
D’Artagnan was astounded by the terrible confidence of Athos; —
达达尼安对阿多斯的可怕自信感到震惊; —

yet many things appeared very obscure to him in this half revelation. —
然而,对于这种半揭露的事情,很多地方对他来说仍然很模糊。 —

In the first place it had been made by a man quite drunk to one who was half drunk; —
首先,这是一个酩酊大醉的人对半醉的人说的,所以许多事情都不确定; —

and yet, in spite of the incertainty which the vapor of three or four bottles of Burgundy carries with it to the brain, D’Artagnan, when awaking on the following morning, had all the words of Athos as present to his memory as if they then fell from his mouth–they had been so impressed upon his mind. —
尽管喝了三四瓶勃艮第葡萄酒的酒气对大脑有一些影响,但达达尼安第二天早上醒来时,阿多斯的话仍然清晰地印在他的脑海中,就好像当时刚说出口一样,它们已经深深地印在他心里。 —

All this doubt only gave rise to a more lively desire of arriving at a certainty, and he went into his friend’s chamber with a fixed determination of renewing the conversation of the preceding evening; —
所有这些疑问只加剧了他获得确定性的渴望,于是他下定决心要重新开始前一晚的对话; —

but he found Athos quite himself again–that is to say, the most shrewd and impenetrable of men. —
但他发现阿多斯完全恢复了–也就是说,他是最机智和难以揭露的人。 —

Besides which, the Musketeer, after having exchanged a hearty shake of the hand with him, broached the matter first.

“I was pretty drunk yesterday, D’Artagnan,” said he, “I can tell that by my tongue, which was swollen and hot this morning, and by my pulse, which was very tremulous. —
“昨天我喝得很疯狂,达达尼安,”他说,“我可以告诉,我的舌头早上肿胀又发烫,而我的脉搏则很颤抖。 —

I wager that I uttered a thousand extravagances.”

While saying this he looked at his friend with an earnestness that embarrassed him.

“No,” replied D’Artagnan, “if I recollect well what you said, it was nothing out of the common way.”

“Ah, you surprise me. I thought I had told you a most lamentable story.” —
“啊,你让我吃惊了。我还以为我告诉了你一个非常悲哀的故事。” —

And he looked at the young man as if he would read the bottom of his heart.

“My faith,” said D’Artagnan, “it appears that I was more drunk than you, since I remember nothing of the kind.”

Athos did not trust this reply, and he resumed; —
阿索斯不相信这个回答,于是继续说道; —

“you cannot have failed to remark, my dear friend, that everyone has his particular kind of drunkenness, sad or gay. —
“你一定也注意到了,亲爱的朋友,每个人都有自己特有的酗酒方式,忧伤或欢乐。 —

My drunkenness is always sad, and when I am thoroughly drunk my mania is to relate all the lugubrious stories which my foolish nurse inculcated into my brain. —
我的醉态总是忧伤的,当我彻底醉倒时,我就会发狂地讲述我愚蠢的保姆灌输给我的脑海中的所有悲惨故事。 —

That is my failing–a capital failing, I admit; —
那是我的毛病–一个很致命的毛病,我承认; —

but with that exception, I am a good drinker.”

Athos spoke this in so natural a manner that D’Artagnan was shaken in his conviction.

“It is that, then,” replied the young man, anxious to find out the truth, “it is that, then, I remember as we remember a dream. —
“就是这样,”年轻人回答道,急于弄清事实真相,”就是这样,我记得了,就像我们记得一个梦境一样。 —

We were speaking of hanging.”

“Ah, you see how it is,” said Athos, becoming still paler, but yet attempting to laugh; —
“啊,你看,”阿索斯说着,脸色更苍白了,但还试图笑着; —

“I was sure it was so–the hanging of people is my nightmare.”

“Yes, yes,” replied D’Artagnan. “I remember now; —
“是的,是的,”达达尼昂回答道。“我回想起来了; —

yes, it was about–stop a minute–yes, it was about a woman.”

“That’s it,” replied Athos, becoming almost livid; —
“对,”阿索斯回答道,脸色几乎铁青; —

“that is my grand story of the fair lady, and when I relate that, I must be very drunk.”

“Yes, that was it,” said D’Artagnan, “the story of a tall, fair lady, with blue eyes.”

“Yes, who was hanged.”

“By her husband, who was a nobleman of your acquaintance,” continued D’Artagnan, looking intently at Athos.

