1. Whoever makes laws for others should apply the same laws to themselves. - Aquinas

2. To truly relieve a nation’s internal troubles, one should rely on good legislation, not on chance. - Aristotle

3. The Constitution is an endless, fluid dialogue involving the generations of a nation. - Laurence Tribe

4. The interpretation of law is the beginning and foundation of legal studies, a scientific task, yet an art. - Savigny

5. Law is the ultimate result of human wisdom following human experience for the common good. - Johnson

6. The Constitution is a piece of paper that lists the rights of the people. - Lenin

7. In the world, only two things can deeply震撼 our hearts: one is the brilliant starry sky above our heads, and the other is the noble moral law within our hearts. - Kant

8. In the tender gaze of civil law, every individual is the entire nation. - Montesquieu

9. The purpose of legal research is a prediction, specifically a prediction of the influence of public power through the instrumentality of the courts. - Oliver Wendell Holmes, “The Common Law”

10. The essence of law is that there is no absolute freedom, nor absolute equality. - Guo Daoheng, a famous Chinese jurist

11. Law, like travel, must prepare for tomorrow. It must have the principle of growth. - Lord Cadogan

12. Rational people live more freely in a general legal system than in unrestricted solitude. - Spinoza

13. Law reveals the story of a nation’s development over several centuries and cannot be regarded merely as formulas and calculation methods in a math textbook. - Holmes

14. The Constitution’s framers gave us a compass, not a blueprint. - Posner

15. Law provides protection against arbitrariness, offering people a sense of security and reliability, preventing them from being in an ominous darkness in the future. - Bruner

16. The public’s indifference to rights and trials is a bad omen for the law. - Pound

17. Under a government of law, what is the motto of a good citizen? It is “strict obedience and free criticism.” - Bentham

18. The more a law assumes evil behavior on the part of its recipients, the better it is in itself. - Radbruch

19. Freedom is the right to do what the law permits. - Cicero

20. Since law ensures good conduct, good conduct is also needed to maintain the law. - Machiavelli

21. Legal interpreters seek answers to the issues of their time within the law. - Larenz

22. Three sentences of modification by the legislator, and the entire collection of books would become waste paper. - Kichmann

23. The true knowledge of law comes from the education of the legislator. - Hegel

24. The social status of the legal profession is a sign of a nation’s civilization. - Feld

25. The duty of the legislative body is to spread as much knowledge as possible about their will among the people. - Bentham

26. A law without faith will degenerate into a lifeless dogma, while a faith without law will turn into fanaticism. - Berman

27. The highest level of the concept of the rule of law is a belief that the foundation of all laws should be respect for human values. - Chen Hongyi

28. Law conveys a voice beyond violence and power; the boundaries of rights it sets, though intangible, are deeply engraved in people’s hearts. - A famous legal scholar

29. Within the law, there should be principles of nature and human emotions. - Antigone

30. What is not prohibited by law is freedom.

31. One may not act without authorization, and one may not be punished for what is not prohibited.

32. Where the burden of proof lies, there lies the place of defeat in the lawsuit. - Legal proverb

33. In democratic countries, the law is the king; in autocratic countries, the king is the law. - Marx

34. Among the major civilizations of the world, China is the furthest from the rule of law, even forming a stark contrast with Europe. - Shizuka Shuran

35. Rule of law means that the government may not impose coercion on individuals unless it implements well-known rules. - Hayek

36. The basic principle of law is: to be honest, not to harm others, and to give everyone their due share. - Justinian

37. Law is an ever-improving practice; although it may fail due to its flaws, or even fail entirely, it is by no means an absurd joke. - Dworkin

38. The focus of legal development lies not in legislation, not in legal studies, nor in judicial decisions, but in society itself. - Ehrlich

39. Freedom is a way of life that must have its own authority, discipline, and constraints. - Lippmann

40. All history is the struggle of interests, and law is the authoritative manifestation of those interests that have prevailed. - Labriola (Italian) “On Historical Materialism”

41. Law, when it governs all the people on Earth, is the reason of mankind. - Montesquieu (France) “The Spirit of the Laws”

42. Law is merely a record of our will. - Rousseau (France) “The Social Contract”

43. Law is the free and solemn expression of the will of the people. - Robespierre (France) “Revolutionary Jurisprudence and Trial”

