1. Today will be brutal, tomorrow will be even more brutal, but the day after tomorrow will be beautiful. However, most people will die on the night of tomorrow.

2. People should still have dreams, in case they come true.

3. Don’t think of a thousand ways at night, and then go back to the same path in the morning.

4. Never compare yourself to others in terms of luck. I’ve never thought I was luckier than others. Maybe I just have more perseverance. When the going gets tough, they can’t hold on any longer, but I can endure a second or two more.

5. You are poor because you lack ambition.

6. In an era full of clever people, what is truly scarce is not intelligence, but rather the ability to focus wholeheartedly, to commit completely, to have a one-track mind.

7. Think of a thousand ways at night, but in the morning, wake up and follow the same path.

8. Being deceived is not because others are too cunning, but because you are too greedy.

9. The first step in entrepreneurship is to take action. Thinking too much is useless; mere thoughts without action is utopia. Many entrepreneurs hesitate to start because they don’t fully understand, but the truth is, once you understand everything, you’ll be even less likely to start. It’s okay not to read many books, but it’s not okay to stop learning in society.

10. Don’t wait until tomorrow, for tomorrow is too far away. Take action today.

11. Always assume your competitors are very strong, even if they are weak. In your mind, they should be powerful.

12. I am grateful for this changing era and the countless complaints of others. It is in their complaints that I find opportunities. Only in a changing era can everyone truly understand what they have, what they want, and what they should give up.

13. There are many reasons for employees to resign, but only two are truly genuine: 1) not being paid enough, and 2) feeling wronged. In the end, it all comes down to dissatisfaction. These employees go to great lengths to find reasonable excuses when leaving, just to save you face and not reveal how terrible your management is. They are utterly disappointed in you. It’s truly human nature to be kind. As a manager, one must be willing to reflect.

14.今天很残酷 明天更残酷 后天很美好 
14. Today is brutal, tomorrow is even more brutal, but the day after tomorrow will be beautiful.

15.“昨天你对我爱理不理,今天我让你高攀不起。 ” 马云在纽约演讲时说到:“年前来美国要百万,被家VC(风险投资)拒了。我今天又来了,要百亿。” ——《纽约演讲》
15. “Yesterday you ignored me, today I am beyond your reach.” Jack Ma said in a New York speech, “I came to the U.S. years ago asking for millions, and was rejected by a venture capitalist. Today, I am back, asking for billions.” —— New York Speech

16. There are no excellent concepts in this world, only down-to-earth results.

17.每个人都有成功的机会 就看你给不给自己机会 
17. Everyone has the opportunity to succeed, it’s up to you whether you give yourself that chance.

18. Taoism emphasizes harmony, Confucianism emphasizes rules, and Buddhism emphasizes tolerance. From Tai Chi, I have learned that there is no good or bad in things, it all depends on your perspective.

19. When you are successful, everything you say is the truth.

20. Because of trust, simplicity prevails.

21. In this world, as long as you have dreams and keep working hard and learning, no matter how you look, whether you are rich or not, or anything else, you will have opportunities.

22. Cleverness is the enemy of the wise; fools speak with their mouths, clever people speak with their heads, and wise people speak with their hearts.

23. Many people cannot understand the significance and opportunities the future holds for them, and it is also difficult for them to comprehend the importance of persistence for their future. But we must understand that someone will succeed in the future because of your ideas. Many people just think about it, while some are truly persistent in doing it.

24.不读书也挺好的,喜欢读书,也很好, 千万不要觉得书读得不够多, 觉得难受、挺丢脸、没什么丢脸的。 人可以少读书,多干事。 有人事干得很多,当然时间有限,把自己的人生当一部书,翻过了就忘了。——《马云:我的人生哲学》
24. It’s okay not to read many books; if you like reading, that’s also good. Never feel bad or ashamed for not reading enough books. People can read fewer books and do more things. Some people do a lot, of course, time is limited, and they treat their lives as a book, flipping through it and then forgetting it. - “Jack Ma: My Philosophy of Life”

25. My life used to be all about work; from now on, my work will be my life.

26. A good thing is often hard to explain; what can be clearly explained is often not a good thing.

27. Enduring those tough days is not difficult at all because I know they will get better.

28. For all entrepreneurs, always tell yourself this: from the first day of starting a business, you will face difficulties and failures every day, not success. My most difficult time has not yet come, but it will one day. Difficulties cannot be avoided, nor can they be shouldered by others. Nine years of entrepreneurial experience have taught me that any difficulty must be faced by yourself. Entrepreneurs are about facing challenges.

29.如果你不喜欢现在的工作,要么辞职不干,要么就闭嘴不言。 看透的时候,勇于放弃。——《马云对女人的忠告》
29. If you don’t like your current job, either quit or keep quiet. When you see through it, have the courage to give up. - “Jack Ma’s Advice to Women”

30.书读得不多没关系,就怕不再社会上读书。 ——《马云:我的人生哲学》
30. It’s okay not to read many books, but don’t stop learning in society. - “Jack Ma: My Philosophy of Life”

31. Today is cruel, tomorrow will be more cruel, and the day after tomorrow will be beautiful. However, most people will die on the night of tomorrow, and only true heroes can see the sun the day after tomorrow.

32. I understand better now, where we came from, what we have, what we want, and what we should give up? We were all born poor and achieved everything step by step. Over the years, two things are particularly important: gratitude and reverence. Gratitude means being thankful for today and yesterday; reverence means faith, which is gratitude and awe. - “Zhejiang Entrepreneurs”

33. A soldier who doesn’t want to be a general is not a good soldier, but a general who cannot be a good soldier is definitely not a good general.

34. When it’s cold, learn to warm yourself with your own left hand.

35. No matter how angry you are, don’t shout or scream; stay calm. - “Jack Ma’s Advice to Women”

36. Work hard to earn money and buy the things you like. - “Jack Ma’s Advice to Women”

37. No matter how many resources you have, always think of your opponents as stronger.

38. Struggle and pain are the essence of involvement.

39. If you don’t engage in e-commerce, you will regret it in five years. In ten years, if you still don’t engage in e-commerce, you will have no business to conduct.

40. Never forget your initial dreams; your dreams are the greatest things in the world, which is to help others succeed.

41.不断学习,不管你长得如何,不管你是不是有钱,不管是这样还是那样, 你都是有机会的。 
41. Keep learning, no matter how you look, no matter if you are rich or not, no matter what the situation is, you always have a chance.

42. Entrepreneurs should improve the current environment instead of just complaining. What’s the point of just complaining? The country has too many things to deal with. If you fail, it’s your own fault. If others succeed and you fail, you can only blame yourself. In short, even if you have bad luck, it’s still your fault.

43. I am particularly excited to give a speech at Peking University today. I have always regarded the students of Peking University as my idols. I tried but failed to get in, so I thought that one day I must become a teacher at Peking University.

44. Believe in yourself to have a chance.

45. Sometimes, it’s not technology that defeats you, but perhaps just a piece of paper.

46. Maybe you are the best today, but not necessarily tomorrow; perhaps you are the worst today, but society gives you many opportunities. As long as you seize them and work hard, there will always be a chance.

47. In society, there is no chance to compete in intelligence, and even less chance to compete in diligence. The only thing you can compete in is the future.

  1. 记住,关系特别不可靠,做生意不能凭关系,做生意也不能凭小聪明。
    48. Remember, relationships are particularly unreliable. Business cannot rely on relationships, nor can it rely on small cleverness.

  2. 性格和情商,主要还是由后天学习和塑造的。
    49. Personality and emotional intelligence are mainly shaped and learned through后天的学习 (post-learning).

  3. 生存下来的第一个想法是做好,而不是做大。
    50. The first thought for survival is to do well, not to do big.