“Well, you see how a man may compromise himself when he does not know what he says,” replied Athos, shrugging his shoulders as if he thought himself an object of pity. —
“嗯,你看一个人不知道自己在说什么时,是如何把自己置于尴尬境地的,”阿多斯回答道,耸了耸肩,仿佛觉得自己可怜可悲。 —

“I certainly never will get drunk again, D’Artagnan; —
“我肯定再也不会喝醉了,达达尼安; —

it is too bad a habit.”

D’Artagnan remained silent; and then changing the conversation all at once, Athos said:

“By the by, I thank you for the horse you have brought me.”

“Is it to your mind?” asked D’Artagnan.

“Yes; but it is not a horse for hard work.”

“you are mistaken; I rode him nearly ten leagues in less than an hour and a half, and he appeared no more distressed than if he had only made the tour of the Place St. Sulpice.”

“Ah, you begin to awaken my regret.”


“Yes; I have parted with him.”


“Why, here is the simple fact. This morning I awoke at six o’clock. —
“为什么,事情很简单。今天早上我六点就醒了。 —

You were still fast asleep, and I did not know what to do with myself; —
你还在熟睡,我无事可做; —

I was still stupid from our yesterday’s debauch. —
我还沉迷于昨天的狂欢。 —

As I came into the public room, I saw one of our Englishman bargaining with a dealer for a horse, his own having died yesterday from bleeding. —
我走进客厅,看到一个英国人正在和一个马贩子讨价还价,他自己的马昨天因为失血而死了。 —

I drew near, and found he was bidding a hundred pistoles for a chestnut nag. —
我走近一看,发现他出价一百皮斯托勒买一匹栗色的瘦马。 —

‘PARDIEU,’ said I, ‘my good gentleman, I have a horse to sell, too.’ ‘Ay, and a very fine one! —
‘天啊,’我说,’我有一匹马要卖。’ ‘噢,非常漂亮的一匹! —

I saw him yesterday; your friend’s lackey was leading him.’ —
我昨天就看见了;你朋友的仆人正在牵着他。’ —

‘Do you think he is worth a hundred pistoles?’ ‘Yes! Will you sell him to me for that sum?’ ‘No; —
‘你觉得他值一百皮斯托勒吗?’ ‘是的!你愿意用这个价格卖给我吗?’ ‘不;” —

but I will play for him.’ ‘What?’ ‘At dice.’ No sooner said than done, and I lost the horse. —
但我会为他玩。’ ‘什么?’ ‘赌博。’ 说话甚至做到了,我输了那匹马。 —

Ah, ah! But please to observe I won back the equipage,’ cried Athos.

D’Artagnan looked much disconcerted.

“This vexes you?” said Athos.

“Well, I must confess it does,” replied D’Artagnan. —
“嗯,我必须承认确实让我烦恼,”达达尼安回答。 —

“That horse was to have identified us in the day of battle. —
“那匹马本来是在战斗的日子里来确认我们身份的。 —

It was a pledge, a remembrance. Athos, you have done wrong.”

“But, my dear friend, put yourself in my place,” replied the Musketeer. “I was hipped to death; —
“但是,我亲爱的朋友,请你设身处地想想我的处境,”火枪手回答说。”我真的是不高兴得要命; —

and still further, upon my honor, I don’t like English horses. —
而且,我保证,我不喜欢英国的马。 —

If it is only to be recognized, why the saddle will suffice for that; —
如果只是为了被辨认,那马鞍足以; —

it is quite remarkable enough. As to the horse, we can easily find some excuse for its disappearance. —
那已经相当引人注目了。至于那匹马,我们可以轻易找到一些关于它消失的借口。 —

Why the devil! A horse is mortal; suppose mine had had the glanders or the farcy?”

D’Artagnan did not smile.

“It vexes me greatly,” continued Athos, “that you attach so much importance to these animals, for I am not yet at the end of my story.”

“What else have you done.”

“After having lost my own horse, nine against ten–see how near– I formed an idea of staking yours.”

“Yes; but you stopped at the idea, I hope?”

“No; for I put it in execution that very minute.”

“And the consequence?” said D’Artagnan, in great anxiety.

“I threw, and I lost.”

“What, my horse?”

“Your horse, seven against eight; a point short–you know the proverb.”

“Athos, you are not in your right senses, I swear.”

“My dear lad, that was yesterday, when I was telling you silly stories, it was proper to tell me that, and not this morning. —
“我亲爱的朋友,那是昨天的事,我在给你讲蠢话时,应该当时告诉我这个,而不是今天早晨。” —

I lost him then, with all his appointments and furniture.”

