
Mme. Bonacieux and the duke entered the Louvre without difficulty. —
Bonacieux夫人和公爵毫无困难地进入了卢浮宫。 —

Mme. Bonacieux was known to belong to the queen; —
Bonacieux夫人被认为是皇后的人; —

the duke wore the uniform of the Musketeers of M. de Treville, who, as we have said, were that evening on guard. —
公爵身穿特雷维尔上校的麻克特基套服,正如我们所述,那天晚上他们在值班。 —

Besides, Germain was in the interests of the queen; —
况且,杰曼是皇后的得力干将; —

and if anything should happen, Mme. Bonacieux would be accused of having introduced her lover into the Louvre, that was all. —
如果发生任何事情,那么Bonacieux夫人就会被指控把她的情人带进卢浮宫,这就是全部了。 —

She took the risk upon herself. Her reputation would be lost, it is true; —
她自己承担了这个风险。她的名誉会丧失,没错; —

but of what value in the world was the reputation of the little wife of a mercer?

Once within the interior of the court, the duke and the young woman followed the wall for the space of about twenty-five steps. —
进入庭院内部后,公爵和这位年轻女人沿着墙走了大约二十五步。 —

This space passed, Mme. Bonacieux pushed a little servants’ door, open by day but generally closed at night. —
过了这段距离,Bonacieux夫人推开了一扇小侍从们白天开着但通常晚上关闭的门。 —

The door yielded. Both entered, and found themselves in darkness; —
门开了。两人进去,发现自己处于黑暗之中; —

but Mme. Bonacieux was acquainted with all the turnings and windings of this part of the Louvre, appropriated for the people of the household. —
但Bonacieux夫人熟悉这部分卢浮宫的所有曲折和弯曲,专门为府上的人们所用。 —

She closed the door after her, took the duke by the hand, and after a few experimental steps, grasped a balustrade, put her foot upon the bottom step, and began to ascend the staircase. —
她在自己后面关闭了门,拉着公爵的手,走了几步试验性的步伐,抓住了楼梯的扶手,踩在最下面的阶梯上,开始向上走楼梯。 —

The duke counted two stories. She then turned to the right, followed the course of a long corridor, descended a flight, went a few steps farther, introduced a key into a lock, opened a door, and pushed the duke into an apartment lighted only by a lamp, saying, “Remain here, my Lord Duke; —
公爵数了两层楼。然后她右转,沿着一条长廊走,下了楼梯,再走了几步,插入了一把钥匙,打开了一扇门,把公爵推进了一个只有一盏灯照明的房间,说:“待在这里,白金汉公爵; —

someone will come.” She then went out by the same door, which she locked, so that the duke found himself literally a prisoner.

Nevertheless, isolated as he was, we must say that the Duke of Buckingham did not experience an instant of fear. —
但是,尽管孤立无援,我们必须说,白金汉公爵并没有经历过一刻的恐惧。 —

One of the salient points of his character was the search for adventures and a love of romance. —
他的性格中一个显著的特点是追求冒险和对浪漫的热爱。 —

Brave, rash, and enterprising, this was not the first time he had risked his life in such attempts. —
勇敢、鲁莽和有进取心,这并不是他第一次冒险冒着生命危险。 —

He had learned that the pretended message from Anne of Austria, upon the faith of which he had come to Paris, was a snare; —
他已经了解到,安妮女王发来的虚假信息,导致他来到巴黎的原因是一个圈套; —

but instead of regaining England, he had, abusing the position in which he had been placed, declared to the queen that he would not depart without seeing her. —
但是,他没有返回英国,而是利用自己所处的位置,向女王宣称他不会离开,除非见到她。 —

The queen had at first positively refused; —
女王起初坚决拒绝; —

but at length became afraid that the duke, if exasperated, would commit some folly. —
但最终害怕公爵如果被激怒会做出一些愚蠢的事情。 —

She had already decided upon seeing him and urging his immediate departure, when, on the very evening of coming to this decision, Mme. Bonacieux, who was charged with going to fetch the duke and conducting him to the Louvre, was abducted. —
女王已经决定见他,并催促他立即离开,而当她做出这个决定的当晚,负责去接公爵并把他带到卢浮宫的邦娜修女被绑架。 —

For two days no one knew what had become of her, and everything remained in suspense; —
两天过去了,没有人知道她去了哪里,一切仍然悬而未决; —

but once free, and placed in communication with Laporte, matters resumed their course, and she accomplished the perilous enterprise which, but for her arrest, would have been executed three days earlier.

