The Sign of the Red Dovecot

Meanwhile the king, who, with more reason than the cardinal, showed his hatred for Buckingham, although scarcely arrived was in such a haste to meet the enemy that he commanded every disposition to be made to drive the English from the Isle of Re, and afterward to press the siege of La Rochelle; —
与枢机主教不同,国王对巴克汉的仇恨更有理由,尽管刚到达就急于与敌人会面,命令每一布置以将英军赶出雷岛,并随后围攻拉罗谢尔; —

but notwithstanding his earnest wish, he was delayed by the dissensions which broke out between MM. Bassompierre and Schomberg, against the Duc d’Angouleme.

MM. Bassompierre and Schomberg were marshals of France, and claimed their right of commanding the army under the orders of the king; —
巴东皮埃尔勋爵和肖姆贝尔勋爵是法国元帅,声称他们有权在国王的命令下指挥军队; —

but the cardinal, who feared that Bassompierre, a Huguenot at heart, might press but feebly the English and Rochellais, his brothers in religion, supported the Duc d’Angouleme, whom the king, at his instigation, had named lieutenant general. —
但是枢机主教因为担心心怀新教信仰的巴东皮埃尔会对英军和罗谢尔人,他们的宗教同胞,施之以销蚀,支持了国王以他的建议所提名的总督德昂古朗姆公爵; —

The result was that to prevent MM. Bassompierre and Schomberg from deserting the army, a separate command had to be given to each. —
结果为了防止巴东皮埃尔和肖姆贝尔离开军队,不得不给每人分配一个单独的指挥; —

Bassompierre took up his quarters on the north of the city, between Leu and Dompierre; —
巴东皮埃尔驻扎在城市的北部,雷乌和东普埃尔之间; —

the Duc d’angouleme on the east, from Dompierre to Perigny; —
德昂古朗姆公爵驻扎在东部,从东普埃尔到佩里尼; —

and M. de Schomberg on the south, from Perigny to Angoutin.

The quarters of Monsieur were at Dompierre; —
梅西耶驻扎在东普埃尔; —

the quarters of the king were sometimes at Estree, sometimes at Jarrie; —
国王的驻扎有时是在埃斯特雷,有时是在雅里; —

the cardinal’s quarters were upon the downs, at the bridge of La Pierre, in a simple house without any entrenchment. —
枢机主教的驻扎在丘陵地带,拉皮耶桥上,一座简单的房屋没有任何工事。 —

So that Monsieur watched Bassompierre; the king, the Duc d’Angouleme; —
因此,梅西耶监视巴东皮埃尔;国王,德昂古朗姆公爵; —

and the cardinal, M. de Schomberg.

As soon as this organization was established, they set about driving the English from the Isle.

The juncture was favorable. The English, who require, above everything, good living in order to be good soldiers, only eating salt meat and bad biscuit, had many invalids in their camp. —
这个关键时刻非常有利。英国人需要良好的生活条件才能成为优秀的士兵,他们在营地里吃着咸肉和劣质的干饼干,导致许多人在营地里生病。 —

Still further, the sea, very rough at this period of the year all along the sea coast, destroyed every day some little vessel; —
此外,海上在这个时候一年中的这个时候都很汹涌,每天都有一些小船毁于大海; —

and the shore, from the point of l’Aiguillon to the trenches, was at every tide literally covered with the wrecks of pinnacles, roberges, and feluccas. —
海岸线从l’Aiguillon角到战壕处,在每次潮汐上都被各种翻船,帆船和载货鱼船的残骸覆盖。 —

The result was that even if the king’s troops remained quietly in their camp, it was evident that some day or other, Buckingham, who only continued in the Isle from obstinacy, would be obliged to raise the siege.

But as M. de Toiras gave information that everything was preparing in the enemy’s camp for a fresh assault, the king judged that it would be best to put an end to the affair, and gave the necessary orders for a decisive action.

