1.理想是人生的太阳。 —— 德莱赛
1. Ideals are the sun of life. —— Dreiser

2.如果你浪费了自己的年龄,那是挺可悲的。因为你的青春只能持续一点儿时间——很短的一点儿时间。 —— 王尔德
2. If you waste your age, it is quite pathetic. Because your youth can only last for a short time – a very short time. —— Wilde

3.我读的书愈多,就愈亲近世界,愈明了生活的意义,愈觉得生活的重要。 —— 高尔基
3. The more books I read, the closer I get to the world, the clearer I understand the meaning of life, and the more I realize the importance of life. —— Gorky

4.人生并不像火车要通过每个站似的经过每一个生活阶段。人生总是直向前行走,从不留下什么。 —— 刘易斯
4. Life is not like a train that passes through every station, going through every stage of life. Life always moves forward directly, leaving nothing behind. —— Lewis

5.不达成功誓不休。 —— 陈潭秋
5. Never give up until success is achieved. —— Chen Tanqiu

6.科学是到处为家的,不过,在任何不播种的地方,是决不会得到丰收的。 —— 赫尔岑
6. Science is a home everywhere, but in any place where nothing is sown, there will never be a bumper harvest. —— Herzen

7.爱情只有当它是自由自在时,才会叶茂花繁。认为爱情是某种义务的思想只能置爱情于死地。只消一句话:你应当爱某个人,就足以使你对这个人恨之入骨。 —— 罗素
7. Love only flourishes when it is free; the idea that love is some kind of obligation can only put love to death. Just one sentence: you should love someone, is enough to make you hate that person. —— Russell

8.没有人不爱惜他的生命,但很少人珍视他的时间。 —— 梁实秋
8. Everyone cherishes their life, but few people value their time. —— Liang Shiqiu

9.笨蛋自以为聪明,聪明人才知道自己是笨蛋。 —— 莎士比亚
9. Fools think they are wise, but the wise know they are fools. —— Shakespeare

10.毫无经验的初恋是迷人的,但经得起考验的爱情是无价的。 —— 马尔林斯基
10. Inexperienced first love is charming, but love that withstands trials is priceless. —— Malinsky

11.友谊是一棵可以庇荫的树。 —— 柯尔律治
11. Friendship is a tree that can provide shade. —— Coleridge

12.时间是一切财富中最宝贵的财富。 —— 德奥弗拉斯多
12. Time is the most precious wealth of all. —— Diogenes Laertius

13.世界上一成不变的东西,只有“任何事物都是在不断变化的”这条真理。 —— 斯里兰卡
13. The only thing that remains constant in the world is the truth that “everything is constantly changing.” —— Sri Lanka

14.过放荡不羁的生活,容易得像顺水推舟,但是要结识良朋益友,却难如登天。 —— 巴尔扎克
14. Living a dissolute life is as easy as drifting with the current, but making good friends is as difficult as climbing to the sky. —— Balzac

15.这世界要是没有爱情,它在我们心中还会有什么意义!这就如一盏没有亮光的走马灯。 —— 歌德
15. If there were no love in this world, what meaning would it have in our hearts! It would be like a lantern without light. —— Goethe

16.相信谎言的人必将在真理之前毁灭。 —— 赫尔巴特
16. Those who believe in lies will surely perish before the truth. —— Herbart

17.真正的科学家应当是个幻想家;谁不是幻想家,谁就只能把自己称为实践家。 —— 巴尔扎克
17. A true scientist should be a dreamer; whoever is not a dreamer can only call themselves a practitioner. —— Balzac

18.爱情原如树叶一样,在人忽视里绿了,在忍耐里露出蓓蕾。 —— 何其芳
18. Love is like a leaf, turning green when ignored, and blossoming in patience. —— He Qifang

19.良好的健康状况和高度的身体训练,是有效的脑力劳动的重要条件。 —— 克鲁普斯卡娅
19. Good health and a high level of physical training are important conditions for effective mental labor. —— Krupskaya

20.成功的秘诀,在永不改变既定的目的。 —— 卢梭
20. The secret of success lies in never changing the predetermined goal. —— Rousseau

21.从不浪费时间的人,没有工夫抱怨时间不够。 —— 杰弗逊
21. Those who never waste time have no time to complain about not having enough time. —— Jefferson

22.我们破灭的希望,流产的才能,失败的事业,受了挫折的雄心,往往积聚起来变为忌妒。 —— 巴尔扎克
22. Our shattered hopes, miscarried talents, failed careers, and frustrated ambitions often accumulate and turn into jealousy. —— Balzac

23.一个人最怕不老实,青年人最可贵的是老实作风。”老实”就是不自欺欺人,做到不欺骗人家容易,不欺骗自己最难。”老实作风”就是脚踏实地,不占便宜。世界上没有便宜的事,谁想占便宜水就会吃亏。 —— 徐特立
23. The most fearful thing for a person is not being honest. The most valuable quality for young people is an honest style. “Honest” means not deceiving oneself or others; it is easy not to deceive others, but the hardest is not to deceive oneself. “Honest style” means being down-to-earth and not taking advantage of others. There is no such thing as a free lunch; whoever tries to take advantage will end up at a disadvantage. —— Xu Teli

24.书籍是培植智慧的工具。 —— 夸美绍斯集
24. Books are the tools for cultivating wisdom. —— Comenius

25.真理只能和永久的服役甚至与有力的牺牲相接近。 —— 屠格涅夫
25. Truth can only be approached through perpetual service and even powerful sacrifices. —— Turgenev

26.任何事物都无法抗拒吞食一切的时间。 —— 泰戈尔
26. Nothing can resist the all-consuming passage of time. —— Tagore

27.两个恋人当中总是一方爱另一方,而另一方只是听任接受对方的爱而已。这一点对我们大多数人来说,都是一条必须服从的痛苦的真理。可是偶尔也会有两个彼此热恋而同时又彼此被热恋的情况。 —— 毛姆
27. In love, there is always one party who loves the other, while the other just passively accepts their love. This painful truth is something most of us must obey. However, there are occasional cases where two people fall deeply in love with each other and are loved in return. —— Maugham

28.人在智慧上应当是明豁的,道德上应该是清白的,身体上应该是清洁的。 —— 契诃夫
28. In wisdom, one should be enlightened; in morality, one should be pure; and in body, one should be clean. —— Chekhov

29.友谊像清晨的雾一样纯洁,奉承并不能得到友谊,友谊只能用忠实去巩固它。 —— 马克思
29. Friendship is as pure as the morning mist, and flattery cannot win friendship. Friendship can only be consolidated with loyalty. —— Marx

30.最成功的说谎者是那些使最少量的谎言发挥最大的作用的人。 —— 塞•巴特勒
30. The most successful liar is the one who makes the fewest lies work to the greatest advantage. —— S. Butler

31.在人类历史的长河中,真理因为像黄金一样重,总是沉于河底而很难被人发现,相反地,那些牛粪一样轻的谬误倒漂浮在上面到处泛滥。 —— 培根
31. In the long river of human history, truth, like gold, is heavy and always sinks to the bottom, making it difficult to be discovered. In contrast, those lightweight fallacies, like cow dung, float on the surface and spread everywhere. —— Bacon

32.给青年人最好的忠告是让他们谦逊谨慎,孝敬父母,爱戴亲友。 —— 西塞罗
32. The best advice for young people is to be modest and cautious, to honor their parents, and to love and respect their friends. —— Cicero

33.题诗寄汝非无意,莫负青春取自惭。 —— 于谦
33. I did not write this poem for you without reason; do not waste your youth and end up in regret. —— Yu Qian

34.人生就象打橄榄球一样,不能犯规,也不要闪避球,而应向底线冲过去。 —— 罗斯福
34. Life is like playing rugby; one must not commit fouls, nor avoid the ball, but rather charge towards the goal line. —— Roosevelt

35.爱情需要合理的内容,正像熊熊烈火要油来维持一样;爱情是两个相似的天性在无限感觉中的和谐的交融。 —— 别林斯基
35. Love requires a reasonable foundation, just as a raging fire needs oil to sustain it; love is the harmonious blending of two similar natures in an infinite range of feelings. —— Belinsky

36.知识是从劳动中得来的,任何成就都是刻苦劳动的结晶。 —— 宋庆龄
36. Knowledge comes from labor, and any achievement is the result of hard work. —— Song Qingling

37.温和比强暴更有希望获得成功。 —— 拉封丹
37. Gentleness has a greater chance of success than violence. —— La Fontaine

38.在学校和生活中,工作的最重要的动力是工作中的乐趣,是工作获得结果时的乐趣以及对这个结果的社会价值的认识。 —— 爱因斯坦
38. In school and life, the most important motivation for work is the pleasure of working, the joy of achieving results, and the recognition of the social value of these results. —— Einstein

39.甘心做奴隶的人,不知道自由的力量。 —— 贝克
39. Those who willingly become slaves do not know the power of freedom. —— Beck

40.劳动是万物的基础,劳动者是支柱,他支撑着文明与进步的结构和它那辉煌的穹隆。 —— 莫格索尔
40. Labor is the foundation of all things; the laborer is the pillar, supporting the structure and the magnificent dome of civilization and progress. —— Mogensor

41.事业无穷年。 —— 韩愈
41. There is no end to one’s career. —— Han Yu

42.在人生的道路上,当你的希望一个个落空的时候,你也要坚定,要沉着。 —— 朗费罗
42. On the path of life, when your hopes fail one by one, you must remain steadfast and composed. —— Longfellow

43.只要让我创造一个国家的迷信,我就不管归谁给他制定法律,也不管归谁给它编歌曲了。 —— 马克•吐温
43. If I could create the superstition of a nation, I wouldn’t care who makes its laws or who writes its songs. —— Mark Twain

44.真正的友谊无论从正反看都应一样,不可能从前面看是蔷薇而从后面看是刺。 —— 吕克特
44. True friendship should look the same from both sides; it cannot be a rose from the front and thorns from the back. —— Lucretius

45.经过费力才得到的东西要比不费力就得到的东西叫能另人喜爱。一目了然的真理不费力就可以懂,懂了也感到暂时的愉快,但是很快就被遗忘了。 —— 薄伽丘
45. Things obtained through effort are more cherished than those obtained without effort. Obvious truths can be understood without effort, and although they bring temporary pleasure, they are soon forgotten. —— Boccaccio

46.人的一生就是这样,先把人生变成一个科学的梦,然后再把梦变成现实。 —— 法国
46. A person’s life is like this: first turn life into a scientific dream, and then turn the dream into reality. —— France

47.秩序,只有秩序才能产生自由。 —— 法国
47. Order, only order can produce freedom. —— France

48.你可以从别人那里得来思想,你的思想方法,即熔铸思想的模子却必须是你自己的。 —— 拉姆
48. You can get ideas from others, but the way of thinking, the mold of casting ideas, must be your own. —— Ram

49.管理的第一目标是使较高工资与较低的劳动成本结合起来。 —— 泰罗
49. The first goal of management is to combine higher wages with lower labor costs. —— Taylor

50.躯体总是以惹人厌烦告终。除思想以外,没有什么优美和有意思的东西留下来,因为思想就是生命。 —— 萧伯纳
50. The body always ends in boredom. Apart from thoughts, nothing beautiful and interesting remains, because thoughts are life itself. —— Shaw

51.文明就是要造成有修养的人。 —— 罗斯金
51. Civilization is about creating cultivated people. —— Ruskin

52.我渴望随着命运指引的方向,心平气和地、没有争吵、悔恨、羡慕,笔直走完人生旅途。 —— 魏尔伦
52. I long to follow the direction of fate peacefully, without quarrels, regrets, or envy, and walk straight through the journey of life. —— Verlaine

53.有所作为是生活的最高境界。 —— 恩格斯
53. Achieving something is the highest realm of life. —— Engels

54.在年轻人的颈项上,没有什么东西能比事业心这颗灿烂的宝珠更迷人的了。 —— 哈菲兹
54. On the neck of a young person, nothing is more fascinating than the brilliant pearl of a sense of career. —— Hafez

55.攻克科学堡垒,就像打仗一样,总会有人牺牲,有人受伤,我要为科学而献身。 —— 罗蒙诺索夫
55. Conquering the fortress of science is like warfare; there will always be sacrifices and injuries, and I am willing to dedicate myself to science. —— Lomonosov

56.在人的生活中最主要的是劳动训练。没有劳动就不可能有正常人的生活。 —— 卢梭
56. The most important thing in a person’s life is labor training. Without labor, there can be no normal human life. —— Rousseau

57.一个人有无成就,决定于他青年时期是不是有志气。 —— 谢觉哉
57. A person’s success depends on whether they have ambition in their youth. —— Xie Juezai

58.修养的花儿在寂静中开过去了,成功的果子便要在光明里结实。 —— 冰心
58. The flowers of cultivation bloom in silence, and the fruits of success are harvested in the light. —— Bing Xin

59.我们是法律的仆人,以便我们可以获得自由。 —— 西塞罗
59. We are servants of the law in order to gain freedom. —— Cicero

60.你要知道科学方法的实质,不要去听一个科学家对你说些什么,而要仔细看他在做什么。 —— 爱因斯坦
60. To understand the essence of the scientific method, do not listen to what a scientist tells you, but observe carefully what they are doing. —— Einstein

61.所谓爱国心,是指你身为这个国家的国民,对于这个国家,应当比对其他一切的国家感情更深厚。 —— 萧伯纳
61. Patriotism refers to the deep affection one should have for their own country as a citizen, compared to all other countries. —— George Bernard Shaw

62.世界上没有才能的人是没有的。问题在于教育者要去发现每一位学生的禀赋、兴趣、爱好和特长,为他们的表现和发展提供充分的条件和正确引导。 —— 苏霍姆林斯基
62. There are no people in the world without talent. The issue lies in educators discovering the talents, interests, hobbies, and strengths of each student, and providing them with sufficient conditions and proper guidance for their performance and development. —— A.S. Makarenko

63.谚语可以体现一个民族的创造力,智慧和精神。 —— 培根
63. Proverbs can reflect the creativity, wisdom, and spirit of a nation. —— Francis Bacon

64.说真话不应当是艰难的事情。我所谓真话不是指真理,也不是指正确的话。自己想什麽就讲什麽;自己怎麽想就怎麽说这就是说真话。 —— 巴金
64. Telling the truth should not be a difficult thing. By truth, I do not mean the truth or the correct words. To speak one’s thoughts and express one’s opinions is to tell the truth. —— Ba Jin

65.她们把自己恋爱作为终极目标,有了爱人便什么都不要了,对社会作不了贡献,人生价值最少。 —— 向警予
65. They regard love as the ultimate goal, and once they have a lover, they want nothing else, making no contribution to society and having the least value in life. —— Xiang Jingyu

66.忠诚可以简练地定义为对不可能的情况的一种不合逻辑的信仰。 —— 门肯
66. Loyalty can be concisely defined as an illogical belief in impossible situations. —— H.L. Mencken

67.人生贵知心,定交无暮早。 —— 袁中道
67. It is valuable to know one’s friends and to establish friendships without regard for time. —— Yuan Zhen

68.谁不会休息,谁就不会工作。 —— 列宁
68. Whoever does not know how to rest, does not know how to work. —— Lenin

69.友谊是灵魂的结合,这个结合是可以离异的,这是两个敏感,正直的人之间心照不宣的契约。 —— 伏尔泰
69. Friendship is the union of souls, a union that can be dissolved, a tacit agreement between two sensitive and honest people. —— Voltaire

70.新的数学方法和概念,常常比解决数学问题本身更重要。 —— 华罗庚
70. New mathematical methods and concepts are often more important than solving mathematical problems themselves. —— Hua Luogeng

71.个人的智慧只是有限的。 —— 普劳图斯
71. An individual’s wisdom is limited. —— Plautus

72.较高级复杂的劳动,是这样一种劳动力的表现,这种劳动力比较普通的劳动力需要较高的教育费用,它的生产需要花费较多的劳动时间。因此,具有较高的价值。 —— 马克思
72. Higher-level and more complex labor is the manifestation of labor force that requires higher education costs and more labor time compared to ordinary labor force. Therefore, it has a higher value. —— Karl Marx

73.酒杯里竟能蹦出友谊来。 —— 盖伊
73. Friendship can indeed spring from a wine glass. —— Elbert Hubbard

