1. Foolish women demoralize men, while wise women inspire men.

2. Foolish women focus on men’s shortcomings and are always angry; wise women appreciate men’s strengths and are very happy.

3、愚笨的女人不分场合与男人争吵,弄得男人很没面子, 聪明的女人在外人面前给足男人面子,私下再对男人严加管教。
3. Foolish women argue with men in public, causing them to lose face; wise women give men face in front of others and discipline them strictly in private.

4. Foolish women belittle men - she forgets that belittling men is belittling herself; wise women praise men - she understands that praising men is showing off herself.

5. Foolish women keep nagging about past events; wise women look forward to a bright future with men.

6. Foolish women stick to men all the time; wise women maintain a sense of distance with men.

7. Foolish women know how to do laundry and cook, but are unwilling to dress up; wise women also know how to do laundry and cook, but never forget to dress up themselves.

8. Foolish women bring depression and pressure to men; wise women bring passion and motivation to men.

9. Foolish women hold onto men’s mistakes and think they have seen through men’s nature; wise women forgive men and treat them as children who never grow up.

10. Foolish women say, “Get out of my sight!”; wise women say, “Don’t leave me!”

11. Foolish women treat men like slingshots, pulling them tighter and making them fly farther; wise women treat men like kites, leisurely holding the string in their hands.

12. Foolish women overemphasize their own selves; wise women are good at relying and depending on others.

13. If happy, laugh and let everyone know. If sad, pretend nothing has happened.

14、在不违背原则的情况下 对别人要宽容 能帮就帮 千万不要把人逼绝了 给人留条后路。
14. In the case of not violating principles, be tolerant to others, help if you can, never push people to the wall, and leave them a way out.

15. Be a woman with good manners.

16. Be beautiful, but also have temperament.

17. Learn to compromise while insisting on your most basic principles.

18. Never stop learning. Learn anything, languages, cooking skills, and various skills.

19. Pay attention to fashion and be a beautiful woman. A woman with only inner beauty is also incomplete.

20. Foolish women make men fail in her tears; wise women make men succeed in her smile.

21. A woman who loves to laugh will not have bad luck.

22. See through but don’t expose. For many things, as long as you have a clear understanding in your heart, there is no need to speak it out.

23. Maintain and expand your reliable social circle.

24. It’s better to speak directly and be straightforward than to be hypocritical.

25. If someone asks you for something, smile and look at them: What will you exchange with me for it?

26. There is no perfect thing or perfect person. The key is to be clear about what you really want. Gaining what you want will inevitably lead to losing something else. If you want everything, you will end up with nothing.

27. I like the saying from a friend, “Forgetfulness is a good thing.”

28. Treat yourself well. When you’re in a bad mood, don’t think about anything, just go and eat what you love.

29. Money is important, but don’t rely on men or parents. You must maintain your own ability to make money.

30. Don’t overestimate your own power in the group, because when you choose to leave, you will find that even without you, the sun still rises.

31. Don’t make promises easily. A promise that cannot be fulfilled is worse than not making one at all.

32. You can remember the past, but you must let go.

33. Even if you lose everything, don’t lose your smile…

34. No matter what choice you make, don’t regret it, because regret won’t help.

35. Don’t work with friends or relatives, or you will end up resenting each other.

36. The more urgent the matter, the slower you should handle it.

37. Happiness is the most important thing. Whoever, whatever, or whatever makes you happy, stay with them. If something makes you unhappy, leave it. If there are no conditions, create conditions and leave it.

38. Don’t always pour out your troubles and expose your vulnerabilities in front of others.

39. Learn to manage yourself with your heart.

40. Don’t waste your time on surfing the internet and watching idol dramas.

41. Do not say something extreme due to impulsiveness.

42. When two people make mistakes at the same time, the one who steps forward to take responsibility is called tolerance, and the other party’s debt will have to be repaid sooner or later.

43. Learn to appreciate others from the heart, although this is often difficult.

44. For those you do not like, you can respond with silence and a smile; for those you like, just do whatever you want, because your affection will inevitably show through.

45、不要做刺猬 能不与人结仇就不与人结仇 谁也不跟谁一辈子 有些事情没必要记在心上。
45. Do not be a hedgehog; avoid making enemies if possible. No one is with anyone for a lifetime, and there is no need to keep some things in mind.

46. Do not think that there can be love without understanding. When we do not understand each other, we are merely attracted to each other, not in love. When each other’s flaws are exposed, this attraction often ends.

1.而那些爱与恨,痛与苦仿佛隔了太远,被岁月附上尘埃,变得似乎不值一提起来,可却依旧留在了心底某处隐隐作痛。 ——fresh果果 《仙剑奇侠之花千骨》
1. The love and hate, pain and suffering seem to be too far away, covered in dust by the years, seemingly insignificant, yet still lingering in the depths of our hearts, causing a dull ache. ——Fresh Fruit Fruit, “Chinese Paladin: The Journey of Flower and Bone”

2.春心莫共花争发,一寸相思一寸灰。 ——李商隐 《无题》
2. Do not let your spring heart compete with the blossoming flowers; an inch of longing turns into an inch of ashes. ——Li Shangyin, “Untitled”

3.爱情只有当它是自由自在时,才会叶茂花繁。认为爱情是某种义务的思想只能置爱情于死地。只消一句话:你应当爱某个人,就足以使你对这个人恨之入骨。 ——罗素
3. Love can only flourish when it is free; the idea that love is some kind of obligation can only lead to its death. Just one sentence: you should love someone, is enough to make you hate that person. ——Bertrand Russell

4.那时候苏小姐把自己的爱情看得太名贵了,不肯随便施与。现在呢,宛如做了好衣服,舍不得穿,锁在箱里,过一两年忽然发见这衣服的样子和花色都不时髦了,有些自怅自悔。 ——钱钟书 《围城》
4. At that time, Miss Su valued her love too much and was unwilling to give it away casually. Now, it is like a beautiful garment, too precious to wear, locked away in a chest, only to be discovered after a year or two that the style and colors are no longer fashionable, leaving her feeling regretful. ——Qian Zhongshu, “Fortress Besieged”

5.我们应该只有在年幼的时候 才会有这么奋不顾身的爱情吧 而当我们渐渐长大 就再也想不起那些 因为思念而失眠的夜晚了。 ——郭敬明 《夏至未至》
5. Perhaps we only have such selfless love when we are young, and as we grow older, we can no longer remember those sleepless nights caused by longing. ——Guo Jingming, “The Summer Solstice Has Not Yet Arrived”

6.初恋之所以美好,是因为我们再也回不去那个年轻纯洁的时光了。 ——《请回答1997》
6. The beauty of first love lies in the fact that we can never go back to that young and innocent time. ——“Reply 1997”

7.柔情似水,佳期如梦,忍顾鹊桥归路。两情若是长久时,又岂待朝朝暮暮。 ——秦观 《鹊桥仙》
7. Tenderness is like water, the perfect date is like a dream, how can I bear to look back at the path of the Magpie Bridge. If true love lasts long, why should we care about being together every day and night? ——Qin Guan, “The Immortal at the Magpie Bridge”

8. The love engraved on the back of chairs, will it be like flowers on concrete, blooming into a forest of loneliness without wind? ——Guo Jingming

9. Love requires a reasonable content, just as a raging fire needs oil to sustain it; love is the harmonious blending of two similar natures in an infinite sense. ——Vyacheslav Ivanovich Belinsky

10. Love is a sweet pain, and true love never follows a smooth path. ——William Shakespeare

11.就算你不接受我也没关系, 就算你不碰我……, 就算……你喜欢别人也没关系了…… 我再也不要等你来回应了 就算你不理我也没关系 我理你就行 就算你不肯跟我一起面对 也无法改变我喜欢你这一事实 这样……就够了! 《元气少女缘结神》
11. It’s okay if you don’t accept me, if you don’t touch me…, even if… you like someone else… I will no longer wait for your response; it’s enough that I care for you, even if you don’t want to face it with me; it cannot change the fact that I like you. That’s enough! “Yuan Qi Shao Nu Yuan Jie Shen”

12.蒹葭苍苍,白露为霜。所谓伊人,在水一方。 ——诗经 《国风·秦风·蒹葭》
12. Reeds are green and vast; white dew turns into frost. The one I yearn for is beyond the water. ——The Book of Songs, “National Wind·Qin Wind· Reeds”

13.如果我不做自己的观众,还以为在爱着他。 ——《洛丽塔》
13. If I were not my own audience, I would think I am still in love with him. ——“Lolita”

