
Meantime Milady, drunk with passion, roaring on the deck like a lioness that has been embarked, had been tempted to throw herself into the sea that she might regain the coast, for she could not get rid of the thought that she had been insulted by D’Artagnan, threatened by Athos, and that she had quit France without being revenged on them. —
与此同时,醉心的米莱迪像一只被装载的雌狮一样在甲板上咆哮,她情不自禁地想要跳入大海以重返岸边,因为她无法摆脱这样一个想法:她受到了达达尼安的侮辱,被阿索斯威胁,并且离开法国时还未对他们进行报复。 —

This idea soon became so insupportable to her that at the risk of whatever terrible consequences might result to herself from it, she implored the captain to put her on shore; —
这个想法很快变得难以忍受,以至于她不顾可能对自己造成的任何可怕后果,恳求船长将她送上岸; —

but the captain, eager to escape from his false position-placed between French and English cruisers, like the bat between the mice and the birds–was in great haste to regain England, and positively refused to obey what he took for a woman’s caprice, promising his passenger, who had been particularly recommended to him by the cardinal, to land her, if the sea and the French permitted him, at one of the ports of Brittany, either at Lorient or Brest. But the wind was contrary, the sea bad; —
但船长急于摆脱自己陷入的困境–被夹在法国和英格兰巡洋舰之间,就像蝙蝠被老鼠和鸟类夹住一样–他争分夺秒地想要返回英格兰,坚决拒绝履行他认为是女人的一时兴起,他曾被红衣主教特别推荐的乘客要求,在法国当地的一个港口放她下车,要么是洛里昂,要么是布雷斯特。但是风很逆,海面非常恶劣; —

they tacked and kept offshore. Nine days after leaving the Charente, pale with fatigue and vexation, Milady saw only the blue coasts of Finisterre appear.

She calculated that to cross this corner of France and return to the cardinal it would take her at least three days. —
她估计要穿过法国这一角并返回见红衣主教至少需要三天。 —

Add another day for landing, and that would make four. —
再额外加上一天降落的时间,总共四天。 —

Add these four to the nine others, that would be thirteen days lost–thirteen days, during which so many important events might pass in London. —
将这四天加到九天里,就会失去十三天–在这十三天里,伦敦可能发生许多重要事件。 —

She reflected likewise that the cardinal would be furious at her return, and consequently would be more disposed to listen to the complaints brought against her than to the accusations she brought against others.

She allowed the vessel to pass Lorient and Brest without repeating her request to the captain, who, on his part, took care not to remind her of it. —
她允许船只经过Lorient和Brest,而未再向船长提出请求,而船长则小心翼翼地不提醒她。 —

Milady therefore continued her voyage, and on the very day that Planchet embarked at Portsmouth for France, the messenger of his Eminence entered the port in triumph.

All the city was agitated by an extraordinary movement. —
整个城市都被一场非同寻常的骚动所震撼。 —

Four large vessels, recently built, had just been launched. —
刚刚下水的四艘新建大船。 —

At the end of the jetty, his clothes richly laced with gold, glittering, as was customary with him, with diamonds and precious stones, his hat ornamented with a white feather which drooped upon his shoulder, Buckingham was seen surrounded by a staff almost as brilliant as himself.

It was one of those rare and beautiful days in winter when England remembers that there is a sun. —
那是冬天英格兰难得的美好午后。 —

The star of day, pale but nevertheless still splendid, was setting in the horizon, glorifying at once the heavens and the sea with bands of fire, and casting upon the towers and the old houses of the city a last ray of gold which made the windows sparkle like the reflection of a conflagration. —
天上的那颗日星,虽然黯淡但依然璀璨,正在地平线上落下,用火光的带子同时把天空和海洋可能在一瞬间把空中照亮,以及城市的塔楼和古老房屋投射出一道最后的金光,使窗户闪闪发光,犹如大火的反射一般。 —

Breathing that sea breeze, so much more invigorating and balsamic as the land is approached, contemplating all the power of those preparations she was commissioned to destroy, all the power of that army which she was to combat alone–she, a woman with a few bags of gold–Milady compared herself mentally to Judith, the terrible Jewess, when she penetrated the camp of the Assyrians and beheld the enormous mass of chariots, horses, men, and arms, which a gesture of her hand was to dissipate like a cloud of smoke.

