M. Madeleine had Fantine removed to that infirmary which he had established in his own house. —
梅德兰将范汀送到他在自家建立的医院治疗。 —

He confided her to the sisters, who put her to bed. —
他把她托付给修女们,她们让她躺下休息。 —

A burning fever had

come on. She passed a part of the night in delirium and raving. At length, however, she fell asleep.

On the morrow, towards midday, Fantine awoke. She heard some one breathing close to her bed; —
她拉开帘子,看到梅德兰站在那里,凝视着她头顶的某处。 —

she drew aside the curtain and saw M. Madeleine standing there and looking

at something over her head. His gaze was full of pity, anguish, and supplication. —
原来,他的目光充满了怜悯、痛苦和恳求。 —

She followed its direction, and saw that it was fixed on a crucifix which was nailed

to the wall.

Thenceforth, M. Madeleine was transfigured in Fantine’s eyes. —
Thenceforth, M. Madeleine was transfigured in Fantine’s eyes. —

He seemed to her to be clothed in light. —
他在她眼中就像穿着光衣。 —

He was absorbed in a sort of prayer. She gazed at him for a long

time without daring to interrupt him. At last she said timidly:–

“What are you doing?”

M. Madeleine had been there for an hour. He had been waiting for Fantine to awake. —
马德兰先生已经在那里等了一个小时。他一直在等芳汀醒来。 —

He took her hand, felt of her pulse, and replied:–

“How do you feel?”

“Well, I have slept,” she replied; “I think that I am better, It is nothing.”

He answered, responding to the first question which she had put to him as though he had just heard it:–

“I was praying to the martyr there on high.”

And he added in his own mind, “For the martyr here below.”

M. Madeleine had passed the night and the morning in making inquiries. He knew all now. —
马德兰先生整夜整早都在打听。他现在全都知道了。 —

He knew Fantine’s history in all its heart-rending details. He went on:–

“You have suffered much, poor mother. Oh! do not complain; you now have the dowry of the elect. —
“你受过很多苦,可怜的母亲。哦!不要抱怨;你现在已经拥有了选民的嫁妆。 —

It is thus that men are transformed into angels. It is not their fault

they do not know how to go to work otherwise. —
他们不知道还有其他办法可以工作。 —

You see this hell from which you have just emerged is the first form of heaven. —
你看,你刚刚走出的这个地狱是天堂的第一个形态。 —

It was necessary to begin there.”

He sighed deeply. But she smiled on him with that sublime smile in which two teeth were lacking.

That same night, Javert wrote a letter. The next morning be posted it himself at the office of M. sur M. It was addressed to Paris, and the superscription ran: To
那个晚上,夏维尔写了一封信。第二天早上,他亲自把信投递到M. sur M.的办公室。信上写着地址:巴黎,收信人:夏布莱先生,警察长官助理。

Monsieur Chabouillet, Secretary of Monsieur le Prefet of Police. —
由于牢房里的事情传开了,邮局女老板和其他一些人在寄出信件之前看到了这封信,认出了封皮上夏维尔的笔迹,他们认为他在递交辞呈。 —

As the affair in the station-house had been bruited about, the post-mistress and some other persons who

saw the letter before it was sent off, and who recognized Javert’s handwriting on the cover, thought that he was sending in his resignation.

M.Madeleine made haste to write to the Thenardiers. —
那天晚上,夏维尔提出了辞呈。 —

Fantine owed them one hundred and twenty francs. —
芳汀欠他们一百二十法郎。 —

He sent them three hundred francs, telling them to pay themselves

from that sum, and to fetch the child instantly to M. sur M., where her sick mother required her presence.

This dazzled Thenardier. “The devil!” said the man to his wife; —
这句话使得Thenardier感到眼花缭乱。”这家伙!”那人对他的妻子说。 —

“don’t let’s allow the child to go. This lark is going to turn into a milch cow. —
“不要让孩子走。这只云雀将变成一头奶牛。” —

I see through it. Some

ninny has taken a fancy to the mother.”

He replied with a very well drawn-up bill for five hundred and some odd francs. —
这份备忘录中有两项不容争议的费用,超过了三百法郎,–一项给医生,另一项给为依蓬妮和阿泽尔玛治病的药剂师。 —

In this memorandum two indisputable items figured up over three hundred francs,–one for

the doctor, the other for the apothecary who had attended and physicked Eponine and Azelma through two long illnesses. —
那只是一个关于名字的微小替换。 —

Cosette, as we have already said, had not been
合剂师, 对依蓬妮和阿泽尔玛治病的医生分别是三百法郎,我们没有给柯赛特,她没生病。

ill. It was only a question of a trifling substitution of names. —
柯赛特, 就像我们已经说过的, 没生病。这只是一个关于名字的微小替换。 —

At the foot of the memorandum Thenardier wrote, Received on account, three hundred francs.

