
Felton took leave of Milady as a brother about to go for a mere walk takes leave of his sister, kissing her hand.

His whole body appeared in its ordinary state of calmness, only an unusual fire beamed from his eyes, like the effects of a fever; —
他整个身体显得平静,只是眼中燃烧着异常的火焰,就像发烧时的症状; —

his brow was more pale than it generally was; —
他的额头比平时更苍白; —

his teeth were clenched, and his speech had a short dry accent which indicated that something dark was at work within him.

As long as he remained in the boat which conveyed him to land, he kept his face toward Milady, who, standing on the deck, followed him with her eyes. —
在送他上岸的小船上,他一直面向站在甲板上的妮丽,她目送着他。 —

Both were free from the fear of pursuit; —
两人都不再害怕追捕; —

nobody ever came into Milady’s apartment before nine o’clock, and it would require three hours to go from the castle to London.

Felton jumped onshore, climbed the little ascent which led to the top of the cliff, saluted Milady a last time, and took his course toward the city.

At the end of a hundred paces, the ground began to decline, and he could only see the mast of the sloop.

He immediately ran in the direction of Portsmouth, which he saw at nearly half a league before him, standing out in the haze of the morning, with its houses and towers.

Beyond Portsmouth the sea was covered with vessels whose masts, like a forest of poplars despoiled by the winter, bent with each breath of the wind.

Felton, in his rapid walk, reviewed in his mind all the accusations against the favorite of James I and Charles I, furnished by two years of premature meditation and a long sojourn among the Puritans.

When he compared the public crimes of this minister–startling crimes, European crimes, if so we may say–with the private and unknown crimes with which Milady had charged him, Felton found that the more culpable of the two men which formed the character of Buckingham was the one of whom the public knew not the life. —
当他将这位部长的公开罪行–惊人的罪行,蔓延整个欧洲的罪行,与妮丽控告他的私人和未知罪行进行比较时,费尔顿发现,形成白金汉形象中更有罪的是公众不知道的一方。 —

This was because his love, so strange, so new, and so ardent, made him view the infamous and imaginary accusations of Milady de Winter as, through a magnifying glass, one views as frightful monsters atoms in reality imperceptible by the side of an ant.

The rapidity of his walk heated his blood still more; —
他步伐匆忙,热得更加激动; —

the idea that he left behind him, exposed to a frightful vengeance, the woman he loved, or rather whom he adored as a saint, the emotion he had experienced, present fatigue–all together exalted his mind above human feeling.

He entered Portsmouth about eight o’clock in the morning. The whole population was on foot; —
他早上八点左右抵达朴次茅斯。整个城市的人都在外面; —

drums were beating in the streets and in the port; —
街上和港口里的鼓声隆隆; —

the troops about to embark were marching toward the sea.

Felton arrived at the palace of the Admiralty, covered with dust, and streaming with perspiration. —
费尔顿走进了海军部,全身灰尘满身汗水; —

His countenance, usually so pale, was purple with heat and passion. —
他平日苍白的脸因热情和激动变得通红; —

The sentinel wanted to repulse him; but Felton called to the officer of the post, and drawing from his pocket the letter of which he was the bearer, he said, “A pressing message from Lord de Winter.”

At the name of Lord de Winter, who was known to be one of his Grace’s most intimate friends, the officer of the post gave orders to let Felton pass, who, besides, wore the uniform of a naval officer.

Felton darted into the palace.

At the moment he entered the vestibule, another man was entering likewise, dusty, out of breath, leaving at the gate a post horse, which, on reaching the palace, tumbled on his foreknees.

Felton and he addressed Patrick, the duke’s confidential lackey, at the same moment. —
费尔顿和那名陌生人同时向帕特里克,公爵的心腹侍从,求助; —

Felton named Lord de Winter; the unknown would not name anybody, and pretended that it was to the duke alone he would make himself known. —
费尔顿报了德温特勋爵的名字;那位不愿意透露身份,假装只想见公爵一人; —

Each was anxious to gain admission before the other.

