Painful MomentsAnd she admits it to me! She goes into the minutest details! —
痛苦的瞬间 —

Herlovely eye fixed on mine reveals the love that she felt for another!

SCHILLERMademoiselle de La Mole, in an ecstasy, could think only of the felicityof having come within an inch of being killed. —
席勒:拉莫勒小姐陶醉于自己几乎被杀这一事实。 —

She went so far as to sayto herself: ‘He is worthy to be my master, since he has been on the pointof killing me. —
她甚至对自己说:“他配得上成为我的主人,因为他差点杀了我。” —

How many of the good-looking young men in societywould one have to fuse together to arrive at such an impulse of passion?

‘One must admit that he did look handsome when he climbed on thechair, to replace the sword, precisely in the picturesque position whichthe decorator had chosen for it! —
“不得不承认,他站在椅子上替剑找位置的那个姿势确实很风景如画时,他看起来真帅!” —

After all, I was not such a fool to fall inlove with him.’

At that moment, had any honourable way of renewing their relationspresented itself, she would have seized it with pleasure. —
如果有任何正当的方式重新建立他们之间的关系出现,她将会高兴地抓住机会。 —

Julien, lockedand double-locked in his room, was a prey to the most violent despair. —
朱利安锁着自己的房间,陷入了最剧烈的绝望之中。 —

Inthe height of his folly, he thought of flinging himself at her feet. —
在他的疯狂时刻,他想扑倒在她的脚下。 —

If, instead of remaining hidden in a remote corner, he had wandered throughthe house and into the garden, so as to be within reach of any opportunity, he might perhaps in a single instant have converted his fearfulmisery into the keenest happiness.

But the adroitness with the want of which we are reproaching himwould have debarred the sublime impulse of seizing the sword which, atthat moment, made him appear so handsome in the eyes of Mademoiselle de La Mole. This caprice, which told in Julien’s favour, lasted for therest of the day; —
但我们所责怪的缺乏灵巧使他无法抓住那一刻的壮举,抓住剑让他在拉莫勒小姐眼中显得如此英俊。这种让朱利安受益的奇思妙想持续了一整天; —

Mathilde formed a charming impression of the brief moments during which she had loved him, and looked back on them withregret.

‘Actually,’ she said to herself, ‘my passion for that poor boy lasted, inhis eyes, only from one o’clock in the morning, when I saw him arrive byhis ladder, with all his pistols in the side pocket of his coat, until eight. —
她对自己说:“实际上,我对那可怜男孩的激情只持续了从凌晨一点,当我看到他搬着梯子,口袋里装着所有手枪,直到八点。 —

Itwas at a quarter past eight, when hearing mass at Sainte-Valere, that itfirst occurred to me that he would imagine himself to be my master, andmight try to make me obey him by force of terror.’

After dinner, Mademoiselle de La Mole, far from avoiding Julien,spoke to him, and almost ordered him to accompany her to the garden; —
吃过晚饭后,拉莫勒小姐并没有回避朱利安,反而与他说话,几乎命令他陪她到花园里去; —

he obeyed. This proved too much for her self-control. —
他顺从了。这对她的自控力来说太过分了。 —

Mathilde yielded,almost unconsciously, to the love which she began to feel for him. —
玛蒂尔德不知不觉地向他心生了爱意。 —

Shefound an intense pleasure in strolling by his side, it was with curiositythat she gazed at his hands which that morning had seized the sword tokill her.

  After such an action, after all that had passed, there could no longer beany question of their conversing on the same terms as before.

Gradually Mathilde began to talk to him with an intimate confidenceof the state of her heart. —
渐渐地,玛蒂尔德开始用亲密的信任跟他谈论她内心的感受。 —

She found a strange delight in this kind of conversation; —
她发现这种对话带来了一种奇异的愉悦; —

she proceeded to tell him of the fleeting impulses of enthusiasm which she had felt for M. de Croisenois, for M. de Caylus …’What! —
她开始告诉他,她对克罗瓦诺伊先生,对卡伊于先生曾经有过的一时冲动的热情。’什么! —

For M. de Caylus as well!’ cried Julien; —
对卡伊于先生也有过!’ 朱利安大声喊道; —

and all the bitter jealousy of a past jilted lover was made manifest in his words. —
一个过去被抛弃的恋人苦涩的嫉妒通过他的语言显露出来。 —

Mathilde received them in that light, and was not offended.