Buckingham, left alone, walked toward a mirror. His Musketeer’s uniform became him marvelously.

At thirty-five, which was then his age, he passed, with just title, for the handsomest gentleman and the most elegant cavalier of France or England.

The favorite of two kings, immensely rich, all-powerful in a kingdom which he disordered at his fancy and calmed again at his caprice, George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, had lived one of those fabulous existences which survive, in the course of centuries, to astonish posterity.

Sure of himself, convinced of his own power, certain that the laws which rule other men could not reach him, he went straight to the object he aimed at, even were this object were so elevated and so dazzling that it would have been madness for any other even to have contemplated it. —
对自己充满信心,确信自己的力量,确定支配其他人的规律无法影响到他,他直奔目标,即使这个目标高贵而光辉,其他人甚至荒谬地去思考都是疯狂的。 —

It was thus he had succeeded in approaching several times the beautiful and proud Anne of Austria, and in making himself loved by dazzling her.

George Villiers placed himself before the glass, as we have said, restored the undulations to his beautiful hair, which the weight of his hat had disordered, twisted his mustache, and, his heart swelling with joy, happy and proud at being near the moment he had so long sighed for, he smiled upon himself with pride and hope.

At this moment a door concealed in the tapestry opened, and a woman appeared. —
就在这时,一扇隐藏在挂毯后的门打开了,一个女人出现了。 —

Buckingham saw this apparition in the glass; —
巴克汉姆在镜子里看到了这个幻影; —

he uttered a cry. It was the queen!

Anne of Austria was then twenty-six or twenty-seven years of age; —
安娜·奥地利当时二十六或二十七岁; —

that is to say, she was in the full splendor of her beauty.

Her carriage was that of a queen or a goddess; —
她的举止如同一位王后或女神; —

her eyes, which cast the brilliancy of emeralds, were perfectly beautiful, and yet were at the same time full of sweetness and majesty.

Her mouth was small and rosy; and although her underlip, like that of all princes of the House of Austria, protruded slightly beyond the other, it was eminently lovely in its smile, but as profoundly disdainful in its contempt.

Her skin was admired for its velvety softness; —
她的皮肤被人们称赞为天鹅绒般柔软; —

her hands and arms were of surpassing beauty, all the poets of the time singing them as incomparable.

Lastly, her hair, which, from being light in her youth, had become chestnut, and which she wore curled very plainly, and with much powder, admirably set off her face, in which the most rigid critic could only have desired a little less rouge, and the most fastidious sculptor a little more fineness in the nose.

Buckingham remained for a moment dazzled. —
巴克汉姆震惊地停下脚步。 —

Never had Anna of Austria appeared to him so beautiful, amid balls, fetes, or carousals, as she appeared to him at this moment, dressed in a simple robe of white satin, and accompanied by Donna Estafania– the only one of her Spanish women who had not been driven from her by the jealousy of the king or by the persecutions of Richelieu.

Anne of Austria took two steps forward. Buckingham threw himself at her feet, and before the queen could prevent him, kissed the hem of her robe.

“Duke, you already know that it is not I who caused you to be written to.”

“Yes, yes, madame! Yes, your Majesty!” cried the duke. —
“是的,是的,陛下!是的,您的陛下!”公爵喊道。 —

“I know that I must have been mad, senseless, to believe that snow would become animated or marble warm; —
“我知道我一定是疯了,愚蠢至极,才会相信雪会活动或大理石会变暖; —

but what then! They who love believe easily in love. —
但是!爱着的人容易相信爱情。 —

Besides, I have lost nothing by this journey because I see you.”

