Manners and Customs in 1830Speech was given to man to enable him to conceal his thoughts.


The first thing that Julien did on arriving in Verrieres was to reproachhimself for his unfairness to Madame de Renal. ‘I should have despisedher as a foolish woman if from weakness she had failed to bring off thescene with M. de Renal! —-
朱利安来到维里耶尔后,做的第一件事是责备自己对勒内夫人不公。’如果她因软弱而未能成功地与勒内先生演出,我本应鄙视她为愚蠢的女人! —-

She carried it through like a diplomat, and mysympathies are with the loser, who is my enemy. —-
勒内夫人像一名外交家一样成功地完成了这场戏,而我的同情心在这里是与输家站在一边,尽管我视他为敌人。 —-

There is a streak ofmiddle-class pettiness in my nature; —-
我的性情里有一丝中产阶级的琐碎之气; —-

my vanity is hurt, because M. deRenal is a man! —-
我的虚荣心受到了伤害,因为勒内先生是个男人! —-

That vast and illustrous corporation to which I have thehonour to belong; —-
在我有幸归属的这个巨大而著名的团体中; —-

I am a perfect fool.’

M. Chelan had refused the offers of hospitality which the most respected Liberals of the place had vied with one another in making him, whenhis deprivation drove him from the presbytery. —-
当他被撵出牧师住处时,M.切兰拒绝了当地最受尊敬的自由党人纷纷热情提供的款待。 —-

The pair of rooms whichhe had taken were littered with his books. —-
他租下的一对房间里堆满了他的书籍。 —-

Julien, wishing to show Verrieres what it meant to be a priest, went and fetched from his father’s storea dozen planks of firwood, which he carried on his back the wholelength of the main street. —-
朱利安想要向韦里埃尔展示做一名牧师意味着什么,于是他从父亲的店里借来一打杉木板,顶着背穿过整条主街。 —-

He borrowed some tools from an old friendand had soon constructed a sort of bookcase in which he arranged M.

  Chelan’s library.

  ‘I supposed you to have been corrupted by the vanity of the world,’

said the old man, shedding tears of joy; —-
老人说着,喜极泪下; —-

‘this quite redeems the childishness of that dazzling guard of honour uniform which made you so manyenemies.’

M. de Renal had told Julien to put up in his house. —-
雷诺尔先生告诉朱利安住在他家。 —-

No one had anysuspicion of what had happened. —-
没有人怀疑发生了什么事情。 —-

On the third day after his arrival, therecame up to his room no less a personage than the Sub-Prefect, M. deMaugiron. —-
在他到达的第三天,来拜访他的居然是副市长,莫吉隆先生。 —-

It was only after two solid hours of insipid tittle-tattle, andlong jeremiads on the wickedness of men, on the lack of honesty in thepeople entrusted with the administration of public funds, on the dangers besetting poor France, etc. —-
两个小时过去了,他们聊着乏味的闲谈,吐槽着人们的恶劣行为,掌管公共资金的人缺乏诚信,法国陷入的危险等等。 —-

, etc., that Julien saw him come at length to thepurpose of his visit. —-
等等,直到最后,朱利安看到莫吉隆终于提出了他来访的目的。 —-

They were already on the landing, and the poor tutor, on the verge of disgrace, was ushering out with all due respect thefuture Prefect of some fortunate Department, when it pleased the lattergentleman to occupy himself with Julien’s career, to praise his moderation where his own interests were concerned, etc. —-
他们已经在楼梯间,这位可怜的导师即将被降职,正在与未来某个幸运部门的部长礼貌地告别时,这位绅士突然关心起朱利安的事业,赞扬他对自己利益的克制等等。 —-

, etc. Finally M. deMaugiron, taking him in his arms in the most fatherly manner, suggestedto him that he should leave M. de Renal and enter the household of anofficial who had children to educate, and who, like King Philip, wouldthank heaven, not so much for having given him them as for havingcaused them to be born in the neighbourhood of M. Julien. —-
等等。最后,莫吉隆以子女教育为由建议朱利安离开雷诺尔先生家,在某位官员家里做导师,这位官员有孩子需要教育,而且正如菲利普国王一样,不仅感谢上帝给了他孩子,还感谢上帝让他们出生在朱利安附近。 —-

Their tutorwould receive a salary of eight hundred francs, payable not month bymonth, ‘which is not noble,’ said M. de Maugiron, but quarterly, and inadvance to boot.

It was now the turn of Julien who, for an hour and a half, had beenwaiting impatiently for an opportunity to speak. —-
现在轮到朱利安说话了,他已经等待一个半小时了。 —-

His reply was perfect,and as long as a pastoral charge; —-
他的回答非常完美,像一篇长篇牧师训词; —-

it let everything be understood, and atthe same time said nothing definite. —-
它让一切都能够理解,同时又什么也没说明。 —-

A listener would have found in it atonce respect for M. de Renal, veneration for the people of Verrieres andgratitude towards the illustrious Sub-Prefect. —-
听众会在其中感受到对雷诺尔先生的尊敬,对韦里耶人民的崇敬以及对伟大副市长的感激。 —-

The said Sub-Prefect, astonished at finding a bigger Jesuit than himself, tried in vain to obtainsomething positive. —-
这位副市长对发现一个比自己更像耶稣会士的人感到惊讶,徒劳地想要得到一些具体的回答。 —-

Julien, overjoyed, seized the opportunity to try hisskill and began his answer over again in different terms. —-
朱利安激动万分,抓住机会展示自己的能力,开始用不同的方式重新回答问题。 —-

Never did themost eloquent Minister, seeking to monopolise the last hours of a sittingwhen the Chamber seems inclined to wake up, say less in more words.

