1. Listen to a few songs, love a few people, and you’re old. —— “Stars in the Deep Sea”

2. The hardest part is not being apart, but loving each other and not daring to think about the future. —— “Stars in the Deep Sea”

3. In fact, there is no such thing as empathy in the world. If the pain doesn’t prick someone else, they don’t know how painful it is. —— “Stars in the Deep Sea”

4. Even if the world is desolate, there will always be someone who will be your believer. —— “Stars in the Deep Sea”

5. There are so many roads in the world, but no matter how I walk, I can’t walk the same path with you. —— “Stars in the Deep Sea”

6. I once told myself that if I could avoid falling in love, I would try my best not to. If I did fall in love, I should at least keep it hidden, so as not to hurt my pride. However, at that moment, I unexpectedly burst into tears. I turned and fled, not daring to look back. —— “Stars in the Deep Sea”

7. I think everyone should have someone in their life who makes them want to cry, feel sad, and regretful when they think of them. Even after a long time has passed, as long as they see that person, they will still be in tears. —— “Stars in the Deep Sea”

8. I think I can understand why you can’t pass the time. —— “I’ve Been Drifting for a Long Time”

9. Sometimes standing on the side of the road, watching the crowds go by, I feel that the city is more desolate than the desert. Everyone is so close, but they don’t know each other’s thoughts. It’s so noisy, so many people talking, but no one is really listening. —— “The Moon Says It Forgot”

10. Everyone says you deserve to be lonely, but no one understands your long-lasting love. —— “You Are My Exclusive Memory”

11. Over the years, you have been the closest and the farthest from me. Later, I finally understood that all the joys and sorrows are just my own ashes. —— “The Moon Says It Forgot”

12. About the ending between you and me, if this is not the best, then what is? It’s just that you live by the quiet river, and I live in the lonely castle. —— “Stars in the Deep Sea”

13、幸福,不过是镜花水月;爱情,不过是徒有虚名。 ——独木舟 《月亮说它忘记了》
13. Happiness is nothing but a mirage; love is nothing but an empty name. —— Mulan “The Moon Says It Forgot”

14、很少想起,但不代表真的忘记。 ——独木舟 《月亮说它忘记了》
14. Rarely thinking of it doesn’t mean really forgetting. —— Mulan “The Moon Says It Forgot”

15、你要多活一些岁月才知道,你跟某些人之间永远没法斩钉截铁画下一个句号,这情感太深远,是生命里没有尽头的草原。 ——独木舟
15. You have to live through more years to know that there will always be no way to draw a clear line between you and some people. This emotion is too profound, and it is the endless grassland in life. —— Mulan

16、就像是所有的生命,在最开始的时候都是纯白无暇的,我们并不是生来就了解社会的险恶、命运的不公和人性的丑陋,可是时间总会在原本干净的底片上涂上一层又一层的污垢。 ——独木舟 《月亮说它忘记了》
16. Just like all lives are pure and flawless at the beginning, we are not born knowing the evils of society, the injustice of fate, and the ugliness of human nature. But time will always smear layer upon layer of filth on the originally clean base film. —— Mulan “The Moon Says It Forgot”

17、需要的时候,该存在的人却不存在,该怎么对抗,该怎么战斗,都是我自己的事,只有自己站在这儿,哪怕对面是成群结队的敌人。 ——独木舟 《我亦飘零久》
17. When needed, the people who should be there are not there. How to fight and resist is my own business. I stand here alone, even if there are swarms of enemies in front of me. —— Mulan “I’ve Been Drifting for a Long Time”

18、我已经在这地球的光里,人的爱里,见到你。 ——独木舟
18. I have already seen you in the light of the earth and the love of people. —— Mulan

19、喜欢一个人,就不愿提起他的名字,不管有什么爱称,每个代号都不适合他,每个称呼都不足以代表他在她心中全部的渴望和期盼。 ——独木舟 《月亮说它忘记了》
19. Liking someone means not wanting to mention their name, no matter what nicknames or aliases are used, none of them seem fitting, and none of them can fully represent the longing and anticipation they hold in her heart. —— Du Muzhu, “The Moon Says It Forgot”

20、很长时间以来我就一直在思考,到底要用一种怎样的放肆来偿还才显得从容。才能够潇潇洒洒地说声互不相欠。关于诺言,你给过的。但是你没有兑现,于是我就不肯承认那是诺言。我只好当成戏言。 ——独木舟
20. For a long time, I have been contemplating what kind of unrestrained behavior would be appropriate to repay, so that I could say we are even with ease. Regarding promises, you have made them, but you haven’t fulfilled them, so I refuse to acknowledge them as promises. I can only treat them as jokes. —— Du Muzhu

21、“什么都没发生过”——我觉得我能做到让你看起来是这样,你就信了呗,至于我心里天塌地陷,那是我的事,你别管。 ——独木舟
21. “As if nothing has happened” - I think I can make it look like that to you, and if you believe it, then that’s fine. As for the turmoil in my heart, that’s my business, don’t worry about it. —— Du Muzhu

22、命运就像是一个循环,等我们都痛苦久了,它还会赐予花朵,只要我们坚持到那一天 ——葛婉仪 《我亦飘零久》
22. Fate is like a cycle; once we have suffered long enough, it will bestow flowers upon us, as long as we persist until that day. —— Ge Wanyi, “I Have Been Drifting for a Long Time”

23、人世冷暖 ,如同盲人摸象 ——独木舟 《我亦飘零久》
23. The world’s warmth and coldness are like a blind man feeling an elephant. —— Du Muzhu, “I Have Been Drifting for a Long Time”

24、爱情是一场宿命,由不得你不甘心,由不得你不情愿。 ——独木舟 《月亮说它忘记了》
24. Love is a destiny, and you have no choice but to accept it, even if you are unwilling. —— Du Muzhu, “The Moon Says It Forgot”

25、这个世界上,最难堪的事恐怕就是这样,以身相许却报效无门。 ——独木舟 《你是我的独家记忆》
25. The most embarrassing thing in the world must be to commit oneself entirely, only to find that there is no way to reciprocate. —— Du Muzhu, “You Are My Exclusive Memory”

26、这个世界上有六十几亿人口 但某个瞬间 只有这一个人 就能敌得过千军万马 四海潮生 ——独木舟 《月亮说它忘记了》
26. With over six billion people in this world, there is a single moment when only one person can be worth more than a thousand soldiers and horses, and the tides of the four seas. —— Du Muzhu, “The Moon Says It Forgot”

27、我想我能够明白,为什么时间过去了你过不去 ——独木舟 《我亦飘零久》
27. I think I can understand why you can’t let go even though time has passed. —— Du Muzhu, “I Have Been Drifting for a Long Time”

28、什么都是短暂的,只有怀念和失去是漫长的。 ——独木舟
28. Everything is fleeting, only nostalgia and loss are long-lasting. —— Du Muzhu

29、我曾经想和他一样为了爱情做这些事的时候,没有遇到那个能令我燃烧的人。而当我遇到那个人的时候,我却已经懂得了节制,丧失了勇气 ——独木舟 《我亦飘零久》
29. I once wanted to do things for love like he did, but I didn’t meet someone who could ignite me. And when I met that person, I had already learned to be restrained and lost my courage. —— Du Muzhu, “I Have Been Drifting for a Long Time”

30、一百年后,我的肉身即将沉沦于泥土,在我即将闭上眼睛的时候,你会不会出现在我的床边,来送我一程? ——独木舟 《我亦飘零久》
30. A hundred years later, my body will sink into the earth. As I close my eyes, will you appear by my bedside to see me off on my journey? —— Du Muzhu, “I Have Been Drifting for a Long Time”

31、她在远方觉得孤独,但也感受到了与孤独随行的寂静 但我们呢,孤独是一样的,也从来没有享受过寂静 被逼到绝路的事情,一样存在 她看到了风景,而我们只看到了世界 ——独木舟 《我亦飘零久》
31. She feels lonely in the distance, but also experiences the silence that comes with it. But for us, loneliness is the same, and we have never enjoyed the silence. The same desperate situations exist. She sees the scenery, while we only see the world. —— Du Muzhu, “I Have Been Drifting for a Long Time”

32、我口口声声地说,这个世界不符合我的梦想,我也不符合它的梦想,所以我与这个世界不互干涉。 ——独木舟
32. I keep saying that the world doesn’t fit my dreams, and I don’t fit its dreams either, so I won’t interfere with it. —— Du Muzhu

33、回不去了,任由世界再大,科技再发达,可是在时间的坐标轴上,回忆和往事都是那样仓皇,找不到一个可以陈放的角落。 ——独木舟
33. It’s impossible to go back. No matter how big the world is or how advanced technology becomes, on the timeline of time, memories and past events are all so chaotic that there is no corner to store them. —— Du Muzhu

34、你记得也好,最好你忘掉。 是啊,你忘掉吧,我记得就好。 ——独木舟 《我亦飘零久》
34. Whether you remember or not is fine, but it’s better if you forget. Yes, you forget, and I will remember. —— Du Muzhu, “I Have Been Drifting for a Long Time”

35、我知道世界上不是没有丑陋和险恶,可是我更相信,向往善良和光明,才能够令我们不惧黑暗。  ——独木舟 《相逢的人会再相逢》
35. I know there is ugliness and evil in the world, but I believe that aspiring to kindness and light is the only way for us to face the darkness without fear. —— Du Muzhu, “People Who Meet Will Meet Again”

36、曾经想送给你的星空,我后来在别处看到。你曾少我的,愿我也能在别处得到。 ——独木舟 《一个人的四季》
36. The starry sky I once wanted to give you, I later saw elsewhere. What you owed me, I hope I can find elsewhere as well. —— Du Muzhu, “A Person’s Four Seasons”

37、我们甘愿忍受眼下的痛苦,是因为我们没有别的选择。 ——独木舟 《月亮说它忘记了》
37. We are willing to endure the pain of the present because we have no other choice. —— Mulan Boat, “The Moon Says It Forgot”

38、这些年来,离我最近的是你,离我最远的也是你,后来我终于明白,所有的悲欢都是我一个人的灰烬。 ——独木舟 《月亮说它忘记了》
38. Over the years, the closest person to me has been you, and the farthest has also been you. Later, I finally understood that all joys and sorrows are just ashes of my own. —— Mulan Boat, “The Moon Says It Forgot”

39、人人都说你活该凄凉,其实没人懂你的情长。 ——独木舟 《你是我的独家记忆》
39. Everyone says you deserve the desolation, but no one understands the length of your emotions. —— Mulan Boat, “You Are My Exclusive Memory”

40、时间会证明我说的来日方长。 ——独木舟
40. Time will prove that I am right about the days to come. —— Mulan Boat

41、原来一个人到了最伤心最绝望的时候,是不会顾忌尊严这回事的。 ——独木舟 《一粒红尘》
41. It turns out that when a person is at their saddest and most desperate, they no longer care about dignity. —— Mulan Boat, “A Grain of Red Dust”

42、月亮是地球唯一的天然卫星,上亿年来它一直孜孜不倦地围绕地球环行。如果有的选择,它未必愿意年年岁岁这样寂寞地转动,但这是它的宿命。爱情也是一场宿命,由不得你不甘心,由不得你不情愿。 ——独木舟 《月亮说它忘记了》
42. The moon is the Earth’s only natural satellite, and for hundreds of millions of years, it has been tirelessly orbiting the Earth. If it had a choice, it might not be willing to rotate so lonely year after year, but this is its destiny. Love is also a destiny, and you cannot be unwilling or reluctant. —— Mulan Boat, “The Moon Says It Forgot”

43、如你所言,终有一天我会站在我曾经望不到的地方。 只是,你并不在意,站在那个地方的我会有多孤独。 ——独木舟 《我亦飘零久》
43. As you said, one day I will stand where I once couldn’t see. However, you don’t care about how lonely I will be in that place. —— Mulan Boat, “I Have Been Drifting for a Long Time”

