1. You have your thousands of lights, and I have my endless journey.

2. An interesting life consists of half daily trivialities and half mountains, rivers, and seas.

3. Leave your eyes for the scenery, and your weight for delicious food.

4. If you don’t go out and explore, you’ll think this is the whole world.

5.向喜欢的季节靠近 一切都微妙而美好。
5. Approach your favorite season, and everything becomes subtle and beautiful.

6. Travel is not about the destination, but the people and events along the way, as well as the beautiful memories and scenery.

7. A pleasant journey, no matter which stop, is not too bad.

8. Life is short, so be bold.

9. Love knows no bounds, and life has its own pace.

10. Because of dreams, we bravely set off, and once we choose to embark, we face all storms and hardships.

11. There’s no need to elaborate on the reasons for traveling; one word can sum it up: go.

12. I begin a beautiful encounter.

13. Collecting photos is like collecting the world.

14. Days are scorching, hot and bright.

15. Besides geographical latitude, people and things in the dimension of time are even more fascinating.

16. Keep the love and passion for life, and make every day full of vitality.

17. Guard a lake, calm the illusions, and watch a beautiful life unfold.

18.你来这人间一趟 要和心爱的人看看太阳。
18. You come to this world to see the sun with your beloved.

19. Every girl is a connoisseur of life.

20. Unfulfilled princess dreams, unbeatable queen’s heart.

21. Scorching sunlight, astringent seawater, salty sea breeze, sweet laughter, and all that is beautiful.

22. Capable of working 9 to 5, yet also able to wander the world.

23. Love every story captured within the lens.

24. On the road, not for traveling, not because of someone, but to encounter the unknown self.

25.人要活的坦荡些 自由 开心 奔放。
25. One should live with integrity, freedom, happiness, and openness.

26. Living in this precious world, where the sun is intense, and the water ripples are gentle.

27. Time will pass, but images will remain.

28.最好的时光在路上 一路向阳。
28. The best times are on the road, always facing the sun.

29. May the days ahead allow for both a 9 to 5 lifestyle and wandering the world.

30. Love the classic quotes from movies, just like the surprises brought by travel.

31. Evidence of wasted time.

32.路人穿街过河 好景只有片刻。
32. Passersby cross the streets and rivers, but beautiful scenes are only fleeting.

33. In March, peach blossoms bloom; two people on one horse, tomorrow we’ll be at the ends of the earth.

34. Today is only responsible for happiness.

35.生活明朗 万物可爱 人间值得 未来可期。
35. Life is bright, everything is lovely, the world is worth living, and the future is promising.

36. The landscapes collected during travel are the best treasures.

37. The places we want to go are all unmet hometowns.

38. May you walk on kindness and thus possess the distance.

39. Busy days and months, stealing moments of leisure.

40. Traveling on a whim, see you next time.

41. A girl’s journey is the stars and the sea.

42. Flatten a city, and you flatten a dream.

43. Fill up youth with all the roads in the world.

44. As you look at the scenery through the car window, mountains, rivers, and lakes are also watching you.

45.遇见美食 邂逅风景 认识新朋友 也许这就是旅行的意义。
45. Encountering delicious food, meeting new friends, and appreciating the scenery - perhaps this is the meaning of travel.

46. Travel is not a panacea, but it is a piece of aspirin. Although it cannot cure the poison of life, it can dissolve the bitterness of life.

47. In your teenage years, do things that will still make you smile when you recall them at the age of thirty.

48. Fill your heart with sunshine, flowers, and more girlish dreams.

49. My dream is packed in my bag.

50. Travel is the best way to eliminate hatred and ignorance.

51. The best journey in life is when you find a long-lost touch in a strange place.

52. Remember to top up your happiness; don’t let it run out.

53. Besides this life, we have no other time. Go as far as you can.

54. Travel on a whim, and let’s go as far as we can.

55. After walking for a long time, you’ll find that the distance is still the same as daily necessities.

56. A person’s range of travel is his world.

57. If you don’t go out and see the world, you’ll think this is it, and you’ll believe that things never change.

58. Travel is when the world is beautiful, and you happen to be free.

59. Either travel or read, either your body or soul must be on the journey.

60. In life, you should have at least two impulses: one is passionate love, and the other is a spontaneous trip.

61. The best journey in life is when you find a long-lost touch of emotion in a strange place.

62. Life is a journey; it’s not about the destination, but the scenery along the way and the mindset with which you view it. Let your soul embark on a journey!