They entered the roadstead; but as they drew near in order to cast anchor, a little cutter, looking like a coastguard formidably armed, approached the merchant vessel and dropped into the sea a boat which directed its course to the ladder. —
他们进入了码头; 但当他们靠近投锚时,一艘看起来像是备有可怕武装的沿海巡逻艇的小快艇接近商船,并将一只艇放入海中,直奔舷梯而去。 —

This boat contained an officer, a mate, and eight rowers. —
这只艇里面有一名军官,一名副手,和八名桨手。 —

The officer alone went on board, where he was received with all the deference inspired by the uniform.

The officer conversed a few instants with the captain, gave him several papers, of which he was the bearer, to read, and upon the order of the merchant captain the whole crew of the vessel, both passengers and sailors, were called upon deck.

When this species of summons was made the officer inquired aloud the point of the brig’s departure, its route, its landings; —
当类似召集发出时,军官大声询问艇的起航点、航线和停靠地点; —

and to all these questions the captain replied without difficulty and without hesitation. —
对于所有这些问题,船长毫不费力、毫不犹豫地回答了。 —

Then the officer began to pass in review all the people, one after the other, and stopping when he came to Milady, surveyed her very closely, but without addressing a single word to her.

He then returned to the captain, said a few words to him, and as if from that moment the vessel was under his command, he ordered a maneuver which the crew executed immediately. —
然后他回到船长那里,跟他说了几句话,仿佛从那一刻起船只就在他的指挥之下,他下令执行了一项海员立即执行的操作。 —

Then the vessel resumed its course, still escorted by the little cutter, which sailed side by side with it, menacing it with the mouths of its six cannon. —
然后船只恢复了航行,仍然受到小切割机的护航,它与船并排航行,用其六门大炮威胁着船只。 —

The boat followed in the wake of the ship, a speck near the enormous mass.

During the examination of Milady by the officer, as may well be imagined, Milady on her part was not less scrutinizing in her glances. —
在军官审查米莱迪的时候,可以想象,米莱迪也不逊色于用眼睛燃烧看透那些她想要揭开秘密的人的心。 —

But however great was the power of this woman with eyes of flame in reading the hearts of those whose secrets she wished to divine, she met this time with a countenance of such impassivity that no discovery followed her investigation. —
但是,无论这位女士以火焰眼睛在揭示她欲探测的那些人的心灵方面有多么惊人的力量,这次她遇到的是一张无动于衷的表情,没有任何揭示。 —

The officer who had stopped in front of her and studied her with so much care might have been twenty-five or twenty-six years of age. —
站在她面前仔细研究她并给她打分的军官可能二十五六岁。 —

He was of pale complexion, with clear blue eyes, rather deeply set; —
他皮肤苍白,眼睛明亮的蓝色,稍微凹陷; —

his mouth, fine and well cut, remained motionless in its correct lines; —
他口中好看且干净整洁,始终保持在正确的线条中; —

his chin, strongly marked, denoted that strength of will which in the ordinary Britannic type denotes mostly nothing but obstinacy; —
他下巴清晰有力,显示出普通不列颠人种类型中所代表的绝大部分意志力,主要表现为顽固; —

a brow a little receding, as is proper for poets, enthusiasts, and soldiers, was scarcely shaded by short thin hair which, like the beard which covered the lower part of his face, was of a beautiful deep chestnut color.

When they entered the port, it was already night. —
当他们进入港口时,天已经黑了。 —

The fog increased the darkness, and formed round the sternlights and lanterns of the jetty a circle like that which surrounds the moon when the weather threatens to become rainy. —
大雾加重了黑暗,形成了围绕码头舷灯和灯笼的一个圈,就像天气预示将要下雨时围绕月球的那种圈。 —

The air they breathed was heavy, damp, and cold.

