1. There is a path in the mountain of books, and diligence is the way; the sea of learning has no shore, and hard work is the boat.

2. Endure for a while and the wind will subside; take a step back and the sea and sky will be boundless.

3. With ambition, you will find the蓬莱 (Penglai) is near; without action, even the closest distance feels far.

4. Ambition and determination are the North Star in the vast night sky.

5. Where there is a will, there is a way; no distance is too far, not even mountains and seas can limit it; where there is a goal, there is strength, no difficulty is insurmountable.

6. Don’t be afraid of a long journey, but be afraid of a short will.

7. With high aspirations, mountains appear small; the road starts from beneath your feet.

8. As long as you don’t give up effort and pursuit, even a blade of grass has the value to embellish the spring.

9. If a butterfly wants to enjoy flying in a hundred flower garden, it must first endure the pain of breaking away from the cocoon.

10. It is the blood of a warrior on the climbing path, and also the tears of a coward in despair.

11. Plain sailing does not mean a smooth course.

12. Although the light of a firefly is faint, shining is a challenge to the darkness.

13. Destiny is like the lines in your palm; no matter how tortuous, it is ultimately in your own hands.

14. A true strong person is not the one who cries, but the one who runs with tears.

15. Be the first me, not the second anyone else.

16. Only through hellish torment can one have the power to conquer heaven; only bleeding fingers can play the world’s masterpiece.

17. When poor, seek change; when inadequate, seek diligence! There is no mountain higher than a person, no road longer than a step.

18. Life has no rehearsal, every day is a live broadcast.

19. A telescope can see distant goals, but it cannot replace a single step you take.

20. A beautiful blueprint is just a piece of waste paper in the hands of a lazy man.

21. Control your own mouth, and don’t speak impulsively just for the sake of一时痛快. “A kind word warms three winter months, while a hurtful word chills even in June.” Use your brain when speaking, be cautious and tactful, and avoid excessive talking. Refrain from spreading others’ ills, and you will naturally be able to turn enemies into friends.

22. To be beautiful or handsome without realizing it is called temperament; to be wealthy or talented without others knowing is called cultivation.

23. Don’t be impatient when encountering problems. Don’t rush to conclusions, especially not when you’re angry. Learn to think from others’ perspectives, turn major issues into minor ones, and simplify complex matters. Never complicate simple things.

24. The most well-kept secret in the world is that overcoming fear leads to something safe and beneficial. Even conquering a small fear can boost your confidence in creating your own life. If you try to avoid fear, it will chase you like a mad dog. The most terrible thing is to close your eyes and pretend it doesn’t exist.

25. Contradictions are everywhere. When faced with contradictions, it’s important to face reality and resolve them. If you’re only concerned with trivial matters, you’ll create your own troubles, causing pain and hurting relationships, even forming grudges.

26. A position can increase one’s power but not authority; it can increase strength but not ability; it can increase wealth but not quality. A position can satisfy the desire for fame, and money can satisfy material desires, but neither can fulfill personal value and the meaning of life.

27. If your heart changes, your attitude will follow; when your attitude changes, your habits will follow; when your habits change, your character will follow; when your character changes, your life will follow. Don’t think about changing the world; first, you need to change yourself.

28. Be moved by small things and gain great happiness. Life is made up of every single moment. If you can’t seize the fleeting moments and enjoy the touch of “being alive,” how can you enjoy the whole life? Start being moved by every little thing.

29. Tea says: I am just a cup of water, offering you only your imagination. What you think, that’s what it is. For now, I am this cup of tea, as sweet and fragrant as honey.

30. Be grateful for all well-intentioned care and dedication, and reject all irrelevant obstacles and complications. Treat time with a pure and gentle heart, painting the story of time into a peaceful and tranquil moment.

31. Life is a spiritual practice, and living is a form of cultivation. The inner self is the faith, and the soul is the totem. What kind of inner self you cultivate determines the kind of life you will have.

32. The labyrinth-like city makes people accustomed to seeing the same sights, taking the same routes, and arriving at the same destinations. Habits make life unchanging. Habits give people a sense of security, yet also a sense of loneliness. And you never know what you might miss because of your habits.

33. Life is nothing more than a list: what you want and what you don’t want. Those who calculate too clearly are usually extremely smart, but in return, they get endless troubles and a lifetime of hardship.

34. Life has both joys and sorrows, with a mix of sadness and happiness. When feeling down, try to release your emotions and don’t let worries accumulate in your heart. When feeling agitated, learn to restrain yourself to avoid harming harmony.

35. If you cherish someone, it must be because they have moved you; if you give up on someone, it must be because you have been disappointed. You can’t judge people by their appearance; their true selves will eventually be revealed over time. Don’t judge emotions based on their actions; true feelings are revealed in times of hardship.

36. Be moved by the joy of being alive, by the pleasure of enjoying a meal, by the scent of flowers, by the freedom to stretch your limbs… There are many things in life that seem taken for granted, but only when we lose them do we cherish them even more.

37. Women should not be too strong-willed; some women have an excessively strong sense of self-esteem. They are stubborn in their stance when it is someone else’s fault, and they are just as stubborn when it is their own fault. They always think that seeking help from others is a sign of inferiority, and they will never ask for a man’s help.

38. A cup of tea represents Zen for Buddhists, Qi for Taoists, and etiquette for Confucians.

39. Time flows like water, never to return, fleeting and ephemeral, leaving no room for pause or attachment.

40. Books are the treasure trove of knowledge; books are the ladder of progress; books are the advanced nourishment for humanity. We can gain a wealth of knowledge through reading and learning, thereby improving our talents and becoming wiser.

41. In life, people constantly come and go, so what was once seen becomes invisible, and what was remembered is forgotten. In life, there are constant gains and losses, so what was invisible becomes visible, and what was forgotten is remembered.

42. To possess a beautiful mood is not because we have gained much, but because we worry little. We deeply understand that having more can sometimes be a burden, another form of loss; having less is not a real shortage, but a hidden abundance. Often, we weigh the situation and choose to let go. Learning to let go does not mean a complete loss, but a broader and more profound gain!

43. Leaving, there is no other choice. Just like some things must be given up. Laying down the burden, yet still having to bear the inevitable pain. Just as before, with a smile on the face, the unchanging is the inner pain that must be concealed. The world is still the world, and you are still yourself. Forgetting sorrow, there is no sorrow; the furrowed brows can be smoothed. Forgetting hatred, you are far away from hatred.

44. The old monk asked the young monk, “If you take one step forward, you die; if you take one step back, you perish. What would you do?” The young monk replied without hesitation, “I will go sideways.” There is always a way out in life; when faced with a dilemma, consider things from a different perspective, and you may find that there is still a path beside the road.

45. Simplicity is a way of life I pursue, and it is also a creative mindset I maintain. However, pursuing simplicity requires paying a price; you must have the courage to bear the exploitation, deception, and isolation that come with it. But I believe that life should be as simple as possible, as this state is closest to one’s inner self. A pure heart will guide many things in a positive direction, allowing you to have a rich life beyond material possessions.

46. Before everything gets better, we always have to go through some unhappy days. This period may be long or just a wake-up moment. Sometimes, choosing happiness requires courage. In this world, there is no such thing as a returnable relationship. Even if you really go back, you will find that everything has changed. The only thing that can be returned is the memory stored in the bottom of our hearts. Yes, it’s gone. So, we can only keep moving forward. Time quietly changes us as we complain that others have changed.

47. If you can’t carry it, you have to let it go; if you can’t afford the pain, you have to look down on it; if you can’t figure it out, you can choose not to think about it; if you can’t get over the hatred, you have to appease it. When we were young, we wanted something so much that we wished the whole world knew about it, as if we already had it; now, when we want something, we fear that others will find out, as if we are about to lose it.

48. In life, a real self carries a disguised self. In reality, a simple self contains a complex self. Watching, listening, and acting in plays. Life seems to dominate everything, but in fact, it is the truth behind the appearance that takes the decision. What is the truth? Behind the truth, desire is the mastermind. Don’t trust your eyes, don’t trust your ears, only the perceptive heart is right, understand and be clear.

49. Life is an eternal performance that never ends, and each of us is an actor. However, some people follow themselves, while others please the audience. Life is about taking one step at a time and letting go of things bit by bit. Life is already not easy, so there is no need to seek others’ understanding and recognition for everything. Just quietly live your own life. If the heart remains still, the wind cannot affect it.

50. Unless you can express yourself freely in a relationship, it is difficult for the relationship to directly please you. This means that in a relationship, you are being yourself, not being a good person or a fake person. Love, hate, anger, joy, ugliness, and beauty can all flow more freely. If you can’t do this seriously, the relationship will make you very tired, and you must find a large amount of time to be alone, where you don’t have to consider anyone and can rest.

51. All blooming must end in withering; don’t escape the outcome and give up the dazzling fragrance. All hand-holding must eventually lead to separation; don’t refuse the present persistent beautiful time for the sake of avoiding loneliness and pain. As long as the path is right, don’t be afraid of its brevity or distance; as long as the effort is worth it, don’t care about youth or vicissitudes. Even if it’s bitter, tiring, and painful, choose to endure and be strong.

52. Be a confident person, firmly holding the compass of your life, and let life flow smoothly. Be a humble person, slowly expanding the capacity of your life, and let life be fulfilling. Be a self-loving person, deeply understanding the value of your life, and let life be beautiful. Be a self-comforting person, quietly healing the wounds of your life, and let life be delightful. Be a self-cleansing person, always clearing the sediment in your life, and let life be full.

