1. As long as the heart is still beating, one must study hard.

2. I am in pain, but I can still bring happiness to others. — Zhang Haidi

3. Facing the sky of life, even with broken wings, one must still fly.

4. Life is painful, but I will live on, live well, and live with the poetry of life. — From “Life is a Mirror”

5. To live is to be a person beneficial to society.

6. Even with broken wings, the heart must still fly. If fate dooms me to endure, let all the suffering come at once. Perhaps life will be crushed into powder, but my unyielding soul still flies proudly! — From “The Question of Life”

7. I am a person with ideals, unwilling to live a lifetime of doing nothing and being a boring person. I feel uncomfortable if I don’t learn more. I am willing to dedicate my life to the cause I love. Although my legs are not good, I have always been optimistic for many years, passionate about a beautiful life.

8. The true meaning of life lies in contribution, not in taking.

9. The test of courage is often not to die, but to live. — From “The Question of Life”

10. The deepest loneliness is when you know the longing in your heart, but you have to pretend not to hear or speak.

11. Everyone’s life is a small boat, and ideals are the sails of the boat.

12. On the path of life, everyone will encounter difficulties and setbacks. It depends on whether you can overcome them. If you overcome them, you are a hero, a strong person in life.

13. Even if you fall a hundred times, you must stand up a hundred times.

14. I would rather fall a hundred times and get up 101 times.

15. The past life has changed us, and now it is time for us to change life. — From “Dreams on a Wheelchair”

16.“假如我能站起来吻你,世界该有多美啊!” “ 即使翅膀断了,心也要飞翔。”_《生命的追问》
16. “If I could stand up and kiss you, how beautiful the world would be!” “Even with broken wings, the heart must still fly.” — From “The Question of Life”

17. People should not only live, but also live well, live with poetry, and pursue a perfect life.

18. I would rather fall a hundred times and get up 101 times; as long as I get up, I must keep moving forward without retreat.
Yang Jiang’s famous quotes:

1.故人笑比中庭树,一日秋风一日疏。 ——杨绛 《将饮茶》
1. Old friends’ laughter is like the trees in the courtyard, thinning day by day with the autumn wind. — Yang Jiang, “About to Drink Tea”

2.我曾做过一个小梦,怪他一声不响地忽然走了。他现在故意慢慢走,让我一程一程送,尽量多聚聚,把一个小梦拉成一个万里长梦。这我愿意。送一程,说一声再见,又能见到一面。离别拉得长,是增加痛苦还是减少痛苦呢?我算不清。但是我陪他走的愈远,愈怕从此不见。 ——杨绛 《我们仨》
2. I once had a small dream, blaming him for leaving without a word. Now he deliberately walks slowly, allowing me to accompany him step by step, turning a brief dream into a journey of ten thousand miles. I am willing to do this. With each farewell, we meet again. Does prolonging the parting increase or decrease the pain? I cannot calculate. But the farther I accompany him, the more afraid I become of never seeing him again. ——Yang Jiang, “We Three”

3.我在融洽而优裕的环境里生长,全不知世事。可是我很严肃认真地考虑自己“该”学什么。所谓“该”,指最有益于人,而我自己就不是白活了一辈子。我知道这个“该”是很夸大的,所以羞于解释。父亲说,没有什么该不该,最喜欢什么,就学什么。我却不放心。只问自己的喜爱,对吗?我喜欢文学,就学文学?爱读小说, 就学小说? 父亲说,喜欢的就是性之所近,就是自己最相宜的。 ——杨绛 《将饮茶》
3. I grew up in a harmonious and comfortable environment, completely unaware of the world. Yet I seriously and earnestly considered what I “should” learn. By “should,” I mean what is most beneficial to others, so that I won’t have lived my life in vain. I know this “should” is exaggerated, so I am embarrassed to explain. My father said, there is no should or should not, just learn what you like the most. But I am not reassured. Is it right to ask only about my preferences? If I like literature, should I study literature? If I love reading novels, should I study novels? My father said, what you like is what suits your nature, and that is what is most appropriate for you. ——Yang Jiang, “About to Drink Tea”

4.假如“心如明镜台”的比喻可以借用,她就要勤加拂拭,抹去一切尘埃。 ——杨绛 《洗澡》
4. If the metaphor of “the heart as a bright mirror” can be borrowed, she would diligently wipe it clean, erasing all the dust. ——Yang Jiang, “Bathing”

5.唯有身处卑微的人,最有机缘看到世态人情的真相 ——杨绛
5. Only those in humble positions have the best opportunity to see the truth of human nature and the world. ——Yang Jiang

6.世间好物不坚牢,彩云易散琉璃脆 。 ——杨绛 《我们仨》
6. Good things in the world are not durable, colorful clouds disperse easily, and glass is fragile. ——Yang Jiang, “We Three”

7.你的问题主要在于读书不多而想得太多 ——杨绛
7. Your main problem lies in not reading enough books and thinking too much. ——Yang Jiang

8.一个人经过不同程度的锻炼,就获得不同程度的修养、不同程度的效益。好比香料,捣得愈碎,磨得愈细,香得愈浓烈。我们曾如此渴望命运的波澜,到最后才发现:人生最曼妙的风景,竟是内心的淡定与从容……我们曾如此期盼外界的认可,到最后才知道:世界是自己的,与他人毫无关系! ——杨绛 《岁感言》
8. A person, after different degrees of tempering, gains different levels of cultivation and benefits. Just like spices, the more they are crushed and ground, the stronger their fragrance becomes. We once longed so much for the waves of fate, only to find out in the end: the most beautiful scenery in life is the calmness and composure within our hearts… We once eagerly awaited the recognition of the outside world, only to realize in the end: the world is our own, and has nothing to do with others! ——Yang Jiang, “Reflections on the Year”

10.“我只怕人不如书好对付。他们会看不起你,欺负你,或者就嫉妒你,或者又欺负又嫉妒。…” ——杨绛 《洗澡》
10. “I’m just afraid that people are not as easy to deal with as books. They may look down on you, bully you, or be jealous of you, or both bully and be jealous of you…” ——Yang Jiang, “Bathing”

11.据说,朋友的友情往往建立在互相误解的基础上。恋爱大概也是如此。 ——杨绛 《洗澡》
11. It is said that friendships are often built on the basis of mutual misunderstandings. Love may be the same. ——Yang Jiang, “Bathing”

12.刚开始是假装坚强,后来就真的坚强了。 ——杨绛
12. At first, it was just pretending to be strong, but later it became real strength. ——Yang Jiang