As it is not our intention to give a journal of the siege, but on the contrary only to describe such of the events of it as are connected with the story we are relating, we will content ourselves with saying in two words that the expedition succeeded, to the great astonishment of the king and the great glory of the cardinal. —
由于我们不打算给围城事件写一本日记,相反,我们只打算描述与我们正在讲述的故事相关的事件,我们将简单地说一下这一探险成功了,令国王感到大为惊讶,令枢机主教获得了极大的荣耀。 —

The English, repulsed foot by foot, beaten in all encounters, and defeated in the passage of the Isle of Loie, were obliged to re-embark, leaving on the field of battle two thousand men, among whom were five colonels, three lieutenant colonels, two hundred and fifty captains, twenty gentlemen of rank, four pieces of cannon, and sixty flags, which were taken to Paris by Claude de St. Simon, and suspended with great pomp in the arches of Notre Dame.

Te Deums were chanted in camp, and afterward throughout France.

The cardinal was left free to carry on the siege, without having, at least at the present, anything to fear on the part of the English.

But it must be acknowledged, this response was but momentary. —
但必须承认,这种响应只是暂时的。 —

An envoy of the Duke of Buckingham, named Montague, was taken, and proof was obtained of a league between the German Empire, Spain, England, and Lorraine. —
白金汉公爵的使者蒙太格被抓获,获得证据表明德意志帝国、西班牙、英格兰和洛林之间有一项联盟。 —

This league was directed against France.

Still further, in Buckingham’s lodging, which he had been forced to abandon more precipitately than he expected, papers were found which confirmed this alliance and which, as the cardinal asserts in his memoirs, strongly compromised Mme. de Chevreuse and consequently the queen.

It was upon the cardinal that all the responsibility fell, for one is not a despotic minister without responsibility. —
所有的责任都落在枢机主教身上,因为一个无法无天的大臣是有责任的。 —

All, therefore, of the vast resources of his genius were at work night and day, engaged in listening to the least report heard in any of the great kingdoms of Europe.

The cardinal was acquainted with the activity, and more particularly the hatred, of Buckingham. —
红衣主教了解贝克汉姆的活动,特别是他的敌意。 —

If the league which threatened France triumphed, all his influence would be lost. —
如果威胁法国的联盟获得胜利,他的所有影响力都将丧失。 —

Spanish policy and Austrian policy would have their representatives in the cabinet of the Louvre, where they had as yet but partisans; —
西班牙政策和奥地利政策将在卢浮宫的内阁中有他们的代表,尽管目前他们只是少数党派的支持者; —

and he, Richelieu–the French minister, the national minister–would be ruined. —
他,列奇留——法国大臣,国家大臣——将会毁灭。 —

The king, even while obeying him like a child, hated him as a child hates his master, and would abandon him to the personal vengeance of Monsieur and the queen. —
国王即使像小孩子一样服从他,也像小孩子一样憎恶他的主人,会把他交给莫札和王后的私人复仇。 —

He would then be lost, and France, perhaps, with him. —
他将会毁灭,也许法国也会与他同归于尽。 —

All this must be prepared against.

Courtiers, becoming every instant more numerous, succeeded one another, day and night, in the little house of the bridge of La Pierre, in which the cardinal had established his residence.

There were monks who wore the frock with such an ill grace that it was easy to perceive they belonged to the church militant; —
有些修士穿上僧袍,却显得不悦,很容易看出他们属于战斗教会; —

women a little inconvenienced by their costume as pages and whose large trousers could not entirely conceal their rounded forms; —
还有一些女人,穿着小伙子般的服装,大裤子掩盖不住他们的丰满身形; —

and peasants with blackened hands but with fine limbs, savoring of the man of quality a league off.

There were also less agreeable visits–for two or three times reports were spread that the cardinal had nearly been assassinated.

It is true that the enemies of the cardinal said that it was he himself who set these bungling assassins to work, in order to have, if wanted, the right of using reprisals; —
确实,红衣主教的敌人说,是他自己操纵这些笨拙的刺客,目的是为了在需要时有使用报复的权利; —

but we must not believe everything ministers say, nor everything their enemies say.

These attempts did not prevent the cardinal, to whom his most inveterate detractors have never denied personal bravery, from making nocturnal excursions, sometimes to communicate to the Duc d’Angouleme important orders, sometimes to confer with the king, and sometimes to have an interview with a messenger whom he did not wish to see at home.

