1. The progress of science is very slow, and it requires crawling to move from one point to another. - Tennyson

2. The whole purpose of science is to consciously gain everything that nature bestows on youth without cost. - Turgenev

3. Science is the common wealth of humanity, and the true task of scientists is to enrich this treasure of knowledge for the benefit of all mankind. - Kolmogorov

4. Science is the best way to make the human spirit brave. - Bruno

5. Science is for those who are diligent and studious, and poetry is for those who are knowledgeable. - Joseph Rou

6.科学是系统化了的知识 ——赫•斯宾塞
6. Science is systematized knowledge. - H. Spencer

7.科学是宗教迷信最有效的解毒剂 ——亚•史密斯
7. Science is the most effective antidote to religious superstition. - A. Smith

8. Science requires one’s entire life. - Pavlov

9. Science and art belong to the whole world, and before them, the barriers of nations disappear. - Goethe

10. The greatest advances in science are brought about by fresh, bold imagination. - Dewey

11. The true and rational purpose of science is to benefit human life and enrich it with new inventions and wealth. - Bacon

12. The truth of science should not be sought in the dusty books of ancient sages, but in experiments and theories based on experiments. True philosophy is written in the greatest book that is always open before our eyes, and this book is the universe, nature itself; one must read it. - Galileo

13. The eternity of science lies in the unremitting pursuit; in terms of its capacity, science is inexhaustible, and in terms of its goals, it is forever unattainable. - C. von Baer

14. The future of science can only belong to the diligent and humble younger generation! - Pavlov

15. Scientific achievements are accumulated bit by bit; only long-term accumulation can turn drops into the ocean. - Hua Luogeng

16. Science is not for personal glory, not for private gain, but for the happiness of mankind. - Qian Sanqiang

17. Science cannot be obtained without effort; indeed, in science, there is no other way to succeed except through hard work; enthusiasm, fantasy, or the desire with one’s whole heart cannot replace labor. - Herzen

18. The history of science and technology shows that too much knowledge information can sometimes hinder and limit innovation. - Langgamming

19. The development and role of science and technology are endless; science is an amazing thing. - Deng Xiaoping

20. Science is not only the best in intellectual training, but also in character training. - Spencer

21. Without scientific and technological advancements, productivity cannot be improved. —— Mao Zedong

22. The productivity of labor develops with the continuous progress of science and technology. —— Marx

23. Every science has been rejected at some point. —— Mogg索尔

24. Magic, and all the wonders that people传说 about it, is actually a deep intuition of the power of science. —— Edison

25. To illuminate the depths of the Earth and see the rich mineral resources in the darkness, the light of science is essential. —— Mendeleev

26. Any achievements I have made in the field of science are due to long-term thinking, patience, and diligence. —— Darwin

27. Science, labor, practical work? Only these can awaken our sickly and debauched youth. —— Goncharov

28. Science nourishes the young and comforts the old; it adds to the happiness of a fortunate life and protects you in times of misfortune. —— Lomonosov

29. The great progress of science comes from new and bold imagination. —— Dewey

30. The sole purpose of science is to alleviate the suffering of human existence, and scientists should think of the majority. —— Galileo

31. Science is systematized knowledge. —— Spencer

32. Science and art are two sides of the same coin. —— Li Zhengdao

33. Science is like a big tree that one person cannot embrace. —— African proverb

34. The foundation of science is a healthy body. —— Madame Curie

35. The pursuit of science requires special courage. —— Galileo

36. Only by obeying nature can we conquer it. —— Bacon

37. Once science takes flight with the wings of imagination, it can achieve victory. —— Faraday

38. Science respects facts, submits to truth, and will not succumb to any pressure. —— Tung Di Zhou

39. The progress of scientific research and its ever-expanding field will arouse our hopes. —— Nobel

40. Science requires one’s entire life. —— Pavlov

41. The reason why science is called science is that it does not admit idols, is not afraid to overthrow outdated things, and listens carefully to the voice of practice and experience. - Stalin