74.伟大的思想能变成巨大的财富。 —— 塞内加
74. Great thoughts can become immense wealth. —— Seneca

75.将人生投于赌博的赌徒,当他们胆敢妄为的时候,对自己的力量有充分的自信,并且认为大胆的冒险是唯一的形式。 —— 茨威格
75. Gamblers who stake their lives on gambling, when they dare to act recklessly, have full confidence in their own strength and believe that bold adventures are the only way. —— Stefan Zweig

76.道德衰亡,诚亡国灭种之根基。 —— 章炳麟
76. The decline of morality is the foundation of a nation’s extinction and the annihilation of its people. —— Zhang Binglin

77.把时间用在思考上是最能节省时间的事情。 —— 卡曾斯
77. Spending time on thinking is the best way to save time. —— Benjamin Franklin

78.最甜美的是爱情,最苦涩的也是爱情。 —— 菲•贝利
78. The sweetest thing is love, and the bitterest thing is also love. —— F. Bailey

79.读书使人心明眼亮。 —— 伏尔泰
79. Reading enlightens the mind and brightens the eyes. —— Voltaire

80.劳动和人,人和劳动,这是所有真理的父母亲。 —— 苏霍姆林斯基
80. Labor and man, man and labor, these are the parents of all truth. —— A.S. Makarenko

81.谬误越大,真理取得的胜利就越大。 —— 席勒
81. The greater the fallacy, the greater the victory of truth. —— Schiller

82.如果你想获得幸福和安宁,那就要越过层层的障壁,敲起真理的钟前进。 —— 卡拉维洛夫
82. If you want happiness and peace, you must break through layers of barriers and march forward by ringing the bell of truth. ——卡拉维洛夫 (Karavelov)

83.时间乃是最大的革新家。 —— 培根
83. Time is the greatest innovator. —— Bacon

84.青年总是年青的,只有老年才会变老。 —— 杰克•伦敦
84. Youth is always young, only old age grows old. —— Jack London

85.没有加倍的勤奋,就既没有才能,也没有天才。 —— 门捷列夫
85. Without redoubled diligence, there can be neither talent nor genius. —— Mendeleev

86.不用相当的独立功夫,不论在哪个严重的问题上都不能找出真理;谁怕用功夫,谁就无法找到真理。 —— 列宁
86. Without considerable independent effort, one cannot find the truth on any serious issue; whoever is afraid of putting in the effort will never find the truth. —— Lenin

87.要永远觉得祖国的土地是稳固地在你脚下,要与集体一起生活,要记住,是集体教育了你。那一天你若和集体脱离,那便是末路的开始。 —— 奥斯特洛夫斯基
87. Always feel that the land of your motherland is firmly beneath your feet, live together with the collective, and remember that it is the collective that educated you. The day you break away from the collective is the beginning of the end. —— Ostrovsky

88.以吾人数十年必死之生命,立国家亿万年不死之根基,其价值之重可知。 —— 孙中山
88. With our decades-long mortal lives, we lay the foundation for the immortal nation, the importance of which is evident. —— Sun Yat-sen

89.真的猛士,敢于直面惨淡的人生,敢于正视淋漓的鲜血。 —— 鲁迅
89. A true warrior dares to face a bleak life and confront the dripping blood. —— Lu Xun

90.善良和谦虚是永远不应令人厌恶的两种品德。 —— 斯蒂文生
90. Kindness and humility are two virtues that should never be despised. —— Stevenson

91.才能的火花,常常在勤奋的磨石上迸发。 —— 威廉•李卜克内西
91. The spark of talent often ignites on the grinding stone of diligence. —— Wilhelm Liebknecht

92.人类的全部历史都告诫有智慧的人,不要笃信时运,而应坚信思想。 —— 爱献生
92. All of human history warns wise people not to believe in fortune, but to have faith in thought. —— Emerson

93.人生的意志和劳动将创造奇迹般的奇迹。 —— 涅克拉索夫
93. The will and labor of life will create miraculous miracles. —— Nekrasov

94.书籍是全世界的营养品。生活里没有书籍,就好像没有阳光;智慧里没有书籍,就好像鸟儿没有翅膀。 —— 莎士比亚
94. Books are the nourishment of the entire world. Life without books is like life without sunlight; wisdom without books is like a bird without wings. —— Shakespeare

95.人类的历史,就是一个不断地从必然王国向自由王国发展的历史。 —— 毛泽东
95. The history of mankind is a continuous development from the kingdom of necessity to the kingdom of freedom. —— Mao Zedong

96.成功大易,而获实丰于斯所期,浅人喜焉,而深识者方以为吊。 —— 梁启超
96. Success is easy, but to achieve more than expected pleases the shallow, while the truly knowledgeable regard it as a cause for mourning. —— Liang Qichao

97.生活是一种绵延不绝的渴望,渴望不断上升,变得更伟大而高贵。 —— 杜伽尔
97. Life is an unending desire, constantly rising and striving to become greater and nobler. —— Du伽尔 (Dugal)

98.真实是人生的命脉,是一切价值的根基。 —— 德莱塞
98. Truth is the lifeblood of life and the foundation of all values. —— Dreiser

99.人的活动如果没有理想的鼓舞,就会变得空虚而渺小。 —— 车尔尼雪夫斯基
99. Without the inspiration of ideals, human activities become empty and insignificant. —— Chernyshevsky

100.只有人们的社会实践,才是人们对于外界认识的真理性的标准。真理的标准只能是社会的实践。 —— 毛泽东
100. Only people’s social practice can be the standard of truth for people’s understanding of the outside world. The criterion of truth can only be social practice. —— Mao Zedong

1. Believe in yourself first, and then others will believe in you. - Turgenev

2. The secret of success is to develop the habit of doing things quickly, to take advantage of the moment when the tide is at its highest, when there is no resistance, and it can help you succeed rapidly. - Lawrence

3. There are no people who can achieve success without passionately and bravely pursuing it. - Napoleon I

4. If you ask a skilled skater how to succeed, he will tell you, “Fall down, and get up.” That is success. - Newton

5. Aspire to be steadfast rather than sharp, success lies in persistence rather than speed. - Zhang Xiaoxiang

6. Only victory can survive, only success has a price, and only hard work brings rewards. - Anonymous

7. Winners often achieve success from persisting through the last five minutes. - Newton

8. Things that seem hopeless, when boldly attempted, can often succeed. - Shakespeare

9. It is not success that brings satisfaction, but satisfaction that leads to success. - Alain

10. In order not to diminish great success, God cannot help but add a drop of bitterness. - Hilty

11. Confidence is the first secret of success. - Edison

12. The most precious thing in the world is time; the most extravagant thing is to waste it. - Mozart

13. All of a person’s success and failure are the result of their habits. - Napoleon Hill

14. Those who dare not believe in their success even when they encounter opportunities will only experience failure. - Seneca

15. No wise man would deny the value of pain and sorrow in shaping one’s character. - Huxley

16. Everyone has some laziness. If a person’s willpower is not enough to push themselves forward, they will fail; whoever can push themselves the hardest will achieve success first. - Romain Rolland

17. Once a person values opportunities, they are inevitably dominated by them. - Zhou Guoping

18. Always remember, the determination to succeed is more important than anything else. - Abraham Lincoln

19. Adversity provides valuable opportunities for self-improvement. Only those who can withstand the test of circumstances can be considered true强者. - Matsushita Konosuke

20. A person’s flaws are like weeds in a garden. Weeds grow without cultivation, so if not removed in time, they will soon take over the entire garden. - Napoleon Hill

21. Close the door of fear behind you, and you will know how fast the door of success opens in front of you. — Napoleon Hill

22. It’s better to rely on oneself than to seek help from others; poverty does not change one’s ambition; endure the hardships and become superior; do not lose heart in failure; do not forget oneself in success. — Li Jiacheng

23. With a noble purpose as support, keep working tirelessly, and even if slow, success is certain. — Albert Einstein

24. The pyramid is built of stone upon stone. — William Shakespeare

25. All things have an end, therefore, patience is a means of winning success. — Maxim Gorky

26. Do not ask the secret of success, but do your utmost to do what you should do. — Maynard H. Jackson

27. Success is when the overflowing vitality suddenly breaks the dam and flows into a suitable channel. — Huai Hong

28. If a person can confidently move towards his ideal direction, determined to live the life he wants, he will surely achieve unexpected success. — Dale Carnegie

29. Those who accomplish great deeds do not care about minor humiliations; those who establish great merits do not拘泥于 minor considerations. — Feng Menglong

30. The most difficult times are when we are closest to success. — Julius Caesar

31. Life is not a pleasure, but a very serious task. — Leo Tolstoy

32. Only those who possess genuine knowledge, understand their strengths, and are good at using their strengths appropriately and cautiously can achieve success in worldly affairs. — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

33. All the changes, charm, and beauty in life are composed of light and shadow. — Leo Tolstoy

34. One should not rush for quick success, but should familiarize oneself with the research object, and be persistent; time will accomplish everything. The beginning is the hardest, but it is even harder to know how to end well. — William Shakespeare

35. The secret of success lies in never changing the predetermined goal. — Jean-Jacques Rousseau

36. Those who least utilize time are the ones who complain the most about not having enough time. — Jean de La Bruyère

37. The key to success is to believe in one’s ability to succeed. — Napoleon Hill

38. Confidence is the first step towards success, and lack of confidence is the main cause of failure. — William Shakespeare

39. Only by turning the mood of complaining about the environment into the power of progress can success be guaranteed. — Romain Rolland

40. Effort is the mother of success. — Miguel de Cervantes

41. A man without ambition is a waste of his eight-foot frame. — Feng Menglong

42. Intelligence comes from diligence, and talent lies in accumulation. — Hua Luogeng

43. Diligence can make up for clumsiness; it is a good lesson that one reaps what one sows. — Hua Luogeng

44. Failure is the mother of success. — Thomas Edison

45. Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. — Thomas Edison

46. Genius is the ability to endure endless hard work. — Thomas Carlyle

47. Do you love life? Then do not waste time, for time is the material life is made of. — Benjamin Franklin

48. The biggest reason for a person’s failure is the lack of sufficient confidence in their own abilities, even thinking they are bound to fail. — Benjamin Franklin

49. Suffering is the teacher of life. — Honoré de Balzac

50. The secret of success lies in a determined resolution. — Benjamin Disraeli

51. Success is not the important thing; it is the effort. — Theodore Tugendhat

52. Success is achieved through effort, not hope. — John Heskin

53. Whether in success or failure, it all depends on oneself. — Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

54. There is no technique for success; I have always done my best in my work. — Dale Carnegie

55. Determination is strength, and confidence is success. — Leo Tolstoy

56. Those who strive tirelessly will ultimately succeed. — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

57. If we realize the fleeting nature of time and cherish it, without indulging in senseless sorrow and working hard towards our goals, especially in our youth, we can confidently say that we will succeed in the future. — Nie Er

58. Do not be content with small achievements, and you will be able to accomplish great things; do not be tempted by small profits, and you can establish long-term merits. — Fang Xiaoru

59. There are so many people in the world who could have succeeded and made a name for themselves, but they remained obscure because they let the precious time slip away. — Guy de Maupassant

60. The meaning of success should be to exert one’s strengths and make efforts, feeling a sense of guiltless joy in the harvest, rather than for vanity or money. — Romain Rolland

61. As long as there is an infinite confidence filling the soul, coupled with a strong will and an independent talent, success will come one day. - Maupassant

62. Thorough theory, accurate strategy. Then, with the courage and spirit to overcome all difficulties and move forward unwaveringly, there will be a day of success. - Zou Taofen

63. Only by transforming the mood of complaining about the environment into the power to make progress can we ensure success. - Romain Rolland

64. The key to life lies in setting great goals and having the determination to achieve them. - Goethe

65. The ideal path is always prepared for those who have confidence.

66. The most terrible enemy is the lack of a strong belief. - Romain Rolland

67. Life is like climbing a hill, which requires taking one step at a time. - Ding Ling

68. Immersed in the busyness of reality, without time and energy to think about the past, success will not be far away. - Lei Yin

69. Achieving success in things that others despise is an amazing thing, because it proves that one has not only conquered oneself but also others. - Montesquieu

70. Learn to live in the simplest way, and do not let complex thoughts spoil the sweetness of life. - Milton

71. The difference between successful and unsuccessful people often lies in the fact that the successful can benefit from their mistakes and try again in different ways. - Emerson

72. Strive hard for success, but do not expect it for sure. - Faraday

73. Black hair does not know to study early, and white hair regrets reading late. - Yan Zhenqing

74. Don’t wait idly, for youth will fade, and empty sorrow will follow. - Yue Fei

75. Tomorrow after tomorrow, how many tomorrows there will be, waiting for tomorrow in my life, everything becomes wasted. - Wen Jia “The Song of Tomorrow”

76. Prime years never come again, a day is hard to be morning again. Encourage yourself in time, for time does not wait. - Tao Yuanming

77. Those who have established great deeds in ancient times not only possessed extraordinary talents but also had an unyielding will. - Su Shi

78. Having ambition is not about being young, but without ambition, living a hundred years is empty. - Shi Yukun

79. Poor but increasingly determined, never giving up the ambition to rise above the blue clouds. - Wang Bo

80.阴谋陷害别人的人,自己会首先遭到不幸。 —— 伊索
80. Those who conspire to harm others will first suffer misfortune themselves. - Aesop

81.智者宁可防病于未然,不可治病于已发;宁可勉励克服痛苦,免得为了痛苦而追求慰藉。 —— 托马斯·莫尔
81. A wise man prefers to prevent illness before it occurs rather than to treat it after it has begun; he would rather encourage himself to overcome pain, so as not to seek solace in pain. — Thomas More

82.我们有力的道德就是通过奋斗取得物质上的成功;这种道德既适用于国家,也适用于个人。 —— 罗素
82. Our powerful morality lies in achieving material success through struggle; this morality applies to both nations and individuals. — Bertrand Russell

83.生活的全部意义在于无穷地探索尚未知道的东西,在于不断地增加更多的知识。 —— 左拉
83. The whole meaning of life lies in the endless exploration of the unknown and the continuous acquisition of more knowledge. — Emile Zola

84.一个人最伤心的事情无过于良心的死灭。 —— 郭沫若
84. The saddest thing for a person is the death of their conscience. — Guo Moruo

85.智力决不会在已经认识的真理上停止不前,而始终会不断前进,走向尚未被认识的真理。 —— 布鲁诺
85. Intelligence will never stop on truths already recognized, but will always continue to advance towards truths not yet known. — Giordano Bruno

86.正确的道路是这样:吸取你的前辈所做的一切,然后再往前走。 —— 列夫·托尔斯泰
86. The right path is as follows: learn from everything your predecessors have done, and then move forward. — Leo Tolstoy

87.科学研究好象钻木板,有人喜欢钻薄的;而我喜欢钻厚的。 —— 爱因斯坦
87. Scientific research is like drilling through wood; some people prefer to drill through thin boards, while I prefer to drill through thick ones. — Albert Einstein

88.人类被赋予了一种工作,那就是精神的成长。 —— 列夫·托尔斯泰
88. Humans are endowed with a task, which is the growth of the spirit. — Leo Tolstoy

89.书本上的知识而外,尚须从生活的人生中获得知识。 —— 茅盾
89. Apart from knowledge from books, one must also acquire knowledge from life and experience. — Mao Dun

90.养成他们有耐劳作的体力,纯洁高尚的道德,广博自由能容纳新潮流的精神,也就是能在世界新潮流中游泳,不被淹没的力量。 —— 鲁迅
90. Cultivate in them the physical endurance to work hard, the pure and noble morality, and the broad and free spirit capable of embracing new trends, so that they can swim in the world’s new trends without being overwhelmed. — Lu Xun

91.孩子是要别人教的,毛病是要别人医的,即使自己是教员或医生。但做人98.处事的法子,却恐怕要自己斟酌,许多人开来的良方,往往不过是废纸。 —— 鲁迅
91. Children need to be taught by others, and ailments need to be treated by others; even if one is a teacher or a doctor. However, the way to conduct oneself恐怕要自己斟酌, as many good prescriptions offered by others are often just waste paper. — Lu Xun

92.脾气暴躁是人类较为卑劣的天性之一,人要是发脾气就等于在人类进步的阶梯上倒退了一步。 —— 达尔文
92. A quick temper is one of the more despicable aspects of human nature; when a person loses their temper, it is as if they have taken a step backward on the ladder of human progress. — Charles Darwin

