AFTER THE EXECUTION Pierre was separated from the other prisoners and left alone in a small, despoiled, and filthy church.

Towards evening a patrol sergeant, with two soldiers, came into the church and informed Pierre that he was pardoned, and was now going to the barracks of the prisoners of war. —
傍晚时分,一名巡逻中队长和两名士兵走进了教堂,告诉皮埃尔他已经获得赦免,现在要去战俘营的兵营。 —

Without understanding a word of what was said to him, Pierre got up and went with the soldiers. —
虽然听不懂他们对他说的话,但皮埃尔站了起来,跟着士兵走了。 —

He was conducted to some sheds that had been rigged up in the upper part of the meadow out of charred boards, beams, and battens, and was taken into one of them. —
他被带到草地上部某些用烧焦的木板、梁和条板组装起来的棚子里,并被带进其中一间。 —

Some twenty persons of various kinds thronged round Pierre. —
大约有二十个各种类型的人围拢在皮埃尔周围。 —

He stared at them, with no idea of what these men were, why they were here, and what they wanted of him. —
他盯着他们看,不知道这些人是谁,他们为什么在这里,以及他们想要他做什么。 —

He heard the words they said to him, but his mind made no kind of deduction or interpretation of them; —
他听到他们对他说的话,但他的思维对它们没有任何推理或解释的能力; —

he had no idea of their meaning. He made some answer, too, to the questions asked him, but without any notion who was hearing him, or how they would understand his replies. —
他对他们的问题也给出了一些回答,但并不知道谁在听他说话,或者他们将如何理解他的回答。 —

He gazed at faces and figures, and all seemed to him equally meaningless.

From the moment when Pierre saw that fearful murder committed by men who did not want to do it, it seemed as though the spring in his soul, by which everything was held together and given the semblance of life, had been wrenched out, and all seemed to have collapsed into a heap of meaningless refuse. —
自从皮埃尔看到那些不愿意杀人的人所犯下的可怕谋杀之后,他的灵魂中维系一切并赋予其生命的那个弹簧似乎已经被扭断了,一切似乎都变成了一堆毫无意义的废物。 —

Though he had no clear apprehension of it, it had annihilated in his soul all faith in the beneficent ordering of the universe, and in the soul of men, and in his own soul, and in God. This state of mind Pierre had experienced before, but never with such intensity as now. —
虽然他对此并没有明确的领悟,但这给他的灵魂带来的后果是彻底否定了宇宙有益的秩序,否定了人的灵魂,否定了他自己的灵魂,否定了上帝。皮埃尔以前也经历过这种心境,但从未像现在这样强烈。 —

When such doubts had come upon him in the past they had arisen from his own fault. —
当过去他产生这种疑惑时,那是出于他自己的过错。 —

And at the very bottom of his heart Pierre had been aware then that salvation from that despair and from these doubts lay in his own hands. —
而深深地鄙视自己的深处,皮埃尔对那种绝望和疑虑的拯救就在他自己的手中。 —

But now he felt that it was not his fault that the world was collapsing before his eyes, and that nothing was left but meaningless ruins. —
但是现在他觉得世界在他眼前崩溃,并且只剩下毫无意义的废墟,这不是他的错。 —

He felt that to get back to faith in life was not in his power.

Around him in the darkness stood men. Probably they found something very entertaining in him. —
在黑暗中,他周围站着一些人。他们可能对他觉得非常有趣。 —

They were telling him something, asking him something, then leading him somewhere, and at last he found himself in a corner of the shed beside men of some sort, who were talking on all sides, and laughing.

“And so, mates…that same prince who” (with a special emphasis on the last word)…some voice was saying in the opposite corner of the shed.

Sitting in the straw against the wall, mute and motionless, Pierre opened, and then closed, his eyes. As soon as he shut his eyes he saw the fearful face of the factory lad, fearful especially from its simplicity, and the faces of the involuntary murderers, still more fearful in their uneasiness. —
坐在草堆上,靠着墙,皮埃尔睁开了眼睛,然后又闭上了眼睛。一闭上眼睛,他就看到了那个工厂少年可怕的脸,尤其是因为它的简单而可怕,还有那些非自愿的凶手们的脸,因为他们的不安而更加可怕。 —

And he opened his eyes again and stared blankly about him in the darkness.

Close by him a little man was sitting bent up, of whose presence Pierre was first aware from the strong smell of sweat that rose at every movement he made. —
离他很近,一个小个子弯着身子坐着,皮埃尔首先因为每次他移动都会发出浓郁的汗臭味而意识到他的存在。 —

This man was doing something with his feet in the darkness, and although Pierre did not see his face, he was aware that he was continually glancing at him. —
这个人在黑暗中正用脚做些什么,虽然皮埃尔没有看到他的脸,但他意识到他不断地瞟着他。 —

Peering intently at him in the dark, Pierre made out that the man was undoing his foot-gear. —
在黑暗中,皮埃尔专注地凝视着他,看出这个人正在解开脚上的绑带。 —

And the way he was doing it began to interest Pierre.