She continued to torture Julien, detailing her past feelings in the mostpicturesque fashion, and in accents of the most absolute sincerity. —
她继续折磨朱利安,用最生动的方式和最绝对诚挚的口吻详细描述她过去的感受。 —

Hesaw that she was describing what was present before her eyes. —
他看到她在描述着眼前的事物。 —

He hadthe grief of remarking that as she spoke she made fresh discoveries inher own heart.

  The agony of jealousy can go no farther.

  The suspicion that a rival is loved is painful enough already, but tohave the love that he inspires in her confessed to one in detail by the woman whom one adores is without doubt the acme of suffering.

Oh, how she punished, at that moment, the impulse of pride whichhad led Julien to set himself above all the Caylus and Croisenois! —
哦,此刻,对曾让朱利安自视甚高,自以为是胜过所有的卡伊于和克罗瓦诺伊而感到自豪的那股冲动,他是多么后悔! —

Withwhat an intense and heartfelt misery he now exaggerated their mosttrivial advantages! —
他此刻多么热切地夸大他们最微不足道的优点! —

With what ardent sincerity he now despised himself!

Mathilde seemed adorable to him, language fails to express the intensity of his admiration. —
马蒂尔德在他看来可爱无比,言语无法表达他的崇拜之情。 —

As he walked by her side, he cast furtive glances at her hands, her arms, her regal bearing. —
散步时,他偷偷地瞥向她的手,她的手臂,她威严的态度。 —

He was on the point of falling ather feet, crushed with love and misery, and crying: ‘Pity!’

  ’And this creature who is so lovely, so superior to all the rest, who hasonce loved me, it is M. de Caylus whom, no doubt, she will presently beloving!’

Julien could not doubt Mademoiselle de La Mole’s sincerity; —
朱利安不可能怀疑拉莫勒小姐的真诚; —

the accentof truth was all too evident in everything that she said. —
真相之语调在她的每一句话中都清晰可见。 —

That absolutelynothing might be wanting to complete his misery, there were momentswhen, by dint of occupying her mind with the sentiments which she hadat one time felt for M. de Caylus, Mathilde was led to speak of him asthough she loved him still. —
为了让自己的痛苦完全无济于事,有时,马蒂尔德沉溺于对她曾经对卡伊于尔先生抱有的情感,以致谈论起他来时,就像她仍然爱着他一样。 —

Certainly there was love in her accents, Juliencould see it plainly.

Had his bosom been flooded with a mass of molten lead, he wouldhave suffered less. —
整个胸腔若充斥一团熔化的铅,他也不会遭受这么大的痛苦。 —

How, arrived at this extreme pitch of misery, was thepoor boy to guess that it was because she was talking to him that Mademoiselle de La Mole found such pleasure in recalling all the niceties oflove that she had felt in the past for M. de Caylus or M. de Luz?

No words could express Julien’s anguish. —
任何话语都无法表达朱利安的痛苦。 —

He was listening to the detailed confidences of the love felt for others in that same lime walkwhere, so few days since, he had waited for one o’clock to strike beforemaking his way into her room. —
在这条柠檬树荫小道上,他曾在不久以前等待一点钟敲响,然后进入她的房间,而现在他竟然在听她对别人的爱的详细自白。 —

Human nature is incapable of enduringmisery at a higher pitch than this.

