 —

In the hut, three officers of Denisov’s band were setting up a table made up of doors. —
在小屋里,丹尼索夫的队伍里的三名军官正在组装一张由门制作而成的桌子。 —

Petya took off his wet clothes, gave them to be dried, and at once set to work to help the officers in fixing up a dining-table.

In ten minutes the table was ready and covered with a napkin. —
十分钟后,餐桌准备好了,上面盖着一条餐巾。 —

On the table was set vodka, a flask of rum, white bread, and roast mutton, and salt.

Sitting at the table with the officers, tearing the fat, savoury mutton with greasy fingers, Petya was in a childishly enthusiastic condition of tender love for all men and a consequent belief in the same feeling for himself in others.

“So what do you think, Vassily Fyodorovitch,” he said to Denisov, “it won’t matter my staying a day with you, will it? —
“你认为怎么样,瓦西里·费奥多罗维奇,”他对丹尼索夫说道,“我多待一天你这儿没关系吧? —

” And without waiting for an answer, he answered himself: —
”跟不等待答案,他自己回答了。 —

“Why, I was told to find out, and here I am finding out … Only you must let me go into the middle … into the real … I don’t care about rewards … But I do want …” Petya clenched his teeth and looked about him, tossing his head and waving his arm.

“Into the real, real thing …” Denisov said, smiling.

“Only, please, do give me a command of something altogether, so that I really might command,” Petya went on. —
“只要,请给我一个完全的指令,这样我就能真正指挥了,”彼特亚继续说道。 —

“Why, what would it be to you? Ah, you want a knife? —
“哎,这对你来说会是什么呢?啊,你想要一把刀? —

” he said to an officer, who was trying to tear off a piece of mutton. —
”他对一个试图撕下一块羊肉的军官说道。 —

And he gave him his pocket-knife.

The officer praised the knife.

“Please keep it. I have several like it …” said Petya, blushing. “Heavens! —
“请留下它。我还有好几把一模一样的……”彼特亚脸红着说道。“天哪! —

Why, I was quite forgetting,” he cried suddenly. —
哎呀,我差点忘了,”他突然叫道。 —

“I have some capital raisins, you know the sort without stones. —
“我有一些好货葡萄干,你们知道那种没有核的。 —

We have a new canteen-keeper, and he does get first-rate things. I bought ten pounds of them. —
我们有一个新的食品管理员,他确实弄到了一些一流的东西。我买了十磅。 —

I’m fond of sweet things. Will you have some? —
我喜欢甜食。你要来点吗? —

” … and Petya ran out to his Cossack in the porch, and brought in some panniers in which there were five pounds of raisins. —
“…”彼特亚跑向门廊的哥萨克人,拿来一些装有五磅葡萄干的篮子。 —

“Please take some.”

“Don’t you need a coffee-pot?” he said to the esaul; —
“你不需要咖啡壶吗?”他对酋长说道; —

“I bought a famous one from our canteen-keeper! He has first-rate things. And he’s very honest. —
“我从我们的食品管理员那里买了一个著名的!他有一流的东西。而且他非常诚实。 —

That’s the great thing. I’ll be sure and send it you. Or perhaps your flints are worn out; —
这是最重要的。我一定会给你送去的。或者说你的燧石用完了; —

that does happen sometimes. I brought some with me, I have got them here …” he pointed to the panniers. —
有时候确实会发生。我带了一些,它们就在这儿……”他指着货篮。 —

“A hundred flints. I bought them very cheap. —
“一百块火石。我很便宜买到的。 —

You must please take as many as you want or all, indeed …” And suddenly, dismayed at the thought that he had let his tongue run away with him, Petya stopped short and blushed.

He began trying to think whether he had been guilty of any other blunders. —
他开始回想自己是否犯了其他错误。 —

And running through his recollections of the day the image of the French drummer-boy rose before his mind.

“We are enjoying ourselves, but how is he feeling? What have they done with him? —
“我们玩得很开心,但他感觉如何呢?他们对他做了什么? —

Have they given him something to eat? Have they been nasty to him?” he wondered.

But thinking he had said too much about the flints, he was afraid to speak now.

