1.你不热情 就不会觉得别人冷淡
1. If you’re not enthusiastic, you won’t feel others’ indifference.

2.不用对不起 反正下次还是对不起
2. No need to apologize, because you’ll be sorry again next time.

3.无聊的感情 不是早点睡就是多喝水 ​​​
3. Boring emotions can either go to bed early or drink more water.

4. If you can’t change it after one, two, or three times, then see you again, f**k it.

5.你不用装冷淡 我没想纠缠
5. You don’t have to pretend to be indifferent; I don’t intend to cling.

6.你爱他 他不快乐 你也不快乐 你爱你妈了个逼 ​​​
6. You love him, he’s not happy, you’re not happy either. You love your f**king mother.

7.有些人可能再也不能用微信号搜索到他了 ​​​
7. Some people may no longer be searchable through WeChat.

8. Don’t hold onto the past too tightly.

9.爱你的人一睁眼就想找你,不爱你的人死的那一刻都不会想起你。 ​
9. The one who loves you wants to find you as soon as they open their eyes, while the one who doesn’t love you won’t even think of you when they die.

10. I wonder what your long-winded speech has brought you.

11.我害怕的不是樱桃掉了 而是洗过的樱桃掉了
11. I’m not afraid of the cherry falling, but of the washed cherry falling.

12. It’s like this: if someone doesn’t want to contact me, I’ll never bother them again. You want to be strangers? Then, looking at you one more time is my loss.

13.你讨厌我关我什么事啊 好像能被你喜欢就升华人生了似的
13. What does it matter if you hate me? It’s as if being liked by you could sublimate my life.

14.不想聊就别聊啊 拿着你忽冷忽热的劲跟你妈玩去吧
14. If you don’t want to chat, don’t. Take your hot and cold attitude and play with your mother.

15. It’s okay if you don’t love me, but pretending to love me and wasting my time is a big deal.

16.对不起你吗啊对不起 我想被对得起
16. I’m sorry? What the f**k are you sorry for? I want to be treated right.

17.你把我丢了又丢 你凭什么觉得我会回来
17. You’ve lost me again and again; what makes you think I’ll come back?

18. Don’t give me the things you can easily give to others.

19. Since we both know the truth, why煽情 every sentence?

20.反比定律:你不爱的时候他最爱你 ​​​​
20. Inverse Law: When you don’t love, they love you the most.

21.治愈自己最好的方法就是忙碌和早睡。 ​​​
21. The best way to heal yourself is to stay busy and go to bed early. ​​​​

22.安静和无动于衷是我的崩溃方式。 ​​​​
22. Silence and indifference are my ways of breaking down. ​​​​

23.“我想要爆棚的好运气 和无限爱我的你” ​ ​​​
23. “I want爆棚的好运气 (overwhelming good luck) and an infinitely loving you.” ​​​​

24.你成年了 要追求有结果的事和人。 ​​​​
24. Now that you’re an adult, pursue things and people that have results. ​​​​

25. If only everyone could realize how special they are. ​​​​

26.刚认识的时候真好,能从早上聊到晚上。 ​​​​ ​ ​​​
26. It was great when we first met, we could chat from morning till night. ​​​​ ​ ​​​​

27.“很多事情,你偏偏不在意了,他才给你回应。” ​ ​​​
27. “Many things, only when you don’t care about them, do they respond to you.” ​​​​

28.有些人能遇见,已经算是上上签了 ​​​
28. It’s already considered a stroke of great luck to meet some people. ​​​​

29. I hope to be friends with my current good friends until we’re eighty years old. ​​​​

30.希望能坦坦荡荡利利落落结束所有不值得的关系 ​​​​
30. I hope to end all unworthy relationships with honesty and decisiveness. ​​​​

31.您多聪明啊 提前找好下家 然后冷暴力来逼我分手 最后你无缝衔接 却还想当个好人 ​​
31. You are so smart, finding a new partner in advance, then using cold violence to force me to break up, and finally transitioning seamlessly while still trying to be a good person.

32.快乐的秘诀之一:放弃对所有人的期待 ​​​
32. One of the secrets to happiness: give up expectations for everyone.