  4. 任何企业的文化跟它所进行的模式、所做的事情应该是相匹配的。品质不仅仅是团队的根本,它还是文化、制度,是一整套东西。
    51. The culture of any company should match its business model and what it does. Quality is not only the foundation of a team, but also the culture, system, and a whole set of things.

  5. 所有的创业者都应该多花点儿时间,去学习别人是怎么失败的。
    52. All entrepreneurs should spend more time learning how others fail.

  6. 碰到灾难,第一个想到的是你的客户,第二想到你的员工,最后才是想到对手。
    53. When facing disaster, the first thing to think about is your customers, the second is your employees, and the last is your competitors.

  7. 制定企业文化目标、共同的使命和价值观很容易,最难的地方在于如何实施。
    54. It is easy to set corporate culture goals, common missions, and values, but the most difficult part lies in implementation.

  8. 有时候死扛下去总是会有机会的。
    55. Sometimes, persisting and toughing it out will always create opportunities.

  9. 创业最大的挑战和突破在于用人,而用人最大的突破在于信任人。
    56. The biggest challenge and breakthrough in entrepreneurship lies in employing people, and the biggest breakthrough in employing people lies in trusting them.

  10. 服务是全世界最贵的产品。
    57. Service is the most expensive product in the world.

  11. 生意人唯利是图,有钱就赚;商人有所为有所不为;企业家必须承担社会责任。
    58. Businessmen are profit-driven, making money whenever they can; merchants choose what to do and what not to do; entrepreneurs must take on social responsibilities.

59. Remember, because entrepreneurs rely on their own perseverance to move forward, if you think someone will give you a ride, you basically won’t succeed.

60.玩硬件中国人不行,玩软件玩脑袋,中国人绝不比美国人差。 ——《东方哲学和西方梦想的碰撞》
60. Chinese people may not be good at playing with hardware, but when it comes to playing with software and using their brains, they are definitely not inferior to Americans. —— “The Collision of Eastern Philosophy and Western Dreams”

61. To be successful, one must be a little crazy.

62. If everyone in this world does their job well and focuses on what they are interested in, it’s already amazing. Let’s work together to improve China’s environment, make the water clear, the sky blue, and ensure food safety. I ask everyone to do this!

63. In the quiet night, my thoughts wander, missing my hometown, my family, and my friends!

64. I will always believe that as long as we never give up, we still have a chance. In this world, as long as there are dreams, continuous efforts, and learning, no matter how you look, men’s appearance is often inversely proportional to their talents. Today is cruel, tomorrow will be more cruel, but the day after tomorrow will be beautiful. However, most people will die tomorrow night, so don’t give up today.

65.我和金庸探讨过, 我说你书里都是年纪越大武功越好, 这是违背规律的。 你要相信年轻人, 你才会说未来是美好的。 每一代人都有自己的机会, 年轻人要善于把握机会。 年轻人不要老抱怨社会, 而应该想着怎么反省自己, 找到创业机会; 年轻人不要老想着改变世界, 而应该从改变自己做起。 未来的商机青睐更懂得分享、透明、担当等价值的人。  《新华网》
65. I discussed with Jin Yong, and I said that in your books, the older the person, the better their martial arts skills, which is against the rules. You have to believe in the young people, and you will say that the future is beautiful. Each generation has its own opportunities, and young people should be good at seizing them. Instead of complaining about society, young people should reflect on themselves and find entrepreneurial opportunities; instead of trying to change the world, they should start by changing themselves. The future business opportunities will favor those who understand the values of sharing, transparency, and responsibility. (Xinhua News Agency)

66. In the future, either e-commerce or no business at all.

67. Some investments in Alibaba can be understood, and some cannot, which is normal. In fact, if an investment is so simple that even the old lady buying stocks on the street can understand it, then there would be trouble. Tactics are basically things everyone understands today; if you were doing this before, that’s just tactics. The real strategy is to think about the future.

68. The life of the richest man is painful, as everyone revolves around my money.

69. We need to learn to get used to rejection, even now. I was rejected more than 30 times when I was looking for a job. When I applied to KFC, 23 out of 24 people were accepted, and I was the only one rejected. When I applied to be a police officer, they hired 4 out of 5, and I was the only one rejected. Later, I applied to Harvard 10 times and was rejected each time. - Davos Speech

70. The shark entered the Yangtze River to kill the crocodile; the crocodile entered the sea, so why must it find a shark to fight?

  1. 用价值观来统一思想,通过统一思想来影响每一个人的行为,最后形成合力。
    71. Use values to unify thoughts, influence everyone’s behavior through unified thoughts, and finally form a joint force.

  2. 永远记住每次成功都可能导致你的失败,每次失败好好接受教训,也许就会走向成功。
    72. Always remember that every success can lead to your failure, and if you learn from each failure, you may be on your way to success.

  3. 这个世界没有优秀的理念,只有脚踏实地的结果。
    73. There are no excellent concepts in this world, only down-to-earth results.

  4. 大势好未必你好,大势不好未必你不好。
    74. A good trend may not be good for you, and a bad trend may not be bad for you.

  5. 发不出工资是领导者的耻辱。
    75. Failing to pay wages is a leader’s shame.

  6. 诚信绝对不是一种销售,更不是一种高深空洞的理念。它是实实在在的言出必行,是点点滴滴的细节。诚信不能拿来销售,更不能拿来做概念。
    76. Integrity is by no means a kind of sales, nor is it a profound and empty concept. It is a实实在在的言出必行, consisting of every little detail. Integrity cannot be sold or used as a concept.

  7. 小公司的战略说穿了就是两点:活下来,挣钱!
    77. The strategy of a small company can be summarized in two points: survive and make money!

  8. 一个真正的CEO必须制定战略,战略制定里面有两个核心的东西:一个是人,一个是财。人是最关键的,其次是产品,然后是销售,最后才是财务,如果只把财务牢牢控制在自己手上,问题就大了。
    78. A true CEO must formulate strategies, and there are two core elements in strategic planning: people and finance. People are the most critical, followed by products, then sales, and finally finance. If one only tightly controls finance, there will be significant problems.

79. Being the richest person is not happy.

80. Ma Yun once said a very classic statement: There are various reasons for employees to leave, but only two are the most genuine: 1. Money, not enough given; 2. Feelings, being wronged. In the end, it all comes down to one thing: not feeling good about the job. When employees leave and make up reasonable excuses, it’s just to save face for you and not expose how terrible your management is and how disappointed they are in you.

81. I am a believer in the future, and I always believe that the future of humanity will get better and better. No matter how difficult it is, someone will find a solution; it’s just that you haven’t found it yet.

82.淘宝不是假货多 是你太贪。二十五块钱就想买一个劳力士手表,这是不可能的,这是你自己太贪了 
82. Taobao doesn’t have many fake products; it’s just that you are too greedy. Wanting to buy a Rolex watch for 25 yuan is impossible; it’s your own greed.

83.我到今天为止没到淘宝上购过一件物,我没用过支付宝,因为我不知道该怎么用。但我耳朵竖起来听支付宝到底好还是不好,因为我用多了我会捍卫自己的产品,所以我不用。 你永远担忧自己,因为只有担忧让我晚上睡不着觉,只有我睡不着觉,公司才能睡得着觉。 
83. To this day, I have never purchased anything on Taobao, nor have I used Alipay, because I don’t know how to use it. But I listen carefully to whether Alipay is good or bad because if I use it too much, I will defend my own product, so I don’t use it. You always worry about yourself because only your worries can keep me awake at night, and only when I can’t sleep can the company sleep soundly.

  1. 一个成功的创业者,必须具备三个因素:眼光、胸怀和实力。
    84. A successful entrepreneur must have three factors: vision, tolerance, and strength.

  2. 把太太当做合作伙伴,不要把她当太太看。
    85. Treat your wife as a partner, not just as a spouse.

