THE FIFTH COMPANY was bivouacking close up to the birch copse. —
第五连队正在靠近白桦树丛露营。 —

An immense camp-fire was blazing brightly in the middle of the snow, lighting up the rime-covered boughs of the trees.

In the middle of the night the soldiers had heard footsteps and the cracking of branches in the copse.

“A bear, lads,” said one soldier.

All raised their heads and listened; and out of the copse there stepped into the bright light of the fire two strangely garbed human figures clinging to one another. —
众人抬起头,倾听;然后从树丛中走出两个奇异服装的人形,紧紧地抱在一起,走进了火光中。 —

These were two Frenchmen, who had been hiding in the wood. —
他们是两个一直躲藏在树木中的法国人。 —

Hoarsely articulating something in a tongue incomprehensible to the soldiers, they approached the fire. —
他们用一种对士兵来说无法理解的语言嘶哑地说着什么,走向篝火。 —

One, wearing an officer’s hat, was rather the taller, and seemed utterly spent. —
一个戴着军官帽子的人稍高一些,看上去疲惫不堪。 —

He tried to sit down by the fire, but sank on to the ground. —
他试图坐到篝火旁,但却栽倒在地上。 —

The other, a little, stumpy man, with a kerchief bound round his cheeks, was stronger. —
另一个是个个子矮小的人,脸颊裹着一块手绢,更有力气。 —

He held his companion up, and said something pointing to his mouth. —
他扶持着伙伴,并指向自己的嘴巴说着什么。 —

The soldiers surrounded the Frenchmen, laid a coat under the sick man, and brought both of them porridge and vodka. —
士兵们围着法国人,给生病的人铺上外套,给他们都端来了粥和伏特加。 —

The exhausted French officer was Ramballe; —
筋疲力尽的法国军官是朗巴尔; —

the little man bandaged up in the kerchief was his servant, Morel.

When Morel had drunk some vodka and eaten a bowl of porridge, he suddenly passed into a state of morbid hilarity, and kept up an incessant babble with the soldiers, who could not understand him. —
当莫雷尔喝了一些伏特加,吃了一碗粥后,突然变得异常情绪高昂,和士兵们不停地喋喋不休,士兵们听不懂他在说什么。 —

Ramballe refused food, and leaning on one elbow by the fire, gazed dumbly with red, vacant eyes at the Russian soldiers. —
就在火堆旁边,兰巴尔拒绝了食物,只用红色空洞的眼睛呆呆地盯着那些俄国士兵。 —

At intervals he uttered a prolonged groan and then was mute again. —
他时不时地发出一声长长的呻吟,然后又沉默下来。 —

Morel, pointing to his shoulders, gave the soldiers to understand that this was an officer, and that he needed warmth. —
莫雷尔指着自己的肩膀,告诉士兵们这是一个军官,他需要温暖。 —

A Russian officer, who had come up to the fire, sent to ask the colonel whether he would take a French officer into his warm cottage. —
一个俄国军官走到火堆旁边,派人去问上校是否愿意接纳一名法国军官进入他的温暖小屋。 —

When they came back and said that the colonel bade them bring the officer, they told Ramballe to go to him. —
他们回来后告诉兰巴尔去找他。 —

He got up and tried to walk, but staggered, and would have fallen had not a soldier standing near caught him.

“What? You don’t want to, eh?” said a soldier addressing Ramballe with a jocose wink.

“Eh, you fool! It’s no time for your fooling. —
“呵,你这个傻瓜!现在可不是你开玩笑的时候。” —

A peasant, a real peasant,” voices were heard on all sides blaming the jocose soldier. —
“一个农民,一个真正的农民,”四周的声音责怪那个爱开玩笑的士兵。 —

The others surrounded Ramballe. Two of them held him up under the arms and carried him to the cottage. —
其他人围着兰巴尔。其中两个士兵扶着他的胳膊抬起他,将他抬到小屋里。 —

Ramballe put his arms round the soldiers’ necks, and as they lifted him he began wailing plaintively.