As soon as M. de Maugiron had left him, Julien broke out in helplesslaughter. —-
等玛吉龙先生离开他之后,朱利安不禁笑出声来。 —-

To make the most of his Jesuitical bent, he wrote a letter of ninepages to M. de Renal, in which he informed him of everything that hadbeen said to him, and humbly asked his advice. —-
为了充分利用他的耶稣会倾向,他写了一封长达九页的信给勒内先生,信中详细告知他所听到的一切,并谦逊地请教他的建议。 —-

‘Why, that rascal nevereven told me the name of the person who is making the offer! —-
‘竟然那混蛋甚至连那个提出要约的人的名字都没告诉我! —-

It will beM. Valenod, who sees in my banishment to Verrieres the effect of his anonymous letter.’

His missive dispatched, Julien, as happy as a hunter who at six in themorning on a fine autumn day emerges upon a plain teeming withgame, went out to seek the advice of M. Chelan. —-
信件送出后,朱利安欣喜若狂,就像一个猎人在一个充满猎物的广阔秋天早晨六点走出来一样,去找夏朗先生商量。 —-

But before he arrived atthe good cure’s house, heaven, which was anxious to shower its blessings on him, threw him into the arms of M. Valenod, from whom he didnot conceal the fact that his heart was torn; —-
但在他抵达治疗好的住所——天堂之前,天堂急切地想要给他降福,把他扔进了瓦朗诺先生的怀抱,他向后者透露了他心碎的事实; —-

a penniless youth like himselfwas bound to devote himself entirely to the vocation which heaven hadplaced in his heart, but a vocation was not everything in this vile world.

To be a worthy labourer in the Lord’s vineyard, and not to be altogetherunworthy of all one’s learned fellow-labourers, one required education; —-
要成为主的葡萄园中的一个值得的劳动者,而且要不至于对身边的众多学识劳动者都不堪一击,就需要教育; —-

one required to spend in the seminary at Besancon two very expensiveyears; —-
因此,必须在贝桑松神学院度过两年昂贵的时光; —-

it became indispensable, therefore, to save money, which was considerably easier with a salary of eight hundred francs paid quarterly,than with six hundred francs which melted away month by month. —-
因此,存钱变得十分必要,拿到每季度八百法郎的薪水相比每月六百法郎的薪水要容易得多; —-

Onthe other hand, did not heaven, by placing him with the Renal boys, andabove all by inspiring in him a particular attachment to them, seem to indicate to him that it would be a mistake to abandon this form of education for another? —-
另一方面,是不是天堂通过把他与雷脑家的孩子们放在一起,并尤其激发他对他们的特别依恋,似乎在向他表示,放弃这种教育形式去追求其他的似乎是一个错误? —-

…Julien arrived at such a pitch of perfection in this kind of eloquence,which has taken the place of the swiftness of action of the Empire, thathe ended by growing tired of the sound of his own voice.

  Returning to the house he found one of M. Valenod’s servants in fulllivery, who had been looking for him all over the town, with a note inviting him to dinner that very day.

Never had Julien set foot in the man’s house; —-
朱利安从未踏进过那个人的家门; —-

only a few days earlier,his chief thought was how he might give him a thorough good thrashingwithout subsequent action by the police. —-
就在几天前,他的主要想法是如何能在后续不被警察起诉的情况下彻底揍他一顿; —-

Although dinner was not to beuntil one o’clock, Julien thought it more respectful to present himself athalf past twelve in the study of the Governor of the Poorhouse. —-
尽管晚宴要到一点才开始,朱利安认为12点半出现在贫民院院长的书房里更显尊重; —-

He foundhim displaying his importance amid a mass of papers. —-
他看到院长在一堆文件中显得很重要; —-

His huge blackwhiskers, his enormous quantity of hair, his night-cap poised askew onthe top of his head, his immense pipe, his embroidered slippers, theheavy gold chains slung across his chest in every direction, and all theequipment of a provincial financier, who imagines himself to be a ladies’

man, made not the slightest impression upon Julien; —-
他只会想到他欠他的那顿揍更加强烈了; —-

he only thought allthe more of the thrashing that he owed him.

He craved the honour of being presented to Madame Valenod; —-
他渴望被介绍给瓦朗诺夫人; —-

shewas making her toilet and could not see him. —-
她正在化妆,不能见他。 —-

To make up for this, he hadthe privilege of witnessing that of the Governor of the Poorhouse. —-
为弥补这一点,他有幸目睹了救济院长的整理。 —-

Theythen proceeded to join Madame Valenod, who presented her children tohim with tears in her eyes. —-
他们随后去见瓦朗诺夫人,她含着眼泪向他介绍她的孩子们。 —-

This woman, one of the most importantpeople in Verrieres, had a huge masculine face, which she had plasteredwith rouge for this great ceremony. —-
这位威猛的维里埃最重要的女士,却有着一张巨大的男性化的脸,她为了这个盛典抹了一层胭脂。 —-

She displayed all the pathos of maternal feelings.