  3. 创业者光有激情和创新是不够的,它需要很好的体系、制度、团队以及良好的赢利模式。
    86. For entrepreneurs, passion and innovation are not enough; they need a good system, structure, team, and a solid profit model.
    McDull Classic Quotes Collection

1. If you don’t respect me, I will respect you. If you still don’t respect me, I will continue to respect you. If you disrespect me again, I will get rid of you.

2. Holding the bun, I suddenly realized that some things, if they don’t exist, they don’t; if they don’t work, they don’t. There are no fish balls, no thick noodles… Holding the bun, I suddenly thought, when I grow up and face this tough, not necessarily dreamy, and not necessarily funny world, how will I be?

3. Some things, if they don’t exist, they don’t; if they don’t work, they don’t; being stupid is not that funny, and disappointment is not that funny either. - “McDull Story”

4. You have to express things; don’t wait for the other party to understand, because they are not you and don’t know what you want. In the end, all you’ll have is sadness and disappointment, especially in relationships.

5. If you’re unhappy, sleep it off and let it go. It’s okay to be sad, but don’t hurt your stomach. - “McDull”

6. Actually, I don’t know what being touched means, but my heart keeps churning, feeling like crying, uncomfortable, and yet very happy.

7. You can have an epiphany about life, but after the epiphany, you are still you. - Xie Liwen, Ma Jia Bi “McDull”

8. McDull said: When I’m in a bad mood, I go to the bathroom. After finishing, I grimace at the toilet and say, “Eat shit, you!” Then I flush it hard!

9. Holding the bun, I suddenly thought about how I will be when I grow up and face this tough, not necessarily dreamy, and not necessarily funny world. - “McDull”

10. If it didn’t exist before, it really didn’t exist. If it doesn’t work, it really doesn’t work. - Yuan Jian Tao, “McDull Story”

11. Even a piece of beef should have its own attitude, be cautious when alone, be good to oneself, and know that a wonderful life cannot only have lean meat, but also need appropriate fat for seasoning, snow-white meat tendons for surrounding, and also master the angle, posture, and heat when jumping into the frying pan, in order to become an excellent and authentic sirloin steak. - “McDull”

12. Uncle, if there’s no thick noodles, how about a skewer of fish balls? Uncle, if there are no fish balls, then how about a bowl of thick noodles? - “McDull”

13. It’s not a flaw, it’s that you are not in the dream. - “McDull Story”

14. “Once upon a time, there was a child who lied, and one day he died. Once upon a time, there was a child who studied hard, and became rich when he grew up. Once upon a time, there was a child who was very unfilial, and one day he sprained his foot.” “Mom, I want to sleep” “Once upon a time, there was a child who went to bed early and woke up late, and died the next day.” - “McDull”

15. Don’t reason with women, especially angry ones. - “McDull”

17. If love lasts long, it doesn’t matter about the pork. - “McDull’s Story”

18. He is not mentally challenged, he is kind-hearted. Never discriminate against madmen, they just have a different worldview from you. - “McDull”

19. I used to think that everything in the world should have room for negotiation, but some things, if they don’t exist, they really don’t exist; if they don’t work, they really don’t work. - “McDull”

20. Deba (kitten): McDull, they’ve run out of fish balls and thick noodles. All the combinations with fish balls and thick noodles are gone.

21. McDull grows up and says with a bun: Some things, if they don’t exist, they really don’t exist; if they don’t work, they really don’t work. No fish balls, no thick noodles. - “McDull”

22. “My mom said I look like a pig.” - McDull, “McDull Story”

23. No matter how bad the world is, there are always moments that make people laugh.

24. I also realized that the taste of turkey reaches its peak between not eating it and the first bite. After that, it’s just a matter of continuing to eat. - “McDull Story”

25. Thank you, sun, for rising again and igniting my dreams. - “McDull”

26. I hope I can defecate while the teacher keeps singing. I hope I can quickly write the correct characters without using that eraser. I hope I can make my mother proud, so she won’t shed tears or have menopause. I hope I can get an A, not even a tiny bit less. If I make my mother happy, I’m willing, I’m willing to never eat my favorite chicken again. - Xie Liwen, Mai Jiabi, “McDull”

27. McDull, being ordinary in his ordinariness but happy in his happiness. - “McDull”

29. The taste of turkey reaches its peak between about to eat and the first bite. - “McDull”

30. I like to eat chicken, my mom likes to eat chicken, and I like to eat the happy chicken with my favorite mom. - Xie Liwen, Mai Jiabi, “McDull”

31. No one will always like you, and no one will always hate you. Don’t expect to be constantly remembered. Don’t be happy with material things or sad with yourself. - “McDull”

32. Mcdull: Oh, no such combinations. Just fish balls, please. Principal: No fish balls. Mcdull: What about thick noodles? Principal: No thick noodles… ——Xie Liwen Mak Jia Bi’s “Mcdull Story”

33. I was slow and stupid when I was a child, learning everything a bit slower. ——”Mcdull”

34. Because of this, as we grow up, when we are happy or sad; when we hope or despair, we are fortunate to have a song running through our hearts, supporting us… making the tough times not harden our hearts; making the weak not collapse. ——”Mcdull”

35. No, it’s just not possible, no fish balls, no thick noodles, no Maldives, no medals, no Cheung Po Tsai’s treasure, and Cheung Po Tsai never had that bun. It turns out that stupidity is not that funny. Stupidity leads to failure and disappointment. Disappointment is not that funny either. Being fat is not necessarily funny either. Being fat doesn’t necessarily mean having strength. Having strength doesn’t necessarily mean you can do it. Holding the bun, I suddenly thought, when I grow up and have to face this rigid, not necessarily dreamy, and not necessarily funny world, what will I be like? ——”Mcdull”

36. He is not mentally challenged, he is kind.

37. I want an orange, and you give me an entire orchard. ——”Mcdull”

38. Mcdull: Mom, will you take me to the Maldives? Mak Tai: Yes, when we get rich. Mcdull: Mom, when will you get rich? Mak Tai: Well, soon, just dream about it! ——”Mcdull”

39. Fortunes, people have moments of egg tarts. ——”Mcdull”

40. If you’re not happy, just take a nap. It’s okay to be sad, but it’s not good to have a stomachache. ——”Mcdull”

41. Holding the bun, I suddenly realized that some things, if they don’t exist, they just don’t exist; if it’s not possible, it’s just not possible. ——Mcdull “Mcdull Story”
Chen Anzhi’s quotes, Chen Anzhi’s famous words

1. Successful people do things others are unwilling to do, things others dare not do, and things others cannot do.

2. To achieve a goal, first focus, and second, repeat.

3. Successful people love “pain.”

4. The speed of success depends on whether we have the best tools.

5. Establish a 100% absolute advantage.

6. Before starting a business, you must evaluate the industry you are engaged in.

7. If you are good during practice, you will be good during the competition.

8. Mastering trends is not as good as mastering the biggest trends.

9. Action leads to success, and coaching changes lives.

10. The key to successful entrepreneurship is having a good vision.

11. A large market demand and a big market are prerequisites for a large volume.

12. Quality is required in everything.

13. The past does not equal the future; there is no failure, only a temporary pause in success; take more massive action.

14. If you are good at connecting, you will be good at competing.

15. When there is no way out, your potential will be unleashed.

16. All successful people are good readers.

17. Focus on your goals every day, not on the obstacles.

18. Help others get what they want, and your dreams will come true.

19. Successful people have first-class attitudes, skills, and abilities.

20. Having ambitious goals is very important; you must have the desire to succeed, and the bigger the better.

21. Successful people take the initiative in everything.

22. Continuously build your knowledge base!

23. To succeed, surround yourself with successful people.

24. Be sure to learn from successful people, especially world-class successful individuals.

25. It’s better to cooperate with others than to compete with them.

26. Do as successful people do.

27. The problem is always within yourself.

28. Being positive and upward is the trait of all successful people.

29. Keep seeking advice from successful people and learn their methods of success.

30. Commitment is the path to success; use the power of public commitment to force yourself to succeed.

31. Positivity is a trait of all successful people.

32. It’s better to work hard for a while than to suffer for a lifetime. The past does not equal the future; there is no failure, only a temporary pause in success!