13.“她的条件并不苛刻,只是很微妙。比如说,她要丈夫对她一片忠诚,依头顺脑,一切听她驾驭。他却不能是草包饭桶,至少,在台面上要摆得出,够得上资格。他又不能是招人钦慕的才子,也不能太年轻,太漂亮,最好是一般女人看不上的。他又得像精明主妇用的老妈子,最好身无背累,心无挂牵。” ——杨绛 《洗澡》
13. “Her requirements are not demanding, just very subtle. For example, she wants her husband to be loyal to her, obedient, and completely under her control. He cannot be a fool or a good-for-nothing, at least he should be presentable and qualified. He should not be an admired talent, nor too young or beautiful, preferably someone that ordinary women would not fancy. He should be like a capable housewife’s old maid, preferably without any burdens or attachments.” ——Yang Jiang, “Bathing”

14.姚宓的眼睛亮了一亮,好像雷雨之夕,雷声未响,电光先照透了乌云。 ——杨绛 《洗澡》
14. Yao Su’s eyes brightened, as if on a stormy night, the lightning illuminated the dark clouds before the thunder roared. ——Yang Jiang, “Bathing”

15.成天坐着学习,连“再教育”我们的“工人师父”们也腻味了。有一位二十二三岁的小“师父”嘀咕说:“我天天在炉前炼钢,并不觉得劳累,现在成天坐着,屁股 也痛,脑袋也痛,浑身不得劲儿。”显然炼人比炼钢费事;“坐冷板凳”也是一项苦功夫。 ——杨绛 《干校六记》
15. Sitting and studying all day long, even the “workers’ teachers” who “re-educated” us became bored. A young “teacher” in his twenties grumbled, “I work in front of the furnace, smelting steel every day and don’t feel tired, but now I sit all day, my butt hurts, my head hurts, and I feel uncomfortable all over.” Apparently, refining people is more troublesome than refining steel; “sitting on a cold bench” is also a bitter skill. ——Yang Jiang, “Six Records of Cadre School”

16.上苍不会让所有幸福集中到某个人身上,得到爱情未必得到金钱,拥有金钱未必拥有快乐,得到快乐未必拥有健康,拥有健康未必一切都如愿以偿 ——杨绛 《百岁感言》
16. Heaven won’t bestow all happiness on one person. To gain love does not necessarily mean gaining wealth; to possess wealth does not guarantee happiness; to have happiness does not ensure health; to have health does not mean everything will go as desired. ——Yang Jiang, “Centenarian’s Reflections”

17.围在城里的人想逃出来,站在城外的人想冲进去,婚姻也罢、事业也罢,人生的欲望大都如此。 ——杨绛
17. People inside the city long to escape, while those outside yearn to enter. It is the same with marriage and career; human desires are mostly like this. ——Yang Jiang

18.我常奇怪,为什么有人得了我父亲的帮助,感激得向我母亲叩头,终身不忘。为什么有人由我父亲的帮助得了一千多亩好田,二十年后居然没忘记她所得的便宜;不顾我父亲老病穷困,还来剥削他的脑力,然后用两个汤团来表达她的谢意。为什么人与人之间的差异竟这么大? ——杨绛 《将饮茶》
18. I often wonder why some people, after receiving my father’s help, are so grateful that they kowtow to my mother and never forget it for the rest of their lives. Why do some, after gaining over a thousand acres of good land with my father’s help, still remember the advantage they gained twenty years later, disregarding my father’s old age, illness, and poverty, and still exploit his intellect, only to express their gratitude with two soup dumplings. Why is the difference between people so great? ——Yang Jiang, “About to Drink Tea”

19.“假如说,人事有灵性、有良知的动物,那么,人生一世,无非是认识自己,洗练自己,自觉自愿地改造自己,除非甘心于禽兽无异。但是这又谈何容易呢。” ——杨绛 《洗澡》
19. “If we say that humans are spiritual and conscientious animals, then life is nothing more than understanding oneself, refining oneself, and willingly transforming oneself, unless one is content to be no different from beasts. But how easy is this to achieve?” ——Yang Jiang, “Taking a Bath”

20.他发愿说:“从今以后,咱们只有死别,不再生离。” ——杨绛
20. He vowed, “From now on, we will only part in death, never to be separated in life.” ——Yang Jiang

22. The soul wrapped in the flesh is also unable to withstand the vicissitudes and cannot bear bumps and knocks. ——Yang Jiang

23.父亲说,没什么该不该,最喜欢什么,就学什么。我却不放心。只问自己的喜爱,对吗?我喜欢文学,就学文学?爱读小说,就学小说?父亲说,喜欢的就是性之所近,就是自己最相宜的。 ——杨绛 《将饮茶》
23. My father said, there’s no right or wrong, just study what you like the most. But I’m not reassured. Can I just follow my own preferences? If I like literature, should I study literature? If I love reading novels, should I study novels? My father said, what you like is closest to your nature, and it is the most suitable for you. ——Yang Jiang, “About to Drink Tea”

24.世态人情,比明月清风更饶有滋味;可作书读,可当戏看。书上的描摹,戏里的扮演,即使栩栩如生,究竟只是文艺作品;人情世态,都是天真自然的流露,往往超出情理之外,新奇得令人震惊,令人骇怪,给人以更深刻的效益,更奇妙的娱乐。惟有身处卑微的人,最有机缘看到世态人情的真相,而不是面对观众的艺术表演。 ——杨绛 《将饮茶》
24. The world’s manners and human emotions are more fascinating than the bright moon and gentle breeze; they can be read as books and watched as plays. The descriptions in books and the performances in plays, even if lifelike, are ultimately just works of literature and art; human emotions and the world’s manners are natural expressions, often beyond reason and logic, astonishingly novel, shocking, and strange, providing deeper benefits and more wonderful entertainment. Only those in humble positions have the best opportunity to see the truth of human emotions and the world’s manners, rather than the artistic performances facing the audience. ——Yang Jiang, “About to Drink Tea”

25.惟有身处卑微的人,最有机缘看到世态人情的真相。一个人不想攀高就不怕下跌,也不用倾轧排挤,可以保其天真,成其自然,潜心一志完成自己能做的事。 ——杨绛
25. Only those in humble positions have the best opportunity to see the truth of human emotions and the world’s manners. If a person does not seek to climb high, they do not fear falling; they also do not need to engage in power struggles and exclusion, and can maintain their innocence, be natural, and devote themselves to completing what they can do. ——Yang Jiang