Julien thought of Madame de Renal. His distrustful nature made himscarcely susceptible to any memories save those that are evoked by contrast, but such memories moved him to tears. —-
朱利安想起德伦奥夫人。他那个不轻易相信的天性使他几乎只对与之对比引起的记忆感兴趣,但这样的记忆却让他感动得泪流满面。 —-

This tendency was increased by the sight of the Governor’s house. —-
这种倾向被看着救济院长家的房子所加深了。 —-

He was taken through it.

Everything in it was sumptuous and new, and he was told the price ofeach article. —-
里面的一切都华丽而新,他还被告知每件物品的价格。 —-

But Julien felt that there was something mean about it, ataint of stolen money. —-
但是朱利安觉得其中有着卑鄙之处,一种被偷来的金钱的玷污。 —-

Everyone, even the servants, wore a bold air thatseemed to be fortifying them against contempt.

The collector of taxes, the receiver of customs, the chief constable andtwo or three other public officials arrived with their wives. —-
税收官、海关收税员、警长和另外两三个公职人员带着他们的妻子到了。 —-

They werefollowed by several wealthy Liberals. Dinner was announced. —-
他们后面跟着几个富裕的自由派。晚餐被宣布开始。 —-

Julien,already in the worst of humours, suddenly reflected that on the otherside of the dining-room wall there were wretched prisoners, whose rations of meat had perhaps been squeezed to purchase all this tastelesssplendour with which his hosts sought to dazzle him.

‘They are hungry perhaps at this moment,’ he said to himself; —-
“也许此刻他们正在饥饿,” 他自言自语道; —-

histhroat contracted, he found it impossible to eat and almost to speak. —-
他的喉咙收紧,几乎无法进食,甚至无法说话。 —-

Itwas much worse a quarter of an hour later; —-
一刻钟后情况更糟; —-

they could hear in the distance a few snatches of a popular and, it must be admitted, not too refined song which one of the inmates was singing. —-
他们听到远处响起一阵流行歌曲的片段,必须承认,不太典雅,是屋内某个囚犯在唱歌。 —-

M. Valenod glanced atone of his men in full livery, who left the room, and presently the soundof singing ceased. —-
瓦朗诺先生瞥了一眼身着整套礼服的一个男仆,他离开房间,很快歌声停止了。 —-

At that moment, a footman offered Julien some Rhinewine in a green glass, and Madame Valenod took care to inform him thatthis wine cost nine francs the bottle, direct from the grower. —-
就在那时,一个男仆端给朱利安一杯绿玻璃装的莱茵葡萄酒,瓦朗诺夫人还特意告诉他,这种酒每瓶九法郎,直接从种植者那购买。 —-

Julien, thegreen glass in his hand, said to M. Valenod:

  ‘I don’t hear that horrid song any more.’

  ‘Gad! I should think not, indeed,’ replied the Governor triumphantly.
‘天啊!这当然不会再听到,’ 总督得意洋洋地回答。

  ‘I’ve made the rascal shut up.’

This was too much for Julien; he had acquired the manners but hadnot yet the heart appropriate to his station. —-
这对朱利安来说太过分了;他已经习得了举止,但尚未拥有适合自己身份的心。 —-

Despite all his hypocrisy,which he kept in such constant practice, he felt a large tear trickle downhis cheek.

He tried to hide it with the green glass, but it was simply impossiblefor him to do honour to the Rhine wine. —-
他试图用绿玻璃遮掩,但他简直无法对莱茵葡萄酒做出应有的评价。 —-

‘Stop the man singing!’ he murmured to himself, ‘O my God, and Thou permittest it!’
‘制止那人唱歌!’ 他自言自语道,‘啊,我的上帝,你竟容许此事!’

Fortunately for him, no one noticed his ill-bred emotion. —-
幸运的是,没有人注意到他这种粗鲁的情绪。 —-

The collectorof taxes had struck up a royalist ditty. —-
税务员开始唱起了一首皇室歌谣。 —-

During the clamour of the refrain,sung in chorus: —-
在合唱中的喧闹中: —-

‘There,’ Julien’s conscience warned him, ‘you have thesordid fortune which you will achieve, and you will enjoy it only in theseconditions and in such company as this! —-
“在那里”,朱利安的良心提醒他,“你将会取得的肮脏财富就在这里,你只能在这种情况和这样的伙伴下享受它! —-

You will have a place worthperhaps twenty thousand francs, but it must be that while you gorge torepletion you stop the poor prisoner from singing; —-
你将拥有一个价值大约两万法郎的地方,但在你饱餐之时,你却要阻止可怜的囚犯唱歌; —-

you will give dinner parties with the money you have filched from his miserable pittance, andduring your dinner he will be more wretched still! —-
你将用从他微薄津贴中骗取的钱举办晚宴,而在你的晚宴间,他将更加悲惨! —-

O Napoleon! Howpleasant it was in your time to climb to fortune through the dangers of abattle; —-
噢,拿破仑!在你的时代通过战斗的危险攀登财富是多么愉快; —-

but meanly to intensify the sufferings of the wretched!’