93.蜜蜂从花中啜蜜,离开时营营的道谢。浮夸的蝴蝶却相信花是应该向他道谢的。—— 泰戈尔
93. Bees sip honey from flowers and thank them as they leave. boastful butterflies, however, believe that flowers should thank them. — Rabindranath Tagore

94.人不能象走兽那样活着,应该追求知识和美德。 —— 但丁
94. One cannot live like a beast; one should pursue knowledge and virtue. — Dante Alighieri

95.勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为。惟贤惟德,能服于人。 —— 刘备
95. Do not commit evil deeds, no matter how small, and do not neglect good deeds, no matter how minor. Only virtue and wisdom can truly command respect from others. — Liu Bei

96.不患位之不尊,而患德之不崇;不耻禄之不伙,而耻智之不博。 —— 张衡
96. One should not worry about the lack of a prestigious position, but rather the lack of noble character; one should not be ashamed of a modest income, but rather the lack of extensive knowledge. — Zhang Heng

97.土扶可城墙,积德为厚地。 —— 李白
97. Soil can support city walls, and accumulated virtue forms a solid foundation. — Li Bai

98.入于污泥而不染、不受资产阶级糖衣炮弹的侵蚀,是最难能可贵的革命品质。  —— 周恩来
98. To remain unstained by the mud and uncorrupted by the bourgeoisie’s sugar-coated shells is the most admirable revolutionary quality. — Zhou Enlai

99.没有伟大的品格,就没有伟大的人,甚至也没有伟大的艺术家,伟大的行动者。  —— 罗曼·罗兰
99. Without great character, there can be no great person, nor even great artists or great doers. — Romain Rolland

100.理智要比心灵为高,思想要比感情可靠。 —— 高尔基
100. Reason is higher than emotion, and thought is more reliable than feeling. — Maxim Gorky

1. Unfortunate love is often like a note from a reliable debtor that becomes due and unpaid, costing you your private money. — Balzac

2. Loneliness is like a shadow, always following, old joys entering dreams, no need to dissolve, already coexisting. — San Mao

3. When love is absent, learn to live your own life. Living your own life means falling in love with yourself, treating yourself like your own lover, and pampering yourself well. — Zhang Xiaoxian

4. I am happy because I love, because I am loved. — Browning

5. Parting makes love passionate, meeting makes it solid. — Tom Fuller

6. Nowadays, who would take care of someone for a lifetime? It’s such a heavy burden, so one must be independent. — Yishu

7. Love, your words are my food, your breath is my fine wine. — Goethe

8. There are not many days left, what should I keep? What is kept is not love. — Yishu

9. You should change because you want to, not for anyone else, for fear that they may disappoint you and you have to return to your old self. — Yishu

10. The power of love is peace, disregarding reason, conventions, and honor or disgrace, it can turn all fears, shocks, and pains into sweetness when experienced. — Shakespeare

11. Where love blossoms, life thrives. — Van Gogh

12. We love some people, but marry and have children with others. — Yishu

13. Beauty can inspire emotions, and love purifies the soul. — John Dryden

14. If love does not settle into trivial matters such as laundry, cooking, counting money, and raising children, it is not easy to last. — San Mao

15. Melancholic youth, rebellious years, fermenting into a bowl of green grass juice, poured into the heart. — Guo Jingming

16. True love between men and women cannot be achieved by physical or spiritual means alone; it can only be realized when their spirits and bodies are integrated. — Zhu Yaoxian

17. The heart frozen in ice, endless dormancy, I wait for someone to break the ice for me. — Guo Jingming

18. Grievances that can be spoken are not grievances; lovers who can be taken away are not lovers. — Yishu

19. Love is an irrational thing; when you fall in love with someone, you are involuntarily controlled by your body and heart. — Yishu

20. One should have at least one dream and a reason to be strong. If the heart has no place to rest, wandering is inevitable. — San Mao

21. Be brave, whether or not someone is by your side. — Guo Jingming

22. If there is no wisdom in my life, it would simply be dull; if there is no love in my life, it would be destroyed. — Henri de Montherlant

23. No one can “abandon” you unless you abandon yourself, because we belong to ourselves, not to others. — Sanmao

24. There are some people who will never be together in this life, but there is a feeling that can be hidden in the heart and guarded for a lifetime. — Zhang Xiaoxian

25. Heavy rain always soaks my eyes, my heart, and the years I spend alone. — Guo Jingming

26. Women who are available to everyone often carry a sign of being a lady. — Yi Shu

27. The water of a fountain cannot be blocked, and the fire of love cannot be extinguished. — Mongolia

28. You ask if it’s worth loving me, but you should know that love is about not questioning whether it’s worth it or not. — Zhang Ailing

29. Don’t use your counterfeit Mona Lisa-like smile on me; my stomach is not as strong as you think. — Guo Jingming

30. Love quickly formed disperses just as fast. — John Heywood

31. The pain of the past has become today’s shelter; fortunately, she didn’t love me, and fortunately, she left me. — Yi Shu

32. All the joys of life come from creation: love, talent, and action all rely on the fiery passion of creation. — Romain Rolland

33. Time can understand love, prove love, and also overthrow love. — Zhang Xiaoxian

34.也许他太笃定,她一定会在那里等他,所以他放心地忙自己的事情,不疾不徐赶赴她的约会,他总是忙完了自己的事才会想到她,因为她总在那里。 ——辛夷坞 《致我们终将逝去的青春》
34. Perhaps he was too confident that she would wait for him there, so he calmly attended to his own affairs and went to her appointment at a leisurely pace. He always thought of her after finishing his own matters because she was always there. — Xin Yuwu, “To the Youth We Will Eventually Lose”

35.我们一生里有可能遇到很多人,有时正好同路,就会在一起走一段,直到我们遇到了真正想要共度一生的那个人,才会把余下的旅途全部交给这个人,结伴一起到终点。 ——辛夷坞 《致我们终将逝去的青春》
35. In our lives, we may meet many people; sometimes we happen to be on the same path and walk together for a while until we find the person we truly want to spend our lives with, and then we hand over the rest of the journey to them, traveling together to the end. — Xin Yuwu, “To the Youth We Will Eventually Lose”

36.我真诚地觉得一个男人,一个女人在一起生儿育女,就是最幸福的生活。 ——威尔•史密斯
36. I sincerely believe that a man and a woman living together, raising children, is the happiest life. — Will Smith

37.还等什么呢?时间都过去了,话是这么说,但不至于那么快。无论走到哪里,都应该记住,过去都是假的,回忆是一条没有尽头的路,一切以往的春天都一去不复存在,就连那最坚韧而又狂乱的爱情归根结底也不过是一种转瞬即逝的现实! ——马尔克斯 《百年孤独》
37. What are we waiting for? Time has passed, so the saying goes, but it’s not that fast. No matter where we go, we should remember that the past is all fake, and memories are an endless road. All the past springs have vanished, and even the most tenacious and chaotic love ultimately turns out to be just a fleeting reality! — Gabriel García Márquez, “One Hundred Years of Solitude”

38.永远不要轻言等待,等待是多么奢侈的东西。电影里,只需镜头切换,字幕上出现几行小字—二十年以后。然后红颜白发,一切都有了结局,而现在的人生,三年五载,其中哪一秒不需要生生地捱,一辈子真长。 ——辛夷坞 《原来你还在这里》
38. Never lightly speak of waiting, for it is such a luxury. In movies, a simple scene change and a few lines of subtitles saying “twenty years later” can show the passage of time. Then the beauty turns to white hair, and everything has an ending. But in real life, every second of those three to five years requires us to endure it painfully; a lifetime is truly long. — Xin Yuwu, “You Are Still Here”

39.别让我再等你,我怕我没有足够的勇气一直等在原地,更怕我们走着走着,就再也找不到对方了。 ——辛夷坞 《致我们终将逝去的青春》
39. Don’t let me wait for you anymore; I’m afraid I don’t have enough courage to keep waiting in the same place, and I’m even more afraid that as we walk, we will lose each other. — Xin Yuwu, “To the Youth We Will Eventually Lose”

40.因为没得到,所以显得格外好,这不是爱。 ——八月长安 《最好的我们》
40. Because it hasn’t been obtained, it seems particularly good, but that’s not love. — August Chang’an, “The Best of Us”

41.喜欢一个人的心情是不听劝的,你以为我在遭受冷遇的时候,没有劝过自己吗? ——八月长安 《最好的我们》
41. The feeling of liking someone is unyielding to persuasion; do you think I haven’t tried to persuade myself when I was being neglected? —— August Chang’an, “The Best of Us”

42.人,一生的伤,不是用话语来抚平,也是不是用无穷的时间去遗忘,而是用幸福去治愈。 ——笙离 《爱你,是我做过最好的事》
42. The pain in a person’s life is not soothed by words, nor forgotten by endless time, but healed by happiness. —— Sheng Li, “Loving You Is the Best Thing I’ve Ever Done”

43.我向你保证,我绝对不会离开你,我从来都不知道,原来我也有一天,会心甘情愿被承诺所束缚 《吸血鬼日记》
43. I promise you, I will never leave you; I never knew that one day, I would willingly be bound by a promise. —— “The Vampire Diaries”

44.年轻时我们总是在开始时毫无所谓,在结束时痛彻心扉。而长大后成熟的我们可能避免了幼稚的伤害,却也错过了开始的勇气。 ——九夜茴 《匆匆那年》
44. When we were young, we didn’t care at the beginning, but felt heartbroken at the end. As we grew up and matured, we might have avoided childish hurts, but also missed the courage to start. —— Jiuye Chou, “Hustling Through the Years”

45.习惯难受,习惯思念,习惯等你,可是却一直没有习惯看不到你。 ——郭敬明
45. I’m used to feeling uncomfortable, used to missing you, used to waiting for you, but I’ve never gotten used to not seeing you. —— Guo Jingming

46.“子乔醒悟的时候,美嘉却没有怀孕.一菲承认感情的时候,小贤却和诺澜在一起了.张伟爱情刚起步,却和对方成了对手.有些人就是这样,你准备好了,却已经错过了最好的时机在一起.我以为我必须变得足够好才有资格遇见你,殊不知,遇见你时我才是最好的我. 《爱情公寓4》”
46. “When Ziqiao finally realized it, Meijia wasn’t pregnant. When Yifei admitted her feelings, Xiaoxian was already with Nuolan. When Zhang Wei’s love just started, they became rivals. Some people are like this; when you’re ready, you’ve already missed the best timing to be together. I thought I had to become good enough to meet you, but I didn’t know that I was the best version of myself when I met you.” —— “iPartment 4”

47.爱在左,情在右,走在生命路的两旁,随时撒种,随时开花,将这一径长途点缀得香花弥漫,使穿枝拂叶的行人,踏着荆棘,不觉痛苦;有泪可落,也不觉是悲哀。 ——冰心 《寄小读者》
47. Love on the left, affection on the right, walking on both sides of the path of life, sowing at any time, blooming at any time, adorning this long journey with fragrant flowers, making passersby, stepping on thorns, not feel pain; with tears to shed, not feeling sorrow. —— Bingxin, “To the Young Readers”

48.如今我终于明白,我渡得过万里狂风,渡得过千条性命,渡得过诗酒年华,却渡不过,你不顾而去的目光。 ——天下归元 《扶摇皇后》
48. Now I finally understand, I can cross the ten thousand miles of wild winds, cross a thousand lives, cross the years of poetry and wine, but I can’t cross your gaze that leaves without regard. —— Tianxia Guiyuan, “Empress Fu Yao”

49.煮雪如果真有其事,别的东西也可以留下,我们可以用一个空瓶把今夜的桂花香装起来,等桂花谢了,秋天过去,再打开瓶盖,细细品尝。 把初恋的温馨用一个精致的琉璃盒子盛装,等到青春过尽垂垂老矣的时候,掀开盒盖,扑面一股热流,足以使我们老怀堪慰。 ——林清玄 《温一壶月光下酒》
49. If snow can be brewed, other things can be kept as well; we can use an empty bottle to hold tonight’s osmanthus fragrance, and when the osmanthus withers and autumn passes, we can open the bottle and savor it slowly. We can store the warmth of first love in an exquisite glass box, and when our youth is gone and we are old, lift the lid and feel a rush of warmth, enough to comfort our old hearts. —— Lin Qingxian, “Warming a Pot of Moonlight to Drink”

50.只要两个相爱的人在一起,哪里都是天堂。对真心相爱的人来说,对方的心才是最好的房子。对于死去的人,遗忘是留给他的最好的礼物。 《冬季恋歌》
50. As long as two people in love are together, anywhere is paradise. For those who truly love each other, each other’s hearts are the best homes. For the deceased, forgetting is the best gift left for them. —— “Winter Sonata”

51.月色与雪色之间,你是第三种绝色。 ——余光中 《绝色》
51. Between the moonlight and snow, you are the third unique beauty. —— Yu Guangzhong, “Unique Beauty”

52.离别没说再见 你是否心酸 转身寥寥笑脸 不甘的甘愿也 许下个冬天 也许还要十年 再回到你身边 为你撑雨伞 ——陈学冬 《小时代3 刺金时代》
52. Without saying goodbye at the parting, do you feel heartbroken? Turning around with a sparse smile, unwillingly accepting it, maybe in ten years, I will return to your side and hold an umbrella for you. —— Chen Xuedong, “Tiny Times 3: Young and Destructive”

53.我相信,真正在乎我的人是不会被别人抢走的,无论是友情,还是爱情。 ——三毛
53. I believe that those who truly care about me will not be taken away by others, whether it’s friendship or love. —— Sanmao

54.我喜欢你 你叫我向东,我羊羔一样给你青草 你让我向西,我夕阳一样映你彩霞 你叫我向北,我是你冬风中的百合 你让我向南,你就是我空中的新娘 东西南北,你是我柔情的爱人 我思念中星星的星星 我喜欢你 你是我硕果的丰润,血液里流淌的思念 你是我梦中牵手的温情 我喜欢你 有分寸的、节制的、狂喜的、哭泣的 我喜欢你 ——三毛 《我喜欢你》
54. I like you, you tell me to go east, and I, like a lamb, bring you green grass; you let me go west, and I, like the setting sun, reflect your colorful clouds; you call me to the north, and I am the lily in your winter wind; you let me go south, and you are my bride in the air. East, west, north, and south, you are my tender lover, the star of my longing stars. I like you, you are the richness of my fruits, the thoughts flowing in my blood, the warmth of my hands in my dreams. I like you, with moderation, restraint, ecstasy, and tears. I like you. - San Mao “I Like You”

55.男人是泥,女人是水。泥多了,水浊;水多了,泥稀。不多不少,捏两个泥人——好一对神仙眷侣。 ——三毛 《亲爱的三毛》
55. Men are clay, women are water. Too much clay, water becomes muddy; too much water, clay becomes thin. Just the right amount, mold two clay figures - a perfect pair of immortal lovers. - San Mao “Dear San Mao”

56.我以为终有一天,我会彻底将爱情忘记,将你忘记。可是,忽然有一天,我听到一首旧情歌,我的眼泪就下来了。因为这首歌,我们一起听过。 ——雪小禅
56. I thought that one day, I would completely forget love and forget you. But suddenly, one day, I heard an old love song, and my tears fell. Because of this song, we listened to it together. - Xue Xiaochan

57.爱的世界里终会有幸福相随,爱的世界里终会有天长地久、相濡以沫。她在如斯的锦绣年华中遇见他,爱上他,然后决定于他相守。年华至此,圆满已无叹息。 ——笙离 《爱你,是我做过最好的事》
57. In the world of love, there will always be happiness accompanying, in the world of love, there will always be eternal commitment and support. She met him in such a beautiful time, fell in love with him, and then decided to stay with him. From now on, there is no sigh in her life. - Sheng Li “Loving You is the Best Thing I’ve Ever Done”

58.“一夜繁花落尽,我将要远走天涯;送君心灯一盏,临别依依;从此相见不如怀念。” ——笙离 《爱你,是我做过最好的事》
58. “When the flowers fall after a night of blooming, I will leave for the ends of the earth; I send you a heart lamp, lingering farewell; from now on, it’s better to miss than to meet.” - Sheng Li “Loving You is the Best Thing I’ve Ever Done”