26.少年贪玩,青年迷恋爱情,壮年汲汲于成名成家,暮年自安于自欺欺人。人寿几何,顽铁能炼成的精金,能有多少?我们曾如此渴望命运的波澜,到最后才发现:人生最曼妙的风景,竟是内心的淡定与从容;我们曾如此期盼外界的认可,到最后才知道:世界是自己的,与他人毫无关系。 ——杨绛 《一百岁感言》
26. Youth is playful, young adulthood is infatuated with love, middle age is eager for fame and family, and old age is content with self-deception. How long is one’s life? How much refined gold can be forged from crude iron? We once longed so much for the vicissitudes of fate, only to find out in the end that the most beautiful scenery in life is the calmness and composure within our hearts; we once eagerly awaited the recognition of the outside world, only to realize in the end that the world is our own and has nothing to do with others. ——Yang Jiang, “Centenarian’s Reflections”

27.上苍不会让所有幸福集中到某个人身上,得到了爱情未必拥有金钱;拥有金钱未必得到快乐;得到快乐未必拥有健康;拥有健康未必一切都会如愿以偿。知足常乐的心态才是淬炼心智、净化心灵的最佳途径。一切快乐的享受都属于精神,这种快乐把忍受变为享受,是精神对于物质的胜利。这便是人生哲学。 ——杨绛
27. Heaven won’t let all happiness be concentrated on one person. To gain love does not necessarily mean having wealth; to possess wealth does not guarantee happiness; to have happiness does not ensure health; to have health does not mean everything will go as desired. A content and happy mindset is the best way to temper the mind and purify the soul. All happiness and enjoyment belong to the spirit; this happiness turns endurance into pleasure and is the spirit’s victory over material things. This is the philosophy of life. ——Yang Jiang

28.我们这个家,很朴素;我们三个人,很单纯。我们于是无求,与人无争,只求相聚在一起,相守在一起,各自做力所能及的事。碰到困难,我们一同承担,困难就不复困难;我们相伴相助,不论什么苦涩艰辛的事,都能变得甜润。我们稍有一点快乐,也会变得非常快乐。 ——杨绛 《我们仨》
28. Our family is simple; the three of us are innocent. We have no demands and no conflicts with others, only seeking to be together and to support each other, doing what we can. When faced with difficulties, we share the burden, and the difficulties are no longer difficult; we accompany and help each other, and no matter how bitter and hard things are, they can become sweet. If we have a little happiness, it will become very happy. ——Yang Jiang, “We Three”

29.我甘心当个“零”,人家不把我当个东西,我正好可以把看不起我的人看个透 ——杨绛
29. I am willing to be a “zero”; when others don’t take me seriously, I can see through those who look down on me. ——Yang Jiang

30.我想到解放前夕,许多人惶惶然往国外跑,我们俩为什么有好几条路都不肯走呢?思想进步吗?觉悟高吗?默存常引柳永的词:“衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊消得人憔悴。”我们只是舍不得祖国,撇不下“伊”——也就是“咱们”或“我们”。尽管亿万“咱们”或“我们”中人素不相识,终归同属一体,痛痒相关,息息相连,都是 甩不开的自 己的一部分。 ——杨绛 《干校六记》
30. I think of the eve of liberation, when many people were fleeing abroad in panic, why didn’t we take any of the several paths available to us? Were we progressive in thought? Were we highly conscious? Mo Cun often quoted the words of Liu Yong: “The belt gradually widens, but never regrets; for her, one can become haggard.” We just couldn’t bear to leave our motherland, to leave “her” – that is, “us” or “we.” Although billions of “us” or “we” do not know each other, we are still one body, related to each other’s pain and pleasure, connected, and an inseparable part of ourselves. ——Yang Jiang, “Six Records of a Floating Life”

Shi Tiesheng’s Quotes

1. Continuous suffering is the reason for the constant need for faith, which is the principle of faith and should not be changed in the slightest.

2. Love is a moment of weakness, a desire for help from others, not a desire for their gifts, but for their participation.

3. Complete perfection is nothing but complete despair.

4. Love is an ideal or dream, not just a reality. In this way, when love is not perfect in reality, those who like reality in China will not completely turn to reality and give up the love that lingers in their souls.

5. If love is your wish, love has already benefited you, and there is no need to be righteous.

6. Writers should contribute their own confusion.

7. When all the wisdom and illusions of the day have dissipated, the night requires you to see the world with different eyes.

8. The most effective way to eliminate human nature is also to eliminate desire.

9. The customs or ways of commemoration can be diverse, but there must always be some.

10. In fact, most things in the world can be reduced but should not be reduced.

11. Inscrutability, subtlety, and uncertainty – this is the night.

12. When things are not perfect, that is when wisdom and faith are needed.

13. God does not promise glory and happiness, but God blesses your hope.

14. Because people want to live, that’s the bottom line; the true name of a person is: desire.

15. Child, this is nothing else, this is your sin and blessing.

16. Hell and heaven are both on earth, that is, disability and love, that is, original sin and salvation.

17. Using the cliché of being born at the wrong time to excuse and torment oneself.

18. The universe, with its ceaseless desire, refines a song and dance into eternity. The human name of this desire can be easily disregarded.

19. Only humans regard the manner of living as more important than living itself; only humans persistently inquire and demand the meaning of existence.

20. The brain cannot achieve everything that the mind can. The mind is much broader, deeper, and more complex than the brain.

21. If suffering eliminates nature, there would be no cause for sorrow; but if suffering eliminates everything, then everything would be extinguished.

22. I suspect that the expansion of the universe is due to such a thought that occurred accidentally.

23. Only when opening the eyes of the night can one realize that everyone is struggling weakly, and only love can save them.

24. People long for fictional art in their monotonous real lives, just as they dream of a pure land and a perfect time in this helpless reality.

25. One should not blame the eternal dream for the dissatisfaction of reality, claiming that it never existed.

26. I can even clearly see now that once I have to leave it for a long time, how I would miss it, how I would dream of it and miss it, and how I would not dare to miss it and not even dream of it.

27. Over time, I feel that we all have the desire to get to know each other, but we seem not to know how to start, so we just glance at each other and then look away, passing by each other. The more this happens, the more unsure we become of how to begin.

28. Love is not found in places within or beyond reach; it is born of longing, exists through words, and lives on through faith.

29. If there were no suffering in the world, could the world still exist?

30. Each person is a conveyer and continuation of messages; when all messages are connected, they form history and the undying passion of the universe.