“Yes,” replied Anne, “but you know why and how I see you; —
“是的,”安妮回答说,”但是您知道我为什么以及如何见到了您; —

because, insensible to all my sufferings, you persist in remaining in a city where, by remaining, you run the risk of your life, and make me run the risk of my honor. —
因为,对于我的所有痛苦视而不见,您坚持留在了一个您留下来会冒生命危险的城市,并让我冒了名誉危险。 —

I see you to tell you that everything separates us–the depths of the sea, the enmity of kingdoms, the sanctity of vows. —
我见到您是想告诉您一切将我们分开– 海的深处、王国间的敌意、誓约的神圣。 —

It is sacrilege to struggle against so many things, my Lord. In short, I see you to tell you that we must never see each other again.”

“Speak on, madame, speak on, Queen,” said Buckingham; —
“说吧,陛下,说吧,女王,” 巴基汉姆说; —

“the sweetness of your voice covers the harshness of your words. You talk of sacrilege! —
“您甜美的声音掩盖了您话语的严厉。您谈及亵渎! —

Why, the sacrilege is the separation of two hearts formed by God for each other.”

“My Lord,” cried the queen, “you forget that I have never said that I love you.”

“But you have never told me that you did not love me; —
“但您也从未告诉我您不爱我; —

and truly, to speak such words to me would be, on the part of your Majesty, too great an ingratitude. —
事实上,对我说这样的话,对您的陛下而言将是太过于忘恩负义。” —

For tell me, where can you find a love like mine–a love which neither time, nor absence, not despair can extinguish, a love which contents itself with a lost ribbon, a stray look, or a chance word? —
告诉我,你在哪里找得到像我这样的爱–一种既不被时间所磨灭,也不被分别、绝望所消灭的爱,一种只需要一根丢失的丝带、一个擦肩而过的眼神或者一句偶然的话语就能自得其乐的爱? —

It is now three years, madame, since I saw you for the first time, and during those three years I have loved you thus. —
现在已经过去三年了,夫人,自那时起我就这样爱着你。 —

Shall I tell you each ornament of your toilet? Mark! I see you now. —
我要告诉你每一件你穿戴的装饰。看!我现在就能看见你了。 —

You were seated upon cushions in the Spanish fashion; —
你以西班牙风格的坐垫上坐着; —

you wore a robe of green satin embroidered with gold and silver, hanging sleeves knotted upon your beautiful arms–those lovely arms–with large diamonds. —
你穿着一袭绿色缀有金银刺绣的缎子长袍,披肩上系有大钻戴在你纤细美丽的胳膊上–那些可爱的胳膊; —

You wore a close ruff, a small cap upon your head of the same color as your robe, and in that cap a heron’s feather. —
你戴着一束靠近颈部的蓬松领圈,头上戴着与长袍同色的小帽子,帽子上插着一支白鹭羽毛。 —

Hold! Hold! I shut my eyes, and I can see you as you then were; —
等等!等等!我闭上眼睛,我能看见你当时的样子; —

I open them again, and I see what you are now–a hundred time more beautiful!”

“What folly,” murmured Anne of Austria, who had not the courage to find fault with the duke for having so well preserved her portrait in his heart, “what folly to feed a useless passion with such remembrances!”

“And upon what then must I live? I have nothing but memory. —
“那我要靠什么来生存?我除了回忆之外别无所有。 —

It is my happiness, my treasure, my hope. —
回忆是我的幸福、我的宝藏、我的希望。 —

Every time I see you is a fresh diamond which I enclose in the casket of my heart. —
每次见到你都是一颗我装进心中匣里的新钻石。 —

This is the fourth which you have let fall and I have picked up; —
这是你让掉的第四颗我拾起的钻石; —

for in three years, madame, I have only seen you four times–the first, which I have described to you; —
因为在这三年里,夫人,我只见过你四次–第一次,我已经向你描述过; —

the second, at the mansion of Madame de Chevreuse; —
第二次,在夏卢济斯夫人的府邸里;” —

the third, in the gardens of Amiens.”