59.有些人一直没有机会见,等有机会见了,却又犹豫了,相见不如不见。有些事一直没有机会做,等有机会了,却不想再做了。有些话埋葬在心中好久,没机会说,等有机会说的时候,却说不出口了。有些爱一直没有机会爱,等有机会了,已经不爱了。 ——张爱玲 《有些人,我们一直在错过》
59. Some people never have the chance to meet, and when they do, they hesitate, it’s better not to meet. Some things have never had the chance to do, and when the opportunity comes, they no longer want to do them. Some words have been buried in the heart for a long time, no chance to say, when the opportunity comes to say them, they can’t speak. Some love has never had the chance to love, and when the opportunity comes, it’s no longer loved. - Eileen Chang “Some People, We Keep Missing”

60.不乱于心,不困于情。不畏将来,不念过往。如此,安好。 ——丰子恺 《不宠无惊过一生》
60. Do not be disturbed by the heart, do not be trapped by emotions. Do not fear the future, do not dwell on the past. In this way, be well. - Feng Zikai “Live a Life Without Favors or Surprises”

61.当你老了 头发白了 睡意昏沉 当你老了 走不动了 炉火旁打盹 回忆青春 多少人曾爱你青春欢唱的时辰 爱慕你的美丽 假意或真心 只有一个人还爱你虔诚的灵魂 爱你苍老的脸上的皱纹 当你老了 眼眉低垂 灯火昏黄不定 风吹过来 你的消息 这就是我心里的歌 ——叶芝 赵照 《当你老了》
61. When you are old, your hair is white, and you are drowsy with sleep; when you are old, you can’t walk, dozing by the fire; recalling your youth, how many people loved the hours of your youthful singing, admired your beauty, falsely or sincerely, only one person still loves your devout soul, loves the wrinkles on your old face. When you are old, your eyebrows are low, and the light is dim and flickering; the wind blows, your news - this is the song in my heart. - Yeats Zhao Zhao “When You Are Old”

62.人生就是一列开往坟墓的列车,路途上会有很多站,很难有人可以自始至终陪着走完。当陪你的人要下车时,即使不舍也该心存感激,然后挥手道别。 ——宫崎骏 《千与千寻》
62. Life is a train heading to the grave, with many stops along the way, and it is difficult for anyone to accompany you from beginning to end. When the person accompanying you wants to get off, even if reluctant, you should be grateful and wave goodbye. - Hayao Miyazaki “Spirited Away”

63.我慢慢地、慢慢地了解到,所谓父女母子一场,只不过意味着,你和他的缘分就是今生今世不断地在目送他的背影渐行渐远。你站在小路的这一端,看着他逐渐消失在小路转弯的地方,而且,他用背影告诉你:不必追。 ——龙应台 《目送》
63. I slowly, slowly realized that the so-called relationship between father and daughter, mother and son, just means that the fate between you and him is to keep watching his back gradually fade away in this life. You stand at one end of the path, watching him disappear around the corner, and he tells you with his back: do not chase. - Long Yingtai “Seeing Off”

64.你还不来,我怎敢老去。 ——张爱玲
64. If you don’t come, how dare I grow old. - Eileen Chang

65.也许很多人都知道我喜欢你。可是我想,就连几乎无所不知的你,大概也不知道,我喜欢你喜欢到了什么程度。 ——天衣有风 《凤囚凰》
65. Perhaps many people know that I like you. But I think, even you, who almost know everything, probably don’t know to what extent I like you. - Tian Yi You Feng “Phoenix囚凰”

66.所有要求对方容纳你的任性和坏脾气以及必须满足各种要求的女孩子,最后会吃很大的苦头。期待对方一生只爱你一个人的,也会吃苦。女人最好有一半要活得像个男人。像他们一样不把情爱当做生命唯一源泉,而要做些更重要的事。像他们一样习惯承担和付出。像他们一样运用理性。像他们一样习惯孤独天性自由 ——安妮宝贝 《微博》
66. Girls who demand that their partners accommodate their willfulness, bad temper, and various requirements will eventually suffer greatly. Those who expect their partners to love them for a lifetime will also face hardships. Women should live like men to some extent. Like them, do not regard love as the only source of life, but engage in more important matters. Like them, get used to taking responsibility and giving. Like them, use reason. Like them, get used to solitude and natural freedom – Anni Baobei, “Weibo”

67.新年快乐,不是祝福,是承诺。 ——顾漫 《杉杉来吃》
67. Happy New Year is not a blessing, but a promise – Gu Man, “Shanshan Lai Chi”

68.你同我一样是不知手段为何物的女人,最多是有人向我们求婚的时候,看看合不合适。 ——亦舒 《开到荼蘼》
68. You and I are both women who don’t know what means are. At most, when someone proposes to us, we consider whether it’s suitable or not – Yishu, “Kai Dao Tu Mi”

69.我愿意在这步入夕阳残生的阶段里, 将自己再度化为一座小桥, 跨越在浅浅的溪流上, 但愿亲爱的你, 接住我的真诚和拥抱。 ——三毛 《亲爱的三毛》
69. I am willing to become a small bridge again in this stage of my life, spanning over a shallow stream. I hope, my dear, that you will accept my sincerity and embrace – Sanmao, “Dear Sanmao”

70.钟敲十二响的时候,荷西将我抱在手臂里,说:”快许十二个愿望。”心里重复着十二句同样的话:”但愿人长久,但愿人长久,但愿人长久,但愿人长久——” ——三毛 《梦里花落知多少》
70. When the clock struck twelve, Jose held me in his arms and said, “Quick, make twelve wishes.” I repeated the same twelve words in my heart: “May people live long, may people live long, may people live long, may people live long…” – Sanmao, “Meng Li Hua Luo Zhi Duo Shao”

71.问世间情为何物?这世上的爱又有谁可以说得清呢,我们总是一厢情愿地笃定我们认定的那个人,一直以为有勇气可以顶住所有风雨一直走下去,可是我们总是被现实的洪流冲开,半途而废非我愿,可是终究没有力气敌过命运的捉弄,徒然叹无缘,比翼连枝只是当日愿。 ——匪我思存 《佳期如梦之今生今世》
71. What is love in this world? Who can clearly explain the love in this world? We always wishfully believe in the person we have chosen, thinking that we have the courage to withstand all storms and keep going. But we are always swept away by the flood of reality. It’s not my wish to give up halfway, but ultimately, we don’t have the strength to fight against fate’s tricks. Sighing at the missed opportunity, side by side branches were just wishes of the past – Fei Wosichun, “Jiaqi Ru Meng Zhi Jinsheng Jinshi”

72.所以,我也有足够的理由劝告你,要耐心地等待。不要太早地相信任何甜言蜜语,不管那些话语是出于善意或是恶意,对你都没有丝毫的好处。果实要成熟了以后才会香甜,幸福也是一样。 ——席慕蓉 《透明的哀伤》
72. Therefore, I have enough reason to advise you to wait patiently. Don’t believe any sweet words too early, whether they come from good or bad intentions, they won’t bring you any benefits. Fruits become sweet when they are ripe, and happiness is the same – Xi Murong, “Transparent Sorrow”

73.有些事,明知是错的,也要去坚持,因为不甘心;有些人,明知是爱的,也要去放弃,因为没有结局;有时候,明知没路了,却还在前进,因为习惯了。 ——王小二 《想玩就别怕受伤害》
73. Some things, knowing they are wrong, must be persisted in because we are unwilling to give up; some people, knowing we love them, must be given up because there is no ending; sometimes, knowing there is no way, we still move forward because we are used to it – Wang Xiaoer, “If You Want to Play, Don’t Be Afraid of Getting Hurt”

74.爱一个人,是一件简单的事。就好像用杯子装满一杯水,清清凉凉地喝下去。你的身体需要它,感觉自己健康和愉悦。以此认定它是一个好习惯。所以愿意日日夜夜重复。 ——安妮宝贝 《清醒纪》
74. Loving someone is a simple thing. It’s like filling a cup with water and drinking it cool and refreshing. Your body needs it, making you feel healthy and happy. Thus, you believe it’s a good habit and are willing to repeat it day and night – Anni Baobei, “Sober Era”

75.我恨我不能交给爱人的生命 我恨我不能带来幸福的旋律 我只能给你一间小小的阁楼 一扇朝北的窗 让你望见星斗 ——高晓松 《流浪歌手的情人》
75. I hate that I can’t give my lover my life. I hate that I can’t bring a happy melody. I can only offer you a small attic with a north-facing window, allowing you to see the stars – Gao Xiaosong, “Wandering Singer’s Lover”

76.如果我已经不再是我,你觉得我要如何才是幸福,你又要如何才是安心? ——唐七公子 《华胥引》
76. If I am no longer myself, how should I be happy, and how should you be at ease? – Tang Qi Gongzi, “Hua Xu Yin”

77.“如果我们最终要离别,请让我此刻沉睡在你的海洋,三万里长空碧蓝如洗,这一刻你的天地便是我的全部 ——天下归元 《扶摇皇后》”
77. “If we must part eventually, let me sleep in your ocean for now, with 30,000 miles of clear blue sky. At this moment, your world is my everything – Tian Xia Gui Yuan, “Fu Yao Huang Hou””

78.我太清楚存在于我们之间的困难,遂不敢有所等待,几次想忘于世,总在山穷水尽处又悄然相见,算来即是一种不舍。 ——简媜 《四月裂帛》
78. I am too aware of the difficulties between us, so I dare not wait. Several times, I wanted to forget the world, but always met you again when I was at the end of my rope. It seems to be a kind of reluctance. ——Jian Yongyi, “April Silk”

79.曾经我们都以为自己可以为爱情死,其实爱情死不了人,它只会在最疼的地方扎上一针,然后我们欲哭无泪,我们辗转反侧,我们久病成医,我们百炼成钢。你不是风儿,我也不是沙,再缠绵也到不了天涯,擦干了泪,明天早上,我们都要上班。 ——辛夷坞 《致我们终将逝去的青春》
79. We once thought we could die for love, but love doesn’t kill. It just stabs the most painful spot, leaving us unable to cry, tossing and turning, becoming doctors from prolonged illness, and tempering us into steel. You are not the wind, and I am not the sand; no matter how entwined, we cannot reach the ends of the earth. Wipe away the tears, and tomorrow morning, we still have to go to work. ——Xin Yuwu, “To Our Youth That Will Fade Away”

80.在不了解的状况下喜欢上一个人,却发现那个人真实的一面比你想象的还要美好,这应该算的上幸运。 ——八月长安 《橘生淮南•暗恋》
80. It’s fortunate to fall in love with someone without really knowing them, only to discover that their true self is even more wonderful than you imagined. ——August Chang’an, “Orange Life: Unrequited Love”

81.当时的他是最好的他,后来的我是最好的我。 可是最好的我们之间,隔了一整个青春。 怎么奔跑也跨不过的青春,只好伸出手道别。 ——八月长安 《最好的我们》
81. He was the best back then, and I am the best now. But between the best of us lies an entire youth, a gap we cannot cross no matter how hard we run. All we can do is reach out and say goodbye. ——August Chang’an, “The Best of Us”

82.不悔此生种深情,甘愿孤独自飘零。来生若是缘未尽,宁负苍天不负卿 ——风凌天下 《异世邪君》
82. I regret not planting deep emotions in this life, willing to drift alone in loneliness. If our fate is not exhausted in the next life, I would rather betray the heavens than you. ——Feng Lingtianxia, “The World of Demons”

83.爱情应该真正建立在现实生活坚实的基础上,否则,它就是在活生生的生活之树上盛开的一朵不结果实的花。 ——路遥 《平凡的世界》
83. Love should be truly based on the solid foundation of real life; otherwise, it is like a flower that blooms on the tree of life but never bears fruit. ——Lu Yao, “Ordinary World”

84.而人和人的相处,考虑的就不止那么多。忙起来会忽略对方,累起来会忘记对方,开会开到话都不能说,会忘记发个消息给对方。 …… 能为对方做的最有用的事情是唯一的,就是两人在一起的时候,在一些瞬间,对方会变成世界上最快乐的人。 ——张嘉佳 《让我留在你身边》
84. In human interactions, there are more factors to consider. When busy, we may neglect each other; when tired, we may forget each other; when meetings go on and on, we may not even be able to speak, let alone send a message. … The most useful thing we can do for each other is unique: when together, in some moments, one person becomes the happiest person in the world. ——Zhang Jiajia, “Let Me Stay by Your Side”

85.有时,爱也是种伤害。残忍的人,选择伤害别人;善良的人,选择伤害自己。 ——郭敬明 《小时代3 刺金时代》
85. Sometimes, love can also be a form of harm. Cruel people choose to hurt others; kind people choose to hurt themselves. ——Guo Jingming, “Tiny Times 3: The Golden Era”

86.不是所有的人,都可以在恰好的年岁,遇见恰好的人。就算遇见恰好的人,也未必给得起你如意的爱情。 ——白落梅 《你是锦瑟 我为流年》
86. Not everyone can meet the right person at the right age. Even if they do, it doesn’t necessarily mean they can give you the love you desire. ——Bai Luomei, “You Are the Zither, I Am the Time”

87.如果说这世上还有属于我的温暖,那么就是你温柔而漫长的声息。 ——夏茗悠 《声息》
87. If there is any warmth in this world that belongs to me, it is your gentle and lingering breath. ——Xia Mingyou, “Breath”

88.你一定要走吗? 可不可以休息一下。 像我一样,偶尔睡个懒觉, 偶尔发呆,偶尔出错, 偶尔闹闹情绪,偶尔耍赖…… 你一定要如此坚定严格的向前走吗? 弄得大家都精疲力竭的老了! ——几米 《听几米唱歌》
88. Do you really have to leave? Can’t you take a break? Like me, occasionally sleep in, daydream, make mistakes, have mood swings, or act stubborn… Do you have to walk so firmly and strictly forward, making everyone exhausted and old? ——Ji Mi, “Listening to Ji Mi Sing”

89.你也许不知道,最爱你的人,能够排除一切干扰因素,仅凭声息认出你。 ——夏茗悠 《声息》
89. You may not know that the person who loves you the most can identify you by your breath alone, disregarding all other factors. ——Xia Mingyou, “Breath”

90.暗恋,是一种幸福,那是爱情尚未发生前; 坚贞,是一种可贵,那是爱情正在发生时; 执着,是一种美丽,那是爱情遇到波折时; 但是当爱情已经落幕时,放弃,是一种勇气。 曾经年少青涩的暗恋,曾经流年暗转的一次次回眸,曾经的曾经……寂爱无声 ——栀子花花 《寂爱无声》
90. Unrequited love is a happiness, before love has occurred; loyalty is a precious quality, when love is happening; persistence is a beauty, when love encounters setbacks; but when love has ended, letting go takes courage. The once young and innocent unrequited love, the once fleeting glances in the passing years, the past… Silent love ——Zhi Zi Huahua, “Silent Love”

91.有谁不曾为那暗恋而受苦,我们以为那份痴情很重很重,是世界上最重的重量,有一天,蓦然回首,我们才发现,它一直都很轻很轻;我们以为爱的很深很深,来日岁月会让你知道它不过很浅很浅。 ——张小娴 《悬浮在空中的吻》
91. Who has never suffered for unrequited love? We think that our infatuation is very heavy, the heaviest weight in the world. One day, when we look back, we find that it has always been very light. We think we love deeply, but the passing years will show you that it is only shallow. —— Zhang Xiaoxian, “Suspended in Air”

92.玫瑰与爱是如此类似,盛开的玫瑰会一瓣一瓣落下,爱到了顶点,也会一步步地走入泪中。 ——林清玄 《玫瑰海岸》
92. Roses and love are so similar; as the rose blooms, it falls petal by petal, and when love reaches its peak, it will step by step walk into tears. —— Lin Qingxuan, “Rose Coast”

93.当我对所有的事情都厌倦的时候,我就会想到你,想到你在世界的某个地方生活着,存在着,我就愿意忍受一切。你的存在对我很重要 ——赛尔乔•莱翁 《美国往事》
93. When I am tired of everything, I think of you, of your existence somewhere in the world, and I am willing to endure everything. Your existence is very important to me. —— Sergio Leone, “Once Upon a Time in America”

94.愿意用一支黑色的铅笔,画一出沉默的舞台剧 灯光再亮也抱住你 愿意在角落唱沙哑的歌,再大声也是给你 请用心听,不要说话 ——Eason 《不要说话》
94. I’d like to use a black pencil to draw a silent stage play. No matter how bright the lights are, I will hold you. I’d like to sing a hoarse song in the corner, and even if it’s loud, it’s for you. Please listen with your heart, don’t speak. —— Eason, “Don’t Talk”

95.有个懂你的人,是最大的幸福。 这个人,不一定十全十美,但他能读懂你,能走进你的心灵深处,能看懂你心里的一切。 最懂你的人,总是会一直的在你身边,默默守护你,心疼你,不让你受委屈。 真正爱你的人不会说许多爱你的话,却会做很多爱你的事。
95. Having someone who understands you is the greatest happiness. This person may not be perfect, but they can read you, enter the depths of your soul, and see everything in your heart. The person who understands you the most will always be by your side, silently protecting you, caring for you, and not letting you suffer any grievances. The one who truly loves you may not say many loving words but will do many loving deeds.