33.解决情绪最好的方法:熄灯 开启飞行模式。 ​ ​​​
33. The best way to solve emotions: turn off the lights and enable airplane mode.

34. I hope everything can go smoothly.

35.憨憨女孩的通病:人傻嘴不甜 一根筋 直肠子 不会哄也不会装柔弱 死犟死犟 不服软 其实心里很善良 比谁都脆弱 ​​​​
35. The common problem of naive girls: being simple-minded and not sweet-talking, single-minded, straightforward, not knowing how to coax or pretend to be weak, stubborn and unyielding, but actually having a very kind heart, more vulnerable than anyone else.

36.所有人都以为你好起来了 但只有自己知道 阴影就是阴影 就像有些伤疤是不会愈合的 它只会结疤 ​
36. Everyone thinks you’re better, but only you know that the shadow is still a shadow, just like some scars never heal, they only form a scar.

37.希望你不是因为想恋爱而恋爱,不是因为对方对你太好你觉得有所亏欠想恋爱,不是因为别人都恋爱了想恋爱,而是因为你遇到了心动的人,而你们也刚好合适​​​。 ​​​
37. I hope you’re not in love because you want to be, not because the other person is too good to you and you feel indebted, not because everyone else is in love, but because you’ve met someone who makes your heart race, and you’re just right for each other.

38. What you don’t know is that when you gave me candy,
someone offered me a cake, but I didn’t take it.
I don’t regret not taking the cake,
后悔的是我以为这颗糖会一直甜 ​​​
what I regret is thinking that this candy would always be sweet.

39. A truth: the future is more important than love.

40.如果春天不行 那我们夏天见吧
40. If not in spring, then let’s meet in summer.

41.所有的:在吗 在干嘛 哈哈哈 吃了什么
41. All those: Are you there? What are you doing? Hahaha, what have you eaten?
其实都是:我想你 我想你 我想你 我想你 ​​​
are actually: I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you.

42.很多你自以为很好的关系 其实也就那样吧
42. Many relationships you think are great are just like that.

43. Important people should be placed干干净净 (clean and pure) in the heart.

44.天天熬夜到凌晨 也许是等一个猝死的完美结局吧
44. Staying up late every night until dawn, maybe waiting for a perfect ending of sudden death.

45.他们说:“熬过是庆幸 熬不过是经历。”
45. They say: “Getting through it is a blessing, not getting through it is an experience.”

46. People and things you truly like are worth persisting in.

47. Care in details is more touching than sweet words.

48.要学会笑着摇头 拒绝自己喜欢的东西
48. Learn to shake your head with a smile, rejecting the things you like.

49. Don’t let a few words from others take away your happiness for the day.

50. To what extent should optimism be performed to be called happiness?

51.“ 老人说 遇见是福 不遇见也是 ” ​​​​
51. “The elderly say, meeting is a blessing, not meeting is also.”

52.想更好的生活 先让生活看到更好的你
52. To live a better life, first let life see a better you.

53.不需要建议 不需要认同 我喜欢就值得.
53. No need for advice, no need for approval. If I like it, it’s worth it.

54.满眼是你的人一旦没了就永远不会有了 ​​​
54. Once the person who adores you with all their eyes is gone, they will never be back.

55.很多委屈 枕头知道 歌单知道 别人不知道
55. Many grievances: the pillow knows, the playlist knows, but others don’t.

56.让你失望的人怎么可能只让你失望一次 ​​​
56. How could someone who disappoints you only let you down once?

57. Only those who are truly important deserve the earliest good morning and the latest goodnight.

58.一个真正喜欢你的人 怎么会舍得不联系你
58. A person who genuinely likes you would never bear not contacting you.

59.找你频率=喜欢你程度 回复速度=在乎你程度
59. The frequency of reaching out to you = the degree of liking you; the speed of replying = the degree of caring about you.

60.多少句我爱你 最后都变成了我爱过你
60. How many “I love you”s eventually turn into “I loved you”?

61.要回你的人早就回了,不回你的人早就死了 ​
61. If someone were going to reply to you, they would have already. Those who don’t reply are as good as dead.