Patrick, who knew Lord de Winter was in affairs of the service, and in relations of friendship with the duke, gave the preference to the one who came in his name. —
知道德温特勋爵和公爵有工作关系和友谊关系的帕特里克,选择了以他名义来的人。 —

The other was forced to wait, and it was easily to be seen how he cursed the delay.

The valet led Felton through a large hall in which waited the deputies from La Rochelle, headed by the Prince de Soubise, and introduced him into a closet where Buckingham, just out of the bath, was finishing his toilet, upon which, as at all times, he bestowed extraordinary attention.
侍从领着费尔顿穿过一个大厅,里面等候着来自La Rochelle的代表团,由苏比斯亲王领导,然后把他引入一个小房间,巴克汉姆正从洗澡中出来,正在做完他的梳洗,像往常一样,特别细心。

“Lieutenant Felton, from Lord de Winter,” said Patrick.

“From Lord de Winter!” repeated Buckingham; “let him come in.”

Felton entered. At that moment Buckingham was throwing upon a couch a rich toilet robe, worked with gold, in order to put on a blue velvet doublet embroidered with pearls.

“Why didn’t the baron come himself?” demanded Buckingham. “I expected him this morning.”

“He desired me to tell your Grace,” replied Felton, “that he very much regretted not having that honor, but that he was prevented by the guard he is obliged to keep at the castle.”

“Yes, I know that,” said Buckingham; “he has a prisoner.”

“It is of that prisoner that I wish to speak to your Grace,” replied Felton.

“Well, then, speak!”

“That which I have to say of her can only be heard by yourself, my Lord!”

“Leave us, Patrick,” said Buckingham; “but remain within sound of the bell. —
“离开我们,帕特里克,”白金汉说道,“但待在听得到铃声的地方。” —

I shall call you presently.”

Patrick went out.

“We are alone, sir,” said Buckingham; “speak!”

“My Lord,” said Felton, “the Baron de Winter wrote to you the other day to request you to sign an order of embarkation relative to a young woman named Charlotte Backson.”
费尔顿说:“贵族,de Winter男爵前几天写信给您,要求您签署一份关于一名叫夏洛特·巴克森的年轻女子的出航命令。”

“Yes, sir; and I answered him, to bring or send me that order and I would sign it.”

“Here it is, my Lord.”

“Give it to me,” said the duke.

And taking it from Felton, he cast a rapid glance over the paper, and perceiving that it was the one that had been mentioned to him, he placed it on the table, took a pen, and prepared to sign it.

“Pardon, my Lord,” said Felton, stopping the duke; —
费尔顿制止道:“请原谅,贵族; —

“but does your Grace know that the name of Charlotte Backson is not the true name of this young woman?”

“Yes, sir, I know it,” replied the duke, dipping the quill in the ink.

“Then your Grace knows her real name?” asked Felton, in a sharp tone.

“I know it”; and the duke put the quill to the paper. Felton grew pale.

“And knowing that real name, my Lord,” replied Felton, “will you sign it all the same?”

“Doubtless,” said Buckingham, “and rather twice than once.”

“I cannot believe,” continued Felton, in a voice that became more sharp and rough, “that your Grace knows that it is to Milady de Winter this relates.”

“I know it perfectly, although I am astonished that you know it.”

“And will your Grace sign that order without remorse?”

Buckingham looked at the young man haughtily.

“Do you know, sir, that you are asking me very strange questions, and that I am very foolish to answer them?”

“Reply to them, my Lord,” said Felton; “the circumstances are more serious than you perhaps believe.”

Buckingham reflected that the young man, coming from Lord de Winter, undoubtedly spoke in his name, and softened.

“Without remorse,” said he. “The baron knows, as well as myself, that Milady de Winter is a very guilty woman, and it is treating her very favorably to commute her punishment to transportation.” —
“毫不怜悯,”他说道。 “男爵和我一样知道,米莱迪·德·温特夫人是一个非常有罪的女人,将她的惩罚减为流放已经对她非常仁慈了。” —

The duke put his pen to the paper.