“Duke,” said the queen, blushing, “never speak of that evening.”

“Oh, let us speak of it; on the contrary, let us speak of it! —
“哦,让我们谈谈它;相反,让我们谈谈它! —

That is the most happy and brilliant evening of my life! —
那是我一生中最幸福和灿烂的夜晚! —

You remember what a beautiful night it was? How soft and perfumed was the air; —
你还记得那个美丽的夜晚吗?空气是多么柔软和芬芳; —

how lovely the blue heavens and star-enameled sky! —
天空是多么可爱的蔚蓝和星星闪烁! —

Ah, then, madame, I was able for one instant to be alone with you. —
啊,那时,夫人,我终于能够一个瞬间与您独处。 —

Then you were about to tell me all–the isolation of your life, the griefs of your heart. —
然后你就要告诉我所有的事情——你生活的孤独,心中的悲伤。 —

You leaned upon my arm–upon this, madame! —
你靠在我的手臂上——在这里,夫人! —

I felt, in bending my head toward you, your beautiful hair touch my cheek; —
当我把头靠向你时,你美丽的头发碰到了我的脸颊; —

and every time that it touched me I trembled from head to foot. Oh, Queen! Queen! —
每次它碰到我,我从头到脚都颤抖。哦,女王!女王! —

You do not know what felicity from heaven, what joys from paradise, are comprised in a moment like that. —
你不知道像那样的一个瞬间来自天堂的幸福,来自乐园的快乐包含着。 —

Take my wealth, my fortune, my glory, all the days I have to live, for such an instant, for a night like that. —
拿走我的财富,我的荣耀,我所有未来的日子,换取那样一个瞬间,那样一个夜晚。 —

For that night, madame, that night you loved me, I will swear it.”

“My Lord, yes; it is possible that the influence of the place, the charm of the beautiful evening, the fascination of your look–the thousand circumstances, in short, which sometimes unite to destroy a woman–were grouped around me on that fatal evening; —
“我的主,是的;这个地方的影响力,美丽的夜晚的魅力,你的眼神的迷人——总之,有时会联合在一起摧毁一个女人的一千种情况,都聚集在那个致命的夜晚; —

but, my Lord, you saw the queen come to the aid of the woman who faltered. —
但是,我的主,你见到女王前来援助摇摆不定的女人。 —

At the first word you dared to utter, at the first freedom to which I had to reply, I called for help.”

“Yes, yes, that is true. And any other love but mine would have sunk beneath this ordeal; —
“是的,是的,那是真的。任何别的爱情都会在这一磨难下沉沦; —

but my love came out from it more ardent and more eternal. —
但是我的爱情却因此更加炽热更加永恒。 —

You believed that you would fly from me by returning to Paris; —
你以为回到巴黎就能逃离我; —

you believed that I would not dare to quit the treasure over which my master had charged me to watch. —
你以为我不敢离开我主人交代我看守的宝藏。 —

What to me were all the treasures in the world, or all the kings of the earth! —
对我来说,世界上所有的宝藏或所有君主又算得了什么呢! —

Eight days after, I was back again, madame. That time you had nothing to say to me; —
八天后,我再次回来了,夫人。那次您无话可说给我; —

I had risked my life and favor to see you but for a second. —
为了见您一面, 我冒着生命和恩宠的风险。 —

I did not even touch your hand, and you pardoned me on seeing me so submissive and so repentant.”

“Yes, but calumny seized upon all those follies in which I took no part, as you well know, my Lord. The king, excited by the cardinal, made a terrible clamor. —
“是的,但诽谤者利用了我并未参与的所有那些愚蠢行径, 正如我所了解的那样,大人。国王被枢机主教激怒了。 —

Madame de Vernet was driven from me, Putange was exiled, Madame de Chevreuse fell into disgrace, and when you wished to come back as ambassador to France, the king himself–remember, my lord–the king himself opposed to it.”