33. Only by fully relaxing can you strike powerfully.

34. Pay attention to analyzing successful people, not just focusing on failures.

35. Skills and abilities determine the outcome.

36. Successful people must understand marketing.

37. Successful people should have grand ideals, but also set reasonable goals!

38. Don’t grope in the dark by yourself; ask for directions to avoid getting lost.

39. Only by giving your all can your dreams take off.

40. Delegating does not mean giving up; after delegating, supervision is even more important.

41. The reason why products don’t sell is due to the product quality and price.

42. The first step to success is to look at your “dream board” every day.

43. Only by giving can you stand out; create value for others, and they will be willing to interact with you.

44. Success is about constantly repeating simple tasks.

45. Leadership is not about training people, but about selecting the right people.

46. The three key insights: big trends, big markets, and few competitors.

47. Successful people never give up; those who give up will never succeed.

48. Decisions can overcome the impossible.

49. Success relies on others, not just yourself!

50. Learn only from the top people, associate only with the best, and do only what the best do.

51. Ensure that your product quality is the best among the same level and price range.

52. Continuously acquiring knowledge is a prerequisite for success.

53. Success comes from habits developed from a young age.

54. Set high standards and never accept second-rate performance.

55. Set goals, make plans, and take massive action.

56. All successful people make money by investing in their minds.

57. To succeed, go crazy first, and then charge forward with a simple mind.

58. The starting point of success is self-analysis, and the secret to success is self-reflection.

59. Do what you love and then do it to the best of your ability!

60. Write down your core goals by hand more than ten times a day.

61. Take the most massive action in the shortest amount of time for everything.

62. To become the kind of person you want to be, surround yourself with such people.

63. The starting point of success is self-analysis, and the secret to success is self-reflection.

64. Choosing an industry with fewer competitors means winning without fighting.

65. The biggest cost for a company is untrained salespeople.

66. Keep researching your competitors constantly!

67. Customers buy based on service attitude and work spirit.

68. Understand that not all industries make the same amount of money.

69. As long as you make progress every day, you have started to improve.

70. There is no perfect individual in the world, only perfect teams.

71. To succeed, first study the science of success.

72. It is better to use the company’s top sales representative for business training than to let him do business personally.

73. Successful people accumulate the quality and quantity of knowledge and connections.

74. Success equals goals, equals daily progress %, equals all-round.

75. Set the goal of becoming the world’s top in your industry!

76. Books are also good teachers; success comes from applying their knowledge.

77. Do you just want to succeed, or do you have to succeed?

78. To succeed quickly, find the best people to work for you.

79. The friends you choose determine your destiny.

80. Mastering future trends is more important than mastering information.

81. Engage in industries with great growth potential in the future.

82. No matter what you do, always be happy! Enjoy the process!

83. Provide information to customers even when they don’t buy the product.

84. If you want to start a business, be prepared for both losses and gains.

85. Set the price that consumers can accept in their hearts instead of blindly seeking high or low prices.

86. If you repeatedly believe that you are something, you will become that.

87. You must work harder than your competitors.

88. Trust that your coach’s words make sense.

89. It is the old version’s responsibility to find the best “product horse” to operate.

90. Observe the successful people with care, instead of always focusing on the failures.

91. Success requires change, using new methods to alter past results.

92. The past does not equal the future; there is no failure, only a temporary pause in success!

93. Without proper supervision and management, it is a waste of talent.

94. Successful people have strong and unwavering beliefs.

95. People with a good attitude have more opportunities to make money.

96. Visualize the dream of success on a success board, and repeatedly deepen the impression.

97. Every day, constantly review your work and performance!

98. Success is a simple matter, as long as the method is correct.

99. What you want to gain depends on what you give.

100. There must be a method for success, and a reason for failure; there is no absolute failure, only a temporary pause in success.
Shakespeare’s classic love quotes, Shakespeare’s famous sayings:

1. No matter how long the night is, the day will come. ——Macbeth

2. To be or not to be, that is the question. ——Hamlet

3. A person who thinks too much will lose the joy of living.

4. On the clock of time, there are only two words - now.

5. I wasted time, and time has wasted me.

6. Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none. ——All’s Well That Ends Well

7. “To enjoy a happy relationship with a man, you should understand him more and not love him too much; to enjoy a happy relationship with a woman, you should love her more without trying to understand her!”

8. Proper sorrow can show the depth of feelings, but excessive sadness can prove the lack of wisdom. ——Romeo and Juliet

9. What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. —— Romeo and Juliet

10. The readiness is all but a slave to memory, and will be subject to the same whims. —— Hamlet

11. Brevity is the soul of wit, and verbosity the gilding of shallowness. —— Hamlet

12. Those who have not been hurt will mock the scars of others! —— Romeo and Juliet

13. One of the saddest things in life is that you meet someone who is very important to you, but eventually find that you are not meant to be together, so you have to let go.

14. A proud person always ends up destroying themselves in their pride.

15. I love you a little more than yesterday, and a little less than tomorrow.

16. We often put on the expression of faith and the actions of devotion, but we wrap the devil’s nature in sugarcoating. —— Hamlet

17. Silent and pure innocence often touches people’s hearts more than words.

18. If a person does something shameless, they will inevitably use double the shamelessness to deny it. —— The Winter’s Tale

19. Don’t linger under trees, don’t ponder in the rain, and don’t shed tears in the dark. Look forward, not back, as long as you have the courage to face and raise your head, you will find that the current gloom is just a short rainy season. Look forward, and there is a bright sky that will not make you feel lost. —— The Tempest

20. A person’s life is short, but if it is lived in a despicable way, it is too long.

21. Hell is empty, and all the devils are here. —— The Tempest

22. Women fall in love with their ears, while men, if they fall in love, do so with their eyes.

23. True love cannot be expressed in words; actions are the best proof of loyalty. —— The Merchant of Venice

24. A less passionate love will last longer.

25. Don’t argue with a person of strong will, for they can change the facts!

26. Listen more, talk less, accept everyone’s criticism, but reserve your final judgment.

27. I would rather be a wildflower beneath a hedge than a favored rose. It’s better to be despised by the crowd than to flatter and steal others’ affection. —— Much Ado About Nothing

28. No one is worth your tears, and the one who is worth it won’t make you cry.

29. In this world, the interest in pursuing many things is always more intense than the interest in enjoying them. —— The Merchant of Venice

30. There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. —— Hamlet

31. Wine - flows like water, burns like fire.

32. In dark days, do not let the cruel fate gloat; since fate has come to humiliate us, we should retaliate with a calm attitude.

33. What we have to do should be done as soon as we think of it; for man’s thoughts are ever changing, and there are as many hesitations and delays as there are tongues, hands, and accidents.

34. Time will pierce the decorations on the surface of youth, dig deep trenches and shallow ditches on the forehead of beauty; it will consume the rarest treasures! Natural beauty cannot escape the sweep of his scythe.

