1. Autumn is a beautiful painting, a narration of emotions, and extremely picturesque. The azure sky, under the sunlight, features clouds with golden edges and purple centers, like snow-white cotton drifting in the air. They resemble layered mountain ranges; like flocks of sheep rolling on the grasslands; like horses chasing each other in the pasture.

2. In the park, clusters of flowers in white, red, and various sizes and colors are vibrant. I bent down and smelled the flowers, and a refreshing fragrance immediately filled my heart.

3. Autumn is a painting, colorful clouds, radiant rosy clouds, maturity, and harvest. Let us praise autumn, the bountiful scenery, the splendid and diverse charm of autumn, and cherish this beautiful time akin to “the prime of life.”

4. Leaves fall from the trees, some dancing like butterflies, others soaring like geese. The ground is covered with fallen leaves, forming a golden path that carries my dreams to the distant horizon.

5. The autumn breeze gently blows, and withered yellow leaves rise and fall. Occasionally, raindrops fall on my cheek, giving me a cool and refreshing sensation, making my heart suddenly clear and transparent, like the autumn sky.

6. Autumn is a golden world, composing a beautiful and touching song. I love autumn! I love the fruity fragrance of autumn, the continuous drizzle of autumn, the poetic and picturesque autumn, and the fairy-tale-like autumn! Let’s go into nature and search for the fairy tales of autumn…

7. Autumn is a season of harvest, with the fields filled with the sounds of abundance. A gust of wind passes, soybeans jingle like bells, sorghum raises fiery torches, and wheat nods in agreement… The farmers, seeing the results of their year’s work, cannot stop smiling.

8. Autumn is not as colorful as spring, nor as vibrant as summer, nor as white and picturesque as winter, but it has its unique beauty.

9. Most leaves gradually turn yellow and fall, while only the maple leaves turn red, adding a beautiful风景线 to the autumn with their fiery red color. Indeed, “frost-bitten leaves are redder than flowers in February!”

10. Autumn is in the woods. The woods are yellow. Ginkgo trees’ leaves turn yellow and fall to their mother tree’s feet, like small fans, fanning away the summer heat.

11. Look, in the woods, the fiery red maple trees seem to be burning, while geese fly south in rows, their honking voices bidding farewell.

12. Summer’s paintings are always enchanting, while autumn’s sketches have more depth, with a touch of heavy color that represents the beauty of the season.

13. Autumn is truly a naturally beautiful painting. The setting sun, the rustling autumn breeze, the sound of shepherd’s flutes, and the dancing reeds. The lake is azure, the beach tranquil, the fragrance of fruits fills the air, and the bright moon is high in the sky.

14. Autumn is a beautiful season, a season of harvest, a golden season, as captivating as the spring with blooming flowers, as passionate as the summer with its scorching sun, and as charming as the winter with its drifting snow.

15. Some people love spring for its sea of flowers and misty willows; some love summer for its vibrant life and lush greenery; some love winter for its icy landscapes and diverse weather. As for me, I have a special fondness for autumn and wholeheartedly praise it.

16. Autumn is a sweet wine, a magnificent poem, and a touching song. If the cycle of the four seasons is a dramatic play, then autumn is the climax of the drama.

17. The azure sky, in late autumn, is spotless, crystal clear, and translucent. Rosy clouds reflect on the clear Jialing River; the fish-scale ripples and the azure waters add color to the floating clouds, making the scene exceptionally splendid.

18. I love this invigorating autumn season! I love the simple yet elegant chrysanthemums of autumn. I love this unique, brilliant, and magnificent golden autumn scenery.

19. Autumn is the season of harvest. Time transforms the deep green fields of midsummer into a graceful and elegant young lady. Under the golden breeze, she dances gracefully, enchanting and intoxicating; her powder and fragrance emit an alluring aroma; the colorful scenery is dazzling.

20. Autumn has no colorful flowers of spring, no lush green trees of summer, and no snowflakes of winter, but it has fruitful trees that bring people the joy of harvest, with fruits and melons everywhere.

21. Listen, the sounds of autumn are everywhere and always present. In the sky, on the ground, in the water, and in the villages where people live. The sounds of autumn are beautiful and uplifting, yet accompanied by low and melodious music. Melodious tunes intertwine, forming a song of praise for autumn.

22. The autumn wind brings coolness; the autumn wind brings heavy fruits; the autumn wind makes the leaves dance. The autumn forest is even more breathtaking and intoxicating!

23. After the autumn rain, the fruits in the orchard are adorned with pearl necklaces. Shaking the branches with your hand, the pearl necklaces fall down one after another. They drop on the stones, making a ticking sound.