62.老人说:每个故事都会结束 只是有人欢喜有人苦
62. As the elderly say: every story comes to an end, but some end in joy while others in sorrow.

63. “If you can’t wait for a goodnight, don’t wait.”

64.得不到的回应就赶紧换人,什么念念不忘必有回响,有你妈个der ​
64. If you don’t get a response, move on quickly. What “unforgettable love will eventually be rewarded”? It’s nonsense.

65.三观不一致,吵架都不在一个点上,你要上吊了他以为你在荡秋千。 ​​
65. When your values don’t align, you can’t even have a proper argument. If you wanted to hang yourself, they’d think you were swinging.

66. If you leave, don’t ask me how I’m doing.
不好你也帮助不了 好也不是你的功劳
If it’s not good, you can’t help; if it’s good, it’s not your merit.

67. “Actually, they never took you seriously, yet you’re overly sentimental.”

68.希望看到这条消息的你 做个洒脱快乐的女孩儿 要快乐 要永远快乐 你是幸运的宝贝 不要因为不值得的而难过 好不好 热爱自己 忠于自己 ​​ ​​​
68. I hope that you, who see this message, become a free and happy girl. Be happy, be forever happy. You are a lucky treasure. Don’t be sad for the unworthy. Love and be loyal to yourself, okay?

69.对于提出要离开你的人 最好的方法就是:快速接受这个事实 然后不抱任何幻想的说句“滚”。
69. The best way to deal with someone who wants to leave you is to quickly accept the fact and say “get lost” without any illusions.

70.讲真的 能被疼爱是一种运气 得到偏爱更是一件超级超级超级超级超级超级超级幸福的事儿 ​ ​​​
70. Seriously, being loved is a matter of luck, and being favored is an incredibly, incredibly, incredibly, incredibly, incredibly, incredibly, incredibly happy thing.

71.当你开始奋发图强 积极向上 眼里有自己 心里有目标 很多事也就不值一提了。 ​​​​
71. When you start to strive for improvement and have a positive attitude, with self-esteem in your eyes and goals in your heart, many things become insignificant.

72.认清一个男孩子,三件事就够了:吵架后的态度,回信息的速度,包容你的程度。 ​​​​
72. To understand a boy, three things are enough: his attitude after an argument, the speed at which he replies to messages, and the extent to which he tolerates you.

73.减肥自律与经济独立真的不能拖 会使人错过很多自己羡慕又渴望的东西。
73. Self-discipline in weight loss and financial independence really cannot be delayed, or you will miss many things you envy and desire.

74. The desire for companionship comes from the strong urge to share, the trivialities of life, the sunset and evening breeze, the drunken ramblings, and sleepless nights.

75.特别想谈一场轻松愉悦的恋爱 不掺杂任何复杂的关系 不刻意去证明什么 更不需要24小时抱着手机等什么 就很简单的天天能见面 忙起来各忙各的 闲起来就去带你吃好吃的 玩好玩的。 ​​​​
75. I especially want to have a relaxed and pleasant relationship, without any complicated relationships, no need to prove anything, and no need to hold a phone 24/7 waiting for something. It’s just a simple daily life where we can see each other, work on our own when busy, and enjoy delicious food and fun activities together when idle.

76. My current state is:
想找你又不想找你,找了也没什么意思,不找心里又惦记。 ​​​​
I want to find you but don’t want to find you, finding you doesn’t make much sense, but I can’t help thinking about you when I don’t.

77. “Wishing you:
顺风顺水 扶摇直上 百事无忌 平安喜乐 万事胜意
Smooth sailing, soaring high, fearless in all things, safe and joyful, victorious in all endeavors
前程似锦 有所爱亦会被爱 不负遇见 不谈亏欠” ​​​
A bright future, loved and loving, living up to expectations, no regrets”

78.直到现在 我依然觉得我没有长大 我左右不了我的情绪 依然爱说反话 我还是遇见挫折想逃走的小孩 ​​​​
78. Even now, I still feel that I haven’t grown up. I can’t control my emotions, still love to talk back, and I’m still a child who wants to run away when faced with setbacks.