On their part the Musketeers, who had not much to do with the siege, were not under very strict orders and led a joyous life. —
他们履行自己的职责,成为近卫军的一员,虽然大部分时间都没有太多的任务,但仍然过着快乐的生活。 —

The was the more easy for our three companions in particular; —
这对我们三位同伴来说更加容易; —

for being friends of M. de Treville, they obtained from him special permission to be absent after the closing of the camp.

Now, one evening when D’Artagnan, who was in the trenches, was not able to accompany them, Athos, Porthos, and Aramis, mounted on their battle steeds, enveloped in their war cloaks, with their hands upon their pistol butts, were returning from a drinking place called the Red Dovecot, which Athos had discovered two days before upon the route to Jarrie, following the road which led to the camp and quite on their guard, as we have stated, for fear of an ambuscade, when, about a quarter of a league from the village of Boisnau, they fancied they heard the sound of horses approaching them. —
有一天晚上,达达尼昂正值战壕之中,不能和他们一起,阿多斯、波尔索斯和阿拉米斯,骑着战马,裹着战袍,手握手枪,从一家叫作红灰鸽的酒馆上返回,这是两天前阿多斯在通往雅里村的路上发现的,他们紧守警戒,生怕有伏击。当他们听到大约离布瓦诺村有四分之一里路的地方传来马蹄声的时候, —

They immediately all three halted, closed in, and waited, occupying the middle of the road. —
他们立刻三人齐齐停下,站在一起,等候着,在路中间。 —

In an instant, and as the moon broke from behind a cloud, they saw at a turning of the road two horsemen who, on perceiving them, stopped in their turn, appearing to deliberate whether they should continue their route or go back. —
顷刻间,当月亮从云朵后面露出来时,他们看到路的拐角处有两名骑马的人,他们发现了对方之后也停了下来,似乎在考虑是继续前进还是掉头返回。 —

The hesitation created some suspicion in the three friends, and Athos, advancing a few paces in front of the others, cried in a firm voice, “Who goes there?”

“Who goes there, yourselves?” replied one of the horsemen.

“That is not an answer,” replied Athos. “Who goes there? Answer, or we charge.”

“Beware of what you are about, gentlemen!” said a clear voice which seemed accustomed to command.

“It is some superior officer making his night rounds,” said Athos. “What do you wish, gentlemen?”

“Who are you?” said the same voice, in the same commanding tone. —
“你们是谁?”同样的声音,同样有命令的口吻说道。 —

“Answer in your turn, or you may repent of your disobedience.”

“King’s Musketeers,” said Athos, more and more convinced that he who interrogated them had the right to do so.

“What company?”

“Company of Treville.”

“Advance, and give an account of what you are doing here at this hour.”

The three companions advanced rather humbly–for all were now convinced that they had to do with someone more powerful than themselves–leaving Athos the post of speaker.

One of the two riders, he who had spoken second, was ten paces in front of his companion. —
两位骑士中第二个说话的那位,领先他的同伴十步远。 —

Athos made a sign to Porthos and Aramis also to remain in the rear, and advanced alone.

“Your pardon, my officer,” said Athos; “but we were ignorant with whom we had to do, and you may see that we were good guard.”

“Your name?” said the officer, who covered a part of his face with his cloak.

“But yourself, monsieur,” said Athos, who began to be annoyed by this inquisition, “give me, I beg you, the proof that you have the right to question me.”
“可是您自己,先生,” 阿多斯开始因为这种审讯感到烦恼,”请给我证明您有权质问我。”

“Your name?” repeated the cavalier a second time, letting his cloak fall, and leaving his face uncovered.
“您的名字?” 骑士第二次重复,让斗篷掉落,露出面容。

“Monsieur the Cardinal!” cried the stupefied Musketeer.
“大人!” 这位惊讶的火枪手喊道。

“Your name?” cried his Eminence, for the third time.
“您的名字?” 他的阁下第三次喊道。

“Athos,” said the Musketeer.
“阿多斯,” 火枪手说。

The cardinal made a sign to his attendant, who drew near. —
红衣主教示意随侍靠近。 —

“These three Musketeers shall follow us,” said he, in an undertone. —
“这三名火枪手将跟随我们,” 他低声说。 —

“I am not willing it should be known I have left the camp; —
“我不想让别人知道我离开了军营; —

and if they follow us we shall be certain they will tell nobody.”

