In the meantime, while some sang, the rest talked together tumultuously all at once; it was no longer anything but noise. —
与此同时,有些人在唱歌,其余的人则一边喧哗着交谈;这场面已经不再是什么乐音,只是嘈杂声。 —

Tholomyes intervened.

“Let us not talk at random nor too fast,” he exclaimed. “Let us reflect, if we wish to be brilliant. —
“让我们不要胡乱说话,也不要说得太快,”他喊道。“如果我们想要出色,让我们反思一下。 —

Too much improvisation empties the mind in a stupid way. Running beer gathers no froth. —
太多的即兴表演只会愚蠢地清空头脑。奔跑的啤酒并不会产生泡沫。 —

No haste, gentlemen. Let us mingle majesty with the feast. Let us eat with meditation; —
各位先生们,不要匆忙。让我们在宴会中融入庄严。让我们在反思中进餐; —

let us make haste slowly. Let us not hurry. Consider the springtime; —
让我们慢慢忙碌。不要急躁。想想春天; —

if it makes haste, it is done for; that is to say, it gets frozen. —
如果春天匆忙,就会出问题;也就是说,会被冻住。 —

Excess of zeal ruins peach-trees and apricot-trees. —
过度的热忱会毁坏桃树和杏树。 —

Excess of zeal kills the grace and the mirth of good dinners. —
过度的热忱会扼杀美好晚宴里的优雅和欢乐。 —

No zeal, gentlemen! Grimod de la Reyniere agrees with Talleyrand.”

A hollow sound of rebellion rumbled through the group.

“Leave us in peace, Tholomyes,” said Blachevelle.

“Down with the tyrant!” said Fameuil.

“Bombarda, Bombance, and Bambochel!” cried Listolier.

“Sunday exists,” resumed Fameuil.

“We are sober,” added Listolier.

“Tholomyes,” remarked Blachevelle, “contemplate my calmness [mon calme].”
“托洛米耶,“布拉舍维勒说道, “花点时间欣赏我的平静[mon calme]吧。”

“You are the Marquis of that,” retorted Tholomyes.

This mediocre play upon words produced the effect of a stone in a pool. —
这个普通的双关语引起了水池里的涟漪效果。 —

The Marquis de Montcalm was at that time a celebrated royalist. —
当时蒙卡姆侯爵是一位备受尊敬的保皇党人。 —

All the frogs held their peace.

“Friends,” cried Tholomyes, with the accent of a man who had recovered his empire, “Come to yourselves. —
“朋友们,“托洛米耶大喊着, 带着一个已经找回统治地位的人的语气, “振作起来吧。 —

This pun which has fallen from the skies must not be received with too much stupor. —
这个由天而降的双关语不要受太多震惊。 —

Everything which falls in that way is not necessarily worthy of enthusiasm and respect. —
一切像这样掉落的东西并不一定值得热情和尊重。 —

The pun is the dung of the mind which soars. The jest falls, no matter where; —
双关语是头脑飞翔的粪便。笑话不管在哪里落下; —

and the mind after producing a piece of stupidity plunges into the azure depths. —
头脑在制造愚蠢之作后会深陷蔚蓝色的深度。 —

A whitish speck flattened against the rock does not prevent the condor from soaring aloft. —
一块白色的斑点压在岩石上并不能阻止神鹫高飞。 —

Far be it from me to insult the pun! I honor it in proportion to its merits; nothing more. —
千万不要冒犯双关语! 我依其卓越之处来尊敬它;没有更多。 —

All the most august, the most sublime, the most charming of humanity, and perhaps outside of humanity, have made puns. —
所有最崇高、最伟大、最迷人的人类, 也许在人类之外, 都制造过双关语。 —

Jesus Christ made a pun on St. Peter, Moses on Isaac, AEschylus on Polynices, Cleopatra on Octavius. And observe that Cleopatra’s pun preceded the battle of Actium, and that had it not been for it, no one would have remembered the city of Toryne, a Greek name which signifies a ladle. —
耶稣基督对圣彼得开过玩笑, 摩西对以撒开过玩笑, 伊斯奇劳斯对波吕尼克斯开过玩笑, 好莱坞河对屋大维开过玩笑。请注意, 好莱坞河的玩笑先于阿克提乌姆的战役, 倘若没有这个玩笑, 没人会记得名为托里纳的希腊城市, 一个意味着勺子的希腊名字。 —

That once conceded, I return to my exhortation. —
一旦让步,我就回到我的劝告。 —

I repeat, brothers, I repeat, no zeal, no hubbub, no excess; —
我重申,兄弟们,我再次重申,不要过于热情,不要太喧嚣,不要过于极端; —

even in witticisms, gayety, jollities, or plays on words. Listen to me. —
即使是在妙语连珠、快乐、欢乐或言语游戏中也是如此。听我说。 —

I have the prudence of Amphiaraus and the baldness of Caesar. —
我有安菲阿劳斯的谨慎和凯撒的斩钉截铁。 —

There must be a limit, even to rebuses. Est modus in rebus.

