1. 不抱怨父母的无能。
    1. Do not complain about your parents’ incompetence.
    Don’t complain saying, “Dad should be like this, Mom should be like that…”
    Instead, sincerely say, “I accept you as you are; I accept that I chose you; I enjoy everything you give me.”

  2. 不抱怨父母啰嗦。
    2. Do not complain about your parents’ nagging.
    Only those who truly love you will nag at you; parents would never nag at someone unrelated to them.

  3. 不抱怨父母抱怨。
    3. Do not complain about your parents’ complaints.
    Parents complain about us because they are not satisfied with our current state. When we do well, they desire us to do even better!

  4. 不抱怨父母迟缓。
    4. Do not complain about your parents’ slowness.
    As they age, their movements naturally become less agile. Never dislike your parents for their slowness, as we can never imagine how patiently they taught us to walk when we were young.

  5. 不抱怨父母生病。
    5. Do not complain about your parents getting sick.
    When our parents get sick, how much can we do? Can we be a responsible and caring child for them?
    Life is not meant for complaints. We grow up gradually, and our parents grow old slowly, until they leave us… Without parents, there would be no us.
    Complaining about parents is not as good as understanding them. If we can’t tolerate our parents, how can we tolerate the world? Filial piety comes first among all virtues. Starting now, never complain about your parents again.

Love for children - “Seven No Blame”

  1. 对众不责:在大庭广众之下,不要责备孩子,要在众人面前给孩子以尊严。
    1. Do not blame in public: In front of a crowd, do not blame your child; give them dignity in public.

  2. 愧悔不责:如果孩子已经为自己的过失感到惭愧后悔了,大人就不要责备孩子了。
    2. Do not blame when they feel ashamed or regretful: If the child already feels ashamed or regretful for their mistake, adults should not blame them.

  3. 暮夜不责:晚上睡觉前不要责备孩子。此时责备他,孩子带着沮丧失落的情绪上床,要么夜不成寐,要么噩梦连连。
    3. Do not blame at night: Do not blame your child before going to bed. Blaming them at this time will cause the child to go to bed with feelings of depression and loss, either leading to insomnia or nightmares.

  4. 饮食不责:正吃饭的时候不要责备孩子。这个时候责备孩子,很容易导致孩子消化系统出问题。
    4. Do not blame during meals: Do not blame your child while eating. Blaming them at this time can easily cause digestive system issues for the child.

  5. 欢庆不责:孩子特别高兴的时候不要责备他。人高兴时,本来处于畅通的状态,如果孩子忽然被责备,对身体伤害很大。
    5. Do not blame when joyful: Do not scold the child when he is particularly happy. When a person is happy, they are usually in a state of smoothness. If the child is suddenly blamed, it can cause great harm to the body.

  6. 悲忧不责:孩子哭的时候不要责备他。
    6. Do not blame when sad: Do not scold the child when he is crying.

  7. 疾病不责:孩子生病的时候不要责备他。生病是人体最脆弱的时候,孩子更需要关爱和温暖。
    7. Do not blame when sick: Do not scold the child when he is sick. Being sick is the most vulnerable time for the human body, and the child needs more care and warmth.