44、世界给了我们黑暗,也给了我们星星 世界给了我们花谢,也给了我们花开 ——葛婉仪 《我亦飘零久》
44. The world gives us darkness, but also gives us stars. The world gives us withering flowers, but also gives us blossoming flowers. —— Ge Wanyi, “I Have Been Drifting for a Long Time”

45、有些事情不必说破,有些表面功夫一定要做,有些真相不必追究,人生有些时候,是越蒙蔽就越接近幸福。 ——独木舟 《月亮说它忘记了》
45. Some things don’t need to be said, some superficial efforts must be made, some truths don’t need to be pursued. Sometimes in life, the more blinded you are, the closer you are to happiness. —— Mulan Boat, “The Moon Says It Forgot”

46、一辈子只和一个人在一起,这不丢人,是啊,有可能会遇到更好看更优秀的人,但一个人不可以这么贪心的。 ——独木舟 《一粒红尘》
46. Spending a lifetime with only one person is not shameful. Yes, you might meet someone more beautiful and excellent, but one cannot be so greedy. —— Mulan Boat, “A Grain of Red Dust”

47、那些生死悲叹,你以为是人生一世,但月亮见过太多,知道这只是尘埃一瞬。 ——独木舟 《月亮说它忘记了》
47. Those life and death laments, you think they are a lifetime, but the moon has seen too much and knows that they are just a fleeting moment of dust. —— Mulan Boat, “The Moon Says It Forgot”

48、我走在逃离命运的途中,却与命运不期而遇 ——独木舟 《我亦飘零久》
48. I was walking on the path to escape fate, but I met fate unexpectedly. —— Mulan Boat, “I Have Been Drifting for a Long Time”

49、原来,不论有多冠冕堂皇的理由,伤害一个人时,结果远比我们想象中残忍得多 ——独木舟 《你是我的独家记忆》
49. It turns out that no matter how grand the reasons, when hurting someone, the result is far more cruel than we can imagine. —— Mulan Boat, “You Are My Exclusive Memory”

50、起起落落的际遇,到头来一句别来无恙,胜过一万句我爱你。左思右想,跟命运所做的全部交易中,遇见你,这一单最划算。 ——独木舟
50. The ups and downs of life, in the end, a phrase “all is well” is better than ten thousand “I love you”. After thinking it over, among all the deals made with fate, meeting you is the most cost-effective. —— Mulan Boat

51、我后来一直活得很努力,为什么呢,因为要证明给自己知道,你并没有被那些充满恶意的人给毁掉。 ——独木舟
51. I have been living very hard later, why? Because I want to prove to myself that you have not been destroyed by those malicious people. —— Mulan Boat

52、爱对了人固然是运气,若是爱错了,那也叫青春。 ——独木舟 《我亦飘零久》
52. Loving the right person is indeed luck, but if you love the wrong one, it’s still called youth. —— Mulan Boat, “I Have Been Drifting for a Long Time”

53、暗夜中也有一簇灯火,你要做自己的灯火。 ——独木舟《一个人的四季》
53. There is a cluster of lights in the dark night, and you have to be your own light. —— Mulan Boat, “A Person’s Four Seasons”

54、原本只是萍水相逢的,原本是不会有交集的,原本是跟我的喜怒哀乐毫无关联的,原本只是一个陌生人而已。 ——独木舟 《月亮说它忘记了》
54. Originally, we were just strangers passing by, with no intersection, no connection to my joys and sorrows, just a stranger. —— Mulan Boat, “The Moon Says It Forgot”

55、我不知道还可以拿什么来让你留下,我这残破的余生,像是早已荒芜的花园,长不出一株明艳的植物。 ——独木舟 《我亦飘零久》
55. I don’t know what else I can offer to make you stay, my broken life, like an already desolate garden, unable to grow a single bright plant. —— Mulan Boat, “I Have Been Drifting for a Long Time”

56、你生来是怎样的人,就注定了是怎样的人,无论你多么羡慕另外一种人生,但那不是你的,就不是你的。哭闹没有用,忌妒没用,甚至拼命地改造自己都没有用。我们始终只能按照自己内心最认同的那种方式生活,所以,你想要怎样的人生,就会获得一个怎样的人生,这句话 是真的。 ——独木舟 《一生不能再遇见》
56. The kind of person you are born to be is the kind of person you are destined to be. No matter how much you envy another kind of life, if it’s not yours, it’s not yours. Crying and jealousy are useless, and even trying hard to change yourself is of no use. We can only live according to the way we most identify with in our hearts. So, the kind of life you want is the kind of life you will get. This statement is true. ——Dumuzhou “Never Meet Again in Life”

57、你所有的痛苦与困顿,都是自己一个人的事情,你的生死,不关任何人的事,你的伤口在流血,别人却在为晚上吃什么发愁,这世上没有感同身受,所有的开导都是纸上谈兵,所有的安慰都是隔靴搔痒,所有的陪伴都是徒劳无用。 ——独木舟 《独木舟博客》
57. All your pain and difficulties are your own business. Your life and death have nothing to do with anyone else. Your wounds may be bleeding, but others are worried about what to eat for dinner. There is no such thing as empathy in this world. All advice is merely theoretical, all comfort is superficial, and all companionship is futile. ——Dumuzhou “Dumuzhou Blog”

58、那些我不愿意回想起来的往事,却实实在在地镂刻在原本纯良的年少时光中,随着白云苍狗成为不可篡改的历史。 ——独木舟 《月亮说它忘记了》
58. Those past events that I don’t want to recall are actually engraved in my originally innocent youthful years, becoming unchangeable history with the passage of time. ——Dumuzhou “The Moon Says It Forgot”

59、万籁俱静,寂寞永生 ——独木舟 《我亦飘零久》
59. In the silence, loneliness is eternal. ——Dumuzhou “I Have Been Drifting for a Long Time”

60、行在路上,邂逅的不仅仅是尘世风景,更是触动人心的辛酸人事;漫步人生,经历的不仅仅是悲欢离合,更是的大千世界的森罗万象 ——独木舟 《我亦飘零久》
60. Walking on the road, what you encounter is not only the scenery of the world but also the touching joys and sorrows of human lives; strolling through life, what you experience is not only the happiness and sorrow but also the myriad phenomena of the vast world. ——Dumuzhou “I Have Been Drifting for a Long Time”

Du Yuesheng’s Classic Quotes
One can be illiterate, but not ignorant of people.

Don’t do things to the extreme; leave some room for maneuver.

To live in this world, one must rely on two things: courage and wisdom.

I am not afraid of gentlemen, and I won’t provoke thugs!

Don’t be afraid of being used by others. If people use you, it means you are still valuable.

Spend a penny and get the effect of ten pence; that’s the art of spending money.

Do things so that both sides are smooth like cutting tofu with a knife.

No matter how much money you have, it’s just a mountain of gold and silver, while connections can be as vast as the world…

A hero doesn’t fear a humble origin; the key is to have a good brain.

I made it with my own two hands and courage.

If you have hope, everyone has hope, and China has hope.

When someone in the underworld seeks Du’s help to settle a matter, Du calmly says, “Just a word.”

I know about your matter, and I will take care of it for you. Alright! Goodbye!

Eating is real work, gambling is a hedge, and prostitution is empty.

1. Money can be spent, but friendships are endless. So while others save money, I save friendships. No matter how much money one has, it’s still limited; but the value of friendships is immeasurable like the heavens and the earth!

2. There are three kinds of “faces” that are the hardest to deal with: personal relationships, social appearances, and emotional faces.

3. One must be sincere in dealing with others. Even if someone deceives me for a while, I can always touch their heart with sincerity and make them willingly submit. My way of dealing with the world lies in the word “sincerity”. Only when you learn from this can you talk about making friends.

4. First-class people have abilities and no temper; second-class people have abilities and a temper; last-class people have no abilities and a big temper.

5. Keep the wine cup full and the table always filled with guests.

6. Scolding is fake, but money is real.

7. A saying that Du Yuesheng always had on his lips: “Be careful to gain the world, be careless and lose Jingzhou.”

8. Having more zeros on your monthly deposit slip doesn’t mean you have a lot of money; it’s the money you spend that counts.

9. Everyone has a time when their money runs out. - Mr. Du spent his later years in Hong Kong, making significant contributions to China’s resistance against Japanese aggression and charity work. In his later years, he still had an extraordinary demeanor and destroyed all IOUs.

10. Think about yourself in the first half of the night, and think about others in the second half.

11. If I don’t make a good effort, I won’t go back to Pudong.

12. My offensive target is aimed directly at the colorful world of the foreign concessions!
13. Classic quotes from the movie “Left Ear” and classic lines from “Left Ear”
14. My stubborn pursuit in my heart is only visible to myself. - “Left Ear”

15. Don’t be sad, pigeons. Don’t give up hope. From now on, I will be strong, shining like the sun. - “Left Ear”

16. I owe many people an apology, but I no longer have the chance to say it. - Rao Xueman “Left Ear”

17. It’s okay, when you’ve been silly, you’ve grown up. - Rao Xueman “Left Ear”

18. Some things, some people, are not really forgotten if you don’t want to forget them.

19. Some things disappear and can never be found again, but they turn into a needle, piercing your heart and lingering there, making you feel pain whenever you want. - “Left Ear”

20. We want a love that can lead to marriage with just a handshake, but we live in an era where even after sleeping together, there may be no result. - Rao Xueman “Left Ear”

1. Even if it means being against the whole world, I will not wrong myself. —— “The Left Ear”

2. We should have learned to pay the price for our own willfulness long ago. —— “The Left Ear”

想想我们曾经无关 又何必彼此为难。——《左耳》
3. Think about how we used to be unrelated, why bother each other? —— “The Left Ear”

4. I’m really afraid that even if I exert all my strength, he will still be the warmth I cannot approach in my life. —— “The Left Ear”

5. Time only ages, but it never deceives us. —— “The Left Ear”

6. Medical experts say that the left ear is the closest to the heart, and sweet words should be whispered into the left ear. —— Rao Xueman “The Left Ear”

7. I’m sorry is your relief, it doesn’t mean I have to forgive your mistakes. —— “The Left Ear”

8. Every time I want to speak up, but still remain silent. —— Rao Xueman “The Left Ear”

9. Love is love when it’s right, and youth is youth when it’s wrong. —— Rao Xueman “The Left Ear”

10. Listen to your favorite songs quietly, and watch the person you like from afar! —— Rao Xueman “The Left Ear”

11. Don’t be sad, pigeons, don’t give up your hope. From now on, I will be strong, shining like the sun.

12. I owe many people an apology, but I no longer have the chance to say it.

13. We should have learned to pay the price for our own willfulness long ago.

14. The speed of the left ear cannot rely on the shoulder of parting.

15. Many girls don’t fall in love because they are always waiting for the Zhang Yang in their hearts.

16. I have been waiting for that person, and he appeared when I was seventeen.

17. I often doubt what the future will be like, but I can only keep moving forward, never stopping.

18. I’m sorry is your relief, it doesn’t mean I have to forgive your mistakes.

19. No matter what, we will carry our own disasters and happiness. Keep moving forward, never look back…

20. The fireworks illuminated the entire city, lighting up my once arrogant and ignorant nineteen-year-old self.

1. I often ponder our youth; it is such a peculiar thing, with a short body dragging a long tail, like wings, flaunting and lingering for a long time.

2. Little Lily, I always remember loving you.

3. Remember what should be remembered, forget what should be forgotten, change what can be changed, and accept what cannot be changed.

4. A boy’s promise is often like a sweet and brittle pancake; once it enters your mouth, it slowly melts, but quickly infiltrates your body, taking over your heart.

5. In the sweet and fragile love, we keep “practicing,” “practicing” losing, “practicing” enduring, and “practicing” missing, in the repetitive ups and downs of anticipation, we move towards our predetermined final outcome.

6. Who is the savior of whom? No one is; in the misplaced emotions, we can only pay for our own pain, and even when it hurts to the extreme, we cannot blame others.

7. I know clearly that he and I will always belong to two different worlds, gazing at each other across the sea, with no chance in this life, and only by letting go can we achieve eternity.