31. For the soul, if one can achieve happiness throughout their life, they have already realized the greatest value of life.

32. Faith, since it does not require prior promises, naturally does not need subsequent flattery; its grace can only be received when enduring suffering.

33. If a thought carves out a new path and opens up possibilities for life, it is already art even without a stage.

34. There are many people in the world, but each person’s world is actually very small. These small worlds are only related when being pragmatic; once they become philosophical, it is likely that they will never understand each other even in death.

35. What humans cannot do is the limit, the disability.

36. The actions or psychology of the characters in my writing are also my own, some have already appeared, and some are waiting in the realm of possibilities for the right moment.

37. Discovering the ugliness of others is equivalent to discovering the possibility of one’s own ugliness.

38. This shore will always be imperfect, otherwise, the other shore would collapse.

39. Time limits us, habits limit us, and rumor-like public opinion entangles us in reality, making us close our eyes and ears in the daytime magic, daring not to act recklessly.

40. Some people are originally happy, but they seem troubled; some people should be troubled, but they seem happy.

41. A person is born, and this is no longer a debatable issue, but a fact given to him by God; when God gave us this fact, he also guaranteed its result, so death is an event that need not be rushed, and it is an inevitable festival.

42. The God abandoned by those who superficially know philosophy is not the same as the God to whom those who master philosophy return.

43. If religion is the blind worship of irrelevant things by people in ignorance, its stubborn longing from the source of life forges the spirit of religion.

44. Do not let the brain control the soul, but let the soul operate the brain.

45. I came as a child, with so many childish thoughts that I cried and shouted to come; as soon as I arrived and saw this world, I became a desperate lover, and for a lover, no matter how long the time is, it passes in a flash; then he understood that every step, in fact, is on the way back.

46. The sun, it is both sunset and sunrise every moment. As it sets and collects the desolate afterglow, it is also burning and climbing the mountain on the other side, spreading the fierce morning light.

47. In fact, we are fortunate every moment, because any disaster may be followed by a “more” word.

48. No life is as simple as you think.

49. In fact, I really didn’t think about her at that time. Her son was too young to think about his mother; he was knocked out by fate and thought he was the most unfortunate one in the world, not knowing that a son’s misfortune is always doubled in the mother’s heart.

50. For the first time in years, I realized that not only have my wheel tracks been everywhere in this garden, but also the places where my wheel tracks have been have had my mother’s footprints.

51. Happiness and suffering depend entirely on one’s own judgment, which may not have a direct relationship with the objective environment, just as a woman who does not love jewelry will not be hurt in an environment that values vanity. A poor scholar with tens of thousands of books does not want to exchange diamonds or stocks with a millionaire. People content with rural life do not envy any scholar’s honor title or high-ranking official position.

52. Life is like a dream. Life goes from nothing to something and then from something to nothing, with life and death forming society and the world. From the impermanence of life, life is like a dream. Therefore, how to improve the quality of life and live meaningfully has become an eternal topic for people; “Green mountains remain, and the sunset glows red several times,” compared with the eternal nature, life is just a dream.

53. Life is like a painting, and life itself is a picture. But when we are inexperienced in the world, we are all readers who read and view paintings, and after experiencing storms and discerning things, we become the protagonists in the book, each interpreting our own wonderful stories. Happiness is more of a feeling; happiness is a wisp of fragrance. When the flowers bloom deep in the heart, a gentle breeze can make them release a lingering, intoxicating aroma. We all have a responsibility!

54. Smile and sing the ballad of life. Don’t complain about the hardships that life has given, and don’t complain about the twists and turns in life. If the sea loses the rolling of the huge waves, it will lose its grandeur. If the desert loses the wild dance of the flying sand, it will lose its splendor. If life only seeks a smooth sail between two points, life loses its charm.

55. If there are some things I haven’t said, Ditan, don’t think I forgot. I didn’t forget anything, but some things are only suitable for collection. They can’t be said or thought, but they can’t be forgotten. They cannot become language; they cannot turn into language. Once they become language, they are no longer what they were. They are a hazy blend of warmth and loneliness, a mature mix of hope and despair. Their territory consists of only two places: the heart and the tomb. For example, some stamps are for sending letters, while others are just for collecting.

56. Past events or old friends are like fallen leaves, swirling in the autumn wind of my life, from darkness into the light, and from the light into the darkness. I can see them in the light, but in the darkness, I can only imagine them, relying on those that have swirled into the light to imagine those that have escaped into the darkness. I cannot see their true selves in the darkness, only the image of them in my imagination as they swirl into another kind of light.

57. But the sun, it is both sunset and sunrise every moment. As it sets and descends the mountain, collecting the desolate afterglow, it is also burning and climbing the mountain on the other side, spreading the fierce morning light. One day, I will walk down the mountain calmly, leaning on my cane. One day, in some mountain depression, a cheerful child will surely run up, holding his toy.

58. I can create a brilliant and glowing friendship in watercolor paintings, with sincere loyalty and passion. Perhaps one day, as time passes, it has inadvertently fallen into the lake of oblivion. The lake of memories has diluted the beautiful colors, fading the ironclad feelings of that year, laughing and defying the rivers and lakes, riding the wind and breaking the waves. The painting has become dirty and unbearable, causing deep regret.

59. Perhaps Nüwa created sweet and colorful paintings for humanity, fearing that they would not cherish them, so she added some divine water stains, hoping to bring a colorful picture to humanity, forging their spirituality in the setbacks.

60. Embrace happiness. Happiness needs to be enjoyed, but sometimes, happiness can easily defeat a person. When happiness suddenly comes, people are often overwhelmed by the whirlpool of happiness and fall from the peak of happiness. Embracing happiness means to cherish it instead of indulging in it blindly, just like facing a jar of aged wine, drinking it all at once will often lead to drunkenness and unconsciousness. Only by savoring it slowly can we truly taste its rich and sweet flavors.

61. Happiness is something you have to seek for yourself. No matter where you are in space or time, you can enjoy happiness, even if you are going through a great disaster. You should still be happy because you can see the dawn in the disaster and learn many things that others may never learn in a lifetime. When you possess something that others don’t have, you are unique.

62. Don’t rub each other in the是非 of people. Some words may not seem heavy, but if not careful, they can weigh heavily on someone’s heart; of course, train yourself not to be easily hurt by others’ words. You can’t decide the length of life, but you can expand its width; you can’t change your natural appearance, but you can always show a smile; you can’t expect to control others, but you can grasp yourself well; you can’t fully predict tomorrow, but you can make the most of today; you can’t demand everything to go smoothly, but you can do your best in everything.

