THE NEXT DAY the commander-in-chief gave a dinner and a ball, which the Tsar honoured with his presence.

Kutuzov had received the Order of St. George of the first rank; —
库图佐夫已经获得了第一级圣乔治勋章。 —

the Tsar had shown him the highest marks of respect, but every one was aware that the Tsar was displeased with the commander-in-chief. —
沙皇向他表达了最高的尊敬,但每个人都知道沙皇对总司令不满意。 —

The proprieties were observed, and the Tsar set the first example in doing so. —
人们都遵守着礼仪,而沙皇也是第一个树立了榜样。 —

But every one knew that the old man was in fault, and had shown his incapacity. —
但每个人都知道老人有错,显示出他的无能。 —

When, in accordance with the old custom of Catherine’s time, Kutuzov gave orders for the captured standards to be lowered at the Tsar’s feet on his entering the ball-room, the Tsar frowned with vexation, and muttered words, which some heard as: —
按照叶卡捷琳娜时代的古老习俗,库图佐夫下令在沙皇进入舞厅时将俘获的旗帜放到沙皇脚前,沙皇不悦地皱起了眉头,嘴里低声说着,有些人听到了: —

“The old comedian.”

The Tsar’s displeasure was increased at Vilna by Kutuzov’s obvious unwillingness or incapacity to see the importance of the approaching campaign.

When next morning the Tsar said to the officers gathered about him: —
第二天早上,沙皇对聚集在他周围的军官们说: —

“You have not only saved Russia, you have saved Europe,” every one knew at once that the war was not over.

Kutuzov alone refused to see this, and frankly gave it as his opinion that no fresh war could improve the position of Russia, or add to her glory; —
只有库图佐夫拒绝看到这一点,并坦率地给出他的意见,即没有任何新的战争能改善俄国的地位或增加她的荣耀; —

that it could but weaken her position, and cast her down from that high pinnacle of glory at which in his view Russia was standing now. —
它只会削弱她的地位,并让她从库图佐夫眼中现在所站立的荣耀的高峰上跌落下来。 —

He tried to show the Tsar the impossibility of levying fresh troops, and talked of the hardships the people were suffering, the possibility of failure, and so on.

Such being his attitude on the subject, the commander-in-chief could naturally be looked upon only as a hindrance and a drag on the progress of the coming campaign.

To avoid friction with the old man, the obvious resource was—as with him at Austerlitz and with Barclay at the beginning of the war—to withdraw all real power from the commander-in-chief, without disturbing him by any open explanation on the matter, and to transfer it to the Tsar.

With this object, the staff was gradually transformed, and all the real power of Kutuzov’s staff was removed and transferred to the Tsar. Toll, Konovnitsyn, and Yermolov received new appointments. —
随着这个物品的存在,古图佐夫的参谋部逐渐转变,所有真正的权力被剥夺并转移给了沙皇。托尔、科诺维金和耶尔莫洛夫获得了新任命。 —

Every one talked openly of the commander-in-chief’s great weakness and failing health.

He was bound to be in failing health, so as to make way for his successor. —
他注定有健康问题,为了为他的继任者让路。 —

And his health was, in fact, failing.

Just as naturally, as simply, and as gradually as Kutuzov had come to the Court of Exchequer at Petersburg out of Turkey to raise the militia, and then to take the command of the army just at the time when he was needed, did a new commander come now to replace him, when his part was played.

The war of 1812, in addition to its national significance, dear to every Russian heart, was to take a new European character.

The movement of men from west to east was to be followed by a movement from east to west, and this new war needed a new representative, with other aims and other qualities, and moved by impulses different from Kutuzov’s.

For the movement from east to west, and the establishment of the position of peoples, Alexander was needed just as Kutuzov was needed for the deliverance and the glory of Russia.

Kutuzov did not see what was meant by Europe, the balance of power, and Napoleon. —
古图佐夫并没有看出欧洲、权力平衡和拿破仑所代表的意义。 —

He could not understand all that.

After the enemy had been annihilated, Russia had been delivered and raised to the highest pinnacle of her glory, the representative of the Russian people, a Russian of the Russians, had no more left to do. —
敌人被歼灭之后,俄罗斯已经得到解救并达到了最高荣耀的巅峰。俄罗斯人的代表,一个真正的俄罗斯人,没有任何事情需要再做了。 —

Nothing was left for the representative of the national war but to die. And he did die.