14.爱情常常把人抽空,留下一具空躯壳,然后扬长而去。所以,聪明人始终对爱情有戒心,三思而后行,甚至于干脆不行。 ——周国平 《人与永恒》
14. Love often drains a person, leaving behind an empty shell, and then leaves without a trace. Therefore, wise people always remain cautious about love, thinking thrice before acting, or even not acting at all. — Zhou Guoping, “Man and Eternity”

15.女人一生中总要傻过一回,然后心才会慢慢变得坚硬。——莫郁华 ——辛夷坞 《原来你还在这里》
15. In a woman’s life, she must be foolish once, and then her heart will gradually become tough. — Mo Yuhua, — Xin Yuwu, “原来你还在这里” (The Original You Are Still Here)

16.一念起,万水千山。一念灭,沧海桑田。 ——姚敏 《不负如来不负卿》
16. A single thought can cross thousands of rivers and mountains. A single thought can turn the ocean into mulberry fields. — Yao Min, “不负如来不负卿” (Live Up to the Buddha and to the Lover)

17.你不出现,我这辈子就不爱了。 ——厉爵风 《总裁的33日索情》
17. If you don’t appear, I won’t fall in love for the rest of my life. — Li Jue Feng, “The President’s 33-Day Seduction”

18.当我对所有的事情都厌倦的时候,我就会想到你,想到你在世界的某个地方生活着,存在着,我就愿意忍受一切。你的存在对我很重要 ——赛尔乔·莱翁 《美国往事》
18. When I am tired of everything, I think of you, and knowing that you are living and existing somewhere in the world, I am willing to endure everything. Your existence is very important to me. — Sergio Leone, “Once Upon a Time in America”

19.什么都不是爱的对手,除了爱。 ——王小波
19. Nothing can be a match for love, except love itself. — Wang Xiaobo

20.世间最执著的爱恋,是用最纯粹的心去爱一个人,用尽生命的全部力气去承受。一生里如果有一次这样爱过,就算爱如夏花,只开半夏,也无怨无悔。 ——冷爱 《花开半夏》
20. The most persistent love is to love someone with the purest heart, and to bear it with all the strength of life. If you have loved like this once in your life, even if it’s as short as a summer flower, you will have no regrets. — Leng Ai, “花开半夏” (Blooming for Half a Summer)

21.我从来不知道 ,原来一个一无所有的人想守护另一个一个一无所有的人结局会是这样悲伤。 ——籽月 《夏有乔木雅望天堂》
21. I never knew that the ending would be so sad when a person with nothing wants to protect another person with nothing. — Zi Yue, “夏有乔木雅望天堂” (A Tree in Summer, Hope in Heaven)

22. After all, love is a reflection of one’s self-worth in someone else. — Aisens

23.风雨难洗心痕, 沧桑不灭情伤。 莫要轻言亘古, 离散才看荒凉。 ——风凌天下 《傲世九重天》
23. Wind and rain cannot wash away the traces of the heart, and vicissitudes cannot erase emotional wounds. Do not lightly speak of eternity, for only in separation can one see the desolation. — Feng Ling Tian Xia, “傲世九重天” (Proud World, Nine Heavens)

24. Many times, I will remain silent and not explain, not because I am at a loss for words, but because time will prove everything.

25. There is always someone who lives in the heart but says goodbye to life. The unforgettable are memories, and what continues is life. Many people come and go around, but there is always a place that has not changed. Look at the warm sunshine, and occasionally think about it.

26. I vaguely remember; the day I met you, my youth began to be restless.

27.我曾经沉默地、毫无希望地爱过你。我既忍受着羞怯,又忍受着嫉妒的折磨。我曾经那样真诚那样温柔地爱过你,愿上帝赐给你的也像我一样坚贞如铁。 ——普希金 《我曾经爱过你》
27. I once loved you silently and hopelessly. I endured both shyness and the torment of jealousy. I loved you so sincerely and gently, may God grant you someone as steadfast as iron, just like me. — Pushkin, “I Loved You”

28.爱不可怕,可怕的是爱得不够,最可怕的是爱得不够还要勉强。 ——顾城
28. Love is not terrible, but loving not enough is terrible. The most terrible thing is loving not enough and still trying to force it. — Gu Cheng

29. Love will not become indifferent because of reason, nor will it be completely lost because of ambition. It is a second life; it penetrates the soul, warming every vein and beating in every pulse. — Edison

30. Although the joy of love is incredibly sweet, it can only survive where honor and virtue exist. — Gournelle

31. Love must be based on the obligations to one’s husband, children, and family. My understanding of life is that one cannot be satisfied with just eating and drinking, and the appetite will gradually weaken over time. I believe that only love can make up for this weakening. — Chekhov

32.有一个人,可以让你依靠,可以为你指点阡陌,自此不用,费煞思量。 可以不必认路的幸福。她满心欢喜。 ——墨舞碧歌 《路从今夜白》
32. There is someone who can rely on, who can guide you through the paths, so you don’t have to, spend a lot of thought. The happiness of not having to recognize the road. She is delighted. — Mo Wu Bi Ge, “路从今夜白” (The Road Turns White Tonight)

33. If we love each other, let us join hands and grow old together; if we miss each other, I will protect your well-being.

34.不管你对多少异性失望,你都没有理由对爱情失望。因为爱情本身就是希望,永远是生命的一种希望。爱情是你自己的品质,是你自己的心魂,是你自己的处境,与别人无关。爱情不是一个名词,而是一个动词,永远的动词,无穷动。 ——史铁生 《务虚笔记》
34. No matter how many opposite sexes you are disappointed in, you have no reason to be disappointed in love. Because love itself is hope, always a hope in life. Love is your own quality, your own soul, your own situation, and has nothing to do with others. Love is not a noun, but a verb, an eternal verb, an infinite action. — Shi Tiesheng, “The Book of Nullities”

35.结婚与恋爱毫无关系,人们老以为恋爱成熟后便自然而然的结婚,却不知结婚只是一种生活方式,人人可以结婚,简单得很。而爱情完全是另外一回事。 ——亦舒 《我的前半生》
35. Marriage has nothing to do with love. People always think that love will naturally lead to marriage when it matures, but they don’t know that marriage is just a way of life, and everyone can get married, which is very simple. Love, on the other hand, is a completely different thing. — Yishu, “My First Half of Life”

36.不管你心里藏着什么秘密,我只想告诉你,你守你的秘密,我会好好守着你。 ——顾西爵 《我站在桥上看风景》
36. No matter what secrets you hold in your heart, I just want to tell you that you keep your secrets, and I will take good care of you. — Gu Xijue, “I Stand on the Bridge and Watch the Scenery”

37. Only with friends can life show its full value; one lives for friends; maintaining the integrity of one’s life and not being eroded by time is also for friends. Friendship should be as warm as love, and love should be as unbreakable as friendship. — Mu’er John

38. Love makes obedience easy. — United Kingdom

39. Love, like murder, always comes to light. — W. Congreve

40. If a person does not have the ability to help the one they love, it is best not to talk casually about love or not love. Of course, help is not equal to love, but love cannot be separated from help. — Lu Xun

41. Love, it is love, that drives the development of the world.

42. Love, hope, fear, and faith constitute human nature; they are the signs and characteristics of human nature. — R. Browning

43. A life without love is called suffering. — W. Congreve

44. If a person does not have the ability to help the one they love, it is best not to talk casually about love or not love. Of course, help is not equal to love, but love cannot be separated from help. — Lu Xun

45.每个人的生命中 都应该曾有一次 为了某个人而忘了自己 不求有结果 不求同行 不求曾经拥有 甚至不求他知道 只求在最美的年华里 遇见他 ——桐华 《最美的时光》
45. Everyone’s life should have once forgotten themselves for someone, without seeking results, without seeking companionship, without seeking once owned, and even without seeking to be known, just seeking to meet him in the most beautiful years. — Tong Hua, “The Most Beautiful Time”

46.人生最好的时候不是早,也不是晚,有些人你穷其一生也不会爱,有些人你一眼就爱上,恰好那个人也爱上你,那就是最好的时候,最巧的时候。 ——笙离 《爱你,是我做过最好的事》
46. The best time in life is neither early nor late. Some people you will never love in your whole life, and some people you fall in love with at first sight. If that person also falls in love with you, that is the best time, the most coincidental time. — Sheng Li, “Loving You Is the Best Thing I’ve Ever Done”