63. Time is a one-way journey with no return, and both good and bad experiences are part of the scenery.

64. There is no need for elaborate reasons to travel; a single word can summarize it all: “Go.”

65. The world is a book, and those who do not travel only see one page of it.

66. The distance between me and Tibet is just a train ticket away.

67. If you don’t do something now, you might never do it in your lifetime.

68. On a solo journey, you meet the truest version of yourself.

69. What is written in books belongs to others; only when you have experienced it does it become your own.

70. Life is neither too long nor too short, just enough to explore this world thoroughly.

71. May we both be able to work from nine to five and wander the world.

72. A lifetime is a journey of self-cultivation; the short part is the path, and the long part is life. Travel allows you to encounter a better version of yourself.

73. Go on a trip! Your world will be more fascinating than your ex’s social media feed.

74. I just want to embark on an aimless journey, basking in the sun in a place with flowers, the sea, and tranquility, doing nothing.

75. To set off on a whim is the most exquisite luxury in life and the most brilliant form of freedom.

76. The unknown distance you seek is a paradise worth visiting.

77. Life is not about rushing through, but rather about experiencing the journey.

78. Life is like a book; mine has a few more colorful pages than others, and that is the meaning of travel.

79. A lifetime is a journey of self-cultivation; the short part is the trip, and the long part is life.

80. The charm of travel lies in carrying the light and heavy burdens of this life, exploring your past and future wherever you go.

81. Setting off is always the most meaningful thing.

82. The true essence of travel is not movement, but driving your soul to seek the spring of life.

83. By visiting different places, seeing different scenery, and learning different things, you can experience a different life.

84. Many things are like travel; once you make a decision and take the first step, the most difficult part is actually completed.

85. Traveling is not just about seeing the scenery, but also about finding yourself - the most genuine you.

86. Travel is a kind of learning; it allows you to see the world with the eyes of a baby, to observe different societies, making you more tolerant, understanding different values, and better at loving and cherishing.

87. The biggest difference between tourism and travel is that tourism only involves feet and eyes, while travel also requires your soul and dreams.

88. Travel is not an escape or a hiding place, but a way to change your worldview in an environment beyond your imagination and discover what you truly want.

89. Travel means that even in the same world, you discover different worlds.

90. In youth, travel is a part of education; in old age, travel is a part of experience.

91. The unknown distance is a paradise worth visiting.

92. In everyone’s heart, there is a longing for ancient towns with flowing rivers and misty dwellings.

93. The distance is far, but the steps never stop.

94. Eat well, drink well, and live forever.

95. In this world, make sure to strive to see all the beauty.

96. Interesting places should be visited with lovely people.

97. Life is a journey of self-cultivation; the short part is the trip, and the long part is life.

98.一程山、一程水 一路行走、一路回忆 千帆阅尽 愿我们都能与更好的自己相遇。
98. Through mountains and waters, we walk and create memories; after experiencing countless sails, may we all meet a better version of ourselves.

99. If you cannot increase the length of life, then expand its width.

100. Delicious food should be savored and enjoyed.

101. Travel is about leaving the place where you’ve grown tired and going to a place where others have grown tired.

102. The best time is on the road, facing the sun all the way.

103. The best journey in life is when you find a long-lost touch in a strange place.

104.我为了两件事来到世上 一是为了感受温柔 二是为了领略山河。
104. I came to this world for two things: to experience tenderness and to appreciate the beauty of mountains and rivers.

105. Drifting days, wandering and free.

106. In the busy days and nights, setting off is always the most meaningful thing. Just do it.

107. On the road, not for travel, not because of someone, but to meet the unknown self on the unknown journey.

108. There’s no need to elaborate on the reasons for travel; one word can sum it up: go.

109. A heart ready to set off at any moment, a partner who can take photos, and a sweet journey.

110. There are endless landscapes in the world, and I have an ageless heart.

111. Life needs a sense of ceremony, just as ordinary days need a beam of light.

112.时光会走远 影像会长存 我们还是我们。
112. Time will pass, but images will remain, and we will still be ourselves.

113. A sense of ceremony can make us treat the things we care about with reverence, awakening our respect for life.

114. Only the days that can be grasped are real.

115. The wanderer’s horizon always leads back to home.

116.漂泊的日子 浪荡而自由。
116. Drifting days, wandering and free.

117. Since time cannot be held, let’s store more beautiful memories.

118. Time is a one-way journey, and both good and bad experiences are scenery.

119. Life needs a sense of ceremony, just as ordinary days need a beam of light.

120. In the best years of our lives, let’s do the craziest things.

121. Walk the roads that high heels cannot reach, and meet people you would never encounter in office buildings.

122. In one’s lifetime, there should be at least two impulsive moments: once for a love that disregards everything, and once for a journey that starts on a whim.

123. If you are not happy, don’t claim to be sad. Go out for a walk, and your feelings will change. The world is so vast, with beautiful scenery, numerous opportunities, and life is short. Don’t curl up in a corner of darkness.

124. Traveling is not about leaving life behind, but about preventing life from abandoning us. Go out for a walk, and you will gain more.