“Yes, and France is about to pay for her king’s refusal with a war. —
“是的,法国将因国王的拒绝而付出代价,那将引发一场战争。 —

I am not allowed to see you, madame, but you shall every day hear of me. —
我不能见您,夫人,但您每天都会听到我的消息。 —

What object, think you, have this expedition to Re and this league with the Protestants of La Rochelle which I am projecting? —
您认为,前往雷拉计的这次远征和我正在筹划的与拉罗谢尔的新教徒结盟的目的是什么? —

The pleasure of seeing you. I have no hope of penetrating, sword in hand, to Paris, I know that well. —
见您的乐趣。我并没有希望能以剑进攻巴黎,我心知肚明。 —

But this war may bring round a peace; this peace will require a negotiator; —
但这场战争可能带来和平;这和平将需要一位谈判者; —

that negotiator will be me. They will not dare to refuse me then; —
那个谈判者将是我。届时他们将不敢拒绝我; —

and I will return to Paris, and will see you again, and will be happy for an instant. —
我将返回巴黎,再次见到您,我将短暂地快乐。 —

Thousands of men, it is true, will have to pay for my happiness with their lives; —
无数人,的确,将为了我的快乐付出生命; —

but what is that to me, provided I see you again! All this is perhaps folly–perhaps insanity; —
但对我来说,只要再见到您,那又有何妨! 这一切或许是愚蠢的–或许是疯狂的; —

but tell me what woman has a lover more truly in love; —
但请告诉我,哪个女人拥有一个更为真心爱恋的情人。 —

what queen a servant more ardent?”

“My Lord, my Lord, you invoke in your defense things which accuse you more strongly. —
“我的主,我的主,您为自己辩护而召唤那些更加强烈地指责您的事物。 —

All these proofs of love which you would give me are almost crimes.”

“Because you do not love me, madame! If you loved me, you would view all this otherwise. —
“因为您不爱我,夫人!如果您爱我,您会以另一种方式看待这一切。 —

If you loved me, oh, if you loved me, that would be too great happiness, and I should run mad. —
如果您爱我,哦,如果您爱我,那将是太大的幸福,我会发疯。 —

Ah, Madame de Chevreuse was less cruel than you. —
啊,夏莱西夫人比您更不残酷。 —

Holland loved her, and she responded to his love.”

“Madame de Chevreuse was not queen,” murmured Anne of Austria, overcome, in spite of herself, by the expression of so profound a passion.

“You would love me, then, if you were not queen! Madame, say that you would love me then! —
“那么您会爱我,如果您不是皇后!夫人,请说您那时会爱我! —

I can believe that it is the dignity of your rank alone which makes you cruel to me; —
我可以相信仅仅是您的地位尊严使您对我残酷; —

I can believe that you had been Madame de Chevreuse, poor Buckingham might have hoped. —
我可以相信如果您是夏莱西夫人,可怜的白金汉就有希望。 —

Thanks for those sweet words! Oh, my beautiful sovereign, a hundred times, thanks!”

“Oh, my Lord! You have ill understood, wrongly interpreted; I did not mean to say–”

“Silence, silence!” cried the duke. “If I am happy in an error, do not have the cruelty to lift me from it. —
“安静,安静!”公爵喊道。“如果我在一种错误中幸福,请不要残忍地将我从其中解脱。 —

You have told me yourself, madame, that I have been drawn into a snare; —
夫人,您自己告诉我,我已被诱入了一个陷阱; —

I, perhaps, may leave my life in it–for, although it may be strange, I have for some time had a presentiment that I should shortly die.” —
我或许会把我的生命献给它–虽然这可能很奇怪,但我有一段时间以来一直有预感我会很快死去。 —

And the duke smiled, with a smile at once sad and charming.

“Oh, my God!” cried Anne of Austria, with an accent of terror which proved how much greater an interest she took in the duke than she ventured to tell.