“Could I ask about him?” he wondered. “They’ll say: —
“我能问问他吗?”他想。“他们会说: —

he’s a boy himself, so he feels for the boy. I’ll let them see to-morrow whether I’m a boy! —
他自己也是个孩子,所以他对那个孩子有同情心。明天我让他们看看我是不是个孩子! —

Shall I feel ashamed if I ask?” Petya wondered. “Oh, well! —
我会因为问这个而感到羞愧吗?”彼杰想。“啊,算了! —

I don’t care,” and he said at once, blushing and watching the officers’ faces in dread of detecting amusement in them:

“Might I call that boy who was taken prisoner, and give him something to eat … perhaps …”

“Yes, poor little fellow,” said Denisov, who clearly saw nothing to be ashamed of in this reminder. —
“是的,可怜的小家伙,”德尼索夫说,显然并不认为这个提醒有什么可羞愧的。 —

“Fetch him in here. His name is Vincent Bosse. Fetch him in.”

“I’ll call him,” said Petya.

“Yes, do. Poor little fellow,” repeated Denisov.
“好的,请吧。可怜的小家伙,” 持续重复着丹尼索夫。

Petya was standing at the door as Denisov said this. —
当德尼索夫说这句话时,彼得亚站在门口。 —

He slipped in between the officers and went up to Denisov.

“Let me kiss you, dear old fellow,” he said. “Ah, how jolly it is! —
他说:“让我亲吻你,亲爱的老友。”“啊,多么快乐!多么辉煌!”他亲吻了德尼索夫,跑到院子里去了。 —

how splendid!” And, kissing Denisov, he ran out into the yard.

“Bosse! Vincent!” Petya cried, standing by the door.

“Whom do you want, sir?” said a voice out of the darkness. —
彼得亚回答说他要找被俘的法国男孩,他是当天被捕的。 —

Petya answered that he wanted the French boy, who had been taken prisoner that day.

“Ah! Vesenny?” said the Cossack.

His name Vincent had already been transformed by the Cossacks into Vesenny, and by the peasants and the soldiers into Visenya. —
这两个名字都暗示了春天的气息——vesna,他们认为这与年轻男孩的形象一致。 —

In both names there was a suggestion of the spring—vesna—which seemed to them to harmonise with the figure of the young boy.

“He’s warming himself there at the fire. Ay, Visenya! Visenya! —
“他是个机灵的孩子,”站在彼得亚旁边的一个轻骑兵说。“不久之前我们给了他一顿饭。 —

” voices called from one to another with laughter in the darkness. —
他饿得厉害。” —

“He is a sharp boy,” said an hussar standing near Petya. “We gave him a meal not long ago. —
黑暗中传来脚步声,鼓手光着脚丫子在泥泞中朝门口溅着水走过来。 —

He was hungry, terribly.”

There was a sound of footsteps in the darkness, and the drummer-boy came splashing through the mud with his bare feet towards the door.

“Ah, that’s you!” said Petya. “Are you hungry? —
“啊,是你!”彼特亚说。“你饿了吗? —

Don’t be afraid, they won’t hurt you,” he added, shyly and cordially touching his hand. —
别害怕,他们不会伤害你,”他补充道,害羞而亲切地碰了碰他的手。 —

“Come in, come in.”

“Thank you,” answered the drummer, in a trembling, almost childish voice, and he began wiping the mud off his feet on the threshold. —
“谢谢。”鼓手用颤抖的声音回答道,几乎像孩子一样,然后他开始在门槛上擦去脚上的泥土。 —

Petya had a great deal he longed to say to the drummer-boy, but he did not dare. —
彼特亚有很多话想对鼓手说,但他不敢说。 —

He stood by him in the porch, moving uneasily. —
他站在门廊旁,不安地移动着。 —

Then he took his hand in the darkness and squeezed it. —
然后他在黑暗中握住了他的手。 —

“Come in, come in,” he repeated, but in a soft whisper.

“Oh, if I could only do something for him! —
“哦,如果我能为他做点什么! —

” Petya was saying inwardly, and opening the door he ushered the boy in before him.

When the drummer-boy had come into the hut, Petya sat down at some distance from him, feeling that it would be lowering his dignity to take much notice of him. —
当鼓手进了小屋,彼特亚坐在离他有些距离的地方,感觉太注意他会降低他的尊严。 —

But he was feeling the money in his pocket and wondering whether it would do to give some to the drummer-boy.