“TO YOUR PLACES!” a voice shouted suddenly.

There was a cheerful stir among the prisoners and convoy soldiers, and an air of expecting something festive and solemn. —
狱中的囚犯和押送的士兵们产生了愉快的热闹气氛,一种期待庆典和庄重的气息弥漫开来。 —

Shouted commands could be heard on all sides, and a party of well-dressed cavalry soldiers on good horses came trotting up from the left, making a circuit round the prisoners. —
周围可以听到喊着的指令声,一队穿着体面的骑兵骑着好马从左侧飞驰而来,绕着囚犯们画了个圈。 —

Every face wore the look of nervousness commonly seen at the approach of men in authority. —
每个人脸上都带着面对当局人员时常见的紧张神情。 —

The prisoners huddled together and were shoved out of the way. The convoy soldiers formed in ranks.

“The Emperor! The Emperor! The marshal! The duke! —
“皇帝!元帅!公爵!……” 细瘦的骑兵们刚一骑过,一辆由灰色马匹拉着的马车嘎嘎作响地驶来。 —

…” and the sleek cavalry soldiers had hardly ridden by when a carriage rattled up drawn by grey horses. —
皮埃尔瞥见了一个从容、英俊、肥胖的、戴着三角帽子的男人的白脸。 —

Pierre had a passing glimpse of the serene, handsome, fat, white face of a man in a three-cornered hat. —
这是一个元帅。元帅注意到了皮埃尔那高大引人注目的身形; —

It was one of the marshals. The marshal’s eye was caught by Pierre’s big, striking figure; —
在他皱着眉头转过头去的表情中,皮埃尔觉得自己看到了怜悯和试图隐藏的欲望。 —

and in the expression with which he frowned and looked away Pierre fancied he saw pity and the desire to conceal it.

The general in charge of the transport whipped up his lean horse, and galloped after the carriage with a red, panic-stricken face. —
几名军官聚在一起;士兵们围了上来。 —

Several officers met in a group; the soldiers came round them. —
他们所有人都面带激动和不安。 —

All had excited and uneasy faces.
“他说了什么?他说了什么?……” 皮埃尔听到了。

“What did he say? What was it he said? …” Pierre heard.

While the marshal was driving by, the prisoners had been hustled together into one group, and Pierre caught sight of Karataev, whom he had not yet seen that morning. —
他坐在一棵白桦树旁,裹着自己的小军装。 —

He was sitting, wrapped in his little military coat, leaning against a birch-tree. —
他倚靠在那里。 —

His face still wore the same look of joyous emotion as when he had been telling the story of the merchant, but it had another expression too, a look of subdued solemnity.

Karataev looked at Pierre with his kindly, round eyes, that were bright now with tears, and there was an unmistakable appeal in them. —
卡拉塔耶夫用他那慈祥而圆润的眼睛看着皮埃尔,眼睛里现在闪着泪光,里面有一种明显的恳求。 —

He evidently wanted to say something to him. But Pierre was in too great dread for himself. —
显然他想对皮埃尔说些什么。但皮埃尔太过担心自己了。 —

He made as though he had not seen that look, and hastily walked away.

When the prisoners set off again Pierre looked back. —
他佯装没有看到那个表情,急忙走开了。 —

Karataev was sitting under the birch-tree by the edge of the road, and two Frenchmen were bending over him in conversation. —
当囚犯们再次出发时,皮埃尔回过头看了看。 —

Pierre did not look again. He went on limping up the hill.

There was the sound of a shot behind, at the spot where Karataev was sitting. —
皮埃尔没有再回头看。他继续跛行上山。 —

Pierre heard that shot distinctly, but at the moment that he heard it, he recalled that he had not finished reckoning up how many stages were left to Smolensk, the calculation he had begun before the marshal rode by. —
后面传来一声枪响,就在卡拉塔耶夫坐的地方。 —

And he began to reckon. Two French soldiers ran by Pierre, one holding a still smoking gun. —
皮埃尔听到了清晰的枪声,但就在他听到那声音的时候,他想起他还没有算完离斯摩棱斯克还有几段路,他之前已经开始计算了。 —

They were both pale, and in the expression of their faces—one of them glanced timidly at Pierre—there was something like what he had seen in the young soldier at the execution in Moscow. —
他开始算起来。两个法国士兵跑过皮埃尔,其中一个手里还拿着一支冒着烟的枪。 —

Pierre looked at the soldier and remembered how, the day before yesterday, the man had burnt his shirt in drying it before the fire, and how the others had laughed at him.

The dog began to howl behind at the spot where Karataev was sitting. —
皮埃尔看着士兵,记起前天那个人在火前烘干衬衫的时候把它烧坏了,还记得其他人当时嘲笑他。 —

“Silly creature! what is she howling for?” thought Pierre

The prisoners, his companions marching at his side, like him, refrained from looking back to the place whence came the sound of the shot and the dog’s howl. —
“愚蠢的生物!它在吠什么?”皮埃尔想。 —

There was a set look on all their faces.