53. The greatest success in life is to make oneself happy. There are many kinds of success, but no matter what kind, it is all for the sake of making oneself happy and content. Mature people do not rely on others to give them happiness, but strive for it themselves. Happiness is not always present, and it is a true success to live through hellish days as if they were heavenly. The greatest success in life is to cultivate a good mindset, making oneself happy at all times.

54. The happiness and well-being in life do not lie in money or love, but in truth. Even if you desire a kind of animalistic happiness, life will not allow you to indulge in alcohol while being happy; it will constantly and unexpectedly strike you with blows.

55. A life without love is like a desert. Giving roses leaves a lingering fragrance on one’s hand. Learning to love others is actually loving oneself, allowing love to be like the afternoon sun, warming our hearts. Respect and understand others more, and always be tolerant and grateful. Tolerance is a virtue, a wisdom, and it is the inclusiveness of the sea that makes it vast. Thank your friends, for they have helped you; thank your enemies, for they have made you strong. Learn to be tolerant and grateful.

56. Suddenly, I realized that the most precious things in this world are all free. Sunshine, air, family, friendship, love, goals, beliefs, hope, will, dreams, all these are free, and as long as you want them, you can have them. There is also the spring breeze, drizzle, bright moonlight, and brilliant starlight. How many wonderful things in the world nourish our souls, and they are all free!

57. On this shore and the other, everything eventually returns to dust. A season of crimson is just a season of cooled flowers, with some beauty and charm, but after weathering the storms, the dust settles. Living means growing old slowly, experiencing hardships, and feeling joys and sorrows. In the end, life is extinguished. Relationships have their duration, people come and go, and even the deepest feelings will fade, the strongest intentions will leave no trace, and the first encounter will never be seen again.

58. In life, if you raise your head, you cannot see the ground; if you lower your head, you cannot look up at the sky. Remember what should be remembered, forget what should be forgotten, change what can be changed, and accept what cannot be changed. Why be irrationally demanding? What is meant for you will not be missed, and what is not meant for you cannot be sought.

59. Let the dust rise and fall with the wind without disturbing the prosperity, and let the seasons change without worrying about sorrow or joy. Do not close yourself off for fear of being gossiped about by others. Remember, being gossiped about means that people still know you; if no one gossips about you, and no one cares about you, then you are the one who has closed yourself off and refused to interact with others.

60. On your journey, you will meet many people. Some may accompany you for a while, and some may just be passers-by. As a result, your life will be filled with many commas: a comma for each experience, a comma for each relationship, a comma for each effort, and countless commas waiting, all for the final period.

61. In life, you should have a few friends: one who stands up for you when you are young and bullied; one who is willing to lend you money when you are down and out; one who stays with you when you are frustrated; one who helps you in your career when you are lonely; one who visits you in person when you are hospitalized; and one who is willing to attend your funeral when you pass away. The most important one is to love and accept yourself for who you are.

62. Whether you realize it or not, the truth is there, neither sad nor happy. Whether you cultivate it or not, the troubles are there, neither coming nor going. Whether you are enlightened or not, the problems are there, neither increasing nor decreasing. Whether you observe it or not, impermanence is there, neither abandoning nor clinging. Walk into the path of enlightenment and let enlightenment reside in your heart, silently in harmony, a lifetime of ease and joy.

63. We always thought the most difficult was the present, only to find that life never has the most difficult, only more difficult. The only thing worth being grateful for is that everything that doesn’t knock you down will make you stronger, and everything that does knock you down doesn’t completely defeat you. The wind is impermanent, people are impermanent, my busyness is impermanent, and everything is impermanent.

64. In our memories, every “miss” is beautiful: whether it’s a romantic emotional journey, a smooth official career, or easily obtained wealth. But at the same time, we may have missed diseases, disasters, failures, and things that are not beneficial to us. So, there is no need to sigh for what we have missed, because in our sighs, we will miss the beauty of today.

65. Life is short and bitter, so why not be indifferent. Those who see through it find opportunities everywhere; those who don’t find difficulties everywhere. Those who can take responsibility find responsibilities everywhere; those who can’t find neglect everywhere. Those who can let go find the great way everywhere; those who can’t find confusion everywhere. The decision to be what kind of person and to have what kind of life lies within yourself.

66. A successful company must understand why it is successful!

67. Free is the most expensive thing in the world.

68. Assume that you won’t get a penny of funding when starting a business.

69. Spend time learning from others’ failures.

70. The best marketing language is your own, not someone else’s words.

71. In good times, think more; in bad times, be braver; when successful, be more indifferent; when lost, have more faith.

72. A person’s true strength is not in what they can do, but in what they can bear.

73. Some say that forgetting unhappy things is enough, but forgetting is to forget or to remember? Perhaps our biggest mistake is saying to forget, but forgetting to let go. Maybe except for forgetting, nothing can erase the traces of the past.

74. The pain of love, bitter and frosty; the sorrow of love, abandoned and turned to ash. How many desolations, faintly painted eyebrows, a fleeting moment of youth, drunkenly turning a few pages? All words are scattered, who writes the dream talk? Love is like dust and sand, a cold crow in a floating life.

75. Having the power of ideals can make you strong, but it doesn’t mean you can do whatever you want. The real fear is the ghosts in our hearts; gods are just the refuges of the weak. We are not strong, so there is no need to pretend to be strong. Moreover, no one can perfectly portray a strong person, because once the strong are spoken of, everything becomes less mysterious.

76. Dreams are a magnificent journey, and everyone is just a lonely teenager before finding it.

77. You can choose to persist or give up. There is no right or wrong. I mean for love, but the important thing is to stick to your choice.

78. Pain is not terrible, suffering is not fearful, what’s afraid is that when you suffer, no one asks; when you are in pain, no one comforts you.

79. The road of life, whether difficult or easy, always involves experiencing many things, sweet or bitter, and only what remains can prove that it belongs to you.

80. On the journey of life, patience gives you strength, patience helps you recognize the direction; patience allows you to move forward smoothly, and patience spares you from many waves.

81. Holding a cup of tea, let the faint fragrance wash away the dust and settle your thoughts, experiencing life. Its aroma cleanses the soul, and its taste transcends the mundane. Tea matters are matters, and when matters are carefree, there is joy; tea must be tasted, for without taste, one cannot be leisurely. Taste tea, taste good tea, savor the flavors of the four seasons, and appreciate the simple brilliance of life.

82. For young people, many times, life’s pain is necessary. Youth is the process of bumping into walls, and the more walls you bump into, the more you can comprehend, forming your true knowledge system, which cannot be taught by books or others’ experiences. Life is not a fairy tale, and there can be no pain.

83. On the step-by-step journey towards dreams, loneliness, helplessness, despair, sadness, and hesitation assail us. Thus, we begin to learn patience and persistence, and start to become strong and brave. We begin to understand that dreams are a lonely journey, a future faced alone.

84. It is better to accept your fate than to complain, for when it comes to unchangeable facts, there is no better solution than to accept them.

85. Those who do not respect themselves will be humiliated. Those who do not promote themselves will bring disaster. Those who are not satisfied will benefit. Those who are not content will gain knowledge.

86. Of course, we should enjoy success and be grateful, but never let gratitude turn into pride.

87. Regardless of success or failure, experience is what matters. In this life, the goal is simply not to lose to oneself.

88. There is no life without setbacks, as there are gains and losses in life. True happiness is not obtained through material possessions and vanity; it comes from one’s inner strength. If one’s heart holds a beautiful scene, then everything becomes beautiful.

89. For things that make you angry, be angry when you should be angry, and endure when you should endure. If you endure when you should be angry, it is a sign of cowardice and lack of confidence; if you are angry when you should endure, it is reckless and impulsive, leading to difficult consequences. If you can grasp the right measure, it means you are a person with principles, a stance, a broad mind, and understanding of human emotions and reason.

90. Life is like a cup of clear water, transparent and bottomless, and also like a cup of bitter coffee, full of flavor. When you see things lightly, right and wrong no longer matter; when you let go, success and failure become trivial. With a simple smile, you can face all the various situations in life, which is an elegant way to live.

91. Life is equal for everyone; God does not favor any individual. However, some people feel happiness, while others do not or feel it less strongly, because happiness is an ability – the ability to be grateful for life’s blessings and the existing life; the ability to feel joy and resist negative emotions; the ability to constantly reflect and improve oneself; and the ability to regulate one’s physical and mental balance, as well as the balance between individuals and society.

92. If the heart is trapped, the world becomes a prison; if the heart is at peace, even a humble dwelling can be a paradise. By casting aside all the worldly thoughts, such as greed, anger, ignorance, love, hatred, and resentment, the world will naturally become clear and bright, and life will be as beautiful and bright as the gentle breeze and the bright moon, truly embodying the saying, “Let go of a single thought, and gain freedom in all aspects.”

93. If the cozy bed makes it hard to get up, just put down your phone and go to bed early. If you have a pile of books and don’t know which one to read, pick up the most classic one. If you can’t make up your mind for a spontaneous trip, learn to appreciate the beauty around you first. If you never start, you’ll never arrive. Don’t forget the promises you made to yourself and the places you want to go. Life has no limits; give yourself a push, and there’s no tomorrow you can’t reach!

94. Memory is like water poured into the palm of your hand. No matter whether you open your hand or clench your fist, it will eventually flow away drop by drop through your fingers. I forgot which year, which month, and which day I carved a face on a wall, a smiling and melancholic face gazing at me.

