Anthony’s Classic Quotes
时间:2018-10-05 21:15 来源:语录大全 点击:849次
Time: 2018-10-05 21:15 Source: Quotation Collection Clicks: 849 times

1.长大了 总有那么一两次机会 你会为了喜欢的人 跑那么一跑 因为 如果是对的人的话 走路真的来不及 ——安东尼
1. When you grow up, there will always be one or two opportunities when you will run for someone you like, because if it’s the right person, walking is really too late ——Anthony

2.我总是勇敢的离开一个人 却不懂如何巧妙的靠近一个人 ——安东尼 《橙》
2. I always have the courage to leave someone, but I don’t know how to approach someone skillfully ——Anthony “Orange”

3.不管之前的喧嚣怎样爬过我们的伤口 但剩余的每一天 都会在每一个喜欢你的日子里 被你喜欢 ——安东尼
3. No matter how the noise before crawls over our wounds, the remaining days will be liked by you in every day when I like you ——Anthony

4.很久以后,那些好极了和糟透了的时刻我们都会忘记,唯一真实和难忘的是,我们抬头挺胸走过的人生。 ——安东尼
4. Long after, we will forget those great and terrible moments, the only real and unforgettable thing is that we walk through life with our heads held high ——Anthony

5.希望迷路的时候,前方有车可以让我跟随;冷的时候,有带电热毯的被窝;拉肚子的时候,就离家不远;困的时候,有大段的时间可以睡觉;不知道说什么的时候,你会温柔地看着我,笑我词穷;不可爱的时候,会适可而止;寂寞的时候,知道你在爱我。 ——安东尼 《这些都是你给我的爱》
5. I hope when I’m lost, there’s a car ahead that I can follow; when I’m cold, there’s a blanket with an electric blanket; when I have diarrhea, it’s not far from home; when I’m sleepy, there’s a long time to sleep; when I don’t know what to say, you will gently look at me and laugh at my word poverty; when I’m not cute, I will know when to stop; when I’m lonely, I know you love me ——Anthony “These Are the Love You Give Me”

6.将来 也会有人懂你珍惜你 像我喜欢你一样的方式喜欢你 想到这里我就轻松了好多 ——安东尼
6. In the future, there will also be someone who understands and cherishes you, like the way I like you, thinking of this makes me feel much easier ——Anthony

7.其实我不在乎你是白是黑 是直是弯 有钱没钱 是胖是瘦 是高是矮 ……你对我好 我就会对你好 就这么简单 ——安东尼 《尔本》
7. In fact, I don’t care if you are white or black, straight or bent, rich or poor, fat or thin, tall or short… if you are good to me, I will be good to you, it’s that simple ——Anthony “Erben”

8.想找个保鲜盒,把你给我的那些感动都装起来,当我不那么喜欢你的时候,就拿出来回味一下。 ——安东尼
8. I want to find a保鲜盒 (Tupperware), to store all the touching moments you gave me, when I don’t like you as much, I will take them out and savor them ——Anthony

9.想刻着一个‘不过如此’的章  到处   盖盖 ——安东尼
9. I want to engrave a seal with the words “Nothing more than this” and stamp it everywhere. —— Anthony

10.是贪婪的人 渴望被爱 被拥抱 被理解 被接受  又是自私的人 拒绝去爱 去尝试 去解释 去接纳 ——安东尼 《陪安东尼度过漫长岁月》
10. I am a greedy person, craving to be loved, embraced, understood, and accepted. Yet, I am also a selfish person, refusing to love, try, explain, and accept. —— Anthony, “Accompanying Anthony Through the Long Years”

11.有时候我在街上走 忽然就很害怕遇到你 我现在这个模样 还是完全不知道如何面对你 ——安东尼 《云治》
11. Sometimes when I walk on the street, I suddenly become afraid of encountering you. I am unsure how to face you in my current state. —— Anthony, “Yun Zhi”

12.可能我只是你生命里的一个过客,但你不会遇见第二个我。 ——安东尼
12. Perhaps I am just a passerby in your life, but you will never meet a second me. —— Anthony

13.据说那些你一笑就跟着你笑的人,不是傻逼就是爱你的人 ——安东尼 《给不二的情书》
13. It is said that those who laugh along with you when you smile are either fools or people who love you. —— Anthony, “A Love Letter to Er Bu Si”

14.不管昨夜经历了怎样的泣不成声 早晨醒来这个城市依然车水马龙 ——安东尼
14. No matter how heart-wrenching the previous night’s tears, the city remains bustling with traffic and people when you wake up in the morning. —— Anthony

15.我怕你说话,我怕你沉默。  我怕你来到,我怕你离开。  我怕抓紧你,我怕放走你。  我怕你看到我,我怕你无视我。  我怕你想念我,我怕你忘记我。  我怕你过于依赖我,我怕你不再需要我。  我怕你爱我,我怕你不爱我。  我怕你太爱我,我怕你不够爱我。 ——安东尼
15. I am afraid of your words, I am afraid of your silence. I am afraid of your arrival, I am afraid of your departure. I am afraid of holding on to you, I am afraid of letting you go. I am afraid of you seeing me, I am afraid of you ignoring me. I am afraid of you missing me, I am afraid of you forgetting me. I am afraid of you relying on me too much, I am afraid that you no longer need me. I am afraid that you love me, I am afraid that you do not love me. I am afraid that you love me too much, I am afraid that you do not love me enough. —— Anthony

16.不要让那个喜欢你的人 撕心裂肺地为你哭那么一次 因为 你能把他伤害到那个样子的机会 只有一次 那一次以后 你就从不可或缺的人变成可有可无的人了 即使他还爱你 可是 总有一些东西真的改变了 ——安东尼 《这些都是你给我的爱》
16. Don’t let the person who likes you cry their heart out for you just once, because the opportunity to hurt them that much is only once. After that, you will become a dispensable person, even if they still love you. But something will truly change. —— Anthony, “These Are the Love You Gave Me”

17.应该趁着年轻 和喜欢的人一起 制造些比夏天还要温暖的事 ——安东尼 《这些都是你给我的爱》
17. One should take advantage of their youth to create warmer moments with the people they love than even summer can offer. —— Anthony, “These Are the Love You Gave Me”

18.风不懂云的漂泊。天不懂雨的落魄。眼不懂泪的懦弱。所以你不懂我的选择。也可以不懂我的难过。不是每一个人都一定要快乐。不是每一种痛都一定要诉说 ——安东尼
18. The wind doesn’t understand the wandering of clouds. The sky doesn’t understand the dejection of rain. Eyes don’t understand the weakness of tears. So you don’t understand my choices, nor my sadness. Not everyone has to be happy. Not every pain has to be spoken. —— Anthony

19.后来,我终于能接受,我们不会再在一起这个事实。我想我唯一能做的就是,继承那些,你拥有的让我着迷的品质,好好地生活下去。 ——安东尼 《这些都是你给我的爱》
19. Later, I finally accepted the fact that we would never be together again. I think the only thing I can do is to inherit those fascinating qualities you possess and live a good life. —— Anthony, “These Are the Love You Gave Me”

20.那些 我们一直惴惴不安 又充满好奇的未来 会在心里隐隐约约地觉得它们是明亮的 ——安东尼 《陪安东尼度过漫长岁月》
20. Those futures that we have always been anxious about and curious about will subtly feel bright in our hearts. —— Anthony, “Accompanying Anthony Through the Long Years”

  1. 安东尼
    21. Anthony

22.人生,总会有不期而遇的温暖,和生生不息的希望。 ——安东尼
22. In life, there will always be unexpected warmth and endless hope. —— Anthony

23.我一直相信,当你做了某件正确的事,它就会使你在这个地球上的重量,增加一些,会觉得,安全踏实。 ——安东尼 《橙•陪安东尼度过漫长岁月 Ⅱ》
23. I have always believed that when you do something right, it will increase your weight on this Earth, making you feel safe and secure. —— Anthony, “Orange: Accompanying Anthony Through the Long Years II”

24.有时候,我会觉得什么都是假的,但这并不妨碍我发自内心地相信,并爱着这个世界。 ——安东尼 《云治》
24. Sometimes, I feel that everything is fake, but it doesn’t prevent me from believing and loving this world wholeheartedly. —— Anthony, “Yun Zhi”

25.以前看一个电影 结局的时候就会感叹 相爱的人怎么没有在一起呢 现在看差不多同样的电影 发现 原来 她说:早 他说:你好 的时候 他们就已经在一起了 ——安东尼 《陪安东尼度过漫长岁月》
25. I used to watch a movie and sigh at the end, wondering why the people in love didn’t end up together. Now, watching a similar movie, I realize that they were already together when she said “early” and he said “hello.” —— Anthony, “Accompanying Anthony Through the Long Years”

26.城市里的人都在找东西,找工作,找住处,找恋人,找一段回忆,找一个梦。有一些在找另外一个人,还有一些在找自己,有一些人在找东西,但是他们也说不清自己在找什么。 ——安东尼 《这些都是你给我的爱》
26. People in the city are looking for things, looking for jobs, looking for a place to live, looking for a lover, looking for a memory, looking for a dream. Some are looking for another person, some are looking for themselves, and some are looking for something, but they can’t quite put their finger on what it is. —— Anthony 《This Is All the Love You Gave Me》

27.让你在没有我的地方坚强 让我在没有你的地方疗伤 ——安东尼 《橙》
27. Let you be strong where I am not, let me heal where you are not. —— Anthony 《Orange》

28.原来有一天,向日葵也会想主动放弃太阳。 ——安东尼 《给不二的情书》
28. It turns out that one day, sunflowers will also want to give up the sun on their own. —— Anthony 《A Love Letter to Fuji》

29.我讨厌你 这样 肆意地充斥着我 一个个的夏天 ——安东尼
29. I hate how you fill up my summers so recklessly. —— Anthony

30.好象,我们认识的那三年时间,被这里的火车一晃,就模糊了,再一晃,就消失了。 ——安东尼
30. It seems that the three years we knew each other have become blurred by the passing trains here, and with another sway, they disappear. —— Anthony

31.有时候,不要把世界看得太孤单了,正如你总在想念某些人,也总会有某些人在一直想念你。 ——安东尼 《给不二的情书》
31. Sometimes, don’t see the world as too lonely, just as you are always missing some people, there will always be people missing you. —— Anthony 《A Love Letter to Fuji》

32.因为长相,就会很容易喜欢一个人,想与他分享时间和经历。可是,好看的人那么多,一个又一个喜欢下去,结果自己都没有被喜欢,甚至,自己也不喜欢自己。 ——安东尼 《橙》
32. Because of appearance, it’s easy to like someone and want to share time and experiences with them. But there are so many good-looking people, and if you keep on liking one after another, you end up not being liked by anyone, and even not liking yourself. —— Anthony 《Orange》

33.喜欢一朵花,就会把她摘掉。而爱一朵花,就会为她浇水 ——安东尼 《这些都是你给我的爱》
33. Liking a flower means picking it, while loving a flower means watering it. —— Anthony 《This Is All the Love You Gave Me》

34.一直在寻找你 寻找的路上独自一人 尽管有信念 还是会觉得孤独 失落 然后有一天 忽然明白 相对于“你” 我要先找到“我” 因为我不确定会和你一起多久 但是却要面对自己很久 至于你 也许你在天边 也许我遇到你的那天还很远 这些我都不怕 因为只要找到你 一切都值得 ——安东尼 《云治》
34. I have been looking for you, alone on the journey, even with faith, still feeling lonely and lost. Then one day, I suddenly realized that compared to “you,” I must first find “myself,” because I am not sure how long I will be with you, but I will have to face myself for a long time. As for you, maybe you are far away, or maybe the day I meet you is still very far away. I am not afraid of any of this, because as long as I find you, everything is worth it. —— Anthony 《Yun Zhi》

35.你根本没有像爱他那么认真地去恨他;没有像勾引他那么费尽心机地忘记他。 ——安东尼 《橙•陪安东尼度过漫长岁月 Ⅱ》
35. You never hated him as seriously as you loved him; you never tried as hard to forget him as you did to seduce him. —— Anthony 《Orange: Accompanying Anthony Through the Long Years II》

36.“被很多人喜欢 很重要么?”  “如果你喜欢的人 不喜欢你 那么就算全世界的人都喜欢你 还是会觉得很孤独吧?” ——安东尼 《这些,都是你给我的爱》
36. “Is it important to be liked by many people?” “If the person you like doesn’t like you, wouldn’t you still feel lonely even if everyone in the world liked you?” —— Anthony 《These Are All the Loves You Gave Me》