Milady, that woman so courageous and firm, shivered in spite of herself.

The officer desired to have Milady’s packages pointed out to him, and ordered them to be placed in the boat. —
军官想要指出米莱迪的包裹,并命令把它们放在小船里。 —

When this operation was complete, he invited her to descend by offering her his hand.

Milady looked at this man, and hesitated. —
米莱迪看着这个男人,犹豫不定。 —

“Who are you, sir,” asked she, “who has the kindness to trouble yourself so particularly on my account?”

“You may perceive, madame, by my uniform, that I am an officer in the English navy,” replied the young man.

“But is it the custom for the officers in the English navy to place themselves at the service of their female compatriots when they land in a port of Great Britain, and carry their gallantry so far as to conduct them ashore?”

“Yes, madame, it is the custom, not from gallantry but prudence, that in time of war foreigners should be conducted to particular hotels, in order that they may remain under the eye of the government until full information can be obtained about them.”

These words were pronounced with the most exact politeness and the most perfect calmness. —
这些话语听起来极具礼貌和沉着从容。 —

Nevertheless, they had not the power of convincing Milady.

“But I am not a foreigner, sir,” said she, with an accent as pure as ever was heard between Portsmouth and Manchester; —
“但我不是外国人,先生,”她以一种在朴茨茅斯和曼彻斯特之间从未听到过的纯正口音说道; —

“my name is Lady Clarik, and this measure–”

“This measure is general, madame; and you will seek in vain to evade it.”

“I will follow you, then, sir.”

Accepting the hand of the officer, she began the descent of the ladder, at the foot of which the boat waited. —
接过军官的手,她开始沿着梯子下去,小船在梯脚处等候着。 —

The officer followed her. A large cloak was spread at the stern; —
官员跟随着她。一件大斗篷摊在船尾处; —

the officer requested her to sit down upon this cloak, and placed himself beside her.

“Row!” said he to the sailors.

The eight oars fell at once into the sea, making but a single sound, giving but a single stroke, and the boat seemed to fly over the surface of the water.

In five minutes they gained the land.

The officer leaped to the pier, and offered his hand to Milady. A carriage was in waiting.

“Is this carriage for us?” asked Milady.

“Yes, madame,” replied the officer.

“The hotel, then, is far away?”

“At the other end of the town.”

“Very well,” said Milady; and she resolutely entered the carriage.

The officer saw that the baggage was fastened carefully behind the carriage; —
官员看到行李被仔细地系在马车后面; —

and this operation ended, he took his place beside Milady, and shut the door.

Immediately, without any order being given or his place of destination indicated, the coachman set off at a rapid pace, and plunged into the streets of the city.

So strange a reception naturally gave Milady ample matter for reflection; —
这样奇怪的接待自然让Milady有充足的思考材料; —

so seeing that the young officer did not seem at all disposed for conversation, she reclined in her corner of the carriage, and one after the other passed in review all the surmises which presented themselves to her mind.

At the end of a quarter of an hour, however, surprised at the length of the journey, she leaned forward toward the door to see whither she was being conducted. —
然而,15分钟过去了,当她惊讶于旅程的漫长时,她俯身靠近车门,想看看自己被带到哪里。 —

Houses were no longer to be seen; trees appeared in the darkness like great black phantoms chasing one another. Milady shuddered.

“But we are no longer in the city, sir,” said she.

The young officer preserved silence.

“I beg you to understand, sir, I will go no farther unless you tell me whither you are taking me.”

This threat brought no reply.

“Oh, this is too much,” cried Milady. “Help! help!”

No voice replied to hers; the carriage continued to roll on with rapidity; —
没有人回答她;马车继续快速行驶; —

the officer seemed a statue.