Undoing the strings in which one foot was tied up, he wound them neatly off, and at once set to work on the other leg, glancing at Pierre. —
他的解开方式开始引起皮埃尔的兴趣。 —

While one hand hung up the first leg-binder, the other was already beginning to untie the other leg. In this way, deftly, with rounded, effective movements following one another without delay, the man unrolled his leg-wrappers and hung them up on pegs driven in over-head, took out a knife, cut off something, shut the knife up, put it under his bolster and settling himself more at his ease, clasped his arms round his knees, and stared straight at Pierre. —
一只手把第一个腿绑带挂上,另一只手已经开始解开另一条腿的绑带。这样,连续不断地、灵巧地,圆滑而有效的动作紧随其后,这个男人展开他的腿包装,把它们挂在头顶的挂钩上,拿出一把刀,切下一些东西,合上刀,放在他的枕头下面,然后舒服地蜷缩着双臂,直视着皮埃尔。 —

Pierre was conscious of something pleasant, soothing, and rounded off in those deft movements, in his comfortable establishment of his belongings in the corner, and even in the very smell of the man, and he did not take his eyes off him.

“And have you seen a lot of trouble, sir? Eh?” said the little man suddenly. —
“你见过很多苦难吗,先生?嗯?”小个子突然说道。 —

And there was a tone of such friendliness and simplicity in the sing-song voice that Pierre wanted to answer, but his jaw quivered, and he felt the tears rising. —
唱歌般的声音中带着如此友好和简单的语调,皮埃尔想回答,但他的下巴颤动起来,他感到眼泪上涌。 —

At the same second, leaving no time for Pierre’s embarrassment to appear, the little man said, in the same pleasant voice:

“Ay, darling, don’t grieve,” he said, in that tender, caressing sing-song in which old Russian peasant women talk. —
“嗯,亲爱的,别悲伤。” 他用老俄罗斯乡下妇女说话的那种温柔、抚慰的声音说道。 —

“Don’t grieve, dearie; trouble lasts an hour, but life lasts for ever! Ay, ay, my dear. —
“别悲伤,亲爱的;苦难只是一时的,生命却是永远的!对啊,亲爱的。 —

And we get on here finely, thank God; nothing to vex us. —
我们在这里过得很好,感谢上帝;没什么可烦恼的。 —

They’re men, too, and bad and good among them,” he said; —
他们也是人,好与坏都有。” 他说, —

and, while still speaking, got with a supple movement on his knees to his feet, and clearing his throat walked away.

“Hey, the hussy, here she is!” Pierre heard at the end of the shed the same caressing voice. —
“嘿,贱人,她来了!” 皮埃尔听到小屋尽头传来同样抚慰的声音。 —

“Here she is, the hussy; she remembers me! There, there, lie down! —
“在这儿,贱人,她记得我!去吧,躺下! —

” And the soldier, pushing down a dog that was jumping up on him, came back to his place and sat down. —
” 然后,军人用力推开一个跳上去的狗,回到他的位置坐下。 —

In his hands he had something wrapped up in a cloth.

“Here, you taste this, sir,” he said, returning to the respectful tone he had used at first, and untying and handing to Pierre several baked potatoes. —
“先生,请您尝一下这个。”他说着,恢复了一开始的尊敬语气,解开绳子,把几个烤土豆递给了皮埃尔。 —

“At dinner we had soup. But the potatoes are first-rate!”

Pierre had eaten nothing the whole day, and the smell of the potatoes struck him as extraordinarily pleasant. —
皮埃尔整天都没吃过东西,土豆的香味让他感到异常愉悦。 —

He thanked the soldier and began eating.

“But why so, eh?” said the soldier smiling, and he took one of the potatoes. —
“但是为什么要这样呢?”士兵笑着说道,他拿起一个土豆。 —

“You try them like this.” He took out his clasp-knife again, cut the potato in his hand into two even halves, and sprinkled them with salt from the cloth, and offered them to Pierre.

“The potatoes are first-rate,” he repeated. “You taste them like that.”

It seemed to Pierre that he had never eaten anything so good.

“No, I am all right,” said Pierre; “but why did they shoot those poor fellows? —
“不,我没事,”皮埃尔说,“但他们为什么要射杀那些可怜的家伙? —

…The last was a lad of twenty.”

“Tss…tss…” said the little man. “Sin, indeed,…sin…” he added quickly, just as though the words were already in his mouth and flew out of it by accident; —
“嘘…嘘…”小个子男人说。“罪恶,确实是罪恶…”他很快地补充道,就像这些话已经在他的嘴里了,不小心飞了出来一样; —

he went on: “How was it, sir, you came to stay in Moscow like this?”

