1. I chase you, strive to be ahead, sweat and blood without regrets.

2. Desire enhances enthusiasm, and perseverance smooths the high mountains.

3. A warrior struggles through the stormy waves without sinking, while a coward may drown in calm waters.

4. The greatest bankruptcy for a person is despair, and the greatest asset is hope.

5. “Impossible” only exists in the dictionary of fools.

6. The rungs of a ladder are not meant to rest on; they are just for placing one’s foot for a while so that the other foot can climb up further.

7. Stopping visits means stopping breathing, and stopping recruitment means extinguishing vitality.

8. Hold the greatest hope, make the greatest effort, and prepare for the worst.

9. Willing to give up the limited, to win the infinite.

10. Once an impression is based on emotions, it often deviates from the facts.

11. Climbers aiming for the summit will not be intoxicated by the footprints along the way.

12. Each of us has our own value.

13. The cowardly will only hesitate, the reckless will only bring self-destruction, and only the truly brave can conquer all obstacles.

14. Diligence is the key to your life, capable of translating a magnificent epic for you.

15. Hold the greatest hope, make the greatest effort, and prepare for the worst.

16. When a person truly awakens, they give up the pursuit of external wealth and start pursuing the true wealth within their inner world.

17. For climbers, it is not a pity to lose the footprints of the past, but losing the direction to move forward is dangerous.

18. Strivers, in the river of sweat, steer the boat of their career to the ideal shore.

19. Those who sow with tears will surely reap with smiles.

20. Many failures are not due to limited abilities, but because of not persevering to the end.

21. Applauding others is also a way of cheering for one’s own life.

22. Never give up easily, otherwise, you will feel sorry for yourself.

23. No one’s life can be smooth sailing. When work is not going well, recall your past achievements and don’t feel too inferior; be optimistic and open-minded!

24. Why let others judge our happiness? Take control of it yourself.

25. The more setbacks in life, the more insights we gain; the more falls, the more experience we have in fighting back.

26. The establishment of great achievements in life lies not in knowledge, but in action.

27. Any limitation begins within one’s own heart.

28. If you fear the rugged rocks ahead, your life will forever be like stagnant water.

29. Those who sow with tears will surely reap with smiles.

30. Busy bees have no time to engage in idle chatter.

31. Without waves, there would be no brave surfers; without thorns, no indomitable pioneers.

32. Three years of hard study sharpen one sword, calmly and confidently facing the battle. Like breaking bamboo, we strike the Yellow Dragon, a thousand sails race to victory together.

33. The time I waste today is the tomorrow that those who died yesterday wished for.

34. Opportunities won’t come to you; you must show yourself.

35. Let’s replace our worries before an event with thoughtful consideration and planning!

36. Without the biting cold wind, there would be no blooming plum blossoms; without the frost, no resilient bamboo; without heavy snow, no upright pine; without the cold winter, no bright spring.

37. Love is so powerful that it can make people forget everything, yet it is so small that it cannot tolerate even a single grain of jealousy.

38. The most pitiful thing about human nature is that we always dream of a wonderful rose garden far away, instead of appreciating the roses blooming by our window today.

39. A few more minutes of preparation last night can save hours of trouble today.

40. Poverty does not necessarily lead to change; it should lead to the pursuit of wealth and change.

41. Some people accumulate money to gain wealth, while the wise accumulate happiness, which can be shared with others without depletion. Happiness lies in action, not just possession. Depriving others of happiness does not make oneself happy. A smile makes one more beautiful and cheerful, yet it costs nothing. Enthusiasm wins more people’s hearts than resentment. Generously giving brings more happiness to oneself.

42. The fastest and most reliable way to conquer fear and build confidence is to do what you are afraid of until you gain successful experience.

43. No matter how long the road is, it can be completed step by step; no matter how short the road is, it cannot be reached without taking the first step.

44. How can you know it’s impossible without trying?

45. No matter what kind of setbacks and failures befall, a truly strong person can handle them calmly and remain unflustered. When the storm comes, the weak succumb, while the truly strong remain composed and confident.

46. When a small thought becomes an action, it turns into a habit; thus, forming one’s character, which determines the success or failure of one’s life.