47.感情的开始就是一颗沙粒进入贝壳的开始,经过长时间的磨合,沙粒才有可能成为一粒珍珠,叫做幸福 ——刘同 《谁的青春不迷茫》
47. The beginning of a relationship is like a sand grain entering a shell. After a long period of friction, the sand grain may become a pearl called happiness. — Liu Tong, “Whose Youth Is Not Confused”

48.一直在寻找奇迹,一直在寻找对的人,然后对他说,我找到了你。 《爱神》
48. Always searching for miracles, always searching for the right person, and then say to him, I found you. — “Eros”

49.我爱你,安安静静对待你;我爱你,轰轰烈烈在心里。 ——李宫俊 《李宫俊的诗》
49. I love you, quietly treating you; I love you, passionately in my heart. — Li Gongjun, “Li Gongjun’s Poems”

50.爱情,不仅讲究门当户对,也讲究棋逢对手。 ——乐小米 《青城2》
50. Love not only pays attention to a good match, but also to having worthy opponents. — Le Xiaomi, “Green City 2”

51.谎言就算是包装一百种形式,也依旧是谎言。 ——罗鹂 《离婚律师》
51. Even if a lie is packaged in a hundred forms, it is still a lie. — Luo Li, “Divorce Lawyer”

52.感情中最磨人的,不是争吵或冷战,而是明明喜欢、还要装出不在乎。爱,总和自尊捆绑在一起。但自尊绝非高高在上的姿态,而是坦诚的面对自己。世人都习惯了扮演一种不屑一切的冷艳。演技越好,离快乐越远。别藏得太深,幸福会找不到你。 ——苏芩
52. The most tormenting aspect of emotions is not arguments or cold wars, but pretending not to care when you clearly like someone. Love is always tied to self-esteem. However, self-esteem is not about having a condescending attitude; it’s about facing oneself honestly. People are accustomed to playing a role of indifference. The better the acting, the further away from happiness they are. Don’t hide too deep, or happiness will not find you. —— Su Qian

53.我们的生命不是我们自己的,从子宫到坟墓,我们和其他人紧紧相连。无论前世今生,每一桩恶行,每一项善举,都会决定我们未来的重生。 《云图》
53. Our lives are not our own; from the womb to the tomb, we are closely connected with others. No matter in past or present lives, every evil act and every good deed will determine our future rebirth. —— Cloud Atlas

54.你为什么喜欢我? 因为你漂亮,在我眼里。 《请回答1997》
54. Why do you like me? Because you are beautiful, in my eyes. —— Reply 1997

55.没有物质的爱情只是虚弱的幌子,被风一吹,甚至不用风吹,缓慢走动几步就是一盘散沙。 ——郭敬明 《小时代》
55. Love without material support is just a weak facade, easily blown away by the wind, or even without the wind, just a few slow steps can turn it into scattered sand. —— Guo Jingming, “Tiny Times”

56.离开,让一切变得简单,让一切有了重新被原谅的理由,让我们重新来过。 《夏至未至》
56. Leaving makes everything simple, gives everything a reason to be forgiven, and allows us to start over. —— Summer Solstice

57.深夜你突然醒来,你的手慢慢抚过我的脸颊,黑暗里你的眼睛闪过明亮的光泽。 时光凝驻,这一刻的爱情情深似海,而人生,注定寂寞如雪。 ——匪我思存 《裂锦》
57. In the deep night, you suddenly wake up, your hand slowly caressing my cheek, your eyes shining brightly in the darkness. Time stands still, and the love at this moment is as deep as the sea, while life is destined to be as lonely as snow. —— Fei Mo Si Cun, “Cracked Brocade”

58.梦里轻盈的雪花一朵朵落下,无声无息,消失在海面上。所谓繁花不过是一场梦,就像他的爱情一样。今生今世,相见无期。 ——匪我思存 《佳期如梦之海上繁花》
58. In the dream, the light snowflakes fall silently, vanishing on the sea surface. All the prosperity is just a dream, just like his love. In this life, we will never meet again. —— Fei Mo Si Cun, “The Dream of the Sea of Flowers”

59. I give up, not because I lost, but because I understood.

60.我再也不要看见她哭的样子了,就算我从此从她心目中消失。 ——工藤新一 《名侦探柯南》
60. I never want to see her cry again, even if I disappear from her heart forever. —— Shinichi Kudo, “Detective Conan”

61.我相信爱情。也相信爱情会死。 ——罗骊 《离婚律师》
61. I believe in love. I also believe that love can die. —— Luo Li, “Divorce Lawyer”

62.在我说出怀孕,在他惊慌失措的那一刻,我的爱情就彻底地死了…… ——辛夷坞 《致我们终将逝去的青春》
62. When I told him about the pregnancy, and in that moment of panic, my love died completely… —— Xin Yi Wu, “To Our Youth That Passed Away”

63.那样的笑容里什么都有,但又什么都没有,那样的笑容谁都在,也因此,谁都不在。 ——天下归元 《凤倾天阑》
63. That smile has everything, yet nothing at all; everyone is in it, and thus, no one is. —— Tian Xia Gui Yuan, “Phoenix倾倒天澜”

64.彩袖殷勤捧玉钟,当年拚却醉颜红。舞低杨柳楼心月,歌尽桃花扇底风。 从别后,忆相逢,几回魂梦与君同。今宵剩把银釭照,犹恐相逢是梦中。 ——晏几道 《鹧鸪天》
64. With my colorful sleeves, I hold the jade cup diligently, our faces flushed from drinking back then. Dancing under the willow building, the moon in my heart; singing with the peach blossom fan, the wind at the bottom. Since parting, I remember our meetings, several times in dreams with you. Tonight, I use the silver lamp to light up, still fearing that our encounter is just a dream. —— Yan Ji Dao, “Partridge Sky”

65.我掐指一算,你命里缺我,所以我就来了。 ——高见 《爱情回来了》
65. I calculated with my fingers, you lack me in your life, so I came. —— Gao Jian, “Love Comes Back”

66. The love that elevates and empowers us with beautiful emotions and thoughts can be considered a noble passion; while the love that makes us selfish, cowardly, and indulges in base instincts should be considered an evil passion. —— George Sand

67. Love has no rules, nor should it have any conditions. —— Li Li

68. My clothes grow wider, but I never regret, for I am willing to wither for you. —— Liu Yong

69. Love confuses the concepts of right and wrong; strong love and proud ambition have no boundaries. —— John Dryden

70. Love is a burning, infatuated obsession, an uncontrollable fire, an insatiable desire, a sweetness like sugar and honey, a madness like drunkenness, a restless toil and a peaceful rest without labor. —— Richard de Fournival

71. It is impossible to “love” someone or something you are absolutely familiar with. Love is always directed towards places that hide secrets. — Valéry

72. Women often commit suicide for love, but generally speaking, they always do it carefully to avoid making it a reality. Usually, it is just a gesture to evoke pity or horror from their lovers. — Maugham

73. As long as a man and a woman truly love each other, even if they don’t end up together, it is still sweet. — Tennyson

74. You are the child of enslaved land, you are the angel of love, you are the imaginative elf, you are the honest child, you are the experienced elder, you are the wealthy and intelligent man, you are the kind-hearted woman, you are the hopeful giant, you are the mother who has suffered much, you are the imaginative poet. — Balzac

75. Love is hard, and it cannot be expected to come out like a beautiful dream. — Byron

76. Without sunshine, flowers do not smell sweet; without love, life is not sweet.

77. Anything paid for love at any time will not be wasted in vain. — Tasso

78. Love is not only rich and colorful, but also pleasing to the eye. — Shenstone

79. Love must be cherished, and cherished even more as time goes by. Love is not idling under the bright moon, nor is it sighing on a long bench. — Shcheglov

80. In fact, pretended love is more perfect than true love, which is why many women are deceived. — Balzac

1. Love is about tolerance, not indulgence; love is about caring, not pampering; love is about blending together, not unrequited; love has many flavors, not just sweetness.

2. Falling in love with someone is easy, but after the excitement fades, it is not easy to still stick to that promise.

3. From a temporal perspective, a woman’s unique temperament is more captivating to men than her innate beauty.

4. You can love a woman, but don’t risk everything for her. No woman is worth讨好ing with your life. If you don’t love yourself, how can you expect others to love you?

5. So-called happiness is when a fool meets a simpleton, attracting the envy and jealousy of countless people, through thick and thin, plain and simple.

6. Beautiful lies often hurt more than violence. Physical wounds can heal, but emotional wounds are incurable.

7. Love is not complicated in the first place, coming and going in just three words: I love you, I hate you, or forget it, how are you, I’m sorry.

