THE 5TH of November was the first day of the so-called battle of Krasnoe.

Many had been the blunders and disputes among the generals, who had not reached their proper places, many the contradictory orders carried to them by adjutants, but towards evening it was clear that the enemy were everywhere in flight, and that there would not and could not be a battle. —
將領們犯了很多錯誤和爭議,他們沒有到達自己應該到達的地方,有很多矛盾的命令由副官傳遞給他們,但到了傍晚,明顯敵人已經到處在逃亡,不可能也不會有一場戰役。 —

In the evening Kutuzov set out from Krasnoe towards Dobroe, to which place the headquarters had that day been removed.

It had been a clear, frosty day. Kutuzov, mounted on his fat, white little horse, was riding towards Dobroe, followed by an immense suite of generals, whispering their dissatisfaction behind his back. —
這是一個晴朗而寒冷的日子。庫圖佐夫騎著他那匹肥胖的白色小馬,沿著道路往多布羅前進,後面跟著一大群將軍們,私下議論著他背後的不滿。 —

Seven thousand French prisoners had been taken that day, and all along the road they met parties of them, crowding to warm themselves round the camp-fires. —
在那一天,他們俘虜了七千名法國人,一路上都遇到了一些團體,他們圍在篝火旁取暖。 —

Not far from Dobroe they heard a loud hum of talk from an immense crowd of tattered prisoners, bandaged and wrapped up in rags of all sorts, standing in the road near a long row of unharnessed French cannons. —
離多布羅不遠處,他們聽到了一大群蓬頭垢面的囚犯的嘈雜交談聲,他們用各種破布包扎著身體,站在道路上,旁邊是一長排沒有拴上馬匹的法國大炮。 —

At the approach of the commander-in-chief the buzz of talk died away, and all eyes were fixed upon Kutuzov, who moved slowly along the road, wearing a white cap with a red band, and a wadded overcoat, that set in a hunch on his round shoulders. —
當指揮官到來時,交談的嘈雜聲消失了,所有的眼睛都聚集在庫圖佐夫身上,他緩慢地沿著道路前進,頭戴一頂帶有紅頭帶的白色帽子,身穿一件槽縐的大衣,使他的圓肩隆起。 —

One of the generals began explaining to Kutuzov where the prisoners and the guns had been taken.

Kutuzov seemed absorbed in anxious thought, and did not hear the general’s words. —
庫圖佐夫似乎陷入了擔憂的思考中,沒有聽到將軍的話。 —

He screwed up his eyes with an air of displeasure, and gazed intently at the figures of the prisoners, who presented a particularly pitiable appearance. —
他皺起眉頭,眼神不悅,專注地注視著囚犯的身影,他們的樣子特別可憐。 —

The majority of the French soldiers were disfigured by frost-bitten cheeks and noses, and almost all of them had red, swollen, and streaming eyes.

One group of Frenchmen was standing close by the road, and two soldiers, one with his face covered with sores, were tearing at a piece of raw meat with their hands. —
一群法國人站在路旁,有兩個士兵,其中一個臉上長滿了瘡痂,他們用手撕扯一塊生肉。 —

There was something bestial and horrible in the cursory glance they cast on the approaching generals, and the frenzied expression with which the soldier with the sore face, after a glance at Kutuzov, turned away and went on with what he was doing.

Kutuzov looked a long while intently at these two soldiers; —
库图佐夫长时间地专注地注视着这两个士兵; —

frowning more than before, he half-closed his eyelids, and shook his head thoughtfully. —
他皱起眉头,比以前更加皱眉头,半闭着眼睛,若有所思地摇了摇头。 —

Further on, he noticed a Russian soldier, who was saying something friendly to a French prisoner, laughing and clapping him on the shoulder. —
稍远一些的地方,他注意到一个俄国士兵正在友善地对一个法国俘虏说着什么,笑着拍了拍他的肩膀。 —

Kutuzov shook his head again with the same expression.

“What do you say?” he asked the general, who was trying to draw the commander-in-chief’s attention to the French flags, that were set up in front of the Preobrazhensky regiment.

“Ah, the flags!” said Kutuzov, rousing himself with evident difficulty from the subject absorbing his thoughts. —
“啊,旗帜!”库图佐夫说,用明显的困难从他的思想中醒来。 —

He looked about him absently. Thousands of eyes were gazing at him from all sides, waiting for his words.

He came to a standstill before the Preobrazhensky regiment, sighed heavily and closed his eyes. —
他在前场晃停下来,在周围者面前,重重地叹了一口气,并闭上了眼睛。 —

One of the suite beckoned to the soldiers holding the flags to come up and set up the flagstaffs around the commander-in-chief. —
随从中的一个人招呼那些拿着旗帜的士兵上前,把旗杆立在前面的那位统帅周围。 —

Kutuzov was silent for a few seconds. Then with obvious reluctance, yielding to the obligations of his position, he raised his head and began to speak. —
库图佐夫沉默了几秒钟。然后明显不情愿地,顺从他职责的要求,他抬起头开始讲话。 —

Crowds of officers gathered round him. He scanned the circle of officers with an attentive eye, recognising some of them.