47. The past can only belong to the past, and in love, there is actually no reunion.

48. The heights that great people reach and maintain are not achieved in one leap, but through their hard work and perseverance, step by step, while their companions are asleep.

49. It doesn’t matter where you stand now; what matters is the direction you are moving in.

50. The helm of fate is struggle. Hold on to no illusions, let go of no opportunities, and cease efforts for a single day.

51. Difficulties and setbacks are not terrible; what’s terrible is losing one’s ambition and courage in life.

52. Taking the initiative in one step leads to taking the initiative in every step, staying ahead, and enjoying glory; being passive in one step leads to passivity in every step, falling behind, and suffering poverty.

53. A person who can see things from others’ perspectives and understand their mental activities never has to worry about their future.

54. One’s greatest enemy is oneself; there is no task that cannot be completed, only oneself that loses confidence.

55. Our world will never award medals to a sad laggard.

56. As long as one does not lose direction, they will not lose themselves! What’s important in life is not the position one stands in, but the direction one is facing.

57. The so-called genius is just someone who spends the time others use for coffee on work.

58. Walk every day, not fearing thousands of miles; do things often, not fearing thousands of tasks.

59. My philosophy of life is work. I want to reveal the mysteries of nature and serve humanity through it. In our short lives, I don’t know of anything better than this kind of service.

60. Live with gratitude. We come from chance, and life is the most precious gift. Love the ones you love, treat everything gently, and don’t resent or grieve due to misfortune. No matter how dangerous the future may be, stand firm with a smile, because with love, we should not fear.

61. I know what work is: work is the source of all joy and all good things in the world.

62. If you really want to do something, you will find a way; if you don’t, you will find an excuse. In the face of difficulties, the wise try every possible means, while the foolish talk endlessly. Honest people may not always be reliable, but reliable people must be honest. Time, when grasped, is gold; when not grasped, it flows away like water.

63. A person with true talent feels the greatest joy in the process of work.

64. A valiant warrior faces death in battle, disregarding minor injuries, fighting against the ancient demon for a thousand years, and striving for a new style for future generations. He throws himself into the cause with generosity.

65. When enthusiasm becomes a habit, fear and worry have no place to hide. People who lack enthusiasm have no clear goals. Enthusiasm sets the wheels of imagination in motion. A person without enthusiasm is like a car without gasoline. Those who are good at balancing work and play, and maintain enthusiasm in both, are the happiest people. Enthusiasm makes ordinary topics lively.

66. There are many ways to make money, but without the seeds of wealth, one cannot become a businessman.

67. Divine work lies in everyone’s daily affairs, and the ideal future depends on starting with small things.

68. In life, it’s not the position you stand in that matters, but the direction you face.

69. One today is worth two tomorrows. The blue sky belongs to you, the white clouds belong to you, and the winds from all directions belong to you.

70. Applying one’s mind to physical labor is the mother of all inventions. By doing so in everything, one can gain the truth of things.

71. For the most capable pilots, the waves are always particularly fierce.

72. Life requires a kind of struggle and relentless pursuit. In the face of various difficulties and challenges, we should always hold on to our beliefs, for this is the spirit of struggle.

73. Laziness is a strange thing; it makes you think it’s comfort, rest, and fortune. But in reality, it gives you boredom, fatigue, and depression. It deprives you of hope for the future, severs friendships, and narrows your mind, making you increasingly doubtful about life.

74. Because of me, the world has become a better place.

75. Action is the ladder to success; the more actions you take, the higher you climb.

76. There is no truly valuable thing in the world that can be obtained without hard and diligent work.

77. If one day, by chance, you come across these words, I hope that these few minutes truly belong to you. Here, you cheer yourself up and continue to pursue your dreams, bravely challenge yourself, and temper yourself!

78. Life does not deny anyone; it’s just that people may deny life themselves.

79. Life has always been beautiful, despite the hard work, the indifference of human relationships, occasional setbacks, and many pains and misfortunes. However, these cannot conceal the beauty of life, for there are always many things in life worth pursuing and longing for.

80. Life is a long journey, and we must learn to travel happily. No matter how distant and difficult the journey, it will be happy and full of flavor, because we enrich our lives and make our lives stronger through our experiences along the way.