42. The world opened up by science is becoming more and more vast and more and more wonderful… - Ilin

43. Although science has no borders, scholars have their own countries. - Pasteur

44. Scientific books save people from ignorance, and literary works save them from vulgarity; both are equally beneficial and necessary for true education and the happiness of people. - Chernyshevsky

45. Science is endless, it is an eternal mystery. - Einstein

46. Science is an honest study, and it is impossible to create inventions by luck. If you do not understand the essence of a problem, even if you encounter an opportunity, it is in vain. The reason for returning empty-handed from the treasure mountain is here. - Hua Luogeng

47. Science is always unfair. If it does not raise ten questions, it will never solve a single problem. - Shaw

48. What is the greatest gift science gives to humanity? It is to make people believe in the power of truth. - Combenton

49. For those engaged in science, diligence is the mother of success. - Mao Yisheng

50. Science goes through a very tortuous and difficult path. - Qian Sanqiang

51. Productivity also includes science. - Marx

52. We should advocate science, and only with science can there be hope. - Deng Xiaoping

53. The value of art and science lies in selfless service, in serving the interests of thousands of people. - Ruskin

54. Short-sightedness limits us, making us not believe in the laws of gravity, chemistry, and plants in science. - Edison

55. Science and technology are productive forces, and they are the primary productive forces. - Deng Xiaoping

56. Repeated inference and endless corrections can undoubtedly lead to unquestionable progress in science. - Du Loc洛克斯

57. The cause of science is to serve the people. - Tolstoy

58. If good judgment cannot control science, then science is a kind of madness. - Spain

59. Science, when carefully savored, is nothing but the correct judgment and understanding. - Stanislaw

60. Science will not abandon those who sincerely love it. - Timiryasov

61. Science that cannot or is unwilling to influence its own nation and others is unworthy of being called science. - Planck

62. Art is a living science. - Cocteau

63. Every great achievement in science starts with a bold imagination. - Dewey

64. The realm of science is vast, yet human life is short. - Balzac

65. Only art and science can elevate humans to a divine height. - Huch

66. Any prototype in science has its dual image: the ugliness of the embryo and the beauty of the bud. - Hugo

67. Science has no borders, for it belongs to the wealth of all humanity and is the torch that illuminates the world. However, scholars belong to their motherland. - Pasteur

68. What knowledge is the most valuable? The unanimous answer is science. - Spencer

69. Scientific knowledge is always hypothetical: it is knowledge of conjecture. The method of science is the method of criticism: a method that seeks and eliminates errors and serves the truth. - Karl Popper

70. People love novelty, which is the seed of science. - Emerson

71. The immortal honor of science lies in its ability to overcome people’s insecurities before themselves and in the face of nature through its influence on the human mind. - Einstein

72. The history of science, in a sense, is the history of illusions and failures, the history of great stubbornness working with clumsiness and low efficiency. - Terayama Shinji

73. Science does not ask about the present and the past; it is the observation of all possible things. Although foresight is gradual, it is the understanding of what is about to happen. - Da Vinci

74. Without skilled people, technology is a dead thing. With skilled people, technology can and must create miracles. - Stalin

75. There is no smooth road in science; only those who do not fear hardship and climb the steep mountain path can hope to reach the glorious summit. - Marx

76. The entire development of humanity depends on the development of science. Whoever hinders the development of science hinders the development of humanity. - Fichte

77. Any prototype in science has its dual image: the ugliness of the embryo and the beauty of the bud. - Hugo

78. Science and technology are the primary productive forces. - Deng Xiaoping

79. The battle of science and technology must be fought, and it must be fought well. - Mao Zedong

80. Science will not abandon those who sincerely love it. - Timiryasov

81. The bold activities of science have no limits, nor should they have limits. — Gorky

82. What is the greatest gift that science bestows upon humanity? It is the belief in the power of truth. — Compton

83. Science provides certainty and power to people. Those who rely only on practice without science are like sailors without a rudder and compass. — D’Arcy Thompson