“I thank you all!” he said, addressing the soldiers, and then again turning to the officers. —
“我感谢你们所有人!”他对士兵们说,并再次转向军官们。 —

In the deep stillness that prevailed all round him, his slowly articulated words were distinctly audible: —
在周围的寂静中,他缓慢地说出了他话:这些话用汉语是清晰可听的。 —

“I thank you all for your hard and faithful service. —
“我感谢你们所有人为你们的辛勤和忠实的服务。 —

The victory is complete, and Russia will not forget you. —
胜利是完全的,俄罗斯不会忘记你。 —

Your glory will be for ever!” He paused, looking about him.

“Lower; bow his head lower,” he said to the soldier, who was holding the French eagle, and had accidentally lowered it before the Preobrazhensky standard.

“Lower, lower, that’s it. Hurrah, lads! —
“低下去,再低一点,就是这样。万岁,伙计们! —

” he said, his chin moving quickly as he turned to the soldiers.

“Hurrah-rah-rah!” thousands of voices roared.

While the soldiers were shouting, Kutuzov, bending forward in his saddle, bowed his head, and his eyes gleamed with a mild and, as it were, ironical light.

“And now, brothers …” he said, when the shouts had died away.

And all at once his face and expression changed: —
突然间,他的脸和表情变了: —

it was not the commander-in-chief speaking now, but a simple, aged man, who plainly wanted to say something most important now to his comrades.

“And now, brothers. I know it’s hard for you, but there’s no help for it! Have a little patience; —
“而现在,兄弟们。我知道对你们来说很难,但是没办法!要有点耐心; —

it won’t last much longer. We will see our visitors off, and then we will rest. —
不会持续太久。我们将送走我们的客人,然后休息。 —

The Tsar won’t forget your services. It’s hard for you, but still you are at home; —
沙皇不会忘记你们的贡献。对你们来说很艰难,但你们至少是在自己的国土上; —

while they—you see what they have come to,” he said, pointing to the prisoners. —
而他们——你们看到他们变成了什么样子,”他指着俘虏说道。 —

“Worse than the lowest beggars. While they were strong, we did not spare ourselves, but now we can even spare them. —
“比最卑贱的乞丐还要糟糕。当他们还强大时,我们毫不犹豫地拼了命,但现在甚至可以对他们手下留情。 —

They too are men. Eh, lads?”

He looked about him. And in the unflinching, respectfully wondering eyes staring persistently at him, he read sympathy with his words. —
他环顾四周。在那些坚定、带着无尽崇敬目光盯着他的眼睛中,他读出了对他的话的同情。 —

His face grew brighter and brighter with the gentle smile of old age, that brought clusters of wrinkles at the corners of his mouth and his eyes. —
他的脸因为老年的和蔼微笑而变得越来越明亮,脸上的皱纹也在嘴角和眼睛处聚集。 —

He paused and dropped his head, as though in doubt.

“But after all is said and done, who asked them to come here? —
“但毕竟,是谁让他们来这里的呢? —

It serves them right, the b— b—” he said suddenly, lifting his head. —
自作自受,该死的东西,”他突然说道,抬起头来。 —

And swinging his riding-whip, he rode off at a gallop, accompanied for the first time during the whole campaign by gleeful guffaws and roars of hurrah from the men as they moved out of rank.

The words uttered by Kutuzov were hardly understood by the soldiers. —
库图佐夫说的话几乎没有被士兵们理解。 —

No one could have repeated the field-marshal’s speech at first of such solemnity, and towards the end of such homely simplicity. —
一开始,没有人能够重复这位元帅庄严崇奉的演讲,到最后又是如此平易近人。 —

But the meaning at the bottom of his words, they understood very well, and the same feeling of solemn triumph in their victory, together with pity for the enemy and the sense of the justice of their cause—expressed, too, with precisely the same homely coarseness—lay at the bottom of every soldier’s heart, and found a vent in delighted shouts, that did not cease for a long while. —
但他话语背后的意思,他们很清楚,胜利的庄严和同情敌人以及对自身事业正义感的情绪,同样表达出来的是同样朴实粗鄙的情感,深深植根于每个士兵的内心,并以喜悦的欢呼声表达出来,久久不停地响彻于耳。 —

When one of the generals addressed the commander-in-chief after this, asking whether he desired his carriage, Kutuzov broke into a sudden sob in replying. —
当其中一位将军在此之后向总指挥询问是否需要马车时,库图佐夫突然抽泣着回答道。 —

He was evidently deeply moved.