I admit that the weakness which Julien displays in this monologuegives me a poor opinion of him. —-
我得承认,朱利安在这段独白中展现出的软弱使我对他评价不高。 —-

He would be a worthy colleague forthose conspirators in yellow gloves, who profess to reform all the conditions of life in a great country, and would be horrified at having to undergo the slightest inconvenience themselves.

Julien was sharply recalled to his proper part. —-
朱利安被急切地召回到他应有的角色。 —-

It was not that he mightdream and say nothing that he had been invited to dine in such goodcompany.

  A retired calico printer, a corresponding member of the Academy ofBesancon and of that of Uzes, was speaking to him, down the wholelength of the table, inquiring whether all that was commonly reported asto his astonishing prowess in the study of the New Testament was true.

A profound silence fell instantly; a New Testament appeared asthough by magic in the hands of the learned member of the twoacademies. —-
一片沉默立刻降临;一个新约圣经好像像魔术般出现在这位学院会员手中。 —-

Julien having answered in the affirmative, a few words inLatin were read out to him at random. —-
朱利安回答是肯定的后,随机读出几句拉丁文。 —-

He began to recite: his memorydid not betray him, and this prodigy was admired with all the noisy energy of the end of a dinner. —-
他开始背诵:他的记忆没有出错,这个奇迹被所有人用晚宴结束时的热情所赞赏。 —-

Julien studied the glowing faces of the women. —-
朱利安研究了女性们那发光的脸庞。 —-

Several of them were not ill-looking. He had made out the wife ofthe collector who sang so well.

‘Really, I am ashamed to go on speaking Latin so long before theseladies,’ he said, looking at her. —-
“真的,我在这些女士面前说了这么久的拉丁文,真感到羞愧,”他看着她说道。 —-

‘If M. Rubigneau’ (this was the member ofthe two academies) ‘will be so good as to read out any sentence in Latin,instead of going on with the Latin text, I shall endeavour to improvise atranslation.’
如果M. Rubigneau(这位成员是两个学院的成员)愿意读出拉丁文的任何一句话,而不是继续阅读拉丁文的文本,我将尽力即兴翻译。

  This second test set the crown of glory on his achievement.

There were in the room a number of Liberals, men of means, but thehappy fathers of children who were capable of winning bursaries, and inthis capacity suddenly converted after the last Mission. —-
房间里有一些自由党人,他们是富有的人,但也是幸福的孩子的父亲,这些孩子有能力赢得奖学金,在最后的传教活动后突然改变了态度。 —-

Despite this brilliant stroke of policy, M. de Renal had never consented to have them inhis house. —-
尽管这一项政策的卓越之处,但勒内勋爵从未同意让他们进入他的家。 —-

These worthy folk, who knew Julien only by reputation andfrom having seen him on horseback on the day of the King of ——‘s visit,were his most vociferous admirers. —-
这些值得尊敬的人士只知道通过传闻和在国王访问那天骑马时看见他,他们是他最热烈的赞美者。 —-

‘When will these fools tire of listening to this Biblical language, of which they understand nothing?’ —-
‘这些傻瓜什么时候才会厌倦这种圣经式的语言,他们什么都不懂?’, —-

he thought. On the contrary, this language amused them by its unfamiliarity; —-

they laughed at it. But Julien had grown tired.
他们对此感到好笑。但朱利安已经厌倦了。 —-

He rose gravely as six o’clock struck and mentioned a chapter of thenew theology of Liguori, which he had to learn by heart in order to repeat it next day to M. Chelan. —-

‘For my business,’ he added pleasantly, ‘isto make other people repeat lessons, and to repeat them myself.’
‘至于我的事情,’他愉快地补充说,‘就是让别人背诵课文,而我自己也要背诵。’ —-

His audience laughed heartily and applauded; —-

this is the kind of witthat goes down at Verrieres. —-
这种机智在维里耶尔大受欢迎。 —-

Julien was by this time on his feet, everyoneelse rose, regardless of decorum; —-
此时朱利安已站起来,其他人也起身,没有顾及礼仪; —-

such is the power of genius. MadameValenod kept him for a quarter of an hour longer; —-
这就是天才的力量。瓦朗诺夫人留住他多了一个孩让; —-

he really must hear thechildren repeat their catechism; —-
他真的应该听听孩子们背经; —-

they made the most absurd mistakeswhich he alone noticed. He made no attempt to correct them. —-
他们犯下了最荒谬的错误,只有他一个人注意到。他没有试图纠正他们。 —-

‘What ignorance of the first principles of religion,’ he thought. —-
“他心想,对宗教的最基本原则的无知啊。” —-

At length he saidgood-bye and thought that he might escape; —-
“最终,他说了再见,想着他也许可以逃脱;” —-

but the children must nextattempt one of La Fontaine’s Fables.

‘That author is most immoral,’ Julien said to Madame Valenod; —-
“‘那位作家太不道德了,’朱利安对瓦勒诺夫夫人说;” —-

‘in oneof his Fables on Messire Jean Chouart, he has ventured to heap ridiculeon all that is most venerable. —-
“‘在他关于尚古阁施瓦尔先生尚原的一则寓言中,他竟敢对最受尊敬的一切进行讽刺。’” —-

He is strongly reproved by the bestcommentators.’