“Really, this is frightful.”

“Stop a minute; you don’t know all yet. I should make an excellent gambler if I were not too hot-headed; —
“等一下;你还不知道全部。如果我不那么心直口快的话,我会成为一个出色的赌徒;” —

but I was hot- headed, just as if I had been drinking. —
“但那时,我就像是喝醉了一样心直口快。” —

Well, I was not hot- headed then–”

“Well, but what else could you play for? You had nothing left?”

‘Oh, yes, my friend; there was still that diamond left which sparkles on your finger, and which I had observed yesterday.”

“This diamond!” said D’Artagnan, placing his hand eagerly on his ring.

“And as I am a connoisseur in such things, having had a few of my own once, I estimated it at a thousand pistoles.”

“I hope,” said D’Artagnan, half dead with fright, “you made no mention of my diamond?”

“On the contrary, my dear friend, this diamond became our only resource; —
“相反,我的亲爱的朋友,这颗钻石成为我们唯一的资源; —

with it I might regain our horses and their harnesses, and even money to pay our expenses on the road.”

“Athos, you make me tremble!” cried D’Artagnan.

“I mentioned your diamond then to my adversary, who had likewise remarked it. —
“所以我提到这颗钻石,然后给我的对手,他也留意到了它。 —

What the devil, my dear, do you think you can wear a star from heaven on your finger, and nobody observe it? Impossible!”

“Go on, go on, my dear fellow!” said D’Artagnan; —
“继续,继续,我亲爱的朋友!”达达尼昂说; —

“for upon my honor, you will kill me with your indifference.”

“We divided, then, this diamond into ten parts of a hundred pistoles each.”

“You are laughing at me, and want to try me!” —
“你在取笑我,想考验我!”达达尼昂说,愤怒开始抓住他,就像米涅瓦在《伊利亚特》中抓住阿基里斯一样。 —

said D’Artagnan, whom anger began to take by the hair, as Minerva takes Achilles, in the ILLIAD.

“No, I do not jest, MORDIEU! I should like to have seen you in my place! —
“继续说,继续说,我的好伙计!”达达尼昂说。 —

I had been fifteen days without seeing a human face, and had been left to brutalize myself in the company of bottles.”

“That was no reason for staking my diamond!” —
“这不足以拿我的钻石来赌博呀!” —

replied D’Artagnan, closing his hand with a nervous spasm.

“Hear the end. Ten parts of a hundred pistoles each, in ten throws, without revenge; —
“听着后面的。每百枚即使都输给你,十个轮回,不要再复仇; —

in thirteen throws I had lost all–in thirteen throws. —
在第十三轮我全都输了–在第十三轮。 —

The number thirteen was always fatal to me; —
数字十三对我总是致命的; —

it was on the thirteenth of July that–”

“VENTREBLEU!” cried D’Artagnan, rising from the table, the story of the present day making him forget that of the preceding one.
“By God!“达达尼昂大声从桌旁站起来,今天的事情让他忘记了前一天的故事。

“Patience!” said Athos; “I had a plan. The Englishman was an original; —
“耐心!”阿索说道,“我有个计划。这个英国人很古怪; —

I had seen him conversing that morning with Grimaud, and Grimaud had told me that he had made him proposals to enter into his service. —
我今天早上看到他在和格里莫谈话,格里莫告诉我他向他提出了加入他服务的提议。 —

I staked Grimaud, the silent Grimaud, divided into ten portions.”

“Well, what next?” said D’Artagnan, laughing in spite of himself.

“Grimaud himself, understand; and with the ten parts of Grimaud, which are not worth a ducatoon, I regained the diamond. —
“格里莫本人,你明白吗;然后用不值一笔铜板的十份格里莫,我重新夺回了钻石。 —

Tell me, now, if persistence is not a virtue?”

“My faith! But this is droll,” cried D’Artagnan, consoled, and holding his sides with laughter.

“You may guess, finding the luck turned, that I again staked the diamond.”

“The devil!” said D’Artagnan, becoming angry again.

“I won back your harness, then your horse, then my harness, then my horse, and then I lost again. —
“我赢回了你的马具,然后是你的马,接着是我的马具,再接着又是我的马,然后我又输了。” —

In brief, I regained your harness and then mine. That’s where we are. —
“总之,我赢回了你的马具,然后是我的。我们现在就是这个状况。” —

That was a superb throw, so I left off there.”