37.我喜欢的人不年轻了,我也是。但他不管干什么我都支持他。他出唱片我买来听,他拍电影我就跑去看。他有一天不想在大众面前了过自己的生活我就祝他幸福。原本他不是属于我这个世界的人,但他给了我这么多,可能他永远都不记得我,但是那又怎样,我记得就好 ——安东尼 《尔本》
37. The person I like is not young anymore, and neither am I. But no matter what he does, I support him. If he releases an album, I will buy it and listen; if he makes a movie, I will go watch it. If one day he doesn’t want to be in the public eye anymore and wants to live his own life, I wish him happiness. He was never really a part of my world, but he has given me so much. Maybe he will never remember me, but that’s okay, because I will remember him. —— Anthony 《Erben》

38.有九种感觉你才是真的在恋爱:生理上的性冲动、美丽的感觉、亲爱的感觉、羡慕及尊敬的感觉、赞许的爱情、受到尊重的自尊、占有欲、行动自由、深重的同情心 ——安东尼 《橙》
38. There are nine feelings that indicate you are truly in love: physiological sexual desire, the feeling of beauty, the feeling of affection, the feeling of admiration and respect, the love of praise, the self-esteem of being respected, possessiveness, freedom of action, and deep sympathy. —— Anthony 《Orange》

40.那时候 我还没有遇到你 快乐和难过都没有现在这么多的层面 ——安东尼 《这些都是你给我的爱》
40. Back then, I hadn’t met you yet, and both happiness and sadness didn’t have as many layers as they do now. —— Anthony 《This Is All the Love You Gave Me》

41.有时候 有 无论如何 也想拥抱你的冲动 ——安东尼 《橙》
41. Sometimes, there is an urge to hug you, no matter what. —— Anthony 《Orange》

42.爱和喜欢是同义词么?不过,爱一朵花就为她浇水。喜欢一朵花就把她摘下来。喜欢和讨厌是反义词么?喜欢一朵花就把她摘下来。讨厌一朵花也会把她摘下来。 ——安东尼 《这些都是你给我的爱》
42. Love and like are synonyms, right? However, if you love a flower, you water it. If you like a flower, you pick it. Are like and dislike antonyms? If you like a flower, you pick it. If you dislike a flower, you still pick it. —— Anthony 《The Love You Gave Me》

43.十二岁时候的我  万万想不到  二十一岁的时候的自己会变成这个样子 ——安东尼 《陪安东尼度过漫长岁月》
43. At the age of twelve, I could never have imagined that I would become like this at the age of twenty-one. —— Anthony 《Accompanying Anthony Through the Long Years》

44.我不是个执着的人 累的时候 或者走不过去的时候 平躺一下 或者绕道而行就好了 ——安东尼
44. I’m not a persistent person. When I’m tired or can’t get through, I just lie down or take a detour. —— Anthony

45.有时候,露出笑脸,只是不想让你担心或难过。但其实,我没有你想象中那么坚强。 ——安东尼 《给不二的情书》
45. Sometimes, putting on a smile is just to prevent you from worrying or feeling sad. But actually, I’m not as strong as you think. —— Anthony 《A Love Letter to Fuji》

46.对在乎你牵挂你为你哭的人好一点,别哪天一梦醒来发现在数星星的时候把月亮弄丢了。 ——安东尼
46. Be kind to those who care about you, miss you, and cry for you, lest one day you wake up from a dream and find that you’ve lost the moon while counting the stars. —— Anthony

47.我谈过最长的恋爱,就是自恋,我爱自己,没有情敌。 ——安东尼
47. The longest relationship I’ve ever had is with myself. I love myself and have no rivals in love. —— Anthony

48.我所知道的关于你的事情  就只有天气预报了 ——安东尼 《这些 都是你给我的爱》
48. All I know about you is the weather forecast. —— Anthony 《These Are All the Loves You Gave Me》

49.我觉得 我们俩之间就像喝酒 我干杯 你随意 ——安东尼 《橙》
49. I think our relationship is like drinking. I down the glass, and you do as you please. —— Anthony 《Orange》

50.还要认识很多的人  还要发生很多的事  只是那些喜欢过的人还会再遇见么  那些感动过的事还会再怀念么 ——安东尼 《陪安东尼度过漫长岁月》
50. There are still many people to meet and many things to happen, but will we ever meet those we once liked? Will we reminisce about the touching moments? —— Anthony 《Accompanying Anthony Through the Long Years》

51.玫瑰当然爱小王子  不过当你真的喜欢一个人的时候 就会想很多 会很容易办蠢事 说傻话  更别说 那个人像小王子那么可爱  玫瑰很温柔 其实她只是不知所措罢了  至于小王子 他还太小了 不明白玫瑰的温柔  他的离开也许并不是坏事 ——安东尼
51. Of course, the rose loved the Little Prince. But when you truly like someone, you think a lot, and it’s easy to do silly things and say foolish words, let alone someone as lovely as the Little Prince. The rose was gentle, but she was just at a loss. As for the Little Prince, he was too young to understand the rose’s gentleness. His departure might not be a bad thing. —— Anthony

52.最喜欢早上,好像什么都可以重新开始,中午的时候就开始觉得忧伤,晚上最难度过。 ——安东尼 《橙•陪安东尼度过漫长岁月 Ⅱ》
52. I love mornings the most, as if everything can start anew. At noon, I start to feel melancholic, and evenings are the hardest to get through. —— Anthony 《Orange•Accompanying Anthony Through the Long Years II》

53.这是一个种满仙人掌的花房,我拿着一个叫做幸福的气球站了很久,很久。 ——安东尼 《陪安东尼度过漫长岁月》
53. This is a greenhouse filled with cacti. I stand here for a long time, holding a balloon called happiness. —— Anthony 《Accompanying Anthony Through the Long Years》

54.不论是我的世界车水马龙繁华盛世 还是它们都瞬间消失化为须臾 我都会坚定地走向你 不慌张 不犹豫 ——安东尼 《这些都是你给我的爱》
54. Whether my world is bustling and prosperous or all of it vanishes into a fleeting moment, I will walk towards you firmly, without panic or hesitation. —— Anthony 《The Love You Gave Me》

55.我们都很仔细的定义过所谓幸福的生活,不过我们都没有认真的活。 ——安东尼 《陪安东尼度过漫长岁月》
55. We have all carefully defined the so-called happy life, but none of us has lived it earnestly. —— Anthony 《Accompanying Anthony Through the Long Years》

56.真正的爱情需要等待,谁都可以说爱你,但不是人人都能等你…… ——安东尼 《给不二的情书》
56. True love requires waiting. Anyone can say they love you, but not everyone can wait for you… —— Anthony 《A Love Letter to Fuji》

57.你知道 这世界如此寂寞  没有按下的发送键 季风的转向 云雨的流动和鸟的迁徙 以及 没有对你说出口的 再见 ——安东尼 《这些都是你给我的爱》
57. You know, the world is so lonely without the pressed send button, the monsoon’s direction, the flow of clouds and rain, the migration of birds, and the goodbye I never said to you. —— Anthony 《The Love You Gave Me》

58.每次 开始的时候 都迫不及待地 爱别人 可是真的在一起以后 就忘记了 小心翼翼地疼爱 原来 喜欢上一个人很容易 可是 要在心里最深刻的地方 去珍惜 就很难 ——安东尼 《这些都是你给我的爱》
58. Every time we start, we can’t wait to love others, but once we’re really together, we forget to take care of each other carefully. It’s easy to like someone, but it’s hard to cherish them deeply in our hearts. —— Anthony 《The Love You Gave Me》

59.你要赶快来爱我,等我变成长颈鹿,你就只能够到我的膝盖了。 ——安东尼 《云治》
59. Hurry up and love me, or once I become a giraffe, all you’ll be able to reach is my knees. —— Anthony, “Clouds”

60.人在时间面前太无力,所有一切无所挽留,相机的发明像一个任性的挑衅,成型的是过往的尸骸。 ——安东尼 《橙•陪安东尼度过漫长岁月 Ⅱ》
60. Humans are so powerless in the face of time; everything is beyond redemption. The invention of the camera is like a capricious provocation, capturing the remains of the past. —— Anthony, “Orange: Accompanying Anthony Through the Long Years II”

61.当你真的喜欢一个人的时候 就会想很多 会很容易办蠢事 说傻话 ——安东尼 《小王子》
61. When you truly like someone, you think a lot and are prone to do silly things and say foolish words. —— Anthony, “The Little Prince”

62.想起来的 都是你的好 我很好 还会更好 ——安东尼 《橙》
62. All I can remember are your good points. I’m fine, and I’ll be even better. —— Anthony, “Orange”

63.自己一个人太久了 就会怀疑自己是不是真的哪里不好 或者人格有问题 ——安东尼 《橙•陪安东尼度过漫长岁月 Ⅱ》
63. If you’re alone for too long, you start to doubt whether there’s something wrong with you or if there’s a problem with your personality. —— Anthony, “Orange: Accompanying Anthony Through the Long Years II”

64.椅子很热情,通常两边有扶手,那姿势好像张开怀抱,等待另一个身体 ——安东尼 《橙•陪安东尼度过漫长岁月 Ⅱ》
64. Chairs are very enthusiastic, usually with armrests on both sides, as if they’re open arms, waiting for another body. —— Anthony, “Orange: Accompanying Anthony Through the Long Years II”

65.亲爱的 最近 总有些时候 我在想 我所害怕的是 即使我使尽全力 用最快的速度一直跑 一直跑 也到不了你那里 ——安东尼 《橙》
65. Dear, lately there are moments when I think about how scared I am that even if I try my best, run at the fastest speed, and keep running, I still won’t be able to reach you. —— Anthony, “Orange”

66.但是 像我们这些没有宗教信仰的人  不就是靠被喜欢的人喜欢而活下来的么 ——安东尼 《黄 陪安东尼度过漫长岁月Ⅲ》
66. But for people like us without religious beliefs, don’t we live by being liked by those we like? —— Anthony, “Yellow: Accompanying Anthony Through the Long Years III”

67.如果 可能的话 我希望 做床 而不是 椅子 也许 当椅子会很甜蜜 又有很多次美好邂逅 可是 我更希望 有人挂念着我 当那个人累的时候 最想回到我这里 然后 放下所有防备 心满意足地 睡着了 ——安东尼 《橙》
67. If possible, I wish to be a bed instead of a chair. Perhaps being a chair is sweet and has many wonderful encounters, but I’d rather have someone miss me when they’re tired and want to return to me, letting go of all their defenses and falling asleep contentedly. —— Anthony, “Orange”

68.春夏秋冬,都会发生很多奇怪的事。唯独夏天发生的事,记得最清晰,念念不忘。你说会不会是因为夏天温度高,多余的蒸发累赘的去掉只剩下精华干练的东西。那些用食指和拇指拉起来以后坚韧的片段,它们在记忆的隧道里闪闪发光。 ——安东尼 《橙》
68. In spring, summer, autumn, and winter, many strange things happen. But the events of summer are the most vivid and unforgettable. Do you think it’s because the high temperature of summer evaporates the unnecessary, leaving only the essence and capable parts? Those坚韧片段 that can be pulled up with the index finger and thumb, they shine in the tunnel of memory. —— Anthony, “Orange”

69.生活是一场又一场美好事物的 追逐 ——安东尼 《陪安东尼度过漫长岁月》
69. Life is a pursuit of beautiful things. —— Anthony, “Accompanying Anthony Through the Long Years”

70.选喜欢的人 好像是做选择题 对了就会加分 错了就扣分 你要对你的选择负责 如果是扣分 不要责怪题意不清 或者是选项中潜在的圈套 毕竟答案是你自己选的 苦乐也是你自己享用 希望我们 心脏很强 胆子很大 好好恋爱 荒唐放纵 最后找到真 ——安东尼
70. Choosing someone you like is like answering a multiple-choice question. If you’re right, you get points; if you’re wrong, you lose points. You should be responsible for your choices. If you lose points, don’t blame the unclear question or the hidden traps in the options. After all, the answer you chose and the happiness or sorrow you enjoy are all your own. I hope we have strong hearts and courage, love passionately and recklessly, and finally find the truth. —— Anthony

71.那些我本来说好 我很喜欢很喜欢的人 那些我告诉他们我想和他们一辈子的人 我真的用心对待了么 ——安东尼
71. Those people I said I really, really liked, those I told I wanted to spend a lifetime with, did I truly treat them with my heart? —— Anthony

72.我在每一个地方想你 人多的时候想你  自己一个人的时候   你更是成了思想的主角    这样的你   让我羡慕 ——安东尼 《陪安东尼度过漫长岁月》
72. I think of you everywhere, in crowded places and when I’m alone. You become the protagonist of my thoughts, and that makes me envious. —— Anthony, “Accompanying Anthony Through the Long Years”

73.你都要喜欢当时的自己。只有这一刻 你不是后悔的 你知道自己在行走 要是这一刻是不后悔的 以后回想起来也不应当后悔 ——安东尼
73. You should like yourself at every moment. Only then are you not regretful, knowing you’re moving forward. If this moment is without regrets, you shouldn’t regret it when looking back. —— Anthony