“There must be a limit, even to dinners. You are fond of apple turnovers, ladies; —
“就连晚宴也要有度。女士们,你们喜欢苹果派,不要过度沉溺其中。 —

do not indulge in them to excess. Even in the matter of turnovers, good sense and art are requisite. Gluttony chastises the glutton, Gula punit Gulax. Indigestion is charged by the good God with preaching morality to stomachs. —
即使在派的选择上,也需要理智和艺术。贪食者的惩罚是贪食者本身,贪食者讨厌贪婪。 —

And remember this: each one of our passions, even love, has a stomach which must not be filled too full. —
请记住:我们所有的激情,甚至爱情,都有一个不能填满的胃。 —

In all things the word finis must be written in good season; —
在所有事物中,适时要写下“结束”的字样; —

self-control must be exercised when the matter becomes urgent; the bolt must be drawn on appetite; —
当情况紧急时必须克制自己;胃口绝不能放纵; —

one must set one’s own fantasy to the violin, and carry one’s self to the post. —
必须使自己的幻想得到释放,并把自己送到位子上。 —

The sage is the man who knows how, at a given moment, to effect his own arrest. —
智者就是在适当时刻知道如何自我控制的人。 —

Have some confidence in me, for I have succeeded to some extent in my study of the law, according to the verdict of my examinations, for I know the difference between the question put and the question pending, for I have sustained a thesis in Latin upon the manner in which torture was administered at Rome at the epoch when Munatius Demens was quaestor of the Parricide; —
请对我有信心,因为在法律学习方面我在考试中取得了一定成绩,我知道提出的问题和正在进行的问题之间的区别,我曾用拉丁语论证,在蒙纳基托·德门斯作为弑父者监察官时,关于罗马是如何执行酷刑的。 —

because I am going to be a doctor, apparently it does not follow that it is absolutely necessary that I should be an imbecile. —
因为我即将成为一名医生,显然我不必绝对是个白痴。 —

I recommend you to moderation in your desires. It is true that my name is Felix Tholomyes; —
我建议您要节制自己的欲望。没错,我的名字是费利克斯·托洛米斯。 —

I speak well. Happy is he who, when the hour strikes, takes a heroic resolve, and abdicates like Sylla or Origenes.”

Favourite listened with profound attention.

“Felix,” said she, “what a pretty word! I love that name. It is Latin; it means prosper.”

Tholomyes went on:–

“Quirites, gentlemen, caballeros, my friends. —
“Quirites, 先生们,caballeros,我的朋友们。 —

Do you wish never to feel the prick, to do without the nuptial bed, and to brave love? —
你们想永远不受到爱情的刺激,不需要婚姻之床,对抗爱情吗? —

Nothing more simple. Here is the receipt: lemonade, excessive exercise, hard labor; —
没有比这更简单的了。这是秘方:柠檬水,过度的运动,劳作辛苦; —

work yourself to death, drag blocks, sleep not, hold vigil, gorge yourself with nitrous beverages, and potions of nymphaeas; —
使自己筋疲力尽,拖着砖块,不睡觉,守夜,狂饮硝酸饮料和睡莲的饮剂; —

drink emulsions of poppies and agnus castus; —
饮一些罂粟和牧羊芹的混合物,以及寒冷水浴, —

season this with a strict diet, starve yourself, and add thereto cold baths, girdles of herbs, the application of a plate of lead, lotions made with the subacetate of lead, and fomentations of oxycrat.”

“I prefer a woman,” said Listolier.

“Woman,” resumed Tholomyes; “distrust her. —
“我更喜欢女人,”利斯托利耶说。 —

Woe to him who yields himself to the unstable heart of woman! Woman is perfidious and disingenuous. —
托洛米斯继续说道:“女人,要小心。 —

She detests the serpent from professional jealousy. —
他要为向妇女那不稳定的心投降而备受苦难!女人是背信弃义的, —

The serpent is the shop over the way.”