“I didn’t think they would come so soon. I stayed by accident,” said Pierre.

“But how did they take you, darling; from your home?”

“No, I went out to see the fire, and then they took me up and brought me to judgment as an incendiary.”

“Where there’s judgment, there there’s falsehood,” put in the little man.

“And have you been here long?” asked Pierre, as he munched the last potato.

“I? On Sunday they took me out of the hospital in Moscow.”

“Who are you, a soldier?”

“We are soldiers of the Apsheron regiment. I was dying of fever. We were never told anything. —
“我们是阿普舍隆团的士兵。我本来因发烧病危。我们从未被告知任何事情。 —

There were twenty of us lying sick. And we had never a thought, never a guess of how it was.”

“Well, and are you miserable here?” asked Pierre.

“Miserable, to be sure, darling. My name’s Platon, surname Karataev,” he added, evidently to make it easier for Pierre to address him. —
“非常悲惨,亲爱的。我的名字是普拉顿,姓卡拉塔耶夫”,他显然是为了方便彼得叫他的名字才这么说的。 —

“In the regiment they called me ‘the little hawk.’ How can one help being sad, my dear? —
“在团里他们叫我‘小鹰’。亲爱的,怎么可能不伤心呢? —

Moscow—she’s the mother of cities. One must be sad to see it. —
“莫斯科,它是诸城之母。看到它真的让人伤心。 —

Yes, the maggot gnaws the cabbage, but it dies before it’s done; —
“是的,蛆虫啃食卷心菜,但在完成之前它就死了; —

so the old folks used to say,” he added quickly.

“What, what was that you said?” asked Pierre.

“I?” said Karataev. “I say it’s not by our wit, but as God thinks fit,” said he, supposing that he was repeating what he had said. —
“我?”卡拉塔耶夫说。“我说这不是我们的智慧,而是上帝的意思,”他以为自己是在重复他所说过的话。 —

And at once he went on: “Tell me, sir, and have you an estate from your fathers? —
他马上又接着说:“告诉我,先生,你从你的祖先那里继承了财产吗? —

And a house of your own? To be sure, your cup was overflowing! And a wife, too? —
“有自己的房子吗?当然,你的杯子是满溢的!还有妻子吗? —

And are your old parents living?” he asked, and though Pierre could not see him in the dark, he felt that the soldier’s lips were puckered in a restrained smile of kindliness while he asked these questions. —
“你的父母还健在吗?”他问道,虽然彼得在黑暗中看不见他,但他感觉到士兵的嘴唇微微收缩着,带着一种克制的亲切的微笑。 —

He was evidently disappointed that Pierre had no parents, especially that he had not a mother.

“Wife for good counsel, mother-in-law for kind welcome, but none dear as your own mother! —
“妻子是个好的顾问,婆婆是个热情的欢迎者,但没有人比自己的母亲更亲爱!”他说道。 —

” said he. “And have you children?” he went on to ask. —
“你有孩子吗?”他继续问道。 —

Pierre’s negative reply seemed to disappoint him again, and he added himself: —
彼得的否定回答似乎再次让他失望,他自己又补充说: —

“Oh well, you are young folks; please God, there will be. Only live in peace and concord.”

“But it makes no difference now,” Pierre could not help saying.

“Ah, my dear man,” rejoined Platon, “the beggar’s bag and the prison walls none can be sure of escaping. —
“啊,亲爱的朋友,”普拉顿回答道,“乞丐的口袋和监狱的墙壁,没有人能确保逃脱。” —

” He settled himself more comfortably, and cleared his throat, evidently preparing himself for a long story. —
他舒适地安顿下来,清了清嗓子,显然是准备讲一个很长的故事。 —

“So it was like this, dear friend, when I used to be living at home,” he began, “we have a rich heritage, a great deal of land, the peasants were well off, and our house—something to thank God for, indeed. —
“所以,亲爱的朋友,就像我以前住在家里时一样,”他开始说,“我们有丰富的遗产,很多土地,农民们过得很好,我们的房子-真是要感谢上帝的东西。 —

Father used to go out to reap with six of us. We got along finely. Something like peasants we were. —
父亲曾带着我们六个人一起去收割。我们相处得很好。我们也像农民一样。 —

It came to pass…” and Platon Karataev told a long story of how he had gone into another man’s copse for wood, and had been caught by the keeper, how he had been flogged, tried, and sent for a soldier. —
事情是这样的……”普拉顿·卡拉塔耶夫讲述了他如何到另一个人的林地去砍柴,被看守员抓住,受到鞭打,经过审判,被送去当兵的长篇故事。 —

“And do you know, darling,” said he, his voice changing from the smile on his face, “we thought it was a misfortune, while it was all for our happiness. —
“你知道吗,亲爱的,”他的声音从脸上的微笑变化过来,“我们当时以为那是个不幸,而其实这一切都是为了我们的幸福。 —