8. In the face of the thin and fragile life, all the prosperity is just a passing cloud.

9. If he is fire, then I am that reckless, foolish moth.

10. The world has deceived me, and I must fight back; I will not let go of any bit of happiness that belongs to me, even if the price is to fall into hell from then on, I will not hesitate.

11. Are there some things, some people, that you will surely forget if you really want to?

12. God knows, I really want to forget, but God also surely knows that I cannot forget.

13. Following you, wherever, doing whatever, is fine.

14. Long after, I recall that as the last memory of Xu Yu in my mind, my young man in white, my pure first love, my youth, all frozen together, then mottled, peeled off, forgiven, and forgotten.

15. Waiting, I know I will wait.

16. I must be happy, even if happiness is a performance, I will do my best to act well in every scene. Time is the best backdrop, and I will be the most dazzling protagonist in his life, irreplaceable by anyone.

17. I still believe that stars can talk, stones can bloom, and after passing through the summer fence and winter snow, you will eventually arrive.

18. A person must be different inside and outside the play, and that’s not可怕, the最可怕的 thing is that you can’t tell whether you are in the play or outside the play.

19. Time will only age, but it will never deceive us. My loyalty to love makes my heart boil with passion.

20. I suddenly remembered the night when we set off fireworks on the rooftop, and I am willing to believe that every small spark of fireworks that illuminated the night sky has not been extinguished; they eventually rose into the sky, turning into tonight’s stars. Only those who set off the fireworks have long been scattered in the vast sea of people, their whereabouts unknown.

1. I see in the distance, the fireworks have illuminated the entire city, each star emitting a magical glow like the sun, and the happiness I have been longing for, I know it has finally arrived with a bang.

2. No one is the savior of anyone, no one can save anyone. The desire, lies dormant.

3. Our love, stained with dust, awaits a storm to cleanse it.

4. My dear, when I have gradually gotten used to not having you. I once foolishly thought that I could just forget you…

我们都想要牵了手就能结婚的爱情,却活在一个上了床也没有结果的年代。 对一个男人来说,最无能为力的事儿就是“在最没有物质能力的年纪,碰见了最想照顾一生的姑娘。”对一个女生来说,最遗憾的莫过于“在最好的年纪遇到了等不起的人。”
5. We all want the kind of love where holding hands leads to marriage, yet we live in an era where even after sleeping together, there may be no outcome. For a man, the most helpless thing is “meeting the girl he wants to take care of for a lifetime, at an age when he has no material means.” For a woman, the greatest regret is “meeting someone she can’t wait for, in the best years of her life.”

6. Sweet words, say them to the left ear.

7. One failure is nothing, one wrong choice is not a mistake. You have to believe that in this world, there is always someone who cares about you and wants you to be happy.

8. Men are just tickets, to keep walking, one must keep changing tickets in order to see the distant scenery. My heart is a freely flowing stream, gurgling forward, never stopping.

9. The road is one foot high, the demon is ten feet high, who dares to say who is the savior of whom in this world?

10. Love is right, love is youth when wrong.

11. I still believe that stars can talk and stones can bloom. After passing through the wooden fence of summer and the snow of winter, you will eventually arrive. Because of love, even if it hurts to the extreme, we will not age.

12. Medical experts say that the left ear is the closest place to the heart. Sweet words should be said to the left ear.

13. Every time I want to speak, but still remain silent.

14. Sometimes I feel that time passes so damn fast. We never thought back then that we would be like this today, do you agree?

15. My dear, when I have gradually gotten used to not having you. I once foolishly thought that I could just forget you…

16. Sometimes I feel that time passes so damn fast. We never thought back then that we would be like this today, do you agree?

17. Little Ear, everyone’s destiny is predetermined from the day they are born. You are a good girl, and you can only be a good girl for a lifetime. Do you understand or not?

18. Because巴拉is my friend! She is my good friend, and I won’t allow you to speak of her like that! Never!

19. Hehe, other people’s things are always better.

20. I am a bad girl, I think, from the day I was born, it has always been like this.

1. Opportunities are created by people.

2. Like that song, even if I wait and wait, even if he and I are separated by a river, forever apart by a river of water. I also believe that he has not gone far, he will always come back, reach my heart, and be in love with me, never to be separated.

3. A lamp is still on, but a song has already been sung; a play has not yet ended, but a love has already come to an end!

4. God witness, I am a good girl.

5. Life is a play after play; once you step on stage, no one can leave before the play is over. Otherwise, you will pay a heavy price.

6. Liking someone takes courage, and confessing liking requires bravery.

7. At seventeen, I looked forward to someone whispering sweet words in my left ear.

8. We can’t go back anymore.

9. I have always been a kind and good girl.

10. Being missed by someone is a blessing.

11. I am really afraid that even if I give all my strength, he will still be the warmth I cannot approach in this life.

12. Time only ages, but it never deceives us.

13. I know you like me, but don’t expect me to like you.

14. My stubborn pursuit in my heart is only visible to me.

15. Some things, some people, are not really forgotten if you don’t want to forget.

16. Time is the best backdrop, and I will be the most dazzling lead in his life, irreplaceable by anyone.

17. Even if against the whole world, I will not wrong myself.

18. Youth has no answers, but it has secrets.

我还是相信 星星会说话 石头会开花 穿过夏天的木栅栏和冬天的风雪之后 你终会抵达 因为爱着,就算痛到极致,我们不会老去。
19. I still believe that stars can talk, stones can bloom, and after passing through the summer fence and winter snow, you will eventually arrive. Because of love, even if it hurts to the extreme, we will not age.
20. Step by step, classic lines from the heart, classic quotes and phrases.

1. Once we know each other, we become lifelong confidants. —— Tong Hua “Scarlet Heart”

2. My heart is not a stone, it cannot be turned. My heart is not a mat, it cannot be rolled. In life and death, we make a promise. Holding your hand, I will grow old with you. —— “Scarlet Heart”

3. From joy, sorrow and fear are born; without joy, there is no sorrow or fear. From love, sorrow and fear are born; without love, there is no sorrow or fear. Therefore, do not cling to love, for parting is the essence of suffering. Without love and hatred, there is no bondage. —— Tong Hua “Scarlet Heart”

4. A life full of surprises and a love full of pain. —— Tong Hua “Scarlet Heart”

5. The red candle has tears, the painted screen is silent, the golden hairpin remains, but the fragrance of the soul fades away. —— Tong Hua “Scarlet Heart”

6. The bet you just made is too big, I wanted to refuse, but I’m afraid of missing out forever. —— Tong Hua “Scarlet Heart”

7. It’s hard to say which is better, the moon or the stars. If you don’t cry for missing the moon, you might see a sky full of stars! That’s a view no less beautiful than the moon! —— Tong Hua “Scarlet Heart”

8. As the sound gradually fades, those with love are always troubled by the heartless. If one is heartless, perhaps they can truly be free from worries. —— “Scarlet Heart”

9. Life lasts but a few decades, yet there is much sorrow and little joy. Helpless things happen more often than not. When the moon is full, it wanes; when something reaches its peak, it declines. If it’s too high to go any higher, it can only go down. —— Tong Hua “Scarlet Heart”

10. The more frightened you are inside, the more calm you should appear on the outside. If others can’t figure out your limits, they won’t dare to act recklessly. —— Tong Hua “Scarlet Heart”

11. Life is but a dream, and white clouds and grey dogs pass by. —— “Scarlet Heart”

12. If you don’t come to my world to find me, then I will go to your world to find you. —— Fourth Prince “Scarlet Heart”

13. Life is but a dream, and white clouds and grey dogs pass by. Right and wrong, kindness and resentment, all fade away in the silent days and无痕 water. What’s hard to let go is just a trace of infatuation! —— Tong Hua “Scarlet Heart”

14. From love, anger, hatred, infatuation, and longing are born. After parting, anger, hatred, infatuation, and longing all turn into inch-by-inch yearning. —— Tong Hua “Scarlet Heart”

15. I tried to hide, but I ended up in the eye of the storm. I used to be a spectator, watching everyone head towards their destinies. Now I’m dragged into this drama, where will I go in the future? —— Tong Hua “Scarlet Heart”

16. I know everyone’s ending, but I don’t know my own. Is this the ending that heaven has prepared for me? —— Tong Hua “Scarlet Heart”

17. I will ask Meng Po for more bowls of soup, to forget all of you, and forget everything completely. Yun Sheng, live well and forget the past, forget it all… —— Tong Hua “Scarlet Heart”

18. Even if we cannot meet, we shall long for each other day and night. —— Liu Shishi “Scarlet Heart”

19. When someone casually says “I want”, they already hold the key to my heart; when he throws away his umbrella and endures the rain with me, I open the door to him completely; when he protects me and faces the arrows with his back to me, I will never forget him for the rest of my life. All the rights and wrongs that follow are just deeper and deeper. —— Tong Hua “Scarlet Heart”

20、本欲起身离红尘,奈何影子落人间。 千年望等回身笑,只怨仙姑画中人。——《步步惊心》
20. I wanted to leave the mortal world, but my shadow fell among people. A thousand years of waiting, a smile in my previous life, only to blame the fairy for being a painted figure. —— “Scarlet Heart”

21. “I have only done what I thought I should do and what I had to do, there is no issue of worth or not worth.” - Maltai Ruoxi, “Scarlet Heart”

22. Is it because of me that history is like this, or is it because history is like this that there is my story? - Tong Hua, “Scarlet Heart”

23. I will keep my eyes wide open to search, as long as that star belongs to me, I won’t miss it. - Tong Hua, “Scarlet Heart”

24. Even if it’s ugly, it must be true. - “Scarlet Heart”

25. From love comes worry and fear; without love, there is no worry and fear. Therefore, do not cling to love, for parting is suffering. If there is no love or hatred, then there is no bondage. I only thought about how parting from love could free me from bondage, but what about hatred? Is that not a greater bondage? Regrets? Does that not keep the heart restless day and night? - Tong Hua, “Scarlet Heart”

26. Life is made up of a little helplessness, a little nostalgia, a little heartache, and a little joy. The cycle of cause and effect, what is meant to come will come, whether it’s fortune or misfortune, it cannot be avoided… Although unwilling to accept fate, heaven’s will is like this, how can ordinary people like us change it? Let it be, let it be… - Tong Hua, “Scarlet Heart”

27、在我心里,只剩下他和我, 他和我的一点一滴,一个笑容,一句讥讽,一声叹息, 我自私地把其他人全部忘记, 只留下他与我相关的一切,第一次没有任何人可以打扰他和我,第一次,我什么都不顾忌地,开始爱他。——桐华《步步惊心》
27. In my heart, there is only him and me, him and my every little moment, a smile, a taunt, a sigh. I selfishly forget everyone else, leaving only what is related to him and me. For the first time, no one can disturb him and me, for the first time, I love him without any reservations. - Tong Hua, “Scarlet Heart”

28. The past is like yesterday’s death! Today is like today’s birth! - Tong Hua, “Scarlet Heart”

29. The past is like yesterday’s death, and the future is like today’s birth.

30. Ruoxi, having you is my fortune, heaven has treated me very generously.

31. I haven’t even started questioning you, and you’ve already confessed so readily. So you really did have an affair with Brother Fourteen.

32. I want you to bear children for me, I want to see you laughing with them, that is the happiness in my heart.

33. In terms of elegance, it’s like bamboo dew and a gentle breeze; in terms of demeanor, it’s like a bright pearl and smooth jade.

34. If you want to humiliate yourself, it’s best to do it in private. Why do it in front of everyone? Not only might you be interrupted or hindered, but you might also leave a bad impression, and you won’t be able to enjoy it to the fullest.

35. Ordinary elderly people may have their sons or grandsons accompany them for a walk, but this lonely ruler is accompanied by a eunuch. That dragon throne is like the Queen Mother’s hairpin, casually separating him from his twenty or so sons on opposite sides of a river.

36. In Ruoxi’s heart, there is no emperor, no Fourth Brother, only the Yin Zhen who makes her unable to extricate herself from love.