D’Artagnan breathed as if the whole hostelry had been removed from his breast.

“Then the diamond is safe?” said he, timidly.

“Intact, my dear friend; besides the harness of your Bucephalus and mine.”

“But what is the use of harnesses without horses?”

“I have an idea about them.”

“Athos, you make me shudder.”

“Listen to me. You have not played for a long time, D’Artagnan.”

“And I have no inclination to play.”

“Swear to nothing. You have not played for a long time, I said; —
“不要随便答应。我说你很久没有玩过了; —

you ought, then, to have a good hand.”

“Well, what then?”

“Well; the Englishman and his companion are still here. —
“噢,那个英国人和他的伙伴还在这里。” —

I remarked that he regretted the horse furniture very much. —
我注意到他非常后悔失去了那些马具。 —

You appear to think much of your horse. In your place I would stake the furniture against the horse.”

“But he will not wish for only one harness.”

“Stake both, PARDIEU! I am not selfish, as you are.”

“You would do so?” said D’Artagnan, undecided, so strongly did the confidence of Athos begin to prevail, in spite of himself.

“On my honor, in one single throw.”

“But having lost the horses, I am particularly anxious to preserve the harnesses.”

“Stake your diamond, then.”

“This? That’s another matter. Never, never!”

“The devil!” said Athos. “I would propose to you to stake Planchet, but as that has already been done, the Englishman would not, perhaps, be willing.”

“Decidedly, my dear Athos,” said D’Artagnan, “I should like better not to risk anything.”

“That’s a pity,” said Athos, cooly. “The Englishman is overflowing with pistoles. —
“真可惜,“阿多斯冷静地说道。”那个英国人身上可是满是路易德币。” —

Good Lord, try one throw! One throw is soon made!”

“And if I lose?”

“You will win.”

“But if I lose?”

“Well, you will surrender the harnesses.”

“Have with you for one throw!” said D’Artagnan.

Athos went in quest of the Englishman, whom he found in the stable, examining the harnesses with a greedy eye. —
阿都找到了那位英国人,发现他正在马厩里贪婪地查看着马具。 —

The opportunity was good. He proposed the conditions–the two harnesses, either against one horse or a hundred pistoles. —
机会来了。他提出了条件–两套马具,要么换一匹马,要么一百枚金币。 —

The Englishman calculated fast; the two harnesses were worth three hundred pistoles. He consented.

D’Artagnan threw the dice with a trembling hand, and turned up the number three; —
达达尼安战战兢兢地摇着骰子,结果是三点; —

his paleness terrified Athos, who, however, consented himself with saying, “That’s a sad throw, comrade; —
他苍白的脸色让阿都感到恐惧,不过他只是轻声说道,”这是个遗憾的点数,伙计; —

you will have the horses fully equipped, monsieur.”

The Englishman, quite triumphant, did not even give himself the trouble to shake the dice. —
英国人得意洋洋,都不费力气就摇骰子。 —

He threw them on the table without looking at them, so sure was he of victory; —
他毫不犹豫地将骰子扔在桌上,满怀胜利的把握; —

D’Artagnan turned aside to conceal his ill humor.

“Hold, hold, hold!” said Athos, wit his quiet tone; —
“等等,等等,等等!”阿都平静地说; —

“that throw of the dice is extraordinary. —
“那次掷骰子真是不可思议的。”, —

I have not seen such a one four times in my life. Two aces!”

The Englishman looked, and was seized with astonishment. —
英国人看了,惊讶不已。 —

D’Artagnan looked, and was seized with pleasure.

“Yes,” continued Athos, “four times only; once at the house of Monsieur Crequy; —
“是的,” 阿索斯继续说道,”只有四次;一次在格克侯爵家; —

another time at my own house in the country, in my chateau at–when I had a chateau; —
另一次在我自己的乡间别墅,在我的城堡里——我还拥有一座城堡的时候; —

a third time at Monsieur de Treville’s where it surprised us all; —
第三次在德·特雷维尔先生那里,我们都被吓了一跳; —

and the fourth time at a cabaret, where it fell to my lot, and where I lost a hundred louis and a supper on it.”

“Then Monsieur takes his horse back again,” said the Englishman.
“那么先生把马还给我的仆人了,” 英国人说道。

“Certainly,” said D’Artagnan.
“当然,” 达达尼昂说。

“Then there is no revenge?”

“Our conditions said, ‘No revenge,’ you will please to recollect.”

“That is true; the horse shall be restored to your lackey, monsieur.”