79.我从未想过要放弃你 我的小情绪是因为不确定在你心里的位置 当我想要退缩的时候 你也没能看出我的心思
79. I never thought of giving up on you. My little emotions are due to uncertainty about my place in your heart. When I wanted to back down, you couldn’t see my thoughts.

80. I will never fall in love, and I will continue to perform lightness and agility on the river of love.

81. The wind stops by the window and tells you to love this world.

82. Many people get off halfway, and you don’t have to. Don’t hold a grudge.

83. I once had feelings for you, but I was in a hurry and forgot to say it.

84. I have never felt lonely. To put it romantically, I am completely free.

85. I knew I shouldn’t have added you as a friend; you little thing is quite unforgettable.

86. A child who has been abandoned once will question everyone’s love.

87. Saying I don’t want to fall in love is fake, and saying I don’t envy public displays of affection is fake. I just haven’t met someone serious, so I prefer to be single rather than casually engage in relationships, because I don’t want to have used up the best of myself when I meet someone better.

89. I want to see you tonight.

Here’s the update!!!

90.对于提出要离开你的人 最好的方法就是:快速接受这个事实 然后不抱任何幻想的说句“滚”。
90. The best way to deal with someone who says they want to leave you is to quickly accept the fact and say “Get out” without any illusions.

91. Compared to holding hands and kissing, I like hugs the most.
When you tightly embrace someone with your arms,
没什么比那更能让人体会到什么叫做拥有了 ​
there’s nothing that can make you feel more like you truly possess them.

​​92.“应该是从喜欢里得到力量和快乐,而不是花光了力量和快乐去喜欢,望周知。” ​​​
92. “We should gain strength and happiness from liking something, rather than spending all our energy and happiness to like it. Please be aware of this.”

93.“开心的事可以和我讲,不开心的事也可以和我讲,我们彼此需要,所以互相麻烦。朋友的意义可能有一万种,但我希望是陪伴。” ​​​
93. “You can share happy things with me, and you can also share unhappy things with me. We need each other, so we can trouble each other. There might be ten thousand meanings of friendship, but I hope it’s about companionship.”

94.说真的 很多事情没必要非得追问一个答案
94. Honestly, there’s no need to seek an answer for many things.
你回头看看他做过的那些事 就是答案 ​​​
Just look back at what he has done, and that’s the answer.

95.​你好 可爱 喜欢 爱你 感动 好烦 有病 再见
95. Hello, cute, like, love, touched, annoyed, sick, goodbye

​96.我才不会和你说晚安 祝你失眠 ​​​
96. I would never say goodnight to you, I wish you insomnia

97.不是事事有回应 不是件件有着落 不是偏爱 不是首选 不是例外 你凭什么觉得他很爱你.
97. Not everything gets a response, not every matter is settled, not favoritism, not the first choice, not an exception, what makes you think he loves you so much.

98. Do you have a f*ing disease of not replying to messages?

99. The way he tries to find topics is like a dog, oh.

100. Can you stop being perfunctory and not use cold violence?
“嗯” ​​

101.​“看到你对别人也很好我就不太想理你” ​​​
101. “When I see you being nice to others, I don’t really want to talk to you.”

102.看你发自拍才找你聊天的都不是好东西 ​​​
102. Those who only chat with you after seeing your selfies are not good people.

103.突然明白 沉默删除比讲脏话管用
103. Suddenly realized that silence and deletion work better than swearing.

104.能让我想起你的歌 我都不会去听 ​​​
104. I won’t listen to any songs that remind me of you.

105. When people are really busy, they won’t have too many complicated emotions;
人太闲,才会把鸡毛蒜皮当回事。 ​​​
When people are too idle, they take trivial matters seriously.

106.嗯嗯是知道了 嗯是敷衍 懂了么
106. “Mm-hmm” means I know, “mm” means perfunctory, do you understand?

107.一个破账号值得你看那么久吗 ​
107. Is a broken account worth looking at for so long?

108. Don’t assume that the person you can’t let go of also can’t let go of you.

109.其实蛮想和你聊天 不过你不找我 我也不想总是去打扰
109. I actually really want to chat with you, but since you don’t initiate, I don’t want to keep bothering you.