37. I will ask Meng Po for a few more bowls of soup, to forget all of you, to forget everything completely. Yun Sheng, live well and forget the past, forget it…

38. My heart is not a stone, it cannot be turned. My heart is not a mat, it cannot be rolled up. In life and death, we make a promise, holding hands, growing old together.

39、以前一直是旁观者的角度 看着个人走向他们的结局,如今自己也被拖进了这幕戏中,将来我该何去何从?
39. I used to be a bystander, watching people head towards their endings, but now I have been dragged into this drama, where should I go in the future?

40. When the moon is full, it wanes; when something reaches its peak, it declines. If it’s too high to go any higher, it can only go downhill.

41. I have only done what I think should be done and what I have to do, without considering whether it’s worth it or not.

42. “Fate plays tricks on people? I don’t believe in this evil. I don’t believe we have no fate; even if the heavens don’t give it to us, I will snatch it from their hands!” “I will definitely save the thirteenth brother out, and I will definitely marry you!”

43. From love comes worry and fear; without love, there is no worry and fear. Therefore, do not cling to love, for parting with love is suffering. If there is no love or hatred, then there is no bondage. But what about resentment? Is that an even greater bondage? What about regret? Does that keep the heart restless day and night?

44. The best is not to meet, so that we won’t fall in love. The second best is not to know each other, so that we won’t yearn for each other.

45、话至此处,你还要问起八爷吗?由爱生嗔,由爱生恨,由爱生痴,由爱生念。从别后,嗔恨痴念, 皆化为寸寸相思。
45. Speaking of this, do you still want to ask about the Eighth Prince? From love comes anger, from love comes hatred, from love comes foolishness, from love comes longing. Since parting, anger, hatred, foolishness, and longing have all turned into inch-by-inch yearning.

46. Once you have experienced the vast ocean, it’s hard to appreciate the water elsewhere; having seen thousands of sails pass by, you no longer expect anything but the gentle waters of three thousand.

47. As the sound gradually fades away, those who are affectionate are always troubled by the unfeeling. If one is without emotions, perhaps they can truly be free from烦恼.

48. Women’s methods of crying, making a scene, and threatening suicide only work on those who deeply love them. Only they will soften their hearts, feel pain, and be heartbroken. Those who do not love you will shed a tear of sympathy for your dead body, say “how pitiful,” and then continue their carefree lives.

49. It’s hard to say which is better, the moon or the stars. If you don’t just lament the loss of the moon, you might see the beautiful sight of countless stars in the sky! That’s a view no less beautiful than the moon!

50. Ruoxi, do you truly understand your own heart? With so many fears and concerns, constantly weighing the pros and cons, looking ahead and behind, might it prevent you from seeing your own heart clearly? - Prince Fourteen

51. Do you still resent me, hate me, or be annoyed and angry with me at this moment? Under the wisteria trellis, in the cold moonlight and gentle breeze, among the ink, paper, and brushes, there is no emperor or Fourth Prince in Ruoxi’s heart, only the one who has taken my soul, Yin Zhen!

52. When someone casually says “I want” these two words, they have already grasped the key to my heart; when he throws away his umbrella and accompanies me in the rain, enduring and suffering together, I have completely opened the door to him; when he protects me, facing the arrows with his back towards them, I will never forget him for the rest of my life. All the是非 that follows only means getting deeper and deeper involved.

53. When you reach the end of the water, sit and watch the clouds rise.

54. There can also be a relationship between men and women like that of Qiu Ran Ke and Hong Fu Nu. They care for and look after each other, not for romance, but for genuine feelings.

55、本欲起身离红尘,奈何影子落人间。 千年望等回身笑,只怨仙姑画中人。
55. I wanted to leave the mundane world, but my shadow fell into the world of mortals. After a thousand years of waiting and turning back to smile, I can only blame the fairy in the painting.

56. Once we have met, we come to know each other; yet it might be better not to meet at all. How I wish to break away from you, so that we won’t be tormented by longing for life and death.

57、在我心里,只剩下他和我, 他和我的一点一滴,一个笑容,一句讥讽,一声叹息, 我自私地把其他人全部忘记, 只留下他与我相关的一切,第一次没有任何人可以打扰他和我,第一次,我什么都不顾忌地,开始爱他。
57. In my heart, there is only him and me, our every moment, a smile, a taunt, a sigh. I selfishly forget everyone else, leaving only everything related to him and me. For the first time, no one can disturb him and me; for the first time, I love him without any reservations.

58. All the past events are like yesterday’s death! All the present events are like today’s rebirth!

59. I know the endings of everyone, but I alone do not know my own. Is this the ending that heaven has prepared for me?

60. Green Pearl, the courtesan who died for love by jumping off a building; Liang Hongyu, the courtesan who beat drums against the Jin army; Li Shishi, the courtesan who refused to serve the Jurchen and died by swallowing gold; Yuan Bao’er, the courtesan who died without regrets after singing a tragic song.

61. There is no one else who can make me smile with a light lift of their lips or make me want to take their place when they frown.

62. Under the wisteria trellis, in the cold moonlight and gentle breeze, among the ink, paper, and brushes, Ruoxi’s heart holds no emperor, no Fourth Brother, only the one who has taken my soul, Yin Zhen! Loving and longing without being together, fickle feelings become the burden of deep love, and my tender heart is shattered.

63. “I finally understand why you can’t let go of the Eighth Brother, why you warned him against me, why you accompanied him in prayer when he was punished by kneeling in front of the temple, and why you wanted to hurt me when I hurt him.”

64. From joy comes sorrow and fear; without joy, there is no sorrow or fear. From love comes sorrow and fear; without love, there is no sorrow or fear. Therefore, do not cling to love, for separation and love are the essence of suffering. Without love and hatred, there is no bondage.

65. It is not about romance, but about true feelings.

66. Even if it is ugly, it must be true.

67. If you don’t come to my world to find me, then I will go to your world to find you.

68. Life is a mixture of helplessness, nostalgia, pain, and joy. The cycle of cause and effect continues, and what is meant to come will eventually come. It is fate, not something that you or I, mere mortals, can change. Let it be, let it be…

69. He left me behind, and he also bid farewell to his old self. With a weary and indifferent gaze, he shut out the world that had once been in turmoil because of him and would continue to be in turmoil without him. He no longer cared about the opinions of others.

70. In my dream, I thought that holding you was just a dream.

71. Life is full of surprises and fears, and love is full of pain and sorrow.

72. Is it because of me that history is like this, or is it because of history that my story exists?

73. Are you annoyed or angry with me? Under the wisteria trellis, in the cold moonlight and gentle breeze, among the ink, paper, and brushes, Ruoxi’s heart holds no emperor, no Fourth Brother, only the one who has taken my soul, Yin Zhen! Loving and longing without being together, fickle feelings become the burden of deep love, and my tender heart is shattered. The red note on the wall is blurred with tears, and we meet again in the depths of the winding corridor, waiting for you every day. – Ruoxi’s last letter to the Fourth Brother

74. Life lasts but a few decades, yet it is filled with more sorrow than joy, and helplessness is the norm. The moon wanes after it is full, and things decline after they reach their peak. If one cannot go any higher, they must go downhill.

75. Therefore, do not cling to love, for separation and love are the essence of suffering. Without love and hatred, there is no bondage.

76. Since I don’t care about them at all, their actions have no meaning to me. Only those I love can hurt me!

77. Loving and longing without being together, fickle feelings become the burden of deep love, and my tender heart is shattered. The red note on the wall is blurred with tears, and we meet again in the depths of the winding corridor, waiting for you every day.

78. The red candle has tears, the painted screen is silent, the golden hairpin remains, but the fragrance of the soul fades away.

79. Should I hold on to the promise like an epilogue, clinging to the pillar until death? Don’t even mention that this matter involves others; even if it were just you and me, I would not want us to die together. I would rather we both live separately.

80. Life is like a dream, and time flies like a white cloud and a gray dog. Right or wrong, kindness or grudge, all eventually fade away silently under the sun and moon, and leave no trace like water. The only thing that is hard to let go is a trace of infatuation! When a person casually says “want”, he has already grasped the key to my heart; when he throws away his umbrella and stands with me in the rain, enduring and suffering, I have completely opened the door to him; when he protects me, facing the arrows with his back to me, I will never forget him in my lifetime. The是非 that follow are just a deeper entanglement.

81. When Ruoxi was at the laundry bureau, she said to the Fourth Master: “I just followed my heart, and there’s nothing I can do about it if that’s what it wants.”

82. I will keep my eyes wide open to search for it, and as long as that star belongs to me, I will not miss it.
Yi Shu’s Classic Quotes Collection

1. The biggest mistake people make in their daily lives is being too polite to strangers and too demanding of those close to them. If we can change this bad habit, the world will be at peace. ——Yi Shu

2. Human nature is so cold and thin, as long as there is something better to exchange, we will definitely be willing to let go. ——Yi Shu, “How Beautiful You Want to Be”

3. Perhaps when a person is truly helpless, all he can do is smile, and there’s no other choice. ——Yi Shu, “Famming and Rose”

4. When a man no longer loves a woman, everything she does is wrong, whether she cries or is silent, breathes or dies. ——Yi Shu, “The Death of Love”

5. Such deep love, yet so hard to speak. It turns out that if you truly love someone, your heart is so sour that you can’t speak out. Sweet words are mostly spoken to people who are irrelevant. ——Yi Shu, “Her Two or Three Things”

6. A truly elegant lady never shows off what she has, she doesn’t tell people what books she has read, where she has been, how many clothes she has, or what jewelry she has bought, because she has no feelings of inferiority. ——Yi Shu, “The Dance of the Round”

7. No matter what, it’s never worth forgiving a person who degrades himself on an excuse, the more unloved he is, the more he should love himself. ——Yi Shu, “Fragments of the Star”

8. Grievances that can be spoken out loud are not grievances; lovers who can be taken away are not lovers. ——Yi Shu, “Blooming to the Brink of Decline”

9. A mature person often finds that there are fewer and fewer people to blame, everyone has their own difficulties. ——Yi Shu, “We Are Not Angels”

10. Missing someone when you’re lonely is nothing, but if you miss them when you’re in a crowd, it’s different. ——Yi Shu

11. It’s good to be able to cry, as crying is a symbol of the beginning of healing. ——Yi Shu, “Absolutely a Dream”

12. What you lose was never truly yours, so there’s no need to feel sorry. ——Yi Shu, “The Story of the Rose”

13. In the journey of fate, everyone’s time on stage is predetermined, and when it’s time to leave, no matter how reluctant, you have to go. ——Yi Shu, “The Dance of the Round”

14. No matter what you do, remember to do it for yourself, and there will be no regrets. ——Yi Shu, “Golden Days”

15. To be a person, everything should be done quietly; come quietly, go quietly, work hard quietly, and harvest quietly, avoiding making a fuss. ——Yi Shu, “Until the Sea Dries Up and the Rocks Rot”

16. There’s no need to prove anything to those who are not worth it, living a better life is for yourself. ——Yi Shu, “Suddenly This Summer”

17. Love yourself, be composed, and then love others. - Yishu

18. Living in a colorful city, there’s no reason not to be a little vibrant. - Yishu

19. If you can’t do it, it’s your own business. When you dream at midnight, you can reminisce however you like, but in public and in private, I want you to pretend as if nothing has happened. You can do it, we all can, that’s how people survive. - Yishu “Sigh Bridge”

20. In a brief life of decades, the most important thing is to satisfy oneself, not to please others. - Yishu “A Beautiful New World”

21. If a girl is magnanimous and graceful to you, it means she doesn’t like you enough. - Yishu

22. People are masochistic; they don’t know the value of something until they lose it. - Yishu

23. Cherish today, strive for the future, forget the past, and if memories surface in the middle of the night, just turn over and go back to sleep. - Yishu “Cambrian”

24. I’ve known her for a lifetime, I just met her today. - Yishu “The Story of Rose”

25. You are the most intelligent and the most foolish woman. You are intelligent because you know everything, and foolish because you have to say everything. It’s okay to hide a little cunning in your heart, remember that. - Yishu “Tea Over”