84. Science nourishes the young and comforts the old; it adds to the happiness of life, and protects you in times of misfortune. — Lomonosov

85. The end point of scientific development is philosophy, and the end point of philosophical development is religion. — Yang Zhenning

86. The pursuit of truth in science requires our reason to never fanatically cling to a certain assumption. — Maurois

87. The purpose of science is to provide an accurate portrayal of the universe. — Lenin

88. Not knowing is not terrible or harmful. No one can know everything; what is terrible and harmful is pretending to know when you don’t. — Tolstoy

89. Success = hard work + correct method + little empty talk. — Einstein

90. Successful scientists are often people with broad interests. Their originality may come from their extensive knowledge. Diversity brings fresh perspectives, while focusing on a narrow field for too long can make one foolish. — Beveridge

91. Every great achievement in science starts with a bold fantasy. — Dewey

92. Surprise is the seed of science. — Edison

93. It is the human duty to bravely explore the truth. — Copernicus

94. Science is both the highest achievement of human wisdom and the most promising source of material welfare. — Bernard

95. The laws of science themselves are objective truths and will not become outdated. The ways people use these laws and the corresponding design schemes they create, however, are constantly evolving. — Wang Zhuxi

96. For all humanity, there is only one common interest, and that is the progress of science. — Saint-Simon

97. Science itself has poetry. — Spencer

98. Science is our way of thinking today, as well as our way of life, and represents the highest stage of human spiritual development. — Guo Moruo

99. With the help of science, humans can correct the flaws in nature. — Mechnikov

100. Science is by no means a selfish pleasure. Those who are fortunate enough to be engaged in scientific research should first use their knowledge to serve humanity. — Marx

101.科学是“无知”的局部解剖学 ——奥•霍姆斯
101. Science is the local anatomy of “ignorance” – O. Holmes

102. Science is the general, and practice is the soldier. – Da Vinci

103. Science is the graveyard of rigid concepts – Unamuno

104. Science is a product of mental labor, and poetry can only be considered as its pastime. – Bacon

105. Art belongs to the ancient world, while science belongs to the modern world. – Disraeli

106. In science, mocking pedants is similar to mocking superstitions in religion. – I. Aitken

107. There is no smooth road in science; only those who are not afraid of hard work and climb the rugged path can hope to reach the glorious summit. – Marx

108. In Marx’s view, science is a revolutionary force that plays a driving role in history. – Engels

109. In our modern world, there is no other force that can match the power of scientific thought. – Ernst Cassirer

110. True science first teaches people to doubt and to be puzzled. – Unamuno

111. The exploration and research of science itself contain great beauty, and the pleasure it brings to people is the reward; that is why I have found happiness in my work. – Madame Curie

112. Progress is not an event, but a necessity. – Spencer

113. Science, including logic and mathematics, is a function of the times, and all sciences, along with their ideals and achievements, are like this. – Moore

114. Science is a powerful intellectual force that is committed to breaking the mysterious shackles that imprison me. – Gorky

115. Science is about organizing facts in order to derive general laws and conclusions from them. – Darwin

116. Science itself possesses great beauty. A scientist engaged in research is not only a technician but also a child, who, in the landscape of nature, seems to be intoxicated by mythological stories. – Madame Curie

117. In a vulgar but not inappropriate definition, engineering is an art; what can be done with one dollar by a skilled person can only be barely accomplished with two dollars by a clumsy one. – A. Wellington

118. Science can not only “provide knowledge to the young and happiness to the old,” but also make people accustomed to labor and the pursuit of truth, create real spiritual and material wealth for the people, and create things that cannot be obtained without it. – Mendeleev

119. Whoever can make land that originally produces only one ear of grain and one blade of grass yield two ears of grain and two blades of grass is more beneficial to humanity and contributes more to the nation than all politicians. – Swift