“You will not sign that order, my Lord!” said Felton, making a step toward the duke.

“I will not sign this order! And why not?”

“Because you will look into yourself, and you will do justice to the lady.”

“I should do her justice by sending her to Tyburn,” said Buckingham. “This lady is infamous.”

“My Lord, Milady de Winter is an angel; you know that she is, and I demand her liberty of you.”

“Bah! Are you mad, to talk to me thus?” said Buckingham.

“My Lord, excuse me! I speak as I can; I restrain myself. —
“大人,请原谅我!我尽量克制自己。” —

But, my Lord, think of what you’re about to do, and beware of going too far!”

“What do you say? God pardon me!” cried Buckingham, “I really think he threatens me!”

“No, my Lord, I still plead. And I say to you: —
“不,大人,我仍然恳求。我对您说: —

one drop of water suffices to make the full vase overflow; —
一滴水足以使满满的花瓶溢出; —

one slight fault may draw down punishment upon the head spared, despite many crimes.”

“Mr. Felton,” said Buckingham, “you will withdraw, and place yourself at once under arrest.”

“You will hear me to the end, my Lord. You have seduced this young girl; —
“您将听我说完,大人。您诱奸了这位年轻女孩; —

you have outraged, defiled her. Repair your crimes toward her; —
您羞辱、亵渎了她。弥补您对她的罪行; —

let her go free, and I will exact nothing else from you.”

“You will exact!” said Buckingham, looking at Felton with astonishment, and dwelling upon each syllable of the three words as he pronounced them.

“My Lord,” continued Felton, becoming more excited as he spoke, “my Lord, beware! —
“我的大人,”费尔顿继续说道,说话时变得更加激动,“我的大人,当心! —

All England is tired of your iniquities; —
全英格兰都已经厌倦了你的罪恶行径; —

my Lord, you have abused the royal power, which you have almost usurped; —
我的大人,你已经滥用了几乎是篡夺的皇家权力; —

my Lord, you are held in horror by God and men. —
我的大人,你已经被上帝和人民所憎恶。 —

God will punish you hereafter, but I will punish you here!”

“Ah, this is too much!” cried Buckingham, making a step toward the door.

Felton barred his passage.

“I ask it humbly of you, my Lord” said he; —
“我谨请您,我的大人,”他说道; —

“sign the order for the liberation of Milady de Winter. —
“签署赦免米莱迪·德·温特的命令。 —

Remember that she is a woman whom you have dishonored.”

“Withdraw, sir,” said Buckingham, “or I will call my attendant, and have you placed in irons.”

“You shall not call,” said Felton, throwing himself between the duke and the bell placed on a stand encrusted with silver. —
“你不能叫人,”费尔顿说道,身体挡在公爵和镶有银饰的架子上的铃铛之间。 —

“Beware, my Lord, you are in the hands of God!”

“In the hands of the devil, you mean!” cried Buckingham, raising his voice so as to attract the notice of his people, without absolutely shouting.

“Sign, my Lord; sign the liberation of Milady de Winter,” said Felton, holding out paper to the duke.
“大人,请签字,签下德文特夫人的释放,” 费尔顿说着,递给公爵一纸。

“By force? You are joking! Holloa, Patrick!”

“Sign, my Lord!”



“Help!” shouted the duke; and at the same time he sprang toward his sword.
“救命!” 公爵大喊着,同时朝着他的剑冲去。

But Felton did not give him time to draw it. —
但费尔顿没有给他拔剑的时间。 —

He held the knife with which Milady had stabbed herself, open in his bosom; —
他拿着米莱迪用来刺伤自己的那把刀,插在胸前展开; —

at one bound he was upon the duke.

At that moment Patrick entered the room, crying, “A letter from France, my Lord.”

“From France!” cried Buckingham, forgetting everything in thinking from whom that letter came.
“来自法国!” 白金汉公爵大叫着,一切都被那封信来自谁所想的忘掉了。

Felton took advantage of this moment, and plunged the knife into his side up to the handle.