“We are gentlemen, monseigneur,” said Athos; —
“我们是绅士,阁下,” 阿多斯说; —

“require our parole, and give yourself no uneasiness. —
“请相信我们的誓言,不要担心。 —

Thank God, we can keep a secret.”

The cardinal fixed his piercing eyes on this courageous speaker.

“You have a quick ear, Monsieur Athos,” said the cardinal; “but now listen to this. —
“阿多斯先生,您听觉敏锐,” 主教说;”但现在听好了。 —

It is not from mistrust that I request you to follow me, but for my security. —
我请求你跟随我,不是因为我不信任你,而是为了我的安全。” —

Your companions are no doubt Messieurs Porthos and Aramis.”

“Yes, your Eminence,” said Athos, while the two Musketeers who had remained behind advanced hat in hand.

“I know you, gentlemen,” said the cardinal, “I know you. —
“我认识你们,先生们”,红衣主教说,“我认识你们。 —

I know you are not quite my friends, and I am sorry you are not so; —
我知道你们并非完全是我的朋友,我很遗憾你们不是; —

but I know you are brave and loyal gentlemen, and that confidence may be placed in you. —
但我知道你们是勇敢和忠诚的绅士,可以信任。 —

Monsieur Athos, do me, then, the honor to accompany me; —
阿多斯先生,请赐予我荣幸随我同行; —

you and your two friends, and then I shall have an escort to excite envy in his Majesty, if we should meet him.”

The three Musketeers bowed to the necks of their horses.

“Well, upon my honor,” said Athos, “your Eminence is right in taking us with you; —
“噢,凭我尊严”,阿多斯说,“您的红衣主教是明智的,让我们跟随您; —

we have seen several ill-looking faces on the road, and we have even had a quarrel at the Red Dovecot with four of those faces.”

“A quarrel, and what for, gentlemen?” said the cardinal; “you know I don’t like quarrelers.”

“And that is the reason why I have the honor to inform your Eminence of what has happened; —
“这也是我有幸告知阁下所发生的事情的原因; —

for you might learn it from others, and upon a false account believe us to be in fault.”

“What have been the results of your quarrel?” said the cardinal, knitting his brow.

“My friend, Aramis, here, has received a slight sword wound in the arm, but not enough to prevent him, as your Eminence may see, from mounting to the assault tomorrow, if your Eminence orders an escalade.”

“But you are not the men to allow sword wounds to be inflicted upon you thus,” said the cardinal. —
“但您们不是那种会容许自己受到如此刀伤的人,”枢机主教说道。 —

“Come, be frank, gentlemen, you have settled accounts with somebody! —
“来吧,坦白吧,先生们,你们已经和某人算账了! —

Confess; you know I have the right of giving absolution.”

“I, monseigneur?” said Athos. “I did not even draw my sword, but I took him who offended me round the body, and threw him out of the window. —
“我,大主教?” 阿多斯说。“我甚至都没拔剑,只是抓住那冒犯我的人的身体,然后把他扔出窗外。 —

It appears that in falling,” continued Athos, with some hesitation, “he broke his thigh.”
“他摔下来时似乎断了大腿。” 阿多斯略带犹豫地说道。

“Ah, ah!” said the cardinal; “and you, Monsieur Porthos?”

“I, monseigneur, knowing that dueling is prohibited–I seized a bench, and gave one of those brigands such a blow that I believe his shoulder is broken.”

“Very well,” said the cardinal; “and you, Monsieur Aramis?”

“Monseigneur, being of a very mild disposition, and being, likewise, of which Monseigneur perhaps is not aware, about to enter into orders, I endeavored to appease my comrades, when one of these wretches gave me a wound with a sword, treacherously, across my left arm. —
“大主教,我性情非常温和,而且,也许大主教并不知道,我即将领圣职,我努力安抚我的同伴,当其中一个恶棍用剑背叛地伤了我的左臂。 —

Then I admit my patience failed me; I drew my sword in my turn, and as he came back to the charge, I fancied I felt that in throwing himself upon me, he let it pass through his body. —
然后我承认我的耐心耗尽了;轮到我拔剑,当他再次向我冲来时,我觉得他扑到我身上时让剑从他身体里穿过。 —

I only know for a certainty that he fell; —
我只确定他倒下了; —

and it seemed to me that he was borne away with his two companions.”

