1.思想是会享用它的人的财产。 —— 爱默生
1. Thought is the property of him who thinks. — Ralph Waldo Emerson

2.修养的本质如同人的性格,最终还是归结到道德情操这个问题上。 —— 爱默生
2. The essence of culture is ultimately a matter of moral character. — Ralph Waldo Emerson

3.一个伟大的灵魂,会强化思想和生命。 —— 爱默生
3. A great soul will strengthen thought and life. — Ralph Waldo Emerson

4.只有智者视人生如节目。 —— 爱默生
4. Only the wise regard life as a spectacle. — Ralph Waldo Emerson

5.读书时,我愿在每一个美好思想的面前停留,就像在每一条真理面前停留一样。 —— 爱默生
5. When reading, I wish to pause before every beautiful thought, as I would before every truth. — Ralph Waldo Emerson

6.对真理的最大尊敬就是遵循真理。 —— 爱默生
6. The greatest respect for truth is to follow it. — Ralph Waldo Emerson

7.上帝为每个人灵魂提供了选择机会:或是拥有真理,或是得到安宁。你可以任选其一,但不能兼而有之。 —— 爱默生
7. God offers the soul a choice: either to possess truth or to have peace. You may have one or the other, but not both. — Ralph Waldo Emerson

8.即使断了一条弦,其余的三条弦还是要继续演奏,这就是人生。 —— 爱默生
8. Even if one string is broken, the other three strings must continue to play, and that is life. — Ralph Waldo Emerson

9.无论真理在何受到伤害,都应去捍卫它。 —— 爱默生
9. Wherever truth is injured, it ought to be defended. — Ralph Waldo Emerson

10.智慧的可靠标志就是能够在平凡中发现奇迹。 —— 爱默生
10. A reliable sign of wisdom is to discover the miraculous in the ordinary. — Ralph Waldo Emerson

11.灾难是真理的第一程。 —— 爱默生
11. Disaster is the first step of truth. — Ralph Waldo Emerson

12.哦,朋友,这就是我的肺腑之言。因为有了你,蓝天才广阔无垠;因为有了你,玫瑰才火红艳丽。 —— 爱默生
12. Oh, my friend, these are my heartfelt words. Because of you, the sky is vast and boundless; because of you, the rose is fiery and beautiful. — Ralph Waldo Emerson

13.真理是存在的顶峰,正义就是在实践中运用真理。 —— 爱默生
13. Truth is the summit of existence, and justice is the application of truth in practice. — Ralph Waldo Emerson

14.家是父亲的王国,母亲的世界,儿童的乐园。 —— 爱默生
14. Home is the father’s kingdom, the mother’s world, and the child’s paradise. — Ralph Waldo Emerson

15.健康是智慧的条件,是愉快的标志。 —— 爱默生
15. Health is the condition of wisdom and the sign of happiness. — Ralph Waldo Emerson

16.习惯是一个人思想与行为的领导者。 —— 爱默生
16. Habit is the leader of a person’s thoughts and actions. — Ralph Waldo Emerson

17.编造谎言的人撒的每一次谎不只是自杀行为,而且还是对人类社会的健康的伤害。 —— 爱默生
17. The liar who fabricates lies commits suicide every time he lies, and also inflicts damage on the health of human society. — Ralph Waldo Emerson

18.使时间充实就是幸福。 —— 爱默生
18. To fill time is to fill happiness. — Ralph Waldo Emerson

19.我们对真理所能表示的最大崇拜,就是要脚踏实地地去履行它。 —— 爱默生
19. The greatest worship we can offer to truth is to practice it earnestly. — Ralph Waldo Emerson

20.要想得到别人的友谊,自己就得先向别人表示友好。 —— 爱默生
20. To win the friendship of another, one must first show friendliness. — Ralph Waldo Emerson

21.健康是人生第一财富。 —— 爱默生
21. Health is the first wealth of life. —— Emerson

22.人类所抱有的疑念,就是科学的萌芽。 —— 爱默生
22. The doubts that humans harbor are the buds of science. —— Emerson

23.怎样思想,就有怎样的生活。 —— 爱默生
23. As a man thinks, so is his life. —— Emerson

24.真理的核心无处不在,真理的范围漫无边际,真理的存在我们无法否认。 —— 爱默生
24. The core of truth is everywhere, the scope of truth is boundless, and the existence of truth cannot be denied. —— Emerson

25.就是好思想,如果不去实行,就和好梦一样。 —— 爱默生
25. Even the best thoughts are like dreams if not put into practice. —— Emerson

26.友谊是人生的调味品,也是人生的止痛药。 —— 爱默生
26. Friendship is the spice of life and the painkiller of life. —— Emerson

27.温顺的青年人在图书馆里长大,他们相信他们的责任是应当接受西塞罗,洛克,培根发表的意见;他们忘了西塞罗,洛克与培根写这些书的时候,也不过是在图书馆里的青年人。 —— 爱默生
27. Meek young people grow up in libraries, believing that their duty is to accept the opinions of Cicero, Locke, and Bacon; they forget that when Cicero, Locke, and Bacon wrote these books, they were just young people in libraries. —— Emerson

28.胜利就在真理之中。 —— 爱默生
28. Victory lies in the truth. —— Emerson

29.维持一个人的生命的事物,是他的事业。 —— 爱默生
29. The thing that sustains a person’s life is his career. —— Emerson

30.自信就是成功的第一秘诀。 —— 爱默生
30. Confidence is the first secret of success. —— Emerson

31.生活的乐趣取决于生活都本身,而不是取决于工作或地点。 —— 爱默生
31. The pleasure of life depends on life itself, not on work or location. —— Emerson

32.喂,你可曾听说才思也许能在青春年少时获得,智慧也许会在腐朽前成熟。 —— 爱默生
32. Hey, have you ever heard that wit may be acquired in youth, but wisdom may mature before decay? —— Emerson
Kant’s famous quotes:

1. Work is the best way to make life happy.

2. Honesty is better than all strategies, and it is the basic condition of strategy.

3. Since I have embarked on this path, nothing should prevent me from following it.

4. The greatness of the sea, apart from its beauty, grandeur, and openness, also lies in its self-purification function.

5. A person’s shortcomings come from his era, while his virtues and greatness belong to himself.

6. The more one deliberately seeks comfort and happiness in life, the less likely he is to achieve true satisfaction.

7. What a person says must be true, but he doesn’t have to say everything he knows.

8. Suffering is being forced to leave one’s place.

9. To judge beauty, one must have a cultivated mind.

10. The duty of philosophy is to eliminate illusions born of misunderstanding.

11. What determines whether we are rich is not what we possess, but what we can do without.

12. As long as you fulfill your duties, people will sincerely respect you.

13. Conscience is an instinct that judges oneself according to moral standards; it is not just a capacity; it is an instinct.

14. Morality first demands self-domination.

15. Anger is punishing oneself with the mistakes of others. - Kant’s famous quote

16. Three things help to alleviate the hardships of life: hope, sleep, and a smile.

17. There are two things in the world that can shake people’s souls: one is the noble moral standards in our hearts; the other is the brilliant starry sky above our heads.

18. Beauty is joy without purpose.

19. Beauty should avoid causing disgust, and the farthest thing from the sublime is causing laughter. Therefore, the most painful thing for a man is to be called incompetent, and the most annoying thing for a woman is to be called ugly.

20. The ability to acquire representations by the way we are stimulated by objects (receptive capacity) is called sensibility.

21. Freedom is not doing whatever one wants, but rather self-mastery.

22. Living without a goal is like sailing without a compass.

23. Philosophy cannot be taught; philosophy is always the business of thinkers.

24. The morality of an action does not depend on its consequences, but solely on the intention behind the action.

25. The busier we are, the more intensely we feel that we are alive, and the more aware we are of our existence.

26. All our knowledge begins with sensibility, then moves on to understanding, and finally ends with reason. There is nothing higher than reason.

27. Genius is a person who creates their own rules.

28. A person without confidence doesn’t even want to get up the next day.

29. Freedom is not about doing whatever you want, but about being able to refuse to do what you don’t want. - Kant’s famous quote

30. Experience tells us that something is in such and such a state, but it doesn’t tell us that it cannot be in another state.

31. Thoughts without content are empty, and intuition without concepts is blind.

32. Beauty is a symbol of moral goodness.

33. Religion is the belief that all our duties are commands from God.

34. The principle of autonomy is the only moral principle.

35. Intellectuals are those who dare to use reason in all public situations.

36. Humor is a serious imbalance between expectations and consequences.

37. Modesty is a secret of nature, used to restrain excessive desires; it follows the call of nature and is always in harmony with goodness and virtue.

38. The infinity of time simply means that the definite length of time can only be possible by restricting it through a single time as the foundation. Therefore, this original representation of time must be given without any limitation.

39. Thinking without intuition is empty, and intuition without concepts is blind.

40. What is correct in theory must also be effective in practice.

41. Man is the measure of all things.

42. If one doesn’t learn humor and wit, life would be too bitter.

43. Morality is not a set of teachings on how to make oneself happy, but a doctrine on how to be deserving of happiness.

44. Humans, in fact, all rational beings, exist because they are an end in themselves, not merely a tool for this or that will to use.

45. The purpose of education is to make a person a human being.

46. When love needed me, I was not qualified to enjoy it; when I needed love, it was gone.

47. The beauty of nature is a beautiful thing, while the beauty of art is the representation of beauty in a thing.

48. I am lonely, I am free, I am my own emperor.

49. Be as happy in old age as in youth! Youth is like a lark, with its morning song; old age is like a nightingale, and should have its own night song.

50. Aesthetic concepts give rise to many thoughts without any specific thought, that is, a concept that can coincide with it, so no language can fully reach it and express it.

51. There is a beautiful thing that often evokes a sense of melancholy when people come into contact with it. This is the case with artistic conception.