96.年少时我们有足够多的理由去认认真真地喜欢另一个人,而长大后我们有同样多的理由去认认真真辜负另一个人。所以最初的那些稚嫩感情,偏偏会记住一生。或许真的是: 好年月,旧时光。 ——九夜茴 《初恋爱》
96. When we are young, we have enough reasons to truly like another person, but as we grow up, we have just as many reasons to truly let another person down. So those initial naive feelings are the ones we remember for a lifetime. Perhaps it is true: good years, old times. —— Jiuyehao, “First Love”

97.我始终相信,一切高贵的情感都羞于表白,一切深刻的体验都拙于言辞 ——周国平
97. I always believe that all noble emotions are shy of expression, and all profound experiences are clumsy in words. —— Zhou Guoping

98.“如果要为爱努力,就要尽心尽力去做,你爱的人,就会自己来找你。” 《初恋这件小事》
98. “If you want to strive for love, do it wholeheartedly, and the person you love will come to you.” —— “Crazy Little Thing Called Love”

99.我想给你一切,可我一无所有。我想为你放弃一切,可我又没有什么可以放弃。钱、地位、荣耀,我仅有的那一点点自尊没有这些装点也就不值一提。 ——廖一梅 《恋爱的犀牛》
99. I want to give you everything, but I have nothing. I want to give up everything for you, but I have nothing to give up. Money, status, glory, my only tiny bit of self-esteem is worthless without these adornments. —— Liao Yimei, “Rhinoceros in Love”

100.有九种感觉你才是真的在恋爱:生理上的性冲动、美丽的感觉、亲爱的感觉、羡慕及尊敬的感觉、赞许的爱情、受到尊重的自尊、占有欲、行动自由、深重的同情心。 ——安东尼 《橙》
100. There are nine feelings that indicate you are truly in love: physical sexual desire, the feeling of beauty, the feeling of affection, the feeling of admiration and respect, the love of praise, the self-esteem of being respected, possessiveness, freedom of action, and deep compassion. —— Anthony, “Orange”

1. Unhappy love is often like an overdue promissory note from a reliable debtor, which will increase your private money. —— Balzac

2. Loneliness is like a shadow, always following you. Old joys enter dreams, and there is no need to dissolve them, for they have become a part of our coexistence. —— San Mao

3. When love is absent, learn to live your own life. Living your own life means falling in love with yourself and treating yourself like your own lover, pampering yourself. —— Zhang Xiaoxian

4. I am happy because I love and because I am loved. —— Browning

5. Separation makes love passionate, and meeting makes it strong. —— Tom Fuller

6. Nowadays, who would take care of someone for a lifetime? It’s such a heavy burden, so one must be independent. —— Yishu

7. Love, your words are my food, and your breath is my wine. —— Goethe

8. There are not many days left, what have I retained? What is retained is not love. —— Yi Shu

9. You should change because you are willing to change, not for anyone else, for fear that person may disappoint you, and you will have to revert to your old self. ——Yi Shu

10. The power of love is peace; it disregards reason, conventions, and honor or disgrace, and it can turn all fear, shock, and pain into sweetness when experienced. ——William Shakespeare

11. Where love blossoms, life can thrive joyfully. ——Vincent van Gogh

12. We love some people, but marry and have children with others. ——Yi Shu

13. Beauty can inspire emotions, and love can purify the soul. ——John Dryden

14. If love does not involve mundane tasks like laundry, cooking, counting money, and raising children, it is not likely to last. ——San Mao

15. The melancholic youth, rebellious years, ferment into a bowl of green grass juice, poured into the heart. ——Guo Jingming

16. True love between men and women cannot be achieved by physical or spiritual means alone; it can only be realized when both spirits and bodies are integrated. ——Zhu Yaoxian

17. The frozen heart, endless hibernation, I am waiting for someone to break the ice for me. ——Guo Jingming

18. Grievances that can be spoken are not grievances; lovers who can be taken away are not lovers. ——Yi Shu

19. Love is an irrational matter; when you fall in love with someone, you cannot help it, and your heart is not under your control. ——Yi Shu

20. Everyone should have at least one dream and a reason to be strong. If the heart has no place to rest, being anywhere is like wandering. ——San Mao

21. Be brave, whether or not someone is by your side. ——Guo Jingming

22. If there is no wisdom in my life, it would be dull; if there is no love, it would be destroyed. ——Henry de Montherlant

23. No one can “abandon” you unless you give up on yourself, because we belong to ourselves, not to others. ——San Mao

24. There are some people we will never be with in this life, but there is a feeling that can be hidden in our hearts and guarded for a lifetime. ——Zhang Xiaoxian

25. Heavy rain always soaks my eyes, my heart, and the years I spend alone. ——Guo Jingming

26. Women who are promiscuous often carry a sign of being a lady. ——Yi Shu

27. The water of a fountain cannot be blocked, and the fire of love cannot be extinguished. ——Mongolian Proverb

28. You ask if I love you, whether it’s worth it. In fact, you should know that love is not about questioning whether it’s worth it or not. — Eileen Chang

29. Don’t use your pirated Mona Lisa-like smile at me; my stomach is not as strong as you think. — Guo Jingming

30. Love in haste, also scattered in haste. — John Heywood

31. The pain of those years has become today’s shelter; fortunately, fortunately, you didn’t love me, fortunately, you left me. — Yi Shu

32. All the joys in life come from creation: love, talent, and action all rely on the fiery passion of creation. — Romain Rolland

33. Time can understand love, prove love, and also overthrow love. — Zhang Xiaoxian

34.也许他太笃定,她一定会在那里等他,所以他放心地忙自己的事情,不疾不徐赶赴她的约会,他总是忙完了自己的事才会想到她,因为她总在那里。 ——辛夷坞 《致我们终将逝去的青春》
34. Perhaps he was too confident that she would be waiting for him there, so he calmly busied himself with his own affairs and went to her appointment at a leisurely pace. He always thought of her after finishing his own matters because she was always there. — Xin Yu Wu, “To the Youth That We Have Lost”

35.我们一生里有可能遇到很多人,有时正好同路,就会在一起走一段,直到我们遇到了真正想要共度一生的那个人,才会把余下的旅途全部交给这个人,结伴一起到终点。 ——辛夷坞 《致我们终将逝去的青春》
35. In our lives, we may meet many people. Sometimes, we just happen to be on the same path and walk together for a while until we meet the person we truly want to spend our lives with. Then, we will hand over the rest of the journey to this person and travel together to the end. — Xin Yu Wu, “To the Youth That We Have Lost”

36.我真诚地觉得一个男人,一个女人在一起生儿育女,就是最幸福的生活。 ——威尔•史密斯
36. I sincerely believe that a man and a woman living together, raising children, is the happiest life. — Will Smith

37.还等什么呢?时间都过去了,话是这么说,但不至于那么快。无论走到哪里,都应该记住,过去都是假的,回忆是一条没有尽头的路,一切以往的春天都一去不复存在,就连那最坚韧而又狂乱的爱情归根结底也不过是一种转瞬即逝的现实! ——马尔克斯 《百年孤独》
37. What are you waiting for? Time has passed. Although that’s what they say, it’s not that fast. No matter where you go, you should remember that the past is all fake, memories are an endless road, all the past springs have gone forever, and even the most tenacious and chaotic love ultimately is just a fleeting reality! — Gabriel García Márquez, “One Hundred Years of Solitude”

38.永远不要轻言等待,等待是多么奢侈的东西。电影里,只需镜头切换,字幕上出现几行小字—二十年以后。然后红颜白发,一切都有了结局,而现在的人生,三年五载,其中哪一秒不需要生生地捱,一辈子真长。 ——辛夷坞 《原来你还在这里》
38. Never lightly speak of waiting, for it is such a luxury. In movies, it only takes a scene change and a few lines of subtitles—twenty years later. Then, the beauty turns to white hair, and everything has an ending. But in real life, three to five years, which second doesn’t need to be endured, a lifetime is so long. — Xin Yu Wu, “You Are Still Here”

39.别让我再等你,我怕我没有足够的勇气一直等在原地,更怕我们走着走着,就再也找不到对方了。 ——辛夷坞 《致我们终将逝去的青春》
39. Don’t let me wait for you anymore; I’m afraid I don’t have enough courage to keep waiting in the same place, and I’m even more afraid that as we walk, we will never find each other again. — Xin Yu Wu, “To the Youth That We Have Lost”

40.因为没得到,所以显得格外好,这不是爱。 ——八月长安 《最好的我们》
40. Because I didn’t get it, it seems particularly good, but that’s not love. — August Chang, “The Best of Us”

41.喜欢一个人的心情是不听劝的,你以为我在遭受冷遇的时候,没有劝过自己吗? ——八月长安 《最好的我们》
41. The feeling of liking someone is unheeding; do you think I haven’t advised myself when I was being snubbed? — August Chang, “The Best of Us”

42.人,一生的伤,不是用话语来抚平,也是不是用无穷的时间去遗忘,而是用幸福去治愈。 ——笙离 《爱你,是我做过最好的事》
42. The pain in a person’s life is not soothed by words, nor is it forgotten by endless time, but healed by happiness. — Sheng Li, “Loving You Is the Best Thing I’ve Ever Done”

43.我向你保证,我绝对不会离开你,我从来都不知道,原来我也有一天,会心甘情愿被承诺所束缚 《吸血鬼日记》
43. I promise you, I will never leave you; I never knew that one day, I would willingly be bound by a promise. — “The Vampire Diaries”

44.年轻时我们总是在开始时毫无所谓,在结束时痛彻心扉。而长大后成熟的我们可能避免了幼稚的伤害,却也错过了开始的勇气。 ——九夜茴 《匆匆那年》
44. When we were young, we didn’t care at the beginning, but we were heartbroken at the end. As we grow up and mature, we may avoid childish injuries, but we also miss the courage to start. — Jiu Ye Tang, “Hastily, That Year”

45.习惯难受,习惯思念,习惯等你,可是却一直没有习惯看不到你。 ——郭敬明
45. I’m used to feeling uncomfortable, used to missing you, used to waiting for you, but I’ve never gotten used to not seeing you. — Guo Jingming

46.“子乔醒悟的时候,美嘉却没有怀孕.一菲承认感情的时候,小贤却和诺澜在一起了.张伟爱情刚起步,却和对方成了对手.有些人就是这样,你准备好了,却已经错过了最好的时机在一起.我以为我必须变得足够好才有资格遇见你,殊不知,遇见你时我才是最好的我. 《爱情公寓4》”
46. When Ziqiao finally realized, Meijia was not pregnant. When Yifei admitted her feelings, Xiaoxian was already with Nuolan. Zhang Wei’s love had just begun, yet they became rivals. Some people are like this; when you are ready, the best time to be together has already passed. I thought I had to become good enough to meet you, but I didn’t know that I was the best version of myself when I met you. “iPartment 4”

47.爱在左,情在右,走在生命路的两旁,随时撒种,随时开花,将这一径长途点缀得香花弥漫,使穿枝拂叶的行人,踏着荆棘,不觉痛苦;有泪可落,也不觉是悲哀。 ——冰心 《寄小读者》
47. Love on the left, affection on the right, walking on both sides of the path of life, sowing seeds at any time, blossoming at any time, adorning this long journey with fragrant flowers, making the traveler brushing past branches and leaves, stepping on thorns, not feeling pain; with tears to shed, not feeling sorrow. —— Bing Xin “To the Young Readers”

48.如今我终于明白,我渡得过万里狂风,渡得过千条性命,渡得过诗酒年华,却渡不过,你不顾而去的目光。 ——天下归元 《扶摇皇后》
48. Now I finally understand, I can cross the ten thousand miles of wild winds, cross a thousand lives, cross the years of poetry and wine, but I cannot cross your gaze that disregards and leaves. —— Tianxia Guiyuan “Empress Fu Yao”

49.煮雪如果真有其事,别的东西也可以留下,我们可以用一个空瓶把今夜的桂花香装起来,等桂花谢了,秋天过去,再打开瓶盖,细细品尝。 把初恋的温馨用一个精致的琉璃盒子盛装,等到青春过尽垂垂老矣的时候,掀开盒盖,扑面一股热流,足以使我们老怀堪慰。 ——林清玄 《温一壶月光下酒》
49. If boiling snow could really happen, other things could be preserved as well. We could use an empty bottle to store the fragrance of tonight’s osmanthus, waiting for the osmanthus to wither and autumn to pass, then open the bottle and savor it slowly. We could store the warmth of first love in an exquisite glass box, waiting until our youth has faded and we are old, open the box, and feel a wave of warmth that comforts our aging hearts. —— Lin Qingxuan “Warming a Pot of Moonlight to Drink”

50.只要两个相爱的人在一起,哪里都是天堂。对真心相爱的人来说,对方的心才是最好的房子。对于死去的人,遗忘是留给他的最好的礼物。 《冬季恋歌》
50. As long as two people in love are together, anywhere can be paradise. For those who truly love each other, the other’s heart is the best home. For the deceased, forgetting is the best gift left for them. “Winter Sonata”

51.月色与雪色之间,你是第三种绝色。 ——余光中 《绝色》
51. Between the moonlight and snow, you are the third unique beauty. —— Yu Guangzhong “Unique Beauty”

52.离别没说再见 你是否心酸 转身寥寥笑脸 不甘的甘愿也 许下个冬天 也许还要十年 再回到你身边 为你撑雨伞 ——陈学冬 《小时代3 刺金时代》
52. Without saying goodbye at the parting, do you feel heartbroken? Turning around with a sparse smile, unwilling yet resigned, perhaps promising a winter, maybe it will take another ten years to return to your side, holding an umbrella for you. —— Chen Xuedong “Tiny Times 3: The Golden Era”

53.我相信,真正在乎我的人是不会被别人抢走的,无论是友情,还是爱情。 ——三毛
53. I believe that those who truly care about me will not be taken away by others, whether it is friendship or love. —— Sanmao

54.我喜欢你 你叫我向东,我羊羔一样给你青草 你让我向西,我夕阳一样映你彩霞 你叫我向北,我是你冬风中的百合 你让我向南,你就是我空中的新娘 东西南北,你是我柔情的爱人 我思念中星星的星星 我喜欢你 你是我硕果的丰润,血液里流淌的思念 你是我梦中牵手的温情 我喜欢你 有分寸的、节制的、狂喜的、哭泣的 我喜欢你 ——三毛 《我喜欢你》
54. I like you, when you tell me to go east, I, like a lamb, offer you green grass; when you let me go west, I, like the setting sun, reflect your colorful clouds. When you call me to the north, I am the lily in your winter wind; when you let me go south, you are my bride in the air. East, west, north, and south, you are my tender lover, the star in my longing, I like you, with measured, restrained, joyful, and tearful emotions. I like you. —— Sanmao “I Like You”

55.男人是泥,女人是水。泥多了,水浊;水多了,泥稀。不多不少,捏两个泥人——好一对神仙眷侣。 ——三毛 《亲爱的三毛》
55. Men are clay, women are water. Too much clay, the water becomes muddy; too much water, the clay becomes thin. Just the right amount, mold two clay figures—what a perfect couple. —— Sanmao “Dear Sanmao”

56.我以为终有一天,我会彻底将爱情忘记,将你忘记。可是,忽然有一天,我听到一首旧情歌,我的眼泪就下来了。因为这首歌,我们一起听过。 ——雪小禅
56. I thought that one day, I would completely forget about love and forget about you. But suddenly, one day, I heard an old love song, and my tears fell. Because this song, we listened to it together. —— Xue Xiaochan

57.爱的世界里终会有幸福相随,爱的世界里终会有天长地久、相濡以沫。她在如斯的锦绣年华中遇见他,爱上他,然后决定于他相守。年华至此,圆满已无叹息。 ——笙离 《爱你,是我做过最好的事》
57. In the world of love, there will always be happiness accompanying, and there will always be eternal love and support. She met him in such a splendid time, fell in love with him, and then decided to stay with him. At this point in life, there are no regrets. —— Sheng Li “Loving You Is the Best Thing I’ve Ever Done”