“The devil, gentlemen!” said the cardinal, “three men placed hors de combat in a cabaret squabble! You don’t do your work by halves. —
“混蛋,先生们!”枢机主教说,“三个人在酒馆吵架就受伤了!你们干得不半吊子。 —

And pray what was this quarrel about?”

“These fellows were drunk,” said Athos. “and knowing there was a lady who had arrived at the cabaret this evening, they wanted to force her door.”

“Force her door!” said the cardinal, “and for what purpose?”

“To do her violence, without doubt,” said Athos. “I have had the honor of informing your Eminence that these men were drunk.”
“毫无疑问是为了对她动粗,” 阿索斯说。“我曾有荣幸通知你的良级大人,这些人是喝醉了。”

“And was this lady young and handsome?” asked the cardinal, with a certain degree of anxiety.

“We did not see her, monseigneur,” said Athos.

“You did not see her? Ah, very well,” replied the cardinal, quickly. —
“你们没看见她?啊,很好,”主教迅速回答。 —

“You did well to defend the honor of a woman; —
“你们捍卫一位女士的名誉做得很好; —

and as I am going to the Red Dovecot myself, I shall know if you have told me the truth.”

“Monseigneur,” said Athos, haughtily, “we are gentlemen, and to save our heads we would not be guilty of a falsehood.”

“Therefore I do not doubt what you say, Monsieur Athos, I do not doubt it for a single instant; —
“因此,雅图斯先生,我对你所说的深信不疑,我连一瞬间都不怀疑; —

but,” added he, “to change the conversation, was this lady alone?”

“The lady had a cavalier shut up with her,” said Athos, “but as notwithstanding the noise, this cavalier did not show himself, it is to be presumed that he is a coward.”

“Judge not rashly, says the Gospel,” replied the cardinal.

Athos bowed.

“And now, gentlemen, that’s well,” continued the cardinal. “I know what I wish to know; follow me.”

The three Musketeers passed behind his Eminence, who again enveloped his face in his cloak, and put his horse in motion, keeping from eight to ten paces in advance of his four companions.

They soon arrived at the silent, solitary inn. —
他们很快到达了寂静荒凉的客栈。 —

No doubt the host knew what illustrious visitor was expected, and had consequently sent intruders out of the way.

Ten paces from the door the cardinal made a sign to his esquire and the three Musketeers to halt. —
离门十步远,红衣主教示意他的侍从和三名火枪手停下来。 —

A saddled horse was fastened to the window shutter. —
一匹备好鞍具的马系在窗户百叶上。 —

The cardinal knocked three times, and in a peculiar manner.

A man, enveloped in a cloak, came out immediately, and exchanged some rapid words with the cardinal; —
一个披着斗篷的人立刻走了出来,与红衣主教交换了几句迅速的话; —

after which he mounted his horse, and set off in the direction of Surgeres, which was likewise the way to Paris.

“Advance, gentlemen,” said the cardinal.

“You have told me the truth, my gentlemen,” said he, addressing the Musketeers, “and it will not be my fault if our encounter this evening be not advantageous to you. —
“你们告诉了我真相,我的各位,”他对三名火枪手说道,“如果今晚的遭遇对你们没有好处,那可不是我的错。 —

In the meantime, follow me.”

The cardinal alighted; the three Musketeers did likewise. —
主教下了马;三名火枪手也如法炮制。 —

The cardinal threw the bridle of his horse to his esquire; —
主教把马的缰绳交给了他的侍从; —

the three Musketeers fastened the horses to the shutters.

The host stood at the door. For him, the cardinal was only an officer coming to visit a lady.

“Have you any chamber on the ground floor where these gentlemen can wait near a good fire?” said the cardinal.

The host opened the door of a large room, in which an old stove had just been replaced by a large and excellent chimney.

“I have this,” said he.

“That will do,” replied the cardinal. “Enter, gentlemen, and be kind enough to wait for me; —
“那就行了,”主教回答说。“进去吧,各位,麻烦等我一下; —

I shall not be more than half an hour.”

And while the three Musketeers entered the ground floor room, the cardinal, without asking further information, ascended the staircase like a man who has no need of having his road pointed out to him.