26. After turning eighteen, who would laugh at a cloud, a gust of wind, a rose, or a murmur? They are all fake smiles from the toothpaste tube, squeezed out at the right time for use. - Yishu

27. No one leaves you suddenly. People’s hearts grow cold gradually, leaves turn yellow slowly, stories are written to their endings slowly, and love turns into不爱because of too much disappointment. - Yishu “If the Wall Could Talk”

28. If someone gives you a beautiful name, accept it. Why bother to pursue the truth? In the end, there are no pleasant words. - Yishu “Tea Over”

29. The reason we are not happy is that we don’t know how to stay quietly in a room and get along with ourselves peacefully. - Yishu

30. It’s impossible to rely on others in life and expect their respect at the same time. - Yishu “Pleasant Records”

31. I want a lot of love. If there’s no love, then a lot of money. If I don’t have either, health is good too. - Yishu “Crazy Rich”

32. One must be hurt before becoming silent and focused, whether it’s emotional or physical trauma, it’s beneficial for growth. - Yishu “Flower Language”

33. When someone asks you to leave, it’s better to leave happily rather than with resentment. There’s no everlasting feast in the world. Just follow the order respectfully and withdraw gladly, so as not to make people hate you. - Yishu

34. One must learn to get along with people different from themselves, otherwise, life would be so lonely. - Yishu “Waltz”

35. Emotions must be strictly controlled. If you indulge in self-pity, you will become more and more depressed. - Yishu

36. If someone throws money at you, kneel down and pick up each bill. It’s okay, when it comes to your livelihood, a little self-esteem doesn’t matter. - Yishu “Crazy Rich”

37. Among all the people in the world, how many can truly captivate others at first sight, and how many can truly stand out from the crowd? In fact, being an ordinary person is the most joyful. Without extravagant hopes, just go with the flow and enjoy the present moment.

38. So, all the dizziness and confusion, and promises of eternal love, will fade away without encouragement. Who would love someone for free for a lifetime? — Yishu, “The Dancer”

39. I like to learn from people who have no knowledge but are smart. Their methods may be unreasonable, primitive, and embarrassing, but they often work. Educated women focus on manners in everything, and even lose their only weapon, leaving themselves at the mercy of society. — Yishu, “Yu Li Hun”

40. When a person is extremely disheartened, they often become more active. — Yishu, “Blooming to the Brink of Decline”

41. If you like it so much and have already obtained it, who cares whether it’s true or false? — Yishu

42. It’s very lonely. How can one dance the tango alone? Who takes photos with you during the journey? Having a partner makes life easier. When you’re tired, he carries you, and when he’s tired, you carry him. Just talk and entertain each other, and time will pass more easily. Deceiving someone takes a lot of effort; if you don’t care about her, how can you be willing to deceive her? So, if someone tries hard to deceive you in the future, never expose their lies. — Yishu, “Suddenly This Summer”

43. What truly matters for a man is his demeanor and knowledge. — Yishu, “People as Faint as Chrysanthemums”

44. The scenery is so beautiful, and we still have a long life ahead of us. The road may be a bit winding, but what does it matter? We will eventually reach Rome. — Yishu

45. The strangest kind of people in the world are friends. When you gain a little fame and fortune, friends come from all around; when you cough, they all disappear. It’s better to let things take their course and not spend too much energy pursuing friendships. Self-reliance is valuable. — Yishu, “Cambrian”

46. In a race against time, we will always be the losers. The only way to honorably lose is to do more things. — Yishu

47. There’s no need to look back; moving forward will always lead to new encounters. — Yishu, “The Story of the Lu Family”

48. Cry alone, but the whole world will laugh with you. — Yishu, “The Death of Love”

49. If someone says they love me, I won’t be happier unless their love can be realized. If someone says they hate me, I won’t worry; the sun will still rise tomorrow, and those who hate me can eat their own hearts. Who cares? — Yishu, “The Story of the Lu Family”

50. Change because you want to, not for anyone else. The only fear is that the person might disappoint you, and you’ll have to return to your old self. — Yishu, “Not Easy to Live”

51. The lowest kind of man talks about women’s gossip. — Yishu, “The Dancer”

52. That rare kind of friend: when I succeed, she doesn’t feel jealous; when I’m down, she doesn’t look down on me. To have one confidant in life is enough. — Yishu, “流金岁月” (Golden Years)

53. Being friends is as simple as being friends. I hate it when people try to find out my secrets. If you think our friendship is worth it, let’s shake hands and be happy. If not, go find someone else, but don’t try to pry into my secrets. My secrets belong to the darkness. — Yishu, “The Dancer”

54. One really needs to strive for oneself. Once you achieve something, the whole world will treat you with a smile. — Yishu, “The Language of Flowers”

55. The power of words is limited, and many feelings cannot be described in words. If you can still express something like heartbreak, then you are not too sad. —— Yee Shu, “Cicada”

56. True love belongs to you and will not make you suffer. A person who loves you will not make you feel uncertain. Some people win the jackpot with a single ticket, and others become famous by writing a book. If it feels hard, it is forced. True love brings joy; if it feels painful, something must be wrong, and it should be ended promptly and started over. —— Yee Shu, “I Love, I Don’t Love”

57. I am a great person; why should I go to someone else’s life and be an interlude? —— Yee Shu

58. One person’s honey is another person’s poison. —— Yee Shu, “Mandarin”

59. In this world, only a fool would say that money is useless. —— Yee Shu, “Crazy Rich”

60. I should indeed feel sad, but I don’t have the time. —— Yee Shu, “City Stories”

61. Working hard and ignoring gossip is a kind of pride, not a retreat. —— Yee Shu, “Cambrian Period”

62. If your sweetheart comes, just let me go; I don’t mind. If you have time after work, shopping, and meeting your lover, then see me. —— Yee Shu, “People Faint Like Chrysanthemums”

63. I don’t mind selling my youth. It will pass anyway, even if I don’t sell it. —— Yee Shu, “Crazy Rich”

64. She caught up and asked, “What should I do if my husband changes his mind?” Nuoqin replied irritably, “Kill him, eat his flesh, and bury his bones in the backyard.” The other party timidly asked, “Is there a better method?” “Yes, let him go, say goodbye, and then live a revitalized life.” —— Yee Shu

65. Life is never fair; you must do your best with what you have and strive to live on. —— Yee Shu, “We Are Not Angels”

66. Be neither arrogant nor conceited; work hard and study well to be a good woman. —— Yee Shu

67. If a person cannot leave, it is because they do not want to; if someone misses an appointment, it is because they do not want to attend. All excuses are nonsense, used to cover up their unwillingness to sacrifice. —— Yee Shu, “One Thousand and One Wonderful Methods”

68. Books are great because no matter how absent-minded or sullen you are, as long as you pass the exam, you are a qualified person. Try being sullen in society and see. This is a society that sells laughter. Unless you can find a noble profession, and noble professions require noble academic support, which in turn requires money, it always comes back to that. —— Yee Shu, “Crazy Rich”

69. If you are willing, even suffering can be joyful. —— Yee Shu, “Cambrian Period”

70. Such love, dragging on for one day, is a mistake for a day; loving once makes a person feel decades older. —— Yee Shu, “Love Like This Drags On for a Day, It’s a Mistake for a Day”

71. The best dowry for a girl is a diploma from a prestigious school. Don’t rely on it for a living, or it will still be a life of hardship. Bring it with you when you marry, and your in-laws will not dare to bully a well-educated daughter-in-law. —— Yee Shu, “Crazy Rich”

72. A person who can be happy for a few years is already fortunate, for there are no eternal feasts, everlasting businesses, or millennia-long happiness in this world. —— Yee Shu, “The Pumpkin Eater”

73. It is valuable to know oneself; otherwise, it is difficult to find a confidant. —— Yee Shu, “Cambrian Period”

74. All that I have, they can see; what I don’t have, they don’t know. —— Yee Shu, “Waltz”

75. Don’t chew on embarrassing things and savor their taste. Women with old skin and flesh are the most terrifying. —— Yishu “Blooming Caltrop”

76. Doctors say there are two types of patients in the world: one wants to recover, and the other doesn’t. Those who strive to get better may not succeed, but those who give up will surely get what they wish for. —— Yishu

77. True heartbreak goes through three stages. The first stage, of course, is the loss of self-esteem and unbearable pain. Hearing his name will make you jump. The second stage is to pretend to forget and avoid mentioning the sad things, but the heart still aches faintly. In the final stage, his name is like that of a passerby, just a name with no special meaning at all. —— Yishu “The Mirror Flower Connection”

78. Apologizing, people do as they please, thinking that a simple “I’m sorry” can offset everything. —— Yishu “Waltz”

79. There is no need to be disappointed in the whole world. Within a hundred steps, there must be fragrant grass. —— Yishu “The Language of Flowers”

80. Marriage has nothing to do with love. People always think that love will naturally lead to marriage when it matures, but they don’t know that marriage is just a way of life. Everyone can get married, and it’s very simple. Love, on the other hand, is a completely different matter. —— Yishu “My First Half of Life”

81. Really, as long as you are willing to let go, you can regain freedom. —— Yishu “Suddenly This Summer”

82. At the right time and place, he is the right person. That’s all. —— Yishu “Cinderella”

83. I’ve really faced him, and I should just glance at him indifferently, then walk away as if nothing happened, pretending not to know him. I’ve been practicing this reaction for seven years, but why can’t I use it at all when things get critical? It’s so pathetic. —— Yishu “Blooming Caltrop”

84. Disappointment, perhaps, but don’t be afraid. Life is full of disappointments. —— Yishu “Waltz”

85. Ten years of hard study, ten years of hard work, and a hundred percent luck are needed to have a career. Don’t think things are too easy. Most people can only have a job to make a living, working hard for a lifetime. How many people dare to say that their work is a career? —— Yishu “Waltz”

86. If you really want to do something, even if there are many obstacles, you will try every means to accomplish it. But if you don’t really want to complete something, even if the road ahead is smooth, you will find every reason to stop yourself from moving forward. —— Yishu “Not an Excuse”

87. Children from good families are mostly naive to an extreme. —— Yishu “Cinderella”

88. Successful people usually have high aspirations but are not arrogant; knowledgeable people try to get rid of arrogance; only the ignorant think that arrogance is some special quality. —— Yishu “Cambrian”

89. I’ve also figured it out. Marriage is fundamentally just that. No matter how sensational the love is, after three or five years, it will dissipate. After work, everyone turns on the TV and watches long TV series together. That’s life. —— Yishu “Single Woman”

90. If a person truly likes another person, fear comes with love, and everything becomes a matter of gain and loss. —— Yishu “Red Dust”

91. It’s really hard for you to cooperate with such a bad-tempered senior. She is famous for being domineering, selfish, and hating men. If she were a man, people would say that this senior is clear about public and private matters, has a rigorous work attitude, and also, keeps away from women. —— Yishu “These Hands Though Small”

92. “For her, I offended my father, lost his favor, and lived far away from the Garden of Eden in the east. I did it for her…” Yuan Zhi’s tone was still gentle, “But also for yourself, people often forget at crucial moments that they sometimes do it for their own sake.” - Yi Shu, “Microcosm”

93. To be a woman, be like a painting, not a piece of clothing, tried on by men over and over, yet no one buys it. When it becomes worn and old, even at a 50% discount, it’s hard to sell. - Yi Shu, “Crazy Rich”

94. An injured beast finds a hidden place to lick its wounds, and after a while, it gets through it. However, if a sincere person comes to show concern, insisting on seeing whether you can be saved or not, with a heartache and a moment of weakness, if one cannot muster the strength, it is possible to truly rest and return to the Lord. — Yishu “Rouge”

95. Lucky ones become pigs, unlucky ones become humans. I am a lucky unlucky one; at least I sleep like a pig. — Yishu “If Heaven Has Feelings”

96. Everyone’s emotions of joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness are exactly the same, only the level of self-restraint is different. — Yishu “The Language of Flowers”