“Ah, traitor,” cried Buckingham, “you have killed me!”
“啊,叛徒,” 白金汉公爵喊道,”你杀了我!”

“Murder!” screamed Patrick.
“谋杀!” 帕特里克尖叫着。

Felton cast his eyes round for means of escape, and seeing the door free, he rushed into the next chamber, in which, as we have said, the deputies from La Rochelle were waiting, crossed it as quickly as possible, and rushed toward the staircase; —
费尔顿四处张望着逃离的办法,在看到门敞开的时候,他冲进了旁边的房间,里面正等候着来自拉罗谢尔的代表,尽快地穿过房间,冲向楼梯口; —

but upon the first step he met Lord de Winter, who, seeing him pale, confused, livid, and stained with blood both on his hands and face, seized him by the throat, crying, “I knew it! —
但在迈出第一步时,他遇到了迪温特勋爵,看到他脸色苍白、迷惑、发绀,手脸上沾满了血迹,于是迅速抓住他的喉咙,大声叫道:“我知道了!我猜到了!但为时已晚一分钟,不幸啊,不幸!” —

I guessed it! But too late by a minute, unfortunate, unfortunate that I am!”

Felton made no resistance. Lord de Winter placed him in the hands of the guards, who led him, while awaiting further orders, to a little terrace commanding the sea; —
然后男爵赶紧去了公爵的房间。 —

and then the baron hastened to the duke’s chamber.

At the cry uttered by the duke and the scream of Patrick, the man whom Felton had met in the antechamber rushed into the chamber.

He found the duke reclining upon a sofa, with his hand pressed upon the wound.

“Laporte,” said the duke, in a dying voice, “Laporte, do you come from her?”
Laporte, said the duke, in a dying voice, Laporte, do you come from her?

“Yes, monseigneur,” replied the faithful cloak bearer of Anne of Austria, “but too late, perhaps.”

“Silence, Laporte, you may be overheard. Patrick, let no one enter. —
“别说话,拉波特,你可能会被听到。帕特里克,不要让任何人进来。” —

Oh, I cannot tell what she says to me! My God, I am dying!”

And the duke swooned.

Meanwhile, Lord de Winter, the deputies, the leaders of the expedition, the officers of Buckingham’s household, had all made their way into the chamber. —
与此同时,德温特勋爵、代表们、远征队的领导、白金汉公爵家的官员们全都进入了房间。 —

Cries of despair resounded on all sides. —
绝望的呼喊声在四面八方回荡。 —

The news, which filled the palace with tears and groans, soon became known, and spread itself throughout the city.

The report of a cannon announced that something new and unexpected had taken place.

Lord de Winter tore his hair.

“Too late by a minute!” cried he, “too late by a minute! Oh, my God, my God! what a misfortune!”

He had been informed at seven o’clock in the morning that a rope ladder floated from one of the windows of the castle; —
早上七点的时候,他收到一条消息,说一条绳梯从城堡的一扇窗户处飘下来; —

he had hastened to Milady’s chamber, had found it empty, the window open, and the bars filed, had remembered the verbal caution D’Artagnan had transmitted to him by his messenger, had trembled for the duke, and running to the stable without taking time to have a horse saddled, had jumped upon the first he found, had galloped off like the wind, had alighted below in the courtyard, had ascended the stairs precipitately, and on the top step, as we have said, had encountered Felton.

The duke, however, was not dead. He recovered a little, reopened his eyes, and hope revived in all hearts.

“Gentlemen,” said he, “leave me along with Patrick and Laporte–ah, is that you, De Winter? —
“先生们,”他说,“让我和帕特里克还有拉波特单独一下——啊,这是你,德温特吗? —

You sent me a strange madman this morning! —
今天早晨你给我送来了一个古怪的疯子!” —

See the state in which he has put me.”

“Oh, my Lord!” cried the baron, “I shall never console myself.”