This kind of cruel intimacy lasted for a whole week. —
这种残酷的亲密关系持续了整整一个星期。 —

Mathilde now appeared to seek, now did not shun opportunities of speaking to him; —
马蒂尔德现在似乎寻找,又似乎避开与他交谈的机会; —

andthe subject of conversation, to which they seemed both to return with asort of torturing pleasure, was the recital of the sentiments that she hadfelt for others; —
而他们似乎纠结于一个折磨性的愉悦,回忆起她对他人所怀有的感情; —

she recounted to him the letters that she had written, toldhim the very words of them, repeated whole sentences. —
她向他述说她写过的信,告诉他信中的具体内容,重复整句话。 —

On the final daysshe seemed to be studying Julien with a sort of malignant delight. —
在最后几天,她似乎带着一种恶毒的乐趣研究朱利安。 —

Hissufferings were a source of keen enjoyment to her.

We can see that Julien had no experience of life, he had not even readany novels; —
我们可以看出,朱利安没有生活经验,甚至没有读过任何小说; —

if he had been a little less awkward, and had said with a certain coldness to this girl, whom he so adored and who made him suchstrange confidences: —
如果他不那么笨拙,对这个女孩说起这些奇怪的秘密时带点冷淡: —

‘Admit that though I am not the equal of all thesegentlemen, it is still myself that you love … ‘

Perhaps she would have been glad to have her secret guessed; —
也许她会很高兴有人猜到她的秘密; —

at anyrate his success would have depended entirely upon the grace withwhich Julien expressed this idea, and the moment that he chose.

  However that might be, he came out well, and yith advantage to himself, from a situation which was tending to become monotonous in Mathilde’seyes.

‘And you no longer love me, me who adore you!’ —
‘而你却不再爱我,那个如此崇拜你的我!’ —

Julien said |o herone day, desperate with love and misery. —
朱利安某天绝望地对她说,满心的爱与痛苦。 —

It was almost She worst blunder that he could have made.

This speech destroyed in an instant all the pleasure that lademoisellede La Mole found in speaking to him of the state of her heart. —
这番话一瞬间破坏了拉芒柔公主与他谈论心情时的所有乐趣。 —

She wasbeginning to feel astonished that after what had happened he did nottake offence at her confidences, he was on the point of imagining, at themoment when he made this foolish speech, that perhaps he no longerloved her. —
当他做出这愚蠢的发言时,她已经感到诧异,为什么在发生了那件事之后,他没有对她的信任感到不满,他当时几乎想象到,也许他已不再爱她。 —

‘Pride has doubtless quenched his love,’ she said to herself.

‘He is not the man to see himself set with impunity beneath creatures likeCaylus, de Luz, Croisenois, who he admits are so far his superiors. —
‘他不是那种能容忍自己被像凯卢斯,德卢兹,克鲁森努瓦这样的人摆低的人。 —

No, Ishall never see him at my feet again!’

On the preceding days, in the artlessness of his misery, Julien had paida heartfelt tribute to the brilliant qualities of these gentlemen; —
在前几天,尤利安在苦难的无知中,对这些绅士的杰出品质表达了衷心的敬意; —

he went sofar as to exaggerate them. This change of attitude had by no means escaped the notice of Mademoiselle de La Mole; —
他甚至夸大了这些品质。这种态度的改变完全没有逃过拉莫勒小姐的注意; —

it had surprised her, butshe did not suspect the reason or it. —
这让她感到惊讶,但她并没有怀疑原因; —

Julien’s frenzied soul, in praising arival whom he believed to be loved, sympathised with that rival in hisgood fortune.

This speech, so frank but so stupid, altered the whole situation an instant: —
这番坦率但愚蠢的言论在一瞬间改变了整个情况; —

Mathilde, certain of being loved, despised him completely.

She was strolling with him at the moment of this unfortunate utterance; —
此时她正在和他漫步; —

she left him, and her final glance was expressive of the most bitterscorn. —
她离开了他,最后的目光充满了最尖刻的鄙视; —

Returning to the drawing-room, for the rest of the evening shenever looked at him again. —
回到客厅,整个晚上她再也没有看过他一眼; —

Next day, this scorn of him had entire possession of her heart; —
第二天,她对他的蔑视完全占据了她的心; —

there was no longer any question of the impulse which,for a whole week, had made her find such pleasure in treating Julien asher most intimate friend; —
不再谈及过去的一个星期里让她以将尤利安视为最亲密的朋友而感到愉悦的冲动; —

the sight of him was repulsive to her.