63. The room of the soul, if not cleaned, will be covered in dust. A dusty heart becomes gray and confused. We experience many things every day, happy and unhappy, all settling in our hearts. When there are too many things in our hearts, they become disorderly, and then our hearts become chaotic as well. Some painful emotions and unpleasant memories, if filling the heart, can make people feel depressed. Therefore, sweeping and dusting can make a dim heart bright; organizing things can help say goodbye to chaos; and getting rid of some meaningless pain gives happiness more and greater space.

64. People who live in confusion are more likely to be happy; those who live in clarity are more likely to have troubles. This is because clear-headed people see things too clearly, and when they get serious, life becomes full of troubles; while confused people care less, although they live a simple and rough life, they find the great realm of life.
Hemingway’s Quotes

1.优于别人,并不高贵,真正的高贵应该是优于过去的自己。——海明威 《真实的高贵》
1. Being better than others is not noble. True nobility lies in being better than one’s past self. - Hemingway “The True Nobility”

2.一个人可以被毁灭,但不能被打败。——海明威 《老人与海》
2. A man can be destroyed, but not defeated. - Hemingway “The Old Man and the Sea”

3.现在不是去想缺少什么的时候,该想一想凭现有的东西你能做什么。——海明威 《老人与海》
3. Now is not the time to think about what you lack, but to consider what you can do with what you have. - Hemingway “The Old Man and the Sea”

4.一个人并不是生来要给打败的,你尽可把他消灭掉,可就是打不败他。——海明威 《老人与海》
4. A man is not born to be defeated. You can kill him, but you can’t defeat him. To knock him down is to make his body fall, but you can never defeat his heart. - Hemingway “The Old Man and the Sea”

5.我始终相信,开始在内心生活得更严肃的人,也会在外表上开始生活得更朴素。在一个奢华浪费的年代,我希望能向世界表明,人类真正需要的的东西是非常之微少的。——海明威 《真实的高贵》
5. I have always believed that those who live more seriously within themselves will also begin to live more simply on the outside. In an era of luxury and waste, I hope to show the world that the things humans truly need are very few. - Hemingway “The True Nobility”

6.你一有爱,你就会想为对方做些什么。你想牺牲自己,你想服务。——海明威 《永别了武器》 
6. Once you have love, you will want to do something for the other person. You want to sacrifice yourself, you want to serve. - Hemingway “A Farewell to Arms”

7.每一天都是一个新的日子。走运当然是好的,不过我情愿做到分毫不差。这样,运气来的时候,你就有所准备了。——海明威 《老人与海》
7. Every day is a new day. Good luck is certainly good, but I would rather be faultless. In this way, when luck comes, you will be prepared. - Hemingway “The Old Man and the Sea”

8. You can knock me down, but you will never defeat me. Knocking me down means my body falls, but you can never defeat my heart. - Hemingway

9.相爱的人不该争吵。因为他们只有两人,与他们作对的是整个世界。他们一发生隔膜,世界就会将其征服。——海明威 《永别了武器》
9. People in love should not quarrel. Because they are only two, and the whole world is against them. If they become estranged, the world will conquer them. - Hemingway, “A Farewell to Arms”

10.这个世界如此美好,值得人们为它奋斗。我只同意后半句——海明威 《战地钟声》
10. The world is such a beautiful place, worth fighting for. I only agree with the latter half. - Hemingway, “For Whom the Bell Tolls”

11.我们必须习惯 站在人生的交叉路口,却没有红绿灯的事实。——海明威
11. We must get used to the fact that we stand at the crossroads of life without traffic lights. - Hemingway

12. The more rigorous the soul, the simpler the appearance. - Hemingway

13.生活总是让我们遍体鳞伤,但到后来,那些受伤的地方一定会变成我们最强壮的地方。——海明威 《老人与海》
13. Life always leaves us bruised and battered, but in the end, those wounded places will become our strongest parts. - Hemingway, “The Old Man and the Sea”

14. It takes us two years to learn how to speak, but sixty years to learn how to keep quiet. Most of the time, the more we talk, the farther apart we grow, and the more conflicts arise. In communication, most people are eager to express themselves, but they don’t understand the other party at all. Two years to learn to speak, a lifetime to learn to keep quiet. If you understand or not, don’t say much. Speak slowly when your heart is troubled or calm. If you really have nothing to say, don’t say anything. - Hemingway

15.每个人都不是一座孤岛,一个人必须是这世界上最坚固的岛屿,然后才能成为大陆的一部分。——海明威 《丧钟为谁而鸣》
15. No one is an island, and a person must be the strongest island in the world before they can become a part of the continent. - Hemingway, “For Whom the Bell Tolls”

16.在白天对什么都不动感情是极为容易的,但在夜晚就是另外一回事了。——海明威 《太阳照常升起》
16. It is easy to be unemotional about everything during the day, but it is a different story at night. - Hemingway, “The Sun Also Rises”

17.绝望是一种罪过。——海明威 《老人与海》
17. Despair is a sin. - Hemingway, “The Old Man and the Sea”

18.但是这些伤疤中没有一块是新的。它们像无鱼可打的沙漠中被侵蚀的地方一般古老。他身上的一切都显得古老,除了那双眼睛,它们像海水一般蓝,是愉快而不肯认输的。——海明威 《老人与海》
18. But none of these scars are new. They are as ancient as the eroded places in a desert where there are no fish. Everything about him seemed old except for his eyes, which were as blue as the sea, cheerful and unwilling to admit defeat. - Hemingway, “The Old Man and the Sea”

19. The best way to find out if someone is trustworthy is to trust them. - Hemingway

20.我同情所有不想上床睡觉的人。同情所有夜里要有亮光的人。——海明威 《乞力马扎罗的雪》
20. I sympathize with all those who do not want to go to bed at night. Sympathize with all those who need light at night. - Hemingway, “The Snows of Kilimanjaro”

21.人不是生来就要被打败的。——海明威 《老人与海》
21. People are not meant to be defeated. - Hemingway, “The Old Man and the Sea”

22.假如你有幸年轻时在巴黎生活过,那么你此后一生中不论去到哪里她都与你同在,因为巴黎是一席流动的盛宴。——海明威 《流动的盛宴》
22. If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young person, then wherever you go for the rest of your life, she will be with you, because Paris is a movable feast. - Hemingway, “A Moveable Feast”