“And you would be quite wrong, my dear De Winter,” said Buckingham, holding out his hand to him. —
“你错了,我亲爱的德·温特先生,”白金汉伸出手对他说。 —

“I do not know the man who deserves being regretted during the whole life of another man; —
“我不认识哪个人配得上另一个人终身悼念; —

but leave us, I pray you.”

The baron went out sobbing.

There only remained in the closet of the wounded duke Laporte and Patrick. —
只有拉波尔特和帕特里克留在受伤的公爵的衣帽间。 —

A physician was sought for, but none was yet found.

“You will live, my Lord, you will live!” repeated the faithful servant of Anne of Austria, on his knees before the duke’s sofa.

“What has she written to me?” said Buckingham, feebly, streaming with blood, and suppressing his agony to speak of her he loved, “what has she written to me? —
“她给我写了什么?” 白金汉虚弱地说,满身是血,竭力克制自己的痛苦去谈论他所爱的人,“她给我写了什么? —

Read me her letter.”

“Oh, my Lord!” said Laporte.

“Obey, Laporte, do you not see I have no time to lose?”

Laporte broke the seal, and placed the paper before the eyes of the duke; —
拉波尔特拆开封印,将信放在公爵的眼前; —

but Buckingham in vain tried to make out the writing.

“Read!” said he, “read! I cannot see. Read, then! —
“读!”他说,“读!我看不见。那么请读吧! —

For soon, perhaps, I shall not hear, and I shall die without knowing what she has written to me.”

Laporte made no further objection, and read:

“My Lord, By that which, since I have known you, have suffered by you and for you, I conjure you, if you have any care for my repose, to countermand those great armaments which you are preparing against France, to put an end to a war of which it is publicly said religion is the ostensible cause, and of which, it is generally whispered, your love for me is the concealed cause. —
“我的勋爵,自从我认识您以来,因您而受苦、为您而受苦,我恳求您,如果您对我的安宁有所在乎,请中止您正在准备对付法国的大规模军备,结束这场据说是宗教为名义的战争,但据传言说,您对我爱意才是隐藏的原因。 —

This war may not only bring great catastrophes upon England and France, but misfortune upon you, my Lord, for which I should never console myself.

“Be careful of your life, which is menaced, and which will be dear to me from the moment I am not obliged to see an enemy in you.

“Your affectionate “ANNE”

Buckingham collected all his remaining strength to listen to the reading of the letter; —
白金汉公爵竭尽一切力量聆听这封信的朗读; —

then, when it was ended, as if he had met with a bitter disappointment, he asked, “Have you nothing else to say to me by the living voice, Laporte?”

“The queen charged me to tell you to watch over yourself, for she had advice that your assassination would be attempted.”

“And is that all–is that all?” replied Buckingham, impatiently.

“She likewise charged me to tell you that she still loved you.”

“Ah,” said Buckingham, “God be praised! My death, then, will not be to her as the death of a stranger!”

Laporte burst into tears.

“Patrick,” said the due, “bring me the casket in which the diamond studs were kept.”

Patrick brought the object desired, which Laporte recognized as having belonged to the queen.

“Now the scent bag of white satin, on which her cipher is embroidered in pearls.”

Patrick again obeyed.

“Here, Laporte,” said Buckingham, “these are the only tokens I ever received from her–this silver casket and these two letters. —
“这些就是我曾收到过的她唯一的物件–这个银制小匣子和这两封信。” —

You will restore them to her Majesty; and as a last memorial”–he looked round for some valuable object–“you will add–”

He still sought; but his eyes, darkened by death, encountered only the knife which had fallen from the hand of Felton, still smoking with the blood spread over its blade.

“And you will add to them this knife,” said the duke, pressing the hand of Laporte. —
“你还会将这把刀加入其中,”公爵说着,握住拉普特的手。 —

He had just strength enough to place the scent bag at the bottom of the silver casket, and to let the knife fall into it, making a sign to Laporte that he was no longer able to speak; —
他刚有力气把香袋放在银匣的底部,让刀落入其中,向拉普特示意他已无法言语; —

than, in a last convulsion, which this time he had not the power to combat, he slipped from the sofa to the floor.

