Title: Daily Growth Essentials: 3 Basic Methods of Critical Thinking
开头:在免费知识越来越多的时候,智慧显得愈发珍贵。此处,就不得不提“批判性思考”critical thinking,举个栗子:
Introduction: As free knowledge becomes more and more abundant, wisdom becomes increasingly valuable. Here, we have to mention “critical thinking.” For example:
One day, you get off work early and return home. Your partner excitedly comes over and shows you the latest issue of a magazine with a TOP ranking of XX products. It just so happens that your anniversary is in a few days. What do you think?
Ordinary thinking: Ah, TA definitely wants me to buy this XX as a gift for TA.
Critical thinking: ①TA shows me this ranking, which is suitable for unmarried people and may not be suitable for TA.
②I’ve been working overtime a lot lately, and today I’m off early. We rarely talk, so TA might just be looking for a topic to chat with me.
③I will buy a gift for TA, and when giving the gift, I will say, “I’ve always been grateful to you. I’m very happy now. Let’s sit down and have a good meal together, talk, and chat.”
Double happiness!
This is why many people give gifts that only touch the “surface level” and fail to reach the other person’s heart. Your logical thinking is still in the “linear stage.”
How to build it? 3 basic methods ⬇️
STEP ① 明确目的是什么
STEP ① Clarify the purpose
(假如你要去便利店买牛奶,你会:①带上钱包、钥匙和手机②花时间打扮的花枝招展,选择①,你的目的仅是买牛奶,选择②,你是想去泡 妞/搭 汉。
(If you’re going to the convenience store to buy milk, you would: ①bring your wallet, keys, and phone; ②spend time dressing up to attract attention. Choose ①, your purpose is simply to buy milk; choose ②, you’re going to flirt with someone.
Summary: Starting from the fundamental purpose, think about “is this really necessary?” This can help you save a lot of trouble, and not doing these things won’t cause any problems.)
STEP ② 明确思维模式框架
STEP ② Clarify the thinking framework
(For your own conclusions, a person’s thinking framework depends on 2 points: ①past successful experiences; ②past common sense. After establishing a preliminary thinking framework, you need to question with “is it really like this?” + search for information + keep thinking to come up with new perspectives or discoveries you’ve never had before.
For example, you only know “curiosity killed the cat,” but do you know there’s a second half: “but the satisfaction of curiosity brings it back to life”?
If you’re not good at searching, “Search Power” is suitable for you. O网页链接)
STEP ③ 不断发问(所以呢why so?为什么呢so what?)
STEP ③ Keep asking questions (so why? why so? so what?)
(对于接收到的外界信息,不断用why so+so what来自我发问,才能找到“真正的问题”。比如,最近业绩不好啊:
(For the information you receive from the outside world, keep asking yourself “why so?” and “so what?” to find the “real problem.” For example, if your recent performance is not good:
①why so:什么原因导致业绩不好?
①Why so: What caused the poor performance?)
②so what:销售环节怎样改进?改进了能增加多少销量?
②So, how can the sales process be improved? How much more sales can be achieved after the improvement?
For ordinary people, when faced with the topic of “recently the performance is not good,” they usually just echo “I’m in the same boat,” “it’s really terrible lately,” “oh, the bonus is gone,” and other valueless content.
结尾:乔布斯曾说:“不要让他人的观点掩盖你内心的声音。最重要的是,要有勇气追随自己的内心和直觉。” 这就是批判性思维的价值所在
Conclusion: Steve Jobs once said, “Don’t let others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most importantly, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.” This is the value of critical thinking.