23.当晚与你记住蒲公英 今晚偏偏想起风的清劲 当晚与你记住流水声 今晚站在大地自己倾听——海明威 《我的回忆不是我的》
23. Remembering dandelions with you tonight, but tonight I think of the strong wind. Remembering the sound of flowing water with you tonight, tonight I stand on the earth and listen by myself. - Hemingway, “My Memory is Not Mine”

24.一想到我的生命消逝得那么迅速,而我并不是真正地活着,我就受不了——海明威 《太阳照常升起》
24. The thought of my life passing so quickly and not truly living is unbearable to me. - Hemingway, “The Sun Also Rises”

25. Difficulties that do not kill us will only make us stronger. - Hemingway

26.人不抱希望是很傻的。——海明威 《老人与海》
26. It is foolish not to have hope. - Hemingway, “The Old Man and the Sea”

27. As long as you don’t care about gains and losses, what can’t you find a way to overcome in life? - Hemingway

28.在人生或者职业的各种事务中,性格的作用比智力大得多,头脑的作用不如心情,天资不如由判断力所节制着的自制,耐心和规律。——海明威 《真实的高贵》
28. In various affairs of life or profession, character plays a much greater role than intelligence, the mind is less important than the mood, and talent is less important than self-control, patience, and discipline restrained by judgment. - Hemingway, “The Real Nobility”

29.夜间醉倒在床上,体会到人生不过一醉,醒来时有一种奇异的兴奋,不晓得穷竟是跟谁在睡觉。在黑暗中,世界显得那么不实在,而且那么令人兴奋,所以你不得不又装得假痴假呆,认为这就是一切。——海明威 《永别了武器》
29. At night, drunk and collapsed on the bed, one realizes that life is nothing more than a drunken dream. Upon waking, there is a strange excitement, not knowing who one is actually sleeping with in poverty. In the darkness, the world seems so unreal and yet so exciting that you have to pretend to be foolish and naive, thinking that this is everything. —— Hemingway, “A Farewell to Arms”

30. Unless you are a bullfighter, no one’s life only advances without setbacks. —— Hemingway
Bacon’s famous sayings, Bacon’s aphorisms

1. Reasonable arrangement of time is equivalent to saving time.

2. Knowledge is power.

3. Reading history makes one wise; reading poetry makes one spirited; studying mathematics makes one meticulous; engaging in science makes one profound; ethics makes one solemn; logic makes one eloquent.

4. The ideal of life is for an ideal life.

5. Time is the measure of success.

6. Reading makes a person complete.

7. True friendship is like health; its value cannot be tasted until it is lost.

8. Apart from a true friend, no medicine can touch the heart. To a true friend, you can convey your sorrows, joys, fears, hopes, suspicions, admonitions, and any burden on your mind.

9. The light one gains from another’s admonishment is purer than the light derived from one’s own understanding and judgment…

10. The best preventive medicine for maintaining the health of the mind is the faithful words and advice of friends.

11. Suspicion is the poison of friendship.

12. Knowledge is like candlelight, which can illuminate one person and countless others.

13. To see the thoughts is to see the person; to see the knowledge is to see the thoughts.

14. One of the main benefits of friendship is that it allows people to vent and release their grievances and suppressed emotions.

15. People who make friends on the spot cannot be considered true friends.

16. Books do not reveal their usefulness; the wisdom of using books lies not in the books themselves but outside of them, depending entirely on observation.

17. Books are the ships of thought sailing through the waves of time, carefully transporting precious cargo from one generation to another.

18. Those who cannot obtain friendship will be lifelong pitiable loners. A society without friendship is but a bustling desert.

19. The image of human wisdom and knowledge will be eternally preserved in books; they can avoid the wear and tear of time and can be constantly renewed.

20. When reading, we converse with the wise; in the affairs of life, we usually talk with fools.

21. It is lonely without love, and it is also lonely without hatred.

22. If a person can fill their heart with universal love for humanity, follow noble moral laws, and always revolve around the axis of truth, then even when living among people, they would be like living in heaven.

23. A person with a wife and children has limited freedom of action, thus becoming a hostage to fate.

24. If you share happiness with a friend, you will have double the joy; but if you confide your sorrows to a friend, you will have half the worries.

25. People cannot laugh without crying. Babies are born with the ability to cry and only learn to laugh later. Thus, one cannot understand happiness without first understanding sorrow.

26. A person’s nature is like a seed; it can grow into fragrant flowers or poisonous weeds. Therefore, one should constantly check and cultivate the former while uprooting the latter.

27. Friendship multiplies joys and divides griefs.

28. Old firewood burns best, old wine tastes best, the works of old authors are most worth reading, and old friends are the most reliable.

29. Reading is enough to please the mind, to embellish, and to enhance one’s talents.

30. Some books need only to be tasted, some need to be swallowed, and a few should be chewed thoroughly.

31. It is good for a person to obey others, but it must be clear that this is out of respect for them, not blind obedience.

32. No matter how valuable the gift, it cannot open one’s heart if the friend is not genuine.

33. One cannot extinguish love, nor can one be infatuated with it.

34. Apart from a true friend, no medicine can truly touch the heart.

35. Virtue is like a famous fragrance, which becomes stronger after being burned or pressed, for fortune最能显露恶德而厄运最能显露美德也 (Virtue is like a famous fragrance, which becomes stronger after being subjected to burning or pressing, for fortune can best reveal vice, while misfortune can best reveal virtue.)

36. Knowledge is a kind of happiness, and curiosity is the bud of knowledge.

37. The purpose of reading is to shape a complete personality.

38. By learning and trying, one can verify the authenticity of knowledge itself.

39. Friendship not only enables life to move from stormy emotions to a sunny sky, but also allows people to escape from dark and chaotic thoughts and enter the realm of light and rational thinking.

40. People without friends to confide in can be considered savages who devour their own hearts.

41. Love can not only occupy an open and broad mind, but sometimes it can also break into a heavily fortified soul.

42. Among all the great figures (whether ancient or modern, as long as their fame remains in people’s memory), there is none who has been lured to the extent of fanaticism in love. Great endeavors suppress such weak emotions.

43. Only by complying with nature can one conquer it.

44. The reasons why people prefer lies to the truth are not only because the pursuit of truth is arduous, nor only because the truth constrains one’s imagination, but also because lies cater to some of the worst aspects of human nature.

45. Life is like a road. The shortest shortcuts are usually the worst paths.

46. History makes people wise, poetry creates elegant temperaments, mathematics elevates people, natural philosophy makes people profound, morals make people steady, while ethics and rhetoric make people skilled in argumentation.