Mathilde’s feeling reached the point of disgust; —
马蒂尔德的感觉达到了恶心的程度; —

no words could expressthe intensity of the scorn that she felt when her eyes happened to fall onhim.

Julien had understood nothing of all that had been happening inMathilde’s heart, but for the past week he discerned her scorn. —
尤利安对马蒂尔德心中所发生的一切毫无所知,但过去的一个星期里他感受到了她的蔑视。 —

He hadthe good sense to appear in her presence as rarely as possible, and neverlooked her in the face.

But it was not without a mortal anguish that he deprived himself tosome extent of her company. —
但即便如此割舍些许地和她在一起,也令他痛苦不堪。 —

He thought he could feel that his misery was thereby actually increased. —
他觉得自己的痛苦因此实际上加深了。 —

‘The courage of a man’s heart can go nofarther,’ he told himself. —
他告诉自己,男人的心灵勇气已经到了极限。 —

He spent all his time at a little window in the attics of the house; —
他把所有时间都花在了房子阁楼上的一个小窗口,百叶窗被仔细合拢,至少从那里他能看到拉莫勒小姐在花园里出现的身影。 —

the shutters were carefully closed, and from there, atleast, he could catch a glimpse of Mademoiselle de La Mole when she appeared in the garden.

  What were his feelings when, after dinner, he saw her strolling withM. de Caylus, M. de Luz or any of the others for whom she had avowedsome slight amorous inclination in the past?

Julien had had no idea of such an intensity of misery; —
他几乎忍不住要大声哭泣;那颗坚强的心灵最终被彻底的无助所击垮。 —

he was on thepoint of crying aloud; that resolute heart was at last reduced to utterhelplessness.

Any thought that was not of Mademoiselle de La Mole had becomeodious to him; —
他甚至无法写出最简单的信件。 —

he was incapable of writing the most simple letters.

  ’You are crazy,’ the Marquis said to him.

Julien, trembling with fear of a disclosure, pleaded illness and managed to make himself believed. —
幸运的是,侯爵在晚餐时戏弄他有关即将出行的命运,马蒂娜知道这可能会延长。 —

Fortunately for him, the Marquis teasedhim at dinner over his coming journey: —
他专注于摄取每一个能看到拉莫勒小姐的机会; —

Mathilde gathered that it mightbe prolonged. —
他又惊慌地想要大叫;那坚定的心灵最终被彻底的无助所击垮。 —

For several days now Julien had been avoiding her, andthe brilliant young men who had everything that was lacking in thiscreature so pale and sombre, once loved by her, had no longer the powerto distract her from her dreams.

‘An ordinary girl,’ she said to herself, ‘would have sought for the manof her choice among the young fellows who attract every eye in adrawing-room; —
‘一个普通女孩,’她对自己说,‘会在聚会上吸引所有人目光的年轻人中寻找自己心仪的男子; —

but one of the characteristics of genius is not to let itsthoughts move in the rut traced by the common herd.

‘As the partner of such a man as Julien, who lacks nothing but the fortune which I possess, I shall continue to attract attention, I shall by nomeans pass unperceived through life. —
‘作为朱利安这样一个除了我拥有的财富之外一无所缺的男人的伴侣,我将继续吸引人们的注意, —

So far from incessantly dreading aRevolution like my cousins, who, in their fear of the people, dare notscold a postilion who drives them badly, I shall be certain of playing apart and a great part, for the man of my choice has character and an unbounded ambition. —
我绝不会在生命中无人问津。 —

What does he lack? Friends? Money? I can give himall that.’ —
与我堂兄堂姐们不断害怕像革命一样害怕人民,甚至不敢责备开车不好的车夫相反,我将确保自己发挥作用,而且是重要的作用,因为我选择的这个男人有性格和无限的野心。 —

But in her thoughts she treated Julien rather as an inferior beingwho can be made to love one when one wills.