120. Throughout history, means of production have been combined with certain scientific and technological knowledge; likewise, the labor force throughout history has been a labor force that has mastered certain scientific and technological knowledge. – Deng Xiaoping

121. If, as you assert, technology largely depends on the state of science, then the state of science depends even more on the conditions and needs of technology. - Engels

122. The key to the four modernizations is the modernization of science and technology. Without modern science and technology, it is impossible to build modern agriculture, industry, and national defense. - Deng Xiaoping

123. At the entrance of science, just as at the entrance to hell, one must make such a demand: “Here, all hesitation must be eradicated, and no cowardice will help.” - Marx

124. Science is the warmth and joy in my heart; you make me fearless and ready to face death. Though prisoners rarely see the light of day again, you can shatter the chains and iron bars. - Bruno

125. In scientific matters, one must continuously research, conduct serious experiments, and make steady progress by expanding and deepening their knowledge. Only through tenacious struggle can one achieve brilliant success. - Chen Jia’er

126. The achievements of scientists belong to all of humanity, and science is the most selfless field. - Gorky

127. When genius is combined with science, the greatest effects can be produced. - Spencer

128. In doing science and scholarship, one must be “neither empty nor loose, strict from beginning to end,” and dedicate a lifetime to rigorous work. - Hua Luogeng

129. The people need science; a country that does not develop science will inevitably become a colony. - Joliot-Curie

130. All great scientific theories mean the conquest of the unknown. - Karl Popper

131. With the help of science, one can correct the defects of nature. - Mechnikov

132. Science requires a person’s entire life. - Pavlov

133. There is no smooth road in science; only those who dare to climb steep mountains without fear of danger can hope to reach the glorious summit. - Marx

134. A question mark is the key to unlocking any science. - Pavlov

135. The development of science and technology today has become an integrated, large-scale, and collective endeavor. - Wang Fangding

136. Think independently, seek truth from facts, persevere, and make up for shortcomings with diligence. - Zhou Peiyuan

137. The accumulation of scientific knowledge is a necessary prerequisite for the development of science, and as for who ultimately achieves great success, it may involve an element of chance and luck. - Tan Jiazhen

138. Science is the nervous system of our era. - Gorky

139. Whether in the past or the present, science is the observation of all possible things. So-called foresight is the understanding of things that are about to appear, and this understanding takes a process. - Leonardo da Vinci

140. Science is the graveyard of various faded ideas. - Unamuno

141. Only by effectively inheriting human knowledge and acquiring the world’s most advanced scientific and technological knowledge can we take half a step forward and reach the most advanced level, becoming a first-class scientist. —Weinberg

142. No scientific conclusion should be regarded as eternal and unchanging. —Deng Tuo

143. Science is the local anatomy of “ignorance.” —Holmes

144. Books should serve science, not the other way around. —Bacon

145. Mathematical and physical sciences are the language of nature. —Galileo

146. The true and legitimate goal of science is to bestow new discoveries and new forces upon human life. —Bacon

147. Science is the most important, beautiful, and necessary thing in people’s lives. —Chekov

148. Bold conjecture, cautious verification. It seems that boldness is necessary, of course, based on solid work. —Zhao Jinke

149. Science is the best antidote to fanaticism and wild rhetoric. —Adam Smith

150. In scientific research, I have always attached great importance to predicting the final results. —Lu Jiaxi

151. Scientific research is the exploration of the unknown. Researchers should have both a serious, rigorous, and strict academic style, as well as a daring and adventurous spirit. Both are indispensable. —Zhu Zhaoliang

152. Progress is the law of life; otherwise, humans cannot be called human beings. —Browning

153. Science requires one’s entire life. —Zhu Xie

154. Science is about organizing facts in order to derive general laws or conclusions from them. —Darwin

155. Science is the best way to make the human spirit brave. —Bruno

156. Science is endless; it is an eternal mystery. —Einstein

157. When you want to drink water, it seems as if you can drink the entire ocean—this is faith; but when you actually drink it, you can only consume two cups at most—this is science. —Chekov