58.“一夜繁花落尽,我将要远走天涯;送君心灯一盏,临别依依;从此相见不如怀念。” ——笙离 《爱你,是我做过最好的事》
58. “After a night of blooming flowers wither away, I will set off to the ends of the earth; I offer you a lamp for the heart, with lingering farewell; from now on, it’s better to miss than to meet.” — Sheng Li, “Loving You Is the Best Thing I’ve Ever Done”

59.有些人一直没有机会见,等有机会见了,却又犹豫了,相见不如不见。有些事一直没有机会做,等有机会了,却不想再做了。有些话埋葬在心中好久,没机会说,等有机会说的时候,却说不出口了。有些爱一直没有机会爱,等有机会了,已经不爱了。 ——张爱玲 《有些人,我们一直在错过》
59. Some people never have the chance to meet, and when the opportunity arises, they hesitate, realizing it’s better not to meet. Some things never had the chance to do, and when the opportunity comes, they no longer want to do them. Some words have been buried in the heart for so long, with no chance to speak, and when the opportunity comes, they can’t be uttered. Some love never had the chance to pursue, and when the opportunity comes, it’s no longer there. — Zhang Ailing, “Some People, We’ve Always Missed”

60.不乱于心,不困于情。不畏将来,不念过往。如此,安好。 ——丰子恺 《不宠无惊过一生》
60. Do not be disturbed by the heart, do not be trapped by emotions. Do not fear the future, do not dwell on the past. In this way, all is well. — Feng Zikai, “Live a Life Unperturbed”

61.当你老了 头发白了 睡意昏沉 当你老了 走不动了 炉火旁打盹 回忆青春 多少人曾爱你青春欢唱的时辰 爱慕你的美丽 假意或真心 只有一个人还爱你虔诚的灵魂 爱你苍老的脸上的皱纹 当你老了 眼眉低垂 灯火昏黄不定 风吹过来 你的消息 这就是我心里的歌 ——叶芝 赵照 《当你老了》
61. When you are old, and your hair is white, and you are drowsy with sleep; when you are old, and you can no longer walk, dozing by the fireside, recalling your youth, how many people loved your youthful singing and admired your beauty, whether insincere or genuine, only one person still loves your devout soul, the wrinkles on your aged face. When you are old, and your eyebrows droop, the dim light flickers, the wind blows, and your news comes to me. This is the song in my heart. — Yeats Zhao, “When You Are Old”

62.人生就是一列开往坟墓的列车,路途上会有很多站,很难有人可以自始至终陪着走完。当陪你的人要下车时,即使不舍也该心存感激,然后挥手道别。 ——宫崎骏 《千与千寻》
62. Life is like a train heading to the grave, with many stops along the way, and it’s hard for anyone to accompany you from beginning to end. When someone who accompanies you wants to get off, even if you are reluctant, you should be grateful and wave goodbye. — Hayao Miyazaki, “Spirited Away”

63.我慢慢地、慢慢地了解到,所谓父女母子一场,只不过意味着,你和他的缘分就是今生今世不断地在目送他的背影渐行渐远。你站在小路的这一端,看着他逐渐消失在小路转弯的地方,而且,他用背影告诉你:不必追。 ——龙应台 《目送》
63. I slowly, slowly understood that the relationship between parents and children means that the bond between you and them is to keep watching their backs gradually fade away in this life. You stand at one end of the path, watching them disappear around the bend, and they tell you with their backs: there’s no need to chase. — Long Yingtai, “Seeing Them Off”

64.你还不来,我怎敢老去。 ——张爱玲
64. If you don’t come, how dare I grow old? — Zhang Ailing

65.也许很多人都知道我喜欢你。可是我想,就连几乎无所不知的你,大概也不知道,我喜欢你喜欢到了什么程度。 ——天衣有风 《凤囚凰》
65. Perhaps many people know that I like you. But I think, even you, who almost know everything, probably don’t know to what extent I like you. — Tian Yi You Feng, “Phoenix囚凰”

66.所有要求对方容纳你的任性和坏脾气以及必须满足各种要求的女孩子,最后会吃很大的苦头。期待对方一生只爱你一个人的,也会吃苦。女人最好有一半要活得像个男人。像他们一样不把情爱当做生命唯一源泉,而要做些更重要的事。像他们一样习惯承担和付出。像他们一样运用理性。像他们一样习惯孤独天性自由 ——安妮宝贝 《微博》
66. All girls who demand that their partners tolerate their willfulness, bad temper, and satisfy various requirements will suffer greatly in the end. Those who expect their partners to love only them for a lifetime will also suffer. Women should live like men, not treating love as the only source of life, but doing more important things. Like them, get used to taking responsibility and giving. Like them, use reason. Like them, get used to loneliness and freedom. — Anne Baby, “Weibo”

67.新年快乐,不是祝福,是承诺。 ——顾漫 《杉杉来吃》
67. Happy New Year, not a blessing, but a promise. — Gu Man, “Shan Shan Comes to Eat”

68.你同我一样是不知手段为何物的女人,最多是有人向我们求婚的时候,看看合不合适。 ——亦舒 《开到荼蘼》
68. You and I are both women who don’t know what tricks are, at most, when someone proposes to us, we’ll see if it’s suitable. — Yishu, “Blooming to the Bitter End”

69.我愿意在这步入夕阳残生的阶段里, 将自己再度化为一座小桥, 跨越在浅浅的溪流上, 但愿亲爱的你, 接住我的真诚和拥抱。 ——三毛 《亲爱的三毛》
69. I am willing to become a small bridge again in this stage of my life, spanning a shallow stream, hoping that you, my dear, will accept my sincerity and embrace. — San Mao, “Dear San Mao”

70.钟敲十二响的时候,荷西将我抱在手臂里,说:”快许十二个愿望。”心里重复着十二句同样的话:”但愿人长久,但愿人长久,但愿人长久,但愿人长久——” ——三毛 《梦里花落知多少》
70. When the clock struck twelve, Jose held me in his arms and said, “Make twelve wishes.” I repeated the same twelve words in my heart: “May people live long, may people live long, may people live long, may people live long——” — San Mao, “How Much I Love You, Only the Falling Flowers Know”

71.问世间情为何物?这世上的爱又有谁可以说得清呢,我们总是一厢情愿地笃定我们认定的那个人,一直以为有勇气可以顶住所有风雨一直走下去,可是我们总是被现实的洪流冲开,半途而废非我愿,可是终究没有力气敌过命运的捉弄,徒然叹无缘,比翼连枝只是当日愿。 ——匪我思存 《佳期如梦之今生今世》
71. What is love in this world? No one can truly explain the love that exists in our lives. We always wishfully believe in the person we have chosen, thinking that we have the courage to withstand all storms and continue on. However, we are always swept away by the currents of reality, and giving up halfway is not our wish. But in the end, we have no strength to fight against the tricks of fate, and we sigh in vain, unable to fulfill our wishes. The days of being together like birds with connected wings are just a memory from the past. —— Fei Wosi Cun, “Beautiful Dream of This Life and This World”

72.所以,我也有足够的理由劝告你,要耐心地等待。不要太早地相信任何甜言蜜语,不管那些话语是出于善意或是恶意,对你都没有丝毫的好处。果实要成熟了以后才会香甜,幸福也是一样。 ——席慕蓉 《透明的哀伤》
72. Therefore, I have enough reasons to advise you to wait patiently. Don’t believe any sweet words too soon, whether they come from good or bad intentions, as they will not bring you any benefits. Fruits become sweet only after they ripen, and happiness is the same. —— Xi Murong, “Transparent Sorrow”

73.有些事,明知是错的,也要去坚持,因为不甘心;有些人,明知是爱的,也要去放弃,因为没有结局;有时候,明知没路了,却还在前进,因为习惯了。 ——王小二 《想玩就别怕受伤害》
73. Some things, even knowing they are wrong, must be persisted in because we are unwilling to give up; some people, even knowing we love them, must be let go because there is no ending; sometimes, even knowing there is no way out, we still move forward because we are used to it. —— Wang Xiaoer, “If You Want to Play, Don’t Be Afraid of Getting Hurt”

74.爱一个人,是一件简单的事。就好像用杯子装满一杯水,清清凉凉地喝下去。你的身体需要它,感觉自己健康和愉悦。以此认定它是一个好习惯。所以愿意日日夜夜重复。 ——安妮宝贝 《清醒纪》
74. Loving someone is a simple thing. It’s like filling a cup with water and drinking it coolly and refreshingly. Your body needs it, and you feel healthy and happy. You consider it a good habit and are willing to repeat it day and night. —— Annie Baobei, “Sober Chronicles”

75.我恨我不能交给爱人的生命 我恨我不能带来幸福的旋律 我只能给你一间小小的阁楼 一扇朝北的窗 让你望见星斗 ——高晓松 《流浪歌手的情人》
75. I hate that I can’t give my lover the life they deserve, and I hate that I can’t bring them the melody of happiness. All I can offer is a small attic with a north-facing window, where you can see the stars. —— Gao Xiaosong, “The Lover of the Wandering Singer”

76.如果我已经不再是我,你觉得我要如何才是幸福,你又要如何才是安心? ——唐七公子 《华胥引》
76. If I am no longer myself, how should I be happy, and how should you be at ease? —— Tang Qi Gongzi, “Hua Xi Yin”

77.“如果我们最终要离别,请让我此刻沉睡在你的海洋,三万里长空碧蓝如洗,这一刻你的天地便是我的全部 ——天下归元 《扶摇皇后》”
77. “If we must part eventually, let me sleep in your ocean for now, with 30,000 miles of clear blue sky. At this moment, your world is my everything.” —— Tian Xia Gui Yuan, “Fuyao Empress”

78.我太清楚存在于我们之间的困难,遂不敢有所等待,几次想忘于世,总在山穷水尽处又悄然相见,算来即是一种不舍。 ——简媜 《四月裂帛》
78. I am too aware of the difficulties between us, so I dare not wait. I have tried to forget the world several times, but always meet you again when I am at the end of my rope. It seems to be a kind of reluctance. —— Jian Ying, “April Silk”

79.曾经我们都以为自己可以为爱情死,其实爱情死不了人,它只会在最疼的地方扎上一针,然后我们欲哭无泪,我们辗转反侧,我们久病成医,我们百炼成钢。你不是风儿,我也不是沙,再缠绵也到不了天涯,擦干了泪,明天早上,我们都要上班。 ——辛夷坞 《致我们终将逝去的青春》
79. We once thought we could die for love, but love doesn’t kill people. It only stabs the most painful part of our hearts, leaving us unable to cry. We toss and turn, become doctors from our illnesses, and temper our steel. You are not the wind, and I am not the sand; no matter how entwined we are, we cannot reach the ends of the earth. Wipe away your tears, and tomorrow morning, we still have to go to work. —— Xin Yiwu, “To Our Youth That Will Eventually Pass Away”

80.在不了解的状况下喜欢上一个人,却发现那个人真实的一面比你想象的还要美好,这应该算的上幸运。 ——八月长安 《橘生淮南•暗恋》
80. Liking someone without knowing them well, only to find that their true self is even more beautiful than you imagined, should be considered fortunate. —— August Chang’an, “Orange Life in Huai Nan • Secret Love”

81.当时的他是最好的他,后来的我是最好的我。 可是最好的我们之间,隔了一整个青春。 怎么奔跑也跨不过的青春,只好伸出手道别。 ——八月长安 《最好的我们》
81. He was the best version of himself at that time, and I became the best version of myself later. But between the best of us, there was an entire youth that we could not cross, no matter how hard we ran. We had to reach out our hands and say goodbye. —— August Chang’an, “The Best of Us”

82.不悔此生种深情,甘愿孤独自飘零。来生若是缘未尽,宁负苍天不负卿 ——风凌天下 《异世邪君》
82. I do not regret planting deep feelings in this life, and I am willing to drift alone in loneliness. If our fate is not exhausted in the next life, I would rather betray the heavens than betray you. —— Feng Ling Tian Xia, “Otherworldly Evil Lord”

83.爱情应该真正建立在现实生活坚实的基础上,否则,它就是在活生生的生活之树上盛开的一朵不结果实的花。 ——路遥 《平凡的世界》
83. Love should truly be built on the solid foundation of real life; otherwise, it is just a flower that blooms on the tree of life but never bears fruit. ——Lu Yao, “Ordinary World”

84.而人和人的相处,考虑的就不止那么多。忙起来会忽略对方,累起来会忘记对方,开会开到话都不能说,会忘记发个消息给对方。 …… 能为对方做的最有用的事情是唯一的,就是两人在一起的时候,在一些瞬间,对方会变成世界上最快乐的人。 ——张嘉佳 《让我留在你身边》
84. In human interactions, there are far more considerations. When busy, one may neglect the other; when tired, one may forget the other; when in a meeting, one may be too exhausted to even send a message. … The most useful thing one can do for the other is the only thing: when the two are together, in some moments, the other person becomes the happiest person in the world. ——Zhang Jiajia, “Let Me Stay by Your Side”

85.有时,爱也是种伤害。残忍的人,选择伤害别人;善良的人,选择伤害自己。 ——郭敬明 《小时代3 刺金时代》
85. Sometimes, love can also be a form of hurt. Cruel people choose to hurt others; kind people choose to hurt themselves. ——Guo Jingming, “Tiny Times 3: Young Age”

86.不是所有的人,都可以在恰好的年岁,遇见恰好的人。就算遇见恰好的人,也未必给得起你如意的爱情。 ——白落梅 《你是锦瑟 我为流年》
86. Not everyone can meet the right person at the right age. Even if they do meet the right person, they may not be able to give you the love you desire. ——Bai Luomei, “You Are the Zither, I Am the Time”

87.如果说这世上还有属于我的温暖,那么就是你温柔而漫长的声息。 ——夏茗悠 《声息》
87. If there is still warmth in this world that belongs to me, it is your gentle and lingering breath. ——Xia Mingyou, “Breath”

88.你一定要走吗? 可不可以休息一下。 像我一样,偶尔睡个懒觉, 偶尔发呆,偶尔出错, 偶尔闹闹情绪,偶尔耍赖…… 你一定要如此坚定严格的向前走吗? 弄得大家都精疲力竭的老了! ——几米 《听几米唱歌》
88. Do you really have to leave? Can you not take a break? Like me, occasionally sleep in, occasionally daydream, occasionally make mistakes, occasionally get emotional, occasionally be stubborn… Do you have to walk forward so firmly and strictly, making everyone exhausted and old? ——Ji Mi, “Listening to Ji Mi Sing”

89.你也许不知道,最爱你的人,能够排除一切干扰因素,仅凭声息认出你。 ——夏茗悠 《声息》
89. You may not know that the person who loves you the most can eliminate all distractions and recognize you just by your breath. ——Xia Mingyou, “Breath”

90.暗恋,是一种幸福,那是爱情尚未发生前; 坚贞,是一种可贵,那是爱情正在发生时; 执着,是一种美丽,那是爱情遇到波折时; 但是当爱情已经落幕时,放弃,是一种勇气。 曾经年少青涩的暗恋,曾经流年暗转的一次次回眸,曾经的曾经……寂爱无声 ——栀子花花 《寂爱无声》
90. Unrequited love is a kind of happiness, before love has occurred; loyalty is a precious quality, when love is happening; persistence is a beauty, when love encounters difficulties; but when love has already ended, letting go is a courage. The once youthful and innocent unrequited love, the once fleeting glances in the passing years, the past… silent love ——Zhi Zi Hua Hua, “Silent Love”

91.有谁不曾为那暗恋而受苦,我们以为那份痴情很重很重,是世界上最重的重量,有一天,蓦然回首,我们才发现,它一直都很轻很轻;我们以为爱的很深很深,来日岁月会让你知道它不过很浅很浅。 ——张小娴 《悬浮在空中的吻》
91. Who has not suffered for unrequited love? We think that our infatuation is very heavy, the heaviest weight in the world, but one day, when we look back, we find that it has always been very light; we think we love very deeply, but the passing years will show you that it is only shallow. ——Zhang Xiaoxian, “The Kiss Suspended in the Air”

92.玫瑰与爱是如此类似,盛开的玫瑰会一瓣一瓣落下,爱到了顶点,也会一步步地走入泪中。 ——林清玄 《玫瑰海岸》
92. Roses and love are so similar; as the rose blooms, it will fall petal by petal; when love reaches its peak, it will step by step walk into tears. ——Lin Qingxuan, “Rose Coast”

93.当我对所有的事情都厌倦的时候,我就会想到你,想到你在世界的某个地方生活着,存在着,我就愿意忍受一切。你的存在对我很重要 ——赛尔乔•莱翁 《美国往事》
93. When I am tired of everything, I will think of you, think that you are living and existing somewhere in the world, and I am willing to endure everything. Your existence is very important to me. ——Sergio Leone, “Once Upon a Time in America”

94.愿意用一支黑色的铅笔,画一出沉默的舞台剧 灯光再亮也抱住你 愿意在角落唱沙哑的歌,再大声也是给你 请用心听,不要说话 ——Eason 《不要说话》
94. I am willing to use a black pencil to draw a silent stage play; even if the lights are bright, I will hold you. I am willing to sing a hoarse song in the corner, and even if it is loud, it is for you. Please listen with your heart, do not speak. ——Eason, “Don’t Talk”

95.有个懂你的人,是最大的幸福。 这个人,不一定十全十美,但他能读懂你,能走进你的心灵深处,能看懂你心里的一切。 最懂你的人,总是会一直的在你身边,默默守护你,心疼你,不让你受委屈。 真正爱你的人不会说许多爱你的话,却会做很多爱你的事。
95. Having someone who understands you is the greatest happiness. This person may not be perfect, but they can read you, enter the depths of your soul, and see everything in your heart. The person who understands you the most will always be by your side, silently protecting you, cherishing you, and not letting you suffer any grievances. The one who truly loves you may not say many words of love, but they will do many things to show their love.