35. A successful liar no longer needs to live by telling lies, for those who have been deceived have become his supporters, and whatever I say is in vain. —— Hamlet

36. There is no peace for a king. —— Henry IV

37. People often use sincere appearances and pious actions to conceal a devilish heart. —— Hamlet

38. Revenge is not bravery, endurance is bravery. —— Timon of Athens

39.子言慕雨,启伞避之。 子言好阳,寻荫拒之。 子言喜风,阖户离之。 子言偕老,吾所畏之。——《诗经版诗歌》
39. You say you love the rain, but when it rains, you open your umbrella to avoid it. You say you love the sun, but when the sun shines, you seek the shade. You say you love the wind, but when the breeze blows, you close the windows. You say you want to grow old together, but that is what I fear. —— Poems from the Book of Songs

40. Some people only kiss shadows, so they only possess the illusion of happiness.

41. Even if confined in a nutshell, I still consider myself the king of infinite space. —— Hamlet

42.你说你喜欢雨,但是下雨的时候你却撑开了伞; 你说你喜欢阳光,但当阳光播撒的时候,你却躲在阴凉之地; 你说你喜欢风,但清风扑面的时候,你却关上了窗户。 我害怕你对我也是如此之爱。
42. You say you like the rain, but when it rains, you open your umbrella; you say you like the sunshine, but when the sun is shining, you hide in the shade; you say you like the wind, but when the breeze blows, you close the windows. I am afraid that your love for me is like this as well.

43. Hidden sorrows, like an extinguished furnace, can burn the heart into ashes.

44. Youth is a fleeting dream, and when you wake up, it has long since vanished without a trace.

45. Wise people never sit down to wail for failure; they must optimistically seek ways to remedy it.

46. One should listen more and speak less. Listen to others’ opinions, but reserve your own judgment. —— Hamlet

47. My only love comes from my only hate. —— Romeo and Juliet

48. Never cling to what should be abandoned.

49. When you see friends using unnatural politeness with each other, you can tell that their feelings have declined.

50. To make a proud person see his own face, one must use another’s pride as a mirror; if one bows and scrapes before him, it only adds to his arrogance and brings humiliation upon oneself. - “King Lear”

51. Love is a flower that grows on the edge of a cliff; to pick it, one must have courage.

52. An honest man is a fool; although he has good intentions, he ends up suffering losses.

53. An uninvited guest is only welcome after taking leave.

54. If you want to do something, do it when you think of it, because others’ gossip and unexpected events from the heavens will erode the desire and action to do what you want; once a task is delayed, it is like a sigh of regret, the longer and more it lasts, the more it will wear away one’s energy and spirit.

55. A new flame can extinguish an old one; great pain can alleviate small pain. - “Hamlet”

56. He who gives up time, gives up himself to time.

57. Life is full of noise and turmoil, yet one cannot find any meaning in it.

58. If you truly love me, please tell me sincerely; if you think I am too easily won over, I will also put on an angry face, pretend to be stubborn, and reject your kindness, so that you will plead with me gently, otherwise I will never refuse you. - “Romeo and Juliet”

59. Praise loses its value if it comes from the one being praised; praise from an enemy is true glory. - “Troilus and Cressida”

60. Love, once destroyed and rebuilt, becomes more magnificent, beautiful, and tenacious than before. - “Yi Lin”

61. I can be cruel, but not conscienceless; I can use the sharp sword of words to stab her, but never a real blade. - “Hamlet”

62. How can I compare you to summer? You are more lovely and gentle than it; the wind ravages the tender buds favored by May, and the lease of summer is too short. - “Sonnet”

63.黑夜无论怎样悠长,白昼总会到来。 ——《麦克白》
63. No matter how long the night is, the day will always come. - “Macbeth”

64. God says, because I love you, I must hurt you; because I want to fulfill you, I must punish you.

65. We can control our own destiny; if we are subject to others, the fault lies not in fate, but in ourselves! - “Hamlet”

66. Do not swear by the moon, for it changes constantly, waning and waxing every month; if you swear by it, perhaps your love will be as fickle as it is. - “Romeo and Juliet”

67. Life is but a walking shadow, a clumsy player on the stage, gesturing and posturing for a moment, then silently disappearing; it is a fool’s story, full of noise and turmoil, yet lacking any meaning. - “Macbeth”

68. To be or not to be, that is the question. To suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles and, by opposing, end them? Which is more noble? To die, to sleep, to say we end the heartache and the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to. - “Hamlet”

69. Deception requires disguise, while truth seeks the light of day.

70. When sorrow comes, it is not alone, but in flocks. —— Hamlet

71. New clothes are good, but old friends are better.

72. Appearances often have little in common with the true nature of things; people are easily deceived by superficial decorations. Without comparison, merits cannot be seen; without an appreciative audience, the crow’s song is no different from the lark’s. If the nightingale were to sing amidst the daytime noise, no one would think it more beautiful than the wren. How many things can only reach perfection and gain proper praise when they encounter favorable circumstances.

73. Time will pierce the beauty and delicacy of youth, carve lines on the foreheads of beauties; it will devour rare treasures and natural beauty. Nothing can escape its sweeping scythe.

74. Self-inflicted wounds are the hardest to heal.

75. The failure of countless people is due to not following things through to the end, often stopping just one step short of success.

76. Even the devil can quote the Bible to justify himself.

77. Feasts are easily dispersed, but good gatherings are hard to come by. —— Romeo and Juliet

78. The foolishness of a fool is not surprising, but the foolishness of a wise man makes people laugh until their bellies ache; for he has used all his abilities to prove his own stupidity.

79. Do not give up your original goal just because of one failure.

80. All that is past is but a prelude. —— The Tempest

81. What’s in a name? A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.

82. Love is not a thing, really. If you care too much, you will get hurt; if you don’t care at all, others will get hurt.

83. There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. —— Hamlet

84. Time is like a fickle master; it barely shakes hands with a departing guest, yet spreads its arms wide to embrace a new arrival, flying to hold him; welcome is forever smiling, while farewell always sighs.

85. I have never seen such a gloomy yet bright day. —— Macbeth

86. Simplicity moves my heart more than clever words.

87. Diligence is a priceless treasure, and caution is a means of self-protection.

88. Time, no matter how fierce you are, my love shall ever remain green in my poetry. —— Sonnet

89. Where there is doubt, there is truth, for truth is but the shadow of doubt.

90. Without books in life, it is as if there is no sunlight; without books in wisdom, it is as if a bird has no wings.

91. Without reason, emotions would exhaust us; it is to curb the absurdity of emotions that we need reason.

92. Quarrelsome love, affectionate hatred, everything created out of nothing, heavy frivolity, serious madness, orderly chaos, leaden feathers, smoky light, cold flames, haggard health, ever-awake sleep, negated existence! I feel that love is just such a thing. —— “Romeo and Juliet”

93. Modesty is the highest form of self-restraint.

94. Life is like a fool’s dream, full of noise and agitation, yet devoid of any meaning. —— “Macbeth”

95. Not everything that glitters is gold; not all pleasant words are good.

96. Brevity is the soul of wit, and prolixity is the embroidery of superficiality. —— “Hamlet”

97. It is a waste for a person to be virtuous only for themselves. Heaven created us as torches, not to illuminate ourselves, but to shine upon the world; for our virtues cannot be extended to others, it is as if we have none at all.

98.爱情是生命的火花, 友谊的升华, 心灵的吻合. 如果说人类的感情能区分等级, 那么爱情该是属于最高的一级.
98. Love is the spark of life, the sublimation of friendship, the harmony of souls. If human emotions can be ranked, then love should belong to the highest level.

99. Listen to the opinions of others, but reserve your own judgment. —— “Hamlet”

100. Delaying and dawdling, few days are left, fair young maiden, come kiss me, withered grass and dying willows, youth passes swiftly. —— “Twelfth Night”

101. What’s past is prologue. —— “The Tempest”

102.一想起你的爱使我那么富有, 和帝王换位我也不屑于屈就。——《十四行诗第二十九首》
102. The thought of your love enriches me so much, I would not stoop to exchange places with a king. —— “Sonnet 29”

103. There is nothing more ordinary than desiring to be extraordinary.

104. Vanity is a boring and deceptive thing; those who possess it may not have any merit, and those who lose it may not have any fault. —— “Othello”

105. Love is not sweet words under the shade of flowers, nor honeyed language in a paradise, nor soft tears, nor stubborn coercion. Love is based on a common language.