110.总有人说你变了 却从没人问你经历过什么
110. People always say you’ve changed, but no one asks what you’ve been through.

111.不要熬夜 不要想太多 要经常笑
111. Don’t stay up late, don’t think too much, and smile often.

112.人不能太闲 一闲就胡思乱想 一闲就丧
112. People can’t be too idle; idleness leads to daydreaming and despair.

113. Going to the city we’ve been to together and feeling the breeze, does this count as possession?

114.那个选择放手的人 其实才是真正难过的人
114. The person who chooses to let go is actually the one who truly feels sad.

115.有一种期待 叫对方正在输入中
115. There’s an anticipation called “the other person is typing.”

116.希望我们都能遇到一个干净的人 没有蓄谋离开的心 没有藏着掖着的行为只把真诚给你阳光给你最好给你
116. I hope we can all meet someone clean, without a scheming heart to leave, without hidden actions, giving you sincerity, sunshine, and the best of themselves.

117. Of course, I know people will change.
I never expected you to stay the same forever.
But when I sense you’re not the same towards me as before,
I can’t help but feel sad for a long time.

118.会见面的 再等等 等春天的温柔长满枝头
118. We will meet again, just wait a little longer, until the spring’s tenderness fills the branches.

119.我们有一种默契叫做你不联系我 我也不联系你
119. We have a kind of tacit understanding that if you don’t contact me, I won’t contact you either.

120.再见容易 再见难
120. Saying goodbye is easy, but seeing each other again is hard.

121.你要明白 过度的倾诉是会遭人嫌弃的
121. You should understand that excessive venting will make people dislike you.

122. People and things you truly like are worth persisting in.

123.”我是很喜欢你 但是你非要我在每次吵架之后都去低头 都去承担全部的错 才能好好在一起的话 那么对不起我不玩了”
123. “I really like you, but if you insist that I must always be the one to lower my head and take all the blame after every argument in order for us to be together, then I’m sorry, I won’t play along.”

124. “The quieter I am, the more peaceful, the more composed, the more patient, and the more indifferent I appear, the more turbulent emotions are boiling deep within my eyes.”

125. “The elderly say: the person you dream of is thinking of you.”

126.”我永远不会停止爱你 尽管已经没有了任何意义”
126. “I will never stop loving you, even though it no longer has any meaning.”

127.”说到做到 这个词汇既浪漫又踏实”
127. “To do what one says, this term is both romantic and down-to-earth.”

128. Don’t pass on negative emotions to others.
朋友也不行 每个人每天都很辛苦的
Not even friends, as everyone is struggling every day.

129. “I really miss the summer filled with ‘The Wind Blows’ and ‘Short Love Letters’.”

130.没人牵我手 我就两手插袋 没人嘱咐我多穿衣 我就自己看天气预报 没人陪我去吃好吃的 我就自己叫外卖 没人跟我说晚安 我就早点睡觉.
130. If no one holds my hand, I’ll just put both hands in my pockets. If no one tells me to wear more clothes, I’ll check the weather forecast myself. If no one accompanies me to eat delicious food, I’ll just order takeout. If no one says goodnight to me, I’ll go to bed early.

131.“喜欢那种,没一会就要问我在干嘛,总和我分享有趣事的人,总是想起我,让我感觉自己被需要。” ​ ​​​
131. “I like the kind of person who asks me what I’m doing in a short while, always shares interesting things with me, and always thinks of me, making me feel needed.”

132.你明知道 你也很确定你在那么做会失去我 可你根本不会去改 你明明可以左右我的情绪 为什么不让我快乐
132. You know very well and are quite certain that by doing that, you will lose me, but you just won’t change. You can influence my emotions; why not make me happy?

133. “I never knew what it felt like to be held in someone’s arms when crying.”

134. In the past, when misunderstood:
I would desperately grab the other person’s collar and explain for three days and nights.
现在不了 如果你不能理解我那我们就分头走
Now, I won’t. If you can’t understand me, let’s just go our separate ways.
我虽然渴 但不是什么水都喝
Although I’m thirsty, I’m not willing to drink any water.