96.年少时我们有足够多的理由去认认真真地喜欢另一个人,而长大后我们有同样多的理由去认认真真辜负另一个人。所以最初的那些稚嫩感情,偏偏会记住一生。或许真的是: 好年月,旧时光。 ——九夜茴 《初恋爱》
96. When we are young, we have plenty of reasons to sincerely like another person, but as we grow up, we have just as many reasons to sincerely let another person down. So, those initial innocent feelings are the ones we remember for a lifetime. Perhaps it is true: good years, old times. —— Jiu Ye Chou, “First Love”

97.我始终相信,一切高贵的情感都羞于表白,一切深刻的体验都拙于言辞 ——周国平
97. I always believe that all noble emotions are shy of expression, and all profound experiences are clumsy with words. —— Zhou Guoping

98.“如果要为爱努力,就要尽心尽力去做,你爱的人,就会自己来找你。” 《初恋这件小事》
98. “If you want to strive for love, do it wholeheartedly, and the one you love will come to you.” “Crazy Little Thing Called First Love”

99.我想给你一切,可我一无所有。我想为你放弃一切,可我又没有什么可以放弃。钱、地位、荣耀,我仅有的那一点点自尊没有这些装点也就不值一提。 ——廖一梅 《恋爱的犀牛》
99. I want to give you everything, but I have nothing. I want to give up everything for you, but I have nothing to give up. Money, status, glory, the little self-esteem I have would be worthless without these adornments. —— Liao Yimei, “Rhinoceros in Love”

100.有九种感觉你才是真的在恋爱:生理上的性冲动、美丽的感觉、亲爱的感觉、羡慕及尊敬的感觉、赞许的爱情、受到尊重的自尊、占有欲、行动自由、深重的同情心。 ——安东尼 《橙》
100. There are nine feelings that indicate you are truly in love: physical desire, a sense of beauty, a sense of affection, feelings of admiration and respect, praise for love, self-esteem from being respected, possessiveness, freedom of action, and deep compassion. —— Anthony, “Orange”

1. Life only seems empty and bland to those who are dull and tasteless themselves. —— Chernyshevsky

2. A person’s value should be measured by their contributions, not by what they acquire. —— Einstein

3、人生的价值,并不是用时间,而是用深度去衡量的。 — 列夫·托尔斯泰
3. The value of life is not measured by time, but by depth. —— Leo Tolstoy

4. Whoever plays with life will accomplish nothing; whoever cannot dominate themselves will always be a slave. —— Goethe

5、人人好公,则天下太平;人人营私,则天下大乱。 —— 刘鹗
5. If everyone seeks the public good, the world will be at peace; if everyone seeks their own interests, the world will be in chaos. —— Liu E

6、宿命论是那些缺乏意志力的弱者的借口。 —— 罗曼·罗兰
6. Fatalism is the excuse of those who lack willpower. —— Romain Rolland

7、我们唯一不会改正的缺点是软弱。 —— 拉罗什福科
7. The only flaw we will never correct is weakness. —— La Rochefoucauld

8、如烟往事俱忘却,心底无私天地宽。 —— 陶铸
8. Forget the past like smoke, and your heart will be selfless and the world will be vast. —— Tao Zhu

9、常求有利别人,不求有利自己。 —— 谢觉哉
9. Always seek to benefit others, not yourself. —— Xie Jue

10. The world’s comedies can be created without money, but most of the world’s tragedies are related to money. —— San Mao

11. Property is the root of all evil: the distribution and protection of property occupy the entire world. —— Leo Tolstoy

12. The person who can both spend and earn money is the happiest, as they enjoy both kinds of happiness.

13、理想的人物不仅要在物质需要的满足上,还要在精神旨趣的满足上得到表现。 —— 黑格尔
13. An ideal person should not only be satisfied with material needs but also with spiritual interests. —— Hegel

14、自己不能胜任的事情,切莫轻易答应别人,一旦答应了别人,就必须实践自己的诺言。 ——华盛顿
14. Do not easily promise others what you cannot do; once you have promised, you must fulfill your word. —— Washington

15. Money is like human excrement. If you scatter it, it can benefit the crops; if you pile it up in one place, it will stink. — Clint Murchison Jr.

16. Life is the sea, and money is the helmsman. Without the helmsman, it is difficult to navigate through life. — William Wirt

17. Money is not the goal, but a means to achieve it. — Margaret Thatcher

18. Money is a bottomless sea that can drown character, conscience, and truth. — Proverb

19. Money can buy a petty person, but it cannot buy the truth. — New Proverb

20、一切利己的生活,都是非理性的,动物的生活。 —— 列夫·托尔斯泰
20. A life of self-interest is irrational and animalistic. — Leo Tolstoy

21、富贵不淫贫贱乐,男儿到此是豪雄。 —— 程颢
21. Wealth and honor do not corrupt, poverty and humbleness do not dismay; this is where a man is truly heroic. — Cheng Hao

22、清贫,洁白朴素的生活,正是我们革命者能够战胜许多困难的地方! —— 方志敏
22. A clean, simple, and frugal life is where revolutionaries can overcome many difficulties! — Fang Zhimin

23、老骥伏枥,志在千里;烈士暮年,壮心不已。 —— 曹操
23. An old steed in the stable still aspires to travel a thousand miles; a valiant man in his twilight years still has an unyielding spirit. — Cao Cao

24、毫无理想而又优柔寡断是一种可悲的心理。 —— 培根
24. To be without ideals and indecisive is a pitiful mindset. — Francis Bacon

25、生活的理想,就是为了理想的生活。 —— 张闻天
25. The ideal of life is for an ideal life. — Zhang Wentian

26、人,只要有一种信念,有所追求,什么艰苦都能忍受,什么环境也都能适应。 —— 丁玲
26. A person, as long as they have a belief and pursue something, can endure any hardship and adapt to any environment. — Ding Ling

27、古之立大事者,不惟有超世之才,亦必有坚忍不拔之志。 —— 苏轼
27. Those who accomplish great deeds in ancient times possess not only extraordinary talents but also unyielding determination. — Su Shi

28、心灵纯洁的人, 生活充满甜蜜和喜悦。 —— 列夫·托尔斯泰
28. A pure soul makes life full of sweetness and joy. — Leo Tolstoy

29、自我控制是最强者的本能。 —— 萧伯纳
29. Self-control is the strongest instinct. — George Bernard Shaw

30、一个人的真正伟大之处就在于他能够认识到自己的渺小。 —— 保 罗
30. The true greatness of a person lies in their ability to recognize their own insignificance. — Paul

31. A person with a gift of genius never follows the common thinking path. — Stendhal

32、原谅敌人要比原谅朋友容易。 —— 狄尔治夫人
32. It is easier to forgive an enemy than a friend. — Lady狄尔治 (Note: The original text seems to have a missing name, so it is left as “Lady” in the translation.)

33、一个能思想的人,才真是一个力量无边的人。 —— 巴尔扎克
33. A person who can think is truly an omnipotent person. — Honoré de Balzac

34、两个人交谈,一个人可以洗耳恭听。但是,三个人则无法互谈这人世最严肃而应深究的事。 ——爱默生
34. In a conversation between two people, one can listen attentively. However, three people cannot discuss the most serious and profound matters of this world. — Ralph Waldo Emerson

35、对人不尊敬,首先就是对自己的不尊敬。 —— 惠特曼
35. Disrespecting others starts with disrespecting oneself. —— Whitman

36. A large fortune is a poison to someone unaccustomed to handling money; it invades the flesh and marrow of their character. —— Mark Twain

37. If you lose your property, the loss is small; if you lose your honor, the loss is greater; if you lose your courage, you lose everything. —— Yan Jizhou

38. He who loses property suffers greatly; he who loses friends suffers more; he who loses reputation loses everything. —— Spanish Proverb

39. The most useless thing in life is wealth, the most valuable thing is wisdom. —— Lessing

40. Clever young people think that acknowledging truths already recognized by others will make them lose their originality, which is the biggest mistake. —— Goethe

41. Anyone who has actually been involved in scientific research knows that those who refuse to go beyond facts rarely achieve anything. —— Huxley

42. If learning only involves imitation, we would not have science or technology. —— Gorky

43. We learn much more from failures than from successes. —— Smiles

44. Some outdated and impractical things, whether they are foreign or domestic, should be vigorously broken and new methods and theories should be boldly created to solve our problems. —— Li Siguang

45. The bee takes a middle path; it collects materials from flowers in gardens and fields, but uses its own power to change and digest these materials. —— Bacon

46. In natural science, establishing methods and researching important experimental conditions is often more valuable than discovering individual facts. —— Pavlov

47. When money starts talking, the truth keeps silent. —— Proverb

48. There are no great people, nor great artists or great actors, without great character. —— Romain Rolland

49. Character is like a tree, and reputation is like its shade. We often think about the shade, but we don’t know that the tree is the foundation. —— Lincoln

50. Character is an inner strength that can directly take effect without any means. —— Emerson

51. Strengthen one’s own private virtues and build a “Great Wall of Personality.” From the perfection of private virtues, expand the effectiveness of public virtues and seek benefits for the collective. —— Tao Xingzhi

52. Different characters lead to different interests and hobbies. —— Cicero [Ancient Rome]

53. Being precise, strict, and regular in everything is undoubtedly a quality that a noble soul should possess. —— Chekhov

54. Establishing a career begins with character. Those who have knowledge and can undertake great tasks always start by establishing their footing in character. —— Xu Shichang

55. If your character is noble, do not grieve for a humble origin, for roses often grow among thorns. - Saadi

56. If the name is not correct, then the speech is not smooth; if the speech is not smooth, then the matter will not succeed. - Liu Yuxi

57. What you instill in your mind is what you output. - Proverb

58. Trust one’s character rather than their oath. - Anonymous

59. Character begets character. Generosity, especially when combined with humility, will win everyone’s favor. - Goethe

60. Character may be displayed in critical moments, but it is formed in insignificant moments. - Shelley

61. Character determines life, and it is more important than talent. - F. Sanders

62、生活真象这杯浓酒,不经三番五次的提炼呵,就不会这样可口! —— 郭小川
62. Life is like this cup of strong wine; without being refined several times, it would not be so delicious! - Guo Xiaochuan

63、充满着欢乐与斗争精神的人们,永远带着欢乐,欢迎雷霆与阳光。 —— 赫胥黎
63. People full of joy and fighting spirit will always bring joy and welcome thunder and sunshine. - Huxley

64、当一个人用工作去迎接光明,光明很快就会来照耀着他。 —— 冯学峰
64. When a person works to welcome the light, the light will soon shine upon him. - Feng Xuefeng

65、为了生活中努力发挥自己的作用,热爱人生吧。 —— 罗丹
65. In order to play your role in life, love life. - Rodin

66、冬天已经到来,春天还会远吗? —— 雪莱
66. If winter has come, can spring be far behind? - Shelley

67、世间的活动,缺点虽多,但仍是美好的。 —— 罗丹
67. Although the world’s activities have many shortcomings, they are still beautiful. - Rodin

68、辛勤的蜜蜂永没有时间悲哀。 —— 布莱克
68. Diligent bees never have time to grieve. - Blake

69、我们应该不虚度一生,应该能够说:“我已经做了我能做的事。”—— 居里夫人
69. We should not live in vain and be able to say, “I have done what I can do.” - Madame Curie

70. The value of life is not measured by time, but by depth. - Leo Tolstoy

71. We cannot all serve our country in the same way; everyone should do their best according to their talents. - Goethe

72. When asking for help, it is easier to ask the poor than the rich. - Chekhov

73. Good character is the true wealth of the heart, and good manners highlight this character. - John Locke

74. There is something more precious than happiness, art, wealth, power, knowledge, and talent that we should pursue, and that is excellent and pure character. - Samuel Smiles

75. Those with virtue and wealth use their wealth to benefit others; those without virtue but wealthy use their wealth to harm themselves. — Hu Hong

76. Although professions may differ, the virtues of geniuses are the same. — Balzac

77. Reputation is the evaluation of all men and women in the world for me; character is the understanding and knowledge of God and angels for us. — Paine

78. Character is a person’s inner self, while reputation is a person’s appearance. — Shakespeare

79. To promote your virtues, you don’t need words, but your true self. — Rousseau

80. Educators claim that a child’s character is determined between the ages of two and five, and this is indeed true. — Ruderman

81. Talent is best cultivated in solitude; character is best formed in the turbulent waves of the world. — Goethe

82. In cultivating character, we must learn from flowers. Why gardenias are universally loved by people, there is only one reason: they never try to imitate the scent of roses. — Anonymous

83. To cultivate impartial character, we should develop a good habit of “not being careless.” — Lincoln

84. One must pass the test of wealth and comfort to know the strength of their character. — Guse

85. A beautiful speech cannot erase a bad deed, and a good deed cannot be tarnished by slander. — Democritus (Ancient Greece) “Fragments of Works”

86. Actions are like fire, and words are like smoke; smoke is not the essence of fire, the brighter the fire, the less smoke there is. — Pestalozzi (Switzerland) “Pestalozzi’s Educational Essays”

87. A person with weak will cannot achieve wisdom, and a person who is untrustworthy in words cannot have fruitful actions. — Mozi (Warring States Period) “Mozi · Cultivating Oneself”

88. Generally speaking, the less energy you spend on “countering rumors,” the faster the rumors will collapse. — Wang Meng (Modern) “Truth is the Daughter of Time”

89. Praising others too excessively is not good, and blaming others too harshly is not good either; even if something is not satisfactory, there will be no regrets later. The subtlety of restraint is essential to know. — Shi Chengjin (Qing Dynasty) “Family Treasures”

90、那些背叛同伴的人,常常不知不觉地把自己也一起毁灭了。 —— 伊 索
90. Those who betray their companions often unknowingly destroy themselves as well. — Aesop

91、上人生的旅途罢。前途很远,也很暗。然而不要怕。不怕的人的面前才有路。—— 鲁 迅
91. Embark on the journey of life. The future is far and dark. But do not be afraid. Only those who are not afraid will find a path before them. — Lu Xun

92. Society is like a ship; everyone must be prepared to take the helm. — Ibsen

93、人生应该如蜡烛一样,从顶燃到底,一直都是光明的。 —— 萧楚女
93. Life should be like a candle, shining brightly from top to bottom. — Xiao Chu’er

94、你若要喜爱你自己的价值,你就得给世界创造价值。 —— 歌德
94. If you want to appreciate your own value, you must create value for the world. — Goethe

95. Character is the hardest thing to define, but it is the most influential and important thing in life. - Proverb

96. In evaluating a person, one should not consider their wealth or background, nor their level of knowledge, but rather their true character. - Bacon

97. A person’s influence in the world lies in their conduct, not their position; a high position without good character cannot make a lasting impact. - Smiles