24. The bright red apples peek out from behind the green leaves; the date-like red lanterns hang on the branches; the grape-like purple agates are strung together under the grape arbor, truly enchanting!

  1. 秋天到了,果子熟了。黄澄澄的是梨,红通通的是萍果,亮晶晶的是葡萄。一阵凉风吹来,果儿点头,散发出诱人的香味儿。
    25. When autumn arrives, the fruits ripen. The yellowish ones are pears, the red ones are apples, and the shiny ones are grapes. A cool breeze blows, and the fruits nod, releasing an enticing aroma.

  2. 秋天,小草从那枯黄、死去的母体旁站了出来,嫩绿嫩绿的,又短又细,像是几根很短的绿丝线簇成,仿佛那么弱不禁风,一口气都会吹倒一样。
    26. In autumn, the young grass stands out beside its withered and dead mother, tender and green, short and thin, like a few short green threads clustered together, seemingly so fragile that a breath could knock it down.

  3. 秋风一闪,万树都会报以热烈的掌声和优美的舞姿,那个场面隆重盛大,不亚于盛大晚会的热闹场面,满天飞舞着蝶一般的落叶。
    27. With a flash of the autumn wind, thousands of trees respond with enthusiastic applause and graceful dance moves. The scene is grand and magnificent, comparable to the lively atmosphere of a grand evening party, with butterfly-like fallen leaves dancing in the sky.

  4. 一阵秋风吹过,山坡红了,那是火红的枫叶;湖水清了,清的可以见底,可以照人,宛如明镜;山菊花开了,那样绚丽、那样娇艳,真是别具风姿。
    28. A gust of autumn wind blows, and the hills turn red, adorned with fiery maple leaves; the lake water becomes clear, so clear that you can see the bottom and reflect the image, like a mirror; the mountain chrysanthemums bloom, displaying their gorgeous and delicate beauty, truly unique and charming.

  5. 秋天的天空真美啊!白云的姿态变化万千。瞧,那天边的那片云似乎是一群在草原上放牧的羊。羊动了,它们被牧羊人赶着。
    29. The autumn sky is so beautiful! The white clouds change into various shapes. Look, that cloud on the horizon seems like a flock of sheep grazing on the grassland. The sheep move, driven by the shepherd.

  6. 秋天,杨树叶子黄了,挂在树上,好像一朵朵黄色的小花;飘落在空中,像一只只黄色的蝴蝶;落在树旁的小河里,仿佛是金色的小船。
    30. In autumn, the poplar leaves turn yellow, hanging on the trees like small yellow flowers; floating in the air like yellow butterflies; and falling into the nearby river, resembling golden boats.

  7. 石榴树在淡淡的晨雾中,显得特别精神,石榴果仿佛知道了秋天的到来,它笑了,笑得那样地欣慰、可爱,红里透亮的牙齿也露了出来!
    31. In the light morning mist, the pomegranate trees look particularly spirited. The pomegranates seem to know that autumn has arrived, and they laugh, so gratifying and lovely, revealing their translucent red teeth!

  8. 秋风欢蹦乱跳地驰骋过田野,田野的一切都变成了金黄色。一片片薄纱似的白云在慢慢地浮动着,好像留恋着人间美丽的秋色,不愿离去。
    32. The autumn wind frisks and gallops across the fields, turning everything golden. Thin clouds, like gauze, float slowly, as if reluctant to leave the beautiful autumn scenery of the world.

  9. 秋天,那永远是蓝湛湛的天空,会突然翻脸而露出险恶的颜色,热带台风夹着密云暴雨,洪水潜流着,复苏的草原又泛起点点苍苍的颜色.
    33. Autumn, with its ever-blue sky, can suddenly turn sinister, revealing its dangerous colors. Tropical typhoons bring dense clouds and heavy rain, floods lurking, and the revived grasslands turn a touch of pale green again.

  10. 秋天是甘美的酒,秋天是壮丽的诗,秋天是动人的歌。如果说日月轮回的四季是一幕跌宕起伏的戏剧,那么秋天就是戏剧的高潮。
    34. Autumn is a sweet wine, a magnificent poem, and a touching song. If the four seasons of the sun and moon’s cycle are a dramatic play, then autumn is the climax of the drama.

  11. 周围的梧桐树已经换上了一身黄色的衣服,走近去一看,梧桐树的叶子是半青半黄的,好象披上了一件夏天的绿装不愿脱掉似的。
    35. The surrounding sycamore trees have already changed into a yellow attire. Upon closer inspection, the leaves are half-green and half-yellow, as if they are unwilling to shed their summer greenery.