106. Women, even in the happiest environments, often cannot resist external temptations. Once they fall into poverty and despair, even a spotless virgin may stumble and fall. —— “Antony and Cleopatra”

107. If you do not trust yourself, what truth can you trust?

108. Beauty can turn chastity into promiscuity, but chastity may not be able to influence beauty itself. —— “Hamlet”

109. Love, like charcoal, when kindled, should be cooled down; otherwise, it will burn hearts to ashes. I let it run wild, and now I am covered in wounds.

110. More facts, fewer pretentious words. —— Hamlet

111. When we cannot afford happiness, we should not lean too close to the window of happiness, gazing at it in a trance.

112. The ravings of a madman may sound passionate, but they hold no meaning. —— Macbeth

113. When dealing with a man, understand him without loving him too much; when dealing with a woman, love her without trying to understand her completely.

114. Courage comes with virtue, and the righteous are never cowardly.

115. This is a topsy-turvy world, alas, and it is the unfortunate me who must take on the responsibility of setting things right! —— Hamlet

116. It is better to be a wise fool than a foolish wise man.

117.对于一个灵魂孤寂的人来说,伴侣并不是一种实际的安慰,爱情的野心令人备受痛苦,期待与狮子匹配的梅花鹿必然为爱而死。花言巧语 对于了解你的人而言 无异于抖露了你的空虚与弱点。
117. For a lonely soul, companionship is not a real consolation. The ambition of love brings pain, and the deer that longs to match with a lion will surely die for love. Empty words and flattery only reveal one’s emptiness and weaknesses to those who know you.

118.起先的冷淡,将会使以后的恋爱更加热烈; 她要是向你假意生滇, 那不是因为她讨厌你,而是因为她希望你更加爱她。
118. Initial indifference will make future love more passionate; if she pretends to be angry with you, it is not because she dislikes you, but because she wants you to love her more.

119. Be cautious with your wealth and prudent with your knowledge. —— King Lear

120. In the book of fate, we are all within a single line of text. —— Romeo and Juliet

121. One should not rush to achieve success; instead, one should familiarize themselves with their subject of study, and with persistence, time will accomplish everything. The beginning is always the hardest; yet, it is even more difficult to know how to end well.

122. Love all, trust a few, do no harm to any. —— As You Like It

123. People often act without thinking, and only afterwards have the leisure to ponder and regret.

124. A false reputation is a despicable slave, speaking flattering lies on every tombstone, while beneath the silent and unmarked grave, the bones of loyal and righteous men are often buried. —— The Taming of the Shrew

125. Ungrateful children are more painful than the venomous fangs of a snake. —— King Lear

126. A coward dies many times before his death; a brave man dies but once. —— Julius Caesar

127. Life is but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more. It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. —— Macbeth

128.青春是一个短暂的美梦 当你醒来时 它早已消失无踪。
128. Youth is but a brief dream, and when you awaken, it has vanished without a trace.

129. Suffering can test a person’s character, and extraordinary experiences can reveal extraordinary integrity.

130. In pursuit of the better, we have already damaged the already good enough.

131. The path to true love never has a smooth road. —— “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”

132. Defending a mistake often makes the mistake seem particularly significant, just as patching a small hole with a cloth makes it more conspicuous.

133. A temperamental woman is like churning muddy water; even if one is thirsty, they would not want to take a sip.

134. A small amount of evil can offset all noble qualities, ruining a person’s reputation. —— “Hamlet”

135. Appearances often have nothing to do with the true nature of things; people are easily deceived by superficial decorations. —— “The Merchant of Venice”

136. Being true to oneself prevents deception of others. Habits have a magical power to change one’s temperament; they can make demons control human souls or drive them out. —— “Hamlet”

137. Love is mostly foolish, and friendship is mostly fake.

138. Attempting the seemingly hopeless often leads to success. —— “Venus and Adonis”

139. Love, like charcoal, needs to be cooled once it’s burning. If left unchecked, it will burn a heart to ashes.

140. What begins unjustly must be fortified with sin. —— “Macbeth”

141. Fate is like a prostitute, leaving the poor and lowly abandoned.

142. Crazy people can often say things that rational and sober people cannot. —— “Hamlet”

143. When we cannot afford happiness, we should never get too close to the display window and stare at happiness in a daze.

144. Truly brave people should be able to wisely endure the most unbearable honors and disgraces, not caring about external honors and disgraces, and using a conciliatory attitude to avoid unnecessary disasters.

145. Perfect love weakens the will, while imperfect love hurts the heart.

146. When two people ride a horse, there’s always one behind.

147. Keep silent about inner matters, do not act rashly on hasty thoughts, be friendly but not frivolous, have deep friendships in times of trouble, and stay away from superficial relationships. —— “Hamlet”

148. The clearer and brighter the sky, the more the clouds appear turbid. —— “Richard II”

149. Love is blind, and lovers cannot see the foolish things they do.

150. Doubt is enough to ruin everything. A person often loses the opportunity for success because they are hesitant when facing challenges. The best people are those who have made mistakes; a person often becomes more endearing because of a small flaw.
Mao Zedong’s Classic Quotes

1. If heaven has feelings, it would grow old; the right path for humanity is full of vicissitudes. - “The People’s Liberation Army Occupies Nanjing”

2. Walking through green mountains, one does not grow old; the scenery here is uniquely beautiful. - “Qing Ping Yue • Hui Chang”

3. A child resolves to leave his hometown, vowing not to return until he achieves fame through learning! - “Seven Absolutes • Presented to My Father”

4. Remain calm in the face of difficulties, mainly eat vegetarian, take more walks, and maintain a balance between work and leisure.

5. So many things have always been urgent; the world turns, and time is pressing. Ten thousand years is too long, we must strive for every moment. - “Man Jiang Hong”

6. A son resolves to leave his hometown, vowing not to return until he achieves fame through learning. There is no need to bury one’s bones in his hometown, as every place in life has green hills. - “Presented to My Father”

7. Strategy allows us to despise the enemy, but tactics require us to take the enemy seriously.

8.恰同学少年,风华正茂;书生意气,挥斥方遒。 指点江山,激扬文字,粪土当年万户侯。 曾记否,到中流击水,浪遏飞舟!——《沁园春•长沙》
8. Just as schoolmates are in their prime, their talents flourish; scholars’ aspirations are bold, and their writing is vigorous. They point to the rivers and mountains, inspiring the people, and scorn the nobles of the past. Do you remember when we struck the water in the middle of the stream, and the waves stopped our flying boat? - “Qin Yuan Chun • Chang Sha”

9. Without solving the problem of bridges and boats, crossing the river is just an empty talk.

10. One can reach the nine heavens to grasp the moon, and dive into the five oceans to catch turtles. - “Shui Diao Ge Tou • Climbing Jinggang Mountain Again”

11. The sound of a whistle breaks my heart, from now on, I am a lone traveler in the world. - “He Xin Lang • To Yang Kaihui”

12. Injuring all ten fingers is not as good as breaking one.

13. I have confidence in living for two hundred years, and I will stride three thousand miles through the water.

14. No matter the wind and waves, it is better than strolling leisurely in a courtyard. - “Shui Diao Ge Tou • Swimming”

15. The west wind is fierce, wild geese cry in the frosty morning moon. The frosty morning moon, the sound of hooves shatters, the trumpet’s voice is choked. The mighty pass is as hard as iron, now we take a step from the beginning. From the beginning, the mountains are like the sea, and the setting sun is like blood. - “Yi Qin E • Lou Shan Pass”

16. Perception only solves the problem of phenomena, while theory solves the problem of essence. - “On the Relationship between Knowledge and Practice - The Relationship between Knowledge and Action”

17. The enemy of learning is one’s own satisfaction. To truly learn something, one must start from not being complacent. For oneself, “never tire of learning,” and for others, “never tire of teaching.” We should adopt this attitude.