98. Character and reputation are like the life and branches of a tree; the prosperity of the tree depends on the vitality of the soil. - Warren

99. Only character can open the door to success and harvest its fruits. - Martin

100. It is one’s character that makes a person noble. - Lawrence

1、我们要追求那真实的功业,要追求对宇宙人生更深远的了解;要追求永远超过狭小生活圈子之外的更有用的东西。 ——罗曼·罗兰
1. We should pursue true achievements and seek a deeper understanding of the universe and life; we should strive for something more useful beyond the confines of our small life circle. - Romain Rolland

2、人生在世,不出一番好议论,不留一番好事业,终日饮食暖衣,无所用心,何自别于禽兽? ——苏辙
2. In life, if one does not make good remarks or leave a good legacy, but merely eats and wears warm clothes without applying their mind, how is this different from animals? - Su Zhe

3. I believe that the happiest life is one of hard work and determination, creating wealth with one’s own hands and contributing everything to the cause of human liberation and communism. - Lei Feng

4. Everyone is born to pursue a certain career, and every person living on earth has obligations in their life. - Hemingway

5. In life, career is of utmost importance. - Wu Yuzhang

6、人生在世,不出一番好议论,不留一番好事业,终日饱食暖衣,不所用心,何自别于禽兽。 ——苏辙
6. In life, if one does not make good remarks or leave a good legacy, but merely eats and wears warm clothes without applying their mind, how is this different from animals? - Su Zhe

7. Life cannot be without dreams; those who achieve great things in the world all start with dreams. Without dreams, there is no hope; without hope, there is no success, and life loses its interest. - Anonymous

8、爱情既是友谊的代名词,又是我们为共同的事业而奋斗的可靠保证,爱情是人生的良伴,你和心爱的女子同床共眠是因为共同的理想把两颗心紧紧系在一起。 ——法拉第(英国)
8. Love is both a synonym for friendship and a reliable guarantee for our struggle for a common cause. Love is a good companion in life, and you sleep with your beloved woman because a common ideal tightly binds your hearts together. - Faraday (UK)

9. People inside the city want to escape, while those outside the city want to rush in. This is true for marriage and career, as most human desires in life are like this. - Yang Jiang

10. In life, career is of utmost importance. As long as there is life, never slacken. When the east wind prevails, the times are renewed; seize this opportunity and forge ahead bravely. - Wu Yuzhang

11、人生的一切变化,一切魅力,一切美都是由光明和阴影构成的。 ——列夫·托尔斯泰
11. All the changes, charm, and beauty in life are composed of light and shadow. - Leo Tolstoy

12、为人务须振作精神。不可稍形颓丧。人生处世必有不如意之时。愈不得意,愈能振作,便不难人定胜天。 ——张元济
12. One must always be spirited and never feel discouraged in life. There will be times when things do not go well, but the more one faces adversity, the more one can overcome it and achieve success. - Zhang Yuanji

13. The true meaning of life lies in contribution, not in taking. - Zhang Haidi

14. Struggle is life, and life is all about moving forward. - Ba Jin

15. A person’s life is limited and fleeting. If we want to make the most of our short life, it is best to regard our own life as a continuation of our predecessors’ lives, a part of the current shared life, and a beginning for the lives of future generations. - Hua Luogeng

16. The three great misfortunes of life are: continuous extreme poverty; extreme depression that shatters hope; extreme ignorance that empties the soul. - E. Mokham

17. From imagination to practice, from hope to success, is the righteous path for the advancement of one’s career in life. - Feng Zikai

18. A person comes into this world naked and leaves it naked. In retrospect, fame and fortune are all external things. The most enjoyable thing in life is to devote one’s energy to benefiting others in society through one’s work. - Zou Taofen

19. Although the world and life are extremely bad, there is one thing that is always good, and that is youth. - H. Sienkiewicz

20、人生只有一生一死,要生得有意义,死得有价值。 ——邓中夏
20. Life has but one birth and one death. To live meaningfully and die with value is essential. - Deng Zhongxia

21、人生在世,事业为重。一息尚存,绝不松劲。 ——吴玉章
21. In life, one’s career is of utmost importance. As long as there is a breath left, never slacken. - Wu Yuzhang

22. The most painful thing in life is to wake up from a dream with no way out. Dreamers are happy; if they haven’t found a way out, it is most important not to awaken them. - Lu Xun

23. Life is fleeting, and this saying should awaken everyone to pursue everything they desire to do. Although diligence does not guarantee success, death may cut short a thriving career, but those who have not achieved their goals at least have the glory of having participated in the battle, even if they did not win. - Johnson

24. If I were allowed to live my life again, I would choose to repeat it. Because I have never regretted the past and never feared the future. - Montaigne

25. Habit is a tenacious and immense force that can dominate one’s life. Therefore, people should establish good habits through perfect education from an early age. - Bacon

26. Since habit is the master of life, people should strive to develop good habits. If a habit begins in early childhood, it is the most perfect habit, which is certain, and this is what we call education. Education is actually a habit that starts from early childhood. - Bacon

27. Money and time are the two heaviest burdens in life. The most unhappy people are those who have too much of both and do not know how to use them. - John

28. In life, there are thousands of desires, but do not forget to educate your children in pursuit of profit. - Zi Yan

29. A hundred years of life begins with early learning. - Liang Qichao

30. I believe that the happiest life is to be hardworking, to strive for strength, to create wealth with one’s own hands, and to contribute everything to the cause of human liberation - communism. - Lei Feng

31. The highest good in life is to be optimistic about life, happy with work, and excited about one’s career. - Brandon

32、人生最宝贵的是生命,生命属于人只有一次。一个人的生命应当这样度过:当他回忆往事的时候,他不致因虚度年华而悔恨,也不致因碌碌无为而羞愧;在临死的时候,他能够说:“我的整个生命和全部精力,都已献给世界上最壮丽的事业为人类的解放而斗争。” ——奥斯特洛夫斯基
32. The most precious thing in life is life itself, which belongs to a person only once. A person’s life should be spent in such a way that when he recalls the past, he does not regret wasting time or feel ashamed of doing nothing; when facing death, he can say, “My entire life and all my energy have been dedicated to the most magnificent cause in the world - the struggle for the liberation of humanity.” ——Anatoly Ostrovsky

33. If you know how to make good use of life, it will be long after all. ——Seneca

34、由预想进行于实行,由希望变为成功,原是人生事业展进的正道。 ——丰子恺
34. From imagination to practice, from hope to success, is the righteous path for the advancement of life and career. ——Feng Zikai

35. In life, career is the most important. As long as there is a breath left, never let go. ——Wu Yuzhang

36. The “secret” to successful moral education lies in showing a young person the whole world and the prospects of personal life against the backdrop of grand social life when they are still in their youth. ——Vasily Sukhomlinsky

37、“学校的目标应当是培养有独立行动和独立思考的个人,不过他们要把为社会服务看作是自己人生的最高目标。” ——爱因斯坦
37. “The goal of schools should be to cultivate individuals who can act and think independently, but they should regard serving society as the highest goal of their lives.” ——Albert Einstein

38、“先生不应该专教书,他的责任是教人做人;学生不应该专读书,他的责任是学习人生之道。” ——陶行知
38. “A teacher should not only teach books, but also teach people how to be human; a student should not only read books, but also learn the way of life.” ——Tao Xingzhi

39、真实是人生的命脉,是一切价值的根基,又是商业成功的秘诀,谁能信守不渝,就可以成为。 ——德莱塞
39. Truth is the lifeblood of life, the foundation of all values, and the secret to business success. Whoever can remain true to it will be successful. ——Theodore Dreiser

40、由预想进行于实行,由希望变为成功,原是人生事业展进的正道。 ——丰子恺
40. From imagination to practice, from hope to success, is the righteous path for the advancement of life and career. ——Feng Zikai

41、人生成功的秘诀是当好机会来临时,立刻抓住它。 ——狄斯累利
41. The secret to success in life is to seize good opportunities when they come. ——Disraeli

42. I believe that the most beautiful purpose in life and the happiest result of human life is nothing more than learning. ——Balzac

43、必须记住我们学习的时间是有限的。时间有限,不只由于人生短促,更由于人事纷繁。我们应该力求把我们所有的时间用来做最有益的事。 ——斯宾塞
43. We must remember that our time for learning is limited. Time is limited, not only because life is short, but also because of the complexity of human affairs. We should strive to use all our time to do the most beneficial things. ——Herbert Spencer

44. To always listen, think, and learn is the true way of life. Those who do not hope for anything or learn anything have no right to exist.

45. The most precious thing in life is life itself, the most needed is learning, the most enjoyable is work, and the most important is friendship. ——Joseph Stalin

46. We must remember that our time for learning is limited. Time is limited, not only because life is short, but also because of the complexity of human affairs. We should strive to use all our time to do the most beneficial things. ——Herbert Spencer

47. Do not waste the prime of your life; only reading is the best in life. ——”Song Poetry Essentials”

48. As long as you don’t care about gains and losses, what in life can’t be overcome? ——Ernest Hemingway

49. Youth is like early spring, like the morning sun, like the sprouting of a hundred plants, like a sharp blade newly sharpened. It is the most precious period of life. Youth is to society what fresh and lively cells are to the body. ——Chen Duxiu

50. The civilization of youth is the civilization of struggle, struggling with circumstances, with the times, and with experience. Therefore, youth is the king of life, the spring of life, and the flower of life. ——Li Dazhao

51. If a young person believes that he will surely become an immortal literary figure in the future, he will naturally feel an immeasurable comfort in his heart: this can be considered the sweetest moment in life. Such ambition is indeed noble, but unfortunately, the foundation is often too unstable. - Mark Twain

52. The first and most important thing in life is to discover oneself. For this purpose, one often needs solitude and contemplation. - Nansen

53. When young people fall into injustice, they dare not look into the mirror of conscience; adults, however, are not afraid to face it directly; the difference between the two stages of life lies entirely in this. - Balzac

54. If the youthful spirit disappears and the insatiable curiosity for progress fades away, life becomes meaningless. - Mill

55. Life lies in diligence, for diligence ensures no lack; the door hinge does not decay, and running water does not rot. - Xu Mingkui

56. The spirit of perseverance is the key to success in life.

57、道德教育成功的“秘诀”在于,当一个人还在少年时代的时候,就应该在宏伟的社会生活背景上给他展示整个世界、个人生活的前景。 ——苏霍姆林斯基
57. The “secret” of successful moral education lies in the fact that when a person is still in his youth, the entire world and the prospects of personal life should be presented to him against the backdrop of the grand social life. - Suhomlinsky

58. The main problem in life is not to do things that hinder freedom. All problems in life are about understanding what true life is and resisting the things that hinder it.

59. Sincere, very rational friendship is the invaluable treasure of life. Whether you can keep your word to your friend and always be a person worthy of him is the best test of your soul, character, psychology, and even morality. - Marx

60. For us, there must be and should be some kind of faith in life that occasionally conveys an inspiring message to us through a word, a dream, an expression, or an event. - Montgomery

61. Throughout the 18th century, as in all previous eras, whether a king had sexual function, and whether a queen was fertile or barren, was considered a public matter, not a secret, and was regarded as a matter of national importance, closely related to the succession of the throne and the continuity of the state. It is obvious that, like the baptismal font and the coffin, it is a part of life. - Zweig

62. It is because of the struggle that life is beautiful. - Cooper

63. Love between the sexes is the most important part of life. It should maintain its freedom, sacredness, purity, and sublimity, and should not be forced, insulted, slandered, or suppressed, so as not to lose its beautiful value in human society. - Li Dazhao

64. Love between the sexes is the most important part of life. It should maintain its freedom, sacredness, and sublimity, and should not be forced, insulted, slandered, or suppressed, so as not to lose its beautiful value in human society. - Li Dazhao

65. There is no art more difficult than life, for other arts and sciences can find very ideal teachers everywhere. - Seneca

66. Those who have never experienced hardship can only see one side of the world and are unaware of the other. … True life can only be realized after a strenuous and extraordinary struggle. - Seneca

67. The glory of life lies not in never failing, but in being able to rise again and again after falling. - Napoleon

68、如果我生下来就是八十岁,而慢慢长到十八岁的话,人生会更加快乐无穷。 ——马克·吐温
68. If I had been born eighty years old and gradually grew to be eighteen, life would be infinitely happier. - Mark Twain

69. Happiness is not the purpose of life, but character is the criterion. - Beecher

70. Self-respect, self-knowledge, and self-control are the three things that can lead to the highest realm of power in life. - Danvers

71、青年之文明,奋斗之文明也。与境遇奋斗、与时代奋斗、与经验奋斗。故青年者,人生之王、人生之春、人生之华也。 ——李大钊
71. The civilization of youth is the civilization of struggle. Struggling with circumstances, with the times, and with experience. Therefore, the youth is the king of life, the spring of life, and the blossom of life. - Li Dazhao

72、人生难得是青春,要学汤铭日日新。但嘱加鞭须趁早,莫抛岁月负双亲。 ——袁玉冰
72. Life is rare in youth, and one must learn from Tang Ming to be renewed daily. But to urge oneself to hurry up, do not waste time and let down one’s parents. - Yuan Yubing

73. All things in the world have their ups and downs; how can life always be young? - Yu Qian

74、青年者,人生之王,人生之春,人生之华也。 ——李大钊
74. Youth is the king of life, the spring of life, and the blossom of life. - Li Dazhao

75. Youth is the happiest time in life, and this happiness is often entirely because it is full of hope. - Carlyle

76. Youth is not a period of life, but a state of mind. - Seneca

77. Spring is the season of rebirth in the natural world, and the season of rebirth in life is the once-in-a-lifetime youth. - Cicero

78. Friendship is the wine of life. - Yang Ge

79. Among all the happiness that wisdom provides in life, obtaining friendship is the most important. - Epicurus

80. A good life is guided by action and wisdom. - Russell

81. There is only one truth in the world: to be faithful to life and to love life. - Romain Rolland

82. The love between the two sexes is the most important part of life. It should maintain its freedom, sacredness, and loftiness, and should not be forced, insulted, slandered, or oppressed, causing it to lose its beautiful value in human society. - Li Dazhao

83. All the joys of life are the joys of creation: love, genius, and action all rely on the fiery passion of creation. - Romain Rolland

84. Only those with a far-sighted and broad vision can hold their heads high on the path of life.

85. The civilization of youth is the civilization of struggle. Struggling with circumstances, with the times, and with experience. Therefore, the youth is the king of life, the spring of life, and the blossom of life. - Li Dazhao

86. Life is rare in youth, and one must learn from Tang Ming to be renewed daily. But to urge oneself to hurry up, do not waste time and let down one’s parents. - Yuan Yubing

87. The most difficult thing in life is making choices. - More

88. Youth is like early spring, like the morning sun, like the sprouting of a hundred plants, and like a sharp blade newly honed. It is the most precious period of life. Youth is to society what fresh and lively cells are to the body. - Chen Duxiu

89. If work is not the price of life for humans, but the purpose, how happy humans would be. - Rodin

90. Acquiring wealth through hard work is the greatest joy in life. - Balzac

91. Misfortune - the touchstone of life. - Fletcher

92. The only way to achieve happiness is to forget the present happiness and set goals for life other than happiness itself. - Miller

93. The happiness and joy in life are not in money or love, but in truth. Even if you want to achieve a kind of animalistic happiness, life will not allow you to be happy while drinking alcohol all the time; it will strike you unexpectedly at any time. - Chekhov

94. I think that in this life, only through hard work, striving for progress, and creating wealth with one’s own hands can one be the happiest. Contributing everything to the cause of human liberation - communism, is the happiest thing. - Lei Feng

95. Youth, once you shake hands with it tightly, you can gain the power to explore new paths and possess the spirituality of a creative life. - Jin Ma

96. The civilization of youth is the civilization of struggle, struggling with circumstances, with the times, and with experience. Therefore, the youth is the king of life, the spring of life, and the splendor of life. - Li Dazhao

97. Youth is the happiest time in life, but this happiness is often entirely because it is full of hope, not because of what has been obtained or what has been escaped. - T. Carlyle

98. Youth is the flower of life, the natural expression of life. - Ikeda Daisaku

99. All things in the world have their ups and downs; how can life always be young? - Yu Qian

100. He found that not every green hill is pleasant, at least for a life where youth has passed and the remaining days are drawing to a close. He increasingly considered how to arrange a satisfactory old age for himself. - Hesse