8. When love is sweet, it can make people forget time; when love is tasteless, time can make people forget love.

9. Knowing that freedom will be lost, knowing that it is a lifelong contract, in order to get the other person and make them happy, one is willing to make promises. Falling in love? A process of pursuing unfreedom, when you complain about being too unfreedom, it is when you no longer love them.

10. We let go of dignity, personality, and stubbornness, all just because we can’t let go of one person.

11. Why forget someone so painfully when time will naturally make you forget? If time cannot make you forget those who should not be remembered, what is the meaning of the years we have lost?

12. Deep affection is a burden I cannot bear, and sweet words are just occasionally fulfilled lies.

13. Beauty can inspire emotions, and love can purify the soul.

14. Loving someone is about saving an apple in the refrigerator for her and waiting for her return.

15. Love always hides in a tender heart.

16. Falling in love is like drinking a glass of water; at first, it’s to quench thirst, but after drinking, it seeps into your blood and bones, becoming indispensable without realizing it.

17. Good love allows you to see the world through a man, while bad love makes you give up the world for someone.

18. Unrequited love is sacred and should focus on the other person’s happiness. If there is pain, it should be left to oneself.

19. Why forget someone so painfully when time will naturally make you forget? If time cannot make you forget those who should not be remembered, what is the meaning of the years we have lost?

20. Loving someone doesn’t mean you have to be with her; it means wanting her happiness, which is the best love you can give her.

21. Those who don’t believe in love have experienced a heart that is no longer relatable to the ordinary.

22. When we love someone, we remember certain scenes related to them. After losing them, as long as we think of them, they appear in those scenes.

23. Two hopeless people together hope to warm each other but end up feeling colder because of each other’s coldness.

24. I really like you; I close my eyes, thinking I can forget, but the tears I shed don’t deceive myself.

25. Some encounters between people are like meteors, briefly sparking envy-inspiring sparks but destined to pass by in a hurry.

26. The hustle and bustle of the world, its joys and happiness, flow by like a clear stream in the wind, before my eyes, bringing warmth like a spring. I have no extravagant desires; I just want you to be happy, not sad.

27. In desperate moments, embracing a faint hope with someone and trying to convince each other that it will come true, is a bittersweet joy that only happens in love.

28. You will never see me at my loneliest because I am only lonely when you are not by my side.

29. The past in memory is too beautiful, so beautiful that even the most ruthless person cannot bear to forget. It’s not love that won’t let you go, not memories that won’t let you go, not fate that won’t let you go, but yourself who won’t let yourself go.

30. How many people post QQ signatures just to be seen by someone.

31. When I become more and more polite to you, we may be becoming strangers.

32. You think letting go can fulfill my happiness, but you don’t know that my greatest happiness is holding hands with you.

33. Clearly, we should not have fallen in love with someone from the beginning, but we did. Even if we keep telling ourselves that there’s no problem and everything is fine so far, the final result is still shattered.

34. Forgetting is an escape and a recovery. After forgetting, we only leave behind beautiful memories.

35. In order to recapture the feeling of being in love, we would rather give up the relationship we originally had.

36. The life we want is very simple, but the path to it is always full of twists and turns.

37. I love you, not because of who you are, but because of the person I become when I am with you.

38. We can forget everything in this world, but love is an exception.

39. If possible, some things must be remembered with all our strength and ability, because many things will slowly, slowly fade from our memory.

40. Life is the countless tiny particles flying in the beam of light, rising and falling with the wind, impossible to stay, undetectable and unsearchable, and finally, only silence remains.

41. Time and memory move in opposite directions, with memory being sent into the void, becoming endless and timeless.

42. Because love is often unpredictable, its disappearance is often beyond our control. If we have truly loved, then love will never be forgotten by us.

43. Love is like this: it makes us care about each other all the time and everywhere. If the care fades away and disappears, love comes to an end.

44. In fact, our life is a series of dreams. Sometimes we indulge in them and don’t want to wake up. We cry, laugh, feel sad, and happy in our dreams. When the dream wakes up, we start another dream. Those who don’t want to leave the dream stay forever in memories.

45. Love is always sweet at the beginning, but later there is boredom, habit, betrayal, loneliness, despair, and neglect.

46. Loving someone because of loneliness often leads to deeper and incurable loneliness.

47. Romance, I have touched it before, and I still feel nauseous. Cruelty, I can’t avoid it, so I show it to you.

48. The mistakes we have made, some are because of being too late, some are due to deliberate avoidance, and more often, we stand by in confusion. We keep making mistakes again and again, but never learn from them or reflect on ourselves.

49. To the world, you are just one person among many; but to someone, you are their entire world.

50. Don’t waste your time on those who are unwilling to spend time on you.

51. If someone doesn’t love you the way you want, it doesn’t mean they’re not doing their best to love you.

52. Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.

53. Sometimes, emotions are just a personal matter. They have nothing to do with anyone else. To love, or not to love, one can only decide for themselves.

54. Love is the most luxurious pleasure, but the ending is often sad.

55. Love is not a sanctuary; if you try to take refuge in it, you will be driven out.

56. True love is cherishing when you can love; true love is letting go when you can’t. Because, letting go means possessing everything… Please love wholeheartedly when cherishing.

57. Relationships are like chewing gum; over time, they become tasteless and dull. When they become dull, we want to give up, but no matter where we discard them, they leave an indelible mark.

58. Love, in some hasty manner, completes its ending in the plain reality, submerging all the struggles, rebellion, and passion that once existed.

59. Some people will always be engraved in our memories; even if we forget their voice, their smile, and their face, the feeling we have when we think of them will never change.

60. When someone doesn’t love anyone, they can fall in love with anyone around them.

61. I don’t believe in love, but I will accept it because it’s a comfort.

62. Love can be a matter of a moment or a lifetime. Everyone can fall in love with different people at different times. No one is unable to live without someone else; forgetting makes us strong.

63. Sometimes, we persist in doing things we know are wrong because we’re unwilling to give up; we give up on people we know we love because there’s no ending. Sometimes, we continue moving forward even when we know there’s no way out because we’re used to it.

64. No one is worth your tears, and the person who is worth it won’t make you cry.

65. When a person is in pain, they will remember that they have also caused pain to others in the past.

66. I used to think that the greatest thing about loving someone was waiting. Today, I realized that the greatness of love, besides waiting, is accepting.

67. There is no animal in the world that can run faster than time and life. What surpasses time is not speed, but the slow dance of love between two souls.

68. Love needs no explanation, yet it can explain everything. Although love is just one of many emotions, it is far more profound and helpless than the others.

69. I always thought I would get used to the passage of time and the past. No matter where, who I meet, or how it ends.

70. When you have no feelings for someone, you will find many reasons not to love them.

71. When love carries more hope, it also disillusions faster.

72. We never truly understand each other’s feelings, yet we are willing to commit to each other.

73. Love is most beautiful when there is a fear of losing it. If we never start, it will never fade away, but who can resist not beginning?

74. Some people will always be etched in our lives, even if we forget their voice, their smile, and their face. Yet, every time we think of them, that feeling never changes.

75. Love can be lonely alcohol, free desire, a silent game, a dark shadow trailing behind. Marriage is a way of life, not an end. Love is also a way of life, not an ideal. So for us, love can be replaced, and perhaps is better replaced.

76. Lonely souls gazing at each other, you are me, and I am you. You are not me, and I am not you.

77. Time can pass everything in the world, but love can last forever, despite being so sorrowful. Only memories will remain in our hearts, in a profound and unreachable form.

78. We often overlook those who love us, yet cherish those who ignore us.

79. Lonely people always remember everyone who has appeared in their lives with all their hearts. So I keep thinking of you on every starry night, counting my loneliness over and over again.

80. Don’t buy useless things, no matter how cheap; don’t rely on someone you don’t love, no matter how lonely.

81. Love is a passionate obsession, an uncontrollable fire, an insatiable desire, a joy as sweet as sugar and honey, a bout of madness, and a restless toil with no peace and a peace without toil.

82. If you love someone, first make sure you are 100% worthy of their love now or in the future. As for whether they love you or not, that’s their business. You can hope for it, but don’t force yourself to pursue it.

83. Only in love can a woman truly live like a woman.

84. True love is a concern and care that comes from the heart, without fancy words or attention-seeking actions. You can only feel it in the little things, in every word and deed.

85. Don’t easily say “I love you,” for promises made are debts owed.

86. When your tears are about to fall, open your eyes wide and don’t blink! You will witness the world becoming blurry from clear, and your heart will become clear and distinct the moment your tears fall.