M. Madeleine immediately sent three hundred francs more, and wrote, “Make haste to bring Cosette.”

“Christi!” said Thenardier, “let’s not give up the child.”

In the meantime, Fantine did not recover. She still remained in the infirmary.

The sisters had at first only received and nursed “that woman” with repugnance. —
最初,修女们对“那个女人”只是带着厌恶接待和照料。 —

Those who have seen the bas-reliefs of Rheims will recall the inflation of the lower lip

of the wise virgins as they survey the foolish virgins. —
Those who have seen the bas-reliefs of Rheims will recall the inflation of the lower lip of the wise virgins as they survey the foolish virgins. —

The ancient scorn of the vestals for the ambubajae is one of the most profound instincts of feminine dignity;

the sisters felt it with the double force contributed by religion. —
姐妹们因宗教信仰而感受到了双倍的力量。 —

But in a few days Fantine disarmed them. —
但几天之后,芳汀却打消了她们的戒备。 —

She said all kinds of humble and gentle things, and the

mother in her provoked tenderness. One day the sisters heard her say amid her fever: —
母性在她身上引发了柔情。姐妹们有一天听见她在发热时说: —

“I have been a sinner; but when I have my child beside me, it will be a sign that

God has pardoned me. While I was leading a bad life, I should not have liked to have my Cosette with me; —
当我有她和我在一起时,这将是上帝愿意我得到幸福的征兆。” —

I could not have borne her sad, astonished eyes. It was for her

sake that I did evil, and that is why God pardons me. —
他们的缘由,这就是为什么上帝原谅我。 —

I shall feel the benediction of the good God when Cosette is here. —
当科赛特在这里的时候,我会感受到善良上帝的祝福。 —

I shall gaze at her; it will do me good to see
我会凝视着她;看到那纯真的生物 会让我感到良好。

that innocent creature. She knows nothing at all. —
她什么都不知道。 —

She is an angel, you see, my sisters. At that age the wings have not fallen off.”

M. Madeleine went to see her twice a day, and each time she asked him:–

“Shall I see my Cosette soon?”

He answered:–

“To-morrow, perhaps. She may arrive at any moment. I am expecting her.”

And the mother’s pale face grew radiant.

“Oh!” she said, “how happy I am going to be!”

We have just said that she did not recover her health. —
我们刚说过,她的健康状况并没有恢复。 —

On the contrary, her condition seemed to become more grave from week to week. —
相反,她的病情似乎逐周加重。 —

That handful of snow applied to her

bare skin between her shoulder-blades had brought about a sudden suppression of perspiration, as a consequence of which the malady which had been smouldering within her

for many years was violently developed at last. —
在当时,人们开始遵循拉尼克(Laennec)的建议,对胸部疾病进行研究和治疗。 —

At that time people were beginning to follow the fine Laennec’s fine suggestions in the study and treatment of chest

maladies. The doctor sounded Fantine’s chest and shook his head.

M. Madeleine said to the doctor:–


“Has she not a child which she desires to see?” said the doctor.


“Well! Make haste and get it here!”

M. Madeleine shuddered.

Fantine inquired:–

“What did the doctor say?”

M. Madeleine forced himself to smile.

“He said that your child was to be brought speedily. That that would restore your health.”

“Oh!” she rejoined, “he is right! But what do those Thenardiers mean by keeping my Cosette from me! —
“哦!”她回答道,”他说得对!但那些泰纳尔还有意思吗,不让我的珂赛特回来见我!” —

Oh! she is coming. At last I behold happiness close beside me!”

In the meantime Thenardier did not “let go of the child,” and gave a hundred insufficient reasons for it. —
与此同时,泰纳尔还是不放开孩子,并为此提出了一百个不足以说服的理由。 —

Cosette was not quite well enough to take a journey in the

winter. And then, there still remained some petty but pressing debts in the neighborhood, and they were collecting the bills for them, etc., etc.

“I shall send some one to fetch Cosette!” said Father Madeleine. “If necessary, I will go myself.”

He wrote the following letter to Fantine’s dictation, and made her sign it:–


You will deliver Cosette to this person.

You will be paid for all the little things.

I have the honor to salute you with respect.


In the meantime a serious incident occurred. —
与此同时,一个严重的事件发生了。 —

Carve as we will the mysterious block of which our life is made, the black vein of destiny constantly reappears in it.