“Tholomyes!” cried Blachevelle, “you are drunk!”
“Tholomyes!” 布拉什维尔叫道,“你喝醉了!”

“Pardieu,” said Tholomyes.
“天啊,” 托洛米耶说。

“Then be gay,” resumed Blachevelle.
“那就高兴点,” 布拉什维尔接着说。

“I agree to that,” responded Tholomyes.
“我同意,” 托洛米耶回答道。

And, refilling his glass, he rose.

“Glory to wine! Nunc te, Bacche, canam! Pardon me ladies; that is Spanish. —
“向葡萄酒致敬!Nunc te, Bacche, canam!请原谅我女士们;那是西班牙语。 —

And the proof of it, senoras, is this: like people, like cask. —
而它的证明,女士们,是这样的:似人者,如桶。 —

The arrobe of Castile contains sixteen litres; the cantaro of Alicante, twelve; —
卡斯蒂利亚的阿罗伯包含十六升;阿利坎特的坎塔罗有十二; —

the almude of the Canaries, twenty-five; the cuartin of the Balearic Isles, twenty-six; —
加纳利群岛的阿尔默德有二十五;巴利阿里群岛的夸尔丁为二十六; —

the boot of Tzar Peter, thirty. Long live that Tzar who was great, and long live his boot, which was still greater! —
彼得大帝的靴子为三十。生拉大帝万岁,他的靴子更伟大! —

Ladies, take the advice of a friend; make a mistake in your neighbor if you see fit. —
女士们,如果愿意的话,请听友人的建议并在邻居身上犯错。 —

The property of love is to err. A love affair is not made to crouch down and brutalize itself like an English serving-maid who has callouses on her knees from scrubbing. —
爱的特性就是犯错。一段恋情不是用来像一个从擦洗得满膝盖是起茧的英国女仆那样蹲下来残暴对待自己。 —

It is not made for that; it errs gayly, our gentle love. It has been said, error is human; —
它不是为了那个而存在;我们的温和爱会快乐地犯错。已经有人说过,犯错是人性; —

I say, error is love. Ladies, I idolize you all. —
我说,犯错是爱。女士们,我尊敬你们所有人。 —

O Zephine, O Josephine, face more than irregular, you would be charming were you not all askew. —
噢,泽芬,约瑟芬,比例不规整的面孔,如果你不是那么歪的话,你会很迷人。 —

You have the air of a pretty face upon which some one has sat down by mistake. —
你有一种漂亮的脸孔,就像有人误坐在上面一样。 —

As for Favourite, O nymphs and muses! one day when Blachevelle was crossing the gutter in the Rue Guerin-Boisseau, he espied a beautiful girl with white stockings well drawn up, which displayed her legs. —
至于Favourite,哦,女神和缪斯们!有一天,Blachevelle在Rue Guerin-Boisseau街上过沟渠时,他看到了一个穿着白色长筒袜的美丽女孩,展现出她的双腿。 —

This prologue pleased him, and Blachevelle fell in love. The one he loved was Favourite. —
这个序幕让他感到高兴,Blachevelle爱上了一个人。他所爱的人就是Favourite。 —

O Favourite, thou hast Ionian lips. There was a Greek painter named Euphorion, who was surnamed the painter of the lips. —
哦,Favourite,你有伊奥尼亚的双唇。有一个叫Euphorion的希腊画家,被称为唇画家。 —

That Greek alone would have been worthy to paint thy mouth. Listen! —
那个希腊人是唯一配得上描绘你嘴巴的人。听着! —

before thee, there was never a creature worthy of the name. —
在你之前,从来没有一个生物配得上这个名字。 —

Thou wert made to receive the apple like Venus, or to eat it like Eve; beauty begins with thee. —
你像维纳斯一样被创造去接受苹果,或者像夏娃一样吃掉它;美丽从你开始。 —

I have just referred to Eve; it is thou who hast created her. —
我刚提到了夏娃;是你造就了她。 —

Thou deservest the letters-patent of the beautiful woman. —
你应该获得美女的特许证书。 —

O Favourite, I cease to address you as `thou,’ because I pass from poetry to prose. —
哦,Favourite,我不再用“你”称呼你了,因为我从诗歌转到散文。 —

You were speaking of my name a little while ago. That touched me; —
你刚才提到我的名字。那触动了我; —

but let us, whoever we may be, distrust names. They may delude us. —
但我们不管是谁,都要警惕名字。它们可能欺骗我们。 —

