1. 穷而穷者,穷于贪;穷而不穷者,不穷于义。
    The poor are in poverty due to their excessive desires, while the poor who are not in poverty have their hearts filled with morality.
    2. Those with strong desires, when spoken to about wealth, status, and prosperity, will be delighted; when spoken to about poverty, low status, and sorrow, they will leave in annoyance.

  2. 嗜欲者,语之富贵利达则悦,语之贫贱忧戚,则拂衣而去。——明·彭汝让《木几冗谈》
    Those with a strong desire, if you talk to them about fame, wealth, and success, they will be happy. If you talk to them about poverty, humbleness, and worries, they will leave in anger.
    3. A gentleman knows righteousness in poverty and etiquette in wealth.

  3. 君子贫而知义,富而知礼。——明·彭汝让《木几冗谈》
    A gentleman maintains morality in poverty and understands etiquette in wealth.
    4. Those who think they have many abilities are actually lacking in abilities.

  4. 自多其能,其能不足。——明·彭汝让《木几冗谈》
    Those who consider themselves talented are actually talent-deficient.
    5. Slanderers and those who are slandered are both in danger, while flatterers and those who are flattered are both insincere.

  5. 谤人者、受谤者并倾危之士,谀人者、受谀者俱侧媚之天。
    Slanderers and those who are slandered are both at risk, while those who flatter and those who are flattered are both deceitful.
    1. Slanders and those who are slandered are mostly cunning people.

  6. 众口销骨,三人成虎。——明·彭汝让《木几冗谈》。
    2. People who like to flatter others and those who enjoy being flattered are mostly smooth-talking individuals.
    1. Many people slander you, enough to put you in a deadly situation; three people in a row lie about there being a tiger in the market, and the listeners will believe it as true. It is like saying that when many people say something, it can make others take rumors as facts.

  7. 好名者,语之夸大奢靡则悦,语之恬淡隐约,则拂衣而去。
    2. For those who seek a good reputation, they are pleased when spoken to in an exaggerated and extravagant manner, but when spoken to in a simple and subtle way, they will leave in dissatisfaction.
    1. People who like empty fame will be very happy when talking about extravagant and luxurious life, and they will leave with a flick of their clothes when talking about a quiet and secluded life.

  8. 曰鱼相忘乎江河,人相忘乎道术。——明·彭汝让《木几冗谈》
    8. Fish forget each other in rivers, and people forget each other in the pursuit of knowledge. — Ming Dynasty, Peng Ru Let “Wooden Table Superfluous Talk”
    1. Fish in rivers and streams do not forget each other; when people grasp the true meaning of morality, they can live a plain and simple life.

  9. 不穷而穷者,穷于蠢;不穷而不穷者,不穷于礼。
    2. Those who are not poor but feel poor are poor in wisdom; those who are not poor and do not feel poor are not poor in manners.
    1. Wealthy people have their impoverished side due to their foolishness and ignorance; non-wealthy people have their non-impoverished side due to their politeness and manners.

  10. 执盈玉者弗失,以纵步失之;驰峻阪者弗失,以康衢失之。敬与不敬固如此。
    2. 执盈玉者弗失,以纵步失之;驰峻阪者弗失,以康衢失之。敬与不敬固如此。
    3. Those who hold precious jade do not lose their footing, but those who walk carelessly often stumble; those who ride horses through steep mountains do not falter, but those who walk on wide roads may fall. The difference in one’s concentration is immense.