47. A person who would burn down a house to cook an egg for themselves and not regret it is an extreme egoist.

48. Man is the center of everything and the axis of the world.

49. Although human nature is hidden and not easily seen, it is difficult to suppress and rarely completely eradicated. Even if one forcefully suppresses it, it will only become more intense once the pressure is removed. Only long-term habits can somewhat change a person’s innate temperament and character.

50. When fate smiles, I too smile and think that she will soon frown.

51. Words with rich content are like shining pearls. True wisdom and insight, however, are found in concise words.

52. If you think twice before speaking, your words will be twice as good as before.

53. Past events are irretrievable. Wise people are already busy dealing with the present and future, and they cannot afford to dwell on the past.

54. A wife is a mistress for a young master, a friend for a middle-aged man, and a nurse for an old man.

55. Hypocritical friendship is like your shadow; it follows you closely when you are in the sunlight, but it will leave you immediately once you cross into the shade.

56. The greatest trust between people is sincerity.

57. Time is an unpossessable public property, and as time goes by, the truth becomes increasingly evident.

58. The golden age is ahead of us, not behind us.

59. Having no ideals and being indecisive is a pitiful mentality.

60. Whoever loses patience loses their soul.

61. Our language may be straightforward, but not rude or arrogant; sometimes we should also speak tactfully, but avoid being hypocritical, frivolous, and oily.

62. People think their reason governs their speech, but sometimes it governs their reason instead.

63. Experienced elders in charge are reassuring, while the energy of young people inspires. If the experience of the elderly is valuable, then the innocence of the young is noble.

64. Young people are more suited to invention rather than judgment; execution rather than negotiation; new plans rather than fixed occupations.

65. Sympathy is the highest virtue in all morals.

66. If a person is kind and polite to strangers, he must be a sincere and compassionate good person, whose heart is always connected with others, not isolated.

67. A witty and cautious person will surely have good luck.

68. Fate is like a market. If you stay there for too long, the price is likely to drop.

69. Fortune is not without many fears and troubles, and misfortune is not without many comforts and hopes.

70. Judging a person should not be based on their wealth or background, nor on their knowledge, but on their true character.

71. The virtue of prosperity is moderation, and the virtue of adversity is perseverance, the latter being a greater virtue.

72. Acting at the right time can save time; going against the current often leads to futility.

73. Excessive haste is one of the greatest dangers in doing things.

74. Virtue is like famous fragrance, which becomes stronger after burning or pressing, as fortune reveals the most vices and misfortune reveals the most virtues.

75. The virtuous are often envied by the vicious.

76. Virtue is like a gemstone, which looks more magnificent against a simple background. Similarly, a person who is not extravagantly dressed but dignified, serious, and virtuous is令人肃然起敬.

77. Studying history makes one wise; studying poetry makes one witty; studying mathematics makes one precise; studying moral philosophy makes one brave; studying theory and rhetoric makes one content.

78. A healthy body is the living room of the soul, while a weak body is the prison of the soul.

79. We only have inherent laws of health. However, few people pay attention to these laws, and often it is not until the brink of death that they realize their importance, but by then it is too late. If everyone knew the proper ways to maintain their health, there is no doubt that life could be significantly extended.

80. Being at ease and in high spirits during meals, sleep, and exercise is one of the best secrets for longevity.

81. Apart from knowledge and learning, there is no other force in the world that can establish dominance and authority in a person’s spirit and soul, thoughts, imagination, opinions, and beliefs.

82. Those who believe there is no land when they see only the ocean are merely poor explorers.

83. Angels fell from grace by seeking power equal to God’s, breaking the law; humans fell from grace by seeking knowledge equal to God’s, breaking the law.

84. A young person who is advancing in accordance with the laws of life should first pay attention to the balance between their talents, desires, and career.

85. If one has not wasted a single moment, then even though they may be young in age, they can be considered to have lived a long life.

86. Good fortune in favorable circumstances is what people hope for; good fortune in adverse circumstances is what surprises people.

87. True agility is a valuable thing. Since time is the standard for measuring achievements, just as money is the standard for measuring goods, when one is not agile in their actions, the cost of their endeavors must be very high.

88. Time is the greatest innovator.

89. There is nothing more terrifying than fear itself.

90. In all difficult negotiations, one should not expect to plant seeds and harvest them at the same time.

91. Calamities often lurk in hidden places and occur when people are neglectful.

92. Despair arises from a gray heart,动摇 (wavering) arises from disappointment, and failure arises from 动摇 (wavering).

93. Truth is more easily derived from falsehood than from chaos.

94. Throughout the long river of human history, truth, being as heavy as gold, always sinks to the bottom of the river and is hard to discover; on the contrary, those falsehoods as light as cow dung float on the surface and spread everywhere.

95. Only those who understand cause and effect can attain true knowledge.

96. To enter the world of learning, one must be like an infant.

97. People can best appreciate the pleasure of reading when they are alone and in seclusion; conversation can best demonstrate the elegance of reading; and judgment and handling of matters can best utilize the abilities obtained from reading.

98. The wiser people are, the more they bow down to learn from others.

99. Deceptive people despise knowledge, foolish people envy it, and wise people apply it.

100. Contemplation of God’s creations and works generates knowledge; but when it comes to God Himself, there is no perfect knowledge, only the astonishment after the collapse of knowledge.

101. To doubt and ask questions is to have gained half of knowledge.

102. The image of human wisdom and knowledge will be preserved forever in books; they are immune to the wear and tear of time and can be constantly renewed.

103. Books do not reveal their usefulness; the wisdom of using books lies not within the books themselves, but outside of them, depending entirely on observation.

104. When reading, we converse with the wise; in the affairs of life, we usually talk with the foolish.

105. Melons are the sweetest when grown in pure fertilizer, and geniuses are the best when nurtured in adverse environments.

106. Natural talents are like natural plants, requiring knowledge to prune them.

107. Honor is like a river: light and empty honors float on the surface, while heavy and solid honors sink to the bottom.