125. When you go out for a walk, you will see a different world and have different feelings. Life is not just about the immediate trivialities; there are more beautiful landscapes in the distance, and you will meet better people.

126. If you don’t go out for a walk, you might think this is the whole world.

127. Don’t say everything you know, and don’t believe everything you see. If you don’t go out for a walk, you might think this is the world. So, in this life, please live for yourself!

128.人生就应该要有 华丽的奢侈 灿烂的自由。
128. Life should have magnificent luxury and brilliant freedom.

129.最好的时光在路上 一路向阳。
129. The best times are on the road, facing the sun all the way.

130. Life may not be a journey that starts on a whim, but those who cherish the distance must always be prepared to embark on such a journey!

131. To set off on a whim is the most magnificent luxury and brilliant freedom in life.

132. Life is but a journey, where you pass by me, and I pass by you, then we each continue on our own paths and practice self-improvement.

133. Life is a one-way journey; even with some regrets, we don’t have the chance to start over. Instead of dwelling on the unchangeable past, smile and cherish the future. Because in life, there are no “what ifs.”

134. Life is a journey to an unknown destination. Often, we don’t know what the future holds. Sometimes, we just run wildly, forgetting the meaning of the journey.

135. Put delicious food in your stomach, lovely people in your heart, and visit interesting places with lovely people.

136. In everyone’s heart, there is a longing for ancient towns, with flowing rivers and mist-covered homes.

137.你活的漂亮了 世界才会对你温柔。
137. When you live beautifully, the world will treat you gently.

138.世界上有不绝的风景 我有不老的心情。
138. There is an endless supply of scenery in the world, and I have an ageless spirit.

139.生命 不长不短 刚好够用来好好看看这个世界。
139. Life is neither long nor short, just enough to explore this world thoroughly.

140. May your heart remain tender and warm after experiencing the hustle and bustle.

141.热爱漫无边际 生活自有分寸。
141. Passion knows no bounds, yet life has its own measure.

142. Store sunshine, and there will be a distant place. With warmth in the heart, why fear the desolation of life.

143. Tibet is like an illness; not going there won’t cure it, but going might make it worse.

144. Feel the tenderness and appreciate the mountains and rivers.

145. The vast starry sky, the afterglow of the setting sun, the waves and the sand.

146. Enjoy life, be diligent and brave.

147.把自己流放到 世界的每一个角落里。
147. Banish oneself to every corner of the world.

148. Turn the sharpness of life into the most gentle and thick soup.

149.今天的记忆 是带着海水味道的。
149. Today’s memories have the taste of seawater.

150. To set off on a journey at a moment’s notice is the most magnificent luxury in life, as well as the most brilliant freedom.

151. Do less to regret, and avoid doing things that push oneself into a desperate situation. Make time to go out and see the world!

152. Everyone can comprehend the meaning of their own life from a long journey.

153. Life is a journey; it’s not about the destination, but the scenery along the way and the mood with which we view it.

154. Be a sailor of the world, visiting every port.

155. The rest of life isn’t as long as we think; time flies. May we love ourselves well, cherish those who are worth it, and hand in a satisfactory answer for our lives.

156.背着背包的路上 看过许多人 听过许多故事 见过旅途风景 就这样 慢慢学会了长大。
156. On the journey with a backpack, we meet many people, hear countless stories, and witness the scenery of the trip, slowly learning to grow up.

157. We should take advantage of our youth to create warmer moments than summer with those we love.

158. When a girl goes out, it shouldn’t be called traveling; it should be called moving house.

159. The world is so big, I want to go out and show myself to others.

160. The breeze is gentle, time is just right. Ignore the complexities of life, and freely experience a city, a story, and leave behind laughter.

161. Either read books or travel; one’s body or soul must be on the journey.

162. Traveling alone, ignoring the trivial matters, freely experiencing a city, a story, and leaving behind laughter.

163. Travel is not about wandering aimlessly; it’s about finding a place for the soul to rest.

164. I believe that there can be many trips, but a lover, only one and only.

165. When tired, pack your bags and go on a trip, to any unfamiliar place, strolling through the countryside and forests, experiencing the local culture, and gradually emptying one’s mind.

166. Traveling alone, ignoring the trivial matters, freely experiencing a city, a story, and leaving behind laughter.

167. Travel is not just for escaping the mundane life, but also for understanding the essence of travel itself.

168. Many people think that traveling alone is boring, but I happen to enjoy it.

169. Life is a journey full of unknowns; what matters is the scenery along the way and the mood with which you view it. The journey does not end because of beautiful scenery.

170. I’ve always wanted to travel to a very beautiful place, but often when I finally reach the destination, it feels just like that. Perhaps what we truly desire is for our hearts to travel, no matter where we are, as long as we have a relaxed and beautiful mindset, life will be wonderful!