74..有的时候 阳光很温暖 让我觉得一生都太过漫长 ——安东尼 《陪安东尼度过漫长岁月》
74. Sometimes, the sunlight is so warm that it makes me feel like life is too long. —— Anthony, “Orange: Accompanying Anthony Through the Long Years”

75.》  的三次方是   有时候觉得这样也好  一切都有迹可循   但人心没这么简单  比如那次我们说好了 一起出锤子  结果后来我出了剪刀  你却出了布 ——安东尼
75. The cube of 75 is sometimes it’s good to think like this, everything has a trace, but human hearts are not so simple. For example, that time we agreed to play rock together, but later I played scissors, and you played cloth - Anthony

76.意识比身体坚强,语言比心绪理智。 ——安东尼
76. Consciousness is stronger than the body, and language is more rational than emotions. - Anthony

77.我们为什么要旅行呢?我想,可能是,因为,有些人,有些事,有些地方,一旦离开,就回不去了,或者应该说总觉得自己回不去了,于是,我们不断地离开,去旅行,斗志昂扬地摆脱地心引力,证明自己,不是,苹果。 ——安东尼
77. Why do we travel? I think it might be because some people, some things, and some places, once left, cannot be returned to, or rather, we always feel like we can’t go back. So, we keep leaving, traveling, and fighting to break free from gravity, proving that we are not just apples. - Anthony

78.曾经有人和我说 如果你爱上了一个对的人 就会觉得他为你打开了一扇门 你会看到之前没有见过的 另一个奇妙的世界 ——安东尼 《这些,都是你给我的爱》
78. Someone once told me that if you fall in love with the right person, you will feel like they have opened a door for you, and you will see a wonderful world you have never seen before. - Anthony “These, This is the Love You Give Me”

79.“我这一生按照自己的意愿 已经过得很精彩了 没有大富大贵但是也不缺钱花 有很好的家人 莫名其妙认识了很酷的朋友 爱过 也被人爱过 觉得够了” ——安东尼 《黄 陪安东尼度过漫长岁月Ⅲ》
79. “I have lived a wonderful life according to my own wishes. I am not rich and famous, but I don’t lack money. I have a great family, inexplicably met some cool friends, loved, and been loved. I feel it’s enough.” - Anthony “Yellow: Accompanying Anthony Through the Long Years III”

80.You take care  We must be strong and carry on… ——安东尼 《陪安东尼度过漫长岁月》
80. You take care. We must be strong and carry on… - Anthony “Accompanying Anthony Through the Long Years”

81.玫瑰当然爱小王子 不过当你真的喜欢一个人的时候 就会想很多 会很容易办蠢事 说傻话更别说 那个人像小王子那么可爱玫瑰很温柔 其实她只是不知所措罢了至于小王子 他还太小了 不明白玫瑰的温柔 他的离开也许并不是坏事“爱”有的时候好像 买新衣服要站在远处才能看清 ——安东尼
81. Of course, the rose loves the Little Prince. But when you really like someone, you will think a lot, and it’s easy to do silly things and say foolish words, let alone that the person is as lovely as the Little Prince. The rose is gentle, but actually, she is just at a loss. As for the Little Prince, he is still too young to understand the rose’s gentleness. His departure may not be a bad thing. “Love” sometimes seems like buying new clothes, and you have to stand far away to see clearly. - Anthony

82.我们为什么要旅行呢我想 可能是 因为 有些人 有些事 有些地方 一旦离开 就回不去了 或者应该说 总觉得自己回不去了——安东尼
Why do we travel?Maybe,it’s because that someone,something,or somewhere,once you leave behind you can never return. Or think that you won’t be able to return.

83.在每一个地方想你 自己一个人的时候 你更是成了思想的主角 这样的你 让我羡慕 ——安东尼
I think of you,wherever I am.When I’m alone,you are the main character of my mind.I am…jealous of you.

84.墨尔本的雨天当然也不明亮,但它是透明的,所有的颜色变得更有颜色,变得脆了起来。 ——安东尼 《尔本》
84. The rainy days in Melbourne are not bright, of course, but they are transparent, and all the colors become more colorful and brittle. - Anthony “Erben”

85.尽管现在努力做人 但天天在家也没什么人味儿 今天穿得人模狗样地跑到豪华酒店上厕所 又在大厅看设计类杂志 其间精致的发型 利索的西服 漂亮的礼服 以及高级轿车走来走去 觉得自己狐假虎威活得很成功 ——安东尼 《尔本》
85. Although I am trying hard to be a good person now, staying at home every day doesn’t make me feel human. Today, I dressed up and went to a luxury hotel to use the restroom, and then read design magazines in the lobby. Among the exquisite hairstyles, neat suits, beautiful dresses, and high-end cars coming and going, I felt like I was living a successful life by relying on others’ success. - Anthony “Erben”

86.宝贝 如果世界上 没有一个地方可以屏弃寒冷的话 那么请你一直跟着我吧 ,觉得冷的时候 我就可以拥抱 ——安东尼
86. Baby, if there is no place in the world that can abandon the cold, then please follow me all the time, so when you feel cold, I can embrace you. - Anthony

87.因为只要找到你,一切都值得了。 ——安东尼 《这些都是你给我的爱》
87. Because as long as I find you, everything is worth it. - Anthony “These Are the Loves You Give Me”

88.过去 有几年单身无论何时 都觉得自己在天涯海角 ——安东尼
88. In the past, I was single for several years, and no matter when, I felt like I was at the ends of the earth. - Anthony

89.当你喜欢一个人的时候 你就会在乎起来 于是一切不可思议都有了意义 ——安东尼 《这些都是你给我的爱》
89. When you like someone, you will care, and then everything incredible becomes meaningful. - Anthony “These Are the Loves You Give Me”

90.我对他的想念,想得内心充满忧愁。 ——安东尼 《尔本》
90. My longing for him fills my heart with sorrow. - Anthony “Erben”

91.岁月,只是想找到他而已 ——安东尼
91. Time just wants to find him. - Anthony

92.被喜欢的人不喜欢,就算全世界的人喜欢,嗯……那也要孤独吧 ——安东尼 《这些都是你给我的爱》
92. If the person you like doesn’t like you, even if people all over the world like you, um… that must be lonely too. - Anthony “These Are the Loves You Give Me”

93.用拒人千里之外的冷酷来掩饰自己仕途与人亲近的热血沸腾 这算完美人格 还是闷骚? ——安东尼 《陪安东尼度过漫长岁月》
93. Using a cold, distant attitude to cover up one’s passion for getting close to others, is this a perfect personality or a repressed person? - Anthony “Accompanying Anthony Through the Long Years”

94.直到你不再找我,直到你找不到我,直到最后,你在某一瞬间猛然想起我。可是,那个时候,被你弄丢的我就真的已经不在了,也再不需要你再找回来了。 ——安东尼
94. Until you no longer look for me, until you can’t find me, until finally, you suddenly think of me in a moment. But by that time, I, who was lost by you, will really be gone and no longer need you to find me back. —— Anthony

95.过去已经不存在了,将来也不想考虑。只想此时此刻,为了你任性的勇敢。 ——安东尼 《橙》
95. The past no longer exists, and I don’t want to think about the future. I just want this moment, for your wayward bravery. —— Anthony “Orange”

96.如果一切真的消失 地球也不见 那我要我对你的思念 再在世界里走几个光年 ——安东尼
96. If everything really disappears and the Earth is gone, then I want my longing for you to walk a few more light-years in the world. —— Anthony

97.我到底要用怎样的速度生活才可以避开你。 ——安东尼 《橙》
97. What speed do I have to live at to avoid you? —— Anthony “Orange”

98.听到你的声音  就想贴你的胸 知道你病了  就想进厨房熬汤 ——安东尼 《橙》
98. Hearing your voice, I want to stick to your chest; knowing you are sick, I want to go into the kitchen to make soup. —— Anthony “Orange”

99.在我的心底     住着 自动拷贝保存的夏天    下星期六的午后茶会 让人窒息的海啸         街角面包店的赤豆刨冰 丢失地图的少年旅行家       为搭建临时帐篷而苦恼的女王陛下 和一枚风和日丽的      你 ——安东尼 《陪安东尼度过漫长岁月》
99. In my heart, there is an automatically copied and saved summer, next Saturday’s afternoon tea party, suffocating tsunami, the street corner bakery’s red bean shaved ice, the lost map young traveler, the queen who is troubled by setting up a temporary tent, and a beautiful day with you. —— Anthony “Accompanying Anthony Through the Long Years”

100.放不下,想不开,看不透,忘不了。 ——安东尼
100. Can’t let go, can’t figure it out, can’t see through, can’t forget. —— Anthony

101.最喜欢坐公交     在最后一排左边的位置 坐着坐着就睡着了    好像一眨眼就走过半个城市 ——安东尼 《陪安东尼度过漫长岁月》
101. I like taking the bus the most, sitting in the last row on the left, and I fall asleep while sitting, as if I’ve walked through half the city in the blink of an eye. —— Anthony “Accompanying Anthony Through the Long Years”

102.可能是    安静而又小心翼翼的人     可是     有的时候      觉得自己有恬不知耻的热情     它们就犹如雨后不知名的大片花系      一夜之间盛开     然后凋落 ——安东尼 《陪安东尼度过漫长岁月》
102. Perhaps it’s a quiet and cautious person, but sometimes, I feel that I have a shameless passion. They are like the unknown large flower clusters after the rain, blooming overnight, and then withering. —— Anthony “Accompanying Anthony Through the Long Years”

103.有一天,我会忘记你。我没有很期待,也没有觉得失落。我只是知道,会有那么一天。 ——安东尼 《橙•陪安东尼度过漫长岁月 Ⅱ》
103. One day, I will forget you. I am not looking forward to it, nor do I feel lost. I just know that there will be such a day. —— Anthony “Orange & Accompanying Anthony Through the Long Years II”

104.“沿途风光有多美 不如在你身边徘徊” “没有爱不会死 不过有了爱会活过来” “你觉得,你不知道我如此爱你,和我不知道我如此爱你,哪个更言情” “其实 我很喜欢 每一次 去找你的时候 的自己” “我突然明白了 我不能坐在悲伤地你旁边” ——安东尼 《橙》
104. “How beautiful the scenery along the way is, not as good as wandering by your side” “Without love, you won’t die, but with love, you will come back to life” “Do you think it’s more romantic that you don’t know how much I love you, and I don’t know how much I love you?” “Actually, I really like myself every time I go to find you” “I suddenly understood that I can’t sit next to you when you’re sad” —— Anthony “Orange”

105.之前那个我和现在的我之间的距离 被许多细小琐碎的事情填充着 这些都是你给我的爱吧 ——安东尼 《这些都是你给我的爱》
105. The distance between the previous me and the current me is filled with many small and trivial things, all of which are the love you’ve given me. —— Anthony “These Are All the Loves You’ve Given Me”

106.今天冥想时候想通件事 每个人都是一座寺 一个僧 都要遇见 一个僧 一座寺 ——安东尼
106. Today, during meditation, I realized that everyone is a temple, a monk, and we all have to meet a monk, a temple. —— Anthony

107.我所生活的世界很小 每天晚上我都走同样的路回家 开同一扇门 睡同一张床 我所生活的城市很大 连结成片的云也覆盖不了它 一直有旧房子被推平 一直都有新楼耸立 我在这样大大的城市中过着小小的生活 我知道你也是 即使站在高处的地方我也看不到你 但是偶尔每个独身一人的快乐午后或者寂寞的夜里我就又能感受到你了 ——安东尼 《尔本》
107. The world I live in is very small; every night I walk the same path home, open the same door, and sleep in the same bed. The city I live in is very large; even the continuous clouds cannot cover it. Old houses are constantly being demolished, and new buildings are always rising. I live a small life in such a big city. I know you are too. Even when I stand in a high place, I can’t see you. But occasionally, on a happy afternoon alone or a lonely night, I can feel you again. —— Anthony “Erben”

108.想得到的东西 不一定都会得到 嗯。人生不过如此 ——安东尼
108. Not everything you want will be obtained, well, that’s life. —— Anthony

109.你看这颗心这么温润 颜色又纯正 这是一颗多么好的心啊 ——安东尼 《云治》
109. Look at this heart, so warm and moist, with such a pure color, what a good heart it is. —— Anthony “Cloud Treatment”

110.觉得和 自己有关的一切都显得非常遥远 ——安东尼
110. It feels like everything related to myself is very distant —— Anthony