52. The same function that provides unity to various different representations in a judgment, and also provides unity to the pure synthesis of various different representations in an intuition, can be generally expressed as the concept of pure understanding.

53. To achieve great things, start in your youth.

54. Activity or exercise is the guide to good health.

55. One cannot be judged as a slave; they can only consider themselves as one.

56. Although all our knowledge begins with experience, it does not necessarily originate from experience.

57. The love of goodness and the faith in eternity refer to the same thing. - Kant’s famous quote

58. Have knowledge, then have foresight; have foresight, then have the ability to act.

59. The great in life laugh at impermanence. - Kant’s famous quote

60. Suicide is detestable because God forbids it; God forbids suicide because it is detestable.

61. In all phenomena, the lasting things are the objects themselves, that is, the entities, while all things that change or can change merely belong to these entities or the modes of their existence, thus belonging to their determinations.

62. The critique of reason inevitably leads to science, whereas the arbitrary application of reason without critique leads to unfounded claims that can be opposed by equally obvious and completely opposite assertions, resulting in skepticism.

63. Enlightenment is about having the courage to think for oneself.

64. Men are easy to scrutinize, but women do not reveal their secrets.

65. Greed is the insatiable desire of the human heart for the outside world.

66. The true path of metaphysics is not to deal with the chaotic and boundless empirical objects, but to start from reason itself and engage in dialogue generated by reason itself. This is the foundation of metaphysics, which cannot be uprooted.

67. Reason holds its principles in one hand and the research and experiments based on those principles in the other, as it ventures into nature.

68. In fact, there are only three types of people suitable for marriage: fools, scoundrels, and priests. Priests are accustomed to being bound by obligations, scoundrels hope their wives are unfaithful, and fools believe their wives are faithful.

69. I have chosen a path to follow for the rest of my life; I will continue my career, and nothing can stand in my way.

70. All necessities are based on a priori conditions at any time.

71. Time is not a conceptual reasoning or a universal concept as people say, but a pure form of sensuous intuition.

72. The critique of reason ultimately leads to science.

73. Give me matter, and I will create a universe out of it.

74. Human life without faith is no different from animal life.

75. Apperception, the same transcendental unity, forms a connection among all these representations according to the rules, always able to come together in one experience from all possible appearances.

76. I cannot make people better unless they still have goodness within them; I cannot make people wiser unless they still possess some reason.

77. I never worry about being proven wrong, but I do worry about being misunderstood.

78. Every action of ordinary people must adhere to social norms.

79. A synthesis of the manifold given in intuition, its complete identity contains a representational synthesis, and it is only through this synthesis that it is possible to be conscious.

80. The grasp of the manifold of appearances is always gradual. The representations of the parts arise successively. Whether they also follow each other in the object is the second point of reflection, which is not included in the first point.

81. A glance and a word can surpass all the knowledge in the world.

82. All appearances are in time, whether they coexist or follow each other, and can only be represented in time as the ground (as the enduring form of inner intuition).

83. No matter what kind of situation the concept of possibility from pure reason is, these concepts are not derived from reflection, but from inference.

84. Even wise and cautious people sometimes find it difficult to detect other people’s hypocrisy. However, for innocent children, no matter how cleverly disguised, they can detect and avoid it.

85. Treating a person as a means, rather than as an end in themselves, is always wrong.

86. Wine can make people speak lightly, and it can also make people express their true feelings. Wine, thus, becomes a moral quality and a material that carries the straightforward heart.
Dickens’ Quotes

1.顽强的意志可以征服世界上的任何一座高峰。—— 狄更斯
1. A tenacious will can conquer any peak in the world. —— Charles Dickens

2.重复是学习之母。 —— 狄更斯
2. Repetition is the mother of learning. —— Charles Dickens

3. Tasks that sharp tools cannot complete are often done by blunt ones.

4.时间就是金钱,而且对用它来计算利益的人来说,是一笔巨大的金额。 —— 狄更斯
4. Time is money, and for those who calculate profits, it is a huge sum. —— Charles Dickens

5.成熟的爱情,敬意、忠心并不轻易表现出来,它的声音是低的,它是谦逊的、退让的、潜伏的,等待了又等待。 —— 狄更斯
5. Mature love, respect, and loyalty are not easily shown; its voice is low, it is humble, yielding, hidden, waiting and waiting. —— Charles Dickens

6.可以断定,思想和身体一样,稍有过度的安逸,便会如染瘟病。 —— 狄更斯
6. It can be asserted that thoughts, like the body, become sickly if they have too much comfort. —— Charles Dickens

7.成功好比一张梯子,“机会”是梯子两侧的长柱,“能力”是插在两个长柱之间的横木。只有长柱没有横木,梯子没有用处。 —— 狄更斯
7. Success is like a ladder, “opportunity” is the long pillar on both sides of the ladder, and “ability” is the crosspiece inserted between the two pillars. A ladder with only pillars and no crosspieces is useless. —— Charles Dickens

8.爱情能持之以恒才是一件好事;可是,如果在别的方面没有恒心,那么爱情方面的恒心也就一文不值,毫无意义了。 —— 狄更斯
8. It is only good for love to be persistent; however, if there is no persistence in other aspects, then the persistence in love is worthless and meaningless. —— Charles Dickens

9.内心的情绪总是要透过人体的外表流露出来的 —-《双城记》
9. Inner emotions always manifest through a person’s appearance. —- “A Tale of Two Cities”

10.闪打雷劈不用很长时间,你可知道,积聚成雷电要多长时间。地震吞下一座城市不要多长时间把,告诉我,准备一场地震要多长时间。可是一切准备停当,它就会发作,把面前的一切碾个粉碎。而平常,它一直准备着,虽然看不见,也听不见。 —-《双城记》
10. It doesn’t take long for lightning to strike, but do you know how long it takes to accumulate into a thunderstorm? It doesn’t take long for an earthquake to swallow a city, but tell me, how long does it take to prepare for an earthquake? Yet, when everything is ready, it will strike and crush everything in its path. And at ordinary times, it keeps preparing, though invisible and inaudible. —- “A Tale of Two Cities”

11.亲密无间的爱,也像疏远的隔阂一样,会让人猜不透,而且前者更是神秘莫测,难以捉摸 —-《双城记》
11. Intimate love, like distant estrangement, can be unfathomable and mysterious, even more so than the latter. —- “A Tale of Two Cities”

12. We shall soar to the heights or plummet to the depths. —- “A Tale of Two Cities”

13.我不得不向前奔,我不是一生下来就是富贵命 —-《双城记》
13. I must press on, for I was not born into wealth and nobility. —- “A Tale of Two Cities”

14.复活在我,生命也在我。那些信我的人,虽然死了,也必复活;那些活着而信我的人,必定永远不死。 —-《双城记》
14. I hold the power of resurrection and life in my hands. Those who believe in me, though dead, shall rise again; those who live and believe in me shall never perish. —- “A Tale of Two Cities”

15.那是最美好的年代,那是最糟糕的年代;那是智慧的年头,那是愚昧的年头;那是信仰的时期,那是怀疑的时期;那是光明的季节,那是黑暗的季节;那是希望的冬天那是失望的春天;我们全都直奔天堂,我们全都在直奔相反的方向——简而言之,那时跟现在非常相像,某些最喧嚣的权威坚持要用形容词的最高级形容它。说它好,是最高级的;说它不好,也是最高级的。 —-《双城记》
15. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times; it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness; it was the epoch of faith, it was the epoch of doubt; it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness; it was the winter of hope, it was the spring of despair; we were all journeying to heaven, we were all journeying in the opposite direction. In short, the period was so similar to the present that some of the noisiest authorities insisted on using the superlative degree of adjectives to describe it. It was the best, in the highest degree; it was the worst, in the highest degree. —- “A Tale of Two Cities”

16.I love her against reason , against promise , against peace ,against hope , against happiness , against all discouragement that could be . Once for all .
16.I love her against reason, against promise, against peace, against hope, against happiness, against all discouragement that could be. Once for all.
我爱她是违背常理,是妨碍前程,是失去自制,是破灭希望, 是断送幸福,是注定要尝尽一切的沮丧和失望的。可是,一旦爱上了她,我再也不能不爱她。 —-《远大前程》
I love her in defiance of reason, in spite of promise, in contradiction to peace, in the face of hope, in the midst of happiness, and despite all the discouragement that could possibly exist. Once and for all.

17.心存忠厚的人总是认为毁坏东西和背着人做事是邪恶有罪的 —-《双城记》
17.The man with a loyal heart always considers destroying things and acting behind others’ backs as evil and sinful.

18.It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.这是最好的时代,这是最坏的时代。 —-《双城记》
18.It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.

19.The emotions expressed by these hands are gratitude, joy, sorrow, and hope; they show that from the time he was a young man until he grew tall, his devotion to his family never waned, and they do not expect any reward from him.

20.其实也没什么可放弃的,除了无边的苦难和废墟外 —-《双城记》
20.Actually, there is nothing to give up, except for boundless suffering and ruins.

21.虽说前途令人担忧,但是凶吉未卜,所以还模模糊糊地怀着懵懂的希望 —-《双城记》
21.Although the future is worrying, the outcome is still uncertain, so there is still a vague sense of naive hope.

22.Procrastination is the thief of time. 拖延乃光阴之窃贼。 —-《大卫·科波菲尔》
22.Procrastination is the thief of time.

23.一句话,先是太胆小,明知不该做的事却不敢不做;后来也还是太胆小,明知该做的事却不敢去做。 —-《远大前程》
23.In a word, at first I was too timid, knowing I shouldn’t do something but not daring not to do it; later on, I was still too timid, knowing I should do something but not daring to do it.

24.而别人的事,也许和买来的旧衣服一样,穿脱都很随便,用不着多动心思 —-《双城记》
24.Other people’s affairs may be like old clothes bought, easily put on and taken off, without needing much thought.

25.Things that are high up are not necessarily noble, and those that are low are not necessarily base.