I am called Felix, and I am not happy. Words are liars. —
我叫Felix,我不快乐。言辞是谎言。 —

Let us not blindly accept the indications which they afford us. —
我们不应盲目接受它们给予我们的指示。 —

It would be a mistake to write to Liege[2] for corks, and to Pau for gloves. —
为葡萄牙的软木塞写信,为手套写信给法国的波城,这都会犯错。 —

Miss Dahlia, were I in your place, I would call myself Rosa. A flower should smell sweet, and woman should have wit. —
缇曼达丽娅,如果我身处于你的位置,我会自称为罗莎。花朵应当散发甜美香味,女人应当有智慧。 —

I say nothing of Fantine; she is a dreamer, a musing, thoughtful, pensive person; —
我不说范汀尔的事情;她是一个梦想家,一个深思熟虑、沉思的人; —

she is a phantom possessed of the form of a nymph and the modesty of a nun, who has strayed into the life of a grisette, but who takes refuge in illusions, and who sings and prays and gazes into the azure without very well knowing what she sees or what she is doing, and who, with her eyes fixed on heaven, wanders in a garden where there are more birds than are in existence. —
她是一个幻影,具有仙女的形象和修女的贞洁,迷失在了格里塞特的生活中,但她寻求梦幻,歌唱祈祷,凝视着湛蓝的天空,却并不清楚自己在看到什么,又在做些什么,目光定格在天堂的她,在一个比现实中鸟类更多的花园里徘徊。 —

O Fantine, know this: I, Tholomyes, I am all illusion; —
噢,范汀尔,知道吧:我,托洛米耶,全是幻觉; —

but she does not even hear me, that blond maid of Chimeras! —
但她甚至不听我说话,那位金发的女孩,梦的女儿! —

as for the rest, everything about her is freshness, suavity, youth, sweet morning light. —
至于其他的,她的一切都是清新、温和、年轻、甜蜜的早晨光芒。 —

O Fantine, maid worthy of being called Marguerite or Pearl, you are a woman from the beauteous Orient. —
噢,范汀尔,配得上被称为玛格丽特或珍珠的少女,你是一位美丽的东方女子。 —

Ladies, a second piece of advice: do not marry; marriage is a graft; it takes well or ill; —
女士们,第二条建议:不要结婚;婚姻是一种嫁接;它发生得好或不好; —

avoid that risk. But bah! what am I saying? I am wasting my words. —
避免那种风险。但呸!我在说什么?我在浪费我的话语。 —

Girls are incurable on the subject of marriage, and all that we wise men can say will not prevent the waistcoat-makers and the shoe-stitchers from dreaming of husbands studded with diamonds. —
女孩们在婚姻这个问题上是无药可救的,我们这些聪明人所说的一切都不会阻止背心制造者和缝鞋匠梦想着镶满钻石的丈夫。 —

Well, so be it; but, my beauties, remember this, you eat too much sugar. —
那好吧,但是,我的美人们,请记住这一点,你们吃太多糖。 —

You have but one fault, O woman, and that is nibbling sugar. —
你们只有一个缺点,噢女人,那就是不停地咬糖。 —

O nibbling sex, your pretty little white teeth adore sugar. Now, heed me well, sugar is a salt. —
噢,贪吃的性别,你们漂亮的小白牙,偏爱糖。现在,好好听着,糖是一种盐。 —

All salts are withering. Sugar is the most desiccating of all salts; —
所有的盐都是干燥的。糖是最具干燥作用的盐; —

it sucks the liquids of the blood through the veins; —
它吸取血液中的液体通过血管; —

hence the coagulation, and then the solidification of the blood; —
因此,血液凝固,然后凝固; —

hence tubercles in the lungs, hence death. That is why diabetes borders on consumption. —
因此肺部结核,因此死亡。这就是为什么糖尿病与肺结核密切相关。 —

Then, do not crunch sugar, and you will live. I turn to the men: —
因此,不要咬糖,你会活下去。我转向男士们: —

gentlemen, make conquest, rob each other of your well-beloved without remorse. Chassez across. —
先生们,征服吧,毫不留情地彼此掠夺心爱的人。跨越这一切。 —

In love there are no friends. Everywhere where there is a pretty woman hostility is open. —
在爱情中没有朋友。在每一个美丽女人所在的地方敌意都是公开的。 —