111.和朋友穿过公园的时候 看到有个男的在地上躺得 穿的破烂看起来醉了 我和朋友从他身边走过去 和朋友说那人没事儿吧 觉得不干我的事不要惹麻烦 又走了几步我实在受不了 跑回去 蹲下来推他 等了下 他醒了我问你还好吧 他睁眼看我说我没事儿 谢谢你你是个好人 这个场景我不时的想起来 ——安东尼
111. When walking through the park with a friend, I saw a man lying on the ground, dressed in rags and looking drunk. My friend and I walked past him, and I said to my friend, “Is that guy okay?” I thought it wasn’t my business and didn’t want to cause trouble, so we kept walking. After a few steps, I couldn’t stand it anymore, ran back, squatted down, and pushed him. After a while, he woke up. I asked if he was okay. He opened his eyes, looked at me, and said, “I’m fine. Thank you. You are a good person.” This scene comes to my mind from time to time —— Anthony

112.是不是一个人一生只能说次我爱你 所以有些人怎么也不肯说了 是不是一个人一辈子只能哭次 所以有些人即使亲人离开爱人分手 心被揉捏的粉碎 神情恍惚 也都没有一滴泪水 想哭的时候却又哭不出来 每每如此 ——安东尼 《期限》
112. Is it that a person can only say “I love you” once in their life, so some people never say it? Is it that a person can only cry a certain number of times, so even when their loved ones leave or their partners break up, their hearts are crushed, and they are in a daze, yet not a single tear falls? When they want to cry but can’t, it happens every time —— Anthony, “Deadline”

113.我的寿衣太大棺椁太小 分配给我的土地上有太多的蚂蚁…. 那些男人都来了 我爱过的 有的打伞 有的流泪” 我知道你难过 留不住你 那拜拜啦 希望你在那边多几个 奔走之友 饭饱酒足 ——安东尼
113. My shroud is too big, the coffin too small, and there are too many ants on the land assigned to me… All those men have come, the ones I’ve loved, some with umbrellas, some with tears. “I know you’re sad, I can’t keep you, so goodbye. I hope you have more friends to run around with and enjoy your meals and drinks over there.” —— Anthony

114.好友酒醉 问我 恋爱这么苦 大家为什么还想谈 我想了下说 我们谈恋爱 又不是因为它甜 是因为恋爱时那种喜欢又想得到的心劲儿 才能走过 春夏秋冬 红橙黄绿啊 ——安东尼
114. A friend, drunk, asked me, “Why do people still want to be in love when it’s so bitter?” I thought for a moment and said, “We’re in love, not because it’s sweet, but because the desire to be with someone we like helps us get through the spring, summer, autumn, and winter, and all the colors in between.” —— Anthony

115.找到一个彼此相爱的人  好好过日子  真的好难啊  怎么这么难呢  连童话故事里的感情都这么心酸 ——安东尼 《云治》
115. It’s really hard to find someone you truly love and live a good life together. Why is it so difficult? Even the relationships in fairy tales are so heartbreaking —— Anthony, “Clouds”

116.就是觉得很顺 朋友啊 恋人啊 工作啊 想要的都能得到 每次深陷幸福中的同时就会有点担心 ——“从今以后的人生 都会走下坡路吧” ——安东尼 《尔本》
116. I just feel that everything is going smoothly – friends, lovers, work, and getting what I want. Every time I’m immersed in happiness, I worry a little, thinking, “Will my life go downhill from now on?” —— Anthony, “Erben”

117.恍惚间 隐约想著 应该 趁著年轻 和喜欢的人在一起制造些比夏天还要温暖的回忆 ——安东尼
117. In a daze, I vaguely think that I should, while young, create some memories warmer than summer with the person I like —— Anthony

118.一直都在寻找你,寻找的路上独自一人,尽管有信念,还是会觉得孤独,失落。 然后有一天, 忽然明白,相对于你,我要先找到我。 ——安东尼 《这些都是你给我的爱》
118. I’ve been searching for you, alone on the journey, even with faith, I still feel lonely and lost. Then one day, I suddenly realized that compared to you, I must first find myself. —— Anthony, “These Are All the Loves You’ve Given Me”

119.抱着你睡觉的时候也不觉得彻底拥有你 总觉得我醒来的时候你就会消失不见 日光在你睡过的地方停留 留下明亮的光斑 ——安东尼 《云治》
119. When I hold you while sleeping, I don’t feel like I completely possess you. I always feel that when I wake up, you’ll disappear. The sunlight lingers where you’ve slept, leaving a bright spot —— Anthony, “Clouds”

120.觉得每次爱的那么用力很伤元气 也许爱情也不是找来的 它要自然而然的发生 ——安东尼 《云治》
120. I think loving so hard each time is draining. Maybe love isn’t something you find; it should happen naturally —— Anthony, “Clouds”

121.只有被喜欢的人 喜欢 才会觉得 幸福 ——安东尼 《这些都是你给我的爱》
121. Only when you are liked by someone you like can you feel happiness —— Anthony, “These Are All the Loves You’ve Given Me”

122.我知道有一天我会忘记你 我没有期待 我没有悲伤 我只是知道了而已 嗯。  know that one day I will forget you.I don’t have anticipation.I don’t feel sad.I just know,that’s all. ——安东尼
122. I know that one day I will forget you. I don’t have anticipation, I don’t feel sad. I just know, that’s all. —— Anthony

123.我涂了水蓝色的指甲,你便亲吻我的手掌。 ——安东尼 《这些都是我给你的爱》
123. I painted my nails in a water-blue color, and you kissed my palm. —— Anthony, “These Are All the Loves You’ve Given Me”

124.我讨厌一朵花,就把它摘下来。我喜欢一朵花,也把它摘了下来。 ——安东尼
124. I hate a flower, so I pick it. I like a flower, so I pick it too. —— Anthony

125.我最喜欢的一句话-有时阳光很好有时阳光很暗这就是生活 ——安东尼
125. My favorite saying – sometimes the sunlight is bright, sometimes it’s dark; that’s life. —— Anthony

126.司机是一只大熊  浅浅的笑容挂在胖胖的脸上  像一枚正在融化的太妃糖。 ——安东尼
126. The driver is a big bear with a faint smile hanging on his chubby face, like a toffee melting. ——Anthony

127.陪安东尼度过的漫长岁月,陪你度过的漫长岁月。 ——安东尼
127. Accompanying Anthony through the long years, accompanying you through the long years. ——Anthony

128.虽然这么远,但“核”的部分是不变的,我们在一起的这段旅程一旦开始,就会一直下去。 关于那个关键字的问题,我想通了,应该被标记出来的是“陪” ——安东尼 《红 : 陪安东尼度过漫长岁月Ⅰ》
128. Although it’s so far, the “core” part remains unchanged. Once our journey together begins, it will continue forever. As for the keyword issue, I’ve figured it out. What should be marked is “accompany”. ——Anthony “Red: Accompanying Anthony Through the Long Years I”

129.给朋友们讲云治的故事 有人流泪 有人默默点头 有人说我终于写了个故事 有人温柔的笑似乎想到什么/什么是爱呢? 我不是很聪明 我说不清楚 我认识一些很聪明的人 他们也说不清楚 云治里有一些我平时也会问自己的问题 写着写着找到一些答案了/站在热气球的篮子里 天地之间 有些东西变的非常纯粹起来 ——安东尼
129. Telling friends the story of Yunzhi, some cry, some nod silently, some say I’ve finally written a story, and some smile gently as if they think of something. What is love? I’m not very smart, I can’t explain it. I know some very smart people who can’t explain it either. Yunzhi has some questions I usually ask myself, and as I write, I find some answers. /Standing in the hot air balloon basket, between heaven and earth, some things become very pure. ——Anthony

130.没有任何声音,  他的眼泪,忽然就流了下来…… ——安东尼 《这些都是你给我的爱》
130. Without any sound, his tears suddenly flowed down… ——Anthony “All the Love You Gave Me”

131.晚上做梦,第一个是和马天宇一起在我们大学跑步,问他,李宇春到底好看么。 ——安东尼 《橙•陪安东尼度过漫长岁月 Ⅱ》
131. In my dream last night, the first one was running with Ma Tianyu on our university campus, asking him, is Li Yuchun really good-looking? ——Anthony “Orange: Accompanying Anthony Through the Long Years II”

132.我们一起走路的时候,一定在想着不同的事情,有的时候,我想离开你,去遥远的地方,人烟荒芜的地方。 ——安东尼 《黄 陪安东尼度过漫长岁月Ⅲ》
132. When we walk together, we must be thinking different things. Sometimes, I want to leave you and go to a distant, uninhabited place. ——Anthony “Yellow: Accompanying Anthony Through the Long Years III”

133.有时候在云层中穿梭,看不见外面的风云变幻。 ——安东尼 《陪安东尼度过漫长岁月》
133. Sometimes shuttling through the clouds, unable to see the changes outside. ——Anthony “Accompanying Anthony Through the Long Years”

134.一个人的时候才舒服犄角旮旯才自在 我不像你 你应该是那种 花开平整的兰花 一个枝头发几只 人们好好看护你 温度阳光什么的 随后一定被放在显要的地方 比如一进门的圆桌上 或者投射灯下必定要人们瞩目知道的 你那么不蔓不枝的长着几天不浇水也行 ——安东尼
134. I am only comfortable and at ease when I am alone in the corners. I am not like you. You should be a flower, a smooth-growing orchid, with several branches on one stem, and people taking good care of you. The temperature and sunlight are just right, and you will definitely be placed in a prominent place, such as a round table at the entrance or under the spotlight, so that people must pay attention to you. You grow so neatly, and you can survive for a few days without watering. ——Anthony

135.我一直相信 当你做了某件正确的事 它就会使你在这个地球上的重量增加一些 会觉 得 安全踏实 现在让我觉得害怕的是 不知道什么地方 有阵风 可能是来自某个角落  可能是一个不属于你的人 可能是疾病 当刮风的时候 它就把你像 叶子一样卷起带你去它想去的地方 ——安东尼
135. I have always believed that when you do something right, it will increase your weight on this earth, making you feel safe and secure. What scares me now is that somewhere, there is a gust of wind, possibly from a corner, possibly from someone who doesn’t belong to you, possibly a disease. When the wind blows, it will roll you up like a leaf and take you where it wants to go. ——Anthony

136.我所生活的世界很小,每天晚上,我都走同样的路回家,开同一扇门,睡同张床 我所生活的城市很大,连结成片的云也覆盖不了它一直有旧房子被推平一直都有新楼耸立 ——安东尼 《尔本》
136. The world I live in is very small. Every night, I walk the same way home, open the same door, and sleep in the same bed. The city I live in is very large, even the continuous clouds cannot cover it. There are always old houses being demolished and new buildings rising. ——Anthony “Erben”

137.我们讨厌一朵花时,把她摘下来,喜欢一朵花时,也把她摘下来。 ——安东尼
137. When we hate a flower, we pick it off; when we like a flower, we also pick it off. ——Anthony

138.你不在我的血液里  但  你的呼吸是我的心跳声 ——安东尼 《尔本》
138. You are not in my bloodstream, but your breath is my heartbeat. ——Anthony “Erben”

139.每一次浪来都是一期一会 每一次浪去都是来日方长 ——安东尼
139. Each time the wave comes, it is a once-in-a-lifetime encounter; each time the wave goes, it is a promise of a long future. ——Anthony

140.狐狸说 猎人养鸡 不过他们也有枪 事物都有 好坏两面。 ——安东尼 《红 : 陪安东尼度过漫长岁月Ⅰ》
140. The fox said, hunters raise chickens, but they also have guns. Everything has its good and bad sides. ——Anthony “Red: Accompanying Anthony Through the Long Years I”

141.世界是真的  付出都是值得的 ——安东尼 《云治》
141. The world is real, and everything we give is worth it —— Anthony, “Clouds Govern”

142.我们一直在爱着 同时也难过 寂寞 愤怒 失望 觉得累了 伤心 心灰意冷 但是又会出现一个人 让你觉得一切都好了 犹如季节变化多端冷热交替 因为世界是真的 付出的都值得 ——安东尼 《云治》
142. We have always been in love, while also experiencing sadness, loneliness, anger, disappointment, and feeling tired and heartbroken. But then someone comes along and makes everything feel better, just like the ever-changing seasons with their alternating cold and warmth. Because the world is real, and everything we give is worth it —— Anthony, “Clouds Govern”

143.”不是我多愁善感 真正的寂寞是很真实的” ”有的时候 他看着你 你就会忽然知道 他不再爱你了”分开前,总隐隐觉得我们走到头了,对,是到头,不是到岸。最后的那一通电话好像都感觉到了,就这样,在不安的预感中,结束了一切。 ”有一天 我会忘记你 我没有很期待 也没有觉得失落 我只是 知道 有那么一天” ——安东尼 《橙》
143. “It’s not that I’m sentimental; true loneliness is very real.” “Sometimes, when he looks at you, you suddenly realize that he no longer loves you.” Before we parted, I always had a faint feeling that we had reached the end, yes, the end, not the shore. The last phone call seemed to convey that feeling, and so it ended everything amidst an uneasy premonition. “One day, I will forget you. I don’t expect it, nor do I feel lost. I just know that there will be such a day.” —— Anthony, “Orange”