95. A person with a good mindset can enjoy life. Flowers bloom for a season, and people live for a lifetime. Be more carefree and go with the flow, and you will be more relaxed and at ease. Impulsiveness comes from passion, while calmness comes from self-cultivation. Don’t let the outside world make you restless. The external environment is not the root of happiness or suffering; the real culprit is our own mind.

96. Your current efforts will be a kind of accumulation, quietly paving the way for you to become a better person. Don’t deceive others, because those you can deceive are the ones who trust you. There are no insurmountable things, only insurmountable moods. If you change your mood, the world will be completely different.

97. Successful people don’t win at the starting point, but at the turning point. Life has no “what ifs,” only consequences and results. Life can be summed up in eight words: joy, anger, sorrow, happiness, worries, and troubles. Among these eight words, joy and happiness only account for two. Just see through them. Youth is all about wandering, spending a lot of time in confusion, and only growing up in a few moments. Under the blue sky, there is sunshine; after hardship, there is sweetness; treat failures as experience; and success is brilliant.

98. In a lifetime, whether you are happy often doesn’t depend on how much you possess. So, don’t worry about gains and losses, and don’t always put yourself in a state of unhappiness and self-inflicted troubles. Self-inflicted troubles are probably the biggest injustice in life. Why bother to wrong yourself? Don’t do that, and don’t always feel like you lack something. As long as you are happy, you lack nothing.

99. People worry because of memory; people are tired because of hesitation; people move forward because of gratitude; people are happy because of open-mindedness; people mature because of understanding; people give up because of choices; people are tolerant because of comprehension; people are human because of emotions; people are fulfilled because of the process; people succeed because of diligence; people are happy because of contentment.

100. Life is like water, and life is like tea. No matter how good the tea is, once it’s steeped in water, it will eventually become weak over time. Perhaps the edges have been worn down, or maybe it’s because of maturity and stability. Steps become more solid, and life becomes more plain. Life enters another realm, called indifference. Gains and losses, success or failure, gathering or parting – although we still long for everything to be perfect, we can also calmly accept everything that is not perfect. Indifference is a kind of growth in life.

1. Without you, the Earth still revolves and rotates. Every morning, when you get up and look up, the sun still rises in the sky.

2. After crying with your head down, don’t forget to raise your head and keep moving forward.

3. Don’t let anyone disrupt your own pace, because no one will understand and care about your dreams as much as you do.

4. There is a kind of temper called “never give up.”

5. A dream is a destined lonely journey, with inevitable doubts and ridicule along the way. But so what? Even if I’m bruised and battered, I will live beautifully.

6. No matter how difficult the present is, we should be dancers of life.

7. Since you have chosen a path, why bother to ask how long it will take!

8. I will treat every change as growth, even if it’s painful, it’s worth it.

9. To defeat anything, one must first learn to defeat oneself.

10. No one can knock me down unless I collapse first!

11. I want to take control of the mouse and keyboard of fate.

12. I will strive, at least not to leave any regrets when I look back in the future.

13. Fate never pities the weak.

14. It’s not the thousands of obstacles in front of me that scare me; it’s the fear of surrendering myself.

15. Because I am poor! That’s why I must strive! Because I am poor! That’s why I have ambition! Because I am poor! That’s why I am strong!

16. Everyone gets hurt on the path of growth; we have just set sail and must learn to be strong.

17. From now on, I will regard every day’s struggle as a powerful blow to the towering tree.

18. Each blow will make the giant tree fall. My efforts today are the same.

19. Like the raindrops that erode the mountains, the ants that devour the fierce tigers, the stars that illuminate the earth, and the slaves who built the pyramids, I will build my own castle brick by brick.

20. Nowadays, when it comes to using talents, people only worry about having no place to arrange them, but they don’t understand that the root of the problem lies in the abilities and qualities of the talents.

21. Those who are bound by fragmented facts and dare not imagine lack creativity.

22. Reading will make every minute and second of our lives fulfilling, enjoyable, and meaningful.

23. Common knowledge is by no means the kind of thing that everyone knows and is not at all extraordinary. People need to learn common sense, and they must study diligently.

24. A watch with a stopped hand is worthless; a career without action is meaningless.

25. Actions yield results, and work generates wealth.

26. With the right actions, coupled with courage, determination, and perseverance, one can achieve everything they desire.

27. Irreparable mistakes are often caused by arrogance and conceit, while indulging one’s emotions leads to indulgence in hobbies and desires.

28. Guests from the land of Chu should not think that mountain peaks are treacherous; in fact, the hearts of people are more treacherous and unpredictable than mountains.

29. People chase wealth and profit as if they were jumping into water and fire; although those in front have perished, those who follow do not retreat, but instead repeat the same mistakes.

30. People often lament that human hearts are not as simple as water; water only ripples when it encounters obstacles, while human hearts can create trouble out of nothing, making them more treacherous and unpredictable than water.

31. There is no need to sigh about growing old, but it is lamentable to be old with no achievements; there is no need to grieve over death, but it is tragic to die without contributing anything to the world.

32. If you don’t push yourself, others will eventually force you to.

33. Attitude determines altitude, and habits dominate life.

34. I have fallen in life. I stood up amidst laughter, even though my clothes were dirty.

35. In fact, there are no desperate situations in life; the real despair lies in your closed heart.

36. Every successful person has a beginning. Be brave to start, and you will find the path to success.

37. Aspire to greater heights, but set short-term goals. Instead of dreaming while lying down, gradually approach your dreams.

38. If you know that you are not wrong in what you are doing, then continue to do it.

39. When you feel lost, please look up at the sunshine on the horizon.

40.当一个人不再宝贵的时候,过去那种友朋云集, 车马盈门的热闹场景就顿时不见了,门前变得冷冷清清。
40. When a person is no longer valuable, the once bustling scenes of friends and carriages filling the door suddenly disappear, leaving the entrance cold and desolate.

41. Human emotions are like the changing tides, unpredictable; old friends who have competed for fame and fortune can even draw their swords against each other.

42. Once a person achieves a high position and title, their reputation will immediately soar, and they will become famous throughout the world.

43. A person’s life and death are not predestined; a person’s wealth and nobility depend on the amount of money they have.

44. Those with more money stand in front of others, while those with less money can only follow behind.

45. Those who are in front can become the strong, while those behind can only be the weak.

46. No matter what goal you pursue, you should persist.

47. From now on, I must understand that every moment of life is facing similar tests. If I persist, keep trying, and move forward bravely, I will succeed.

48. I did not come to this world for failure; I am a lion and refuse to be with the flock of sheep.

49. Let the crybabies and complainers join the sheep; the slaughterhouse of the failures is not my destiny.

50. Nowadays, managing finances only worries about the lack of sources, but does not understand that the root of the problem lies in the unreasonable expenditure of funds.

51. Poverty does not need to be ashamed, but what is shameful is being poor and having no ambition.

52. There is no need to despise lowliness, but what is hateful is being lowly and having no skills.

53. Knowledge sometimes has no limits, and the desire for learning is also endless.

54. Only by consciously examining the knowledge from books can one gain the inner energy through the words of the books.

55. Sometimes, successful people are just those who persist in their dreams and never give up.

56. One day, you will break free from the cocoon and grow more beautiful than people expect.

57. Life does not allow you to be capricious; accept reality and work hard.

58. Success is when you can’t hold on any longer, but you persist just a little longer.

59. I may not be very strong, but at least I should not be weak!

60. In a few words, comfort yourself; with cold words, stick to yourself!

61. Don’t give yourself an excuse to be a lazy person.

62. In the journey of life, there will be a path that you need to walk alone, and some things you need to bear by yourself. If you can bear it, you win.

63. For a better future, what’s the harm in being a little bitter now?

64. If you are not brave, no one will be strong for you.

65. Life is like that, leaving no room for error, and it seems to take a lot of courage to keep living.

66. No matter what the dream is, only with a detached attitude, can you do the current things well.

67. The path of life is forced to be walked out.

68. Life needs to have goals, pursuits, and reasons.

69. A dream is a desire, thinking is an action. A dream is the crystallization of dreams and thoughts.

70. Believe in yourself, life often turns for the better.

71. The past belongs to the grim reaper, the future belongs to you.

72. Let go of the past and let tomorrow continue.

73. Those who wait idly will never gain anything.

74. Dreams from this moment on are not just fantasies; they can become a part of reality by relying on oneself.

75. Life is like walking on a catwalk: one step left, one step right.

76. Girl, being alone is nothing, what matters is being strong.

77. I am not happy, but I can live with a smile.

78. There is no one unsuitable for learning in this world, only those who haven’t found a suitable learning method.

79. Daring to try is equivalent to taking the first step towards success.

80. Forget the darkness before dawn, and remember the dawn’s first light.

81. Your hobbies are your direction, your interests are your capital.

82. Painful days will not last long, but strong people will always remain strong.

83. I would rather run and fall countless times than walk a lifetime in a conventional manner, and even if I fall, I will laugh boldly.

84. If no one recognizes you, then recognize yourself.

85. Forget yesterday, for wounds belong to yesterday; happiness is for tomorrow, and start anew.

86. It’s not others who force you to excel, but you who strive for yourself.

87. A dream is a word that doesn’t lie in possession, but in pursuit.

88. No matter what, be brave enough to say to tomorrow: I am willing.

89. Only when you learn to be strong will you realize how strong you are.

90. Don’t be too concerned about others’ opinions, which makes you live cautiously. No matter how well you do, there will always be people pointing fingers at you!

91. In adversity, see hope; in tribulation, feel happiness; in the ordinary, discover joy; in twists and turns, seek delight; in hardships, savor joy.