“O you good fellows! O my kind, kind friends. These are men! —
“哦,你们好伙伴!哦,我亲爱的、亲爱的朋友们。这些都是男人! —

O my brave, kind friends”; and like a child he put his head down on the soldier’s shoulder.

Meanwhile Morel was sitting in the best place surrounded by the soldiers.

Morel, a little, thickset Frenchman, with swollen, streaming eyes, was dressed in a woman’s jacket and had a woman’s kerchief tied over his forage cap. —
莫雷尔是一个矮矮胖胖的法国人,眼睛肿胀、流泪,穿着一个女人的夹克,头巾系在他的帽子上。 —

He was evidently tipsy, and with one arm thrown round the soldier sitting next him, he was singing a French song in a husky, broken voice. —
很明显他有点醉了,他一只手搂住坐在他旁边的士兵,用沙哑而断断续续的声音唱着一首法国歌曲。 —

The soldiers simply held their sides as they looked at him.

“Now then, now then, teach it me; how does it go? I’ll catch it in no time. How was it? —
“好了,好了,教给我吧,怎么唱的?我一会就能学会。怎么来的?” —

” said the soldier Morel was hugging, who was one of the singers and fond of a joke.

“Vive Henri Quatre! Vive ce roi vaillant! —
“万岁亨利四!万岁这位勇敢的国王!” —

…” sang Morel, winking. “Ce diable à quatre …”

“Vi-va-ri-ka! Viff-se-ru-va-ru! Si-dya-blya-ka! —
“维-瓦-日-卡!维佛-色-儿-瓦-色-儿!斯-德-亚-布-里-儿-卡!” —

…” repeated the soldier, waving his hand and catching the tune correctly.

“Bravo! Ho-ho-ho-ho!” a hoarse guffaw of delight rose on all sides. —
“好极了!嘿嘿嘿嘿!”一阵嘶哑的开心笑声四面八方响起。 —

Morel, wrinkling up his face, laughed too.

“Come, strike up, more, more!”

“Qui eut le triple talent de boire, de battre, et d’être un vert galant.”

“That sounds well too. Now, Zaletaev!…”

“Kyu,” Zaletaev articulated with effort. —
“舅,” 扎莱塔耶夫吃力地发音。 —

“Kyu-yu-yu …” he sang, puckering up his lips elaborately; —
“舅-唷-唷…” 他装模作样地用嘴唇吹起来。 —


“That’s fine! That’s a fine Frenchman, to be sure! —
“没问题!毫无疑问,他是个出色的法国人!” —

oy … ho-ho-ho. Well, do you want some more to eat?”

“Give him some porridge; it’ll take him some time to satisfy his hunger.”

They gave him more porridge, and Morel, laughing, attacked a third bowlful. —
他们给了他更多的粥,莫雷尔笑着拿起第三碗。 —

There were gleeful smiles on the faces of all the young soldiers watching him. —
年轻士兵们的脸上露出了愉快的笑容。 —

The old soldiers, considering it beneath their dignity to show interest in such trifles, lay on the other side of the fire, but now and then one would raise himself on his elbow and glance with a smile at Morel.

“They are men, too,” said one, rolling himself up in his coat. —
“他们也是人,”一个人说道,捧着自己的大衣。 —

“Even the wormwood has its roots.”

“O Lord! What lots of stars! It’s a sign of frost …” And all sank into silence.
“哦,主啊!那么多星星!这是冻结的征兆……” 然后,所有人都陷入了沉默。

The stars, as though they knew no one would see them now, were twinkling brightly in the black sky. —
星星仿佛知道现在没人能看到它们,它们在黑夜中闪烁着明亮的光芒。 —

Flaring up and growing dim again, and quivering, they seemed to be busily signalling some joyful mystery to each other.