87. Sometimes love is just because of loneliness, needing to find someone to love, even if there is no ending.

88. The weariness of language, the despair of lost expectations, the inability to love or be loved, the disbelief in love, all stem from a heart that has once crossed the vast ocean, something ordinary people cannot comprehend.

89. True love is not necessarily a perfect match in the eyes of others, but a deep spiritual connection between the lovers, a silent dedication to make each other’s lives better. This love not only warms them but also touches those worldly hearts.

90. When you find something you like, don’t be too picky, because love is not made under a magnifying glass.

91. True love can inspire people, awaken the sleeping power and hidden talents within their hearts.

92. Many people have experienced puppy love and perhaps lost their innocence at an early age. They explore the path of love with passion and directness, but they move too fast, so it’s inevitable that they sometimes feel confused. When they finally become adults, their hearts bear the marks of brokenness, and many women find it harder to have desires. Facing the men they love, sometimes a gentle hug is more powerful than all the passion.

93. Meeting the right person at the right time leads to a lifetime of happiness; meeting the wrong person at the right time leads to heartache; meeting the wrong person at the wrong time leads to absurdity; meeting the right person at the wrong time leads to a lifetime of sighs.

94. Letting someone know too much about yourself becomes your fatal weakness and makes you vulnerable.

95. Fantasy is like an angel without wings, unable to fly beyond the boundaries of reality.

96. Love is not a vanity to be displayed before others; it is not a beautiful garment to be worn for everyone’s admiration; it is not a task to be accountable to friends and family. Love is your own business, and only you know whether you are happy or not.

97. There are no unchanging promises, only endless lies.

98. Thinking that covering your eyes can make you invisible to the world; thinking that covering your ears can make you immune to all troubles; thinking that stopping your footsteps can keep your heart from wandering; thinking that what I need in love is just a hug.

99. With both the ending and the process, to entangle further would be greedy even for oneself.

100. Even if it cannot be treated kindly, it is still a form of mercy, only the illusion is thin, and even if it is intense, it is just fireworks, leaving nothing but cold ashes on the ground.

1. Marriage is like a keyboard, with too many rules and order; love is like a mouse, easily connected. Men compare themselves to the mainframe, where memory is the most important; women are like monitors, where everything can be seen.

2. Love is a gamble, where gamblers bet their future years on the hope of happiness in the distant future.

3. Love is like coffee, bitter yet fragrant; love is like a sonata, full of twists and turns yet touching; love is like a green plum, sour yet sweet.

4. There is no problem when immature people are together, and there is no problem when mature people are together. But when mature people are with immature people, there are many issues.

5. If you agree with the above statements, please leave a comment. This way, more people can learn these truths. If you have more to add, please leave a comment as well, as it can help others learn more. If you disagree, you should still leave a comment because you might have a better point. Instead of saying you love someone, it’s better to say you love the pain involved.

6. Some people will always be etched in your memory. Even if you forget their voice, their smile, and their face, the feeling you have when you think of them will never change.

7. Sometimes, emotions are just a personal matter, having nothing to do with anyone else. To love or not to love can only be decided by oneself.

8. From a beautiful encounter to infatuation, from love at first sight to a promise of eternal commitment, the fleeting days make a couple feel as if they have experienced years of love transformation.

9. Being single is like a seed in spring, full of hope; being single is like the scorching sun in summer, passionate and brilliant; being single is like the fallen leaves in autumn, free and unrestrained; being single is like the snowflakes in winter, romantic and infinite.

10. The wind blows and flowers fly, but the countless attachments to you cannot be severed. No one knows how painful this longing is, how it completely empties the heart and mercilessly shreds it. Your figure always flies in my heart, making me intoxicated.

11. In a person’s lifetime, they may never truly connect with another, leaving them lonely with only the exchange of physical desires and money. So, please wait for that special person in your life.

12. In my world, you remain pure; it’s just the world that has become tainted.

13. In the future, you may inadvertently think of me, but please don’t forget how deeply I once loved you.

14. In love, a man’s personality is superfluous, and a woman’s mind is superfluous.

15. Women learn what men are through repeated relationships, while men learn what women want through repeated relationships.

16. She didn’t reject you, but she didn’t feel attracted to you either. This means she is currently lonely, needing a man and love, but you still have many shortcomings that prevent her from fully accepting and being satisfied with you.

17. Love without marriage is like a bubble, easily bursting; marriage without love is like plain boiled water, easily becoming boring.

18. Before marriage, women view men as fruits, but after marriage, they are always dissatisfied with this and that, feeling that their pre-marital days were wasted like figs without flowers.

19. Women should learn to dress up. Don’t use simplicity as an excuse, and don’t use housework as a reason. If you don’t understand fashion, you are not a good woman.

20. Those beautiful little fish sleep with their eyes open. They don’t need love and never cry. They are my role models.

21. The players have left, who still cares about pondering over a half-finished game of chess beyond the mortal world?

22. I’ve turned the entire world upside down, just to straighten your reflection.

23. Although people who have lost love are different, gazing at the starry sky is the only thing they all have in common.

24. If one person’s emotions are liberated, the other will head towards a terrible hell.

25. Time is the fairest judge; history is the best witness. You will eventually know how much I love you, but give me some time!

26. Love should be a happy thing, and a lover should be a trusted companion. If it becomes a scheming battle of secrets and catching mistakes, what’s the point of love?

27. Love is an inequality; no one can predict which side of the emotional scale will be heavier and which will be lighter. But love is like this; if you don’t have the courage to try, you are destined to only accompany your lonely soul.

28. Love is truly fleeting, like the most beautiful and real metaphor of fireworks. It’s just the moment when it soars into the sky, and then becomes a habit, eventually turning into a familial love. The pain of a broken heart is because you can’t change a habit or refuse the most primitive familial love.

29. Liking someone means being happy together; loving someone means wanting to be with them even when it’s not happy.

30. Relationships cannot be compared; once compared, they reveal their shortcomings. Relationships cannot be scrutinized; once examined, they crumble into fragments.

31. The person who expresses love is an animal, and the one who is loved is a plant. If love is rejected, the one who leaves is the animal, because plants don’t have feet to run away.

32. The pain a relationship brings you is proportional to the happiness it once brought you.

33. Give me a fulcrum, let me try to move your heart again, okay? What makes me sad is that you never gave me this fulcrum until you left.

34. If your marriage is unhappy, come back to me, even if I’m too old to walk. I’ll still elope with you.

35. When we’re old, I hope I can still kiss your gums and be together forever.

36. Beauty is a woman’s passport - an old saying, but also an unshakable truth. Although it’s just a sugar-coated shell, it doesn’t necessarily win the beauty’s heart, but men still wholeheartedly try to please her. Those women who lack visual appeal, even if they are the real cure, may be hard to swallow, and men often can’t make up their minds to marry them.

37. Older unmarried men and women are like passengers who have missed their stop on the bus. Sometimes it’s because the seats on the bus are too comfortable, and they don’t want to get off; sometimes it’s because they don’t know which stop they should get off at. Men and women who never marry are the bus drivers.

38. I’m busy - when people hear this, parents worry about their child’s health; friends think this guy’s career is successful; the wife feels the burden of housework has increased; the girlfriend cries, realizing that she may not be as important to him as his career, and it could even be a signal or excuse for a breakup.

39. What is the most adventurous thing to do in modern times? Climbing, gliding, extreme sports… There are all kinds of opinions. In fact, emotions are the biggest adventure, and it has always been so. Because all kinds of adventurous actions are just death, but the torment of emotions makes life unbearable.

40. Owning a house makes unmarried women feel younger and more patient in choosing a lover. A man asks a woman for advice: “Shall we rent a house first and buy one after getting married and saving money?” The woman replies: “Then I might as well rent a husband first.”

41. Friendship, family… We have everything between us, but the only thing missing is love.

42. Every woman has two versions: hardcover and paperback. The former is for others to see in the workplace and social situations, with heavy makeup and shining brightly; the latter is for their loved ones at home, wearing casual clothes and pajamas, complaining. Husbands in marriage often only see their wives’ paperback version and other women’s hardcover version.

43. I’ve been looking for that feeling, the feeling of holding a pair of warm hands on a cold day and walking forward steadily.

44. Because of the mundane, our love sometimes drifts away from the originally warm harbor; because of curiosity, our journey may inadvertently turn at a crossroads, and when you want to turn around, you’ll hear love crying softly behind you.