92. In the stormy life, learn to give yourself a smile. Success comes from within, and only by cultivating your soul can you truly enjoy success and lasting happiness.

93. All efforts are not to make others think you are amazing, but to make yourself respect yourself from the bottom of your heart.

94. Everyone will go through a particularly difficult time, with financial difficulties, job frustration, academic pressure, and love anxiety. Those who overcome it will find life suddenly open up; those who don’t will learn how to make peace with it over time.

95. If you don’t clench your fist, you won’t know how strong you are; if you don’t grit your teeth, you won’t know how determined you can be; if you don’t stamp your foot and rise, you won’t know how right your decision is; if you don’t stare, you won’t know how powerful your heart is!

96. One should not be too idle, for after being idle for a long time, a little effort feels like struggling desperately. Don’t just say you’ll try your best; strive, give your all, use all your might – these are not the greatest forces. You must unleash your primordial strength. If a person doesn’t push themselves, they will never know how excellent they can be!

97. The race of life is not about instant bursts, but perseverance along the way. Even if there are thousands of reasons to give up, find one reason to keep going. What inspires you, warms you, and moves you is not motivational quotes or soul-stirring soup, but the people around you who are better than you and even more hardworking!

98. The most terrible thing is not that someone is better than you, but that they are better and work even harder.

99. Great people are great because when they face adversity with others, others lose faith, but they make up their minds to achieve their goals.

100. No matter how many bitter stories of others you hear, they won’t help you grow. It’s better to experience the taste of hardship yourself.

1. I don’t deserve to complain about being tired now, because I have nothing.

2. Worry not about tomorrow, nor sigh for yesterday; just make today beautiful.

3. As long as the path is right, don’t be afraid of the distance.

4. Always remember, God only arranges happy endings. If it’s not happy, it’s not the final outcome yet.

5. Plant a thought, harvest an action; plant an action, harvest a habit; plant a habit, harvest a personality; plant a personality, harvest a destiny!

6. Bees are busy all day, and everyone loves them; mosquitoes are busy all day, and everyone wants to swat them! It’s not how busy you are that matters, but what you are busy with! One important choice is better than a thousand efforts! Today’s life is determined by the choices you made three to five years ago, and the life you have in three to five years will be determined by the choices you make today.

7. If no one shelters me from the wind and rain, I will be my own hero.

8. No matter how big the issue is today, it will be a small matter tomorrow; no matter how big the issue is this year, it will be a story next year.

9. One cannot judge a person by their appearance, just as one cannot measure the sea with a斗.

10. Life is tiring; if you are not tired now, you will be more tired later. Life is bitter; if you are not suffering now, you will suffer more later.

11. If you choose a path, you must walk it to the end, even if you have to do it on your knees!

12. If you want something but don’t strive for it, then don’t cry when you lose it.

13. For the sake of your future family, are you going to struggle or be a beggar?

14. There are many things you don’t need to see through, just see clearly; there are many days when you feel lost and confused, you don’t need to be disturbed, just be calm.

15. Everything will eventually turn out for the best. If it’s not a good thing, it means it’s not the end yet.

16. Don’t bow your head, or your crown will fall. Don’t shed tears, or the wicked will laugh.

17. Life is like an anvil; the more it is struck, the more sparks it emits. - Galileo

18. The days you like are the most beautiful days; the way of life that suits you is the best way.

19. Sometimes, you need to go out for a walk, breathe some fresh air, and remind yourself who you are and what kind of person you want to be.

20. Those who run away from reality will have an even more unsatisfactory future life!

21. Death can reveal one’s aspirations; life, however, allows one to fulfill them.

22. Please cherish today, because it is the youngest day you will have for the rest of your life.

23. When your talent cannot support your ambition, you should calm down and study. When your finances cannot support your dreams, you should work diligently!

24. I dare not rest because I have no savings; I dare not say I’m tired because I have no achievements; I dare not be lazy because I still need to live; I can give up choices, but I cannot choose to give up. So, being strong and striving is my only choice.

25. When you’re sad, a few drinks, a few packs of cigarettes, and after one night, tomorrow is a new day. The fact that you were sad last night doesn’t change, but you can change tomorrow. Don’t cry, as it has no meaning.

26. Life has four subjects: academics, career, love, and family. You must score high in total to pass; never spend too much time on just one subject.

27. Carrying so many expectations, how dare I let them down easily.

28. The purpose of my hard work in making money is to let my parents buy things for themselves as decisively as they do for me.

29. Life will give you candy and scars. Eventually, those wounds will fade away, and they will become the most invincible parts of you.

30. God gave you this life because it knows you are strong enough to survive.

31. When you can’t hold on, you can say “I’m so tired,” but never say “I can’t do it.”

32. If no one shelters me from the wind and rain, I will be my own hero.

33. When you are overwhelmed by pressure, remember that carbon turns into shining diamonds due to pressure.

34. If someone throws stones at you, don’t throw them back; keep them as the foundation stones for building your skyscraper.

35. Life will give you candy and scars, and eventually, those wounds will fade away, becoming the most invincible parts of you.

36. You can only complain about bad luck after you have tried your best.

37. If you hold onto the past too tightly, how can you free your hands to embrace the present?

38. Successful people don’t never fail; they never give up.

39. The beauty of youth is that it’s never too late. You can make mistakes, regret, fall, and start over, but never give up. Believe in yourself; the energy you have is enough to make the world a better place. Keep going, and good luck!

40. No matter how good yesterday was, you can’t go back. No matter how difficult tomorrow is, you must keep moving forward.

41. There is no incurable pain, no endless despair. All that is lost will return in another way.

42. If someone throws stones at you, don’t throw them back; keep them as the foundation stones for building your skyscraper.

43. Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass; it’s about learning to dance in the rain.

44. Life is not a challenge but a sculpture.

45. A simple life leads to a peaceful and uncompetitive mindset, and when you possess such a life, you will also enjoy the endless beautiful scenery of life!

46. Crying does not mean weakness; it only shows that you have been strong for too long.

47. On the path you have chosen, even if you have to crawl or die, you must stay on that path.

48. One day, you will emerge from your cocoon, growing more beautiful than anyone expects. However, this process will be painful, hard, and sometimes disheartening. Facing the overwhelming reality, you may feel small and powerless, but this is also a part of life. Do what you can now, and then trust that everything will be fine.

49. Everyone experiences ups and downs; just dust yourself off and keep going.

50. Reality will tell you that if you don’t work hard, life will crush you. There’s no need for any excuses; having nothing is a reason to fight.

51. What is failure? It’s nothing, just one step closer to success. What is success? It’s walking through all the paths leading to failure and finding the only path left, which is the path to success.

52. Success is fate, half from hard work and half from destiny. I will always work hard to welcome the arrival of my destiny.

53. I have been desperate about the world, but never about myself.

54. God gave you this life because it knows you are strong enough to survive.

55. After crying, don’t forget to raise your head and keep moving forward.

56. Don’t let anyone disrupt your own pace, because no one will understand and care about your dreams as much as you do.

57. I hide in a nest called longing, gritting my teeth and moving forward.

58. A new beginning, embarking on an unknown journey.

59. Forget the past and start over.

60. Our future is bright because we are still young and can strive; otherwise, we will grow old without ever going crazy.

61. Even if you are scared and confused, don’t give up hope. The future you will be a happy you; always believe in this.

62. If you don’t strive for what you want, you will never have it.

63. There is a kind of temper called, never give up.

64. Dreams are destined to be a lonely journey, with inevitable doubts and ridicule along the way. But so what? Even if you are bruised all over, you must live beautifully.

65. No matter how hard it is now, we should be dancers of life.

66. If you give up too early, you’ll never know what you’ll miss.

67. I would rather cry with a smile than say regret with tears.

68. Life is actually very simple, after today comes tomorrow.

69. Delete yesterday, strive for today, and work hard for tomorrow.

70. It’s better to spend time proving than explaining.

71. Learn from others’ wisdom to improve yourself. Learn from the best and be the best.

72. Living is not about gaining sympathy with tears, but winning applause with sweat.

73. Since you have chosen a path, why bother asking how long it will take!

74. I will treat every change as growth, even if it’s painful, it’s worth it.

75. No one can knock me down unless I fall first!

76. Don’t give up this second, and there will be hope in the next.

77. No sorrow, there will be happiness. No hesitation, there will be persistence.

78. The road ahead is still long, you may cry, but you must go on, you must!

79. Being ordinary is a blessing, not striving for progress is a sin, and falling into depravity is adding sin to sin.

80. Making your own decisions is what makes life wonderful.

81. Learn from others’ wisdom to improve yourself. Learn from the best and be the best.

82. Living is not about gaining sympathy with tears, but winning applause with sweat.

83. Our future is brilliant because we are young now and can still fight. If we don’t go crazy now, we’ll be old.

84. Even if you are very scared and confused, don’t give up hope. Your future self will be happy, always believe in this.

85. If you don’t strive for what you want, you will never possess it.

86. If you give up too soon, you’ll never know what you might have missed.

87. I’d rather laugh with tears than cry with regret.

88. Life is actually very simple; after today comes tomorrow.

89. I will strive, at least not to leave any regrets when I look back in the future.

90. Fate never pities the weak.

91. It’s not the thousands of obstacles in front of you that scare me; it’s giving up on myself.

92. Because I am poor! That’s why I must strive! Because I am poor! That’s why I have ambition! Because I am poor! That’s why I am strong!

