THE SO-CALLED “PARTISAN” WARFARE had begun with the enemy’s entrance into Smolensk. —
“所谓‘党派’战争始于敌军进入斯摩棱斯克。” —

Before the irregular warfare was officially recognised by our government many thousands of the enemy’s soldiers—straggling, marauding, or foraging parties—had been slain by Cossacks and peasants, who killed these men as instinctively as dogs set upon a stray mad dog. —
在我们政府正式承认非正规战争之前,数以千计的敌军士兵——游离、劫掠或搜刮队——已经被哥萨克和农民所杀,他们像狗对待一只流浪疯狗一样本能地杀死这些人。 —

Denis Davydov was the first to feel with his Russian instinct the value of this terrible cudgel which belaboured the French, and asked no questions about the etiquette of the military art; —
德尼斯·达维多夫首先因其俄罗斯的本能而认识到这种打击法对于击败法国人的价值,并且对于军事艺术的礼节不再有任何疑问; —

and to him belongs the credit of the first step towards the recognition of this method of warfare.

The first detachment of irregulars—Davydov’s—was formed on the 24th of August, and others soon followed. —
第一个非正规部队——达维多夫的部队——于8月24日组建,很快其他部队也随之而来。 —

In the latter stages of the campaign these detachments became more and more numerous.

The irregulars destroyed the Grande Armée piecemeal. —
非正规部队逐步击垮了大军。 —

They swept up the fallen leaves that were dropping of themselves from the withered tree, and sometimes they shook the tree itself. —
他们打扫了自然掉落的落叶,有时他们也摇晃树本身。 —

By October, when the French were fleeing to Smolensk, there were hundreds of these companies, differing widely from one another in number and in character. —
到了10月,当法国人向斯摩棱斯克逃离时,这些公司已有数百个,它们在数量和性格上存在着很大差异。 —

Some were detachments that followed all the usual routine of an army, with infantry, artillery, staff-officers, and all the conveniences of life. —
有些部队遵循常规军队的例行程序,包括步兵、炮兵、参谋官员和生活的便利设施。 —

Some consisted only of Cossacks, mounted men. —
有些只有哥萨克,骑兵。 —

Others were small bands of men, on foot and also mounted. —
其他一些由步行或骑马的小团体组成。 —

Some consisted of peasants, or of landowners and their serfs, and remained unknown. —
有些由农民、地主及其农奴组成,并保持匿名。 —

There was a deacon at the head of such a band, who took several hundred prisoners in a month. —
有一支由一个神职人员领导的团队,在一个月的时间里,他俘虏了几百人。 —

There was the village elder’s wife, Vassilisa, who killed hundreds of the French.

The latter part of October was the time when this guerilla warfare reached its height. —
十月的后半部分是游击战达到顶峰的时候。 —

That period of this warfare, in which the irregulars were themselves amazed at their own audacity, were every moment in dread of being surrounded and captured by the French, and never unsaddling, hardly dismounting, hid in the woods, in momentary expectation of pursuit, was already over. —
这种战争中,不规则军队自己都对自己的大胆感到惊讶,时刻担心被法国人包围和捕获,几乎不下马,躲在树林里,随时准备逃跑,这段时间已经结束了。 —

The irregular warfare had by now taken definite shape; —
不规则战争现在已经具有明确的形式; —

it had become clear to all the irregulars what they could, and what they could not, accomplish with the French. —
所有不规则军队已经清楚了他们能做什么,不能做什么来对付法国人。 —

By now it was only the commanders of detachments marching with staff-officers according to the rules at a distance from the French who considered much impossible. —
现在只有那些按照规章制度与法国人保持距离行军的分队指挥官才觉得很多事情是不可能的。 —

The small bands of irregulars who had been at work a long while, and were at close quarters with the French, found it possible to attempt what the leaders of larger companies did not dare to think of doing. —
与法国人密切接触的小队不规则军队,敢于尝试大队领导人不敢想象的事情。 —

The Cossacks and the peasants, who crept in among the French, thought everything possible now.

On the 22nd of October, Denisov, who was a leader of a band of irregulars, was eagerly engaged in a typical operation of this irregular warfare. —
10月22日,德尼索夫(一个不规则军队的领导者)正热切地进行一次典型的不规则战争行动。 —

From early morning he had been with his men moving about the woods that bordered the high road, watching a big convoy of cavalry baggage and Russian prisoners that had dropped behind the other French troops, and under strong escort—as he learned from his scouts and from prisoners—was making its way to Smolensk. —
从早晨开始,他和他的队伍一直在森林中移动,在观察一大队骑兵辎重和俄罗斯俘虏,这支队伍已经落后于其他法国军队,并且在强大的护送下,据他的侦察员和俘虏说,他们正朝斯摩棱斯克前进。 —

Not only Denisov and Dolohov (who was also a leader of a small band acting in the same district) were aware of the presence of this convoy. —
不仅德尼索夫和多洛霍夫(他也是在同一地区行动的小队的领导者)意识到这支队伍的存在。 —

Some generals in command of some larger detachments, with staff-officers also, knew of this convoy, and, as Denisov said, their mouths were watering for it. —
一些指挥较大分队的将军们,还有他们的参谋官,也知道这支队伍,正如德尼索夫所说,他们馋涎这支队伍。 —

Two of these generals—one a Pole, the other a German—had almost at the same time sent to Denisov an invitation to join their respective detachments in attacking the convoy.