26.在任何交往中都不要伤害任何人,永远不要粗暴对待你手下的人。 —-《远大前程》
26.Never hurt anyone in any interaction, and always treat your subordinates with kindness.

27.It can be determined that, like the body, the mind can become infected with a plague if it indulges in excessive comfort.

28.你的判断力出去玩的时候,倒是需要什么人照应你才好。 —-《匹克威克外传》
28.When your judgment goes out to play, it is indeed necessary for someone to take care of you.

29.The每一步 of a person’s life from birth to death should be a cash transaction relationship across the counter. If we do not enter heaven in this way, then heaven is not a place dominated by political economy, and it has nothing to do with us.

30.人生的长链,不论是金铸的,还是铁打的,不论是荆棘编成的,还是花朵串起来的,都是自己在特别的某一天动手去制作了第一环,否则你也就根本不会过上这样的一生。 —-《远大前程》
30.The long chain of life, whether made of gold or iron, whether woven from thorns or strung with flowers, is that you yourself started the first link on a particular day, otherwise you would not have lived such a life.

31.有时人们看着自然界和自己的同类,身称一切都是那么暗淡和阴郁,这话并不算数,但这种阴暗的色彩,是他们自己有偏见的眼睛和心情的反映。事实上,真正的色调是柔美的,不过需要比较清明的视觉去观察。 —-《雾都孤儿》
31.Sometimes when people look at nature and their fellow human beings, they claim that everything is gloomy and depressing, but this is not true. This dark color is a reflection of their own biased eyes and mood. In fact, the true colors are soft and beautiful, but they require a clearer vision to observe.

32.想想看,我们是因为很幸福才如此坚强;而他是因为很不幸才如此脆弱! —-《双城记》
32.We are strong because we are very happy; whereas he is fragile because he is very unfortunate.

34.它是人们日常谈笑的话题,它是治疗头疼的特效药,它防止头发变白绝对有效,它能使面色特别白嫩,它是国家牌剃刀,能把一切剃的一干二净,所有和吉萝亭接吻的人,只消伸头朝小窗口里看一眼,就会咔擦一声,掉进口袋。它是断头台。 —-《双城记》
34. It is a topic of daily conversation and laughter, a panacea for headaches, absolutely effective in preventing hair from turning gray, making one’s complexion exceptionally fair, and a national brand razor that shaves everything clean. Anyone who kisses Lucie, with just a glance through the small window, will be snipped and dropped into their pocket. It is the guillotine. - A Tale of Two Cities

35.由于人的恶习和疏忽引起的生理上的疾病,会不分贫富贵贱地使所有人感染;而由难以名状的苦难、无法忍受的压迫和毫无心肝的冷漠产生的心理上的紊乱,同样也会不加区分地侵袭每一个人 —-《双城记》
35. Diseases caused by human vices and negligence infect everyone, regardless of wealth or social status; while psychological disorders caused by unspeakable suffering, unbearable oppression, and heartless indifference will also affect everyone indiscriminately. - A Tale of Two Cities

36.由于人的恶习和疏忽引起的生理上的疾病,会不分贫富贵贱地使所有人感染;而由难以名状的苦难、无法忍受的压迫和毫无心肝的冷漠产生的心理上的紊乱,同样也会不加区分地侵袭每一个人 —-《双城记》
36. (Same as 35)

37. If everyone were equally well-fed and warm, we would lose the sense of satisfaction we feel when we admire the resilience of those in certain classes who endure hunger and cold. And if we were no better off than others, how could we feel gratitude? -狄更斯评传

38.说老实话,他们的谈话十分枯燥无味,而且谈话大都分的内容可以归结为两个字:金元。所有他们的忧虑、希望、欢乐、感情、道德以及友谊,全部都似乎熔化为金元了。他们的谈话像在慢火上烤着的一个锅,不管你往这锅里投入些什么偶然的话,他们总会把锅内的液体煮成浊浆,铸成金元。他们是用金元来评价人,用金元来衡量人的。生命的拍卖、估价、加价、减价也全以金元为依据。—— 《狄更斯评传》
38. To be honest, their conversation is extremely dull and tasteless, and the majority of their topics can be summarized in two words: money. All their worries, hopes, joys, emotions, morals, and friendships seem to have melted into money. Their conversations are like a pot simmering over a slow fire; no matter what random words you put into the pot, they will always cook the liquid into a turbid slurry and cast it into money. They evaluate and measure people with money. The auction, appraisal, bidding, and reduction of life are all based on money. - 狄更斯评传

39. His father was nothing but a hard-shelled, profit-seeking spider, weaving a vast web to catch careless flies. He would hide in the web, waiting to pounce when they got trapped. The God this old pagan worshipped was usury. - Bleak House

40.我将来也要在天国的永恒的法庭上,面对面地控诉每一个利用这种制度来折磨我的人!—— 《荒凉山庄》
40. In the future, I will also face each person who tormented me through this system in the eternal court of heaven and accuse them! - Bleak House

41.在那些咆哮之中我已经听见斧子落下了。—— 《双城记》
41. In those roars, I have already heard the axe falling. - A Tale of Two Cities

42.如果您再试一试用这样的铁锤把人类打成残废,您将会看见人类残缺不全的身体将形成同样的形状。—— 《狄更斯评传》
42. If you try again to use such a hammer to cripple humanity, you will see that the maimed bodies of humans will take on the same shape. - 狄更斯评传

43. Good people can turn the darkness in life into light.

44.对于最愚昧无知的入,大自然的甜蜜的脸孔是欢乐的永不枯竭的源泉。—— 《匹克威克外传》
44. For the most ignorant, the sweet face of nature is a joyful and inexhaustible source. - The Pickwick Papers

45. Traveling through the world with emotions as luggage is truly inconvenient. - Martin Chuzzlewit

46.如果家庭的感情和慈爱全是些优美的事物,那么它们在穷人家里才真够得上优美。富人和阔人同家庭的关系可以在尘世上制造出来,但是穷人同他那破锅破灶连结的链子才是一种更道地金属,上面还盖有天国的印鉴。—— 《老古玩店》
46. If family affection and love are beautiful things, they are truly beautiful in the homes of the poor. The relationship between the rich and their families can be created on earth, but the chain that binds the poor to their broken pots and stoves is a more genuine metal, stamped with the seal of heaven. - The Old Curiosity Shop

47. “Liberty, equality, fraternity, or death” - the Republic declares that it would rather die than not triumph in arming itself against the old world. - A Tale of Two Cities

48. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times; it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness; it was an epoch of belief, it was an epoch of incredulity; it was a season of light, it was a season of darkness; it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.

49. Without selfless, self-sacrificing maternal love, a child’s soul would be a desert.

50. There are no bad people, and thus no good lawyers.

51.世上所有的男人和女人都有各自的悲伤,他们大多数都有着委屈。—— 《圣诞故事集》
51. All the men and women in the world have their own sorrows, and most of them have grievances. - A Christmas Carol

52. People simply do not understand that they coldly describe the poor’s loss of relatives as the deceased being freed from suffering and the living having their burdens eased - I say they simply do not understand how painful this loss is. - The Pickwick Papers

53.不会有不曾犯过罪或者做过好事的人,死后被人遗忘了的。……一个在襁褓中的婴儿,一个话说不全的娃娃,一旦火殇了,仍然活在他们亲人的心里,并且还要通过亲人在世上做出些赎罪的事情,虽然他们的身体已经烧成灰烬或者丢在大海里沉没了。—— 《老古玩店》
53. No one who has not committed a sin or done a good deed will be forgotten after death… An infant in swaddling clothes, a toddler who cannot speak clearly, if they perish in a fire, will still live in the hearts of their loved ones and continue to do some redeeming deeds in the world through their relatives, even though their bodies have turned to ashes or sunk into the ocean. - The Old Curiosity Shop

54. A piece of bread earned through hard work is much more delicious than an inherited feast.

55.他长久以来就习惯于躲在人性的偏僻角落里搭窝造巢,而忘记人性还有比较广阔和美好的天地。—— 《荒凉山庄》
55. He had long been accustomed to nesting in the remote corners of human nature, forgetting that there were broader and more beautiful realms within humanity. - Bleak House

56.人不过是血肉之躯;人类的勇气也只能支持到一定的限度啊。—— 《狄更斯评传》
56. Humans are but flesh and blood; human courage can only support a certain limit. - Charles Dickens: A Life

57.我恨当穷人,因为我们穷,人家就看不起我们,讨厌我们,可怜我们,羞辱我们,把我们当牲畜一样对待。—— 《狄更斯传》
57. I hate being poor because when we are poor, people look down on us, hate us, pity us, humiliate us, and treat us like cattle. - The Life of Charles Dickens

58.悟性迟钝的人,对片言只语的暗示往往领会不了。—— 《圣诞故事集》
58. Dull-witted people often fail to grasp the hints in a few words. - A Christmas Carol

59. At crucial moments, no one knows how strong the emotions hidden within oneself are; some people may never encounter such a test in their lives, so let them be complacent and self-satisfied… - The Life of Charles Dickens

60. People can never hold back their emotions. - Great Expectations

61.残忍行为和不负责地滥用权力是人性中的两个罪恶的欲望,对利益或毁灭的考虑与这种欲望的满足并不相干。—— 《狄更斯传》
61. Cruel actions and the irresponsible abuse of power are two sinful desires in human nature, and considerations of gain or destruction have nothing to do with the satisfaction of these desires. - The Life of Charles Dickens

62.沃特是个勤劳的人,但受尽苦难,遭人凌辱。他与因他的失败而感到得意洋洋的那些当时和往后的寄生虫相比,兴许品质更高尚得多,气概要英勇得多。—— 《狄更斯传》
62. Walter was a hardworking man, but he suffered greatly and was humiliated by others. Compared to those parasites who felt triumphant because of his failures, both then and in the future, he might be much more noble in character and much more courageous. - The Life of Charles Dickens