93. Everyone gets hurt on the path of growth; we have just set sail and must learn to be strong.

94. Dream your dreams, go to the places you want to go, and be the person you want to be, because you only live once!

95. Witness the changes of the future with your life.

96. We only live once, so we must face life’s ups and downs with a smile.

97. Others may not notice your efforts, but they will surely remember if you don’t try at all.

98. When you stop moving forward, don’t forget that others are still running.

99. Men, remember that no matter how strong your opponent is, you must not fall. Remember, you have a beloved woman behind you.

100. A man is not afraid of hardship; with dreams in his heart, he can conquer the world.

1. Perseverance is the torment of the spirit, but the result is the sweetness of the soul.

2. Maintain a positive attitude, and every day will be lucky.

3. There are no lazy people in the world; all laziness is the result of emotions.

4. “Giving up” takes fifteen strokes, while “persisting” takes sixteen strokes. Giving up and persisting are just one stroke apart.

5. When you want to give up, think about why you started in the first place.

6. Problems always need answers, and you can only find them by working hard to search.

7. Even if you are short, stand on your tiptoes; even if your grades are not as good as others, your temperament cannot be lost.

8. Life can be drifting, lonely, but the soul must have a place to belong.

9. A glass heart should be shattered a few times, otherwise, it will never learn to be strong.

10. Exchange time for talent, the harder you work, the luckier you get.

11. The three most difficult noodles in life: face, favor, and situation.

12. If you have praised the dawn, then please embrace the darkness as well.

13. Life is about being born and living on.

14. The truth of life lies hidden in the plain and tasteless.

15. Being able to think from others’ perspectives is compassion.

16. Youth is a book that cannot be closed once opened; life is a road that cannot be retraced once taken; love is a bet that cannot be recovered once thrown.

17. Take out your complaints and let them bask in the sun every day, and your mood will not be lacking in calcium.

18. Giving up what should be given up is helplessness; giving up what should not be given up is incompetence; not giving up what should be given up is ignorance; not giving up what should not be given up is persistence.

19. Every person has life, but not everyone understands life, let alone cherishes it. For those who do not understand life, life is a punishment.

20. Forgiving others is to leave space in your heart for maneuvering.

21. Half of fate is in God’s hands, and the other half is in your own hands. Success is using the half in your hands to win the other half from God.

22. Respecting others is to dignify yourself.

23. When others speak ill of us, there is no need to be angry or sad. When they speak well of us, there is no need to be happy, as there is good in bad and bad in good, it all depends on how you use it.

24. Conscience is the fairest judge for everyone; you can deceive others, but you can never deceive your own conscience.

25. Desire unfulfilled brings pain; once fulfilled, boredom sets in. Life oscillates between pain and boredom.

26. People cannot withstand a thousand words, trees cannot withstand a thousand axes.

27. Hope: The people I like don’t come rolling in; even more hope: The people I don’t like roll away.

28. A birthday is a stage, a test, and an opportunity. In love, men are more likely to take advantage of this; after marriage, women are more likely to take advantage of this.

29. If one cannot forgive others from the heart, they will never feel at ease.

30. Live with an ordinary heart, treat others with a heart of shame, handle affairs with a heart, and unite with the Buddha’s heart through a Bodhi heart.

31. Every day we live now is the youngest day of the rest of our lives.

32. Weather affects the body, the body determines thoughts, and thoughts influence mood.

33. Endure the pain of breaking out of the cocoon to become a butterfly, and then you can enjoy the beauty of soaring through the sky.

34. Never lose your backbone, never lose your character.

35.接受突如其来的失去, 珍惜不期而遇的惊喜。
35. Accept sudden losses and cherish unexpected surprises.

36. We cannot control the wind direction, but we can adjust our sails.

37. It’s better to forgive others ourselves than to wait for others to forgive us.

38. If we keep telling ourselves to be happy every day, it means we are not truly happy.

39. Nothing is a must; everything is just a choice.

40. Being excellent and hardworking is the most beautiful state for a girl.

41. Life is enlightened as it moves forward, and years become more fragrant as they accumulate.

42. Life is like a race; it doesn’t matter if you are the first to reach the finish line, but whether you have run the whole course.

43. The so-called “born at the wrong time” in love is: You hate that I was born too late, I hate that you were born too early, you were born before I was born, I was born when you were already old.

44. Bargain like a poor person, pay like a gentleman.

45. The mind is a daily necessity, not a decoration.

46. Slander others is like spitting blood at them; it first pollutes your own mouth.

47. I hope you will always be bright, open-minded, loyal, and generous, with gains and losses, persistence, laughter, tears, and joy.

48. Only by trying can you understand the hard-earned sweetness.

49. True letting go is not about putting down others, but about letting go of yourself.

50.我始终相信, 上帝向我递了一把刀, 是因为他身后藏了一个巨大的蛋糕。
50. I always believe that when God hands me a knife, it’s because there is a huge cake hidden behind him.

51. If you still love each other, hold on and grit your teeth a little longer.

52. You may not be able to rely on others for a lifetime, but you can rely on yourself for a lifetime…

53. The wise seek everything within themselves, while the foolish seek everything from others.

54. Integrity will always bring you success, but it may be at the next stop.

55. In adversity, the strong become stronger by turning the tide, while the weak become weaker by drifting with the current. Adversity is a path to the truth.

56. Life is like a paper airplane carrying your dreams, flying into space, so keep going!

57. Fear not the clouds that block your view, for you stand atop the highest layer.

58. Walking alone without regard for others will lead to collisions, either with them or by them.

59. We both studied hard under the same cold window; how could I be willing to yield?

60. It doesn’t matter if the first half of life is not well played; there’s still the second half, as long as you work hard.

61. In fact, everyone’s love is everyone’s dream.

62. If you feel the years are peaceful, it must be because someone is carrying the burden for you.

63. If you feel disappointed and powerless now, how will you bear the long future?

64. With courage, the entire blue sky is yours.

65. Only those who stay grounded can say: The road is right under my feet.

66. Many times, we force ourselves to move forward not because the scenery ahead is fascinating, but because the reality behind us is cruel.

67. Success in tasks is not guaranteed, but doing your best is enough. Don’t demand too much from life, just be happy.

68. If you can’t have爆棚 luck, then strive to have exceptional strength.

69. Being serious can make things right, but being dedicated can make them perfect.

70. Suffering is the heaviest gift in growth.

71. Even if I fail 99 times, I will be strong and make it an even 100.

72. First love is art, passionate love is technique, marriage is an art, and divorce is surgery.

73. You hand over your thoughts to television, connections to mobile phones, legs to cars, and health to pills.

74. It’s not someone who bothers you, but you take their words and actions to bother yourself.

75. The wise plan with the times, while the foolish act against them.

76. If you can let go of everything, you will be a carefree person in this world.

77. Happiness is not killed by fatal mistakes, but rather, it is gradually broken down by the continuous repetition of small mistakes. A mistake is a temporary regret, while a missed opportunity is a permanent one.

78. The world is a big stage, the company is a small stage, the family is the backstage, life is a soap opera, and we are the protagonists.

79. In handling affairs, there is no need to seek merit, as being blameless is merit; in dealing with people, there is no need to feel grateful, as having no resentment is virtue.

80. There is no reason for love, but making love last requires a reason.

81. Do not be disturbed by your heart, trapped by emotions, obsessed with the past, hurt in the present, or worried about the future. Strive for the present, and all will be well.

82. Without detachment, there is no wisdom; without tranquility, there is no foresight.

83.即使没有人为你鼓掌 也要优雅的谢幕 感谢自己认真的付出。
83. Even if no one applauds for you, gracefully take a bow and thank yourself for your dedication.

84.走错了路要回头,爱错了人要放手 你那么好,何必在别人的生活里当配角。
84. If you take the wrong path, turn back; if you love the wrong person, let go. You are so good, why be a supporting actor in someone else’s life?

85. Even the tallest people sometimes need to stand on tiptoe, and even the shortest people sometimes need to bend down.

86. Be good, don’t be angry, let’s not be on the same level as earthly people!

87. Walk every day, not afraid of thousands of miles; be present often, not afraid of thousands of things.

88. Without the fertile soil of hard work, the seeds of talent will not find a promising future of spring blossoms and autumn fruits.

89. It’s better to learn to be strong rather than have others understand you.

90. Being excellent and hardworking is the most beautiful state for a girl.

91. The cultivation of good habits lies in not being tempted by bad habits.

92. Experience is extracted from pain.

93. Above others, treat them as human beings; below others, treat yourself as a human being.

94. An optimistic and bright smile not only pleases oneself but also brings happiness to everyone around.

95. I have been running in the field of hope, although sometimes tripped by disappointment.

96. In the workplace, one should be a lentil; no matter how others step on it, the result remains the same, flat.

97. Only by becoming the best version of yourself can you possess perfect things.

98. You have to choose between the sweat on your eyebrows and the tears below them.

99. Time can’t take away longing, and youth can’t take away growth.

100.如果有选择,那就选择最好的; 如果没有选择,那就成为最好的。
100. If there’s a choice, choose the best; if there’s no choice, become the best.

1. Have the most simple life and the most distant dreams, even if tomorrow is cold and distant, with high mountains and long rivers, and a long road with dead horses.

2. I believe no one will be completely satisfied with their current situation. Building dreams and being down-to-earth, our ideals are always ahead, while at the same time, doing the things under our feet well.

3. Tagore said, “Silence is a virtue.” But I think it’s cowardice in front of someone you like. Tagore also said, “Keep going, don’t linger, to pick flowers to preserve, because along the way, flowers will continue to bloom.”