  12. 天空像一块覆盖大地的蓝宝石。村外那个小池塘睁着碧澄澄的眼睛,凝望着这美好的天色。一对小白鹅侧着脑袋欣赏自己映在水里的影子。
    36. The sky is like a sapphire covering the earth. The small pond outside the village opens its clear eyes, gazing at the beautiful sky. A pair of white geese tilt their heads to admire their reflections in the water.

  13. 印象中秋天只是一个万物凋零的季节,花褪却,草枯荣,绿隐退,黄遍地,潇潇雨,瑟瑟风,总是给人以一种悲壮的情愫油然而生。
    37. In my impression, autumn is just a season of withering, with flowers fading, grass withering, green retreating, and yellow spreading everywhere. The drizzling rain and chilly wind always evoke a sense of solemn sentiment.

  14. 金色的蝴蝶呀!你是在为谁而翩翩起舞呢?花儿没有了笑容,青草失去了光泽。哦,我明白了,你是在为园子里那眨着眼睛的小雏菊。
    38. Golden butterflies! For whom are you dancing so gracefully? The flowers have lost their smiles, and the grass has lost its luster. Oh, I understand now, you are dancing for the little daisies in the garden, blinking their eyes.

  15. 秋姑娘在不知不觉中来到人间,她漫步在麦地,麦子熟了;漫步果园,果实熟了;她又飞到树林里,树叶就犹如千万只蝴蝶在林中漫舞。
    39. Autumn girl arrives on earth imperceptibly, strolling through the wheat fields, ripening the grain; wandering in the orchards, ripening the fruits; and then flying to the woods, where the leaves dance like thousands of butterflies.

  16. 秋天,是枫叶梦幻的天堂,走进满满纷飞思念的季节。每天我就像个像疯子一样,拿着笔在这个秋季里到处乱跑,在每一片枫叶上,写满你的名字。
    40. Autumn is a paradise of maple dreams, entering a season full of flying memories. Every day, I run around like a madman with a pen, writing your name on every maple leaf during this autumn.

  17. 秋天是画,是彩云,是流霞,是成熟,是收获。让我们赞美秋天,赞美丰收的图景,赞美这绚丽多姿的秋天风采,珍惜这“人到中年”的美好时光。
    41. Autumn is a painting, colorful clouds, flowing rosy clouds, maturity, and harvest. Let us praise autumn, the beautiful scenery of abundance, and cherish this wonderful time of “middle age.”

  18. 秋天到了!秋天到了!美丽的秋姑娘来到了我们的身边,在秋天里有许多事物都变了,让我带你一起看看在秋天里动植物发生了哪些变化吧。
    42. Autumn has arrived! The beautiful autumn girl has come to our side. Many things change in autumn, so let me show you the changes in plants and animals during this season.

  19. 秋天是收获的季节,时光把仲夏深黛的绿色原野,在金风的吹拂下,舞姿妩媚,撩人欲醉;粉黛飘香,散发诱人的芬芳;色彩斑斓,惹人眼花缭乱。
    43. Autumn is the season of harvest. Time transforms the deep green fields of midsummer, under the golden breeze, with enchanting dance moves, alluring fragrances, and dazzling colors.

44. Autumn arrives, and the lush green ginkgo leaves begin to turn yellow. Especially during the Cold Dew and Frost’s Descent season, the ginkgo leaves gradually change from green to yellow, and then to golden. At this time, the ginkgo leaves adorn the ginkgo trees with a golden glow, exuding nobility and exceptional beauty.

45. The azure sky in late autumn is spotless, crystal clear, and transparent. Rosy clouds reflect on the clear Jialing River; the fish-scale ripples and the green water add color to the floating clouds, making the scene even more splendid.

46. Autumn is the sedimentation of life and the tranquil beauty of thoughts. I really want to write this early September autumn into a poem, infusing all my emotions.

47. The autumn wind, cool and gentle, blows over the flowers, plants, and trees, as if a tender mother is softly humming a lullaby to send her children into a sweet dreamland.

48. The autumn wind, wielding its exquisite conductor’s baton, sometimes fast and sometimes slow, sometimes light and sometimes heavy, effortlessly harmonizes the grand chorus of the autumn sounds!

49. The autumn wind blows the fallen leaves, or after witnessing the blooming and withering of flowers throughout the year, one cannot help but inwardly lament that a segment of life’s journey has ended so hastily.

50. The autumn wind passes by, playing the timeless melancholic tune, sweeping away the deep-seated loneliness, as thoughts surge like the ocean in the heart, and memories etch deeply into the soul like a knife.