135.”分了为什么还要联系 舍不得为什么还要交现任
135. “Why contact after breaking up? Why get a new partner if you can’t let go?”
交了现任为什么还要想着前任 别装什么深情了”
1. Why think about the ex when you have the current partner? Don’t pretend to be so affectionate.

136.我有过前任 但是没谈过恋爱
136. I had an ex, but I have never been in a relationship.

137. Later, I learned that I would rather miss out than repeat the same mistakes.

138.如果我用你待我的方式待你 恐怕你早就离开了
138. If I treated you the way you treat me, I’m afraid you would have left long ago.

139. A download progress stuck at 99% is essentially no different from 0%.

140.我不介意你有过去 可我介意你的过去有没有过去
140. I don’t mind that you have a past, but I do mind if your past hasn’t passed.

141.一有空发朋友圈 却没有时间回复你的人一定很爱你吧
141. Someone who has time to post on social media but not to reply to you must really love you, right?

142.智者不入爱河 遇你难做智者
142. A wise person doesn’t fall in love, and meeting you makes it hard for me to be wise.

143.一个能够升起月亮的身体 必然驮住了无数次日落
143. A body capable of raising the moon must have withstood countless sunsets.

144.日落夜来 夜去日升 循环往复 归于山 归于海
144. Sunset brings night, night gives way to day, the cycle repeats, returning to the mountains and the sea.

145. Just because you wade through the water doesn’t mean you own the river.

146. I wish you and your emotions are well taken care of.

147. There must be too many brain cells ready to hang themselves for you.

148. All relationships that require effort to maintain won’t last long and bring happiness.

149. I will wish you happiness from afar at every meaningful moment, across mountains and seas.

150. All beautiful people and things don’t need to consume themselves.

151.你超级棒 你值得任何人为你心动
151. You are amazing, and you deserve anyone’s heart for you.

152. Starting means there will be no day to retreat completely.

153. People seem to stop talking after losing something.

154. Don’t waste away loneliness in the name of socializing.

155. Be sincere to others but don’t expect too much.

156.你今天好吗 被谁左右情绪了吗
156. How are you today? Has anyone influenced your emotions?

157. Wishing you endless flowers and romance.

158.从来没有打算放弃 只是想偶尔丧一下 偶尔叹叹气
158. I never intended to give up; I just want to occasionally feel down and sigh now and then.

159.我有新的太阳了 抱歉 你太久没升起来 我就不期待了
159. I have a new sun now; sorry, you took too long to rise, so I stopped expecting.

160. Some people leave so cleanly and neatly, as if they never loved.

161.夜晚太容易让人想重新来过了 ​​
161. Nights are too prone to make people want to start over.

162.人呐 一旦尝过甜头 就吃不得苦了
162. Once people taste sweetness, they can no longer bear bitterness.

163.快乐的人记性不好 幸福的人从不晚睡
163. Happy people have poor memories, while happy people never stay up late.

164.一扇不愿意给你开的门 一直敲是不礼貌的
164. It’s impolite to keep knocking on a door that doesn’t want to open for you.

165.他只是孤独的时候 刚好遇到你而已
165. He just happened to meet you when he was lonely.

166.“顺其自然”不要勉强自己 不要委屈自己
166. “Go with the flow” – don’t force yourself, don’t wrong yourself.

167.没关系 你来是缘分 你走也是
167. It’s okay; your coming is fate, and so is your leaving.

168.欣赏喜欢和爱 我分得很清楚
168. I can clearly distinguish between appreciation, liking, and love.

169.真诚一点 慢慢来 ​​​
169. Be sincere, take it slow.

170.我真的很容易满足 但你给的全是辜负
170. I’m really easy to satisfy, but all you’ve given is disappointment.

171.你可以开心点吗 能开心点吗 拜托 ​​​
171. Can you be happier? Can you be happier, please?

172.记住要永远把自己放在优先考虑项 ​​​
172. Remember to always put yourself first on your priority list.

173.人类本质是:海水 月亮和一些心碎
173. The essence of human beings is: seawater, moon, and some heartbreaks.

174.我见过你爱我的样子 所以我确定 你不爱我了 ​​​
174. I’ve seen how you loved me, so I’m sure you don’t love me anymore.