1. Where there is a will, there are a thousand ways; where there is no will, there are a thousand obstacles.

2. To achieve one’s goals, one must be able to endure loneliness and work independently.

3. The world makes way for those who have goals and vision.

4. We must learn from past mistakes rather than rely on past successes.

5. Although beautiful flowers will wither, their blooming moments are worth appreciating. To create something beautiful during the best times makes life meaningful.

6. Failure is only a temporary setback for success; if I cannot, I must; if I want, I can!

7. Let’s replace worries before actions with thoughtful consideration and planning.

8. It’s not about when you start, but that you don’t stop after starting.

9. Never giving up is the best quality of a successful person.

10. A person’s happiness is not because of what he has, but because of what he doesn’t worry about.

11. Being angry is punishing oneself for others’ mistakes. Forgiving others is treating oneself kindly.

12. Money doesn’t necessarily bring happiness; more wealth can bring more troubles. True contentment lies in living a simple life, free from worries and attachments.

13. There’s no need to seek merit in handling affairs; doing no wrong is merit. There’s no need to feel grateful for others; being without complaints is virtue.

14. Peace is fortune, contentment is happiness, a clear mind is wealth, and few desires are longevity.

15. The human mind becomes narrow with desires and wide without them.

16. It’s better to be content with poverty than to be troubled by wealth.

17. One should step back when thinking deeply, and stop when feeling satisfied.

18. Don’t fully use your power, enjoy all your fortune, take all the advantage, or use all your intelligence.

19. Dripping water penetrates stone, not because of its strength, but because of its perseverance.

20. One must continually learn professional knowledge but not regard oneself as an expert; the mindset of being an expert can hinder the generation and application of new ideas.

21. Accept responsibility for your actions, not just the glory of your achievements.

22. Everyone must develop two important abilities: adapting to change and turmoil, and delaying pleasure for long-term goals.

23. It’s not impressive to play a good hand well; it’s the person who can play a bad hand well that deserves admiration.

24. We cannot pursue perfection in everything; we should only strive to do our best. This way, we can be free of stress, and the results may be even better.

25. The heart is a fertile field that cannot be fully cultivated, and kindness is a treasure that can be used endlessly. We should have pure hearts and accumulate good deeds for the public, thus gaining boundless blessings.

26. Setbacks and failures are stepping stones to success, not stumbling blocks.

27. Life is not about surpassing others; it’s about surpassing oneself.

28. The greatest joy in life is when everyone says you can’t do it, but you accomplish it anyway!

29. Don’t worry about an unclear future; focus on the clear present and work hard.

30. It’s only when you stop trying that you fail.

31. Life is beautiful for those who strive for a goal throughout their lives.

32. When selling products, target the customer’s heart, not their head.

33. Different beliefs determine different destinies!

34. In the matter of success, you are the boss!

35. Failure belongs to the situation, not the person.

36. The most pitiful failure is self-defeat, and the most valuable victory is self-overcoming.

37. Never falling is not glorious; the greatest honor is standing up after each fall.

38. There is only one kind of failure: giving up halfway.

39. If one does not engage in frowning affairs throughout life, there should be no one in the world who grudges them.

40. Associate with virtuous people, not unrighteous friends. Drink tranquil tea, not flowery wine. Open the door of convenience, and avoid the mouth of gossip.

41. Worldly affairs are as busy as flowing water; do not hang fame and fortune on your mind. Live a simple life with coarse tea and plain food, and do not强求 wealth and glory.

42. “Desire” is a sign of poverty. When one is content with what they have, their heart is pleased, and when one has no desires, their character becomes noble.

43. The greatest evil in life is to gossip about others’ faults; the greatest folly is to dislike hearing about one’s own faults.

44. Do not commit any evil deeds, practice all good deeds, do not regard small good deeds as insignificant, and do not commit small evil deeds just because they seem trivial.

45. Do not envy others’ strengths, for envying them will only make you feel inferior. Do not protect your own weaknesses, for protecting them will prevent you from growing.

46. Right and wrong exist every day, but if you do not listen to them, they will naturally disappear.

47. Stimulating the senses is not true enjoyment. True happiness comes from inner peace.

48. When one does good, blessings may not yet arrive, but misfortune has already distanced itself; when one does evil, misfortune may not yet arrive, but blessings have already distanced themselves.

49. Do not covet, and your heart will be at ease; do not act recklessly, and your body will be safe.

50. Those who do not respect themselves will be humiliated. Those who do not seek self-improvement will invite disaster. Those who are not content will benefit. Those who are not satisfied will gain knowledge.

51. Accumulating wealth for your descendants may not be guarded by them; accumulating books for your descendants may not be read by them. It is better to accumulate good deeds in the unseen world, for this is the treasure that will be passed down through generations.