18.独坐池塘如虎踞,绿荫树下养精神;春来我不先开口,那个虫儿敢做声。——《七古 咏哇》
18. Sitting alone by the pond like a tiger crouching, nurturing my spirit under the green shade of the trees; when spring comes, if I don’t speak first, which insect dares to make a sound?——”Seven Ancient Poems: Ode to the Toad”

19. When people are sick, does heaven know?——”Congratulations to the Bridegroom: To Yang Kaihui”

20. Ten thousand years is too long, we must compete for every morning and evening.——”Man Jiang Hong”

21. The world is yours, and it is ours, but in the final analysis, it is yours. You young people are full of vigor and in a prosperous era, just like the sun at eight or nine o’clock in the morning. Hope is placed on you.——”Moscow Speech”

22. The responsibility of a leader, in summary, mainly involves two things: coming up with ideas and using cadres.

23. The Zhongshan Mountains storm and rain turn pale, a million heroes cross the great river. The tiger’s crouch and the dragon’s coil are more powerful than before, with a sense of pride and joy.——”The People’s Liberation Army Occupies Nanjing”

24. We should use our remaining courage to pursue the fleeing enemies, not imitate the famous霸王 who spared his enemies. If heaven has emotions, it would also grow old; the right path for humanity is the vicissitudes of life.——”The People’s Liberation Army Occupies Nanjing”

25. The situation is constantly changing; to adapt one’s thoughts to the new circumstances, one must learn.

26. Reading is learning, and applying knowledge is also learning, and it is even more important.

27. The bleak autumn wind is here again, changing the world.——”Wang Tao Sha: Beidaihe”

28.风雨送春归,飞雪迎春到,已是悬崖百丈冰,犹有花枝俏,俏也不争春,只把春来报,待到山花烂漫时,她在丛中笑。——《卜算子 咏梅》
28. The spring rain sends the spring away, and the flying snow welcomes the spring. Even with the hundred-foot cliff covered in ice, there are still branches of flowers that are beautiful. They don’t compete for the spring, but only report its arrival. When the mountain flowers are in full bloom, she will laugh among them.——”Bu Suan Zi: Ode to the Plum Blossom”

29.为有牺牲多壮志,敢叫日月换新天。——《七律 到韶山》
29. With many sacrifices and strong will, we dare to change the sun and the moon and the new sky.——”Seven-Character Quatrain: To Shaoshan”

30. If you don’t occupy the ideological front, others will.

31. When studying any process, if there are two or more contradictory processes, it is necessary to make an effort to find the main contradiction. Once you seize this main contradiction, all problems will be easily solved.

32. There is no difficult task in the world; as long as you are willing to climb.——”Water Tune Song Head: Climbing Jinggang Mountain Again”

33. The situation is constantly changing; to adapt one’s thoughts to the new circumstances, one must learn.

34. To be a teacher of the people, first be a student of the people.

35. It is common for thought to lag behind reality because human cognition is subject to many social conditions.

36. Make up your mind, not afraid of sacrifice, overcome all difficulties, and strive for victory.

37. When the war starts, it’s up to the enemy; but when it ends, it’s up to us.

38. The most righteous and resolute statement: “If others do not offend me, I will not offend them.” Note: We long for peace, but we never fear war! We do not threaten any nuclear-free countries with nuclear weapons, nor will we use nuclear weapons first. Only China in the world can and dares to say this.

39. Intellectual progress is the foundation of progress in life and career. The only way to achieve intellectual progress is through the study of academics. – “To Cai Hesen and Others”

40. Bravery and determination are the soul of virtue.

41. “Talent that does not surpass the present generation is not worth having; learning that does not surpass the ancients is not worth pursuing.” – “Lecture Notes”

42. A correct understanding often requires multiple repetitions from material to spirit, and from spirit to material, that is, from practice to knowledge and from knowledge to practice, in order to be completed.

43. Different contradictions can only be resolved using different methods.

44.横空出世莽昆仑,阅尽人间春色。 飞起玉龙三百万,搅得周天寒彻。 夏日消溶,江河横溢,人或为鱼鳖。 千秋功罪,谁人曾与评说? 而今我谓昆仑:不要这高,不要这多雪。 安得倚天抽宝剑,把汝裁为三截? 一截遗欧,一截赠美,一截还东国。 太平世界,环球同此凉热。——《念奴娇•昆仑》
44. The Kunlun Mountains rise abruptly, traversing the world’s spring scenery. Three million jade dragons take flight, chilling the entire sky. In summer, the rivers overflow, and people may become fish and turtles. Who has ever judged the merits and demerits of a thousand autumns? Now I say to the Kunlun Mountains: Do not be so tall, do not have so much snow. How can I draw a sword from heaven and cut you into three parts? One part to Europe, one to America, and one to the East. A peaceful world, the globe shares the same cold and warmth. – “Nian Nu Jue • Kunlun”

45. Without investigation, there is no right to speak. – “Against Book Worship”

46. The enemy surrounds us on all sides, yet I stand firm and unyielding. – “Xijiang Moon • Jinggangshan”

47.飒爽英姿五尺枪, 曙光初照演兵场。中华儿女多奇志, 不爱红妆爱武装。——《七绝 为女民兵题照》
47. A five-foot gun with a heroic and spirited appearance, the dawn’s first light shines on the drill field. Chinese sons and daughters have many extraordinary aspirations, loving armaments more than makeup. – “Seven Absolutes for Female Militia Photo”

48. When spring arrives, if I do not speak first, which insect dares to make a sound? – “Ode to Frogs”

49. Life passes quickly, but the heavens remain old; every year there is the Double Ninth Festival. Today is the Double Ninth Festival again, and the yellow flowers on the battlefield are especially fragrant.

50. Year after year, the autumn wind is strong, unlike the spring scenery. Better than the spring scenery, the vast river and sky are covered with frost for thousands of miles. – “Cai Sang Zi • Chongyang”

51. The future is bright, but the road is winding.

52. Where there is oppression, there is resistance.

53. Too many complaints may break one’s heart; it is better to have a broad perspective on things. – “To Mr. Liu Yazi”

54. People need help. Although the lotus flower is beautiful, it also requires the support of green leaves. A single fence needs three stakes, and a hero needs three helpers.

55. Life passes quickly, but the heavens remain old; every year there is the Double Ninth Festival, and today is the Double Ninth Festival again. Year after year, the autumn wind is strong, unlike the spring scenery, better than the spring scenery.

56. One cannot do without criticism and self-criticism, for without them, one cannot make progress.

57.最鼓舞人心的一句话:星星之火,可以燎原。 注: 在当时复杂艰苦的环境下,经过科学的分析,这句话对革命来说,无疑是一针兴奋剂!
57. The most inspiring statement: “A single spark can start a prairie fire.” Note: In the complex and difficult environment at the time, this statement was undoubtedly an elixir of excitement for the revolution after scientific analysis!

58. Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun!