108. Swift action is the best way to keep secrets when it comes to execution.

109. People of noble birth are often not very hardworking, but they often harbor jealousy towards those who work.

110. Over-emphasizing the rules and formalities of conduct often leads to missed opportunities in one’s career.

111. It is better to do great deeds for the benefit of many than to hold high office for one’s own happiness.

112. Being without ideals and indecisive is a pitiful mindset.

113. Books are the ships that sail across the vast ocean of time.

114. Books are the ships that sail across the vast ocean of time.

115. Knowledge is a pleasure, and curiosity is the bud of knowledge.

116. One who starts with certainty will end with doubt. If one begins with doubt, they will end with certainty.

117. Think carefully first, then make a decisive decision, and finally, carry it out with perseverance.

118. Reading makes a person perfect.

119. Some books need to be tasted, some need to be swallowed, and a few should be chewed thoroughly.

120. Time is like a river, which brings us light and inflated things, but the heavy and solid ones sink to the bottom.

121. There is nothing to fear but fear itself.

122. Over-eagerness for quick success is one of the greatest dangers in doing things.

123. Who could be more miserable than those who, though still alive, have personally attended the funeral of their own reputation?

124. Money is a good servant, but it can become a bad master in certain situations.

125. Money is like fertilizer; if not spread in the fields, it is of no use.

126. People think that their reason governs speech, but sometimes speech actually governs reason.

127. It is important to know that excessive praise of good things can also arouse people’s aversion, contempt, and jealousy.

128. Fortune is not without many fears and troubles; misfortune is not without many comforts and hopes.

129. Fear is the most terrible enemy in shattering human personality.

130. Fate has a feminine temperament; the more you court her, the further she moves away from you.

131. A wise man creates more opportunities than he gets.

132. When danger approaches, it is more advantageous to seize the moment and confront it head-on than to hesitate and dodge, because hesitation results in missing the chance to overcome it.

133. Good luck in prosperity is desired by people; good luck in adversity is surprising to them.

134. All fortunes are not without troubles, and all misfortunes are not without hope.

135. The virtue needed for fortune is moderation, while the virtue needed for misfortune is perseverance, the latter being more admirable than the former.

136. Despair comes from discouragement, which leads to wavering, and wavering leads to failure.

137. Being without ideals and indecisive is a pathetic mindset.

138. Diseases are the interest that leisure should pay.

139. No matter how you express anger, do not do anything irrevocable.

140. Repeating oneself is mostly a loss of time.

141. Once a vow is broken, no oath can be trusted.

142. The validity of an oath depends on the purpose for which it is made; not all purposes can give an oath its strength.

143. If this is a skillful flatterer, he will surely use the best flattery, complimenting the things one is most proud of in their heart.

144. Youth excels in creation but lacks in contemplation, in bold actions but lacks in discussion, in innovation but lacks in prudence.

145. Talents displayed on the surface are enviable, while hidden talents bring fortune.

146. Apart from knowledge and learning, there is no other force in the world that can establish rule and authority in a person’s spirit and soul, in their thoughts, imagination, opinions, and beliefs.

147. Those who attribute their fortune too much to their own intelligence and cunning are mostly destined for an unhappy ending.

148. (UK) Having no ideals and being indecisive is a pitiful mindset.

149. People who show off are despised by the wise, envied by the foolish, flattered by the sycophantic, and at the same time, they are slaves to their own boasting words.

150. Those who attribute their fortune too much to their own intelligence and cunning are mostly destined for an unhappy ending.

151. Good luck is enviable, but overcoming misfortune is even more astonishing.

152. The virtue of prosperity is moderation, and the virtue of adversity is perseverance; the latter is a greater virtue.

153. The more virtuous people are, the less likely they are to be envied by others.

154. The immoral often envy the virtuous.

155. Learning and trying can verify the truth of knowledge itself.

156. Some books can be tasted, some can be swallowed, and a few should be chewed and digested; that is to say, some books only need to be read in part, some can be read in full, but not too carefully; and a few should be read in full, diligently, and with attention.

157. Without a certain degree of strangeness, there will be no outstanding beauty.

158. The virtue born of fortune is moderation, and the virtue born of misfortune is perseverance…

159. The less you speak of your greatness, the more I shall think of it.

160. I believe that the definition of good is what is beneficial to humanity.

161. A wise man creates more opportunities than he finds.

162. Habits cultivated by wisdom can become a second nature.

163. To seek truth, recognize truth, and rely on truth is the highest virtue in human nature.

164. Beautiful people do not necessarily possess other talents. … Therefore, many handsome individuals achieve nothing, as they pursue outer beauty and neglect inner beauty.

165. The beauty of appearance is higher than the beauty of color, and the beauty of elegant and appropriate movements is even higher than the beauty of appearance. This is the essence of beauty.

166. Beauty is certainly glorious when it is found in a person of noble character; but for those with ill conduct, it makes them feel ashamed and drives them away.

167. The supreme part of beauty cannot be depicted with a brush.

168. Beauty is like summer fruit, easily rotten and short-lived.

169. A person with only beauty but lacking cultivation is not praiseworthy.

170. Frugality is a virtue, but it must be combined with generosity.

171. No matter how you express your anger, do not do anything irreversible.

172. People mostly think according to their intentions, talk according to their knowledge and insight, and act according to their habits.

173. No skill is more popular and easier to obtain noble positions than good character and attitude.

174. Severity breeds fear, but coarseness breeds hatred. Even in official condemnation, it should be solemn and not insulting or mocking.

175. Cunning is a treacherous and evil kind of intelligence.

176. In the web of our lives, we cannot hide hypocrisy, otherwise, it will leave rotting traces on every intersecting line.

177. Hypocrites are despised by the wise, admired by the foolish, worshipped by flatterers, and enslaved by their own vanity.

178. There is no greater joy than being unrestrained.

179. The deception of the senses is precisely a pleasure of the senses.

180. To study truth, to recognize truth, and to believe in truth is the highest virtue of human nature.

181. No profit can be as certain and reliable as that saved from our possessions.

182. Money is like fertile fertilizer; it is of little use if not spread around.

183. Money is the luggage of virtue and a great obstacle to virtue; for wealth to virtue is like an army to baggage - indispensable without it, but hindering progress when it is present, and sometimes even causing the loss of victory due to taking care of it.

184. Do not be overly concerned with small sums of money. Money is something with wings; sometimes it flies away on its own, and sometimes it must be let go in order to bring more back.

185. In the imagination of the wealthy, wealth is a strong fortress.

186. Money is a good servant but a bad master.

187. Miracles often appear in misfortune.

188. The acquisition of all knowledge is memory. Memory is the foundation of all intellectual activities.

189. Time is the common property that cannot be possessed, and as time goes by, the truth will become more and more apparent.

190. If asked what the most important talent in life is, the answer would be: first, fearlessness; second, fearlessness; and third, still fearlessness.