45. I still keep my eyes open when night comes, because I see the traces you left in the moonlight.

46. In this city, I believe there must be someone who thinks the same things, with a similar frequency, at some lonely exit, arranged to meet me.

47. Time didn’t wait for me, it’s you who forgot to take me away. We got lost in the unfamiliar wind and rain, and since then, we have been in different places, forgetting each other.

48. If there is an afterlife, I would like to be your sister. Even if we cannot enter the marriage hall, I can still be your forever inseparable family!

49. Did you know that a boy stands on the girl’s left side because it brings him closer to her heart?

50. Buses come every minute, subways come every minute, our love, there’s only this one lifetime!

51. To pursue the person I like, I am willing to give up everything I have. But when I give up everything, will she still accept my love?

52. Life, at a constant speed is love, uneven speed becomes a kind of hurt.

53. Men often tell their biggest secrets to their confidantes, not to their family members or wives. When a confidante becomes a wife, her power in this aspect is immediately revoked.

54. A good woman is a man’s school. A good woman, however, hopes that this good student will never graduate.

55. Old couples look more and more alike. Some say it’s because they are in love. But doctors say that the cause is their constant companionship, the same diet, and synchronized routines. The leaves on the same tree also grow more and more similar.

56. Love is like two people pulling a rubber band; the one who gets hurt is always the one unwilling to let go!

57. Marriage is an umbrella. With it, you are naturally comfortable during wind, rain, and scorching sun, but in more ordinary days, an extra umbrella can be a burden.

58. Leave with a turn, and spend a lifetime forgetting.

59. The greatest act of unrequited love is to fulfill. You don’t love me, but I fulfill you. True unrequited love is a lifelong career, not giving up because he is far away from you. Without this sentiment, don’t casually speak of unrequited love.

60. Sometimes a girl’s psychology is very subtle. You may be devoted to her for several years without her loving you, but once you fall for someone else, she can’t stand it and realizes that she actually likes you.

61. People who indulge in the past and memories are cowardly because they dare not face reality bravely. What is reality? Reality is change. There are no unchanging feelings or people.

62. I don’t think that maturity means becoming more and more tolerant, accepting everything. On the contrary, I believe it’s a process of elimination, knowing what’s most important and what’s not.

63. Guard a heart, not like guarding a cat. It comes to snuggle with you when it’s cold, calls you when it’s hungry, rubs you when it’s itchy, and sneaks away when it’s bored. Guarding a heart, how I wish it could be like guarding a dog, not you guarding it, but it guarding you!

64. The character “诺” in promise and “誓” in oath both have mouths but no hearts.

65. What are you doing? I am looking up at the sky. What is a 45-degree gaze? It’s the angle at which I miss her. Why do I raise my head to 45 degrees? To keep my tears from falling.

66. A good woman is one who can make a man feel at ease, and a good man is one who can satisfy a woman.

67. At night, the pain emerges, first losing consciousness for a moment, and then the nerves of the internal organs awaken together, piercing through the heart like a thousand arrows.

68. All we can do is hope for the night to pass quickly, and when the day comes, my hopeless longing can curl up in an unknown corner of my heart, temporarily free from pain. My love is afraid of light. Love is not limited by time. It’s really hard to bear, mentioning the bitter past. Although the swaying nights are as beautiful as before, my heart has lost its balance. To this day, I can’t understand why you insisted on separating from me when I loved you so deeply. Memory, why don’t you flow away with time?

69. The most painful thing is after breaking up. The reason for the pain is that I once loved you deeply. Even after many years, I still remember you vividly, your smiling face hard to forget. Longing is an eternal song, and what can’t be forgotten is the yellow sparrow or the cold rain? Taste those innocent games in the sorghum field back then, and you can’t help but laugh. In fact, breaking up is also a kind of memory, isn’t it?

70. People, when they cannot love or have no right to love, the sparks of “love” that collide inadvertently are the purest and most unforgettable. Although this kind of “love” can only be hidden deep in the heart and is destined to have no ending from the beginning, it is a charming and bittersweet experience in life. It is precisely because there is no ending that this precious feeling can be forever preserved in your memory. You have only heard Tolstoy’s one-sided innocence about love, but you have not yet heard Qian Zhongshu’s helplessness about ordinary love: It is a castle, where people outside want to rush in desperately, and those inside want to squeeze out.

71. He may have a thousand优点, but if he doesn’t love you, it’s a flaw you can never persuade yourself to accept. The biggest flaw in a person is not being selfish, fickle, barbaric, or willful, but being stubbornly in love with someone who doesn’t love you. Unrequited love is a form of self-destruction and a great sacrifice. Unrequited love doesn’t even need an object; we just stand by the river, watching our own reflections and pitifully thinking we are in love with someone else.

72. One radish for one pit, which describes the situation of marriage. In fact, it is not true for love. Excellent people, regardless of gender, will be one radish with several pits, so the world stages stories of joy and sorrow every day.

73. Stinginess is a great taboo for men. Even if they are poor, they should not act poor. Men complain that women only love men’s money, but it’s not necessarily the case. Some women like men to spend money on them, sometimes to confirm their position in the man’s heart. If a man likes a woman, he will definitely be willing to spend money on her.

74. In the world of love, no one is sorry for anyone; it’s just that some people don’t know how to cherish others.

75. If one day my hair turns gray and I am no longer beautiful, will you still gently touch my cheek and say you will accompany me to the ends of the earth? If the sky really grows old and the sea really dries up, I only wish to be with you through thousands of reincarnations.

76. If you constantly pull your lover towards you when a rival appears, it may actually push them towards the rival. Being overly anxious is not a good thing. Relax, so that neither side will feel exhausted.

77. Foolishness is my specialty, and infatuation is my ideal. When foolishness and infatuation are intertwined, it becomes the most beautiful paradise in my dreams! Don’t laugh at me, I am so infatuated, and I will foolishly love you and be infatuated with you until we are old!

78. The past is just an experience and a feeling, not evidence. There is no need to pay the present or future responsibilities for the past preferences. Don’t dwell on past matters. The present facts are more practical and persuasive than past memories.

79. Sometimes, a girl’s psychology is very delicate. You may be devoted to her for several years without her loving you, but once you fall for someone else, she can’t stand it and realizes that she actually likes you.

80. A birthday is a stage, a test, and an opportunity. In love, men are more likely to take advantage of this; after marriage, women are more likely to take advantage of this.

81. Women can tolerate an unhappy marriage, but they cannot tolerate an unhappy love; men can tolerate an unhappy love, but they cannot tolerate an unhappy marriage.

82. Love is always out of sync, either you are early, or I am late, but never in sync.

83. During the day, when the sun is out, my dark thoughts hide behind the bright flower petals, and no one can see them. They think I have forgotten you, just like you have forgotten me.

84. Love is like a debt from a past life that needs to be repaid in this life - I must have been so vulgar in my previous life that I have no debt to repay in this life!

85. Love has always been a complicated matter. Without experiencing abandonment and pain, how can one learn to love? Love is an experience, and may people last a long time.

86. Marriage is unpredictable because sometimes an optimistic man plus an optimistic woman equals two pessimists.

87. If a man falls in love with a woman, he will love her no matter how she treats him. Being gentle is good, being fierce is good, but once the love is gone, everything is wrong.

88. If a husband or wife always wants to be the police of the other, then no matter how you look at the other, they seem like a thief.

89. Some people say that love is like picking up stones, always wanting to find one that suits you, but how can you know when you will find it? Does she suit you, and do you suit her? In fact, love is like polishing stones. Perhaps when you first find it, you are not satisfied, but remember that people are adaptable, and many things can be changed. As long as you have the heart and courage, it is better to polish the stone you already have instead of looking for unknown stones everywhere. Have you started polishing?

90. When two people are in love, their feelings are so passionate that they seem to burn each other, and there is no need for management. However, as time goes by, the cooled love needs to be sincerely maintained by both parties, so that love will not spoil.

91. Those beautiful little fish, they keep their eyes open when they sleep. They don’t need love and never cry. They are my role models.

92. You are a lily, emitting a refreshing fragrance. I just want to stand by your side, watching you, caring for you, and nourishing you with love, making you bloom more beautifully. Because I am willing to be the gardener of your life!

93. If it’s just a spiritual love between you, you may not feel as much pain when you leave. But if you get physically involved, you’ll be physically and mentally exhausted when you part ways.