97. I am so lonely, I am lonely to the point where I hope someone can accompany me 24 hours a day, tell me the things I like to hear, do the things I love to do with me, and love and tolerate me endlessly without stopping. Until this wish is fulfilled, I will remain haggard and pale. —— Yishu

98. Everyone graduates from the school of life, overcoming obstacles, striving to improve, moving forward one step at a time. When we fall, we can’t avoid a good cry; when we’re tired, we might think that tomorrow had better not come. But after going through so much, our mindset remains optimistic, and we begin to understand that what we have is the best, and as for what we can’t get, forget about it. — Yishu “Cambrian”

99. Xi Bao said, “I have always hoped to receive a lot of love. If there is no love, a lot of money is also good. If I don’t have either, I still have my health. I am not actually destitute.” — Yishu “Xi Bao”

100. I can’t stand this type of woman the most; they have no thoughts at all, only a nervous system, a face and body full of horizontal lines, yet they are often extremely self-centered, with a voice that goes lala la, echoing through the skies. Based on their inferiority complex, they hope to attract everyone’s ears, often not stopping until they shock people with their words, saying anything and everything. —— Yishu “She is Lonelier than Fireworks”

101. The common fault of men is that they turn their backs on people, so men who are long-term loving are especially adorable. —— Yishu “She is Lonelier than Fireworks”

102. Anyway, I never planned to treat him wholeheartedly. It’s good enough to do half the job. By lowering expectations, there will be less disappointment. I would rather let others down than be let down by others. Having such high hopes for a spouse is just too naive and childish. - Yishu

103. When I am forty years old, with good health, some savings, a caring husband, obedient children, and a job I truly enjoy, that is success. There is no need for fame or fortune. - Yishu, “The Edge of the Earth”

104. In any profession, one must perform well in their position, be popular, not be arrogant, not be late or leave early, be dedicated and passionate about their work, and have food and clothing. That is the true master. — Yishu “Cambrian”

105. Living together with another person is not just an art; it is like building the Great Wall of China, a difficult and arduous project. — Yishu “The Story of Rose”

106. When young, one always wants to prove this and that, left and right, the eternal conclusion being that others are wrong and oneself is right. If someone is ambitious, it’s because they climb like a dog; if someone indulges in pleasure, they are corrupt and decadent, always complacent. — Yishu, “The Dance Round”

107. When dating in the past, the phone was placed by the bedside, and the words spoken in a drowsy state during midnight calls were all sincere, because lying requires high concentration. — Yishu, “Crazy Rich Asians”

108. If one cannot be financially independent, there’s no need to discuss anything. Relying on others for clothing, food, shelter, and transportation, yet claiming not to want to be an accessory, is the ultimate sorrow. — Yishu, “Cambrian Period”

109. The worse your luck, the more you need to stay calm and silently cheer up, endure it quietly, and avoid causing trouble, making jokes, and leaving trouble behind. — Yishu

110. There’s no need to lose oneself for the sake of accommodating others, nor to offend anyone for the sake of maintaining one’s identity. It’s good to be a person on their own. — Yishu, “Cambrian Period”

111. Only those who don’t worry about clothing and food have the qualifications to complain about their fate with time on their hands. — Yishu, “Crazy Rich Asians”

112. Forget it, if you have expectations, you deserve disappointment. — Yishu, “The Language of Flowers”

113. Someone once said, those who bully others never remember, but the bullied ones remember it forever. — Yishu, “The Dance Round”

114. It’s never forgivable to be troubled by emotions, as love is a luxury, and some people never experience it in their lives. Love is like a vase of flowers, unable to maintain eternal life. — Yishu, “City Stories”

115. My luck is not good, meeting someone great at the beginning makes it difficult for later, as it’s hard to appreciate anyone else afterwards. — Yishu, “A Piece of Cloud”

116. In a lifetime, one doesn’t know how many struggles they will face: striving for success is considered overestimating oneself, being meticulous becomes too calculating, protecting oneself is seen as selfish, it seems that everything one does is wrong, and being oppressed to the corner is simply because no one supports you. — Yishu, “Black Sheep”

117. What’s the purpose of reading so many books? It’s to maintain a little self-esteem in crucial moments with willpower: if someone doesn’t love us, we can stand up and leave without unnecessary entanglement. — Yishu, “Kiss All the Girls”

118. To surpass one’s environment and background, progress is not enough; one must evolve. Such a great task cannot be achieved by everyone. — Yishu, “The Wind Blows Full”

119. When adults act like children, children have to grow up quickly. — Yishu, “The Dance Round”

120. How annoying the formalities are, how I wish to remain a child, able to grab anything I want. — Yishu, “Crazy Rich Asians”

121. Being good enough is not enough, as others may do better, and those slightly inferior will be eliminated. It’s only natural. — Yishu, “Cambrian Period”

122. The more panicked they are by my existence, the more secure my position becomes. — Yishu, “Crazy Rich Asians”

123. When people talk about others, they always have a lot of reasons, like a lamp that illuminates others but not themselves. — Yishu

124. In the business world, it’s either you die or I die. Every day, many people fall, and it’s only because their skills are not refined. The courageous can start over, while the timid should leave the arena. — Yishu, “Blooms at Dusk”

125. When you love someone, you always think they are clumsy and need to be taken care of everywhere; when you don’t like someone, you are sure they are smart and cunning, taking advantage of every situation without worrying others. — Yishu

126. “In fact, once everything is broken, it cannot be made up for.” “Especially feelings.” - Yishu, “Red Dust”

127. People love some people, but marry and have children with others. - Yishu, “Cambrian Period”

128. “You probably misunderstand that a university diploma is the key to the world, opening the door to a smooth life. This is not correct. The purpose of studying is to improve knowledge and broaden one’s mind. All the troubles in life will follow you forever, but knowledge and cultivation can make a person more rational and calm in analyzing and dealing with these problems.” - Yishu, “Flowers Always Beautiful, Moon Always Round, People Long-lasting”

129. If you want to live a happy life, you must first step on yourself like a carpet, otherwise, someone will come to do it for you, to挫 your spirit. It’s better to do it yourself than wait for others. In short, by ruining yourself and making yourself worthless, others will feel relieved and no longer jealous. - Yishu, “My First Half of Life”

130. The trauma will eventually fade, but the years have passed, youth is gone, and you will be lonely. - Yishu, “How to Say Goodbye”

131. Feeding each other is indeed an animal instinct. When pursuing the opposite sex, they offer food - the most precious resource for survival - to show their sincerity. Humans still have ancient habit factors in their bodies. Next time you see an adult couple sharing an ice cream, don’t be too surprised. - Yishu, “The World Changes for Your Smile”

132. A woman eventually has to get married and have children. If I indulge her, I would be harming her. A tree may grow tall, but its leaves will always return to its roots. In the future, she will understand that a chimpanzee cannot accompany her for life. I am doing this for her own good, to spare her from a lonely and miserable old age. - Yishu, “Her Two or Three Things”

133. “I could have funded you to open a law firm, which would have been easy for me. With your talent and my wealth, nothing would have been difficult. You didn’t expect that, did you? Now it’s all over. Because you asked too many questions and contributed too little.” - Yishu, “Crazy Rich”

134. Yishu said, a woman looking up at the sky is not searching for anything; she is just lonely. - Yishu

135. Jing smiled, “Not every woman is as willful as you.” “Love is love.” I always felt that this Malaysian woman just wanted to find a husband. As for me, when I fall in love with a man, I don’t care what he does or how much he earns. Love is love. - Yishu, “Michelle”

136. You can tell others and ask them to write it down. There is no such thing as “I tell you, don’t tell others.” Once one person knows, everyone knows. I absolutely won’t take that risk. - Yishu, “She is Lonelier Than Fireworks”

137. Since I was seventeen, I knew that Suosuo would always be someone who loves me. - Yishu, “Golden Years”

138. Happiness needs to be sought after; there are very few people who are born happy. - Yishu, “Golden Years”

139. Regarding any way of life as a means of escape will inevitably lead to disappointment. - Yishu, “Cambrian Period”

140. Zhao Yuanxi listened and almost felt heartache. He leaned against the wall and raised his head, not expecting that his battle-hardened heart could still be so sensitive. It hadn’t grown calluses yet. He felt surprised, ridiculous, and absurd. He laughed, laughing at himself, and tears fell as he laughed. - Yishu, “Ashura”

141. He is so good at this: when you see him, your heart doesn’t race; when you don’t see him, your heart doesn’t ache. No matter whether he is in front of you or not, he gives a sense of warmth. ——Yi Shu, “Suddenly This Summer”

142. All housewives are political masters, dealing with in-laws above and children below, and having to please their partners, using both soft and hard tactics to maintain balance. They have their own insights into the use of time and money, otherwise they cannot cope with daily life. ——Yi Shu, “Such Love, Dragging On for a Day Is a Day Wrong”

143. There is no such thing as a free lunch; for anything, there is always a price to pay. So happy, do you know the entrance fee is not cheap? ——Yi Shu, “Flowers Interpreting Language”

144. I hope to marry a nuclear physicist, yes. But he must be Chinese, tall, thin, and handsome, a professor, driving a Ferrari Bina Lyntai Baosa, wearing a platinum Konstantino watch, wearing Swiss Bally shoes, living in a detached house in London’s Shelley area, and reading Dream of the Red Chamber in his spare time. ——Yi Shu, “Yi Shu Short Stories Collection”

145. He and she are both ordinary people; if there is really a major event, he cannot save her, and she is unable to carry him. However, this is still a time of peace, and she just wants to take a good bath after a busy day, sit on the sofa, and chat with him casually about daily life. Without passionate love, there are no good things about passionate love. ——Yi Shu, “Worldly Dust”

146. “How did you get an unexpected vacation?” “The director found that his Lu Xiaoman’s entire forehead was injected with botox, causing muscle paralysis and stiffness, making her unable to express emotions. He was furious and ordered her to find a cure in London, or she would be fired and replaced.” I’ve never heard anything so funny: Lu Xiaoman with botox! She laughed until she bent over. ——Yi Shu, “The World Exchanges a Smile for You”

147. “Do you hit or scold people when you’re drunk?” Cheng Zhen calmly replied, “I save all that for when I’m sober.” ——Yi Shu, “Absolutely a Dream”

148. “Don’t you know that social customs have changed? Nowadays, women can openly have many pasts and histories, and no one will mind. Even if they do, what can they do? I’m not waiting for anyone to promote me, nor do I hope anyone will treat me like a domestic animal at home.” I laughed out loud, with a bitter heart. ——Yi Shu, “Blooming to the Brink”

149. You and I are already old and faded. Once past the age of eighteen or twenty-two, naturally, we lose our youthful charm. ——Yi Shu, “Pleasures of the Heart”

150. She suddenly burst into tears, realizing that it had been too long, against nature, and it was indeed time to get married. Originally, she wanted to marry for love, but today, the standard has been lowered; as long as she doesn’t marry for money, it’s already good. ——Yi Shu, “The One Who Eats Pumpkins”

151. So that old lady still often tells me and teaches me: background and upbringing are really insurmountable things, alas. Don’t underestimate them. Love will fade. When it fades, these things will be exposed. ——Yi Shu

152. But I am a person, a woman. You can’t buy a woman who is not a prostitute so quickly. In the end, I may sell myself, but not so soon. That’s the difference between people and things. ——Yi Shu, “Cinderella”

153. Over the years, has your value system changed? It must have, otherwise, how could you survive? It must be revised year by year, and after ten or twenty years, it may be completely different from the starting point, changing direction entirely. However, deep down, there is still some persistence, which is the so-called principle. ——Yi Shu, “Change”

154. Seeking benevolence and gaining it is true happiness; everyone has different pursuits, and each finds their own way. — Yishu, “Her Two or Three Things”

155. Wen Chang served her a bowl of millet porridge to drink. She whispered, “Ah Chang, I didn’t expect you to be so caring, calm in emergencies, and clear in distinguishing right from wrong.” Wen Chang chuckled, “Everyone is like this when they come out to work.” — Yishu, “Painted Skin”