Patrick uttered a loud cry.

Buckingham tried to smile a last time; but death checked his thought, which remained engraved on his brow like a last kiss of love.

At this moment the duke’s surgeon arrived, quite terrified; —
就在这时,公爵的外科医生赶到了,感到非常恐惧; —

he was already on board the admiral’s ship, where they had been obliged to seek him.

He approached the duke, took his hand, held it for an instant in his own, and letting it fall, “All is useless,” said he, “he is dead.”

“Dead, dead!” cried Patrick.

At this cry all the crowd re-entered the apartment, and throughout the palace and town there was nothing but consternation and tumult.

As soon as Lord de Winter saw Buckingham was dead, he ran to Felton, whom the soldiers still guarded on the terrace of the palace.

“Wretch!” said he to the young man, who since the death of Buckingham had regained that coolness and self-possession which never after abandoned him, “wretch! —
“恶棍!”他对这位年轻人说道,在白金汉死后重新恢复了那种从未离开过他的冷静和自持,“恶棍! —

what have you done?”

“I have avenged myself!” said he.

“Avenged yourself,” said the baron. “Rather say that you have served as an instrument to that accursed woman; —
“复仇了,”男爵说道。“倒不如说你是成了那该诅咒的女人的工具; —

but I swear to you that this crime shall be her last.”

“I don’t know what you mean,” replied Felton, quietly, “and I am ignorant of whom you are speaking, my Lord. I killed the Duke of Buckingham because he twice refused you yourself to appoint me captain; —
“我不明白你在说什么,”费尔顿平静地回答,“我不知道你在说谁,我的勋爵。我杀了白金汉公爵,是因为他两次拒绝了您亲自任命我为队长; —

I have punished him for his injustice, that is all.”

De Winter, stupefied, looked on while the soldiers bound Felton, and could not tell what to think of such insensibility.

One thing alone, however, threw a shade over the pallid brow of Felton. —
然而,有一件事让费尔顿苍白的额头上泛起一丝阴影。 —

At every noise he heard, the simple Puritan fancied he recognized the step and voice of Milady coming to throw herself into his arms, to accuse herself, and die with him.

All at once he started. His eyes became fixed upon a point of the sea, commanded by the terrace where he was. —
突然间,他惊呆了。他的眼睛紧盯着他所站的阳台所俯瞰的海上某个点。 —

With the eagle glance of a sailor he had recognized there, where another would have seen only a gull hovering over the waves, the sail of a sloop which was directed toward the cost of France.

He grew deadly pale, placed his hand upon his heart, which was breaking, and at once perceived all the treachery.

“One last favor, my Lord!” said he to the baron.

“What?” asked his Lordship.

“What o’clock is it?”

The baron drew out his watch. “It wants ten minutes to nine,” said he.

Milady had hastened her departure by an hour and a half. —
米莉狄提前了一个半小时离开。 —

As soon as she heard the cannon which announced the fatal event, she had ordered the anchor to be weighed. —
她一听到宣告致命事件的炮声,就命令起锚。 —

The vessel was making way under a blue sky, at great distance from the coast.

“God has so willed it!” said he, with the resignation of a fanatic; —
“是上帝这样命运!”他说,带着狂热信徒的顺从; —

but without, however, being able to take his eyes from that ship, on board of which he doubtless fancied he could distinguish the white outline of her to whom he had sacrificed his life.

De Winter followed his look, observed his feelings, and guessed all.

“Be punished ALONE, for the first, miserable man!” —
“对于第一个可怜的人,自行承担惩罚吧!” —

said Lord de Winter to Felton, who was being dragged away with his eyes turned toward the sea; —
德温特尔勋爵对被拖离的费尔顿说,后者的眼睛还朝着海上; —

“but I swear to you by the memory of my brother whom I have loved so much that your accomplice is not saved.”

Felton lowered his head without pronouncing a syllable.

As to Lord de Winter, he descended the stairs rapidly, and went straight to the port.