81. Throughout my life, I have loved both mental and physical labor, and perhaps even more so, I have a greater passion for physical labor. When any excellent comprehension is added to physical labor, that is, when the hands and brain are combined, I feel particularly satisfied.

82. Self-satisfaction for a minute or a second means that one stops absorbing and discharging life during that brief moment. Only by accepting criticism can one discharge all the spiritual dregs. Only by absorbing the opinions of others can I add new nourishment to my spirit.

83. It is indeed fortunate for a person to be so devoted to their work until the last breath of their life.

84. The sea of dangerous doubt and negation surrounds the small island of people, while faith urges and inspires people to bravely face the unknown future.

85. We must eat, sleep, play, and fall in love, which means we have to engage in the sweetest aspects of life, but we must not succumb to these things.

86. Acquiring wealth through hard work is the greatest joy in life.

87. Remember: you have the freedom to create the life you have always longed for, and the choice is in your hands…

88. Life is beautiful, and when one life is attached to another, relying on each other and walking together, one can feel that the sky is so azure, the earth is so pure, the world is so wonderful, and life is so happy and joyful.

89. No matter when you start, what’s important is not to stop after starting; no matter when you end, what’s important is not to regret after ending.

90. There is no reward in the world to encourage hard work; all rewards are only meant to honor the results of work.

91. The ideal path is always prepared for those who have confidence.

92. Observe the person walking in front of you, see why they are leading, and learn from their methods. Busy people can get things done, while rigid people only engage in opportunism. Indecisive people, even if they make decisions, cannot follow through. Kindness requires appropriate actions to express.

93. Life is not perfect, and if you find that you have made a mistake, start over. If others do not forgive you, you can forgive yourself. Never cover one mistake with another.

94. What is sadness for? To torment you! What is pain for? To wear you down! What are difficulties for? To polish you! What are you for? To conquer them! May you soon step out of the shadows and embrace new challenges!

95. Growth means increasingly being able to accept oneself as they are, and better dealing with lonely, lost, and defeated selves, accepting them, and then facing them. Everyone has low points, but don’t let it affect your progress. Become a person you like even more, and then meet someone who doesn’t need to be pleased.

96. If a person is weak, they are their own worst enemy; if they are brave, they are their own best friend.

97. When your hopes fall through one by one, you must remain steadfast and composed!

98. The three most important words in the dictionary are will, work, and patience. I will build my pyramid of success on these three cornerstones.

99. The fastest and most reliable way to conquer fear and build confidence is to do the things you are afraid of until you gain successful experience.

100. In life, we are constantly trying and experiencing success and failure. Athletes, do not give up trying, regardless of failure or success. What matters is your courageous spirit of participation. Behind your efforts is victory, and no matter the outcome, we will always praise you and be proud of you.

1. Don’t be angry, strive for success; don’t be discouraged, break through; don’t be jealous, appreciate; don’t procrastinate, be proactive; don’t just think, take action.

2. There is only one road you cannot choose - that is to give up.

3. There is no fate that can be conquered without contempt, endurance, and struggle.

4. Courage is not about not feeling fear, but feeling fear and continuing to move forward.

5. Remember: You are the captain of your life; walk your own path, why care about others.

6. Without pursuit, you will never possess. Without moving forward, you will always stay in one place.

7. There is no such thing as failure, unless you stop trying.

8. Set your goals early, start your journey easily, look far ahead, take hardships lightly, put in more effort, be brave in struggle, and win fame. Wishing you success as a new starting point, more happiness, and a brighter smile.

9. To make the world happier, it is actually very easy. Why? Just say a few sincere words of praise to those who are lonely and discouraged. Although you may forget what you said today tomorrow, the recipient may cherish it for a lifetime.

10. Raise the sails of youth with our struggle and dreams. As we strive to row, the gates of success will slowly open for us again. We will enjoy the beauty of youth and the joy of success.

11. Tell yourself once every day: I am really great.

12. The biggest challenge in life is to conquer oneself!

13. Foolish people always want others to understand them. Wise people, on the other hand, strive to understand themselves.

