The Principal DeputyO! how this spring of love resembleth The uncertain glory of anApril day, Which now shows all the beauty of the sun, And byand by a cloud takes all away!

The Two Gentlemen of VeronaOne evening as the sun set, sitting by his mistress, at the end of theorchard, safe from disturbance, he was deep in thought. —
《维罗纳的两位绅士》一个傍晚,太阳落山时,坐在他的情人身旁,安静地坐在果园尽头,远离干扰,他陷入沉思。 —

‘Will such delicious moments,’ he was wondering, ‘last for ever?’ —
“这样美好的时刻会永远持续吗?”他在想着。 —

His thoughts were absorbed in the difficulty of adopting a profession, he was deploring thisgreat and distressing problem which puts an end to boyhood and spoilsthe opening years of manhood when one has no money.

‘Ah!’ he cried, ‘Napoleon was indeed the man sent by God to help theyouth of France! —
“啊!”他叹道,“拿破仑确实是上帝派来帮助法国的青年的人! —

Who is to take his place? What will the poor wretchesdo without him, even those who are richer than I, who have just the fewcrowns needed to procure them a good education, and not enoughmoney to purchase a man at twenty and launch themselves in a career!

  Whatever happens,’ he added with deep sigh, ‘that fatal memory will forever prevent us from being happy!’

He saw Madame de Renal frown suddenly; she assumed a cold, disdainful air; —
无论发生什么,他深深叹息地补充说,“那个致命的记忆将永远阻止我们幸福!” —

this line of thought seemed to her worthy of a servant.

Brought up in the idea that she was extremely rich, it seemed to her athing to be taken for granted that Julien was also. —
这种思路对她来说是仆人所值得的。 —

She loved him a thousand times more than life itself, and money to her meant nothing.

Julien was far from guessing what was in her mind. This frownbrought him back to earth. —
她比生命更爱他千百倍,对她来说钱不值一提。 —

He had presence of mind enough to arrangehis sentence and to make it plain to the noble lady, seated so close besidehim on the bank of verdure, that the words he had just uttered weresome that he had heard during his expedition to his friend the timbermerchant. —
朱利安远远没有猜到她心中想的是什么。这皱眉让他清醒过来。 —

This was the reasoning of the impious.

   ‘Very well! Don’t mix any more with such people,’ said Madame deRenal, still preserving a trace of that glacial air which had suddenlytaken the place of an expression of the tenderest affection.

This frown, or rather his remorse for his imprudence, was the firstcheck administered to the illusion that was bearing Julien away. —
这种皱眉,或者说他对自己鲁莽行为的懊悔,是对那种正将朱利安远离的幻象的第一次检查。 —

He saidto himself: ‘She is good and kind, her feeling for me is strong, but she hasbeen brought up in the enemy’s camp. —
他自言自语道:’她善良仁慈,对我有深厚感情,但她在敌人的阵营中长大。 —

They are bound to be speciallyafraid of that class of men of spirit who, after a good education, have notenough money to enter upon a career. —
他们必定特别害怕那些受过良好教育,却没有足够金钱开展事业的这类有魄力的人。 —

What would become of thesenobles, if it were granted us to fight them with equal weapons? —
如果我们有机会用同样的武器与这些贵族作战的话,他们会怎样呢? —

Myself,for instance, as Mayor of Verrieres, well intentioned, honest as M. deRenal is at heart, how I should deal with the vicar, M. Valenod and alltheir rascalities! —
比如我自己作为Verrieres市长,一心想做事,本性如同M.德勒内尔一样诚实,我会如何对待教区长、M.瓦勒诺德和他们所有的卑鄙勾当! —

How justice should triumph in Verrieres. —
正义会在Verrieres市取得胜利。 —

It is not theirtalents that would prove an obstacle. —
妨碍他们的将不是他们的才能。 —

They are endlessly feeling theirway.’

  Julien’s happiness was, that day, on the point of becoming permanent.

What our hero lacked was the courage to be sincere. —
我们的英雄缺乏的是诚实的勇气。 —

He needed the courage to give battle, but on the spot; —
他需要在当场展开战斗的勇气; —

Madame de Renal had been surprisedby his speech, because the men whom she was in the habit of meetingwere always saying that the return of Robespierre was made possible especially by these young men of the lower orders, who had been too welleducated. —
瑞内尔夫人被他的话吓了一跳,因为她经常遇到的男士们总是说,罗伯斯庇尔的回归尤其得益于这些受过良好教育却来自下层社会的年轻人。 —

Madame de Renal’s cold manner persisted for some time, andseemed to Julien to be marked. —
瑞内尔夫人的冷淡态度持续了一段时间,并且在他不幸的讲话后,对他的畏惧似乎加深。 —

This was because the fear of having saidto him indirectly something unpleasant followed her repugnance at hisunfortunate speech. —
她对于一些间接地说了某些不愉快的事情感到畏惧,这种忧虑追随着她对他不幸言辞的厌恶。 —

This distress was clearly shown on her pure countenance; —
这种苦恼清晰地表现在她纯洁的面容上; —

so simple when she was happy and away from bores.