44. By the law of man, I mean a strategy for life that ensures the safety of both life and the state. - Spinoza (Netherlands) “Theological-Political Treatise”

45. What is law? Law is the expression of the will of the class that has won victory and seized state power. - Lenin (Soviet Union) “The Land Program of the RSDLP in the First Russian Revolution”

46. Law is a set of authoritative guidelines or foundations for trial. - Pound (USA) “Social Control Through Law”

47. Law is a coercive order. - Kelsen (USA) “General Theory of Law and State”

48. Law is the instrument of the world, used to resolve doubts and clarify right and wrong, and the fate of the people depends on it. - Guanzi (Warring States Period) “Guanzi • Prohibition and Storage”

49. Law is used to define boundaries and resolve disputes. - Guanzi (Warring States Period) “Guanzi • Seven Ministers and Seven Lords”

50. In all human conditions that can be subject to the control of law, where there is no law, there is no freedom. - Locke (England) “Two Treatises of Government”

51. Law always encounters the feelings and prejudices of the legislator. - Montesquieu (France) “The Spirit of the Laws”

52. The effectiveness of the law depends on the love and respect it arouses, and this love and respect depend on the feeling of justice and reason in the heart. - Robespierre (France) “Revolutionary Jurisprudence and Trial”

53. If our laws are only the buds of natural laws, they are undoubtedly good laws. Such laws can suppress evil and promote good. - Dumas (France) “Maupassant Selection”

54. When order becomes chaos, chaos must be used to maintain order and save the law. - Romain Rolland (France) “Kola Brewenyon”

55. The clearer the law is, the easier it is to implement its provisions. - Hegel (Germany) “Principles of the Philosophy of Law”

56. Laws and regulations guide the people, and punishments prevent crime. - Sima Qian (Han Dynasty) “Records of the Grand Historian • Biographies of Upright and Honest Officials”

57. Laws and regulations are used to suppress violence and support the weak, making them difficult to violate and easy to avoid. - Ban Gu (Han Dynasty) “Book of Han • Criminal Law”

58. Establishing goodness and preventing evil is called etiquette, prohibiting wrongs and establishing rights is called law. - Fu Xuan (Jin Dynasty) “Fuzi • Criminal Law”

59. Law is the balance of the country and the standard of the times. - Wu Jing (Tang Dynasty) “Zhenguan Government Essentials • Fairness”

60. Law is used to prohibit people from doing evil and guide them towards goodness and远离crime. - Ouyang Xiu (Song Dynasty) “Sword State Deputy Minister Dong Shou as the Minister of the大理Temple Decree”

61. To ensure justice (fairness) in matters, there must be an impartial weighing; the law is precisely such a balanced measure. - Aristotle (Ancient Greece) “Politics”

62. The sea and land obey the universe, and human life is subject to the jurisdiction of the highest law. - Cicero (Ancient Greece) “On the Laws”

63. A sage can create laws, but cannot govern a country without abolishing laws. - Guanzi (Warring States) “Guanzi • Law and Method”

64. The purpose of enacting laws is to ensure that everyone can freely exercise their talents, not to restrict them. - Robespierre (France) “Revolutionary Law and Trial”

65. The punishment stipulated by law is not for personal interests, but for the public interest; partly through harmful coercion and partly through the influence of examples. - Grotius (Netherlands)

66. Two forces bring stability: law and politeness. - Goethe (Germany) “Goethe’s Maxims and Reflections”

67. A country prospers because of law, and law is valuable because of people. - Nichiren (Japan) “On Establishing Correct Governance and Ensuring National Stability”

68. Minor evils are not tolerated in the village, and major evils are not tolerated in the country. - Su Shi (Song Dynasty) “Strategies for Ensuring the Well-being of Ten Thousand People VI”

69. When the law is established at the top, customs will form at the bottom. - Su Zhe (Song Dynasty) “Henan Prefecture Graduates’ Policy Question I”

70. Laws and decrees are tools for governance, not the source of clear or muddy governance. - Sima Qian (Han Dynasty) “Records of the Grand Historian • Biographies of Cruel Officials”