4. There is no innate confidence, only constantly cultivated confidence.

5. A person’s achievements and differences are determined by their leisure time.

6. True pain cannot be shared with others; you can only shift it from one shoulder to the other.

7. Yearning for the summit, yearning for height, only to find that the peak is a narrow place barely enough to stand on. Unable to walk horizontally or straight, enjoying only a moment of overlooking pleasure, how can one stay there for long?

8. The weak have no choice even in the way they die.

9. What wakes us up every morning is not the alarm clock, but our dreams.

10. Don’t be too concerned about the present or worry too much about the future. As you experience things, the scenery before you will be different from before.

11. Young people should truly cherish their youth. The time from 20 to 30 years old will not come again. Growth is not actually about knowledge; behind all growth lies a core issue, which is knowing that time has passed. So if you want to do something, you must put in 100% effort to achieve it. After 25 or 26 years old, it’s already too late.

12. The loneliness we are experiencing is called confusion. The loneliness we have experienced is called growth.

13. You may mock my youthful recklessness, and I will show you what it means to be the winner.

14. For a blind ship, all winds are headwinds.

15. Instead of getting angry, strive for success; instead of giving up, break through; instead of being jealous, appreciate; instead of procrastinating, be proactive; instead of being infatuated, take action.

16. Where a person will go in the future depends not on imagination, but on what they do today and how well they do it.

17. If the heart is narrow, there will be complaints everywhere; if the heart is open, there will always be springtime. There will always be setbacks in the world, and few people or things can always cater to your wishes. If you insist on being particular, no one or nothing will satisfy you. In a lifetime, all we seek is peace of mind, so why make things difficult for ourselves? A heart one inch wider, a road ten feet broader. If the heart is not as vast as the sea, how can there be calm in life!

18. Life will not change because of your complaints; life will not change because of your melancholy. Whether you complain or not, life remains the same; whether you worry or not, life remains unchanged. The more you complain, the more you suffer; the more you worry, the more you suffer. If you cry, life will not shed tears; if you suffer, life will not be troubled. Since this is the case, why not smile? Why be melancholic? In life, whether happy or sad, it’s better to be carefree and cheerful.

19. Life is but a cup of tea, whether full or scarce, what’s the point of arguing! Whether strong or weak, it has its own flavor. Whether hurried or slow, so what? Whether warm or cold, just smile at each other. Life is painful because we care; it is hurtful because of suspicion; it is happy because we look down on things; it is happy because we look down on things. We are all passers-by in the world, and we cannot control many things.

20. The past is like smoke, just smile and be at peace. Gradually understand that life will experience many ups and downs; it cannot always be smooth sailing, nor can it always be stormy. No sky is always clear, and no one’s heart is always spotless. Therefore, after thousands of sails have passed, learn to be strong, patient, and composed! In good times, ponder more; in bad times, be brave. In success, be indifferent; in hesitation, have faith.

21. Everything in life cannot be possessed, only experienced. We are merely passers-by in time, and one day, we will bid farewell to everything forever. Those who deeply understand this will know: there is no loss, just passing by; and there is no gain, just experience. What has passed, even if beautiful, will ultimately become a memory; what has been gained, should be cherished, and then bid farewell calmly when lost.

22. Everyone desires perfection, but不如意 happens more often than not. Life is like half a glass of water, and it’s hard to be completely full. For the same half-glass of water, some people see the missing half, while others see the half they have. If one only sees the missing half, they are killing happiness and torturing themselves. The secret to happiness and joy lies in: seeing the half you have and enjoying what you already possess.

23. The world won’t suddenly become kinder just because you are suffering. What people in difficulties long for the most is an instant turnaround, needing “heaven-sent” help to solve their urgent problems. Yet, after some time, even if there is any joy from heaven, we may not feel grateful and appreciative. We might have already forgotten the misery of that time.

24. Only when you are enriched can you perceive the richness of the world; only when you are kind can you sense the beauty of society; only when you are open-minded can you feel the joy of life; only when you are successful can you comprehend the grandeur of life!

25. Every story needs an ending, but life has no ending.

26. Small happiness is around us; being easily content is heaven.

27. No matter how difficult it is, always hold your head high and stand tall. Life is a realization; don’t dwell on the past or the future, just live in the present. Life is an attitude; when your heart is calm, the world becomes vast. Different people, different mindsets, different lives.

28. Don’t be afraid of material scarcity, but be afraid of spiritual emptiness. Don’t be afraid of material wealth, but be afraid of a lack of spirit. Being willing to give without worrying about losses is a rich life; seeking comfort and only knowing how to enjoy is a poor life.

29. There are only two types of people in the world. For example, when given a bunch of grapes, one type of person eats the best ones first, while the other type saves the best for last. According to the rule, the first type should be optimistic, because each grape they eat is the best among the remaining ones; the second type should be pessimistic, because each grape they eat is the worst among the remaining ones. However, the reality is the opposite, because the second type still has hope, while the first type only has memories.

30. Life is like a journey, with hardships and scenery along the way. What you see is your life’s realm. If you always see people better than yourself, it means you are on an uphill climb; if you always see people similar to yourself, it means you are just getting by; if you always see people worse than yourself, it means you are on a downhill slope. Instead of complaining about the world, change yourself. Adjust your mindset and move forward positively. Your life journey will be filled with sunshine.

31. No one is completely worthless in life, and no one can live without regrets. There is no need to care about one’s own mediocrity, as it makes life more real; there is no need to worry about the future, as it will not disappoint us as long as we are willing to work hard; there is no need to care about how others perceive us, as we can earn their respect by being upright; there is no need to care about gains and losses, as life is full of them.

32. In a century of life, we must go through some things and meet some people. Life is not perfect, and happiness is not eternal; it is the twists and turns that outline the beauty of life. Treat everything in life with a calm attitude, let your heart be filled with tranquility and sunshine, and leave the most beautiful smile in the ordinary years.

33. Life is full of tribulations, and living is a form of practice. The splendid withering of life and the fading of worldly prosperity both reveal the ups and downs of life. In the face of success or failure, life is bold, and we can always start over. Life has its storms, and it is resilience that can shield you from them. Life has its bumps, and it is courage that can smooth them out. Life has its ups and downs, and it is calmness that can soothe them.

34. It is because of our experiences of failure that we can better seize the opportunities for success; it is because of our experiences of pain that we learn to cherish more; it is because of our experiences of loss that we will not let go easily…

35. Great people are great because when they face adversity with others, while others lose faith, they make up their minds to achieve their goals.

36. We have nothing but our youth as our only capital. Dreams make us different, and struggle changes our destiny!

37. In this fleeting youth, we piece together the fragments of time with the sweat of our dreams. We must believe that on this winding path, there is always an intersection pointing towards our dreams. Let our hearts never be lost, always filled with the positive energy of youth!

38. No matter how difficult it is, hold your head high and stand strong. Life is a realization; don’t dwell on the past or the future, just live in the present. Life is an attitude, and when your heart is calm, the world becomes wider. Different people, different attitudes, and different lives.

39. Heaven is strong and unyielding, and the gentleman should continuously strive for self-improvement; the earth is vast and accommodating, and the gentleman should carry virtue and nurture all things.

40. In life, it’s not about the low starting point, but the lack of pursuit; not about walking slowly, but taking the wrong path; not about dissatisfaction, but not being able to think it through. Instead of envying others, it’s better to focus on improving yourself.

41. Those who fantasize about instant success may feel that they have wasted time and effort when they suddenly face failure, and think they have gained nothing. In the face of failure, the weak become miserable and confused, hesitating and shrinking back; while the strong persist and never give up.

42. I am confident that my future will be colorful and brilliant. I am also full of hope for the future.

43. Everyone is an energy field, just as the Earth is a huge magnetic field. It is intangible but real, and it constantly releases positive energy particles regardless of time and space. These particles attract or repel each other, forming an uplifting airflow that warms you and me.

44. Some people say they want to be a ray of light, others say they want to face the light, but I want to be a person who stands with their back to the light. If I emit light, I will illuminate others, but I may also accidentally lose myself. If I walk facing the light, I will be surrounded by brilliance and brightness, but I may not be able to see the path ahead due to the dazzling light. Only by standing with my back to the light can I truly see the world, understand the gains and losses, and figure out what I truly want.

45. You always look up to a small group of people, but the real you may be like most girls: average grades, modest income, and decent looks. However, the more ordinary you are, the more you need to learn to take care of yourself, read books, exercise, make friends, and travel. Look, before you know it, you have already become the best version of yourself.

46. Bowing your head is a potential; it is not inferiority or cowardice, but a transformation in sobriety. Sometimes, by slightly lowering your head, your life may become more wonderful.

47. There are no free people here, only monkeys who don’t know how to be angry, pigs who don’t understand love, and monks who can’t tell north from south.

48. Beasts always walk alone, while cattle and sheep travel in herds.

49. Despairing of the world is easy. Loving the world passionately is difficult. You must learn to move forward, with people coming and going, holding your own color, and heading towards the place you desire. The song on the radio has changed. After listening to this song, you have changed the night, the landmarks, and stumbled, becoming a person who passionately loves the world.

50. May the youth of China cast off the cold air and just move upward, without listening to the words of those who give up on themselves. Do what you can, speak out if you are able.

51. Give off a little heat, emit a little light, just like a firefly, and you can still shine a little light in the darkness, without waiting for a torch. If there is no torch in the end, I will be the only light.