Julien no longer dared give himself up freely to his dreams. —
朱利安不再敢自由地沉浸在他的梦想中。 —

More calmand less amorous, he decided that it was imprudent in him to go to Madame de Renal in her room. —
更加冷静,不再充满热情,他决定,他去找勒诺夫人在她的房间里是不明智的。 —

It would be better if she came to him; if aservant saw her moving about the house, there would be a score of possible reasons to account for her action.

But this arrangement also had its drawbacks. —
但这种安排也有它的弊端。 —

Julien had received fromFouque certain books for which he, as a student of divinity, could neverhave asked a bookseller. —
朱利安收到了福克给他的一些书,这些书是他作为神学学生从书商那里永远不会买到的书。 —

He ventured to open them only at night. Oftenhe would have been just as well pleased not to be interrupted by an assignation, the tension of waiting for which, even before the little scene inthe orchard, would have left him incapable of reading.

He was indebted to Madame de Renal for an entirely new understanding of the books he read. —
他要感谢勒诺夫人,让他对所读的书有了全新的理解。 —

He had ventured to ply her with questions as to all sorts of little things ignorance of which seriously handicaps the intelligence of a young man born outside the ranks of society, whatever natural genius one may choose to attribute to him.

This education in love, given by an extremely ignorant woman, was ablessing. —
这位极度无知的女人给他提供的爱情教育是一种恩赐。 —

Julien was at once enabled to see society as it is today. —
朱利安一下子能够看到今天的社会。 —

His mindwas not perplexed by accounts of what it was in the past, two thousandyears ago, or sixty years ago merely, in the days of Voltaire and LouisXV. To his unspeakable joy a cloud passed from before his eyes; —
他的心灵不再为报告过去的事情而困惑,那是两千年前、六十年前发生的事情,仅仅是在伏尔泰和路易十五时代的事情。他欢喜地发现,有一层云从他的眼前消失了; —

he understood at last the things that were happening at Verrieres.

In the foreground appeared the highly complicated intrigues woven,for the last two years, round the Prefect at Besancon. —
在前景中显现了织成的高度复杂的阴谋,过去两年,围绕在比桑松的总督周围。 —

They were supported by letters that came from Paris, and bore all the most illustrious signatures. —
这些阴谋得到了来自巴黎的信函的支持,上面盖着所有最杰出的签名。 —

It was a question of making M. de Moirod, the most bigotedman in the place, the Principal instead of the Second Deputy to the Mayor of Verrieres.
这是关于如何让埃里埃.德.莫罗伊成为韦里耶小镇最顽固的人, 而不是副市长。

  His rival was an extremely rich manufacturer, whom it was absolutelyessential to confine to the post of Second Deputy.
他的竞争对手是一位极其富有的制造商, 绝对有必要将其限制为副市长的职位。

Julien at last understood the hints that he had overheard, when thecream of local society came to dine with M. de Renal. This privilegedclass was greatly taken up with this selection of a Principal Deputy, ofwhich the rest of the town and especially the Liberals did not even suspect the possibility. —
当最高社会阶层受邀与德雷纳尔先生共进晚餐时, 朱利安终于明白了自己曾偷听到的暗示。这个特权阶层对于选中一位副市长这个所谓的可能性非常感兴趣, 而市镇其他人, 特别是自由党人, 对此甚至没有怀疑。 —

What gave it its importance was that, as everybodyknew, the eastern side of the main street of Verrieres must be movedback more than nine feet, for this street was now a royal highway.
重要的是, 众所周知, 韦里耶小镇主干道的东侧必须向后移动超过九英尺, 因为现在这条街是一条皇家大道。

Well, if M. de Moirod, who owned three houses that would have to bemoved back, succeeded in becoming Principal Deputy, and so Mayor inthe event of M. de Renal’s being returned to Parliament, he would shuthis eyes, and it would be possible to make little, imperceptible repairs tothe houses that encroached on the public thoroughfare, as a result ofwhich they would be good for a hundred years. —
如果莫罗伊先生成功当选副市长, 并且在德雷纳尔先生被选为议员时成为市长, 那他会视而不见, 使那些必须向后移动的房屋进行微小的、难以察觉的修理, 使这些房屋能用上一百年。 —

Despite the great pietyand admitted probity of M. de Moirod, it was certain that he could bemanaged, for he had a large family. —
尽管莫罗伊先生极有虔诚且坦言正直, 但是可以确定他是可以被操纵的, 因为他有一个庞大的家庭。 —

Among the houses that would have tobe moved back, nine belonged to the very best people in Verrieres.
在需要被移动的房屋中, 九栋属于韦里耶小镇最优秀的人。

In Julien’s eyes, this intrigue was far more important than the historyof the battle of Fontenoy, a name which he saw for the first time in one ofthe books that Fouque had sent him. —
在朱利安看来, 这场阴谋比方托努瓦的历史还要更重要, 一个名字, 他是在傅克寄给他的书中第一次见到的。 —

