Several squares of the Guard, motionless amid this stream of the defeat, as rocks in running water, held their own until night. —
在失败的洪流中一动不动的几个近卫军方阵,如同流水中的石头,坚守着自己的位置,直到夜幕降临。 —

Night came, death also; they awaited that double shadow, and, invincible, allowed themselves to be enveloped therein. —
夜幕降临,死亡也随之而来;他们等待着那双重阴影,坚不可摧地让自己被包围其中。 —

Each regiment, isolated from the rest, and having no bond with the army, now shattered in every part, died alone. —
每支孤军,与其余部队隔绝,与全军已经四分五裂,如今孤立无援,独自战亡。 —

They had taken up position for this final action, some on the heights of Rossomme, others on the plain of Mont-Saint-Jean. There, abandoned, vanquished, terrible, those gloomy squares endured their death-throes in formidable fashion. —
他们为这最后一战占据了阵地,有些在罗松平台附近的高地,有些在圣让山的平原。在那里,遭遇失败,孤独无助,可怕至极,这些阴郁的方阵以可怕的方式忍受着他们的临终挣扎。 —

Ulm, Wagram, Jena, Friedland, died with them.

At twilight, towards nine o’clock in the evening, one of them was left at the foot of the plateau of Mont-Saint-Jean. In that fatal valley, at the foot of that declivity which the cuirassiers had ascended, now inundated by the masses of the English, under the converging fires of the victorious hostile cavalry, under a frightful density of projectiles, this square fought on. —
黄昏时分,大约晚上九点,其中一支方阵仍然留在圣让山的山脚下。在那致命的山谷中,在铁甲骑兵曾经攀登的斜坡下,如今被英国军队包围,遭到胜利的敌对骑兵交叉火力的袭击,承受着惊人密度的炮弹,这支方阵仍在战斗。 —

It was commanded by an obscure officer named Cambronne. —
它的指挥官是一个名叫坎布隆的不知名军官。 —

At each discharge, the square diminished and replied. —
每次开火,方阵都在缩小并回击。 —

It replied to the grape-shot with a fusillade, continually contracting its four walls. —
它以齐射来应对散弹,不断缩小它的四面围墙。 —

The fugitives pausing breathless for a moment in the distance, listened in the darkness to that gloomy and ever-decreasing thunder.

When this legion had been reduced to a handful, when nothing was left of their flag but a rag, when their guns, the bullets all gone, were no longer anything but clubs, when the heap of corpses was larger than the group of survivors, there reigned among the conquerors, around those men dying so sublimely, a sort of sacred terror, and the English artillery, taking breath, became silent. —
当这支军团被削弱为仅剩一小部分,他们的旗帜已经残破不堪,他们的枪支已经没有子弹,只剩下几根棍子,当尸体堆积如山时,幸存者比死者更少时,征服者中间产生了一种神圣的恐惧,英国炮兵喘息片刻,变得寂静。 —

This furnished a sort of respite. These combatants had around them something in the nature of a swarm of spectres, silhouettes of men on horseback, the black profiles of cannon, the white sky viewed through wheels and gun-carriages, the colossal death’s-head, which the heroes saw constantly through the smoke, in the depths of the battle, advanced upon them and gazed at them. —
这提供了一种喘息。这些战士周围有一种幽灵的蜂群,骑兵的轮廓、大炮的黑色轮廓、车轮车架间望到的白天空、英雄们在烟雾中不断看到的巨大死亡面具,向他们逼近并凝视着他们。 —

Through the shades of twilight they could hear the pieces being loaded; —
在黄昏的阴影中,他们能听到炮正在被装填; —

the matches all lighted, like the eyes of tigers at night, formed a circle round their heads; —
点燃的引线像夜间老虎的眼睛一样,在他们的头顶上形成一个圈; —

all the lintstocks of the English batteries approached the cannons, and then, with emotion, holding the supreme moment suspended above these men, an English general, Colville according to some, Maitland according to others, shouted to them, “Surrender, brave Frenchmen!” —
所有英国炮台上的弹簧点燃后,感到激动,将这些人延迟的绝境悬挂在他们头上,一名英国将军,有人说是科尔维尔,有人说是梅特兰德,向他们喊道:“投降吧,勇敢的法国人!” —

Cambronne replied, “—–.”

{EDITOR’S COMMENTARY: Another edition of this book has the word “Merde!” —
{编辑评论:本书的另一版将”Merde!“一词用于——上。} —

in lieu of the —– above.}