1. Alas for parents, those who don’t raise children don’t know the grace of parents.

2. Alas for parents, who toiled in giving birth to me. — The Book of Songs

3. Turn thousands of words into a song, called gratitude, and thousands of thanks into a poem, called blessings. Thank you, old friends, for years of care, and wish you eternal happiness!

4. Despicable people are always ungrateful; ingratitude is a part of their despicable nature. — Victor Hugo

5. Without managing a household, one doesn’t know the value of firewood and rice; without raising a child, one doesn’t know the grace of the mother. — Chinese Proverb

6. Without the support of one’s parents, one cannot be a person; without obeying one’s parents, one cannot be a child. — Mencius

7. No matter how proud a person’s achievements are, they should always remember their roots and acknowledge that their teachers planted the first seeds for their growth. — Marie Curie

8. Grass feels the grace of the earth and flourishes; flowers feel the grace of rain and bloom; we feel the grace of others and grow stronger! Be grateful, be grateful to those we love!

9. Don’t forget the well-diggers when drinking water; the previous generation plants trees, and the later generation enjoys the shade.

10. Ugly sea monsters are not as terrifying as ungrateful children. — William Shakespeare

11. A mother’s heart is intertwined with the baby’s even during pregnancy. — Charles Dickens

12. A mother’s tears contain a noble and profound love that cannot be analyzed by chemistry. — United Kingdom

13. Charitable acts can relieve others’ pain more than money. — Jean-Jacques Rousseau

14. Charity should begin at home, but should not end there. — Margaret Fuller

15. Only when raising a child does one realize the grace of one’s mother. — Japanese Proverb

16. Faintly regard the world’s affairs as smoke, and remember the grace as blood.

17. Even a small favor should be repaid with a gushing spring.

18. For children, the value of their parents’ charity is more reliable and trustworthy than any other emotion. — Bertrand Russell

19. Repay kindness, forget grudges; grudges are short, kindness is long.

20. All parents love their children. — Chen Hongmou

21. The earth caressed by the wind, the beach washed by the waves, the sky traversed by clouds, and the places you’ve been through; with sincere gratitude, I write it all down, wishing you happiness every day!

22. A father’s kindness is higher than a mountain, and a mother’s kindness is deeper than the sea. - Japan

23. A parent’s love is the foundation of all virtues. - United Kingdom

24. The virtues of parents are a tremendous fortune. - Horace

25. Parents and children are the best gifts to each other. - Viscount

26. Most people are grateful to their parents and friends, but there are some people and things we should be grateful for that we often overlook.

27. When parents love their children, they plan for their future.

28. The kindness of parents cannot be drowned by water or extinguished by fire.

29. One must know the age of one’s parents. It brings both joy and fear. - The Analects of Confucius

30. Love what your parents love, and respect what your parents respect. - Confucius

31. Father! We cannot find a more sacred title than this for God. - William Wordsworth

32. The affection between father and son is completely different: the father loves the son himself, while the son loves the memories of his father. - Europe

33. There is亲情 between father and son, righteousness between ruler and subject, distinction between husband and wife, order between the elderly and the young, and trust between friends. - Mencius

34. Gratitude is not a noisy moment of thanks for psychological balance, but a silent and eternal return from the heart.

35. Gratitude fills life with sunshine and the world with warmth.

36. Gratitude is like returning a favor with a gift or repaying a small kindness with a great one.

37. Gratitude is a virtue and a state of being.

38. Gratitude is a precious opportunity worth waiting for in one’s life; gratitude is a loving education worth cherishing in one’s life.

39. Gratitude does not necessarily have to thank for great kindness and virtue; it can be an attitude towards life, a moral sentiment that is good at discovering and appreciating beauty.

40. Gratitude is the health of the soul. - Nietzsche

41. Gratitude is the foundation of love and kindness. Although we cannot become perfect, nurturing a grateful heart can at least make our lives more beautiful and fulfilling.

42. Gratitude is a spiritual treasure. —— Locke

43. Gratitude is the smallest of virtues, and ingratitude is the worst of conduct.

44. Gratitude is a common sentiment among people and a long-standing principle in life. Understanding gratitude is one of the basic conditions of being a person. Failing to be grateful, from a certain perspective, is a desecration of the sacred feelings of humanity.

45. Gratitude is a philosophy of life, a wisdom of living, and an essential skill for learning how to be a person and achieving a sunny life.