52. The most exciting part of life is not the moment when dreams come true, but the process of pursuing them.

53.不管我到什么地方去,我是去找快乐的。我决不会到什么地方去找痛苦, 因为我生来就是个寻欢作乐的人。只有痛苦找到我头上,我才会痛苦。
53. No matter where I go, I am always looking for happiness. I will never go to a place to seek pain, because I was born to seek joy. Only when pain finds me will I suffer.

54. Success is actually very simple: when you can’t hold on any longer, just persevere a little more.

55. You must endure, endure until spring arrives; you must walk until you reach the bright lights; you must see the vastness of the world before judging whether it is good or bad; you must strive to become better, standing shoulder to shoulder with people you never imagined; you must become the person you have imagined, and in this matter, you cannot give an inch.

56. Success is not something that will come in the future, but is continuously accumulated from the moment you decide to pursue it.

57. Happiness allows life to continue. It is the vitality of the spirit and the body, the hope and belief, the confidence in one’s present and future, and the faith that everything should proceed in this way.

58. Run towards your goal; why care about broken wings? As long as your confidence is alive, you can see the direction. Downwind is suitable for walking, while upwind is better for flying. On the road of life, there is nothing to fear, except for surrendering to oneself.

59. Every day that you do not dance is a betrayal of life.

60. In life, we should have pursuits, dreams, and live happily, which is the ideal life. Heaven gives us the opportunity to walk through the world, and we should cherish it, because life is so short. If we don’t cherish it, it will pass by quickly, and in the end, we will accomplish nothing.

61. Every day you waste today is the tomorrow that the deceased longed for yesterday. Every present moment you are tired of is the past you cannot return to in the future.

62. Think carefully before making a decision, and once you have made a decision, move forward bravely and persevere to the end.

63. Joy is the flower of hope, which can give her strength, allowing her to face the ups and downs of life without fear.

64. Don’t push yourself too hard, people might say, but please push yourself to the point of death, because you won’t really die.

65. Most people live for the praise of others and the recognition of more people. When you find that the roles you undertake have highs and lows, you should make yourself optimistic, happy, and confident. Don’t give up your dreams just because of a humble job, don’t abandon yourself because of unsatisfactory work, and don’t dim your life because of the bitterness and confusion in life.

66. Enduring those very bitter days is not difficult at all, because I know it will get better.

67. We can be disappointed, but not blindly.

68. Even a weak light should be proudly presented with brilliance.

69. Those who have not tried have no right to despise those who are trying. You can’t mock those who love and hate distinctly just because you have become an indifferent person.

70. I must win against myself, overcome the pain, and return to the field. In this way, I can make those who doubt me reconsider what it means to turn the impossible into the possible.

71. I have no confidence in anything that is easily obtained, fast, instinctive, impromptu, or ambiguous. I believe in the power of slow, peaceful, and steady progress, being down-to-earth, and calm. I don’t believe that personal or collective liberation can be achieved without self-discipline, self-improvement, and effort.

72. If there is a shadow in front of you, it is because there is sunshine behind you.

73. The only secret to success is to persist until the last minute.

74. A positive life sees a world full of sunshine, while a negative life sees a world full of darkness; a positive life feels incredibly happy, while a negative life only feels a little bit of sadness.

75. When you fall to the bottom, it means you can only go up, not down!

76. What is failure? It’s nothing, just one step closer to success; what is success? It’s walking through all the paths leading to failure and leaving only one path, the path to success.

77. There will always be times in life when your heart is in turmoil, but to others, you just seem a little more silent than usual, and no one finds it strange. This kind of war is destined to be fought alone.

78. The world is so ambiguous and vague, our hearts should be like a large round mirror, reflecting everything clearly. Living in the secular world, burdened by various troubles, even if life is so difficult, even if we constantly blame ourselves and repent, when has our heart ever been truly clear?

79. I believe that no matter how bumpy the road ahead may be, as long as we seize the present, we will eventually taste the sweetness of life in our struggles. Seizing every moment in life is better than idling away a month or a year!

80. If your dreams are still standing, then no one can bring you down.

81. Knowing full well that the blooming and withering of flowers is just a lonely performance, yet still willing to give our all to live this life well.

82. Nothing in this world is eternal, so cherishing is the greatest truth.

83. In fact, we can view things in this way: there are waves, but the boat has not sunk, so why not see it as calm waters; there are traps, but we have not fallen, so why not see it as a smooth path.

84. When I look back on the years I have endured, I realize that the past events I once found hard to talk about are but a drop in the ocean. What life has given me is not those hardships, but growth, learning to take on heavy burdens lightly, and letting go of the past that once haunted me.

85. You keep practicing smiling, not because you’ve become someone you dislike, but because you become more composed in the ways of the world. You can’t give up when you’re tired or cry out in pain. Trusting others is not as reliable as depending on yourself; others may bring harm, but time will give you warmth.

86. When someone says we can’t do it, we should respond with this eternal motto: Yes, we can.

87. When you conquer a mountain, it is already beneath your feet; you must find another mountain to conquer, otherwise, you will only go downhill.

88. There is only one kind of heroism in the world, and that is to still love life after recognizing its truth.

89. Time is limited, so don’t waste it on following others’ paths.

90. The first priority in life is to develop our potential, store our energy, and maintain our health, so that we can give our all in everything we do!

91. A certain amount of sorrow, pain, or trouble is necessary for everyone all the time. A ship without ballast will not be stable and cannot keep moving towards its destination.

92. Life always leaves us bruised and battered, but later, those injuries will become our strongest parts.

93. Those who let life’s full stop hold them back cannot move forward even half a step.

94. Watching others’ efforts and admiring them, then turning back to live your own life – how can you expect to live the life you want?

95. A person doesn’t need to be too good-looking, know too many things, or understand which hand is more charming when holding a cigar, or memorize the vintage of all wines. But you must have your own aura; it’s very important.

96. I did not come to this world to fail; there is no blood of failure flowing in my veins. I am not a lamb to be whipped, but a lion, not to be herded with sheep. I don’t want to listen to the cries of the disappointed or the complaints of the discontented – these are plagues in the flock of sheep, and I cannot be infected by them. The slaughterhouse of the failures is not my destined end.

97. If you can’t do what you hope to do, you should hope to do what you can do. If you wish to be loved when you are old, you should be polite to others when you are young.

98. You can stick to your ideals, but you don’t need to be rigid in your thoughts.

99. The world won’t suddenly become kind to you just because you’re going through a tough time. What people expect the most in difficult situations is an instant turnaround, needing something “from the heavens” to solve their urgent problems. After a while, even if something truly delightful does come from the sky, we may not feel that sense of relief and gratitude. We might have already forgotten the misery of those times.

100. The colors of emotions are lively and passionate red, vibrant and lively green, and noble and gorgeous yellow. Make good use of these colors to express emotions and write life stories, and don’t let them become dull…

1. There are a few things in life that you must never lose: the power of self-control, a calm mind, and hope and confidence.

2. Being able to afford what you like, go where you want, and not losing the quality of life due to the coming and going of people around you, but instead gaining more confidence by spending your own money, is the reason you should work harder.

3. The most precious thing is not how good you are now, but that through effort, every day you become better than the day before.

4. You may be one percent of your teacher, fifty percent of your parents, but you are one hundred percent of yourself. Therefore, you must work very, very hard to pursue everything you want.

5.不要去拒绝忙碌,因为它是一种充实; 不要去抱怨挫折,因为它是一种坚强;不要去拒绝微笑,因为爱笑的女孩最美。你的优秀,不需要任何人来证明。
5. Don’t refuse being busy, as it is a form of fulfillment; don’t complain about setbacks, as they are a form of strength; don’t refuse to smile, as girls who smile are the most beautiful. Your excellence doesn’t need anyone to prove it.

6.人有两条路要走, 一条是必须走的,一条是想走的,你必须把必须走的路走漂亮,才可以走想走的路。
6. There are two paths in life: one you must take and one you want to take. You must walk the path you must take gracefully before you can walk the path you want to take.

7. May you be steady and persistent, giving your all to the things you love, and returning with a full load.

8. If you want to do something, make up your mind early. Procrastinating for one more day means one more day of entanglement, while making a decision early means gaining an extra day.

9. The days you like are the most beautiful days; the life that suits you is the best way to live.

10. A sense of security is not given by others; it depends on how much you love yourself, having enough to eat and wear, a charged phone, and a never-empty wallet.

11. Successful people know how to endure, failed people know how to escape, and outstanding people know how to move forward against the wind and think! In fact, giving up and persisting are just a moment apart. If you hold on, the world is yours.

12. Be courageous when looking up and facing reality. Have confidence when looking down and facing yourself. Be determined when doing things, arguing for the truth. Be ambitious in life, with unyielding spirit. Strive for excellence in everything.

13.在哪里跌倒,就在哪里站起来,所有不能打败你的 ,都会促成你的成长。
13. Stand up where you fall, and everything that cannot defeat you will contribute to your growth.

14. Don’t spend your time witnessing other people’s success. May all the detours you have taken eventually become beautiful rainbows!

15. No one’s luck comes out of nowhere. Only when you work hard enough will you be lucky enough. The world won’t let down every effort and persistence.

16. Capable people influence others, incapable people are influenced by others; it’s not someone who makes you upset, but you taking their words and actions to bother yourself; set a goal, move forward step by step, and just be yourself.

17. Eagles fly without applause; grass grows without sympathy; wildflowers bloom without appreciation; doing things doesn’t need everyone to understand, just do your best; being a person doesn’t need everyone to like you, just be honest and open.

18. Strive to the point of exhaustion, and fight until you are moved by your own efforts; the hardships you’ve endured and the fatigue you’ve experienced will light the way for your future; there is no youthful recklessness, only the winner takes all.