171. The best habit while traveling: find a cozy shop, pick an exquisite postcard, send it to the one you care about, and write on the back: “On a certain day, at a certain time in the afternoon, the weather is clear, I am somewhere, missing you.”

172. Life is like a journey; we may possess certain things along the way, but ultimately, we cannot take them with us!

173. Travel is a state of mind, an infatuation with mountains, rivers, and magnificent cultures.

174. If you encounter night rain during your trip, the随之而来的一定是思乡情怀。

175. People must travel, especially girls. A girl’s experience is very important; the more you see, the more open-minded and broad-minded you become, which will affect your views on many things. Travel broadens one’s horizons and is especially important for girls, as it can boost their confidence and prevent them from losing their way in the material world.

176. Bring your soul on the journey, and view everything with a peaceful mindset. The sounds and sights may seem to be for the ears and eyes, but they are actually experiences of the inner world. To feel with the heart, to precipitate, is enough; to listen to beautiful music and gaze upon beauty is a blessing; carrying the language of flowers and the song of a flower, letting the heart be at ease, is already comforting.

177. Travel is not about the destination, but the people, events, and beautiful memories and scenery along the way. If you don’t go out and explore, you may think this is the whole world.

178. Put on your backpack, embark on the journey, be reckless once, and in a few years, the photos will capture something called youth.

179. If a string is stretched too tight, it will eventually break; if a heart is confined for too long, it will eventually lose balance. We need to set our souls free, allowing them to soar in the sky of freedom.

180. Travel can relax one’s mood, broaden one’s horizons, forget the troubles, and embrace new happiness. Travel is about discovering new beauty, pursuing new sensory worlds, letting go of the superfluous self, and encountering the most authentic self.

181. One must always walk unfamiliar roads, see unfamiliar scenery, and listen to unfamiliar songs. Then, in a moment of carelessness, you will find that the things you tried so hard to forget have truly been forgotten.

182. Travel has always been a luxury. Either you use your youth to offset the cost, or you use money to resist the difficulties. But people can never resist the desire to go out and walk around. The roads of this world will never be exhausted, so let’s walk more comfortably.

183. I’ve always wanted to travel to a place that’s incredibly beautiful, but often when I actually set foot in the place I wanted to go, I find it’s just like that. Perhaps we just want our hearts to go on a journey, no matter where we are, as long as we have a relaxed and beautiful attitude, life will be beautiful!

184. The significance of travel lies not in anything else, but in the fact that “either your body or your soul must be on the road of travel.”

185. Either read books or travel, your soul and body must have one on the road.

186. Life is a journey of self-cultivation; the short part is the path, and the long part is life! Travel allows you to meet a better version of yourself.

187. The city is vast, but life is small; only by stepping out can you possess the world.

188. That year, when we had no money, we would only fantasize about the day when we grew up, carrying a travel bag as big as our bodies, and with the person in our hearts, we would travel to every corner of the world.

189. I want to live a life where I have the interest to cook, the mood to read, and the time to travel. Most importantly, all of this must be accompanied by someone.

190. Life cannot be a journey that you can leave on a whim, but those who have dreams of the distant future must always be prepared to set off at any moment!

191. When walking alone, if you feel lonely, find a city with dazzling neon lights and revel in the prosperity; if you are tired of the hustle and bustle, seek a quiet valley and find the purity hidden in the mountains, as well as the “birdsong makes the mountain more serene” flying birds.

192. I am about to embark on a long journey to a faraway place. Tibet. Shanghai. Yunnan. Xinjiang. Hainan. The places I love. Just me, a camera, and that’s enough. Travel is such a wonderful and enjoyable thing.

193. Life is like a journey, where we encounter both touching and heartbreaking moments, exciting and disheartening experiences, beautiful scenery, and places with only wind and no view.

194. Travel gives us the opportunity to be alone, to liberate ourselves from daily life and become independent. Our small memories, or the consistent care and obsession, can be clearly presented.

195. No plans, no preparations, the sun was shining brightly on Thursday at noon, so in the afternoon, I bought a bus ticket to Xiamen for the weekend.

196. Life is indeed not just about the present struggles, but also about the more beautiful scenery in the distance and meeting better people.

197. In fact, happiness is simple: having someone who loves, cares, and warms you, not necessarily needing much wealth and honor. When you are sad and tired, you can lean on their shoulder, and when you are at a dead end, there is someone willing to hold your hand and find the exit to your heart. Having you is enough for happiness.

198. One day, when this place is visited by a person, whether we can spend the rest of our lives together or not, you will always be the only lover.

199. A string, if stretched too tight, will one day break; a heart, if confined for too long, will one day lose balance. We need to set our souls free, allowing them to soar in the sky of freedom.

200. Life is a journey full of unknowns, where what matters is the scenery along the way and the mood with which we view it. The journey will not end just because of beautiful scenery.