63.人越是心高志大,就越少不了有种种的小弱点。—— 《马丁•瞿述伟》
63. The more ambitious and determined a person is, the more they cannot avoid having various small weaknesses. - Martin Chuzzlewit

64.他就是这样一个人!非常任性,坚持错误,不管什么人都会被他气死的!你可以凭自己的力气,把发射四十八磅炮弹的大炮拿起来,扛在肩膀上,可是,他这个人只要打定了主意,你就不能动他一动。—— 《荒凉山庄》
64. That’s just the kind of person he is! Extremely stubborn, insisting on his mistakes, and no one can be driven mad by him! You can lift a cannon that fires forty-eight-pound shells with your own strength, carry it on your shoulder, but once he has made up his mind, you cannot budge him an inch. - Bleak House

65.对她也很满意,因为他觉得,把她留在家里,等于做了一件好事。—— 《荒凉山庄》
65. He was also satisfied with her, because he felt that leaving her at home was like doing a good deed. - Bleak House

66.我们知道他为人坦率、热情;他的力气象巨人那样大,可是心肠却象小孩那样软;他看起来非常勇敢,可是又非常单纯、沉着。—— 《荒凉山庄》
66. We know that he is frank and enthusiastic; his strength is as great as a giant’s, yet his heart is as soft as a child’s; he appears very brave, yet also very innocent and composed. —— “Bleak House”

67.乐天知命,得过且过,绝不表示还想要更好的东西;同时,不论碰着什么悲观的事情,她都抱着希望。—— 《荒凉山庄》
67. To be content with one’s fate and make do with what life brings, without desiring anything better; at the same time, to hold on to hope no matter what pessimistic events one encounters. —— “Bleak House”

68.靠大谎言与大骗局来做生意,把国家的旗帜当作破布来作践,把旗上的星星一颗一颗地涂污,横纹一道一道地撕去,就象从一个被贬黜的军人的臂膀上撕下勋章一样,一切为了金元。对他们说来,一面旗子算得了什么!—— 《狄更斯评传》
68. Relying on big lies and scams to do business, treating the national flag as if it were rags, tarnishing its stars one by one, tearing its stripes apart, just as if stripping a disgraced soldier of his medals; all for the sake of money. To them, what does a flag matter! —— “Charles Dickens: A Biography”

69.朝廷的漂亮“牛眼”*都去掉了,否则就要成为人民的排枪的目标。—— 《双城记》
69. The beautiful “ox-eye” * of the court have all been removed, otherwise they would become targets for the people’s volleys. —— “A Tale of Two Cities”

70.钱倒是也曾经让人拿它来耀武扬威,可以理直气壮地夸它是个如意钥匙,要去追求人间的富贵,享受世上的荣华,哪怕得过千万重铁郭铜关,也都可以毫无阻拦。—— 《马丁•瞿述伟》
70. Money has indeed allowed people to flaunt their power and proudly claim it as a magical key to pursue worldly wealth and enjoy the splendors of life, even if it means passing through countless layers of iron and copper gates, all without hindrance. —— “Martin Chuzzlewit”

71.葛雷德格来恩哲学的一个基本原则,就是什么都得出钱来买。不通过买卖关系,谁也决不应该给谁什么东西或者给谁帮忙。感谢之事应该废除,由于感谢而产生的德行是不应该有的。人从生到死步步生活都得是一种柜台上的现钱买卖关系。—— 《狄更斯评传》
71. A fundamental principle of Gradgrind’s philosophy is that everything must be bought with money. Without a transaction, no one should give anything or help anyone else. Gratitude should be abolished, and virtues arising from gratitude should not exist. Life from birth to death should be a series of cash transactions on a counter. —— “Charles Dickens: A Biography”

72.我将要把它(指财富)交给更明白更能干的人们,使它慢慢地脱离那些拖累它的重负,那么.那些不能离开它而且久已忍耐到最后限度的不幸的人们,在下一代,或许少受一些痛苦。—— 《双城记》
72. I will hand it (referring to wealth) over to those who are wiser and more capable, so that it may gradually be freed from the burdens that weigh it down. Then, those unfortunate people who cannot live without it and have endured to the limit may suffer less in the next generation. —— “A Tale of Two Cities”

73.背信弃义,欺骗,阴谋;为了想得宠于我,对一切实在的或想象中的竞争者都憎恨;卑鄙、虚伪、下流、奴颜婢膝;或者……几乎比这一切更坏的是:装出一副诚实的独立的样子——这些就是我的财产所揭露出来的美德了。互相仇视的兄弟,互相倾轧的父子,互相践踏的朋友,这些就是我在人生路途上的旅伴。—— 《狄更斯评传》
73. Betrayal, deception, conspiracy; hatred for all real or imagined competitors in order to gain my favor; despicable, hypocritical, base, and obsequious; or… almost worse than all of these: feigning an honest and independent appearance – these are the virtues revealed by my wealth. Brothers who hate each other, fathers who undermine their sons, friends who trample on one another – these are the companions I encounter on my life’s journey. —— “Charles Dickens: A Biography”

74.用蒸汽锤子大力地敲打会比实现我当初的主意所能收到的效果大二十倍以至二万倍。—— 《狄更斯评传》
74. The impact of striking with a steam hammer would be twenty to twenty thousand times greater than what I initially intended. —— “Charles Dickens: A Biography”

75. In order to ensure the perpetuity of the system by which I live, I am willing to die. —— “A Tale of Two Cities”

76.人心不同,耳目的聪明也因人而异,一种人认为是浮夸之词,在另一种人看来,就是不加粉饰的真情实理。—— 《马丁•瞿述伟》
76. People’s hearts differ, and their perceptions and intelligence vary; what one person considers exaggerated words may be the unadorned truth to another. —— “Martin Chuzzlewit”

77. How could anyone of value tolerate the idea of joining the House of Commons? —— “Charles Dickens: A Biography”

78.总有一天这一切都必须报应的,那时我祈求上帝要你和你们这万恶的族类来负起这一切罪责,一个不饶。—— 《双城记》
78. One day, all of this must be avenged, and then I pray to God to hold you and your wicked race accountable for all these sins, sparing none. —— “A Tale of Two Cities”

79.我从来不曾怀疑他的卑劣,狡猾,阴险;但是我现时第一次完全领悟,一种卑劣的残忍的怀恨的精神,必然是由这早年的这长期的压制中生出来的。—— 《大卫•科波菲尔》
79. I never doubted his baseness, cunning, and deceitfulness; but for the first time, I now fully understand that a spirit of vile, cruel hatred must have been born from this early and long-term suppression. —— “David Copperfield”

80.人人都利用他邻居的过失,名誉越好的人越是这样。—— 《狄更斯评传》
80. Everyone takes advantage of his neighbor’s faults, and the better their reputation, the more they do so. - “Charles Dickens: A Critical Study”

81.世界上的成功者没有一个比我更不重视有钱,也没有一个比我更不轻视缺钱。—— 《狄更斯评传》
81. Among the successful people in the world, none care less about money than I do, nor do any轻视 it more than I do. - “Charles Dickens: A Critical Study”

82.我一生从我这笔金钱得到的只有忧虑和苦恼,而我死了以后,这笔金钱会制造出更多的纠纷与仇恨……上天救救我们吧,我们造下了多少孽呀!啊,自私!自私!自私!人人为自己,却没有人为我!—— 《狄更斯评传》
82. All my life, the only things I have gained from this money are worry and suffering, and after my death, this money will create more disputes and hatred… Oh Lord, save us, how much evil we have done! Ah, selfishness! Selfishness! Selfishness! Everyone for themselves, but no one for me! - “Charles Dickens: A Critical Study”

83.不要这样自馁,时候一到,就放出猛虎和魔鬼;但是在期待期间要拴住猛虎和魔鬼——毫不显露——可是也要时时准备。—— 《双城记》
83. Do not be so discouraged, for when the time comes, unleash the tigers and demons; but during the waiting period, keep them restrained - not showing - yet always be prepared. - “A Tale of Two Cities”

84. For special affairs, the duke had another truly brilliant opinion; everything must follow his reasoning - the logic of his own power and wallet. - “A Tale of Two Cities”

85. People who seem to do nothing but plunder and exploit, supervising. - “A Tale of Two Cities”

86.你没有因为这些倒霉的事情,学聪明一点,还嚷嚷什么倒霉哩!—— 《荒凉山庄》
86. Haven’t you learned to be smarter from these unfortunate events, and still complain about misfortune? - “Bleak House”

87.浑身刻板死沉、满面阴惨抑郁的人,不论其生相如何,衣饰如何,都是天上人间最坏的人。—— 《游美札记》
87. People who are rigid, gloomy, and depressed, no matter their appearance or attire, are the worst people in both heaven and earth. - “American Notes”

88.在现实生活里,凡是具有几分幻想气质的人,开头引人注目的总是他那些荒乎其唐的怪癖,除非我们进一步跟他搞熟了,我们才能透过这些表象去了解他的主要的一面。—— 《匹克威克外传》
88. In real life, those with a touch of fantasy are initially noticed for their bizarre quirks, unless we get to know them better, we can only understand their main qualities through these appearances. - “The Pickwick Papers”

89.穷人的贫困和堕落都是富人制造出来的。—— 《圣诞故事集》
89. The poverty and degradation of the poor are created by the rich. - “The Christmas Books”

90.如果您播种凶恶专横和压迫的种子,它们就会结出同样的果实。—— 《狄更斯评传》
90. If you sow the seeds of cruelty, tyranny, and oppression, they will bear the same fruit. - “Charles Dickens: A Critical Study”

91.这个女人除了每年拿五十个先令的工资,除了一个瘪瘪的小衣箱以外,这个名字也可以说是她唯一的财产了。—— 《荒凉山庄》
91. This woman, apart from her annual salary of fifty shillings and her flat, small wardrobe, can also be said to have this name as her only asset. - “Bleak House”