14. There are no shortcuts on the road of life; only by walking down it step by step.

15. As long as there is a tomorrow, today will always be the starting line.

16. The torch falls, but the flame still rises.

17. Being serious can make things right, while being dedicated can make them perfect.

18. The final surprise is due to the once carefree self.

19. Reality is close yet cold, while dreams are distant but warm.

20. A loose guitar string can never play the strong melody of the times.

21. In life, it’s not about how much you seize, but the perfection and excellence in the pursuit. Tempering may be unbearable and difficult, but it makes the strong stand taller, walk more steadily, and generate a stronger fighting spirit.

22. Those who dare to confront the darkness must have a heart filled with light.

23. Dreams are destined to be a lonely journey, with skepticism and ridicule along the way. But so what? Even if we’re bruised and battered, we must forge ahead.

24. Some things make you envious, yet you can’t possess them; some missed opportunities make you nostalgic, yet leave lifelong regrets.

25. In this world, there is no absolute empathy. The only one who can help you is yourself.

26. As long as you stand up more times than you fall, that is success.

27. The reason for a failed life is: hating yourself for being unwilling to accept mediocrity, yet not working hard.

28. Life should have goals; otherwise, your energy will be wasted in vain.

29. There is no dead end ahead, hope lies around the corner.

30. Friend, don’t sigh about the ups and downs of fate. Because of the imbalance of the earth, there are rivers; because of the imbalance of temperature, there are the seasons of spring, summer, autumn, and winter; because of the imbalance of life, we have a splendid life.

31. Whether or not someone loves us, we should strive to be lovable. Don’t complain about anyone, don’t mock anyone, and don’t envy anyone. Be bright under the sun, run in the wind and rain, pursue your dreams, and walk your own path.

32. All victories are insignificant compared to the victory of conquering oneself. All failures are even more insignificant compared to the failure of losing oneself.

33. Our lives are reborn through the continuous posture of setting off.

34. Life is not meant to be compromised; the more you retreat, the less space you have to breathe. Days are not meant to be made do with; the more humble you act, the farther happiness will be from you.

35. Let bygones be bygones. We missed yesterday’s sunset, but we can’t miss today’s sunrise. Maintain a balanced mindset and treat each day with the most beautiful mood. Every day will be filled with sunshine and hope.

36. Happiness in life depends on your mood, and happiness depends on your mindset. In the long journey of life, nothing can be seen through at a glance. A moment of success is nothing, and a moment of failure doesn’t count.

37. Please be confident. You are a landscape, and there’s no need to look up to others’ scenery.

38. I believe that all dreams are a responsible and successful life. When you don’t have the conditions to choose freely, remember that dreams are in our next step. Do every little thing well and differently, and we will get closer to our dreams.

39. Miracles are just another name for hard work, may opportunities always be in your favor.

40. Hope is the belief that guides people to success. Without hope, nothing can be accomplished.

41. No matter how dense the clouds are, the sky will clear up one day; no matter how vast the ocean is, the ship will reach the shore eventually. As long as you have an optimistic attitude towards things and life, you will find that the world is truly beautiful.

42. Hope is the only advantage that all people share; even those who have nothing still possess hope.

43. No one can make me lose unless I don’t want to win.

44. Work hard as if you don’t expect any reward; love sincerely as if you’ve never been hurt; dance passionately as if no one is watching. This kind of life will definitely bring you happiness.

45. Tell yourself once every day: I am really great.

46. When your mistakes are exposed, don’t lose your temper, don’t think that being willful or making a fuss can hide or overcome your shortcomings.

47. Without the language of love, all words are dull.

48. If you feel disappointed and powerless now, how can you bear the long future ahead?

49. I always thought people grow old slowly, but in fact, they grow old in an instant.

50. The speed of success must exceed the pace at which parents age.

51. No matter how you feel, don’t let yourself be decadent. Make sure you are clean and presentable from head to toe every day, be a woman who lives gracefully with or without makeup, and always carry a smile.