94. The person you thought you couldn’t lose may not be irreplaceable after all. Once you’ve cried your tears, someone else will come to make you laugh. When you’re heartbroken, you’ll realize that the person who doesn’t love you isn’t worth your sadness. Looking back, it’s all just a comedy. When love ends, a new realm awaits, and all the sorrows are just history.

95. Love is always more beautiful in our imagination than in reality, both when we meet and when we say goodbye. We think we love deeply, but as time goes by, you’ll find that it’s only shallow. The deepest and heaviest love must grow with time. Because of love, two strangers can suddenly become close enough to sleep in the same bed. However, the same two people may say they feel increasingly陌生的 when they part ways. Love turns strangers into lovers and then turns lovers back into strangers.

96. You can love a woman, but don’t give everything you have for her. No woman is worth winning at the cost of your life. If you don’t love yourself, how can you expect others to love you?

97. Perhaps it was missing a bus, or maybe lingering for an extra second in front of a beautiful scene; in the end, we did meet. We have to admit that it was destined fate. Perhaps we were just passing by, or maybe we’ll never meet again after parting, but knowing you has brought me immense joy. The things we try hardest to forget will often be the deepest memories.

98. I have only so much warmth in my life, and I gave it all to you. But you left me, and now how can I smile at others?

99. One day, I will quietly walk away from you without a sound. I’ve missed out on so much, and I’m always sad by myself.

100. Lovestruck people always hold on to this thought: If I can move myself with my dedication, why wouldn’t she be moved as well? But persistent pursuit only proves that you are a persistent person, nothing more.

1. Loving someone means calling them without knowing what to say, only to realize that you just want to hear their familiar voice. It turns out that what you truly want to connect is a string in your heart.

2. Loving someone means imagining a thousand terrible scenarios when they’re late, going through all sorts of ordeals in your mind, vowing to punish them when they return, but forgetting everything once you see them.

3. On the days when you’re lonely and sad, please whisper my name quietly and say: There’s someone in this world who misses me, and I live in someone’s heart. (Pushkin)

4. If you love her, let your love surround her like sunshine and set her free. - Tagore

5. If you love him (her), tell him (her), don’t let him (her) miss out, because you might give up this opportunity and it may never come again.

6. I will always remember someone who would wait with me by the roadside for takeout; I will always remember someone who would run with me through the crowd when we’re about to be late; I will always remember someone who would scare me to scream at the corner of the room.

7. The most difficult door to open is the heart’s door, the hardest path to walk is the heart’s path, the most challenging bridge to cross is the heart’s bridge, and the most difficult thing to adjust is one’s mindset. The world’s most challenging project is transforming a person’s inner world! If your finger is dirty, there is no need to chop it off; if your hat is too small, there is no need to shave your head. When you hold onto something and never let go, you may only possess that one thing, but if you are willing to let go, you gain the opportunity to choose other options.

8. Love is the eternally shining lighthouse, gazing steadily at the storm yet remaining unmoved. Love is a life fulfilled, just as a cup filled with wine. - Tagore

9. Love can only flourish when it is free and unrestrained. The idea that love is a certain obligation can only lead to its death. A single sentence: you should love someone, is enough to make you hate that person deeply.

10. Love will not become indifferent due to reason, nor will it be completely lost because of ambition. It is a second life; it seeps into the soul, warming every vein and beating in every pulse.

11. Only a man’s exclusive love can meet a young girl’s first love requirements; and only a girl’s first love can satisfy a man’s last love desires. - Hekel

12. If a person bases all their interests in life on the stormy emotional impulses of love, they will be disappointed. - Madame Curie

13. If you can’t remember the silliest thing you’ve done for love, you haven’t truly been in love; if you haven’t talked endlessly about your lover’s virtues, making the listener impatient, you haven’t truly been in love. - Roland

14. Love is like depositing money in a bank. Appreciating each other’s strengths is like increasing income; tolerating each other’s weaknesses is controlling expenses. So-called eternal love is from youth to old age, from blooming flowers to withered ones. - Bacon

15. If you love someone, first make sure you are 100% worthy of their love now or in the future. As for whether they love you or not, that’s their business. You can hope for it, but you don’t have to force yourself to pursue it. - Roland

16. Love doesn’t need an explanation, yet it can explain everything. Although love is just one of many emotions, it is far deeper and more helpless than the others.

17. When love is coming to an end, you have to draw a period even if you don’t want to. When you doubt whether to take the initiative to draw a period, it means you can’t let go and can’t draw this period. Every relationship will eventually have a period, and when it comes, you can’t stop it.

18. Once love becomes a habit, it will be impossible to get rid of for a lifetime.

19. What does it mean to love someone? It means being happy for their happiness, doing everything needed to make them happier, and finding joy in it. - Chernyshevsky

20. It doesn’t matter if you fall in love with someone whose lifestyle differs greatly from yours; however, when it comes to marriage, be cautious and consider whether you can tolerate each other’s differences for a long time.

21. Lasting love comes from true love from the heart and is built on a foundation of equality. Anyone who only loves someone crazily without considering if they are loved in return, or only enjoys being loved without sincerely loving someone, will not have a good ending.

22. I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I can be in front of you.

23. Loving someone means being happy for their happiness, doing everything needed to make them happier, and finding joy in it. —— Chernyshevsky

24. Love and marriage are like cars racing on two different tracks. —— Montaigne

25. The most important thing in a person’s life is to discover oneself, and in marriage, it is to be discovered by someone else. —— Rarnal

26. Love needs a thin layer of sadness, a touch of jealousy, and dramatic games of doubt. —— Vasilyev

27. Playing with love carelessly is like playing with fire, with the constant danger of self-destruction. If love is a sweet nectar, drinking it recklessly can turn it into a potent poison. —— Ding Ling

28. Love each other, but do not be bound by love. —— Gibran

29. A man who intends to marry should have the following realization: his rights will be halved, and his obligations will be doubled. —— Yukio Shimizu

30. Young people are reckless and play with love; middle-aged people savor the taste and pursue love; old people, feeling lonely and bored, reminisce about love. —— Akuta Ushio

31. Losing one’s future for the sake of a broken heart is a lifelong loss. —— Ho Hai

32. If you can’t remember the silliest thing you’ve done for love, you haven’t truly been in love; if you haven’t talked endlessly about your lover’s virtues, making listeners impatient, you haven’t truly been in love.

33. You can obtain love by any means, but maintaining love requires wisdom.

34. Love should be full of promises, and only a love that is exclusively faithful and unyielding is true love.

35. Love has the power of attraction, and marriage has the power of restraint. Trying to escape both is futile.

36. If you have never been loved by someone, you will cherish the one who loves you in the future.

37. When they can’t meet, they miss each other. But once they can meet and walk together again, they will torment each other.

38. I just want to find someone who can bear my tears when I’m down and let me bite their shoulder when I’m happy.

39. The principle of childish love is: “I love because I love.” The principle of mature love is: “I love because I am loved.” —— Fro (US)

40. It’s hard to appreciate the simple things after experiencing the vast ocean or the clouds over Wushan Mountain. But what if I haven’t experienced the vast ocean or just returned after a brief visit, and I haven’t even been to Wushan Mountain before entering the besieged city?

41. What is romance? Is it sending flowers? Strolling in the rain? Standing in front of a building without leaving? If two people truly love each other, even doing nothing and just quietly facing each other can feel romantic. Otherwise, even if they sit on the moon together, they won’t feel the romance.

42. It doesn’t matter if the couple comes from similar social backgrounds; what’s most important is that they share the same interests, or else they will feel lonely even when they are together.

43. Don’t fall in love just because you feel lonely. Time is a demon, and as it passes, if you are an affectionate person, you will develop feelings for the other person even if you don’t love them at first. What will you do then?

44. Don’t get married just for the sake of responsibility. Remember, marrying someone you don’t love is the most irresponsible thing to do. It may hurt them at the moment, but it’s better than causing them years or even a lifetime of sadness.

45. No matter how old you are or how much your family and friends urge you, never take marriage lightly. Marriage is not like playing cards; redealing comes at a great cost.

46. Mature love, respect, and loyalty are not easily displayed. Its voice is low, it is humble, yielding, and hidden, waiting and waiting again. —— (UK) Charles Dickens

47. Love, originally, had no name. What awaited before the encounter was its name. —— Xi Murong

48. Some women let their boyfriends pamper them during dating, and after marriage, they still expect their husbands to pamper them in every way, forgetting their own responsibilities as a woman. Such women do not understand love.