156. It is an unattainable luxury, but the sincerity at this moment has moved Cheng Huan herself. — Yishu, “Chronicles of Cheng Huan”

157. Advancing and retreating together is a secret of the martial world for adults. The so-called enemy retreats, we advance; enemy advances, we retreat. One must practice these skills well, otherwise, not knowing when to advance or retreat, and not knowing when to give up when facing difficulties, will lead to becoming an ugly person, never to recover. — Yishu, “This Moment and That Moment”

158. Longing for a chance encounter, in extremely impossible situations, he sees me, I see him, our hearts beating fast, palms sweating, knowing that the end is near… How wonderful, even if there is pain in the future, it will be worth it. — Yishu, “The Dance Round”

159. Because she knows too well that she is in happiness, it is very desolate, always with an unbelievable feeling, not believing in her own luck. — Yishu

160. However, think deeper, how many healthy people are truly happy? It seems you don’t have to worry too much. — Yishu, “The Tide Player”

161. “Knowing when to retreat is not necessarily a bad thing.” “But I’ve already invested so much…” “Life has gains and losses, we get some things and lose some things.” — Yishu, “Be as Beautiful as You Want to Be”

162. I always think that the best time is always now. Many friends indulge in their youth, and I think they must have had a very brilliant girlhood. — Yishu, “This Moment and That Moment”

163. Time flies faster than money, like water flowing away. — Yishu, “If Susie Falls”

164. There is a small voice beside her: What about the future, what will happen then? Zhou Fu is annoyed and says to the voice: Go away, who knows what will happen tomorrow, maybe the whole universe will be blown to pieces tomorrow. — Yishu, “The World for Your Smile”

165. “Are you easygoing in dealing with others?” “It goes through several stages. As a teenager, I would never compromise on anything, fighting against authority to the end. When I reached middle age, I realized that society has been quite kind to me, my temper gradually faded, and I started to think about giving back and became calm and peaceful.” — Yishu, “If Susie Falls”

166. But beneath this surface, Zhou Chengyu is a person who lacks security and is extremely sad. — Yishu, “The Dance Round”

167. But one can imagine that eventually, there will be a female patient who will become tired of Dr. Xin’s ambiguous and unclear methods, become hysterical, and commit harmful acts. — Yishu, “A Little Old and A Little New”

168. Every time I turn my head, he is always there, attentive in every way. — Yishu, “Crazy Rich Asians”

169. Children fear their mothers’ devoted waiting for a phone call, and men fear their wives waiting at the door at night; both are sources of pressure. — Yishu, “These Hands Though Small”

170. Every day is a struggle to get through, getting up every morning and looking at the pale sky, feeling as if on the edge of the spirit world. But time will always pass, and he finally appears. — Yishu, “The Dance Round”

171. You know, those who can write will write, and those who can’t review. People who write poorly will eventually become reviewers, while those who write well will keep writing for a lifetime. — Yishu, “Two Women”

172. “This is a good lesson, never offend women,” Fu Yu Chen helplessly twitched his lips, “Last time, I was indeed a bit excessive, taking advantage of her frustration to make her lose face. Women are too resourceful, they can quickly turn things around and make their enemies unable to bear it.” —— Yìshū “The Dance Round”

173. Young people often do things for the sake of having something to do, without considering the rewards, gaining experience, and doing their best. Most young people are very lovely. —— Yìshū “Her Two or Three Things”

174. The biggest advantage of studying abroad is not the pursuit of knowledge, but for me, it’s a great opportunity to legitimately develop all sorts of bad habits during this time. —— Yìshū “The Dance Round”

175. Is it feasible to be greedy for novelty and reject the old? Is retribution the consequence of one’s unbridled misdeeds? —— Yìshū “Kiss All the Girls”

176. “Is it common for actors to have fake emotions but real feelings?” “The plot is touching, the director demands dedication, and everyone spends months together, day and night. What do you think?” —— Yìshū “In Exchange for Your Smile”

177. I’ve spent more on tuition for clothing than you’ve paid in rent. A piece of clothing won’t increase a person’s age, just as a bottle of lotion won’t restore youth. Also, an eight-year-old girl learning ballet won’t become old because of a bun hairstyle. —— Yìshū “The Pumpkin Eater”

178. If in doubt, wear a white shirt with jeans. —— Yìshū “Seeking Him in the Crowd”

179. Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher’s middle name is Hilda. Her political opponents, who didn’t like her, would privately call her Hilda, a more middle-class name with malicious intent. In the end, the biography and history belong to Hilda: the middle-class daughter who raised twins while studying law, and eventually became the first female prime minister of Great Britain. —— Yìshū “One Time, Another Time”

180. “What I do is just what I must do. What does it have to do with happiness?” He sighed, “In fact, what does everything in the world have to do with happiness?” —— Yìshū “The Dance Round”

181. Behind every woman, there is a man; behind every man, there is a woman. What’s so strange about that? —— Yìshū “Blooming to the Bitter End”

182. It’s not that I don’t like Japan, but I won’t be infatuated with it. The people of this country are so crazy about other people’s cultures, which is a big discount. Such a lack of confidence, how can they win people’s hearts? —— Yìshū “The Dance Round”

183. I deeply believe that if a person can enjoy the joy that is rightfully theirs in a short period of time, it is already enough, and there is no need for unnecessary demands. —— Yìshū “The Little Universe”

184. People’s destinies are different and full of changes, and women’s destinies are even more colorful and unpredictable. —— Yìshū “The Dance Round”

185. Vincent wanted to talk to Zhou Fu: “Tell them to travel separately. No matter what, the two of them must not take the same flight. Thousands of journalists are waiting for them to fall into their trap.” —— Yìshū “In Exchange for Your Smile”

186. If she gets married all of a sudden, it would definitely deprive her of the time to be with her parents. She needs more time to bond with them and is not in a hurry to become someone’s mother. —— Yìshū “The Joy of Being Cherished”

187. My tense face relaxed a bit, no one would believe that my mother was once young. When I grow old, at her age, will people be surprised too: “Oh! Who is this person, so loud and astonishing?” —— Yìshū “The Dance Round”

188. A young girl of only eighteen, how bad could she be? If you adore her, you hold her up to the sky; if you despise her, she becomes mud beneath your feet. — Yee Shu, “Rouge”

189. “But what do I have? I came to society with empty hands. If I don’t step on others, they will step on me. One must look out for oneself, or suffer the consequences. I’d rather have him die than myself, so even though Jiang Xibao is not as smart and lovely as Xu Fonghui, of course!” — Yee Shu, “Xibao”

190. With a snow-white oval face, crystal-clear big eyes, red lips, and thick black hair, she seemed to represent everything in the world that has not yet been tainted, the ideals that adults have not yet achieved, making Yuan Yuefei, who had suffered from a miserable life, yearn for and爱慕 her uncontrollably. — Yee Shu, “The Pumpkin Eater”

191. I don’t mean to despise art. But art is too standardized, completely subjective. — Yee Shu, “Chance Encounter”

192. Things you don’t know won’t hurt you. — Yee Shu, “Real Men Don’t Cry”

193. It’s not about being old, but rather gaining wisdom and different values year after year. Many things you may disdain to do, and thus lose many joys. When you truly grow old, you’ll have no memories at all. — Yee Shu, “Pleasant Record”

194. Time is too short for anyone to waste in the bushes. — Yee Shu, “Xibao”

195. There are no possessions that can’t be let go, and everyone can live without anyone else. Yes, in theory and practice, it’s often a different story. — Yee Shu

196. Fate’s arrangements are airtight. — Yee Shu, “Xibao”

197. One’s nature may not change, but perspectives, preferences, habits, and tastes all mature with time. Staying in one place and not growing up is extremely可怕的. — Yee Shu

198. We’re fine, we don’t need your praise; if we fall, we don’t need your sympathy. — Yee Shu

199. They may not necessarily covet her money, but they are not happy to date a poor girl. — Yee Shu, “Red Dust”

200. There are so many significant events happening in the world, such as natural disasters, accidents, and wars. These are the events that capture people’s attention, so everyone won’t care too much about what we do or whether we achieve a hundred percent. The opinions of idlers are worth nothing. — Yee Shu

201. You move forward, encountering whatever comes your way. One person, one thing, is your entire life, entangled and intertwined with love and hate. We have many choices, and if something is not right, we can turn back and start over. — Yee Shu, “Red Dust”

202. Dealing with the world can be summed up in two ways: unchanging and ever-changing. — Yee Shu, “Unchanging”

203. “You insist that love must involve suffering, right?” Zheng Yin replied, “I firmly believe that no matter what you pursue, there is a heavy price to pay.” — Yee Shu, “At the Back of the Light”

204. Like a magnet, her hand was drawn to him, tightly held by him. Qing Liu trembled all over as he pulled her towards him, and she threw herself into his arms. He skillfully leaned down and kissed her lips. — Yee Shu, “The Unbridled Wind”

205. I focused my attention on a 20-day European tour, rainflower stones, crystal bottles in the Elen寇秀 store, and so on. These beautiful materials can bring a little happiness, and a little happiness is better than no happiness at all. — Yee Shu, “Single Woman”

206. Anything denied by the parties involved is considered a rumor. — Yee Shu, “The End”

207. Perhaps I finally realized that the one who has been hurting me all along is him. When I woke up, there was a sharp pain in my heart, making it hard to breathe, but I endured it. ——Yi Shu, “The End”

208. Americans are as stupid as donkeys, as dull as oxen, as cunning as foxes, and as fierce as tigers. ——Yi Shu, “The Pumpkin Eater”

209. Things often turn out this way: even if you are willing to become a poor horse, there may not be any return grass waiting for you. ——Yi Shu, “My First Half of Life”

210. While wealth allows women to stand tall, it cannot save them from loneliness. ——Yi Shu, “The Unbridled Wind”

211. There must be many girls in school who are looking for meal tickets, with sharp eyes and superb skills, capturing their prey from their first salary to their retirement. You don’t have to learn from them, but don’t be too naive either. ——Yi Shu, “The Lie”

212. I didn’t know whether to be angry or amused, but in the end, I decided to laugh. ——Yi Shu, “My First Half of Life”

213. The right time is fate. ——Yi Shu, “With or Without You”

214. You are still young, and your heartache will heal. We only stay in this world for a short time, so don’t waste it. ——Yi Shu, “The End of the Earth”

215. I am self-reliant and self-sufficient, doing my best for life. I don’t need to make excuses, explain, or ask for anyone’s forgiveness. ——Yi Shu, “Once Upon a Time, There Was a Butterfly”

216. Having a job gives a person a sense of purpose, making life easier. ——Yi Shu, “Red Dust”

217. We have so much to do that we don’t have time to wait idly for others to bestow happiness upon us. We should actively strive for happiness as much as possible. ——Yi Shu, “Red Dust”

218. Poverty is a state of mind. If you insist on seeing yourself as poor for a lifetime, even a large amount of money cannot save you. ——Yi Shu, “The Music Next Door”

219. People have the right to change their minds, but the changed heart should also consider the feelings and situation of the other party. ——Yi Shu, “Cambrian”

220. When I die, I hope my husband and children are by my side, and I hope someone will fight for my inheritance. I hope that my trivial gemstone rings will be cherished by my granddaughter, claiming they were left to her by her grandmother. ——Yi Shu, “She is Lonelier Than Fireworks”

221. The best way to deal with anything is to pretend not to hear it. Sorry, my luck is high, and I don’t listen to ghosts. ——Yi Shu, “Waltz”

222. Nothing or no one is important enough to require you to stay up past midnight thinking about it. What you think about at 3:30 in the morning is too different from what you think about at 8:00 in the morning. ——Yi Shu

223. Most beautiful and wealthy girls like to find a companion with slightly inferior conditions to set off their own preciousness. ——Yi Shu, “Cinderella”

224. Nowadays, who would take care of someone for a lifetime? It’s such a heavy burden. So one must be independent. ——Yi Shu, “Not Easy to Live In”