Milady looked at the officer with one of those terrible expressions peculiar to her countenance, and which so rarely failed of their effect; —
米莱迪用那种在她脸上特有的可怕表情之一看着军官,这种表情很少不见效; —

anger made her eyes flash in the darkness.

The young man remained immovable.

Milady tried to open the door in order to throw herself out.

“Take care, madame,” said the young man, coolly, “you will kill yourself in jumping.”

Milady reseated herself, foaming. The officer leaned forward, looked at her in his turn, and appeared surprised to see that face, just before so beautiful, distorted with passion and almost hideous. —
籬亭夫人重新坐下,泪水滔滔。那名军官前倾身子,转过头来,看着她,他惊讶地发现,此前曾如此美丽的脸庞,此刻却充满激情,几乎丑陋。 —

The artful creature at once comprehended that she was injuring herself by allowing him thus to read her soul; —
狡猾的女人立刻明白,让他读懂自己的心灵是在自毁。 —

she collected her features, and in a complaining voice said: —
她整理了一下面容,用一副抱怨的声音说道: —

“In the name of heaven, sir, tell me if it is to you, if it is to your government, if it is to an enemy I am to attribute the violence that is done me?”

“No violence will be offered to you, madame, and what happens to you is the result of a very simple measure which we are obliged to adopt with all who land in England.”

“Then you don’t know me, sir?”

“It is the first time I have had the honor of seeing you.”

“And on your honor, you have no cause of hatred against me?”

“None, I swear to you.”

There was so much serenity, coolness, mildness even, in the voice of the young man, that Milady felt reassured.

At length after a journey of nearly an hour, the carriage stopped before an iron gate, which closed an avenue leading to a castle severe in form, massive, and isolated. —
终于,近一个小时的行程后,马车停在了一扇铁门前,铁门通向了一座形状严谨、庞大而隔绝的城堡。 —

Then, as the wheels rolled over a fine gravel, Milady could hear a vast roaring, which she at once recognized as the noise of the sea dashing against some steep cliff.

The carriage passed under two arched gateways, and at length stopped in a court large, dark, and square. —
马车穿过两个拱形的门,最终停在了一个巨大、昏暗、方正的庭院里。 —

Almost immediately the door of the carriage was opened, the young man sprang lightly out and presented his hand to Milady, who leaned upon it, and in her turn alighted with tolerable calmness.

“Still, then, I am a prisoner,” said Milady, looking around her, and bringing back her eyes with a most gracious smile to the young officer; —
“那么,我还是个囚犯,”米莱迪环顾四周,微笑着看向年轻军官时说道。 —

“but I feel assured it will not be for long,” added she. —
“但我确信这不会持续很久,”她补充道。 —

“My own conscience and your politeness, sir, are the guarantees of that.”

However flattering this compliment, the officer made no reply; —
尽管这个称赞让人受宠若惊,这位军官没有回应; —

but drawing from his belt a little silver whistle, such as boatswains use in ships of war, he whistled three times, with three different modulations. —
但从他腰带中拿出一只小银口哨,就像军舰上的水手使用的一样,他吹了三次,用三种不同的音调。 —

Immediately several men appeared, who unharnessed the smoking horses, and put the carriage into a coach house.

Then the officer, with the same calm politeness, invited his prisoner to enter the house. —
然后这位军官以同样冷静的礼貌邀请他的囚犯进屋。 —

She, with a still-smiling countenance, took his arm, and passed with him under a low arched door, which by a vaulted passage, lighted only at the farther end, led to a stone staircase around an angle of stone. —
她笑容依旧,挽着他的胳膊,与他一起走进了一个低矮的门下,通过一个只在远端有光的拱形走廊,通往一个绕着石头拐角的石头楼梯。 —

They then came to a massive door, which after the introduction into the lock of a key which the young man carried with him, turned heavily upon its hinges, and disclosed the chamber destined for Milady.