144.我一直一直在想你 思念带来前所未有的甜蜜 ——安东尼 《陪安东尼度过漫长岁月》
144. I have been thinking of you all the time, and missing you brings an unprecedented sweetness —— Anthony, “Accompanying Anthony Through the Long Years”

145.你喜欢我 陪了我那么久 即使我骄傲 自私 做作的时候 你都在 ——安东尼
145. You like me and have accompanied me for so long, even when I was arrogant, selfish, and pretentious, you were still there —— Anthony

146.他就那样的 笑着说 ”我们都会一天天 变老 然后死掉 多好” ——安东尼 《这些,都是你给我的爱》
146. He just laughed and said, “We will all grow old day by day and then die. How wonderful!” —— Anthony, “These, Are All the Love You Give Me”

147.想把春天揉进汤圆煮给你吃 然后连夜奔跑 去我冬天的家乡 ——安东尼
147. I want to knead the spring into glutinous rice balls and cook them for you, then run through the night to my winter hometown —— Anthony

148.我是傻瓜还是糊涂蛋 明明是那么认真的快乐与担忧过 怎么能这样彻彻底底的忘记了呢?  其实大家都是普通人 都挺善良的 也都傻 怕寂寞 有的时候耍一些小聪明 都希望别人对自己好一点 可是有懒得付出 ——安东尼 《这些,都是你给我的爱》
148. Am I a fool or a muddlehead? I have been so genuinely happy and worried, how can I forget it all completely? In fact, everyone is an ordinary person, quite kind, and also foolish, afraid of loneliness, sometimes playing a little smart, hoping others will treat them better, but too lazy to give. —— Anthony, “These, Are All the Love You Give Me”

149.而有很多人说 我不相信爱情了 爱情就在那里 容不得你信不信 来了就来了 走了就走了 ——安东尼 《这些 都是你给我的爱II 云治》
149. Many people say, “I don’t believe in love anymore.” Love is right there, whether you believe it or not. It comes and goes as it pleases. —— Anthony, “These Are All the Love You Give Me II Clouds Govern”

150.一直都在寻找你 寻找的路上独自一人 尽管有信念 还是会觉得孤独 失落 然后有一天 忽然明白 相对于“你” 我要先找到“我” 因为我不确定会和你一起多久 但是要面对自己很久很久 至于你 也许你在天边 也许我遇到你的那天还很远 这些我都不怕 因为只要找到你 一切都值得了 ——安东尼 《这些都是你给我的爱》
150. I have been searching for you all along, alone on the journey. Although I have faith, I still feel lonely and lost. Then one day, I suddenly realized that compared to “you,” I must first find “me.” Because I’m not sure how long I’ll be with you, but I’ll have to face myself for a long time. As for you, maybe you’re at the horizon, or maybe the day I meet you is still far away. I’m not afraid of any of this because as long as I find you, everything will be worth it —— Anthony, “These Are All the Love You Give Me”

151.搬家的时候 能舍弃的 不能舍弃的 重要的 不再重要的 就一目了然 … … 有些东西 你只是觉得它重要而已 其实扔了也没什么 有些东西 某一段时间 对你很重要 过了那阵子 该扔了就扔了吧 有些东西 你知道 就算扔掉了 它的痕迹扔不掉 所以就一直带著 一觉醒来 就要搬家了.. 行李没收拾好 心也没收拾好.. ——安东尼 《橙》
151. When moving, what can be discarded and what cannot, what is important and what is no longer important, becomes clear at a glance… Some things, you just think they are important, but in fact, it doesn’t matter if you throw them away. Some things were important to you for a while, but once that time has passed, you should throw them away. Some things, you know that even if you throw them away, their traces cannot be discarded, so you keep them, and when you wake up, it’s time to move… The luggage is not packed, and the heart is not ready either. —— Anthony, “Orange”

152.即使你骗我 我也想相信你 ——安东尼
152. Even if you deceive me, I still want to believe you —— Anthony

153.为你落下一滴泪,故事到最后总会落幕,我真心的付出却不是你要的幸福 ——安东尼 《给不二的情书》
153. A tear falls for you, and in the end, the story will always come to an end. My sincere dedication is not the happiness you want —— Anthony, “A Love Letter to Bu Er”

154.我开始不相信这些 关于你的 关于我的 关于语言 关于表情 关于神态 那些诺言 那些思念 那些温柔的叮嘱 和残酷的对白 我都不想再相信了  慢慢地我开始 只 相信 时间 ——安东尼
154. I started to not believe in these things about you, about me, about language, about expressions, about gestures, those promises, those thoughts, those gentle reminders, and cruel dialogues. I don’t want to believe in them anymore. Slowly, I began to only believe in time. ——Anthony

155.我觉得 十有八九的人都这样 别担心 生活会推着你走的 好好走自己的路 它推你走的时候你走的稳就好 ——安东尼
155. I think most people go through this, don’t worry. Life will push you forward. Just walk your own path well, and it’s good if you walk steadily when it pushes you. ——Anthony

156.能和你现在牵着手的那个人       你们相遇的概率简直是近乎奇迹 ——安东尼 《陪安东尼度过漫长岁月》
156. The person who is holding your hand right now, the probability of your meeting is almost a miracle. ——Anthony, “Accompanying Anthony Through the Long Years”

158.如果,找不到也不要太难过……嗯……想得到的东西,不一定都会得到……嗯……人生也不过如此。 ——安东尼 《这些都是你给我的爱》
158. If you can’t find it, don’t be too sad… The things you want may not always be obtained… Life is just like that. ——Anthony, “These Are All the Love You Give Me”

159.因为喜欢远远大于讨厌,而那一丁点的厌恶在那么多的喜欢面前就显得太微不足道了。 ——安东尼
159. Because liking is far greater than disliking, and that tiny bit of aversion becomes insignificant in the face of so much affection. ——Anthony

160.游乐场不知疲觉,周而复始地旋转着,它不知道,即使它二十四小时不停歇,也不会有人天留下来 ——安东尼
160. The amusement park never gets tired and keeps spinning, not knowing that even if it runs 24 hours non-stop, no one will stay forever. ——Anthony

161.后来 慢慢慢慢 好像明白 我们的结局 其实永远没办法篡改 一次的挽回 可能也只是下次破裂更强有力的借口 ——安东尼 《橙》
161. Later, slowly, I seemed to understand that our ending can never be changed. A single attempt at reconciliation might just be a stronger excuse for the next breakup. ——Anthony, “Orange”

162.人生最幸运的事,是有人记得你的一生是怎么过的。 ——安东尼 《尔本》
162. The luckiest thing in life is when someone remembers how your life was. ——Anthony, “Erben”

163.被分手的神伤在两种情况下我会瞬间发下 一种是被更优秀同时我又喜欢的人追求 另外一种是 发现 那个人和丑八怪手拉手走到一起了 ——安东尼
163. The heartache of being broken up with will instantly disappear in two situations: one is being pursued by someone more excellent and whom I like at the same time, and the other is finding that person walking hand in hand with a monster. ——Anthony

164.“不要走得太慢  花会凋谢  也不要走得太快  花还没有开”  ”Don’t walk too slowly, the flowers will wilt; but don’t walk too fast either, then the flowers won’t be blossoming yet.” ——安东尼 《这些都是你给我的爱》
164. “Don’t walk too slowly, the flowers will wilt; but don’t walk too fast either, then the flowers won’t be blossoming yet.” ——Anthony, “These Are All the Love You Give Me”

165.一个人睡的夜里把被子横着盖 假装有人和我抢被 ——安东尼
165. On nights when I sleep alone, I spread the quilt horizontally and pretend someone is fighting with me for it. ——Anthony

166.生活中的平衡不可以改变,同时也不是那么容易找到的,有着羁绊,再让人静下来是多么困难的一件事情。 ——安东尼 《红 : 陪安东尼度过漫长岁月Ⅰ》
166. The balance in life cannot be changed, and it is not so easy to find. With entanglements, how difficult it is to calm down. ——Anthony, “Red: Accompanying Anthony Through the Long Years I”

167.我初中的语文老师说 词语中 字的重叠能加强语气 细致的 深刻的 饱满的 用拒人千里之外的冷酷来掩饰自己试图与人亲近的热血沸腾 这算完美人格 还是闷骚? ——安东尼 《陪安东尼度过漫长岁月》
167. My junior high school Chinese teacher said that the repetition of words in phrases can strengthen the tone. Meticulous, profound, full, using a cold, distant demeanor to cover up one’s boiling enthusiasm for trying to get close to others. Is this a perfect personality or introverted? ——Anthony, “Accompanying Anthony Through the Long Years”

168.后来我们去的饭店叫 Rustic Pearl 点了咖啡以后找了个靠窗的位置坐下 这个饭店里每一张桌子的桌面都不一样 我们这个桌面是白色底有蓝色花纹 有一道阳光从外面照进来落在桌子上 有一种隽永的感觉 ——安东尼 《悉尼》
168. The restaurant we went to later was called Rustic Pearl. After ordering coffee, we found a window seat. Each table in this restaurant had a different tabletop design. Our table had a white base with blue patterns. A ray of sunlight shone in from outside, casting a timeless feeling on the table. ——Anthony, “Sydney”

169.不知道是他们土壤里的有什么特别的元素 或者是当地季风的的温度 那不勒斯和卡普里岛上的一切都是油油的感觉 ……这里我想说的油不是普遍意义上的油 而是一种多汁饱满 浓密的润泽 是唐朝诗人卢纶诗里 “郡斋无事好闲眠 秔稻油油绿满川”的油油 ——安东尼 《下一站•那不勒斯》
169. I don’t know if there is something special in their soil or the temperature of the local monsoon, but everything in Naples and the Isle of Capri feels oily… What I mean by oily is not the common sense of oil, but a kind of juicy, full, dense moisture. It is the “grain oil oil” in the poem by Tang Dynasty poet Lu Lun, “The county office is idle and good for leisure sleep, the green rice is full of the river.” ——Anthony, “Next Stop•Naples”

170.明明那么 难听 怎么就忘记了呢 还是 就连我对你的原谅 你都觉得来得太迟 而不那么有效呢 只是 此刻 如果你在这 我会牵起你的手 我喜欢 每次去找你的时候 的自己 ——安东尼
170. Mingming was so ugly, how could I forget it? Or do you think my forgiveness comes too late and is not effective? Just at this moment, if you were here, I would hold your hand. I like myself every time I go to find you. —— Anthony

171.你涂了水蓝色的指甲,我便亲吻你的手掌。 ——安东尼 《这些都是我给你的爱》
171. You painted your nails in a water-blue color, and I kissed your palm. —— Anthony “These Are All the Love I Give You”

172.所以啊 我就在想 人生 之所以 珍贵 说不定 不是我们去过的 一个又一个 精彩华丽的 旅游胜地 而是 旅途之中 寂寞 无聊 不可打发的时间里 有你陪伴吧 ——安东尼 《云治》
172. So, I was thinking, the reason why life is precious might not be the one after another splendid and gorgeous tourist attractions we visit, but having your company during the lonely and boring moments in the journey. —— Anthony “Yunzhi”

173.亲爱的不二,我会觉得人生是没有什么非要做不可以的,也没有什么不可以放弃的 ——安东尼
173. Dear Bu Er, I think there is nothing in life that must be done, and nothing that cannot be given up. —— Anthony

174.什么是爱呢?我不是很聪明 我说不清楚 我认识一些很聪明的人 他们也说不清楚 ——安东尼 《这些 都是你给我的爱》
174. What is love? I am not very smart, I can’t explain it clearly. I know some very smart people, and they can’t explain it either. —— Anthony “These Are All the Love I Give You”

175.等到我变成长颈鹿 你就只能看到我的膝盖了 ——安东尼 《云治》
175. When I become a giraffe, you will only see my knees. —— Anthony “Yunzhi”

176.说 我爱你 在每次我确定的时候 偶尔在不确定的时候也说 ——安东尼 《这些 都是你给我的爱》
176. Say “I love you” when I am sure each time, and occasionally say it when I am not sure. —— Anthony “These Are All the Love I Give You”

177.世界上有两种人,一种是寂寞的人,一种是不知道自己寂寞的人。 ——安东尼 《橙》
177. There are two kinds of people in the world, one is lonely, and the other is those who don’t know they are lonely. —— Anthony “Orange”

178.我喜欢的一句话-有时候阳光很好有时候阳光很暗这就是生活 ——安东尼 《陪安东尼度过漫长岁月》
178. I like this sentence: Sometimes the sun is very bright, sometimes it is very dark. This is life. —— Anthony “Accompanying Anthony Through the Long Years”