Before leaving the house Julien received four or five invitations to dinner. —-
“在离开之前,朱利安收到了四五份吃饭的邀请。” —-

‘This young man does honour to the Department,’ his fellow-guests,in great hilarity, were all exclaiming at once. —-
“‘这位年轻人为我们省份争光,’ 宴会上的其他客人们都兴高采烈地同时大声说。” —-

They went so far as to speakof a pension voted out of the municipal funds, to enable him to continuehis studies in Paris.

While this rash idea was making the dining-room ring, Julien hadstolen away to the porch. —-
“在这种鲁莽的想法充斥着餐厅的时候,朱利安悄悄溜到了门廊。” —-

‘Oh, what scum! What scum!’ he murmuredthree or four times, as he treated himself to the pleasure of drinking inthe fresh air.
“‘噢,多么下流啊!多么下流啊!’ 他喃喃自语了三四次,让自己沉浸在新鲜空气中的愉悦中。”

He felt himself a thorough aristocrat for the moment, he who for longhad been so shocked by the disdainful smile and the haughty superioritywhich he found lurking behind all the compliments that were paid himat M. de Renal’s. —-
“这一刻,他感到自己是一个地道的贵族,而他曾经对德·朗伯爵家里对他表示的一切恭维所隐藏着的嘲笑和高傲感到如此震惊。” —-

He could not help feeling the extreme difference. —-
“他禁不住感觉到了极端的差异。” —-

‘Evenif we forget,’ he said to himself as he walked away, ‘that the money hasbeen stolen from the poor prisoners, and that they are forbidden to singas well, would it ever occur to M. de Renal to tell his guests the price ofeach bottle of wine that he offers them? —-
“‘即使我们忘记,’ 他对自己说着,当他离开时,‘那些钱是从贫困犯人那里偷来的,他们也被禁止唱歌,难道德·朗伯爵会想到告诉他的客人每瓶酒的价格吗?’” —-

And this M. Valenod, in goingover the list of his property, which he does incessantly, cannot refer tohis house, his land and all the rest of it, if his wife is present, withoutsaying your house, your land.’

This lady, apparently so conscious of the joy of ownership, had justmade an abominable scene, during dinner, with a servant who hadbroken a wineglass and spoiled one of her sets; —-
这位女士显然对拥有财产的快乐感到非常自觉,就在晚餐时,因为一个仆人打破了一个酒杯,破坏了她的一套玻璃器皿,她刚刚制造了一个可怕的场面; —-

and the servant hadanswered her with the most gross insolence.

‘What a household!’ thought Julien; —-
朱利安想:“这是个什么家庭啊!”; —-

‘if they were to give me half of allthe money they steal, I wouldn’t live among them. —-
“如果他们把他们偷来的所有钱的一半给我,我也不会和他们住在一起。 —-

One fine day I shouldgive myself away; I should be unable to keep back the contempt they inspire in me.’

He was obliged, nevertheless, obeying Madame de Renal’s orders, toattend several dinners of this sort; —-
然而,顺从于雷诺夫人的吩咐,朱利安不得不参加几次这样的晚宴; —-

Julien was the fashion; people forgavehim his uniform and the guard of honour, or rather that imprudent display was the true cause of his success. —-
朱利安成了时尚界的宠儿;人们原谅了他的军装和仪仗队,或者说那种轻率的炫耀才是他成功的真正原因。 —-

Soon, the only question discussedin Verrieres was who would be successful in the struggle to secure thelearned young man’s services, M. de Renal or the Governor of the Poorhouse. —-
很快,维里埃尔讨论的唯一问题是,谁将在获取这位有学识的年轻人的服务方面取得成功,是雷诺先生,还是济贫院长。 —-

These two gentlemen formed with M. Maslon a triumvirate whichfor some years past had tyrannised the town. —-
这两位绅士连同马斯隆先生组成了一个三人执政团体,这个团体在过去的几年里对这个小镇进行了暴虐统治。 —-

People were jealous of theMayor, the Liberals had grounds for complaint against him; —-
人们对市长嫉妒,自由主义者有理由对他抱怨; —-

but after allhe was noble and created to fill a superior station, whereas M. Valenod’sfather had not left him an income of six hundred livres. —-
但毕竟他是贵族,是为担任高级职位而生的,而瓦勒诺的父亲并没有给他留下六百里弗的收入。 —-

He had been obliged to pass from the stage of being pitied for the shabby apple-greencoat in which everybody remembered him in his younger days to that ofbeing envied for his Norman horses, his gold chains, the clothes heordered from Paris, in short, all his present prosperity.

In the welter of this world so new to Julien he thought he had discovered an honest man; —-
在对这个对朱利安来说如此陌生的世界混乱中,他认为自己发现了一个诚实的人; —-

this was a geometrician, was named Gros andwas reckoned a Jacobin. —-
这个人是一个几何学家,名叫格罗,被认为是雅各宾派的人。 —-

Julien, having made a vow never to say anything except what he himself believed to be false, was obliged to make ashow of being suspicious of M. Gros. He received from Vergy largepackets of exercises. —-
朱利安,发誓只说他自己认为是虚假的东西,被迫表现出对格罗先生的怀疑。他从维尔吉那里收到大量的练习。 —-

He was advised to see much of his father, and complied with this painful necessity. —-
他被建议多见他的父亲,并且顺从了这个痛苦的必要。 —-

In a word, he was quite redeeming hisreputation, when one morning he was greatly surprised to find himselfawakened by a pair of hands which were clapped over his eyes.