92.穷人对于他家庭的依恋是有一个更高尚的根,深深地扎在一块更纯洁的土地里面。他的财神是血和肉造成,没有掺杂上银、金或者宝石;他没有什么财产,只有藏在内心的感情……—— 《老古玩店》
92. The attachment of the poor to their families has a nobler root, deeply planted in a purer land. Their fortune is made of flesh and blood, without any silver, gold, or jewels; they have no property, only the feelings hidden in their hearts… - “The Old Curiosity Shop”

93.靠守护赚钱的陌生人,他们有空的时候便恶行恶状地聚集在一起,吃、喝、笑笑闹闹;因为病与死乃是他们的财神。—— 《老古玩店》
93. Strangers who make money by guarding, gather together in their free time to commit evil deeds, eating, drinking, and laughing; for sickness and death are their fortune. - “The Old Curiosity Shop”

94. To prevent the lower class from enjoying the same benefits… otherwise, where is the manifestation of our privileges? - “Charles Dickens: A Critical Study”

95. To exploit others, so as not to be exploited by others. - “Charles Dickens: A Critical Study”

96.这就是那些哲学家的狭小的眼界,他们满足于考察放在他们眼前的东西,却不看藏在视线之外的真理。—— 《匹克威克外传》
96. This is the narrow vision of those philosophers, who are content to examine what is before their eyes, without seeing the truth hidden beyond their sight. - “The Pickwick Papers”

97.眼泪并不是困苦的唯一的证据,也不是最好的证据。真的,有人永远把它们预先装好,在愿意用的时候随时可以把塞子拔开。—— 《匹克威克外传》
97. Tears are not the only evidence of suffering, nor the best evidence. Indeed, some people always have them ready, and can pull the plug out whenever they wish to use them. - “The Pickwick Papers”

98.金钱永远不能使那个人不作恶事。他是那样一个生成的伪君子,他不拘追求什么目的,他一定不从正路追求。这是他表面上拘谨的唯一补偿。当他永远沿地面爬向或此或彼的小目标时,他将永远夸大途中每一对象,结果他将仇视和猜疑每一无心来到他和那个目标中间的人。因此,弯曲的途径,在任何地方,为了一丁点理由,或不为任何理由,变得更加弯曲。—— 《大卫•科波菲尔》
98. Money can never prevent that person from doing evil. He is such a hypocritical person, and no matter what goal he pursues, he will never follow the right path. This is the only compensation for his seemingly prudent appearance. As he constantly crawls towards one or another minor goal, he will always exaggerate every object along the way, resulting in his hostility and suspicion towards everyone who inadvertently comes between him and that goal. Thus, the crooked path becomes even more twisted in any place, for a tiny reason or for no reason at all. - “David Copperfield”

99. A luxurious room. Under the daylight, it always appears to be nothing more than a dilapidated tower built up from waste, confusion, extortion, lending, pawning, oppression, hunger, poverty, and misery. - “A Tale of Two Cities”

100.在夜幕笼罩下的伦敦广大范围内,在黑暗掩护下所做出来的一切坏事中,那算是最坏的了,在清晨空气中散发臭味的一切恐怖行为中,那算是最丑恶、最残酷的了。—— 《狄更斯评传》
100. In the vast area of London under the cover of night, among all the bad things done under the protection of darkness, that was the worst; among all the terrible acts that spread their stench in the morning air, that was the most ugly and cruel. - “Dickens’ Biography”

101.不管别人说什么,他老是在关于美好的过去这套固定的字眼里转圈子,就象一个可怜的小松鼠老是在自己那转动的笼子里转圈子一样;对于这个笼子的机械构造及巧妙装置,小松鼠是一点儿概念也没有的,同样地这位红脸孔绅士对于自己所说的那消逝了的黄金时代也不会有更明确的概念。—— 《狄更斯评传》
101. No matter what others say, he always revolves around the fixed phrases about the beautiful past, just like a poor little squirrel that keeps running in its rotating cage; the squirrel has no concept of the mechanical structure and ingenious devices of the cage, and similarly, this red-faced gentleman has no clearer concept of the vanished golden age he speaks of. - “Dickens’ Biography”

102.除了金元本身以外,最令人尊敬的便是以获取金元为目的冒险行为。一个人把自己的名誉与良心之船中的无价值的压舱货——荣誉与正直——抛弃在大洋中,抛得越多,船中能装载金元的舱位也就越多。—— 《狄更斯评传》
102. Apart from money itself, the most respectable thing is the adventurous act aimed at acquiring money. A person who discards the worthless ballast of honor and integrity from his reputation and conscience ship in the ocean, the more he discards, the more space there is in the ship to carry money. - “Dickens’ Biography”

103.外界的冷热,影响不了斯克鲁兹。没有温暖能够使他温暖起来,也没有寒冷的天气能够使他觉得寒冷。他比最厉害的狂风还厉害;比一心想降到人间来的大雪更固执,不达到目的,决不甘休;比倾盆大雨更无情,从不饶人半点,恶劣的天气拿他一点儿办法也没有。—— 《狄更斯评传》
103. External heat or cold cannot affect Scrooge
. No warmth can warm him up, nor can any cold weather make him feel cold. He is more fierce than the worst storm; more stubborn than the snow that wants to come down to the earth, and he will not rest until he achieves his goal; more ruthless than torrential rain, never sparing anyone, and bad weather has no effect on him at all. - “Dickens’ Biography”

104. Power (unless it is the power of wisdom and virtue) has always been the most attractive to despicable people. - “Dickens’ Biography”

105.我好比是一根杂草,要放在一个规规矩矩的花园里栽培,已经太晚了。—— 《荒凉山庄》
105. I am like a weed, and it is too late to cultivate me in a proper and orderly garden. - “Bleak House”

106.我觉得,按照他们的本来面目来描写这群犯罪的人们,描写他们的一切丑恶与乖戾——把他们如实地表现出来这该是对于社会上的大大的贡献。—— 《狄更斯评传》
106. I think that portraying these criminals as they are, describing all their ugliness and perversity - showing them as they really are - should be a great contribution to society. - “Dickens’ Biography”

107.一个无赖之徒,由于他的本性,自然会认为他所使用的工具是做一切无赖的事都必不可少的。—— 《马丁•瞿述伟》
107. A scoundrel, by his nature, will naturally believe that the tools he uses are essential for doing all sorts of despicable things. - “Martin Chuzzlewit”

108.老实人有老实人的头脑简单之处,狡猾人也照样有狡猾人的头脑简单之处。—— 《马丁•瞿述伟》
108. Honest people have their simple-mindedness, and cunning people have their own simple-mindedness as well. - “Martin Chuzzlewit”
Russell’s famous quotes

1. Knowledge is one of the main factors that make humans happy.

2. Great cognitive ability combined with selflessness is most likely to produce wisdom and thought.

3.良好的人生是受行动和智慧指导的。 伟大的事业是根源于坚韧不断地工作,以全副精神去从事,不避艰苦。
3. A good life is guided by action and wisdom. Great endeavors originate from persistent work, engaging with full dedication and without fear of hardship.

4. Great endeavors originate from persistent work, engaging with full dedication and without fear of hardship.

5. Love only flourishes when it is free; the idea that love is a duty can only lead to its death. A single sentence: “You should love someone,” is enough to make you hate that person.

6. Where teachers lack love, neither character nor wisdom can develop fully or freely; this love primarily lies in perceiving children as an end in themselves.

7. Our powerful morality is achieving material success through struggle; this morality applies to both nations and individuals.

8. Some children have the habit of thinking, and the purpose of education is to eradicate this habit. - Russell’s famous quote

9. Judging by the time spent in school, Chinese children are the most thoughtful.

10. Plants reproduce through cultivation, and humans become mature through education.

11. Many people would rather die than think, and in fact, they never do think throughout their lives.

12. The desire for possession - wanting to own as much property as possible or to have ownership of it - is a motive. I believe this motive arises from the combination of fear and the desire to possess necessities.

13. Proper moral education should begin at the moment of a baby’s birth, so that it will not be disappointed by too many expectations.

14. Hope is the crutch of perseverance, and patience is the travel bag; with them, one can embark on the journey of eternity.

15. The necessary condition for a pleasant life is wisdom, which can be obtained through education.

16. My life is about making a career of joy and turning joy into a career. - Russell’s famous quote

17. Young people in their youth should be inspired with open-minded enthusiasm and encouraged to build their lives and careers with such passion.

18. “Now” is a “point” on the timeline of the just-passed time.

19. Beggars do not envy millionaires, but they will certainly envy beggars with higher incomes.

20. Even if the truth is not pleasant, one must be honest, as covering up the truth often requires much more effort.

21.我们要提出两条教育的诫律。一条”不要教过多的学科”另一条,”凡是你所教的东西,要教得透彻” 。
21. We should propose two educational commandments. One is “not to teach too many subjects,” and the other is “to teach whatever you teach thoroughly.”

22. Youth is an open-minded period, and one should take advantage of this time to develop a broad-minded character.

23. We cannot base our education on the assumption that everyone possesses a poet’s temperament, but there are certain qualities that are universally needed, which together form the foundation of an ideal character: vitality, courage, sensitivity, and wisdom.

24. Under the conditions of modern life, discipline is absolute, and any nation that does not value disciplined wisdom is doomed to fail.

25. Many people fall in love in search of a retreat from the world. In this refuge, they are still loved when they are not worthy of love, and still praised when they are not worthy of praise.

26. There are many people for whom it would be better to die than to think. In fact, many people have died without ever having thought.

27. Human beings are born ignorant, but not stupid. It is education that makes them stupid.

28. Knowledge is the liberator of the kingdom of natural forces and destructive passions. Without knowledge, the world we hope to build cannot be established.

29. An educator should love young people, but this alone is not enough; he must also have a correct understanding of human excellence.

30. Knowledge governed by love is essential for educators and should be acquired by their students. In lower grades, love for students is the most important; in higher grades, a passion for the knowledge being taught gradually becomes necessary.