“I do not tell you this, madame, to terrify you; —
“我告诉你这个,夫人,不是为了吓唬你; —

no, it is even ridiculous for me to name it to you, and, believe me, I take no heed of such dreams. —
不,就连对你提起这种梦境之事,都显得荒谬。 —

But the words you have just spoken, the hope you have almost given me, will have richly paid all–were it my life.”

“Oh, but I,” said Anne, “I also, duke, have had presentiments; —
“哦,但是我,“安妮说道,”我也有过预感; —

I also have had dreams. I dreamed that I saw you lying bleeding, wounded.”

“In the left side, was it not, and with a knife?” interrupted Buckingham.

“Yes, it was so, my Lord, it was so–in the left side, and with a knife. —
“是的,如此,大人,就是在左边,用一把刀。 —

Who can possibly have told you I had had that dream? —
有谁可能告诉你我做了那个梦? —

I have imparted it to no one but my God, and that in my prayers.”

“I ask for no more. You love me, madame; it is enough.”

“I love you, I?”

“Yes, yes. Would God send the same dreams to you as to me if you did not love me? —
“是的,是的。如果你不爱我,上帝会送给你同样的梦吗?” —

Should we have the same presentiments if our existences did not touch at the heart? —
如果我们的存在没有在心灵上碰触,我们是否会有相同的预感呢? —

You love me, my beautiful queen, and you will weep for me?”

“Oh, my God, my God!” cried Anne of Austria, “this is more than I can bear. —
“哦,我的上帝,我的上帝!”安妮女王叫道,“这简直是我无法忍受的。 —

In the name of heaven, Duke, leave me, go! I do not know whether I love you or love you not; —
“切莫以天之名,公爵,请离开我,走吧!我不知道我是否爱你,只知道我不会伪誓。 —

but what I know is that I will not be perjured. Take pity on me, then, and go! —
但我知道的是我不会违背誓言。可怜我,然后走吧! —

Oh, if you are stuck in France, if you die in France, if I could imagine that your love for me was the cause of your death, I could not console myself; —
哦,如果你被困在法国,如果你死在法国,如果我能想象你爱我的原因是你死亡的原因,我会无法自慰; —

I should run mad. Depart then, depart, I implore you!”

“Oh, how beautiful you are thus! Oh, how I love you!” said Buckingham.

“Go, go, I implore you, and return hereafter! —
“走吧,走吧,我请求你,然后以后再回来! —

Come back as ambassador, come back as minister, come back surrounded with guards who will defend you, with servants who will watch over you, and then I shall no longer fear for your days, and I shall be happy in seeing you.”

“Oh, is this true what you say?”


“Oh, then, some pledge of your indulgence, some object which came from you, and may remind me that I have not been dreaming; —
“哦,给我一些您慈爱的保证,一个来自您的物件,让我记得我不是在做梦; —

something you have worn, and that I may wear in my turn–a ring, a necklace, a chain.”

“Will you depart–will you depart, if I give you that you demand?”


“This very instant?”


“You will leave France, you will return to England?”

“I will, I swear to you.”

“Wait, then, wait.”

Anne of Austria re-entered her apartment, and came out again almost immediately, holding a rosewood casket in her hand, with her cipher encrusted with gold.

“Her, my Lord, here,” said she, “keep this in memory of me.”

Buckingham took the casket, and fell a second time on his knees.

“You have promised me to go,” said the queen.

“And I keep my word. Your hand, madame, your hand, and I depart!”

Anne of Austria stretched forth her hand, closing her eyes, and leaning with the other upon Estafania, for she felt that her strength was about to fail her.

Buckingham pressed his lips passionately to that beautiful hand, and then rising, said, “Within six months, if I am not dead, I shall have seen you again, madame–even if I have to overturn the world.” —
白金汉热情地吻了那只美丽的手,然后站起来说:”如果我没死,六个月内我会再见到你,夫人–即使我要撼动整个世界。” —

And faithful to the promise he had made, he rushed out of the apartment.

In the corridor he met Mme. Bonacieux, who waited for him, and who, with the same precautions and the same good luck, conducted him out of the Louvre.