It was Madame de Renal who had come in to town and, running upstairs four steps at a time and leaving her children occupied with a favourite rabbit that they had brought with them, had reached Julien’sroom a minute in advance of them. —-
是Renal夫人来到镇上,她像箭一样地跑上楼梯,抛下带着最喜欢的兔子来的孩子,比他们快了一分钟到达了Julien的房间。 —-

The moment was delicious but all toobrief: —-
美好时刻却是短暂的: —-

Madame de Renal had vanished when the children arrived withthe rabbit, which they wanted to show to their friend. —-
当孩子们带着兔子到达时,Renal 夫人已经消失了,他们想向他展示那只兔子。 —-

Julien welcomedthem all, including the rabbit. He seemed to be once more one of a family party; —-
Julien欢迎他们所有人,包括兔子。他似乎又成为了一个家庭聚会中的一员; —-

he felt that he loved these children, that it amused him to join intheir chatter. —-
他觉得自己爱着这些孩子,加入他们的谈话是件有趣的事。 —-

He was amazed by the sweetness of their voices, the simplicity and nobility of their manners; —-
他惊叹于他们的声音之甜美、行为之简单和高贵; —-

he required to wash his imaginationclean of all the vulgar behaviour, all the unpleasant thoughts the atmosphere of which he had to breathe at Verrieres. —-
他需要洗净想象中所有的粗俗行为、所有不愉快的思想,他在Verrieres所呼吸到的氛围。 —-

There was always thedread of bankruptcy, wealth and poverty were always fighting for theupper hand. —-
总是有破产的恐惧,财富与贫困总在争夺上风。 —-

The people with whom he dined, in speaking of the joint ontheir table, made confidences humiliating to themselves, and nauseatingto their hearers.

  ‘You aristocrats, you have every reason to be proud,’ he said to Madame de Renal. And he told her of all the dinners he had endured.
“你们贵族真有理由自豪,”他对Renal 夫人说。然后他告诉她他忍受过的所有晚宴。

‘Why, so you are in the fashion!’ And she laughed heartily at thethought of the rouge which Madame Valenod felt herself obliged to puton whenever she expected Julien. —-
“噢,你现在很时尚啊!”她笑着想到Valenod夫人每次期待Julien来访时都要擦胭脂。 —-

‘I believe she has designs on yourheart,’ she added.

Luncheon was a joy. The presence of the children, albeit apparently anuisance, increased as a matter of fact the general enjoyment. —-
午餐是一种快乐。孩子们的存在,虽然表面上看起来是件烦事,但实际上增加了整体的享受。 —-

These poorchildren did not know how to express their delight at seeing Julienagain. —-
这些可怜的孩子不知道如何表达见到朱利安再次的喜悦。 —-

The servants had not failed to inform them that he was beingoffered two hundred francs more to educate the little Valenods.

  In the middle of luncheon, Stanislas Xavier, still pale after his seriousillness, suddenly asked his mother what was the value of his silverspoon and fork and of the mug out of which he was drinking.

  ‘Why do you want to know?’

  ‘I want to sell them to give the money to M. Julien, so that he shan’t bea dupe to stay with us.’

Julien embraced him, the tears standing in his eyes. —-
朱利安拥抱着他,眼泪盈眶。 —-

The mother weptoutright, while Julien, who had taken Stanislas on his knees, explained tohim that he must not use the word dupe, which, employed in that sense,was a servant’s expression. —-
母亲完全流泪,而朱利安,已把斯坦尼斯拉斯搁在膝上,向他解释道,他不应该使用“被骗”的词,在那种意义上使用,那是仆人的词。 —-

Seeing the pleasure he was giving Madamede Renal, he tried to explain, by picturesque examples, which amusedthe children, what was meant by a dupe.

  ‘I understand,’ said Stanislas, ‘it’s the crow who is silly and drops hischeese, which is picked up by the fox, who is a flatterer.’

  Madame de Renal, wild with joy, smothered her children in kisses,which she could hardly do without leaning slightly upon Julien.

Suddenly the door opened; it was M. de Renal. His stern, angry faceformed a strange contrast with the innocent gaiety which his presence banished. —-
突然门开了,是勒内尔先生。他那严厉、生气的脸与被他的出现逐出去的无辜快乐形成了奇怪的对比。 —-

Madame de Renal turned pale; she felt herself incapable ofdenying anything. —-
勒内夫人脸色苍白,感到自己无法否认任何事情。 —-

Julien seized the opportunity and, speaking veryloud, began to tell the Mayor the incident of the silver mug which Stanislas wanted to sell. —-
朱利安抓住这个机会,大声说起银杯的事,斯坦尼斯拉斯想要卖掉的事。 —-

He was sure that this story would be ill received. —-
他肯定这个故事会受到冷落。 —-

Atthe first word M. de Renal frowned, from force of habit at the mere nameof silver. —-
在第一个词出口的时候,勒内尔先生便皱起了眉头,仅仅是当听到银的名字。 —-

‘The mention of that metal,’ he would say, ‘is always a preliminary to some call upon my purse.’