225. Should we laugh and go to hell when the world collapses and we are powerless to save it? ——Yi Shu, “Blooming to the Bitter End”

226. No need to apologize, it’s only natural for the poor to be suspected. ——Yi Shu, “Cinderella”

227. Perhaps the most tormenting thing for people is not a fierce war, but the trivialities of daily life. — Yishu

228. If you have dissatisfaction, overcome it; if you can’t do it for now, avoid it, start anew, without complaining, cursing, or envying others. - Yishu “Cambrian”

229. Prefer to be hated than to be despised. - Yishu “She is More Lonely than Fireworks”

230. Beautiful companions like flowers cannot withstand the passage of time like flowing water. - Yishu “Hyacinth”

231. The sky is already bright, the night has passed so quickly. Just a few hours ago, we turned off the lights and closed our eyes, and now it’s already turning fish-belly white. Where has the time gone? - Yishu “Waltz”

232. “Where a person spends their time is visible.” — Yishu, “She is More Lonely Than Fireworks”

233. “Fuyi, don’t take gains and losses too seriously.” “One can say that only because he has never lost what he loves the most.” — Yishu, “Your Pure Heart”

234. “Only by being able to do what others cannot can one’s position be secure.” — Yishu, “Cambrian Period”

235. The science of interpersonal relationships never has a day of graduation. Every day is like being thrown into sand and stones, slowly grinding away. The precious experience gained after skin is broken and blood is shed is what people generally refer to as tact. - Yishu, “The First Half of My Life”

236. Things must decay first before insects can be born. Do you really believe in the existence of a broken mirror being made whole again? - Yishu, “The Story of Rose”

237. To achieve success in one’s career, one must first excel in learning. Without knowledge, how can one cultivate personal qualities and wisdom? If you truly wish to make a significant impact, start now and be prepared to invest twenty years of hard work, and there is still hope. — Yishu “The Dancer”

238. A capable man is truly admirable, like a towering tree providing shade for us, women and children. Under its shelter, we can enjoy the cool breeze, play games, and not worry about anything. How delightful! — Yishu

239. Those who succeed in the arts exude a certain charm in their every gesture, commonly known as charisma. — Yishu “Suddenly This Summer”

240. I am not moved; I would have been years ago, but not now. Many people in the world are good at acting. They act, and I watch the drama. Sometimes the audience is very involved in the plot, but that’s as far as it goes. —— Yishu “Chabi”

241. Truly intelligent people listen to all directions and observe all sides. Before such a situation occurs, they already clasp their fists and bow, with thirty-six strategies, running away being the best one. —— Yishu “Cambrian”

242. Men always like women with long hair, a primitive, unconscious preference, because long hair is entangling and disadvantageous to women, making them appear weak, which pleases them. — Yishu “Blooming to the Full”

243. This may be the best days of my life; you never know when misfortune will come, so don’t hope for tomorrow, seize today, and enjoy it before speaking. — Yishu “The Dance Round”

244. Reality is cruel; despite the open social atmosphere, people speak one way but think another. —— Yishu “The People Who Eat Pumpkins”

245. All women are worthy of compassion; we should treat them kindly, protect them, and leave the best clothes and food for them. —— Yishu “Kiss All Girls”

246. Stop analyzing me, please just love me as much as possible. —— Yishu “Two Women”

247. Don’t blame the heavens, don’t blame others. If you have bad luck and take a heavy fall, don’t be afraid. Get up after falling, start all over again. Everyone makes mistakes, but remember, the same mistake should not be made twice. - Yishu “Kissing All the Girls”

248. In the world of emotions, who asked you to give so much? Love like a flood in the daylight, but in the end, it’s yourself who drowns. He dives over a few times, and before you even sink to the bottom, through layers of ripples, you’ll see that he’s already on the other side, with his arm around the girl’s shoulder, hugging and kissing. - Yishu

249. Once you take anything seriously, it won’t be fun anymore. - Yishu “Kissing All the Girls”

250. No matter how tough a person appears on the outside, they also long to be loved. The morning sun shines faintly on the face of a loved one… it’s worth more than diamonds and gold… that eagerness to express gratitude… - Yishu “Crazy Rich”

251. A heart swollen and swaying restlessly, filled with excitement, telling everyone about the experience. - Yishu “Blooming to the Brink of Doom”

252. It doesn’t matter. How can a clerk argue with the boss? The poor don’t fight the rich. - Yishu “Crazy Rich”

253. Haven’t I told you that the butterflies that spend their whole lives darting through the colorful flowers are actually colorblind? - Yishu

254. When you’re young, you always want to prove this and that, left and right, and the eternal conclusion is that others are wrong and you are right. - Yishu “The Dance of the Round”

255. “No one forces you to be with him.” “How can you say there’s no one? My financial situation forces me to be with him, isn’t that enough?” - Yishu “Crazy Rich”

256. True talent is like a flame, hard to hide, and will eventually spread. - Yishu “Once Deeply in Love”

257. She’s not stupid, she’s just naive. - Yishu “Crazy Rich”

258. “Do you want me to give you my heart, my body, and my soul?” I hesitated and said, “I think it’s better for me to keep these three things for myself.” - Yishu “Blooming to the Brink of Doom”

259. The best things in the world are either inexpensive or free. - Yishu “The Joyful Union”

260. What choice do I have? Go to the big foreign trade company and see, you can hire a PhD for 5,000 yuan, and he won’t dare to sit and die if you ask him to stand and die. It’s the same everywhere, crows are black all over the world. - Yishu “Crazy Rich”

261. Friendship is that simple. When you’re free, I’m free, and he’s free, we gather and become friends, talk about anything, but when something happens, we scatter immediately, who will come to pick up the hot potato, and from then on, become strangers. - Yishu “A Moonless Night”

262. What about all the promises of eternal love and commitment? Who would love someone for free for a lifetime without encouragement? - Yishu

263. It’s not that there’s no regret, not that there’s no melancholy, but it can only be this way. - Yishu “The Joyful Union”

264. “I’m leaving you, I no longer need you.” - Yishu “Crazy Rich”

265. I’m not interested in putting on a show for people who are not relevant. - Yishu “She is Lonelier Than Fireworks”

266. Life only needs to be good, not long. - Yishu “Fragrant Snow Sea”

267. If you truly love her, her past is of no importance; why bother knowing? You should focus on the present and the future. If you have a falling out with her over this, then she will become a stranger to you, and there is no need to be overly interested in the past of a stranger. - Yishu “The Story of Rose”

268. Society only loves healthy, intelligent, and hardworking people. Who has the patience to be fussy and overly concerned? Everything in life becomes a matter of business, and people use each other. As for the coldness of the world and the thinness of human feelings, they are all normal. - Yishu

269. A male and female student in their teens embrace each other, with indecent movements, imitating the boldness and openness of Westerners, but they may not even pass their English class. - Yishu “Kiss All the Girls”

270. Who is the lucky star of whom, or the heavenly soldiers and generals, predestined by fate, each with their own reasons. - Yishu “Cambrian”

271. What is there that requires no sacrifice? Eating an egg may even lead to high cholesterol. - Yishu

272. The worldly life is the most intimate and practical. - Yishu “Her Two or Three Things”

273. Capable men often get partners of high quality because they have the opportunity to choose. - Yishu “Waltz”

274. Most people can’t help but marvel when they see celebrities, as if they were commenting on rare and exotic animals, oh, this is the price to pay for fame and success. - Yishu “The World in Exchange for Your Smile”

275. Jie Yu did not realize that avenging her previous humiliation was so important, but if she could achieve it, it would be quite interesting. - Yishu “The Flower’s Language”

276. Who is in the wheelchair? She didn’t get a good look. Sitting in a wheelchair naturally indicates a disability, and staring at people with physical limitations is extremely impolite. - Yishu “The Flower’s Language”

277. When a man likes a woman, he can do anything for her. As long as she exists, he is delighted. - Yishu “Crazy Rich”

278. The problem with scholars is that they think too much, do too little, and sometimes talk too much. - Yishu “Two Women”

279. The weak always have a bellyful of justice and inferiority, which is their most powerful weapon against the strong. - Yishu “She is Lonelier Than Fireworks”

280. “The cheapest thing in the world is college students.” “But if you are not a college student, you don’t even have the qualification to be sold.” - Yishu “Pleasures and Passions”

281. What obligation does a friend have to keep secrets for him? If he doesn’t want others to know, he shouldn’t say it. If you don’t let him say it, he will die of itching. So, as a friend, lending an ear is already a great kindness, and as for the rest, who cares! - Yishu “Qin Pi”

282. “A woman should have lots and lots of love, if not love, then lots and lots of money. If neither of these are available, having health is also good.” - Yishu

283. I carry a bag and pick up things as I walk. Along the way, I pick up countless things I don’t want. When I encounter what I truly want, the bag is already full. - Yishu “Indian Ink”

284. If someone says they love me, I won’t be happier unless their love can be cashed; if someone says they hate me, I won’t worry, the sun will still rise tomorrow. - Yishu

285. If there are benefactors and mentors in life, there must be grudges and debts, what a hassle. It’s better to take care of oneself, be open and honest, and after the hard work, enjoy freedom. - Yishu “Cambrian”

286. I’ve been lonely for too long, at a loss, and exhausted. He表现得 so gentle, trying to win me over with countless advantages… Even if it’s a trap, it’s still a face-saving one. ——Yi Shu, “City Stories”

287. My tears flowed down, “Hey, I’ve been waiting for you, I’ve waited so long.” My voice has never been so calm. ——Yi Shu, “City Stories”

288. You have money? I do too. I haven’t even had the time to count my own money. How many women, in pursuit of pleasure, end up under the control of men, suffering insults, with tears enough to eat with their rice. ——Yi Shu, “Painted Skin”

289. How long must this go on? It’s so sad. Can we remove our masks and be ourselves, or will it become uncontrollable and collapse? ——Yi Shu, “Waltz”

290. Women have an inseparable relationship with tears. They cry when they’re sad, and they cry when they’re happy. When they first start working, they’re like flowers, but in an instant, the flowers turn bitter. ——Yi Shu, “Kiss All the Girls”

291. There are advantages to being lowly; people don’t bother to make things difficult for you. As long as you’re well-behaved, you can get by. But once you rise high, countless people will challenge you to a duel. If you don’t fight, they’ll压迫你; if you do, and kill a few, people will say you’re ruthless and heartless, and that life in the江湖 is meaningless. ——Yi Shu, “The First Half of My Life”

292. “There’s no such thing as ‘I tell you, but don’t tell anyone else.’ Once one person knows, everyone knows. I absolutely won’t take that risk.” “You’re so cautious in life, what happiness does it bring you?” “You’re so careless in life, are you really happy?” ——Yi Shu, “She is Lonelier Than Fireworks”

293. Watching TV at home alone is not lonely. Sitting in a group of people with nothing to talk about is truly desolate. ——Yi Shu, “Casual”

294. Wealth is a state of mind. The richest people are those who are content. Wealth has little to do with money. ——Yi Shu, “Waltz”

295. A beautiful woman becomes especially desolate in her old age, as if she has nothing but her fading beauty, and thus desperately tries to make up for it. ——Yi Shu, “Blooming to the Bitter End”

296. It’s actually difficult for people to be truly free. What locks us up is often ourselves. Unconsciously, we become slaves to emotions or servants to our careers. ——Yi Shu, “Chain”

297. You and I are both women who don’t know what tactics are. At most, when someone proposes to us, we consider whether it’s suitable or not. ——Yi Shu, “Blooming to the Bitter End”

298. Flaunting self-respect in the face of money and love is the most foolish thing. ——Yi Shu, “The First Half of My Life”

299. The cake is very fragrant, the coffee is very sweet, and there are no earthquakes here. Life is truly wonderful. ——Yi Shu, “The Joyous Chronicle”

300. I can understand that your self-esteem has been hurt, and it’s hard to bear the anger. Yes, I understand, but after venting, please continue to live our lives. We can’t afford the luxury of wasting time. ——Yi Shu, “The Beauty of Lies”