59. When the mountain flowers are in full bloom, she laughs among the clusters. —— “Mao Zedong’s Poems • Bu Suan Zi • Ode to the Plum Blossom”

60. The Red Army is not afraid of the difficulties of the Long March, thousands of rivers and mountains are just a leisurely walk. The five ridges meander with fine waves, the Wumeng mountains are majestic with mud pellets. The Jinsha River’s waters warm the cliffs, the Dadu Bridge’s iron chains are cold.更喜欢岷山千里雪,三军过后尽开颜。 At the time when the motherland was short of spirit, I borrowed the chairman’s poem to express my indignation, and forgot that contemporary officials and people should strive together. —— “Seven-character Quatrain • Long March”

61.山高路远坑深, 大军纵横驰奔。 谁敢横刀立马? 唯我彭大将军!——《六言诗•给彭德怀同志》
61. The mountains are high and the roads are long with deep pits, the army gallops and charges. Who dares to draw his sword and mount his horse? Only our General Peng! —— “Six-character Poem • To Comrade Peng Dehuai”

62. When the enemy advances, we retreat; when the enemy retreats, we advance; when the enemy stops, we harass; when the enemy is exhausted, we attack.

63. Only people’s social practice can be the standard of truth for people’s understanding of the outside world. The standard of truth can only be social practice.

64. People always first understand the specific essence of many different things, and then it is possible to further generalize and recognize the common essence of various things.

65. To strike one blow may prevent a hundred blows from coming.

66. The four seas are turbulent with angry clouds and waters, and the five continents are shaken by fierce winds and thunder. —— “Man Jiang Hong”

67. Revolution is not a dinner party, nor an essay, nor an embroidery, it cannot be so elegant, so leisurely and unhurried, so cultured and gentle, so modest and courteous. Revolution is an uprising, a violent action of one class overthrowing another.

68. Houses should be cleaned regularly, otherwise they will be filled with dust; faces should be washed regularly, otherwise they will also be covered in dust. The thoughts of our comrades, the work of our party, can also be contaminated with dust, and should also be cleaned and washed.

69. The sky is high and the clouds are light, looking at the southward flying wild geese. One is not a hero unless he reaches the Great Wall, counting the journey of twenty thousand. On the peak of the Liupan Mountain, the red flag rolls in the western wind. Today we hold the long rope in our hands, when will we catch the green dragon? —— “Qing Ping Yue • Liupan Mountain”

70.大雨落幽燕,白浪滔天,秦皇岛外打鱼船。一片汪洋都不见,知向谁边?往事越千年,魏武挥鞭,东临碣石有遗篇。萧瑟秋风今又是,换了人间。——《浪淘沙 • 北戴河》
70. Heavy rain falls on the secluded Yan, white waves surge, fishing boats outside Qinhuangdao. The vast ocean is nowhere to be seen, who knows where it has gone? The past is a thousand years away, Wei Wu waves his whip, facing the eastern stele stone, leaving a legacy. The bleak autumn wind is the same as before, but the world has changed. —— “Lang Tao Sha • Beidaihe”

71. Often the problem is raised, but it cannot be solved, because the internal connections of things have not yet been exposed.

72. Understanding the overall things makes one better able to use the local things, because local things are subordinate to overall things.

73. “Seek unity through struggle, unity exists; seek unity through concession, unity perishes.”

74. What is a problem? A problem is the contradiction of things. Where there are unsolved contradictions, there is a problem.

75. Through practice, we discover the truth, and through practice, we confirm the truth and develop the truth.

76. Ask the vast land, who is in charge of the rise and fall? —— “Qin Yuan Chun • Changsha”

77. We must learn to look at problems comprehensively, not only to see the positive side of things, but also their negative side. Under certain conditions, bad things can lead to good results, and good things can also lead to bad results.

78.才饮长沙水,又食武昌鱼。万里长江横渡,极目楚天舒。不管风吹浪打,胜似闲庭信步,今日得宽余。子在川上曰:逝者如斯夫!风樯动,龟蛇静,起宏图。一桥飞架南北,天堑变通途。 立西江石壁,截断巫山云雨,高峡出平湖。神女应无恙,当惊世界殊。——《水调歌头•游泳》
78. Having just drunk the water of Changsha, I now savor the fish of Wuchang. Crossing the vast Yangtze River, I gaze into the vast expanse of the Chu sky with ease. Regardless of wind and waves, strolling leisurely as if in a courtyard, today I find myself at ease. Confucius once said by the river: “Time flows like this!” The wind moves the sails, while the tortoise and snake remain still, giving rise to grand plans. A bridge soars across the north and south, turning a natural barrier into a thoroughfare. Standing on the stone wall of the Western River, cutting off the clouds and rain of the Wu Mountains, a high valley becomes a flat lake. The goddess should be unharmed, and the world should be amazed by the difference.

79. Humility leads to progress, while arrogance leads to regression. We should always remember this truth.

80. If you lose the people while preserving the land, both are lost; if you preserve the people while losing the land, both are preserved. —— “The Founding of a Nation”

81. In places where there is no overall advantage, one must be good at creating local advantages. This local advantage is finding a place suitable for one’s own survival and battle.

82. Understanding, support, and friendship are more important than anything else.

83.与天奋斗,其乐无穷! 与地奋斗,其乐无穷! 与人奋斗,其乐无穷!
83. Struggling against heaven is endless joy! Struggling against the earth is endless joy! Struggling against people is endless joy!

84. All true knowledge originates from direct experience.

85. The fundamental cause of the development of things lies not in their external factors but in their internal factors, in the contradictions within the things themselves.

86. Mankind must control itself and achieve planned growth.

87. An article or a speech, if it is important and guiding in nature, must raise a certain issue, analyze it, and then synthesize it, pointing out the nature of the problem and providing a solution.

88. An army without culture is a foolish army, and a foolish army cannot defeat the enemy.

89. In every difference in the world, there is already contradiction, and difference is contradiction itself. —— “On Contradiction”

90. The landscape is so beautiful, attracting countless heroes to compete. —— “Qinyuan Spring • Snow”

91. The long road of the barrier is as tough as iron, but now we take steps from the beginning again! —— “Yi Qin E • Lou Mountain Pass”

92. Mao Zedong said: “Throughout history, politicians who have made achievements have been Legalists, advocating rule of law and valuing the present over the past; while Confucians talk about benevolence, righteousness, and morality, valuing the past over the present and reversing history. Then he recited his newly written poem “Seven Laws • Reading ‘On Feudalism’ to Guo Lao”: “Advise you to scold Qin Shi Huang less, the burning and burying of books needs discussion. The soul of the Ancestor Dragon is dead, but Qin still exists; Confucianism has a high reputation but is actually worthless. All dynasties have followed Qin’s political and legal systems, and the ten criticisms are not good articles. Read the Tang people’s ‘On Feudalism’ thoroughly, and do not return to King Wen from Zihou.””

93. If the lips are gone, the teeth will be cold; if the door is broken, the hall will be in danger.

94. Not being like Marx, one is not a Marxist; being like Marx, one is not a Marxist; only by surpassing Marx can one be a Marxist.

95. The east is about to dawn, don’t say you’re early on the road, after treading through the green hills, one remains young, and the scenery here is the best. —— “Qing Ping Yue • Huichang”

96.屈子当年赋楚骚,手中握有杀人刀。 艾萧太盛椒兰少,一跃冲向万里涛。——《七绝 屈原》
96. Qu Yuan once composed Chu Ci, holding a murderous knife in his hand. With too much Ai Xiao and太少椒兰 (too little Jiao Lan), he leaped towards the vast waves. —— “Seven絶 • Qu Yuan”

97. The Chinese have an old saying: “One cannot obtain a tiger cub without entering the tiger’s den.” This saying is true for practice and also true for epistemology. It is impossible to have knowledge without practice.

98. Revolution must have a base, just like a person needs a buttocks. If a person has no buttocks, they cannot sit down. If they keep walking and standing all the time, it will not last long. When their legs become sore and weak, they will fall down.

99. What is the way to make these people with only book knowledge become real intellectuals? The only way is to let them participate in practical work, become practical workers, and let those engaged in theoretical work study important practical problems.

100. In all the practical work of our Party, correct leadership must come from the masses and go to the masses.