49. No one in the world is worth your tears, because the person who is worth your tears will never make you cry!

50. Some say that in love, you should find someone you like, and in marriage, find someone who likes you. Both are one-sided. If your lover doesn’t like you, what’s there to love? How can you spend a lifetime with a wife you don’t like?

51. Try to prolong the time of dating as much as possible. This has at least two benefits: First, enjoy the pleasure of love for as long as possible, as the feelings of marriage and love are very different. Second, the longer two people spend together, the better they can test whether they are truly sincere and whether their personalities are compatible. This will make the emotional bond after marriage much stronger.

52. Men are not bad, women don’t love them. This “bad” doesn’t refer to being heartless and ruthless, selfish and merciless, or anything like that. It refers to being smooth-talking and flattering. Ordinary good men think that speaking sweet words is smooth-talking and frivolous, so they are unwilling to do it. It’s wrong to say this to others, but for your own wife, you should be more smooth-talking. Why not be a man with a good heart and a smooth tongue?

53. If you truly love someone, try your best to make them happy. When they are happy, you will be happy, and then both of you will have passion.

54. Don’t give up on pursuing someone just because you think you’re not as good-looking as them. Appearance is only a temporary impression. What truly determines whether two people can be together mainly depends on their personalities. I’ve seen too many handsome men with unattractive women and vice versa.

55. Women should learn to dress up and not use simplicity as an excuse or use housework as an excuse. If you don’t understand fashion, you are not a complete woman.

56. There is no problem when immature people are together, and there is no problem when mature people are together. But when mature people are with immature people, there will be many problems.

57. Love doesn’t have to achieve a certain goal to be considered love. Any kind of love is beautiful and has a result. The love engraved in the bottom of our hearts, because it is selfless and desire-free, because it is indifferent and melancholic, will be truly eternal.

58. When you truly love someone, besides their noble talents, they also have some lovable weaknesses, which are also an important key to your love for them. —— (France) Maurois

59. Inexperienced first love is charming, but love that withstands trials is priceless. —— Malinowski

60. I admit that there is nothing more painful than the punishment of love, nor anything more joyful than serving it. - Shakespeare

61. It’s actually like hailing a taxi. First, unlike a bus, it won’t come to you automatically by just waiting; you need to wave at it to stop; second, if you happen to find an empty car, that’s your luck, but often there’s already someone in it; third, you have to pay a price proportional to the distance you’ve traveled.

62. The emotions that truly touch people are always simple and unadorned; they make no noise, show no off, and are buried deep. - Zhou Guoping

63. Girls often say, “No man is a good thing.” So when a girl tells you, “You are a good person,” you are basically dead, because in her mind, you have officially withdrawn from the ranks of men and lost the possibility of further development. Only when a girl says to you, “You rascal,” are you truly a good person…

64. It is because of longing that one can write sad and touching sentences, and it is because of rich emotions that one becomes crazy in the heart, wanting to search for something. It is because of a glimpse of sadness that one can miss someone till now. It is because of a brush with fate that one feels so sentimental, for you never know, and you will try hard to make them remember your silhouette. Choose what you love, and love what you choose.

65. If you are already together, make an effort to trust each other, and don’t let a small matter lead to wild suspicions, as it will be of no benefit and will only show your lack of confidence in yourself, causing the other person to gradually lose faith in you.

66. If she (he) loves you and you love her (him), then never deceive her (him), even if it’s a well-intentioned lie; after all, she (he) is the person you love the most.

67. A single egg can be drawn countless times, but can a love affair?

68. Those who are together now, might be together, or will soon be apart, remember my words: once missed, it may never come back again.

69. There are moments when longing has to be hidden away, and the things we cherish the most in life are always hidden the deepest and kept secret from others.

70. Emotional wounds can be slowly forgotten, but if one keeps thinking about them, the pain will never heal.

71. Women are naturally physically weaker, so they usually prefer strong, well-built men.

72. Nothing can arouse a woman’s interest more than eloquence. Poor women, they don’t understand that a boyfriend who listens is much better than one who talks.

73. Women are a major obstacle in a man’s career. Falling in love with a woman makes it difficult to do anything else. To conveniently fall in love with a woman without being hindered by her, there is only one way - marriage.

74. If you want to be loved by others, you must first make yourself worthy of love, not just for a day or a week, but forever.

75. People are not lovable because they are beautiful, but beautiful because they are lovable.

76. When a girl falls in love with a man, she will never see his flaws.

77. Love, originally, had no name; what we wait for before meeting, is its name.

78. I want you to know that there is someone in this world who will always be waiting for you, no matter when or where you are. Just know that there is such a person. —— Eileen Chang

79. All the endings have been written, and all the tears have set off, but suddenly I forgot how it all began. In that ancient, never-returning summer, no matter how I search, your youthful figure passes by like a cloud’s shadow. And your smiling face, so light and faint, gradually fades into the mountains after sunset. I turn to the yellowed pages, and fate has bound it so poorly. With tears, I read it again and again, but I have to admit that youth is a book too hastily written.

80. When love is expressed in silence, it speaks the loudest. —— Thomas à Kempis

81. Once there was a boy and a girl. The boy said to the girl, “If I have a bowl of porridge, I will give half to you.” The girl grew up and got married, but she always remembered the boy’s words, and she felt that he was the love of her life.

82. If I didn’t love you, I wouldn’t miss you, be jealous of the opposite sex around you, lose my confidence and fighting spirit, or suffer. How great it would be if I could stop loving you.

83. Love should not be rekindled, for if it is, the beautiful memories of the past will vanish. If we hadn’t reunited, perhaps I would still cherish his deep longing until my body withers away; but at this moment, I hate him. All the good days have gone forever.

84. It is through pursuit and desire that we find happiness, as well as depression and disappointment. Through depression and disappointment, we learn to cherish. If you have not been loved by others, you will cherish the one who loves you in the future.

85. You are the uncertainty I cannot guess, and I am the triviality you cannot imagine.

86. Giving up someone who loves you deeply is not painful. Giving up someone you love is painful. Falling in love with someone who doesn’t love you is even more painful.

87. Don’t fall in love due to loneliness, and don’t be lonely for a lifetime because of a misfortune in love.

88. Don’t wait until you miss it to regret, don’t wait until you lose it to want to make up for it.

89. Perhaps only when we are farthest apart can we see the days we have spent together most clearly and truly.

90. If it is destined, time and space are no distance. If not, even being together all day long won’t make sense. Don’t care too much about everything, nor try to force it. Just let everything go with the flow.

91. The most unforgettable is the one that is never thought of, but can never be forgotten.

92. Don’t let the person who likes you cry their heart out for you just once. Because, the chance for you to hurt them like that is only once. After that, you will go from being an indispensable person to a dispensable one. Even if she still loves you, there will always be something real that has changed.

93. What a woman ultimately seeks is nothing more than a tolerant embrace, where she can act willfully and entangled within it. Heartbreak is the only way for a woman to grow up quickly. One day, when she no longer clings, acts coquettishly, or has mood swings, it means she no longer loves. Some people, knowing they will get hurt, still choose to love. We have always been like this, deeply affectionate and cruel at the same time. Those romantic moments are just romantic moments, nothing more.

94. God created man to make him lonely, and created woman to make him even lonelier.

95. There was a little monkey whose belly was scratched by a tree branch, bleeding a lot. It showed its wound to a monkey friend and said, “Look at my wound, it hurts so much.” Every monkey who saw its wound comforted it, sympathized with it, and told it different ways to treat it. It continued to show its wound to friends and listen to their opinions. Later, it died of infection. An old monkey said, “It died because of itself. Pain, mentioning it once is to review it once.”

96. It’s not about life or death. It’s about habit. A woman getting used to a man’s snoring, from not being able to adapt to getting used to it, and then not being able to sleep without his snoring, that’s love; a man getting used to a woman’s willfulness and coquetry, even her unreasonableness and fussiness, that’s love; a person writing Weibo and following someone for another person, that’s love.

97. When a woman no longer coos to you, she has lost her passion for you; when a woman no longer calls you to come home late at night, she is disappointed in you; when a woman no longer explains her actions and thoughts to you, she is tired of you.

98. Love is not a chance encounter, but when we have love in such encounters, separation is already predetermined. People who are suitable to be together until the end are born for each other from the beginning. I believe in this, in the destined meetings and separations in the unseen world. Those with a heart will remember each other, no matter how far apart; those without a heart are far away even when they are close.

99. When I think of you, I feel a little happiness, but it’s a happiness that makes me a little sad.

100. If someone pursues her, no woman in the world is not elated. It is precisely because of this that women can be so fascinating.