“No, friend, I wasn’t born yesterday!” said Denisov, on reading these documents; —
“不,朋友,我不是昨天刚出生的!”丹尼索夫在阅读这些文件时说道; —

and he wrote to the German that in spite of his ardent desire to serve under so brilliant and renowned a general, he must deprive himself of that happiness because he was already under the command of the Polish general. —
他给德国人写信,告诉他尽管他非常渴望在如此杰出和著名的将军麾下服务,但他必须剥夺自己的幸福,因为他已经在波兰将军的指挥下服役。 —

To the Pole he wrote the same thing, informing him that he was already serving under the command of the German.

Having thus disposed of that difficulty, Denisov, without communicating on the subject to the higher authorities, intended with Dolohov to attack and carry off this transport with his own small force. —
解决了这个困难后,丹尼索夫没有向上级当局通报该问题,打算与多洛霍夫一起用自己的小部队进攻并劫持这个运输队。 —

The transport was, on the 22nd of October, going from the village of Mikulino to the village of Shamshevo. —
这个运输队于10月22日从米库利诺村前往尚舍沃村。 —

On the left side of the road between Mikulino and Shamshevo there were great woods, which in places bordered on the road, and in places were a verst or more from the road. —
在米库利诺和尚舍沃之间的公路左侧有茂密的树林,有时紧靠公路,有时离公路一英里甚至更远。 —

Denisov, with a small party of followers, had been the whole day riding about in these woods, sometimes plunging into their centre, and sometimes coming out at the edge, but never losing sight of the moving French. —
丹尼索夫率领一小队追随者整天在这些树林中骑行,有时深入树林的中心,有时从边缘出来,但从未丢失对移动的法国人的视线。 —

In the morning, not far from Mikulino, where the wood ran close to the road, the Cossacks of Denisov’s party had pounced on two French waggonloads of saddles, stuck in the mud, and had carried them off into the wood. —
早上,不远离米库利诺,树林紧贴公路,在烂泥中有两辆载满马鞍的法国马车被丹尼索夫一伙的哥萨克人抢走并带进了树林里。 —

From that time right on to evening, they had been watching the movements of the French without attacking them. —
从那时起直到傍晚,他们一直在观察法国人的活动而没有进攻。 —

They wanted to avoid frightening them, and to let them go quietly on to Shamshevo, and then, joining Dolohov (who was to come that evening to a trysting-place in the wood, a verst from Shamshevo, to concert measures with them), from two sides to fall at dawn like an avalanche of snow on their heads, and to overcome and capture all of them at a blow.

Six Cossacks had been left behind, two versts from Mikulino, where the wood bordered the road. —
六名哥萨克人被留在距离米库利诺两英里的地方,那里的树林与公路相接。 —

They were to bring word at once as soon as any fresh columns of French came into sight.

In front of Shamshevo, Dolohov was in the same way to watch the road to know at what distance there were other French troops. —
在尚希沃前,多洛霍夫也同样站在那里观察道路,以了解其他法军部队的距离。 —

With the transport there were supposed to be fifteen hundred men. —
运输队应该有1500名士兵。 —

Denisov had two hundred men, and Dolohov might have as many more. —
德尼索夫手下有两百人,多洛霍夫可能还有同样多人。 —

But superiority in numbers was no obstacle to Denisov. —
但数量上的优势对于德尼索夫并不是障碍。 —

There was only one thing that he still needed to know, and that was what troops these were; —
他只需要知道一件事,那就是这些部队是什么部队; —

and for that object Denisov needed to take a “tongue” (that is, some man belonging to that column of the enemy). —
为了这个目的,德尼索夫需要带上一个”舌头”(即,敌方这一列中的某个人)。 —

The attack on the waggons in the morning was all done with such haste that they killed all the French soldiers in charge of the waggons, and captured alive only a little drummer-boy, who had straggled away from his own regiment, and could tell them nothing certain about the troops forming the column.

To make another descent upon them, Denisov thought, would be to risk alarming the whole column, and so he sent on ahead to Shamshevo a peasant, Tihon Shtcherbatov, to try if he could capture at least one of the French quartermasters from the vanguard.