But here there was more than money at stake; there was an increase ofhis suspicions. —-
在这里,不仅涉及金钱,还增加了他的怀疑。 —-

The air of happiness which animated his family in his absence was not calculated to improve matters with a man dominated byso sensitive a vanity. —-
在他离开时,他家人的幸福气氛并不能改善他对敏感虚荣心的掌控。 —-

When his wife praised the graceful and witty manner in which Julien imparted fresh ideas to his pupils:

‘Yes, yes, I know, he is making me odious to my children; —-
“是的,是的,我知道,他正使我的孩子们憎恨我; —-

it is veryeasy for him to be a hundred times pleasanter to them than I, who am,after all, the master. —-
他对他们来说要比我愉快一百倍,这并不困难,我毕竟是他们的主人。 —-

Everything tends in these days to bring lawful authority into contempt. Unhappy France!’

Madame de Renal did not stop to examine the implications of herhusband’s manner. —-
勒内夫人没有停下来仔细考虑她丈夫的举止含义。 —-

She had just seen the possibility of spending twelvehours in Julien’s company. —-
她刚刚看到有可能和朱利安一起度过十二小时。 —-

She had any number of purchases to make inthe town, and declared that she absolutely must dine in a tavern; —-
她有很多需要在城里购买的东西,并宣称她必须在一个小酒馆吃饭; —-

in spiteof anything her husband might say or do, she clung to her idea. —-
不管她丈夫说什么或做什么,她都坚持她的想法。 —-

The children were in ecstasies at the mere word tavern, which modern pruderyfinds such pleasure in pronouncing.

M. de Renal left his wife in the first linen-draper’s shop that sheentered, to go and pay some calls. —-
在她踏进的第一个亚麻布商店里,勒内先生就离开了她去拜访一些人。 —-

He returned more gloomy than in themorning; —-
他回来比早上更加愁眉苦脸; —-

he was convinced that the whole town was thinking aboutnothing but himself and Julien. —-
他确信整个城镇都在想着他和朱利安。 —-

As a matter of fact, no one had as yet allowed him to form any suspicion of the offensive element in the popularcomments. —-
事实上,迄今为止,没有人让他怀疑评论中的冒犯性因素。 —-

Those that had been repeated to the Mayor had dealt exclusively with the question whether Julien would remain with him at sixhundred francs or would accept the eight hundred francs offered by theGovernor of the Poorhouse.

The said Governor, when he met M. de Renal in society, gave him thecold shoulder. —-
教育局长在社交场合遇到任尔纳尔先生时对他冷淡以对。 —-

His behaviour was not without a certain subtlety; —-
他的行为并不缺乏一定的狡黠; —-

there isnot much thoughtless action in the provinces: —-
省份的行动并不那么轻率: —-

sensations are so infrequent there that people suppress them.

M. Valenod was what is called, a hundred leagues from Paris, a faraud; —-
瓦勒诺先生,在巴黎百里之外,被称为奸诈之辈; —-

this is a species marked by coarseness and natural effrontery. —-
这是一种以粗鲁和自然厚颜为标志的类型。 —-

His triumphant existence, since 1815, had confirmed him in his habits. —-
自1815年以来他凭借胜利的存在坚定了自己的习惯。 —-

He reigned, so to speak, at Verrieres, under the orders of M. de Renal; —-
他可以说是在任尔纳尔先生的领导下统治着韦里耶, —-

butbeing far more active, blushing at nothing, interfering in everything,everlastingly going about, writing, speaking, forgetting humiliations,having no personal pretensions, he had succeeded in equalling the creditof his Mayor in the eyes of ecclesiastical authority. —-
但是他更加活跃,不怕尴尬,无处不在地干预,无休无止地四处奔波,写作,说话,忘却屈辱,对个人利益没有要求,他成功地在教会当局心目中与市长的地位不相上下。 —-

M. Valenod had asgood as told the grocers of the place: ‘Give me the two biggest foolsamong you’; —-
瓦勒诺先生差不多告诉本镇的杂货商:“给我你们中最蠢的两个”; —-

the lawyers: ‘Point me out the two most ignorant’; the officers of health: —-
律师们:“指出最无知的两位”;卫生局的官员: —-

‘Let me have your two biggest rascals.’ When he had collected the most shameless representatives of each profession, he had saidto them: —-
“让我看看你们中最大的无赖。”当他召集到每个行业中最不要脸的代表时,他对他们说: —-

‘Let us reign together.’

  The manners of these men annoyed M. de Renal. Valenod’s coarsenature was offended by nothing, not even when the young abbe Maslongave him the lie direct in public.

  But, in the midst of this prosperity, M. Valenod was obliged to fortifyhimself by little insolences in points of detail against the harsh truthswhich he was well aware that everyone was entitled to address to him.