31. Great achievements stem from persistent, unrelenting work, undertaken with full dedication and without fear of hardship.

32. Youth is a time for open-mindedness, and one should take advantage of this period to develop a generous character.

33. I will never die for my beliefs because I may be wrong.

34. In America, everyone believes that no one is higher in social status than themselves, as all men are created equal. However, they do not admit that there is anyone lower in social status than themselves.

35. As a person, one should respect their parents, be loving towards their children, be generous to their poor relatives, and be polite to everyone.

36. Love will only flourish when it is free. The idea that love is a duty can only lead to its death.

37. It is said that man is a rational animal. I have spent my entire life searching for evidence of this view.

38. Man is a credulous animal and must believe in something. If there is no good basis for this belief, a bad one will do.

39. Many people can die bravely, but they lack the courage to say that the cause for which they died is meaningless, or even to think about it.

40. As a person, one should respect their parents, be loving towards their children, be generous to their poor relatives, and be polite to everyone.

41. From amoebas to humans, the process is clearly a progression for philosophers. However, we do not know what the amoeba thinks.

42. Traditional people become furious when they see actions that deviate from tradition, mainly because they view such deviation as a criticism of themselves.

43. A beautiful life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge.

44. Do not be afraid of having unique opinions, for all the common sense we accept now was once a unique opinion.

45. A happy life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge.

46. Illusions are not your fault, but making decisions based on them is your mistake.

47. A life without any adventure might be quite dull. However, a life with every kind of adventure is bound to be short-lived.

48. I once believed that I knew everything worth knowing at Cambridge. As I traveled, this belief gradually faded. It was contrary to my intentions, but it was very beneficial to me.

49. Aristotle said that women have fewer teeth than men. Despite being married twice, he never thought of checking his wives’ teeth.

50. Contempt for happiness is usually contempt for the happiness of others, and under the guise of sophistication, it is hatred for humanity.

51. I explicitly state that Christianity organized by the Church is the greatest enemy of moral progress, both in the past and now.

52. Our powerful morality lies in the struggle to achieve material success; this morality applies to both nations and individuals.

53. The longing for love, the pursuit of knowledge, and the uncontrollable compassion for human suffering.

54. Do not be afraid of having strange ideas, for all the concepts accepted by people now were once strange ideas.

55. Democracy is the process of selecting the person to be criticized.

56. Getting drunk is a temporary form of suicide.
Honoré de Balzac Quotes

1.自满、自高自大和轻信是人生的三大暗礁。 —— 巴尔扎克
1. Self-satisfaction, arrogance, and gullibility are the three great reefs of life. —— Honoré de Balzac

2.艺术在于有本领在针尖上建筑一座宫殿。我思想的奥妙之处在那根能够在十秒内把沙漠变成城市的仙杖里面。 —— 巴尔扎克
2. Art lies in the ability to build a palace on the tip of a needle. The wonder of my thoughts lies in that magic wand, which can turn a desert into a city within ten seconds. —— Honoré de Balzac

3.爱情是理性的放纵,是伟大心灵的享受,阳性的,严肃的享受;肉欲是街头巷尾出卖的,庸俗猥琐的享受:两者是同一事实的两面。 —— 巴尔扎克
3. Love is the indulgence of reason, the enjoyment of a great mind, masculine, and serious enjoyment; lust is the vulgar and despicable enjoyment sold in the streets and alleys: the two are the two sides of the same fact. —— Honoré de Balzac

4.生活的智慧大概就在于遇事问个为什么。 —— 巴尔扎克
4. The wisdom of life probably lies in asking why in every situation. —— Honoré de Balzac

5.遗忘是一般刚强的,有创造力的人的法宝,他们会像自然一样的遗忘,自然界就不知道有什么过失,弱者不是把痛苦作为惩前毖后的教训,反而在痛苦中讨生活,浸在里头,天天回顾以往的苦难,折磨自己。 —— 巴尔扎克
5. Forgetfulness is the treasure of strong, creative people; they forget like nature, which does not know any faults. The weak, instead of using pain as a lesson, live in it, immersed in it, constantly recalling past sufferings and tormenting themselves. —— Honoré de Balzac

6.机会是极难得的,但他具备三大成功的条件,那就是“像鹿一般会跑的腿,逛马路的闲功夫,和犹太人那样的耐性。 —— 巴尔扎克
6. Opportunity is extremely rare, but it has the three major conditions for success: “legs that can run like a deer, leisure time for strolling, and the patience of a Jew.” — Balzac

7.持续不断地劳动是人生的铁律,也是艺术的铁律。 —— 巴尔扎克
7. Continuous and unremitting labor is the iron law of life and the iron law of art. — Balzac

8.你是被奴役的土地的儿女,你是爱情的天使,你是异想天开的精灵,你是诚实的孩童,你是经验丰富的老者,你是富上有头脑的男子,你是心地善良的女性,你是满怀希望的巨人,你是饱经忧患的母亲,你是充满幻想的诗人。 —— 巴尔扎克
8. You are the child of enslaved land, the angel of love, the whimsical spirit, the honest child, the experienced elder, the wealthy and intelligent man, the kind-hearted woman, the hopeful giant, the mother who has suffered hardships, the imaginative poet. — Balzac

9.当你看到不可理解的现象,感到迷惑时,真理可能已经披着面纱悄悄地站在你的面前。 —— 巴尔扎克
9. When you encounter an inexplicable phenomenon and feel confused, the truth may already be quietly standing in front of you, veiled. — Balzac

10.开诚布公与否和友情的深浅,不应该用时间的长短来衡量。 —— 巴尔扎克
10. Whether to be open and honest or not, and the depth of friendship, should not be measured by the length of time. — Balzac

11.人生有些关口非狠狠地斗一下不可,不能为了混口饭吃而蹉跎了幸福。 —— 巴尔扎克
11. There are some turning points in life that must be fought fiercely, and one should not waste happiness just for the sake of making a living. — Balzac

12.当了诗人的义务秘书,并得到诗人的宠爱,那情形就像一个投机商爱抚他的第一个入股人一样。这种伙伴式的关系,初露端倪时与友情颇为相似。 —— 巴尔扎克
12. Becoming the secretary and favorite of a poet is like a speculator caressing his first investor. This partnership, when it first emerges, is quite similar to friendship. — Balzac

13.她们希望你总是伟大,总是漂亮。她们根本不会想到,天才总是病态的。 —— 巴尔扎克
13. They want you to always be great and always be beautiful. They never think that genius is always morbid. — Balzac

14.青年人陷于不义的时候,不敢对良心的镜子照一照;成年人却不怕正视;人生两个阶段的不同完全在于这一点。 —— 巴尔扎克
14. When young people fall into injustice, they dare not look into the mirror of their conscience; adults, however, are not afraid to face it directly; the difference between the two stages of life lies entirely in this. — Balzac

15.过放荡不羁的生活,容易得像顺水推舟,但是要结识良朋益友,却难如登天。 —— 巴尔扎克
15. Living a dissolute life is as easy as drifting with the current, but it is as difficult as climbing to heaven to make good friends. — Balzac

16.真正的科学家应当是个幻想家;谁不是幻想家,谁就只能把自己称为实践家。 —— 巴尔扎克
16. A true scientist should be a dreamer; whoever is not a dreamer can only call themselves a practitioner. — Balzac

17.我们破灭的希望,流产的才能,失败的事业,受了挫折的雄心,往往积聚起来变为忌妒。 —— 巴尔扎克
17. Our shattered hopes, aborted talents, failed careers, and frustrated ambitions often accumulate and turn into jealousy. — Balzac

18.时间一长,人们就会发现,欢娱是灵魂的财产,为了欢娱受人爱恋,也并不比为了金钱受人爱恋更令人愉快。 —— 巴尔扎克
18. Over time, people will find that joy is the property of the soul, and being loved for joy is no less pleasant than being loved for money. — Balzac

19.不久他开始散布出老年人的那点儿凉意,像北风一般把人世间家用的感情都吹凉了,尤其他是个又穷又丑的老人,那不是老上加老吗?这是人生到了冬季,鼻子通红,腮帮灰白,手脚麻木的冬季。 —— 巴尔扎克
19. Soon he began to emit the chill of old age, like the north wind blowing cool on the emotions of the world, especially as he was a poor and ugly old man - isn’t that aging on top of aging? This is the winter of life, with a red nose, gray cheeks, and numb hands and feet. — Balzac

20.人生是各种不同的变故循环不已的痛苦和欢乐组成的。那种永远不变的蓝天只存在于心灵中间,向现实的人生去要求未免是奢望。 —— 巴尔扎克
20. Life is composed of the endless cycle of various changes in pain and joy. The ever unchanging blue sky only exists in the heart; it is too much to expect from real life. — Balzac

21.通过辛勤工作获得财富才是人生的大快事。 —— 巴尔扎克
21. Acquiring wealth through hard work is the greatest pleasure in life. — Balzac

22.正派的男人连工作的时间还嫌不够,他哪能白浪费时间去打扮自己,去做降低自己身份的事情?我宁愿一下子牺牲自己的生命,也不愿意把它减价为零。 —— 巴尔扎克
22. A decent man hardly has enough time for work; how could he waste time dressing up and doing things that lower his status? I would rather sacrifice my life at once than reduce it to zero. — Balzac

23.所谓爱情能够满足一切,只是对于情侣而言:至于夫妇,除了以苍穹为屋顶和以绿茵地毯之处,还需要更多的一些东西的。 —— 巴尔扎克
23. The so-called love that can satisfy everything is only for couples; as for husband and wife, they need more than just a sky as a roof and a green carpet. — Balzac