Many things had astonished Julienduring the five years since he had begun to spend his evenings with thecure. —
过去五年里, 朱利安与神父度过的每一个夜晚, 有很多事情让他感到惊讶。 —

But discretion and a humble spirit being the chief qualities required in a divinity student, it had always been impossible for him to ask anyquestions.
但出于神学生应具备的谨慎和谦逊品质, 他从来无法提出任何问题。

  One day, Madame de Renal had given an order to her husband’s valet,Julien’s enemy.
有一天, 雷纳尔夫人给她丈夫的贴身侍从下了一个命令, 也是朱利安的敌人。

  ’But, Ma’am, today is the last Friday of the month,’ the man answeredher with a curious expression.
“可是, 夫人, 今天是每月的最后一个星期五,” 这位男人带着一种奇怪的表情回答她。

  ’Go,’ said Madame de Renal.
“去吧,” 雷纳尔夫人说。

‘Well,’ said Julien, ‘he is going to that hay store, which used to be achurch, and was recently restored to the faith; —
“嗯,” 朱利安说, “他要去那个干草堆仓库, 那曾经是一座教堂, 最近恢复了信仰; 但为什么呢? 这是我从未能够揭露的迷之一幕。” —

but why? That is one ofthe mysteries which I have never been able to penetrate.’
“Well,” said Julien, “he is going to that hay store, which used to be a church, and was recently restored to the faith; but why? That is one of the mysteries which I have never been able to penetrate.”

‘It is a most beneficial, but a very strange institution,’ replied Madamede Renal. ‘Women are not admitted; —
“这是一个非常有益,但非常奇怪的机构,”黎奈夫人回答说。“女人是不被接纳的; —

all that I know of it is that they alladdress one another as tu. —
我知道的只是他们互相称呼为‘你’。 —

For instance, this servant will find M. Valenodthere, and that conceited fool will not be in the least annoyed at hearinghimself called tu by Saint-Jean, and will answer him in the same tone. —
例如,这个仆人会在那里找到瓦勒诺,而那个自命不凡的傻瓜听到圣让称呼他为‘你’也不会感到一点烦恼,他会用同样的语气回答他。 —

Ifyou really want to know what they do there, I can ask M. de Maugironand M. Valenod for details. —
如果你真的想知道他们在那里做什么,我可以向莫吉伦先生和瓦勒诺先生询问一些细节。 —

We pay twenty francs for each servant sothat they do not cut our throats.’

The time flew. The memory of his mistress’s charms distracted Julienfrom his black ambition. —
时间飞逝。他对床上女主人的魅力的记忆使尤利安摆脱了他那黑暗的抱负。 —

The necessity to refrain from speaking to her ofserious, reasonable matters, since they were on opposite sides, added,without his suspecting it, to the happiness that he owed to her and to thepower which she was acquiring over him.

At those moments when the presence of quick-eared children confinedthem to the language of cold reason, it was with a perfect docility thatJulien, gazing at her with eyes that burned with love, listened to her explanations of the world as it really was. —
在孩子们耳中传来的犀利语言约束他们只能用冷酷理性的语言时,尤利安完全顺从地注视着她,凝视着燃烧着爱火的眼睛,听她解释现实世界。 —

Often, in the middle of an account of some clever piece of roguery, in connection with the laying outof a road, or of some astounding contract, Madame de Renal’s mindwould suddenly wander to the point of delirium; —
在讲述某个与铺设道路或某个惊人合同有关的狡诈手段时,黎奈夫人的思绪有时会突然飘到痴迷的地步; —

Julien was obliged toscold her, she allowed herself to caress him in the same way as shecaressed her children. —
尤利安不得不责备她,她允许自己像对待孩子一样对待他。 —

This was because there were days on which sheimagined that she loved him like a child of her own. —
这是因为有些天,她想象自己像对待自己的孩子一样爱他。 —

Had she not to replyincessantly to his artless questions about a thousand simple matters ofwhich a child of good family is not ignorant at fifteen? —
难道她不一直得回答他关于千条对于良家子弟来说在十五岁时不会无知的简单事情的天真问题吗? —

A moment later,she was admiring him as her master. His intelligence positivelyfrightened her; —
片刻之后,她因为他的聪明被吓倒了; —

she thought she could perceive more clearly every daythe future great man in this young cleric. —
她觉得每天都能更清晰地看到这个年轻的神职人员里的未来伟大人物。 —

She saw him as Pope, she sawhim as First Minister, like Richelieu.

‘Shall I live long enough to see you in your glory?’ she said to Julien;’ —
‘我能活到看到你的荣耀吗?’她对朱利安说;’ —

there is a place waiting for a great man; the Monarchy, the Church needone; —
‘有一个地方在等待着一个伟大的人;君主制,教会都需要一个; —

these gentlemen say so every day. If some Richelieu does not stemthe torrent of private judgment, all is lost.’