52. Accumulating virtue as an industry is better than having beautiful houses and fertile fields.

53. Being able to give love is a blessing; being able to eliminate worries is wisdom.

54. It is better to have peace of mind than a comfortable body, and a spacious house is not as good as a spacious heart.

55. The Roman Emperor Caesar, whose power was feared across Europe, Asia, and Africa, told his attendants on his deathbed, “Please place my hands outside the coffin, so that the world can see that even someone as great as I am, Caesar, will leave this world with empty hands.”

56. When you cannot jump from the first floor to the third floor, do not forget to use the stairs. Remember that great success often does not come overnight; you must learn to break down your goals and implement them step by step.

57. Success comes from relentless efforts.

58. Be sincere, be open-minded, be generous, be tolerant, and maintain a normal state of mind.

59. Start working hard! In this process, you must give up many things, but you must understand that they are not what you ultimately want. Believe that after you succeed, one day they will come back, and they will be even better than they are now!

60. Think carefully before making a decision, and once you have made a decision, move forward bravely and persevere to the end.

61. Those who often consider themselves to have little fortune will find it reasonable for any misfortune to happen, and with such an ordinary mindset, they will overcome many difficulties.

62. The friendship between gentlemen is as light as water; one should have a good temper and广泛的仁义 to make good connections, and make many good friends, as this is accumulating intangible assets. Much success comes from intangible assets.

63. A big tree fell down after a rain, and it turned out that the roots were shallow. We must lay a solid foundation in everything we do in order to remain strong and unyielding.

64. The occurrence of the same event may cause great pain to some people, while others can accept it calmly. This is because their tolerance levels are different. Only those with tolerance are more likely to succeed.

65. The curtain of the stage of life may open at any time; the key is whether you are willing to perform or choose to hide.

66. Only by experiencing the ups and downs of life can one truly understand the taste of the world, and thus, one must learn to cherish life and cherish relationships.

67. People are most afraid of impermanence and change. It is essential to learn to adapt to environmental changes and seek innovation within those changes, rather than dwelling in the pain of change.

68. Without the passion in your heart, you may be defeated.

69. Never say “I can’t” or “it’s impossible” because you haven’t even tried yet!

70. Success is not based on dreams and hope, but on effort and practice.

71. God says: Take what you want, but pay a considerable price.

72. The firmness of a goal is one of the most necessary sources of strength in character, as well as one of the sharp weapons for success. Without it, genius will labor in vain in the maze of contradictions and uncertainties.

73. When you cannot jump from the first floor to the third floor, do not forget to use the stairs. Remember that great success is often not achieved overnight; you must learn to break down your goals and implement them step by step.

74. No matter how great you think you are, there will always be someone stronger than you.

75. Without sowing, there is no harvest; without hard work, there is no success; without tribulation, there is no glory; without setbacks, there is no splendor.

76. Belief is strength, doubt only inhibits ability, and faith is power.

77. One must have confidence in oneself to inspire confidence in others.

78. If you don’t aim to be first-class, you will be second-class.

79. Deep within you, there is boundless potential. One day, when you look back, you will know this is absolutely true.

80. Success often lives next door to failure!

81. It’s better to work hard for a while than to suffer for a lifetime.

82. Look for ways to succeed, not excuses to fail.

83. The blue sky is beautiful, but those who often face unpredictable situations may struggle to find stability. However, they often become influential figures because they can withstand the tests of great challenges.

84. Never give up, as there is no such thing as failure, only giving up.

85. Remember, the definition of a good friend is: when you’re doing well, she genuinely celebrates your success; when you’re not, she truly worries for you.

86. Have dreams, even if they are distant.

87. Strive to love someone. Efforts may not be rewarded, but without them, there will be no rewards at all. Don’t expect miracles.

88. Promises are beautiful things, but beautiful things often don’t become reality.

89. Everyone has their own distinct opinions and personality. Don’t try to change others, and don’t let others change you. If you change, you’re no longer yourself.

90. There is no perfect thing or person. The key is to know exactly what you want. Gaining what you want will inevitably lead to losing something else. If you want everything, you’ll end up with nothing.

91、这个世界最脆弱的是生命,身体健康,很重要。 摘自:励志语录   www.yuluju.com  
91. The most fragile thing in this world is life; maintaining good health is very important.

92. It doesn’t matter where you stand now, what matters is the direction you’re moving in.

93. For a young person, the most important thing is to increase their personal value.

94. Losing money is a minor loss, losing health is a great loss, and losing courage is losing everything.

95. You must 100% sell yourself to yourself.

96. God is fair to everyone.

97. Don’t try to control others or demand that they understand you.

98. Live in the present, don’t waste your current life by reminiscing about the past or dreaming about the future.

99. Never forget your roots, at any time, in any situation.

100. Desire can boost enthusiasm, and perseverance can smooth the highest mountains.