24.社会只拿小丑取乐,没有其他的要求,一转眼就把他们忘了;不比看到一个器局伟大的人,一定要他超凡入圣才肯向他下跪。各有各的规律:历久不磨的钻石不能有一点儿瑕疵,一时流行的出品不妨单薄,古怪,华而不实。 —— 巴尔扎克
24. Society only takes jesters for amusement, with no other demands, quickly forgetting them; unlike when witnessing a person of great talent, they insist on their extraordinary sanctity before kneeling in submission. Each has its own rules: a diamond that endures the test of time cannot have the slightest flaw, while a short-lived product may be thin, peculiar, and showy without substance. —— Balzac

25.在岁的年龄,爱情哪有不在一个少女的眼睛和外部世界之间放上它的三棱镜的。 —— 巴尔扎克
25. At the age of 16, love inevitably places its prism between a young girl’s eyes and the outside world. —— Balzac

26.预算不是一个钱柜,而是一个洒水器:它抽上来又洒出去的水越多,国家就越繁荣。 —— 巴尔扎克
26. A budget is not a treasure chest, but a watering can: the more water it draws and pours out, the more prosperous the nation becomes. —— Balzac

27.平时我们走在森林里,可以从脚步的声音上猜到基本超级地面底下是窟窿还是大块的石头;同样用礼貌遮盖的自私,和被灾难挖成的地下隧道,也会在朝夕相处的生活中发出空洞的声音。 —— 巴尔扎克
27. When walking in the forest, we can guess whether there are holes or large rocks beneath the ground based on the sound of our footsteps; similarly, selfishness hidden behind politeness, and underground tunnels dug by disasters, will also make hollow sounds in our daily lives. —— Balzac

28.不幸的爱情,往往像可靠的债务人的一张到期不付的借票,会加你私钱的。 —— 巴尔扎克
28. Unhappy love often resembles a reliable debtor’s overdue promissory note, which will cost you extra money. —— Balzac

29.他(注:拿破仑)用宝剑未能完成的事业,我将用笔杆来完成。 —— 巴尔扎克
29. What he (Note: Napoleon) failed to accomplish with a sword, I will achieve with a pen. —— Balzac

30.感情等于才分。感受是了解的对手,正如行动是思维的抗衡。一个有天才的朋友可以通过友情、领会,和他并驾齐驱。一个常人有感情作基础,就可以比倒最伟大的艺术家。这说明女人为什么爱着一些“蠢才”。 —— 巴尔扎克
30. Emotion is equivalent to talent. Sensibility is the opponent of understanding, just as action is the counterbalance of thought. A talented friend can keep pace with a genius through friendship, comprehension, and mutual understanding. An ordinary person with emotions as a foundation can surpass the greatest artists. This explains why women love some “fools”. —— Balzac

31.学习有如母亲一般慈爱,它用纯洁和温柔的欢乐来哺育孩子,如果向它要求额外的报酬,也许就是罪过。 —— 巴尔扎克
31. Learning is as nurturing as a mother, nourishing children with pure and gentle joy; asking for extra rewards from it may be sinful. —— Balzac

32.一个真有爱情的女人猜疑起来,比寻欢作乐,更换口味还要心思灵巧。一朝到了被遗弃的关头,她对于一个姿势的意义,能够一猜就中,连马在春天的空气中嗅到刺激爱情的气息,也没有那么快。 —— 巴尔扎克
32. A woman truly in love, when suspicious, is more clever and resourceful than when seeking pleasure or changing tastes. Once faced with abandonment, she can instantly guess the meaning of a gesture, even faster than a horse smelling the scent of love in the spring air. —— Balzac

33.爱情是股纯洁的泉水,它从长着水芹和花草,充满砂砾的河床出发,在每次泛滥中改变性质和外形,或成小溪或成大河,最后奔流到汪洋大海中,在那里,精神贫乏的人只看见它的单调,心灵高尚的人便沉溺于不断的默想中。 —— 巴尔扎克
33. Love is a pure spring, originating from a riverbed filled with watercress, flowers, and gravel. It changes its nature and form in every flood, becoming a stream or a river, eventually flowing into the vast ocean. There, those with impoverished spirits see only monotony, while noble souls indulge in endless contemplation. —— Balzac

34.没有了希望,一个人就不能维持他的信仰,保守他的精神,或保全他的内心纯洁。 —— 巴尔扎克
34. Without hope, one cannot maintain their faith, preserve their spirit, or protect their inner purity. —— Balzac

35.一清如水的生活,诚实不斯的性格,在无论哪个阶层里,即使心术最坏的人也会对之肃然起敬。在巴黎,真正的道德,跟一颗大钻石或珍奇的宝物一样受人欣赏。 —— 巴尔扎克
35. A life as clear as water and an honest character are admired by people in every social class, even the most wicked. In Paris, true morality is as valued as a large diamond or a rare treasure. —— Balzac

36.要在人前庄重而在丈夫面前妖治,只有天才办得到,而这等妇女是不多的。这是夫妇之间长期恩爱的秘诀;在一些缺乏那种双重奇才的女子,只觉得长期恩爱是一个不可解的谜。 —— 巴尔扎克
36. To be dignified in public and enchanting in front of her husband, only a genius can achieve this, and such women are rare. This is the secret to long-lasting love between husband and wife; for women lacking this dual talent, long-lasting love remains an unsolvable mystery. —— Balzac

37.我们这批女人,应该崇天才,应该把他们当作一出戏那样欣赏,可是千万不要和他们共同生活!和天才一起生活,就等于不坐在包厢里欣赏那坳人的歌剧,却跑到后台去看那布景的机关。 —— 巴尔扎克
37. We women should admire geniuses and appreciate them like a play, but never coexist with them! Living with a genius is like not sitting in the box to enjoy the opera, but running backstage to see the stage machinery. —— Balzac

38.没有思想上的清白,也就不能够有金钱的廉洁。 —— 巴尔扎克
38. Without intellectual innocence, there can be no financial integrity. —— Balzac

39.幻想中的作品,有着儿童一般的妩媚,有着欣欣向荣的喜悦,芬芳妖艳不下于鲜花,浆汁的饱满不亚于未曾到口的美果。这便是所谓幻想和幻想的乐趣。 —— 巴尔扎克
39. Works of fantasy possess the charm of children, the joy of thriving growth, fragrance and allure comparable to fresh flowers, and richness akin to untasted delicious fruits. This is the so-called fantasy and the pleasure of fantasy. —— Balzac

40.灵感,是天才的女神。她并不步履蹒跚地走过,而是在空中像乌鸦那么警觉地飞过的,她没有什么剽带给诗人抓握,她的头是一团烈火,她溜得快,像那些白里带红的鹤,教猎人见了无可奈何。 —— 巴尔扎克
40. Inspiration is the muse of genius. She does not walk slowly, but flies through the air as vigilant as a crow. She has no ribbons for poets to grasp, her head is a ball of fire, and she moves quickly like the white and red cranes that leave hunters helpless. —— Balzac

41.时间是人的财富,全部财富,正如时间是国家的财富一样,因为任何财富都是时间与行动化合之后的成果。 —— 巴尔扎克
41. Time is the wealth of a person, the entirety of wealth, just as time is the wealth of a nation, because any wealth is the result of the combination of time and action. —— Balzac

42.谀媚从来不会出自伟大的心灵,而是小人的伎俩,他们卑躬屈膝,把自己尽量地缩小,以便钻进他们趋附的人的生活核心。 —— 巴尔扎克
42. Flattery never comes from great minds, but from the tricks of petty people. They bow and scrape, shrinking themselves as much as possible to worm their way into the lives of those they cling to. —— Balzac

43.其实假装的爱情比真实的爱情还要完美,这就是为什么很多女人都受骗了。 —— 巴尔扎克
43. In fact, pretended love is more perfect than true love, which is why many women are deceived. —— Balzac

44.坦白的爱情自有它的预感,知道能生爱。幽居独处的姑娘,居然偷偷跑进一个青年的屋子,真是何等的大事!在爱情中间,有些思想有些行为,对某些心灵不就等于神圣的婚约吗。 —— 巴尔扎克
44. Sincere love has its own premonition, knowing it can kindle love. A girl living in seclusion, sneaking into a young man’s room, what a significant event! In love, some thoughts and actions, for certain souls, are not equivalent to a sacred marriage contract? —— Balzac

45.真正的学者真正了不起的地方,是暗暗做了许多伟大的工作而生前并不因此出名。 —— 巴尔扎克
45. The truly remarkable aspect of true scholars is that they have done many great works in secret without gaining fame during their lifetime. —— Balzac

46.没有伟大的愿望,就没有伟大的天才。 —— 巴尔扎克
46. Without great aspirations, there are no great geniuses. —— Balzac

47.人的生命的大部分都是致力于从心灵深处来拔掉自己青年时代的幼芽。这种手术就叫做经验的获得。 —— 巴尔扎克
47. Most of a person’s life is devoted to uprooting the sprouts of their youth from the depths of their soul. This operation is called the acquisition of experience. —— Balzac

48.爱情是种宗教,信奉这个宗教比信奉旁的宗教代价高得多;并且很快就会消失,信仰过去的时候像一个顽皮的孩子,还得到处闯些祸。 —— 巴尔扎克
48. Love is a religion, and the cost of believing in this religion is much higher than that of others; and it will soon disappear, when faith is gone like a mischievous child, still causing trouble everywhere. —— Balzac

49.受教育懂得焚毁遗嘱,做一个体面的人,为人所爱,受人敬重,而不是去做一个屡犯的偷表贼,受到法律对五种情状的加重处罚,解赴格雷伏刑场处死,受人憎恨和名誉扫地。 —— 巴尔扎克
49. Education teaches us to burn wills, to be a decent person, loved and respected by others, rather than becoming a repeat watch thief, subject to the law’s aggravated punishment for five situations, executed at the Greave刑场, despised and disgraced. —— Balzac

50.打开一切科学的钥匙毫无异议的是问号,我们大部分的伟大发现应归功于“如何”,而生活的智慧大概就在于逢事都问个“为什么”。 —— 巴尔扎克
50. The key to all sciences is undoubtedly the question mark. Most of our great discoveries are attributed to “how,” and the wisdom of life probably lies in asking “why” in every situation. —— Balzac