179.觉得每次都爱得那么用力很伤元气 也许爱情也不是找来的 它要自然而然地发生 毕竟人们说坠入爱河 fall in love 没人想跌倒 但是遇到对的人了 you will just fall ——安东尼 《这些 都是你给我的爱II 云治》
179. I feel that every time I love so hard, it’s very draining. Maybe love is not something you find, it just happens naturally. After all, people say “fall in love,” no one wants to fall, but when you meet the right person, you will just fall. —— Anthony “These Are All the Love I Give You II Yunzhi”

180.每认识一个新的人 就看到了一个 不一样的世界 然后一点点地 连自己看世界的方式都跟着改变了 嗯 所以我喜欢认识新的人呢 ——安东尼 《橙》
180. Every time I meet a new person, I see a different world, and then bit by bit, even the way I see the world changes. Well, that’s why I like meeting new people. —— Anthony “Orange”

181.分析感情的细节 好像洗一串葡萄 洗不清的 真的一个个弄下来洗干净的时候 已经面目全非不想吃了 ——安东尼 《新浪微博》
181. Analyzing the details of emotions is like washing a bunch of grapes. When you can’t clean them, and you really take them off one by one to wash, they become unrecognizable and unappetizing. —— Anthony “Sina Weibo”

182.如果是%的人的话,不管多少次错过流连,生命中若隐若现的接点应该更加清晰才是。 如果是%的人的话,不管多少次误会爱上了别人,转过头来还是知道对方正好走到了一个岔口。 如果是%的人的话,不管多么晚才发现自己的心意,兜兜转转绕了一个圈回来,你也刚好站在那里。 ——安东尼 《橙•陪安东尼度过漫长岁月 Ⅱ》
182. If it were % of people, no matter how many times they miss and linger, the hidden connections in life should be clearer. If it were % of people, no matter how many times they misunderstand and fall in love with others, they still know that the other person has come to a fork in the road. If it were % of people, no matter how late they discover their feelings, after going around in circles, you just happen to be standing there. —— Anthony “Orange•Accompanying Anthony Through the Long Years II”

183.我梦见你从桌子下面拿纸杯蛋糕放在桌子上 每一个蛋糕上面都写着一个词,你边拿边说:我 还 喜欢 你 呢 ——安东尼
183. I dreamt that you took a paper cupcake from under the table and put it on the table. Each cupcake had a word written on it, and you said as you took them out: I still like you. —— Anthony

184.现在执着追求的事 将来必定有一天变成不重要的 机器熊猫说 能带走的只有回忆 我觉得 回忆只是在当下影响我们的感受 带不走也留不下 ——安东尼 《橙》
184. What you persistently pursue now will surely become unimportant one day in the future. Machine Panda said that the only thing you can take away is memories. I think memories only affect our feelings at the moment, and they cannot be taken away or left behind. —— Anthony “Orange”

186.现在,执着追求的事,将来必定有一天变成不重要的 ——安东尼 《这些都是你给我的爱》
186. Now, what you persistently pursue will surely become unimportant one day in the future. —— Anthony “These Are All the Love I Give You”

187.在遇到能像喜欢你这么喜欢的人之前 还是好好喜欢自己吧 因为和任何人一起 只要没有像喜欢你这么喜欢 我都没法再见到你 所以这段时间就好好喜欢自己吧 ——安东尼 《这些 都是你给我的爱》
187. Before meeting someone who can like me as much as you do, it’s better to love myself. Because with anyone else, as long as I don’t like them as much as I like you, I won’t be able to see you again. So, for now, just love myself. ——Anthony 《The Love You Give Me》

188.我一个人在这里 等了这么久 寂寞又难过 怀着许多期许 遐想 但是要怎么样对你 我还是 不是很清楚 ——安东尼 《这些 都是你给我的爱》
188. I’m here alone, waiting for so long, feeling lonely and sad, with many expectations and daydreams. But I’m still not quite clear on how to treat you. ——Anthony 《The Love You Give Me》

189.我不要让我的未来变成我过去的缩影 ——安东尼
189. I don’t want my future to become a miniature of my past. ——Anthony

190.如果再在相信你一点就好了 我在想 如果我再相信我一点就好了 也会这么想 ——安东尼 《这些 都是你给我的爱》
190. If only I could believe in you a little more, I think, if I could believe in myself a little more, I would also think this way. ——Anthony 《The Love You Give Me》

191.黄尘清水三山下,更变千年如走马 ——安东尼 《黄尘清水》
191. Under the three mountains, the yellow dust and clear water, the changes over a thousand years are like a running horse. ——Anthony 《Yellow Dust and Clear Water》

192.或许我对你来说只是个过客,可你不会再遇见第二个我了。 ——安东尼
192. Perhaps I’m just a passer-by to you, but you will never meet a second me. ——Anthony

193.One day在我心中是有那么一天你会喜欢我,有那么一天我们会在一起的ONE DAY ——安东尼 《陪安东尼度过的漫长岁月 黄》
193. One day, in my heart, there is a day when you will like me, a day when we will be together. ONE DAY. ——Anthony 《The Long Years with Anthony》

194.那么多人都不再相信爱情了 那你呢 ——安东尼
194. So many people no longer believe in love, what about you? ——Anthony

195.城市里的人都在找东西 找工作 找住处 找恋人 找一段记忆 找一个梦 ——安东尼
195. People in the city are looking for things, looking for work, looking for a place to live, looking for a lover, looking for a memory, looking for a dream. ——Anthony

196.人们愿意和刚认识几天的人结婚,也不愿意和一个看起来很好的人说,我们交朋友吧。 ——安东尼
196. People are willing to marry someone they’ve just met a few days ago, but they are not willing to say to a seemingly good person, “Let’s be friends.” ——Anthony

197.你这个傻瓜 胡思乱想 担心你没有文凭 没有好的工作 好的生活习惯 我喜欢你又不是看上你这些 我喜欢你 就是因为喜欢你这粒基因啊 ——安东尼 《尔本》
197. You fool, worrying about not having a diploma, not having a good job, not having good living habits. I like you not because of these things, but because I like the gene that makes you who you are. ——Anthony 《Erben》

198.记忆是很神奇的。或许,我们自己以为 遗忘。而其实是选择性的过滤,知道自己 需要什么,在某一个时刻,会展现出来, 送给你惊喜。 ——安东尼 《这些都是你给我的爱》
198. Memory is amazing. Perhaps, we think we have forgotten, but in fact, it is selective filtering, knowing what we need, and at a certain moment, it will show itself and surprise you. ——Anthony 《The Love You Give Me》

199.我想成为你最好的邂逅   最难的再见 有时候我在街上走    忽然就很害怕遇到你 我现在这个模样  还是完全不知道如何面对你 ——安东尼 《云治》
199. I want to be your best encounter, the hardest goodbye. Sometimes when I’m walking on the street, I suddenly become afraid of running into you. I don’t know how to face you in my current state. ——Anthony 《Yunzhi》

200.在我遇见你之前,我不知道悲伤和欢喜有这么多个层次。 ——安东尼
200. Before I met you, I didn’t know that sadness and joy could have so many levels. ——Anthony
The Little Prince Classic Quotes

1. Everyone has their own star-filled sky.

2. I like you, but I didn’t let you know, which is my fault, please forgive me.

3. I’ll tell you a secret, the simplest secret.

4. Taming is beneficial to me—because of the color of the wheat fields. Look back at those roses! Then you will understand that your rose is still the unique flower in the world.

5. Even in places where there are people, we are still alone.

6. What makes the desert beautiful is that you never know where there might be a spring.

7. You understand, the journey is too far and I cannot carry this body with me, it is too heavy.

8. Even when he was asleep, the shadow of the rose flower shone on him like a lamp.

9. Perhaps there are five thousand flowers in the world that are exactly like you, but only you are my one-of-a-kind rose.

10. I don’t know if you can understand what it means to be lonely in life. That’s how I am, living alone, with no one to truly talk to.

11. I should have guessed all the tenderness hidden behind her pitiful little tricks. Flowers are so capricious! I was too young, I really didn’t know how to love her…

12. Flowers are delicate and naive. They try to protect themselves as much as possible. They think having thorns will make them seem formidable…

13. Forgetting a friend is a sad thing. Not everyone has had a friend. Besides, I will eventually become like those adults who only care about numbers.

14. Only by observing with the heart can one see clearly; the most essential things are invisible to the eye.

15. If you fall in love with a flower on a star, then when you look up at the starry sky at night, you will feel as if the stars are blooming flowers.

16. But in my eyes, he is the only one who is not ridiculous. Perhaps it is because he is so busy and not for his own sake.

17. What is truly important is invisible to the eye.

18. If I want to make friends with butterflies, I have to endure two or three caterpillars.

19. When you smooth out your sorrows, you will be my forever friend.

20. People don’t have extra time to understand other things. They go to stores to buy ready-made things. But there is no store in the world that sells friendship, so people will no longer have friends.

21. A lamp needs to be well protected, because a gust of wind can blow it out.

22. Stars twinkle in the dark night, perhaps to help everyone find their own star in the sky…

23. On a certain planet, on a certain star, on this planet, on Earth, there is a little prince who needs my comfort! I held him tightly. I cradled him and swayed gently.

24. It is because you spent time on your rose that makes your flower so important.

25. My flower’s life is short, and she only has four thorns to protect herself and resist the world, yet I left her alone on my planet!

26. My rose, an ordinary passerby might think she is like you. But she is more important than all of you together because it is I who have watered her. Because it is I who placed her under the glass cover. Because it is I who protected her with a screen. Because I have picked the caterpillars off her (except for the two or three that are needed to become butterflies). Because I have listened to her grumbling and boasting, and even sometimes her silence. Because she is my rose.

27. “I will go home too today.” “The road is long and difficult.” The countless stars in the sky seem like blooming flowers.

28. Flowers are always deceptive, and I am no longer young, not knowing how to protect them.

29. If we do not explore the world, we will not know what our spirit and emotions rely on, but once we have explored the world, we find that we can never return to that beautiful place. When we start seeking, we have already lost, and if we do not start seeking, we will never know how precious everything around us is.

30. If it were me, and I had fifty-three minutes to use freely, I would leisurely walk towards a clear spring.

31. I never wanted to hurt you, but you asked me to tame you… Now you want to cry, and taming is of no use to you at all!

32. They are all too young to know how to love.

33. I think you know in your heart that you can ask me to do anything, no matter the sacrifice, no matter when, and I am willing. I am not writing this to make you grateful, because you will never really need me, but when you are lonely and lonely, think of these words, and it may reduce the feeling of loneliness. Although you have hurt my heart, I forgive you for what you have done.

34. If you want to tame someone, you must risk shedding tears.

35. If someone falls in love with a unique flower among these billions of stars, when he looks at these stars, it is enough to make him feel happy.

36. If you love a flower that grows on a star, then at night, when you look at the sky, you will feel even more sweet, as if all the stars are blooming.

37. What the Little Prince dared not admit was that he was attached to this planet, especially because there were 1,440 sunsets every twenty-four hours!

38. For you, I am just a little boy, and there is nothing different from the thousands of other little boys. I don’t need you. You don’t need me. For you, I am no different from the thousands of other foxes. But if you tame me, we will need each other. For me, you will be unique in the world; for you, I will be one of a kind…

39. What makes the desert beautiful is that it hides a well somewhere.

40. Eyes are often blind, and people still need to look with their hearts.

41. If you want to make friends with butterflies, of course, you have to endure the visits of two or three caterpillars.

42. Look, do you see that wheat field over there? I don’t eat wheat, it’s of no use to me, but you have golden hair, and the wheat reminds me of you, I would even fall in love with the sound of the wind blowing through the wheat.

43. I was thinking, do stars shine so that everyone can find their own star one day?

44. For me, it is the most beautiful and also the most desolate place in the world. I have drawn it again on this page to let you see it more clearly.

45. The thing that touches me the most about this sleeping little prince is his affection for a rose - even when he is asleep, the shadow of the rose still illuminates his life like a lamp…

46. When someone is feeling melancholic, they all love to watch the setting sun…

47. Time passes, childhood fades, we gradually grow up, years take away many memories and erode the innocence we once had in our hearts. We ignore the shackles of our souls, indulge in the vanity of the world, focus on the rules of profit, and lose ourselves.

48. I was wondering if the stars shine to help everyone find their way home. He said, “Look, my star is right above my head but so far away!”

49. All grown-ups were once children, although, only a few people remember.

50. You know, everything will be fine, and I will also look up at the stars. Each star has a well, with a rusty pulley on top, and each star will also quench my thirst with its sweet well water. How interesting!