46. Gratitude is a virtue; it is also a fragrant promise; gratitude is happiness; it is an eternal fulcrum.

47. Gratitude is a survival wisdom, a moral baseline for being a person. The growth of the ability to appreciate and be grateful for the kindness of others is an indispensable psychological ability for maintaining one’s sense of inner peace and increasing a sense of happiness and abundance.

48. Gratitude is a mindset, like drinking a cup of green tea when thirsty, sweet and refreshing, with a pleasant aroma; gratitude is a life attitude, a moral sentiment that is good at discovering and appreciating beauty.

49. A grateful heart is to be thankful for all the help from everyone and everything in the world, remembering it in our hearts; a grateful heart is the indispensable sunshine and rain in our lives, indispensable at any moment.

50. Thank you to fate, thank you to the people, thank you to thoughts, and thank you to everyone I should thank. —— Lu Xun

51. Thank you for your care, thank you for your help, thank you for everything you have done for me… Please accept my most sincere wishes: a lifetime of peace, prosperity, health, and happiness!

52. Thankfulness is the smallest of virtues, and ungratefulness is the worst of habits. —— British proverb

53. Thank you to everyone I should thank. —— Lu Xun

54. What could be more sacred than the emotions hidden in a parent’s heart? A parent’s heart is the most merciful judge, the most intimate friend, and the sun of love, whose rays shine and warm the intentions that gather in the depths of our souls! —— Marx

55. Change your perspective on life’s disappointments and misfortunes, and live with a grateful heart. Life will bestow upon you the brilliant sunshine.

56. At dusk, you gather back everything that was dispersed in the morning; the flock returns to the pen, and the child returns to the mother’s side. —— Sappho

57. Living in this world, we should learn to be grateful. When you learn to be grateful, you will experience happiness and joy.

58. Home is the kingdom of the father, the world of the mother, and the paradise of the child. —— Emerson

59. The foundation of a family is undoubtedly the special affection parents have for their newborn children.

60. The importance of a family lies mainly in the emotions it provides to the parents. —— Russell

61. The power to establish and consolidate a family lies in love, the loyal and pure love between father and mother, father and child, and mother and child. - Sukhomlinsky

62. Borrowing a thousand hu (a unit of volume) of water from the great river, grind it into ink to praise the teacher’s grace.

63. On this Thanksgiving morning, after a brief snowfall at dusk yesterday, it has become very cold. The icy sunlight cuts down from the blue sky like a knife, and the cold, fierce wind rolls the hat off one’s head onto the ground.

64. Today, with sincere gratitude, I want to convey the words I’ve always wanted to say to you: Thank you so much for giving me so much, helping me without expecting anything in return. Thank you, my truest and best friend.

65. It is on our mother’s lap that we acquire our noblest, most sincere, and most far-reaching ideals, but there is seldom any money in them. - Mark Twain (USA)

66. To exert oneself to the utmost and cease only with death. - Zhuge Liang, “The Memorial to the Throne after the Expedition”

67. A gentleman has three joys, and ruling the world is not among them. Parents are both alive, and brothers are free from misfortune, this is the first joy; to be without shame towards heaven and without guilt towards people, the second joy; to cultivate and educate the talented from all over the world, the third joy. A gentleman has three joys, and ruling the world is not among them. - Mencius

68. Begin, child, begin to get to know your mother with a smile! - Virgil (Ancient Rome)

69. How pitiful are the hearts of parents all over the world.

70. Old age, like a nightingale, should have its own nocturne. - Immanuel Kant

71. Respect for the elderly is one of the most beautiful privileges of the human spirit. - Stendhal

72. Respect the elderly as you do your own, and care for the young as you do your own, and the world can be held in the palm of your hand. - Mencius

73. There is no city more beautiful than Baghdad, and no one more trustworthy than a mother. - Iraq

74. Without gratitude, there is no true virtue. - Jean-Jacques Rousseau

75. Without a mother, what is a family? - Nathaniel Hawthorne

76. No one truly knows their own father, but we all have some kind of conjecture or trust. - Minand

77. Without selfless, self-sacrificing maternal love, a child’s soul would be a desert. - Charles Dickens

78. Everyone’s good fortune and bad luck are distributed, and although my good fortune is not as much as others, I am very grateful for even a little bit of good.

79. Every sunny day fills me with gratitude! On this Thanksgiving, I sincerely thank you for allowing me to face the scorching heat, cold, wind, rain, and thunder with a strong will and fearless spirit, without feeling tired or lonely.

80. Every favor has a hook on it, which will catch the mouth that consumes that favor, and the giver can drag it wherever they want. - Baltasar Gracián