Every one knows the rest,–the irruption of a third army; the battle broken to pieces; —
每个人都知道剩下的,–第三支军队的侵入;战斗支离破碎; —

eighty-six months of fire thundering simultaneously; Pirch the first coming up with Bulow; —
同时轰鸣八十六个月的火力;先锋皮尔希和布洛; —

Zieten’s cavalry led by Blucher in person, the French driven back; —
齐腾的骑兵由布卢歇亲自指挥,法军被驱逐; —

Marcognet swept from the plateau of Ohain; Durutte dislodged from Papelotte; —
马尔科涅被赶下奥安高地;杜略特被赶走帕普洛特; —

Donzelot and Quiot retreating; Lobau caught on the flank; —
东泽洛和基约撤退;洛博被打到侧面; —

a fresh battle precipitating itself on our dismantled regiments at nightfall; —
新的战斗在黄昏时向我们节节败退的部队发展; —

the whole English line resuming the offensive and thrust forward; —
整个英军阵线重新进攻并向前推进; —

the gigantic breach made in the French army; —
法军军队遭受巨大的打击; —

the English grape-shot and the Prussian grape-shot aiding each other; the extermination; —
英军的炮击和普鲁士的炮击互相帮助;歼灭; —

disaster in front; disaster on the flank; —
正面的灾难;侧翼的灾难; —

the Guard entering the line in the midst of this terrible crumbling of all things.

Conscious that they were about to die, they shouted, “Vive l’Empereur!” —
意识到他们即将死去,他们高喊“为皇帝万岁!” —

History records nothing more touching than that agony bursting forth in acclamations.

The sky had been overcast all day long. All of a sudden, at that very moment,–it was eight o’clock in the evening–the clouds on the horizon parted, and allowed the grand and sinister glow of the setting sun to pass through, athwart the elms on the Nivelles road. —
整天乌云笼罩天空。突然间,在那个时刻–晚上八点钟–地平线上的云隙分开,让日落的宏伟而凶恶的余晖穿过,横穿尼韦勒公路上的榆树。 —

They had seen it rise at Austerlitz.

Each battalion of the Guard was commanded by a general for this final catastrophe. —
法国皇家近卫军的每个营都由一名将军指挥,为了这场最后的灾难。 —

Friant, Michel, Roguet, Harlet, Mallet, Poret de Morvan, were there. —
弗里昂、米歇尔、罗盖、哈莱特、马莱、莫尔万的波瑞等人都在那里。 —

When the tall caps of the grenadiers of the Guard, with their large plaques bearing the eagle appeared, symmetrical, in line, tranquil, in the midst of that combat, the enemy felt a respect for France; —
当近卫军的高士帽与带有雄鹰的大徽章的士兵们整齐列阵,出现在战斗中时,敌人感到了对法国的尊重; —

they thought they beheld twenty victories entering the field of battle, with wings outspread, and those who were the conquerors, believing themselves to be vanquished, retreated; —
他们以为看到了二十次胜利进入战场,展翅飞翔,而那些认为自己被打败的胜利者们却在后退; —

but Wellington shouted, “Up, Guards, and aim straight!” —
但惠灵顿大喊道:“起来,卫兵们,瞄准直击!” —

The red regiment of English guards, lying flat behind the hedges, sprang up, a cloud of grape-shot riddled the tricolored flag and whistled round our eagles; —
英国红衣卫队横卧在篱笆后面,一阵炮弹雨打穿了三色旗帜,围绕着我们的雄鹰呼啸而过; —

all hurled themselves forwards, and the final carnage began. —
所有人都向前冲去,最终的杀戮开始了。 —

In the darkness, the Imperial Guard felt the army losing ground around it, and in the vast shock of the rout it heard the desperate flight which had taken the place of the “Vive l’Empereur!” —
在黑暗中,近卫军感到周围的军队失去了地盘,它听到了取代“拿破仑万岁!”的绝望逃窜之声; —

and, with flight behind it, it continued to advance, more crushed, losing more men at every step that it took. —
在逃窜声后,它依然前进,越来越被碾压,每迈出一步都失去更多的士兵。 —

There were none who hesitated, no timid men in its ranks. —
没有人犹豫,近卫军队伍中没有胆怯的人。 —

The soldier in that troop was as much of a hero as the general. Not a man was missing in that suicide.

Ney, bewildered, great with all the grandeur of accepted death, offered himself to all blows in that tempest. —
困惑不解的内伊,带着接受死亡的所有伟大,向所有的打击投降在那场暴风中。 —

He had his fifth horse killed under him there. —
他的第五匹战马在那里被杀死。 —

Perspiring, his eyes aflame, foaming at the mouth, with uniform unbuttoned, one of his epaulets half cut off by a sword-stroke from a horseguard, his plaque with the great eagle dented by a bullet; —
满头大汗,眼神炽热,口中起沫,制服未扣,一只肩章被骑兵宝剑一刀削去一半,带有大雄鹰的徽章被子弹打凹; —

bleeding, bemired, magnificent, a broken sword in his hand, he said, “Come and see how a Marshal of France dies on the field of battle!” —
流血、被污垢弄脏,英姿飒爽,手里拿着一把断掉的剑,他说:“来看看一位法国元帅是如何在战场上战死的!”。 —

But in vain; he did not die. He was haggard and angry. —
但是徒劳无益; 他没有死。他因疲惫和愤怒而神情憔悴。 —

At Drouet d’Erlon he hurled this question, “Are you not going to get yourself killed?” —
在德鲁埃·德埃尔隆身上,他猛烈地抛出这个问题:”你难道不想去送死吗?” —

In the midst of all that artillery engaged in crushing a handful of men, he shouted: —
在所有那些炮火轰动着碾压一小撮士兵的战地中,他喊道: —

“So there is nothing for me! Oh! I should like to have all these English bullets enter my bowels!” —
“所以我什么都没有!哦!我希望所有这些英国的子弹能进入我的肠胃里!” —

Unhappy man, thou wert reserved for French bullets!