51. The autumn wind is bleak, and the forests are painted in gold; under the sunlight, walking through the dense woods indeed has a unique flavor.

52. Although autumn is as warm as spring, it lacks the occasional piercing chill, offering more a soothing warmth and softness that can calm restlessness.

53. In the early hours after autumn, the moon has set, and the sun has not yet risen, leaving only a dark blue sky; everything is asleep except for the nocturnal creatures.

54. Autumn, compared to spring, has similar temperatures, but it lacks the occasional bone-chilling cold, offering more a calming warmth and tenderness.

55. In autumn, the leaves fall one by one, carrying a hint of regret, returning to the embrace of Mother Earth; they dance, spin, and flutter gracefully to the ground.

56. I love autumn, not because of sadness, but because it is beautiful, colorful, and breathtaking in my eyes. The flying raindrops seem to tell a story; the maple leaves falling by my ear are like a silent symphony; the gentle autumn breeze brings a cool comfort; and the gurgling autumn stream carries an elusive melody.

57. Look, in the forest, the fiery red maple trees seem to be ablaze, while rows of geese fly towards the warm south in the sky; their honking is a farewell to each other.

58. After the autumn rain, the fruits in the orchard all wear a pearl necklace. Shaking the branches with your hand, the pearl necklaces fall one after another, making a ticking sound as they hit the stones.

59. After a while, the east brightened, with radiant rays of light, and the sun slowly rose. It revealed half of its face, gradually grew larger, and soon, the entire red sun, like a blazing fireball, jumped out in its entirety, dazzling and bright.

60. Autumn is a beautiful season; although it may not be as lively as the blooming spring, it boasts golden, tempting fruits; autumn is beautiful, beautiful in its simplicity and maturity.

61. The chrysanthemum fairies are not to be outdone, as they compete in splendor. Some wear purple dresses, others don snow-white skirts, some put on bright red robes, and still others attire themselves in golden evening gowns.

62. In autumn, the valleys are filled with yellow hues, yellow grains and leaves. The sky is high and distant, the clouds are light and gentle, and the fields are filled with the sweet scent of ripe grains.

63. Thousands of trees with red leaves become more vibrant as autumn deepens, looking like rolling flames from afar.

64. The autumn wind is bleak, and the forests are painted in gold; under the sunlight, walking through the dense woods indeed has a unique flavor.

65. On a cool and clear autumn night, the bright and reddish Mars adds much splendor and interest to the starry sky. Recently, after eight o’clock every night, Mars rises from the southeast horizon. It is brighter than any other star in the nearby sky, and it is easy to find no matter where you are.

66. Leaving behind the brilliant summer flowers, we enter the quiet beauty of autumn leaves. Autumn lacks the intense splendor of summer, offering more tranquility and restraint.

67. The golden sunlight in autumn is warm and peaceful, the breeze is gentle and soft, the blue sky and white clouds are elegant, and the fields are covered in golden hues.

68. Autumn, the season of harvest, the golden season - as lovely as spring, as passionate as summer, and as charming as winter.

69. Isn’t autumn often said to be golden? Indeed, it brings bountiful fruits to nature and bestows countless sustenance for the continuation of life upon humans and many other creatures.

70. The crisp and comfortable autumn has arrived, and under the deepening autumn atmosphere, the leaves of some plants turn from green to yellow, then to red, adorning the season with a colorful and vibrant landscape, becoming a beautiful sight for people to enjoy during their autumn travels.

71. In October, the sparse leaves on the trees are as dry as tobacco leaves. Mother Earth opens her broad embrace as if to welcome and embrace her returning children. The fallen leaves return to her arms, sweetly sleeping with the soil. The golden autumn has arrived, and the sky looks like a sapphire covering the earth, cleansed and beautified by the autumn wind.

72. Unintentionally scattered on a pool of autumn water, stirring up ripples of autumn, gently tapping the curtains of心事, the lingering autumn rain and the sound of rain hitting the banana leaves never cease!

73. Whether it’s the morning light or the evening glow of the mountain street, sitting alone in autumn, with the high sky, light clouds, distant mountains, nearby trees, and bird songs, you can feel the symphony of nature rising from the bottom of your heart.

74. A few autumn rains and breezes have already bloomed the chrysanthemums in the courtyard, with white and yellow flowers swaying in the wind, creating a beautiful scene with the pink roses.

75. The golden rice panicles hang heavy with their heads, and cotton bolls look like small trees, blooming with egg-like fluff. Ah, it’s not a rice field, but a sea of gold; it’s not a cotton field, but a world of silver.