19. A truly successful life is not about the magnitude of achievements, but whether you have tried your best to realize yourself, speak your voice, and walk your own path.

20. Choose a direction, set a time; the rest is just hard work and persistence, time will give us the final answer.

21. No matter how considerate you are for others, in the eyes of those who dislike you, you are scheming; no matter how reasonable you argue, in the hearts of those who don’t understand you, you are just making trouble. In the end, you will find that some things are not your fault, but rather you’ve met the wrong people; some people don’t understand you, but rather they don’t want to understand you.

22. Anyway, life must continue to move forward. Sometimes, harm and failure are not necessarily bad things; they can make you better, as can loneliness and disappointment. Everything will eventually turn into something good, as long as you can make it to the end.

23. Salaries are for those who do their daily work, high salaries are for those who take responsibility, bonuses are for those who achieve results, shares are for those who are capable and loyal, honors are for those with ideals and aspirations, and dismissal letters will be given to those who have no results but still show off their personality. There must be one for you here. The kind of person you want to be inside will make efforts to become that person, be the person you want to be.

24. Instead of hoping to meet someone, it’s better to rely on yourself to attract such a person; instead of hoping for positive energy to warm yourself up when you are disappointed, it’s better to rely on yourself to become a person full of positive energy; instead of worrying about the future, it’s better to work hard now.

25. Visible wounds will heal sooner or later.

26. If a person is so perfect that you can’t see any flaws, then be wary of their strengths.

27. Life only has three days: confused people live in the past, extravagant people live in the future, and only clear-minded people live in the present. The past is gone, it’s an expired check; tomorrow hasn’t come yet, it’s a check that can’t be cashed; only living in the present is the most realistic.

28. Generous people never regret losing something that no longer belongs to them.

29. Beauty is only worthy of the name when combined with humility. Beauty without humility is not beauty, at most it’s just good-looking.

30. Don’t always be idle, one day you will regret it.

31. The most pathetic failure is to be defeated by yourself, the most valuable victory is to overcome yourself.

32. The rainbow is brilliant and colorful after struggling with the storm; the maple leaves burn like fire after struggling with the cold frost of autumn; the eagle soars high after struggling with the danger of falling off a cliff. They maintain a fighting posture, which creates their success.

33. Don’t always blame luck; perhaps you just didn’t give your all. The more you pay, the more you get in return.

34. The more you care, the more you lose; the less you care, the happier you are. Positive energy inspirational quotes: Struggling positive energy sentences, one a day, to cheer you up for a whole year!

35. Life doesn’t have too many perfect things; all the ups and downs are the best memories.

36. Don’t buy things you don’t need just because they’re on sale, and don’t love people who are not suitable just because you feel empty.

37. The five things a woman needs to cultivate: confidence on her face, kindness in her heart, backbone in her blood, gentleness like a breeze, and strength engraved in her life.

38. Don’t seek to please everyone, but strive to have a clear conscience. Positive energy motivational quotes: inspiring sentences for the struggle, one a day to keep you motivated for a whole year!

39. Acting as if nothing happened is the best revenge. Living a better life is for oneself.

40. When we were young and fell, we would look around to see if anyone was watching; if someone was there, we would cry, and if not, we would get up. As we grow up and encounter unhappy events, we should also look around; if someone is there, we should get up, and if not, we should endure the pain. That’s growth.

41. No one can control your emotions but yourself. Stop staying up late; everyone has a story in their heart, but they’ve learned to control it.

42. You can regret, but don’t go back on your word. In this era of integrity, your credibility is like a credit card, and it’s ruined once overdrawn. Others can only provide external help, but ultimately, you have to stand up on your own. Instead of blaming fate, reflect on yourself; instead of relying on others, strengthen yourself.

43. What determines a person’s achievements is not talent or luck, but persistence and dedication, doing things continuously, repeatedly, and wholeheartedly.

44. If you don’t strive, no one can give you the life you want. The life you desire is earned through your own efforts; relying on others is not as good as relying on yourself.

45. When you can no longer possess something, the only thing you can do is to make sure you don’t forget it.

46. I can accept failure, but I can never accept a self that has never struggled.

47. To illuminate the soul is to discover the beauty of life.

48. In fact, one can live beautifully by themselves, laughing and crying for themselves. Those who know how to compromise are wise, as they hold the initiative in determining the direction of events. In emotional confrontations, winning face means losing affection. Often, those who stubbornly hold on end up alone. Bending down is not admitting defeat, but picking up lost happiness.

49. Time can change a youthful face, but it can never take away a relaxed smile.

50. When you’re alone outside, it’s nothing; all you need is a strong heart.

51. Life can’t always be smooth sailing, but if you keep moving towards the sunlight, the shadow will hide behind you. It may be dazzling, but it’s the right direction.

52. If you want to be willful, first learn to endure. Life begins with your own cry and ends with someone else’s tears; the process in between is happiness. Don’t hate someone you’ve loved, don’t ask for reasons for the breakup, and don’t beg for the possibility of reconciliation. Turn around and make yourself happy; that’s the most genuine thing.

53. A person, no matter how aloof or transcendent, should not waste their life hating and tormenting those who bother them. Life is only once, and there’s not enough time to live it well. You have people you need to care for, so live the life you should.

54. With your company, I will fear no storms. Even if I shed tears, I will bravely smile.

55. Facing away from the sun, shadows are everywhere; facing the sun, radiance shines a thousand miles.

56. The path you choose is your own, no matter what lies ahead, you must complete it yourself. When you feel you can’t go on, stop and think about how you got here. People always say that time changes everything, but in reality, you must be the one to change everything.

57. On the road, look for a reason to continue and a dream from the past.

58. Be stronger, believe in yourself; be more determined, trust your feelings.

59. Have firm beliefs, lock onto your goals; maintain a persistent attitude, change your destiny; think calmly, break through confusion; maintain an optimistic mindset, determine success or failure; the extent of your efforts, determine the outcome; your own struggle, creates brilliance!

60. Being with positive people can lift our spirits.

61. Everyone should have at least one dream and a reason to be strong.

62. Polish the dark side a little brighter, and it can make our shortcomings more complete.

63. Only through hellish torment can one gain the power to conquer heaven. Only fingers that have bled can play the world’s masterpiece.

64. Everyone is their own God, believe that you can excel in some aspect.

65. Don’t blindly follow others’ thinking, they will say that you just copy others.

66. Going with the flow is not about muddling through or complacency, but about doing your best and leaving the rest to fate.

67. Now that we seem to understand, we have learned to strive.

68. The speed at which you handle your emotions is the speed at which you move towards success.

69. Everyone has an aura; those who are optimistic and content with poverty will be accompanied by good fortune; those who are pessimistic and cynical will hardly avoid bad luck. Therefore, everything that happens is a reflection of your inner self. If you bloom, butterflies will come; if you shine, heaven will arrange.

70.女孩,不要去拒绝忙碌,因为它是一种充实; 女孩,你得为自己漂亮地活着!
70. Girls, don’t reject being busy, as it is a form of fulfillment; girls, you must live beautifully for yourself!

71. The more slander you can withstand, the more praise you deserve. Be true to yourself to be worthy of better encounters.

72. Dreams are desires, thoughts are actions. A dream is the crystallization of dreams and thoughts.

73. There is pressure, but not to the point of being crushed; there is confusion, but never despair.

74. Learn to forget the pain and make room for sunshine memories.

75. Without health, wisdom cannot be expressed, culture cannot be utilized, strength cannot fight, and knowledge cannot be applied.

76. People must have dreams to have the motivation to move forward.

77. Whenever a rainbow appears, there is always hope for tomorrow.

78. It’s heartbreaking; don’t desire what’s unattainable, discard what’s not good. We should live deeply in a shallow world.

79. The success or failure of life is not about setbacks, hardships, glory, or humiliation, but about finding the right position; much of life’s brilliance is not about momentary joy, but about the positive energy in life.

80. So-called life is about getting up with a smile on your face even when your heart aches.

81. In fact, most people respect success rather than dreams. Imagine meeting a failed Ang Lee; how would you see him?

82. Years later, you will be grateful for the hardworking self of today.

83. Time passes day by day, and it seems like nothing has changed, but when you look back, everything has changed.

84. Don’t worry about the future. Worries won’t reduce tomorrow’s burden but will lose today’s happiness.

85. Fear not the long journey. Each step offers a scene, and each advance brings joy. Happiness is on the way.

86. When waiting, time still passes, but it is stretched by our thoughts.

87. We must give up what we have to get what we don’t have.

88. If you are sure you are right, just do it. If you do, some will say it’s bad; if you don’t, others will still say it’s bad. Don’t escape criticism.

89. Diligence is the foliage of learning, which is naturally bitter; wisdom is the flower of learning, which is naturally fragrant.

90. Strive to do better, not necessarily the best.

91. On a young person’s neck, nothing can compare to the brilliant pearl of ambition.

92. Before success, we must do what we should do; after success, we can do what we like.

93. Dripping water penetrates stone, not because of its strength, but because of its persistence.

94. Life is like a cup of tea; it won’t be bitter forever, but it will be bitter for a while.

95. Strive for improvement, not perfection! Struggle is the father of success.

96. If one has ambition, they won’t stop halfway up the slope.

97. Life always leaves us bruised and battered, but in the end, those wounded places will become our strongest areas.

98. Achieve life with ideals, and don’t waste time.

99. Suffering, you are the source of human art, and you bestow great inspiration upon poets.

100. Success is a concept, success is a thought, success is a habit, success is a mindset.