51.在公务员当中和在艺术家那里一样,流产远远超过产儿。这就应了布封的警句:“忍耐即天才。”。 —— 巴尔扎克
51. Among civil servants and artists alike, miscarriages far exceed births. This proves Buffon’s adage: “Patience is genius.” —— Balzac

52.丈夫想到管太太,远不及情人想到接近情妇次数多;禁子想到关牢门,远不及囚犯想到逃命次数多;所以困难尽多,情人和囚犯照样应该成功。 —— 巴尔扎克
52. A husband thinks about managing his wife far less often than a lover thinks about approaching his mistress; a jailer thinks about closing the prison door far less often than a prisoner thinks about escaping; so despite the many difficulties, lovers and prisoners should still succeed. —— Balzac

53.人类所有的力量,只是耐心加上时间的混合。所谓强者既有意义,又有等待时机。 —— 巴尔扎克
53. All human strength is but a mixture of patience and time. The so-called strong not only have meaning but also wait for the right opportunity. —— Balzac

54.世界上的事物永远不是绝对的,结果完全因人而异,苦难对于天才是一块垫付脚石,对能干的人是一笔财富,对弱者是一个万丈深渊。 —— 巴尔扎克
54. Nothing in the world is absolute; the outcome varies from person to person. Suffering is a stepping stone for geniuses, a fortune for capable people, and an abyss for the weak. —— Balzac

55.可叹的是,常常需要两个人才能构成一个完美的情人,就像在文学上只有借助于几个性格相似的人的特点,才能构成一个典型一样。 —— 巴尔扎克
55. Alas, it often takes two people to make a perfect lover, just as in literature, only by drawing on the characteristics of several similar personalities can a typical character be created. —— Balzac

56.苦难对于人生是一块垫脚石,对于能干的人是一笔财富,对于弱者是个万丈深渊。 —— 巴尔扎克
56. Suffering is a stepping stone in life, a fortune for capable people, and an abyss for the weak. —— Balzac

57.一个人要开化一个最闭塞的地方,有了钱还不行,他还得有知识;而且知识,正直,爱国心,如果没有坚定的意志,把个人的利益丢掉,献身于一种社会的理想,那也是白费。 —— 巴尔扎克
57. To enlighten the most closed-minded place, one must have not only money but also knowledge; and knowledge, integrity, patriotism, if not accompanied by a strong will to abandon personal interests and dedicate oneself to a social ideal, is all in vain. —— Balzac

58.人的全部本领无非是耐心和时间的混合物。 —— 巴尔扎克
58. All human abilities are nothing but a mixture of patience and time. —— Balzac

59.只有过着游手好闲的生活的人,才把钱看得天那样的大,一个不事生产只会消费的家伙,不啻是社会的蟊贼。 —— 巴尔扎克
59. Only those who lead an idle life regard money as the most important thing. A person who does not produce but only consumes is nothing but a pest to society. —— Balzac

60.天才与美女,都注定要放出灿烂的光芒引人注目,惹人妒羡,招人毁谤的。 —— 巴尔扎克
60. Both geniuses and beauties are destined to shine brightly and attract attention, provoke jealousy, and invite slander. —— Balzac

61.我认为人生最美好的主旨和人类生活最幸福的结果,无过于学习了。 —— 巴尔扎克
61. I believe that the most beautiful purpose in life and the happiest result of human existence is nothing more than learning. —— Balzac

62.一个人要伟大,不能不付代价。天才的作品是用眼泪灌溉的。凡具有生命的东西,同一切生物一样有它多灾多病的童年。 —— 巴尔扎克
62. To be great, one must pay a price. The works of genius are irrigated with tears. Everything that has life, like all living beings, has a troubled and sickly childhood. —— Balzac

63.天性是百发百中,万无一失的。这一种的天性叫一见生情。而爱情方面的第一眼,就等于千里眼。 —— 巴尔扎克
63. Nature is infallible and never misses. This kind of nature is called love at first sight. And in love, the first glance is equivalent to a thousand-mile eye. —— Balzac

64.凡是可怜的,遭难的女子,她的心等于一块极需要爱情的海棉,只消一滴感情,立即膨胀。 —— 巴尔扎克
64. A poor, suffering woman’s heart is like a sponge that desperately needs love; a single drop of affection will cause it to expand immediately. —— Balzac

65.一个有智慧的人,才是真正一个无量无边的人。 —— 巴尔扎克
65. A wise person is truly an infinite and boundless individual. —— Balzac

66.只有那些晓得控制他们的缺点,不让这些缺点控制自己的人才是强者。 —— 巴尔扎克
66. Only those who know how to control their weaknesses and not let them control themselves are the strong. —— Balzac

67.令人疲倦,令人衰老,乃是虚荣未逞的悲伤,乃是巴黎生活的不断的刺激,乃是和野心的敌手钩斗角的挣扎。宁谧却是镇静的油膏。 —— 巴尔扎克
67. What makes people tired and aged is the sadness of unfulfilled vanity, the constant stimulation of Parisian life, and the struggle against the rivals of ambition. Tranquility, however, is the soothing ointment. —— Balzac

68.诗人艺术家演员音乐家等等的穷,还穷得轻松,因为艺术家天生爱寻快乐,也有得过且过,满不在乎的脾气,就是使天才们慢慢的变成孤独的那种脾气。 —— 巴尔扎克
68. The poverty of poets, artists, actors, musicians, and others is still lighthearted, because artists are naturally fond of seeking happiness and have a carefree, indifferent temperament, which gradually turns geniuses into loners. —— Balzac

69.离开了人才荟萃的中心,呼吸不到思想活跃的空气,不接触日新月异的潮流,我们的知识会陈腐,趣味会像死水一般变质。 —— 巴尔扎克
69. Away from the center of talent gathering, without breathing the vibrant air of thought and not being exposed to the ever-changing trends, our knowledge will become stale, and our interests will deteriorate like stagnant water. —— Balzac

70.在爱情方面,别有用心的虚假总比真面目可爱,就因为此,才有许多男人肯在一般手段高明的女骗子身上挥金如土。 —— 巴尔扎克
70. In love, men often find deliberate falsehood more charming than the true face, which is why many men are willing to spend lavishly on skillful female swindlers. —— Balzac

71.人们看着别人做坏事,听之任之,习以为常;开始时默许别人干,到最后自己也干了起来。久而久之,灵魂不断被可耻的勾当所沾污,变得越来越渺小,高尚思想的弹簧渐渐生锈,而平庸这根绞链却越磨越松,不推自转了。 —— 巴尔扎克
71. People watch others do bad things, let them be, and get used to it; they start by allowing others to do it, and in the end, they do it themselves. Over time, the soul is constantly tainted by shameful deeds, becoming smaller and smaller, the spring of noble thoughts gradually rusts, and the chain of mediocrity becomes looser and looser, turning by itself without any effort. —— Balzac

72.只要莫逆之交的真情洋溢与世态炎凉的残酷有了比较,一个人才会恍然大悟。 —— 巴尔扎克
72. Only when the true feelings of close friends are compared with the cruelty of the world, will a person suddenly realize. —— Balzac

73.科学的领域是广大的,人类的生命却是很短的。 —— 巴尔扎克
73. The realm of science is vast, but human life is short. —— Balzac

74.很小的一件事就会吓坏爱情,很小的件事情也会使爱情欢愉起来。对爱情来说,任何事情都有意义,任何事情都可以构成吉光或者凶光。 —— 巴尔扎克
74. A very small thing can scare love, and a very small thing can also make love happy. For love, everything has meaning, and everything can constitute good fortune or bad luck. —— Balzac

75.聪明才智是拨动社会的杠杆。 —— 巴尔扎克
75. Intelligence is the lever that moves society. —— Balzac

76.痛苦跟欢乐一样,会创造一种气氛的。走进人家的屋子,你第一眼就可以知道它的基调是什么,是爱情还是绝望。 —— 巴尔扎克
76. Pain, like joy, creates an atmosphere. When you enter someone’s house, you can tell at a glance what the tone is, whether it’s love or despair. —— Balzac

77.人生并非充满了玫瑰花,倒是有时路上的荆棘刺痛了你。 —— 巴尔扎克
77. Life is not filled with roses; sometimes the thorns on the road hurt you. —— Balzac

78.要对一个人作出判断,至少要设岙处地,深入了解关于他的感情、不幸和思想的秘密;只想就事件的物质方面去了解他的生活,这是写编年史,是给傻瓜们作传记。 —— 巴尔扎克
78. To judge a person, one must at least put oneself in their shoes and deeply understand the secrets of their feelings, misfortunes, and thoughts; to only understand their life from the material aspects of events is to write a chronicle, to write biographies for fools. —— Balzac

79.人生就是那么回事,跟厨房一样腥臭。要捞油水不能怕弄脏手,只消事后干净,今日所谓道德,不过是这么一点。 —— 巴尔扎克
79. Life is just like that, as smelly as a kitchen. If you want to get some benefits, you can’t be afraid to get your hands dirty, just clean up afterward. Today’s so-called morality is nothing more than that. —— Balzac

80.我惟一能信赖的,是我的狮子般的勇气和不可战胜的从事劳动的精力。 —— 巴尔扎克
80. The only thing I can trust is my lion-like courage and invincible energy in labor. —— Balzac

81.一个预感到有美好前途的人,当他在艰苦的人生大道上前进时,就像一个无辜的囚徒走向刑场,一点也用不着羞愧。 —— 巴尔扎克
81. A person who foresees a bright future, when he moves forward on the difficult path of life, is like an innocent prisoner walking to the scaffold, without any shame. —— Balzac

82.生活中遇到大忧大患,友谊应该是有效的安慰。 —— 巴尔扎克
82. In the face of great worries and sufferings in life, friendship should be an effective comfort. —— Balzac