71. At the beginning of the establishment of any law, there must be flaws. - Han Yu (Tang Dynasty) “On the Importance of Money and the Devaluation of Goods”

72. When the law is widely implemented, it is for the public good, not for the public evil. - Liu Yuxi (Tang Dynasty) “On Heaven I”

73. If the law is slightly relaxed, right and wrong will be confused. - Liu Yuxi (Tang Dynasty) “On Heaven I”

74. Seeking a circle outside the circle is impossible; seeking fairness outside the law is impossible. - Song Qi (Song Dynasty) “Song Jingwen’s Notes”

75. If the law is lenient, there will be fewer punishments, and with fewer punishments, the people will be ashamed. - Cui Dunli (Song Dynasty) “Words of Advice”

76. If the law is unjust, it cannot exist. - Augustine of Hippo (Ancient Rome) “On the Free Will”

77. The simpler the interpretation of the law, the more just it is. - Thomas More (England) “Utopia”

78. The clarity of the law is not only in its detailed provisions, but also in its clear intention, which the people can understand. - Hobbes (England) “Leviathan”

79. A loose law is better than a strict heart, and a lenient decree is better than a strict ruler. - Lv Kun (Ming Dynasty) “Groans on Governance”

80. In a country, the law is always established by the power of the strong. - Plato (Ancient Greece) “On the Laws”

81. The establishment of laws is to punish the evil and absurdity of human beings, so the laws themselves must be the purest and spotless. - Montesquieu (France) “The Spirit of the Laws”

82. Laws are by no means immutable; on the contrary, just as the sky and the sea change due to wind and waves, laws also change due to circumstances and fortune. - Hegel (Germany) “Philosophy of Law”

83. There are no eternal laws; laws that apply to one period are not suitable for another, and we can only strive to provide appropriate legal systems for each civilization. - Kehler (Germany) “Concept of Law”

84. The law should be as iron, like an iron chain. - Gorky (Soviet Union) “My University”

85. The law must rely on some external means to make its machinery function, as legal rules do not enforce themselves. - Pound (USA) “The Task of Law in Social Control”

86. The life of the law is not logic but experience. - Holmes (USA) “Common Law”

87. The law is not responsible for killing people, just as the responsibility should not be borne by guns and knives. - Shen Congwen

88. Laws and regulations are the life of the people and the foundation of governance. - (Warring States Period) “Shang Jun Shu • Ding Fen”

89. The basic intention of the law is to make citizens as happy as possible. - Plato (Ancient Greece) “On Laws”

90. The law cannot make actions that are essentially moral or pure become criminal actions, just as it cannot make criminal actions become pure again. - Shelley (UK) “Declaration of Human Rights”

91. If the carriage is light and the road is short, then there is no need for whips and spurs; the use of whips and spurs is because the road is long and the task is heavy. Punishments are the whips and spurs of the people. - Shi Jiao (Warring States Period) “Shi Zi”

92. Law is the beginning of governance. - Xun Kuang (Warring States Period) “Xunzi • Jun Dao”

93. When the law is clear, the virtuous cannot rob the wicked, the strong cannot invade the weak, and the many cannot oppress the few. - Han Feizi (Warring States Period) “Han Feizi • Shou Dao”

94. Water is the countermeasure for fire, and law is the prohibition to stop evil deeds. - Huan Kuan (Han Dynasty) “Yan Tie Lun • Shen Han”

95. Punish one and correct a hundred, execute one and be cautious of ten thousand. - Huan Kuan (Han Dynasty) “Yan Tie Lun • Ji Tan”

96. If the punishment knows where to apply, then the wicked will know what to fear. - Zhuge Liang (Three Kingdoms • Shu) “Bian Yi Shi Liu Ce • Shang Fa”

97. A stone sharpens a blade, turning dullness into sharpness; the law sharpens the mind, turning foolishness into wisdom. - Liu Yuxi (Tang Dynasty) “Di Shi Fu”

98. The true purpose of the law is to guide those subject to it to seek their own virtue. - Aquinas (Italy) “Summa Theologica”

99. The power of the law should follow the citizen, just as a shadow follows the body. - Beccaria (Italy) “On Crimes and Punishments”

100. If they would be happier without laws, then the law, as a useless thing, would vanish by itself. - Locke (UK) “Two Treatises of Government”