158. Science is always unfair. If it does not raise ten questions, it will never be able to solve a single one. —Shaw

159. Excellent scientists must be to some extent madmen. —Kapitsa

160. Science that cannot or is unwilling to influence beyond its own nation is not worthy of being called science. —Planck

161. Science is often the result of success after hundreds or thousands of failures. —— Xu Teli

162. The spirit of science lies in the pursuit of facts and the pursuit of truth. —— Hu Shi

163. Various scientific discoveries often have one thing in common, that is, diligence and the spirit of innovation. —— Qian Sanqiang

164. Science is the crystallization and fruit of human wisdom… Looking forward to the future of science, humanity will hold the torch of science to ascend to the heavenly realm of the universe. —— Hawking

165. Without science and art, there would be no human beings and no human life. —— Leo Tolstoy

166. Science has no borders, as it belongs to the wealth of all mankind and is the torch that illuminates the world; but scholars belong to their motherland. —— Pasteur

167. Science is always revolutionary and unorthodox; this is its nature; only when science is sleeping does it not do so. —— S尔顿

168. The eternity of science lies in the persistent pursuit, and in terms of its capacity, science is inexhaustible, and in terms of its goal, it is always unattainable. —— Carl von Ber

169. In science, there are no smooth roads; only those who are not afraid of hardship and climb the steep mountains can hope to reach the glorious summit. —— Marx

170. Turning language into action is much more difficult than turning action into language. —— Gorky

171. The inspiration of science never comes by waiting idly. If there is any accidental opportunity in scientific discoveries, then this “accidental opportunity” can only be given to those who are well-educated, good at independent thinking, and have a persevering spirit, not to the lazy. —— Hua Luogeng

172. The history of science, in a sense, is the history of illusions and failures, and the history of great stubborn people working with clumsiness and low efficiency. —— Terayama Shin’ichiro

173. The progress of science depends on the labor of scientists and the value of their inventions. —— Pasteur

174. The boundaries of science are like the horizon: the closer you get to it, the further it moves away. —— Brecht

175. There are no smooth roads in science; the long river of truth has countless reefs and dangerous shoals. Only those who are not afraid of climbing and those who are not afraid of huge waves can reach the peak to pick the fairy grass and dive deep into the water to find the black pearl. —— Hua Luogeng

176. Many significant breakthroughs in science are accumulated from small achievements. —— Anonymous

177. Science is like the ocean, demanding self-sacrificing efforts. —— Landau

178. Science has no borders, but scientists do. —— Pavlov

179. Science is by no means a selfish pleasure. Those who are fortunate enough to engage in scientific research should first use their knowledge to serve humanity. —— Marx

180. The vocation of scientists calls us to continue the struggle, thoroughly reveal the mysteries of nature, and master these mysteries in order to benefit humanity in the future. —— Madame Curie

181. The achievements of scientists belong to all of humanity, and science is the most selfless field. - Gorky

182. Scientists do not rely on individual thoughts, but rather on the wisdom of thousands of people. Everyone thinks about a problem, and each person does a part of the work, adding to the great edifice of knowledge being built. - Rutherford

183. Scientists do not create anything, but reveal the hidden truths that already exist in nature. Artists create similar truths. - Goncharov

184. Scientists must grasp certain universal characteristics from the vast array of empirical facts that can be expressed by precise formulas, in order to explore the universal principles of nature. - Einstein

185. Science is both the highest achievement of human wisdom and the source of the most promising material benefits. - Bernal

186. The arrogance of science is modest compared to the arrogance of ignorance. - Spencer

187. The seeds of science grow for the harvest of the people. - Mendeleev

188. The foundation of science is a healthy body. - Madame Curie