His activity had multiplied since the alarms which M. Appert’s visit hadleft in its wake. —-
自从阿佩特先生的访问带来的警告之后,他的活动增多了。 —-

He had made three journeys to Besancon; he wrote several letters for each mail; —-
他到贝桑松去了三次,每次邮件都写了好几封; —-

he sent others by unknown messengers whocame to his house at nightfall. —-
他通过晚间来访的陌生信使寄出其他信件。 —-

He had been wrong perhaps in securingthe deprivation of the old cure Chelan; —-
他可能在剥夺老牧师夏朗的权利时犯了错误; —-

for this vindictive action hadmade him be regarded, by several pious ladies of good birth, as a profoundly wicked man. —-
因为这种报复行动使得一些有良好出身的虔诚的女士们把他看作是一个邪恶至极的人。 —-

Moreover this service rendered had placed him inthe absolute power of the Vicar-General de Frilair, from whom he received strange orders. —-
此外,这种行为使他完全受制于弗里莱尔总主教,从他那里接到了奇怪的指示。 —-

He had reached this stage in his career when heyielded to the pleasure of writing an anonymous letter. —-
他已经达到了这样一个阶段,从而沉溺于写匿名信的快感。 —-

To add to his embarrassment, his wife informed him that she wished to have Julien in thehouse; —-
为了增加魅力,他妻子告诉他她希望把朱利安收在家里; —-

the idea appealed to her vanity.

In this situation, M. Valenod foresaw a final rupture with his formerconfederate M. de Renal. The Mayor would address him in harsh language, which mattered little enough to him; —-
在这种情况下,瓦勒诺先生预见到了与之前的同伙雷纳尔先生的最终裂痕。镇长可能会用严厉的词语对他说话,这对他来说无关紧要; —-

but he might write to Besancon, or even to Paris. A cousin of some Minister or other might suddenly descend upon Verrieres and take over the Governorship of thePoorhouse. —-
但他可能会写信给贝桑松,甚至是巴黎。某位大臣的表亲可能会突然降临韦里埃尔,并接管济贫院的管理权。 —-

M. Valenod thought of making friends with the Liberals; —-
瓦勒诺先生考虑与自由派交好; —-

itwas for this reason that several of them were invited to the dinner atwhich Julien recited. —-
这也是为什么几个自由派被邀请参加朱利安朗诵的晚宴。 —-

He would find powerful support there against theMayor. But an election might come, and it went without saying that thePoorhouse and a vote for the wrong party were incompatible. —-
他会在那里找到强大的支持来对抗市长。但不言而喻,穷人院和投错党派的选票是不相容的。 —-

The history of these tactics, admirably divined by Madame de Renal, had beenimparted to Julien while he gave her his arm to escort her from one shop to another, and little by little had carried them to the Cours de la Fidelite,where they spent some hours, almost as peaceful as the hours at Vergy.
这些策略的历史,Madame de Renal 准确地揣摩出来,她在从一家商店送她到另一家商店的过程中向朱利安传达了这些信息,渐渐地把他们带到了忠诚广场,在那里他们度过了几个近乎于弗尔吉时光一样平静的小时光。

At this period, M. Valenod was seeking to avoid a final rupture withhis former chief, by himself adopting a bold air towards him. —-
在这个时期,瓦朗诺先生正力图避免与他以前的上司最终破裂,他通过采取一种大胆的态度来对他采取行动。 —-

On the dayof which we treat, this system proved successful, but increased theMayor’s ill humour.

Never can vanity, at grips with all the nastiest and shabbiest elementsof a petty love of money, have plunged a man in a more wretched statethan that in which M. de Renal found himself, at the moment of his entering the tavern. —-
除非虚荣心,与一切最肮脏和大团圆的小气财务之类的事情纠缠在一起,一位男士会陷入比任何其他时候更为悲惨的境地,如伦拉尔先生在进入小酒馆时所感到的那种状态。 —-

Never, on the contrary, had his children been gayer ormore joyful. —-
相反地,他的孩子们从未如此快乐。 —-

The contrast goaded him to fury.

‘I am not wanted in my own family, so far as I can see!’ —-
“我似乎在自己的家庭里是不受欢迎的!”他进去时说,声音足以压倒性。 —-

he said as heentered, in a tone which he sought to make imposing.

By way of reply, his wife drew him aside and explained to him the necessity of getting rid of Julien. —-
她刚刚享受过的快乐时光让她恢复了必要的轻松和决心,这是实施她过去两周一直在筹划的行动计划必不可少的。 —-

The hours of happiness she had just enjoyed had given her back the ease and resolution necessary for carryingout the plan of conduct which she had been meditating for the last fortnight. —-
真正让维里耶市长感到彻底惊愕的是,他知道人们公开在城里开玩笑拿他对金钱的依恋开涮。 —-

What really and completely dismayed the poor Mayor of Verriereswas that he knew that people joked publicly in the town at the expenseof his attachment to hard cash: —-
瓦朗诺先生没有创好看的光辉之处,而他在过去五六次为圣约瑟夫会、我们的女主团等捐款名单中表现得比较谨慎,而不够出色。 —-

M. Valenod was as generous as a robber,whereas he had shown himself in a prudent rather than a brilliant lightin the last five or six subscription lists for the Confraternity of SaintJoseph, the Congregation of Our Lady, the Congregation of the BlessedSacrament, and so forth.

Among the country gentlemen of Verrieres and the neighbourhood,skilfully classified in the lists compiled by the collecting Brethren, according to the amount of their offerings, the name of M. de Renal hadmore than once been seen figuring upon the lowest line. —-
在由募捐兄弟编制的名单中,根据他们的捐款金额巧妙分类的维里耶市和附近的乡绅中,瑞纳尔先生的名字在最低的一行上多次出现。 —-

In vain might heprotest that he earned nothing. —-
他虽然发誓自己一文不挣,却徒劳无功。 —-

The clergy allow no joking on that subject.