My brother would have had to go if it hadn’t been for my fault. —
如果不是我的过错,我的兄弟也得去当兵。 —

And my younger brother had five little ones; while I, look you, I left no one behind but my wife. —
我弟弟有五个孩子;而我,你瞧,我没有留下任何人,只有我的妻子。 —

I had a little girl, but God had taken her before I went for a soldier. —
我有个小女儿,但上帝在我去当兵之前就把她带走了。 —

I went home on leave, I must tell you. I find them all better off than ever. —
我曾经休假回家,我必须告诉你。我发现他们比以往任何时候都要过得更好。 —

The yard full of beasts, the women folk at home, two brothers out earning wages. —
院子里满是牲畜,家里的妇女,两个兄弟外出谋生。 —

Only Mihailo, the youngest, at home. Father says all his children are alike; —
只有米哈伊洛,最小的,在家。父亲说他所有的孩子都是一样的; —

whichever finger’s pricked, it hurts the same. —
无论哪个手指被刺,都会疼痛不已。 —

And if they hadn’t shaved Platon for a soldier, then Mihailo would have had to go. —
如果他们没有为了让普拉顿去当兵而剃光头发,那么米哈伊洛就得去了。 —

He called us all together—would you believe it—made us stand before the holy picture. —
他召集我们所有人在一起——你能相信吗——让我们站在圣像前。 —

‘Mihailo,’ says he, ‘come here, bend down to his feet; and you, women, bow down; —
“米哈伊洛,”他说:“过来,弯腰叩拜他的脚;你们,妇女们,鞠躬; —

and you, grandchildren. Do you understand?’ says he. Yes, so you see, my dear. —
还有你们,孙子孙女们。你们明白了吗?”他说。是的,亲爱的,你看到了。 —

Fate acts with reason. And we are always passing judgment; —
命运是有道理的。我们总是在判断; —

that’s not right, and this doesn’t suit us. Our happiness, my dear, is like water in a dragnet; —
这不对,那不适合我们。我们的幸福,亲爱的,就像渔网中的水; —

you drag, and it is all puffed up, but pull it out and there’s nothing. —
你拉着,它就会膨胀,但是拉出来就什么都没有了。 —

Yes, that’s it.” And Platon moved to a fresh seat in the straw.

After a short pause, Platon got up.

“Well, I dare say, you are sleepy?” he said, and he began rapidly crossing himself, murmuring:

“Lord Jesus Christ, holy Saint Nikola, Frola and Lavra; —
“主耶稣基督,圣尼古拉、弗洛拉和拉弗;主耶稣基督,圣尼古拉、弗洛拉和拉弗;主耶稣基督—求你怜悯并拯救我们! —

Lord Jesus Christ, holy Saint Nikola, Frola and Lavra; Lord Jesus Christ—have mercy and save us! —
”他结束了,俯身至地,站起来,叹了口气,坐在草堆上。 —

” he concluded, bowed down to the ground, got up, sighed, and sat down on his straw. —
“没错。让我像石头一样躺下,上帝啊,像新鲜面包一样站起来! —

“That’s right. Let me lie down like a stone, O God, and rise up like new bread! —
”他低声说着,躺下来,用他的军大衣盖住自己。 —

” he murmured, and lay down, pulling his military coat over him.

“What prayer was that you recited?” asked Pierre.

“Eh?” said Platon (he was already half asleep). “Recited? —
“嗯?”普拉顿说(他已经半睡半醒了)。“背诵什么?” —

I prayed to God. Don’t you pray, too?”

“Yes, I do,” said Pierre. “But what was it you said—Frola and Lavra?”

“Eh, to be sure,” Platon answered quickly. “They’re the horses’ saints. —
“是的,当然,”普拉顿迅速回答。“他们是马的保护神。 —

One must think of the poor beasts, too,” he said. “Why, the little hussy, she’s curled up. —
我们也得想想这些可怜的家伙,”他说。“为什么,这个小婊子,她卷成一团。 —

You’re warm, child of a bitch!” he said, feeling the dog at his feet; —
你很暖和,你这条杂种狗!”他说着,摸了摸脚边的狗; —

and, turning over again, he fell asleep at once.

Outside shouting and wailing could be heard somewhere far away, and through the cracks in the walls could be seen the glow of fire; —
在外面,远处传来喊叫声和哭泣声,透过墙缝可以看到火焰的光亮; —

but within the shed all was dark and hushed. —
但在小屋里,一切都昏暗而寂静。 —

For a long while Pierre did not sleep, and lay with open eyes in the darkness, listening to Platon snoring rhythmically as he lay beside him, and he felt that the world that had been shattered was rising up now in his soul, in new beauty, and on new foundations that could not be shaken.