With a single glance the prisoner took in the apartment in its minutest details. —
囚犯一瞥之间,了解了这个房间的细节。 —

It was a chamber whose furniture was at once appropriate for a prisoner or a free man; —
这是一个家具既适合囚犯又适合自由人的房间; —

and yet bars at the windows and outside bolts at the door decided the question in favor of the prison.

In an instant all the strength of mind of this creature, though drawn from the most vigorous sources, abandoned her; —
这只生物自己最坚强的内心力量一瞬间消失了; —

she sank into a large easy chair, with her arms crossed, her head lowered, and expecting every instant to see a judge enter to interrogate her.

But no one entered except two or three marines, who brought her trunks and packages, deposited them in a corner, and retired without speaking.

The officer superintended all these details with the same calmness Milady had constantly seen in him, never pronouncing a word himself, and making himself obeyed by a gesture of his hand or a sound of his whistle.

It might have been said that between this man and his inferiors spoken language did not exist, or had become useless.

At length Milady could hold out no longer; she broke the silence. —
最终,米莱迪再也无法忍受了;她打破了沉默。 —

“In the name of heaven, sir,” cried she, “what means all that is passing? Put an end to my doubts; —
“天啊,先生,”她喊道,“这一切是什么意思?解开我的疑惑; —

I have courage enough for any danger I can foresee, for every misfortune which I understand. —
我有足够的勇气面对我能预见到的任何危险,为我理解的每一件不幸。 —

Where am I, and why am I here? If I am free, why these bars and these doors? —
我在哪里,我为什么在这里?如果我是自由的,为什么会有这些铁栅和这些门? —

If I am a prisoner, what crime have I committed?”

“You are here in the apartment destined for you, madame. —
“您现在在为您指定的公寓内,夫人。 —

I received orders to go and take charge of you on the sea, and to conduct you to this castle. —
我收到命令去接管您在海上,然后将您带到这座城堡。 —

This order I believe I have accomplished with all the exactness of a soldier, but also with the courtesy of a gentleman. —
我相信我已经以士兵的准确性完成了这个命令,但也以绅士的礼貌。 —

There terminates, at least to the present moment, the duty I had to fulfill toward you; —
至少到目前为止,我要对您履行的职责就结束了; —

the rest concerns another person.”

“And who is that other person?” asked Milady, warmly. “Can you not tell me his name?”

At the moment a great jingling of spurs was heard on the stairs. —
就在这时,楼梯上传来一阵刺耳的马刺声。 —

Some voices passed and faded away, and the sound of a single footstep approached the door.

“That person is here, madame,” said the officer, leaving the entrance open, and drawing himself up in an attitude of respect.

At the same time the door opened; a man appeared on the threshold. —
与此同时门打开了;一个男人出现在门槛上。 —

He was without a hat, carried a sword, and flourished a handkerchief in his hand.

Milady thought she recognized this shadow in the gloom; —
米莱迪认为她在阴影中认出了这个身影; —

she supported herself with one hand upon the arm of the chair, and advanced her head as if to meet a certainty.

The stranger advanced slowly, and as he advanced, after entering into the circle of light projected by the lamp, Milady involuntarily drew back.

Then when she had no longer any doubt, she cried, in a state of stupor, “What, my brother, is it you?”

“Yes, fair lady!” replied Lord de Winter, making a bow, half courteous, half ironical; “it is I, myself.”
“是的,美丽的女士!” 德温特勋爵回答道,做了一个半是彬彬有礼半是挖苦的鞠躬,“是我自己。”

“But this castle, then?”

“Is mine.”

“This chamber?”

“Is yours.”

“I am, then, your prisoner?”

“Nearly so.”

“But this is a frightful abuse of power!”

“No high-sounding words! Let us sit down and chat quietly, as brother and sister ought to do.”

Then, turning toward the door, and seeing that the young officer was waiting for his last orders, he said. —
然后,转向门口,看见那名年轻军官在等待他的最后命令时,他说道。 —

“All is well, I thank you; now leave us alone, Mr. Felton.”