52. Those who have great happiness must have great sorrow; those who have great success must have great loneliness.

53. If life loses its vitality due to the absence of sunlight, then we can create our own rainbow!

54. When you are honest with yourself, no one in the world can deceive you.

55. Life is too short, and what you give up today may not be available tomorrow.

56. Having a selfless heart means having everything.

57. Find what you love to do and strive to become the top person in that field.

58. Youth is so short, yet we still haven’t learned to cherish it.

59. Life is like a dream, and time is ruthless. When we look back suddenly, we realize that living is all about our mindset. Whether we are poor or rich, gain or lose, everything is fleeting. As long as our mindset is positive, everything will be fine!

60. As long as one does not lose their direction, they will not lose themselves.

61. There is no desperate situation in the world; there are only people who are desperate about their situation.

62. Tears do not signify anyone’s failure, and a smile does not mean anyone’s success.

63. Go with the waves, but never follow the crowd.

64. Only after being bruised and battered do we understand that success is not about not trying hard enough, but about never giving up.

65. Even if you are captivated by the beautiful water lilies in the water, don’t forget the lonely角落里 in the valley. Wild lilies also have their own springtime!

66. When feeling sad, eat a piece of candy and remind yourself that life is sweet!

67. Always seek to benefit others, not yourself.

68. No matter how difficult it is, stand strong and hold your head high, showing everyone that you are not as vulnerable as they think.

69. Everyone has a scar in their heart, and time is the best remedy.

70. Youth is so beautiful, yet it vanishes like fireworks at the end of a show.

71. Dream is an innocent word, while realizing a dream is a cruel one.

72. The road depends on yourself to walk, and even if it is bumpy, you must go through it.

73. Failure does not mean you have wasted time and life; it means you have a reason to start over.

74. Whether you think you can or can’t, it’s just a matter of thought.

75. Don’t be afraid of falling, hitting a wall, or being defeated. Youth gives you the courage to be brave.

76. The world is full of unfairness, and what we can do is not just accept it but also try to resist.

77. In joy, maintain a sense of gravity; in sorrow, leave a glimmer of hope. Be responsible for your life and treat every day with caution.

78. Everything must have a deadline, otherwise, most people will spend as much time as they have.

79. Whoever plays with life will accomplish nothing; whoever does not take control of themselves will always be a slave.

80. One can never stop dreaming. Dreams are the nourishment of the soul, just as food is sustenance for the body. On the journey of life, we often witness our dreams shattering and our desires unfulfilled, but we must still dream.

81. With ideals and goals, gather strength and move forward; with courage and confidence, work hard without letting go; with perseverance and determination, never give up despite setbacks; keep going, stay alert, and see the dawn of a bright future.

82. Hope is the only advantage that everyone shares; even those who have nothing still possess hope.

83. Only when the cycle continues to turn, the sun rises and sets, and plants wither and flourish. Who said: Time remains, but we are fleeting.

84. People always cherish what they haven’t obtained and forget what they already have.

85. Taking a step back does not symbolize admitting defeat; letting go does not mean giving up; smiling does not necessarily mean being happy!

86. Looking back in the crowd, friends remain sincere; when reunited in life, the heart is peaceful and gentle; the past is like the wind, the years are like a song; on the long journey of life, how much vicissitude and happiness can we find!

87. The greatest challenge in life is to conquer oneself!

88. Foolish people always want others to understand them. Wise people, on the other hand, strive to understand themselves.

89. As long as you outlive your competitors, you win.

90. A calm lake only reflects monotony, while a rushing torrent creates beautiful waves! Happiness is not about relying on others’ charity, but about winning it for yourself. The meaning of life lies in constantly challenging and conquering oneself!

91. Acceptance is better than complaining; for the unchangeable facts, there is no better solution than acceptance.

92. Losing is losing, no need for explanation; it’s just a game of chess, why bother arguing.

93. Say sorry to yourself, because you once made things difficult for yourself just to please others.

94. Don’t expect anyone to accompany you for a lifetime; even your shadow will leave you when there’s no light.

95. Whether it hurts or not, only you know; whether you’ve changed or not, only you understand. Don’t ask me how I’m doing; as long as I’m not dead, it’s still okay.

96. Life is about: being born and surviving.

97. Put away your envious gaze and strive for yourself.

98. If God doesn’t help you, it must mean He believes in your abilities.

99. Start a panic, stay with unrepeatable memories.

100. Experience is extracted from pain.