51. Everything will be alright, you know.

52. When she lights this lamp, it is like igniting a star for life and flowers; when she extinguishes it, it is like sending them off to sleep peacefully. This is a beautiful job, and because it is beautiful, it is meaningful.

53. There is a rose, I think, who has tamed me.

54. After you finish grooming yourself in the morning, you must carefully groom your planet and make it a rule to uproot the baobab seedlings on time.

55. Once you tame something, you must be responsible for her, forever responsible.

56. Many things need to be seen with the heart, because some feelings are invisible to the eyes.

57. Once the little prince asks a question, he will never give up, not even for a lifetime.

58. I will live on one of those stars, smiling on a certain star, and when you look up at the starry sky at night, it will be as if all the stars are smiling.

59. If someone has a special affection for a flower, and that flower is unique in the vast galaxy, then he can be content by just gazing at the stars.

60. Judging oneself is much more difficult than judging others. Once you can judge yourself fairly, you are truly a wise person.

61. Grown-ups don’t understand anything by themselves, and they always need children to explain things to them, which makes me feel tired.

62. If you choose to be tamed, you must take the risk of shedding a few tears.

63. Judging oneself is much more difficult than judging others! If you can judge yourself well, you are truly a talented person.

64. His flower had told him that she was the only one of her kind in the universe; yet in this garden alone, there were five thousand flowers identical to her!

65. But she was more important than all of you together, because it was I who watered her. Because it was I who placed her in the flower cover. Because it was I who protected her with a screen. Because I eliminated the caterpillars on her (leaving only two or three to become butterflies). Because I listened to her grievances and boasts, and even sometimes her silence. Because she was my rose.

66. The insatiable heart of man is like a snake swallowing an elephant.

67. One can be very lonely in a crowd.

68. All grown-ups were once children, let us not forget that.

69. When a person shows off his wisdom, he often goes astray.

70. Children should be more tolerant towards adults and not blame them.

71. The beauty of the desert lies in the awareness that somewhere within it, there is a hidden well, a spring of clear water.

72. Eyes cannot see anything; one must search with the heart.

73. I know of a planet inhabited by a very red-faced gentleman. He has never smelled a flower, never seen a star, never loved anyone. He has done nothing but add numbers all his life, and he keeps repeating like you, “I am a serious and responsible person, I am a serious and responsible person!”

74. When you are captivated by something magical, you dare not disobey.

75. For those who understand life, numbers are an insignificant and unimportant thing. Speaking this way to those who understand life would make my story more realistic.

76. When you are sad, you like to watch the sunset.

77. Because a person can be both faithful and lazy at the same time.

78. Without butterflies and caterpillars, who would come to see me? You are so far away from me… As for large animals, I am not afraid of them, for I have my claws.

79. The possibility of meeting you is one in seven billion of this world.

80. No matter how far you walk straight ahead, you won’t get very far.

81. Grown-ups are particularly fond of numbers. If you introduce a friend to them, they will never ask you, “What is his voice like? What games does he like to play? Does he collect butterfly specimens?” Instead, they ask, “How old is he? How many brothers does he have? What is his weight? How much does his father earn?” They believe that by knowing these things, they have understood the person.

82. You are beautiful, but also empty, and no one would die for you. Ordinary passers-by would think my rose is similar to you. But she is more important than all of you combined, because I have watered her, because I have covered her with a glass cover, because I have sheltered her from the wind, because I have eliminated the caterpillars for her, because I have listened to her complaints and boasts, and even sometimes her silence. Because she is my rose.

83. I do not want anyone to read my book with a careless attitude. You should know that writing down all these stories from my memories is a very difficult task for me, as recalling the past has brought me too much sorrow.

84. What makes the desert so beautiful, is that it hides a spring of water somewhere.

85. She is more important than all of you put together, because I have watered her. Because I have covered her with a glass bell. Because I have sheltered her from the wind. Because I have killed the caterpillars for her (but left two or three alive, so that they can turn into butterflies). Because I have listened to her complaints and boasts, and even sometimes her silence. Because she is my rose.

86. I should judge her by her actions, not her words. She surrounds me with her essence, illuminating my life, and I should not leave her. I should have guessed that behind her poorly concealed tricks, there was the deepest tenderness, the thoughts of a flower are always so elusive. I was too young. I did not know how to love her.

87. My rose, others might think she is like you, but one single rose of hers is worth all of you. Because I have watered her. Because I have placed her under a cover. Because I have protected her with a screen. Because I have removed the caterpillars from her. Because I have listened to her lamentations, her boasts, and sometimes even her silence. Because she is my rose.

88. She is not an ordinary rose. She is your rose.

89. I always thought I was rich, possessing a one-of-a-kind flower in the world; in fact, what I had was just an ordinary rose. An ordinary rose…

90. When we start to pursue, we are already losing.

91. Only children know what they are looking for.

92. Grown-ups are usually like this, judging people by their appearances.

93. Because I have all the answers to the puzzles.

94. To me, this is the most lovely and also the most sorrowful land in the world.

95. Language is the source of misunderstandings.

96. Do you see that wheat field over there? I don’t eat bread, so wheat is of no use to me. And that, it’s really disappointing. However, you have golden hair. So, once you tame me, it will be wonderful. The wheat is golden, and it will remind me of you. Moreover, I will even like the sound of the wind blowing through the wheat.

97. Forgetting a friend is sad, not everyone has friends.

98. To get to know butterflies, one must endure the bites of two or three caterpillars first.

99. All grown-ups were once children.

100. Because forgetting one’s friends is a sad thing, not everyone has friends. If I forget the Little Prince, then I would become like those grown-ups who are only interested in numbers and indifferent to other things.

101. The truly important things are invisible to the eye.

102. My flower is fleeting, and she only has four thorns to defend herself! Yet, I left her alone at home!

103. There are so many roses in the world, but only you have been with me all the time, and we water each other.

104. The true beauty of the desert lies in the well hidden deep within it.

105. Forgetting a friend is a sad thing, and not everyone has friends.

106. If you fall in love with a flower that lives on a star, then gazing at the night sky will be a sweet thing, and all the stars will bloom.

107. Flowers are weak and simple, and they always protect themselves in their own way, thinking that having thorns can show their power.

108. What makes life so beautiful is our hidden sincerity and childlike innocence.

109. When people are sad, they always like to watch the sunset.

110. Did you cry? I tamed you but didn’t bring you any benefits.

111. There are many roses, and she is not unique, but because of your irrigation, she becomes different, making her one of a kind.

112. My friend never explains anything to me. He probably thinks I’m like him. But, unfortunately, I can no longer see the sheep inside the box. I might have become a bit like those grown-ups. I must be getting old.

113. The golden wheat reminds me of you, and I like the sound of the wind blowing through the wheat stalks.

114. To judge a person, one should not listen to their words but observe their actions.

115. The biggest problem is not growing up, but forgetting.

116. Only children know what they are looking for. They spend their time on rag dolls. Therefore, for them, the dolls become very important. Once someone takes away the doll, they will cry bitterly…

117. I believe that deep inside every adult, there is a naive child who loves to play games, but as time goes by, it gets covered in worldly dust.

118. The time you spent on your rose makes it so important.

119. No matter how small the place is, there will always be enough grass to feed it.

120. What touches me the most about this sleeping little prince is his loyalty to a flower, even when he’s asleep, the image of that rose shines in his heart like a lamp…
Fortress Besieged Classic Quotes

1. A diploma is like the leaf covering Adam and Eve’s lower bodies, serving to hide shame and ugliness; a small piece of paper can cover a person’s emptiness, ignorance, and foolishness.

2. Some people’s financial philosophy is nothing more than borrowing without repaying, so some people’s moral teachings are just lecturing others, not having any morality themselves.

3. In front of their beloved men, every woman possesses the secret art of rejuvenation.

4. For grapes that are out of reach, we not only imagine them to be sour but also极有可能 imagine them to be exceptionally sweet.

5. Where there are chickens and ducks: lots of manure; where there are young women: lots of chatter.

6. Brothers are like hands and feet, women are like clothes.

7. People inside the besieged city want to escape, while those outside want to rush in.

8. I’ve been bearing the surname “Qian” for a lifetime, could I still be superstitious about money?

9. Some so-called seminars are actually about inviting some dubious people, eating some questionable meals, spending some unclear money, saying some nonchalant words, and holding a bizarre meeting!

10. Uneducated people, because they are illiterate, fall for others’ tricks; educated people, because they can read, fall for printed materials’ tricks.

11. An elderly foreign lady read Qian Zhongshu’s book “Fortress Besieged” and felt great. She insisted on meeting Mr. Qian Zhongshu. Mr. Qian Zhongshu tactfully refused, replying in a letter: “If you’ve eaten a delicious egg, why bother to see the hen that laid it?”

12. A husband is a woman’s profession; without a husband, it’s like being unemployed.

13. The thorn of life lies here: what lingers and refuses to leave is precisely what you don’t cherish.

14. Eating sometimes closely resembles marriage; the most important things in name are often actually accessories. Eating a fancy meal is actually just about eating dishes, just as a girl marrying a wealthy man doesn’t aim for the woman herself.

15. Where is there any true love in the world? It’s purely a reproductive impulse.

16. You’re not bad, but utterly useless.

17. Accustomed to deceiving others with big talk, one even starts to believe and deceive oneself – this is a very common psychological phenomenon.

18. “Forever happy” is not only an unattainable, vague statement but also an absurd one that cannot be established. What passes quickly will never last; saying “forever happy” is like saying a square with four sides or a motionless action, both of which are self-contradictory.

19. People fear fame! Once famous, you have no secrets left. All your private matters will be spread by interviews and published by correspondents. In this way, the material for your autobiography or confessions is forcibly taken away. If I ever write a memoir, I’ll have to fabricate some novel facts.

20. Milk is a child’s food, so it should also be consumed in the dining hall, proving that this hotel is scientifically managed.

21. That woman usually had a self-admiring, isolated, and forlorn expression – the expression often seen on unattended guests at grand banquets or unmarried girls at wedding feasts.

22. Hongjian caught a glimpse of Mr. Li’s large iron trunk, contrasting with the small bow of the ship, as if a big nose and wide mouth were grown on a small face, causing a surprise that the part is larger than the whole, seemingly overturning the principles of geometry; the fact that the large iron trunk could be transported from the ship is even more of a miracle in physics.

23. Chinese people have always liked fair skin, which is a naive aesthetic, just like how a child can only drink milk and is not qualified to drink coffee.

24. There are only two types of people in the world. For example, when given a bunch of grapes, one type of person picks the best ones to eat, while the other type saves the best for last. According to this, the first type should be optimistic, as each grape they eat is the best among the remaining ones; the second type should be pessimistic, as each grape they eat is the worst among the remaining ones. However, the reality is the opposite, because the second type still has hope, while the first type only has memories.

25. Her smile spilled out like boiling milk.

26. At that time, Miss Su regarded her love too highly and was unwilling to give it away casually. Now, it’s like she has made a beautiful piece of clothing but is reluctant to wear it, locking it away in a chest. After a year or two, she suddenly realizes that the style and colors of the clothing are no longer fashionable, leaving her feeling regretful.

27. For instance, when two ships pass each other in the dark night, one person on one ship catches a glimpse of the face they never forget in the light of the opposite cabin, but before they can call out, the distance between them has already grown far apart. This brief moment of closeness反而 highlights the vastness of their separation.

28. Her eyes were two slanted lines, and her eyebrows were high up, so far apart from her eyes that they seemed to long for each other.

29. Giving food to someone who already has food is an invitation to dine; eating someone else’s food when you have your own is giving face. The subtlety of social interaction is nothing more than this. Conversely, giving food to someone who has none is an act of charity; eating someone else’s food when you have none is giving face, but it becomes losing face instead.

30. As the sky gradually darkened and a heavy rain approached, the carriage driver urged the horses to hurry, saying that the weather was about to change. It seemed as if the sky had heard this, and a rumble answered from halfway through the air, like dozens of copper drums rolling on the floor of the heavenly palace.

31. Looking at the entire history, ancient times are equivalent to the early childhood of humanity. It was once naive, but after thousands of years of growth, it gradually evolved into the modern era. The older the era, the shorter its history; the more recent the era, the deeper its experiences and the older it becomes. Thus, we are actually the elders of our ancestors, and the ancient times are not as ancient as the modern era. In this way, our reverence for antiquity takes on a new meaning. Our admiration for the ancient may not be out of respect for our ancestors, but rather a fondness for children, not for the sake of honoring the elderly, but perhaps for showing off.

32. Without the black glasses on his face, Mr. Li’s two big white eyes looked like peeled, boiled eggs.

33. If you eat an egg and find it delicious, why bother to look at the hen that laid it?

34. Love is as greedy and rampant as fire, and just as cruel, consuming the solid materials of the prison and exchanging the ashes for light and passion… Time erodes friendship like water flowing over pebbles, instead washing them clean and smooth.

