
It was near midnight; the moon, lessened by its decline, and reddened by the last traces of the storm, arose behind the little town of Armentieres, which showed against its pale light the dark outline of its houses, and the skeleton of its high belfry. —
差不多是午夜时分;月亮已经在减少并且因为风暴的最后痕迹而泛红,在阿尔芒蒂耶尔小镇的后面升起,淡淡的月光下,露出房屋的黑色轮廓,以及高高的钟楼的骨架。 —

In front of them the Lys rolled its waters like a river of molten tin; —
他们面前的利斯河像一条铁水一样滚动着; —

while on the other side was a black mass of trees, profiled on a stormy sky, invaded by large coppery clouds which created a sort of twilight amid the night. —
而在另一侧是一片黑色的树木,剪影在暴风天空中,被大片铜红色的云彩入侵,营造出一种在夜晚中形成的一种黄昏的景象。 —

On the left was an old abandoned mill, with its motionless wings, from the ruins of which an owl threw out its shrill, periodical, and monotonous cry. —
左边是一座被废弃的古老磨坊,它静止的风翼,从废墟中,一只猫头鹰发出凄厉的、周期性的、单调的叫声。 —

On the right and on the left of the road, which the dismal procession pursued, appeared a few low, stunted trees, which looked like deformed dwarfs crouching down to watch men traveling at this sinister hour.

From time to time a broad sheet of lightning opened the horizon in its whole width, darted like a serpent over the black mass of trees, and like a terrible scimitar divided the heavens and the waters into two parts. —
不时地,一道宽阔的闪电在整个地平线上拉开,像一条灵蛇穿越黑暗的树木,像一把可怕的土耳其弯刀把天空和水分割成两半。 —

Not a breath of wind now disturbed the heavy atmosphere. A deathlike silence oppressed all nature. —
现在,没有一丝风吹动沉重的大气压。一种令人窒息的死寂笼罩着整个大自然。 —

The soil was humid and glittering with the rain which had recently fallen, and the refreshed herbs sent forth their perfume with additional energy.

Two lackeys dragged Milady, whom each held by one arm. —
两个佣人拉着米莱迪,每人用一只胳膊支撑着。 —

The executioner walked behind them, and Lord de Winter, D’Artagnan, Porthos, and Aramis walked behind the executioner. —
步行在他们身后的是刽子手和德·温特勋爵,达达尼昂,波尔托斯和阿拉米斯。 —

Planchet and Bazin came last.

The two lackeys conducted Milady to the bank of the river. Her mouth was mute; —
两个佣人把米莱迪带到了河岸边。她的嘴缄默无言; —

but her eyes spoke with their inexpressible eloquence, supplicating by turns each of those on whom she looked.

Being a few paces in advance she whispered to the lackeys, “A thousand pistoles to each of you, if you will assist my escape; —
走在稍微前面,她对佣人们耳语道,“如果你们帮我逃跑,每人1000个金币。” —

but if you deliver me up to your masters, I have near at hand avengers who will make you pay dearly for my death.”

Grimaud hesitated. Mousqueton trembled in all his members.

Athos, who heard Milady’s voice, came sharply up. Lord de Winter did the same.

“Change these lackeys,” said he; “she has spoken to them. They are no longer sure.”

Planchet and Bazin were called, and took the places of Grimaud and Mousqueton.

On the bank of the river the executioner approached Milady, and bound her hands and feet.

Then she broke the silence to cry out, “You are cowards, miserable assassins–ten men combined to murder one woman. —
然后她打破沉默,喊道:“你们都是懦夫,卑鄙的凶手——十个人合谋谋杀一个女人。 —

Beware! If I am not saved I shall be avenged.”

“You are not a woman,” said Athos, coldly and sternly. —
“你不是一个女人,”阿索冷冷而严厉地说。 —

“You do not belong to the human species; —
“你不属于人类; —

you are a demon escaped from hell, whither we send you back again.”

“Ah, you virtuous men!” said Milady; “please to remember that he who shall touch a hair of my head is himself an assassin.”

“The executioner may kill, without being on that account an assassin,” said the man in the red cloak, rapping upon his immense sword. —
“刽子手可能杀人,但不是凶手,”那个穿红披飏的人说着,敲击着他那把巨大的剑。 —

“This is the last judge; that is all. NACHRICHTER, as say our neighbors, the Germans.”

And as he bound her while saying these words, Milady uttered two or three savage cries, which produced a strange and melancholy effect in flying away into the night, and losing themselves in the depths of the woods.

“If I am guilty, if I have committed the crimes you accuse me of,” shrieked Milady, “take me before a tribunal. —
“如果我有罪,如果我犯了你指控我的罪行,“米莱迪尖叫道,”带我去一个法庭。 —

You are not judges! You cannot condemn me!”

“I offered you Tyburn,” said Lord de Winter. “Why did you not accept it?”

“Because I am not willing to die!” cried Milady, struggling. “Because I am too young to die!”

“The woman you poisoned at Bethune was still younger than you, madame, and yet she is dead,” said D’Artagnan.

“I will enter a cloister; I will become a nun,” said Milady.

“You were in a cloister,” said the executioner, “and you left it to ruin my brother.”

Milady uttered a cry of terror and sank upon her knees. —
米莱迪发出恐惧的惊叫,跪倒在地上。 —

The executioner took her up in his arms and was carrying her toward the boat.

“Oh, my God!” cried she, “my God! are you going to drown me?”