No quarter, war to the death! a pretty woman is a casus belli; —
没有底线,战斗到底!一个美丽的女人是一场战争; —

a pretty woman is flagrant misdemeanor. All the invasions of history have been determined by petticoats. —
一个美丽的女人是显而易见的不端行为。历史上的所有入侵都由裙裾决定。 —

Woman is man’s right. Romulus carried off the Sabines; William carried off the Saxon women; —
女人是男人的权利。罗穆卢斯劫掠了萨比尼人;威廉掳走了撒克逊女人; —

Caesar carried off the Roman women. The man who is not loved soars like a vulture over the mistresses of other men; —
凯撒掳走了罗马女人。不被爱的男人像秃鹫一样在其他男人的女人上空飞翔; —

and for my own part, to all those unfortunate men who are widowers, I throw the sublime proclamation of Bonaparte to the army of Italy: —
至于那些不幸宅蹲人的男人,我向意大利军队康纳帕提出崇高宣言: —

“Soldiers, you are in need of everything; the enemy has it.”

[2] Liege: a cork-tree. Pau: a jest on peau, skin.

Tholomyes paused.

“Take breath, Tholomyes,” said Blachevelle.

At the same moment Blachevelle, supported by Listolier and Fameuil, struck up to a plaintive air, one of those studio songs composed of the first words which come to hand, rhymed richly and not at all, as destitute of sense as the gesture of the tree and the sound of the wind, which have their birth in the vapor of pipes, and are dissipated and take their flight with them. —
与此同时,Blachevelle在Listolier和Fameuil的支持下,开始唱起一首哀伤的曲调,这是那种由手头碰巧得来的字一起创作的,韵脚丰富而毫无意义的工作室歌曲,就像树的手势和风的声音一样,它们的诞生来自于烟斗的蒸汽,并随之而来的消散和飞翔。 —

This is the couplet by which the group replied to Tholomyes’ harangue:–

“The father turkey-cocks so grave Some money to an agent gave, That master good Clermont-Tonnerre Might be made pope on Saint Johns’ day fair. —
“一只庄严的公火鸡父亲给了一位代理商一些钱,好让好人克莱蒙-汤奈父亲在圣约翰日当选教皇。 —

But this good Clermont could not be Made pope, because no priest was he; —
但是这位好人克莱蒙父亲无法当选教皇,因为他不是神父; —

And then their agent, whose wrath burned, With all their money back returned.”

This was not calculated to calm Tholomyes’ improvisation; —
这并不是为了平息托洛米耶的即兴表演; —

he emptied his glass, filled, refilled it, and began again:–

“Down with wisdom! Forget all that I have said. —
“智慧万岁!忘掉我说过的一切吧。 —

Let us be neither prudes nor prudent men nor prudhommes. I propose a toast to mirth; be merry. —
让我们既不做假正经,也不做谨慎的人,更不做老谨慎派。我提议为快乐干杯;尽情欢笑吧。 —

Let us complete our course of law by folly and eating! Indigestion and the digest. —
让我们通过愚蠢和大吃大喝来完成我们的法律之路!吃货和胃口。 —

Let Justinian be the male, and Feasting, the female! Joy in the depths! Live, O creation! —
让贾斯廷尼安是男性,宴会是女性!尽情享乐!活着吧,创造! —

The world is a great diamond. I am happy. The birds are astonishing. What a festival everywhere! —
世界是一颗宝石。我很快乐。鸟儿们真是令人惊奇。多么热闹的节日啊! —

The nightingale is a gratuitous Elleviou. Summer, I salute thee! O Luxembourg! —
夜莺就像一位志愿的艾莉薇。夏天,我向你致敬!卢森堡! —

O Georgics of the Rue Madame, and of the Allee de l’Observatoire! O pensive infantry soldiers! —
马达姆大街和天文台大道的乡村田园诗!思考的步兵们! —

O all those charming nurses who, while they guard the children, amuse themselves! —
所有那些迷人的保姆们,在照看孩子的同时自娱自乐! —

The pampas of America would please me if I had not the arcades of the Odeon. My soul flits away into the virgin forests and to the savannas. —
如果我没有奥德昂的拱廊,美洲的草原也许会吸引我。我的灵魂飘向原始森林和热带草原。 —

All is beautiful. The flies buzz in the sun. —
一切都是美好的。苍蝇在阳光中嗡嗡作响。 —

The sun has sneezed out the humming bird. —
太阳打了个喷嚏,吐出了蜂鸟。 —

Embrace me, Fantine!”

He made a mistake and embraced Favourite.