35. When the elderly fall in love, it’s like an old house on fire, beyond salvation.

36. If you love a woman, you should also love her dog. Then, if you truly befriend someone, you should forget their faults.

37. People inside the city walls want to escape, while those outside want to rush in, whether it’s about marriage, career, or even games, most human desires are like this.

38. Prejudice can be said to be a vacation for the mind. It is the daily necessity for those who lack thoughts, and a Sunday entertainment for those who have thoughts. If we cannot harbor prejudices and must always be objective, fair, serious, and solemn, it is like building a house with only a living room but no bedroom, or like having to maintain a camera pose while looking in the mirror in the bathroom.

39. Li Meitang shouted and pretended on the street: “Miss Sun, you are so bad! You also make fun of me. I’ll tell it to your Uncle Zhao.”

40. Although a mistress should be new and interesting, old friends are better.

41. Humor that arises from promotion must be artificial and contrived.

42. You won’t recognize me, even though you have been deceived by me. When you are lured by me, you only know that I am a lovely woman, a trustworthy friend, or even an ideal to pursue, but you don’t see it’s me. Only those who refuse my temptation, like Jesus Christ, know who I am.

43. It is said that everyone needs a mirror to look at themselves often and know what they are. However, those who are self-aware do not need a mirror; those who are not self-aware will find no use in a mirror.

44. There is no such thing as coincidence in the world; it is just the inevitable in disguise and wearing a mask.

45. We don’t know if pigs can be as happy as humans, but we often see people easily satisfied like pigs.

46. Useful things exist only to be used by people; it is the useless things that will use people, covering and defending for them, and thus avoiding being discarded.

47. Colonel Hou has a large orange peel-like nose, with a face attached to it, complete with all features, not squeezed by the nose. A few pimples grow on the tip of his nose, like unripe strawberries. He laughs loudly, and it is obvious that he is a hero.

48. There are many scenes in the world that can only be seen with closed eyes, such as dreams.

49. When we are young, we always mistake our creative impulses for creative talents.

50. There is no woman in the world who thinks she is not lovable at all, nor any man who thinks he is inferior to everyone else.

51. With a door, we can go out; with a window, we don’t have to go out.

52. When writing an article, if you quote the words of ancient people, don’t use quotation marks to show that the words are your own; if you quote modern people, you must say “my friend” – this way, you can always make friends. However, your insights are so mediocre that they can be used for editorials.

53. Uneducated people are deceived by others because they are illiterate; educated people are deceived by printed materials because they can read.

54. I didn’t expect your insights to be so mediocre that they can be used for editorials.

55. If you hit a dog, you should consider the owner’s face; then, if you hit a cat, you should consider the housewife’s face.

56. We hope it comes, we hope it stays, we hope it comes again – these three sentences summarize the entire history of human efforts.

57. Life is said to be a great book. If life is really like this, then most of us authors can only be considered book reviewers, possessing the skills of reviewers, without having to read a few pages of the book, we have already made a lot of comments, and the book review is finished and handed in.

58. There is a type of person whose financial management is nothing more than borrowing without repaying, so there is another type of person whose moral teachings are merely instructing others, without possessing any morality themselves.

59. The thorn of life lies right here: the things you are reluctant to let go are precisely the ones you do not cherish.

60. Life is said to be a great book. If this is true, then most of us can only be considered book reviewers, possessing the skills of a reviewer. We don’t need to read many pages before expressing a multitude of opinions, and after writing a review, we submit it as our final verdict.

61. Since the advent of archaeological excavation, many ancient skeletons and relics have been exposed; after modern literature became a specialized field of study, numerous works of living authors, either decaying or already decayed, have been unearthed and exposed. The joy of discovery has made people like us overlook the dangers of exposure, failing to realize that the burial of works often preserves the author’s undeserved fame. If the author himself takes the lead in the excavation process, it is likely that the gains do not outweigh the losses, and “digging one’s own grave” would become an ironic expression of unity in contradiction: Please translate the above paragraph (original text) into corresponding English lines, ensuring that the translation conforms to English habits, maintains the original sequence numbers, punctuation, and tags. Check: When the translation is translated back into the original language, it should have the same meaning as the original text. If not, please re-translate without adding any additional explanations or descriptions, and return the complete translation.1. Digging up one’s own work is like digging up the author’s own grave.

62. Dangling a carrot in front of a donkey’s eyes, the donkey runs fast to eat it, but as a result, the donkey runs and the carrot runs too, never able to eat it.

2. Dangle a carrot in front of a donkey, and it will run after it. However, the carrot will always be out of reach, as it moves along with the donkey’s pace.

3. I detest the modern girls in small cities the most, their outdated fashion, and rural urbanization. It’s like the first set of Western-style suits made by Chinese tailors, who copied the old clothes of foreigners with patches on the sleeves and pants.

64. The malice of a loyal and honest person is like the grit in rice or the hidden thorns in fish slices, causing an unexpected pain.

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66. Love is as greedy and rampant as fire, spreading and cruel, consuming the solid materials of prisons and exchanging the ashes for light and passion.

67. We call the scantily clad Miss S “局部真理” because truth is always naked.

68. Laughter can indeed be described as the lightning on a person’s face, with eyes suddenly becoming brighter and the brilliance of teeth flashing between lips.

69. Doctors are also a type of butcher.

70. Scientists are quite different from science itself. Scientists are like wine, becoming more valuable as they age, while science is like a woman, losing value when she gets old.

71. Looking closely at an ugly woman is a form of cruelty, unless she is a bad person and you want to punish her.

72. Milk is a child’s food, so it should also be consumed in the dining hall, proving that this hotel is managed scientifically.

73. Why does love reduce a person’s mental resistance, making them weak and easily manipulated?

74. When two people are together, rumors will spread among others, just as when two tree branches are close, spiders will hang their webs.

75. The meaning of a sentence in the listener’s heart is often like a strange cat entering a house, silent and invisible, until it meows “miraculously,” and you realize its presence. Please translate the above paragraph (original text) into corresponding English lines, ensuring the translation adheres to English conventions, retains original numbering, punctuation, and tags. Check: The translation, when translated back into the original language, should have the same meaning as the original text. If not, please re-translate without adding any additional explanations or descriptions, and only return the complete translation.
76. Rumors spread faster than the flu, possess more energy than meteors, are more malicious than thugs, and more exhausting than miscarriages.

77. Turning endurance into enjoyment is the greatest victory of the spirit over matter, as the soul can be independent and self-deceptive.

78. The man had no choice but to glare at Miss Sun, took out a small cloth bag used for sitting, picked a semi-old pair of cotton pants, and covered the rice bag with it, as if equipping the rice with protective gear.

79. The product of true friendship is merely a pleasure that permeates your mind and body, nothing more.

80. Life is said to be a great book. If this is true, then most of us can only be considered book reviewers, who can comment on a book without even reading a few pages, and finish writing a review.

81. A diploma is like the leaf covering Adam and Eve’s lower bodies; a small piece of paper can conceal a person’s emptiness, ignorance, and foolishness.

82. Writing biographies for others is also a form of self-expression; one may as well add their own opinions and use others as a topic to express themselves. On the other hand, those who write autobiographies often have nothing worth mentioning about themselves, so they deliberately depict an image that even their wives and children would not recognize.

83. Humor that arises from promotion is bound to be artificial and contrived.

84. When we are young, we always mistake our creative impulses for creative talent.

85. There is no woman in the world who considers herself unlovable, nor a man who thinks he is inferior to everyone else.

86. Even with李先生’s self-restraint, he couldn’t help but rush out of the room and say, “You swine! Who are you calling a swine?” A-Fu replied, “I’m calling you a swine.“李先生 said, “A swine is calling me a swine.” A-Fu said, “I’m calling a swine a swine.”

87. Li Meitang shouted on the street, pretending to be angry: “Miss Sun, you’re so bad! You’re making fun of me too. I’ll tell your Uncle Zhao.”

88. Roasted sweet potatoes are like the secret lovers in Chinese proverbs, “better to have not stolen than to be caught stealing”; their aroma is better than their taste.

89. When Hong Jian asked the innkeeper for a spittoon, the innkeeper said, “Isn’t such a large place enough for spitting? What’s the use of a spittoon?”

90. When elderly people fall in love, it’s like an old house on fire – there’s no saving it.

91. There are many scenes in the world that can only be seen when one’s eyes are closed, such as dreams.

92. Some people’s financial management is nothing more than borrowing without repaying, so some people’s moral teachings are only about instructing others, not about their own morality.

93. Cows are used to being sacrificed, which can demonstrate the spirit of “if I don’t go to hell, who will?” Moreover, people like to brag, but cows cannot brag about themselves, at least not anatomically.

94. Praising a woman for her knowledge and learning is like admiring a flower and saying it weighs as much as cabbages and sweet potatoes on a scale.

95. Men are willing to buy sugar, clothing materials, and cosmetics for women, but when it comes to books, they only lend them, not give them as gifts, and women don’t want them to. Why is that? Borrowed items must be returned, and one borrow and one return can serve as an excuse for two interactions without leaving a trace. This is the inevitable first step in romantic relationships between men and women – once books are borrowed, the problem becomes more complicated.

96. We don’t know if pigs can be as happy as humans, but we often see people being as easily content as pigs.

97. With a door, we can go out; with a window, we don’t have to.

98. There are people who are arrogant and accept your compliments without modesty, as if you still owe them interest. Others pretend to be humble, saying they are unworthy of praise, as if their superiors are bribing them, but find the amount too small and return it, waiting for their subordinates to send more.

99. Useful things exist because they can be used by people; it’s the useless things that can use people, making them cover and defend for them, and thus avoid being discarded.

100. You won’t recognize me, even though you’ve been deceived by me. When you are lured by me, you only know that I am a lovely woman, a trustworthy friend, or even an ideal worth pursuing, without realizing it’s me.

101. Only those who resist my temptation, like Jesus Christ, know who I am.

102. It is said that everyone needs a mirror to reflect on themselves and understand what they are. However, those who are self-aware don’t need mirrors; those who are not do not benefit from mirrors.

103. There is no such thing as coincidence; it is just the inevitable in disguise.

104. We don’t know if pigs can be as happy as humans, but we often see people being as easily content as pigs.

105. Useful things exist because they can be used by people; it’s the useless things that can use people, making them cover and defend for them, and thus avoid being discarded.

106. Captain Hou has a large orange peel-like nose, with a face attached to it, complete with all features, not a single one crowded out by his nose. A few pimples on the tip of his nose resemble unripe strawberries, and his loud laughter reveals him as a hero.

107. Perhaps a girl’s feelings when she has her first boyfriend are like cold water poured into red wine - it’s not really about love, but a mild excitement.

108. In fact, a person’s shortcomings are like a monkey’s tail, invisible when on the ground but visible when climbing a tree. However, the red-haired long tail has always been there, not a new mark of higher status.

109. Since the promotion of humorous literature, making people laugh has become the profession of writers. Humor uses laughter as a release, but laughter doesn’t necessarily indicate humor.

110. Happiness in life is like the sugar cubes used to entice children to take medicine, or the electric rabbit in a dog racing track. A few minutes or days of happiness earn us a lifetime, enduring much pain.

111. If you have to be considerate when hitting a dog, then you should be considerate of the housewife when hitting a cat.

112. If you love a woman, you should love her dog as well. If you make a true friend, you should forget their faults.

113. People inside the city want to escape, while those outside want to rush in. This applies to marriage, careers (and even games) - most desires in life are like this.

114. Prejudice can be considered a vacation for the mind. It is a daily necessity for those without thoughts, but a Sunday entertainment for those with thoughts. If we can’t harbor prejudices, we must always be objective.

115. Fairness, seriousness, and formality are like having a house with only a living room and no bedroom, or like having to maintain a camera pose in front of a bathroom mirror.

116. Although a mistress is more interesting when she’s new, old friends are still the best.

117. We hope for its arrival, its stay, and its return - these three phrases summarize the entire history of human endeavor.

118. A smile can indeed be described as the flash of lightning on a person’s face, with a sudden brightening of the eyes and the gleam of teeth between the lips.

119. A doctor is also a kind of butcher.

120. Looking closely at an ugly woman is cruel, unless she is a bad person and you want to punish her.

121. Milk is a child’s food, so it should also be consumed in the dining hall, proving that this hotel is managed scientifically.

122. Why does love reduce a person’s mental resistance, making them weak and easily manipulated?

123. When two people are together, rumors are bound to spread, just as when two tree branches come close, spiders will hang their webs.

124. The meaning of a word often lies in the listener’s heart like a strange cat entering a house, silent and unnoticed until it meows, and only then do you become aware of its presence.

125. The most primitive form of sleep in life is also a sample of death.