These cries had something so heartrending in them that M. d’Artagnan, who had been at first the most eager in pursuit of Milady, sat down on the stump of a tree and hung his head, covering his ears with the palms of his hands; —
这些呼喊有一种令人心碎的感觉,以至于一开始最热衷追捕米莱迪的达达尼安,坐在树桩上,低着头,用手掌捂住耳朵; —

and yet, notwithstanding, he could still hear her cry and threaten.

D’Artagnan was the youngest of all these men. His heart failed him.

“Oh, I cannot behold this frightful spectacle!” said he. —
“哦,我无法看到这可怕的景象!“他说道。 —

“I cannot consent that this woman should die thus!”

Milady heard these few words and caught at a shadow of hope.

“D’Artagnan, D’Artagnan!” cried she; “remember that I loved you!”

The young man rose and took a step toward her.

But Athos rose likewise, drew his sword, and placed himself in the way.

“If you take one step farther, D’Artagnan,” said he, “we shall cross swords together.”

D’Artagnan sank on his knees and prayed.

“Come,” continued Athos, “executioner, do your duty.”

“Willingly, monseigneur,” said the executioner; —
“很乐意,大人,”刽子手说; —

“for as I am a good Catholic, I firmly believe I am acting justly in performing my functions on this woman.”

“That’s well.”

Athos made a step toward Milady.

“I pardon you,” said he, “the ill you have done me. —
“我原谅你,”他说,”你对我的招摇,我失去的荣誉,被玷污的爱情,以及你所使我陷入绝望,永远威胁到我救赎的一切。 —

I pardon you for my blasted future, my lost honor, my defiled love, and my salvation forever compromised by the despair into which you have cast me. Die in peace!”

Lord de Winter advanced in his turn.

“I pardon you,” said he, “for the poisoning of my brother, and the assassination of his Grace, Lord Buckingham. —
“我原谅你,”他说,”毒害我哥哥,以及暗算他的格雷斯,白金汉公爵。” —

I pardon you for the death of poor Felton; —
我原谅你为了可怜的费尔顿而死; —

I pardon you for the attempts upon my own person. Die in peace!”

“And I,” said M. d’Artagnan. “Pardon me, madame, for having by a trick unworthy of a gentleman provoked your anger; —
“而我,“达达尼昂说。”请原谅我,女士,因为我用不值得绅士的伎俩挑衅你,招致你的愤怒; —

and I, in exchange, pardon you the murder of my poor love and your cruel vengeance against me. —
作为交换,我原谅你对我亲爱的人的谋杀和你对我的残忍复仇。 —

I pardon you, and I weep for you. Die in peace!”

“I am lost!” murmured Milady in English. “I must die!”

Then she arose of herself, and cast around her one of those piercing looks which seemed to dart from an eye of flame.

She saw nothing; she listened, and she heard nothing.

“Where am I to die?” said she.

“On the other bank,” replied the executioner.

Then he placed her in the boat, and as he was going to set foot in it himself, Athos handed him a sum of silver.

“Here,” said he, “is the price of the execution, that it may be plain we act as judges.”

“That is correct,” said the executioner; “and now in her turn, let this woman see that I am not fulfilling my trade, but my debt.”

And he threw the money into the river.

The boat moved off toward the left-hand shore of the Lys, bearing the guilty woman and the executioner; —
小船驶向里斯河的左岸,载着有罪的女人和刽子手; —

all the others remained on the right- hand bank, where they fell on their knees.

The boat glided along the ferry rope under the shadow of a pale cloud which hung over the water at that moment.

The troop of friends saw it gain the opposite bank; —
这群朋友看到它渐渐接近对岸; —

the figures were defined like black shadows on the red-tinted horizon.

Milady, during the passage had contrived to untie the cord which fastened her feet. —
米莱迪在航行中设法解开了捆绑在脚上的绳索。 —

On coming near the bank, she jumped lightly on shore and took to flight. —
靠近岸边时,她轻盈地跳上岸,然后逃跑了。 —

But the soil was moist; on reaching the top of the bank, she slipped and fell upon her knees.

She was struck, no doubt, with a superstitious idea; —
她无疑被一种迷信观念打动; —

she conceived that heaven denied its aid, and she remained in the attitude in which she had fallen, her head drooping and her hands clasped.

Then they saw from the other bank the executioner raise both his arms slowly; —
然后在对岸他们看到刽子手慢慢举起双臂; —

a moonbeam fell upon the blade of the large sword. The two arms fell with a sudden force; —
一道月光照在大刀上。两只手臂带着巨大的力量落下; —

they heard the hissing of the scimitar and the cry of the victim, then a truncated mass sank beneath the blow.

The executioner then took off his red cloak, spread it upon the ground, laid the body in it, threw in the head, tied all up by the four corners, lifted it on his back, and entered the boat again.

In the middle of the stream he stopped the boat, and suspending his burden over the water cried in a loud voice, “Let the justice of God be done!” —
在河中间,他停下船,把他的负担悬在水面上,大声喊道,“上帝的审判降临!” —

and he let the corpse drop into the depths of the waters, which closed over it.

Three days afterward the four Musketeers were in Paris; —
三天之后,四名火枪手回到了巴黎; —

they had not exceeded their leave of absence, and that same evening they went to pay their customary visit to M. de Treville.

“Well, gentlemen,” said the brave captain, “I hope you have been well amused during your excursion.”

“Prodigiously,” replied Athos in the name of himself and his comrades.