76. The autumn wilderness is exposed. It doesn’t have the prosperity of spring, which is eye-catching and colorful; nor does it have the intensity of summer, which is focused on shaping and ever-changing.

77. The sunrise in the willow branches is round and red, just emerging from the river’s bath, as fresh as a newborn baby. The willow leaves filter many halos of light, and the willow trees cast long, long shadows.

78. Entering the autumn forest, ah! The ground is covered with fallen leaves, red, yellow, green… colorful and beautiful. A gust of wind blows, and a few more leaves fall from the trees.

79. The continuous autumn rain finally bids farewell to this northern village, allowing the elderly to take a pleasant walk, children to play happily in the fields, and those who have been staying indoors for a long time to finally breathe a sigh of relief, enjoying the crisp autumn air, climbing high to look far, and showing their long-awaited interest.

80. I am afraid of everyone disappearing in various ways, I am afraid of all kinds of losses.

81. Walking on the streets in autumn, one’s heart is filled with melancholy and longing. Looking up at the sky, the setting sun is like blood; looking down at the ground, there are withered yellow leaves everywhere. Autumn is truly a season that evokes sadness.

82. Autumn is a cycle, as the autumn wind rises, life falls into a slumber, and time gently caresses all the prosperity, making it desolate and decadent.

83. Don’t inquire about the scenery you’ve passed by; once you’ve chosen a path, the scenery of the other path is no longer relevant to you.

  1. 秋姑娘穿着金黄色的大衣,风尘仆仆地来了。在田野山川间,在果园花丛中,秋像一阵风似的,穿梭其间,给人们送上了一幅幅画。
    84. Autumn, dressed in a golden coat, comes with a trail of dust. Through the fields, mountains, and orchards, autumn moves like a gust of wind, shuttling through and presenting people with beautiful paintings.

85. The autumn wind begins, and the fallen leaves return to their roots; the still water flows eastward, and the lonely night is illuminated by the moon. Autumn gives people a feeling of desolation and loneliness.

86. The autumn wind passes by, blowing the eternally sad melody, sweeping away the deep-rooted loneliness, as memories surge like the sea in one’s heart, and memories carve deeply into the soul like a knife.

87. In autumn, the poplar leaves turn yellow, hanging on the trees like small yellow flowers; floating in the air, like yellow butterflies; and when they fall into the nearby river, they resemble golden boats.

88. With the arrival of autumn, a sense of sadness fills the heart, lingering and refusing to leave, as the dusty memories become vividly clear.

89. The autumn wind, cool and gentle, caresses the flowers and trees, as if a tender mother softly hums a lullaby to send her children into a sweet dream.

90. In the early hours after autumn, the moon has set, and the sun has not yet risen, leaving only a dark blue sky; everything sleeps except for the nocturnal creatures.

91. Where the autumn wind passes, the fragrance of grains fills the air. From a distance, the fields seem to roll like waves; up close, the rice bends its waist, the sorghum blushes, and the corn smiles with joy.

92. On a frosty autumn night, the cool moon grows thinner as you gaze upon it. Gently pick up the shattered affection, the scent in your palm, and breathe it in, strand by strand, with dedication.

93. Autumn, like a woman who has experienced the hustle and bustle of the world, gradually moves towards maturity and tranquility. No longer noisy, she is no longer like a naive young girl but has learned to be calm and composed.

94. Listen, the sounds of autumn are everywhere and always present. In the sky, on the ground, in the water, and in the villages where people live. The sounds of autumn are beautiful and uplifting, yet accompanied by low and somber melodies. Melodious tunes interweave, forming a song of praise for autumn.

95. “The autumn wind is bleak and cold, the plants and trees shed their leaves, and dew turns to frost”; “Stop and sit to admire the maple forest in the evening, where the frost-covered leaves are redder than the flowers in February”; “Since ancient times, people have felt sad and lonely in autumn, but I believe that autumn is better than spring”; “In late autumn, a brief drizzle moistens the courtyard.”

96. After a busy harvest, autumn quickly fades, leaving behind a vast expanse of裸露 land in shades of yellow and brown.

97. September, the early days of autumn, let go of sorrow and follow your heart, finding peace in whatever you encounter.

98. Autumn, like a woman who has experienced the hustle and bustle of the world, gradually moves towards maturity and tranquility. No longer noisy, she is no longer like a naive young girl but has learned to be calm and composed.

99. Early autumn arrives quietly, and the scenery still remains, but with a single turn, everything has become an empty illusion.

100. The clear breeze cleanses your lungs, and the sounds of nature resonate with your heart. A stream of water and the melody of silk and bamboo harmonize, and you know it’s time to go see the autumn scenery.