“A moment,” said Athos; “with your permission, monsieur, I wish to speak a word with my friend.”
“请等一下,” 阿索斯说;”在您允许的情况下,先生,我想和我的朋友说几句话。”

“Say on.”

Athos drew D’Artagnan aside.

“Well, Tempter, what more do you want with me?” said D’Artagnan. —
达达尼恩说:“好了,诱惑者,你还想对我做什么?” —

“You want me to throw again, do you not?”

“No, I would wish you to reflect.”

“On what?”

“You mean to take your horse?”

“Without doubt.”

“You are wrong, then. I would take the hundred pistoles. —
“你错了。我会选择拿走一百金币。” —

You know you have staked the harnesses against the horse or a hundred pistoles, at your choice.”


“Well, then, I repeat, you are wrong. What is the use of one horse for us two? —
“那么,我再说一遍,你错了。我们两个人有什么用一个马? —

I could not ride behind. We should look like the two sons of Anmon, who had lost their brother. —
我不能骑在后面。我们看起来会像两个失去哥哥的安蒙的儿子一样。” —

You cannot think of humiliating me by prancing along by my side on that magnificent charger. —
“你不会觉得让我骑在那匹华丽的战马旁边昂首阔步对我羞辱。” —

For my part, I should not hesitate a moment; —
“就我而言,我不会犹豫片刻; —

I should take the hundred pistoles. We want money for our return to Paris.”

“I am much attached to that horse, Athos.”

“And there again you are wrong. A horse slips and injures a joint; —
“而在这一点上你错了。马会打滑并受伤; —

a horse stumbles and breaks his knees to the bone; —
马会绊倒并把膝盖摔断到骨头; —

a horse eats out of a manger in which a glandered horse has eaten. —
马会在已经有腺癌马吃过的槽里吃东西。 —

There is a horse, while on the contrary, the hundred pistoles feed their master.”

“But how shall we get back?”

“Upon our lackey’s horses, PARDIEU. Anybody may see by our bearing that we are people of condition.”

“Pretty figures we shall cut on ponies while Aramis and Porthos caracole on their steeds.”

“Aramis! Porthos!” cried Athos, and laughed aloud.

“What is it?” asked D’Artagnan, who did not at all comprehend the hilarity of his friend.

“Nothing, nothing! Go on!”

“Your advice, then?”

“To take the hundred pistoles, D’Artagnan. —
“带着这一百皮斯托尔,达达尼昂。 —

With the hundred pistoles we can live well to the end of the month. —
有了这一百皮斯托尔,我们可以好好地生活到月底。 —

We have undergone a great deal of fatigue, remember, and a little rest will do no harm.”

“I rest? Oh, no, Athos. Once in Paris, I shall prosecute my search for that unfortunate woman!”

“Well, you may be assured that your horse will not be half so serviceable to you for that purpose as good golden louis. —
“好吧,你可以放心,你的马不会像优秀的金路易那样对你有用。” —

Take the hundred pistoles, my friend; take the hundred pistoles!”

D’Artagnan only required one reason to be satisfied. This last reason appeared convincing. —
达达尼昂只需一个理由就能满意。这最后一个理由似乎很有说服力。 —

Besides, he feared that by resisting longer he should appear selfish in the eyes of Athos. He acquiesced, therefore, and chose the hundred pistoles, which the Englishman paid down on the spot.

They then determined to depart. Peace with the landlord, in addition to Athos’s old horse, cost six pistoles. —
然后他们决定离开。和店主的和解加上阿多斯那匹老马,共花了六皮斯托尔。 —

D’Artagnan and Athos took the nags of Planchet and Grimaud, and the two lackeys started on foot, carrying the saddles on their heads.

However ill our two friends were mounted, they were soon far in advance of their servants, and arrived at Creveccoeur. —
尽管两位朋友的马坐得不舒服,但很快就远远领先于仆人,到达了克烈佛库尔。 —

From a distance they perceived Aramis, seated in a melancholy manner at his window, looking out, like Sister Anne, at the dust in the horizon.

“HOLA, Aramis! What the devil are you doing there?” cried the two friends.

“Ah, is that you, D’Artagnan, and you, Athos?” said the young man. —
“啊,是你们,达达尼昂,和你,阿多斯?”年轻人说。 —

“I was reflecting upon the rapidity with which the blessings of this world leave us. —
“我在反思这个世界的祝福离我们迅速而去。” —

My English horse, which has just disappeared amid a cloud of dust, has furnished me with a living image of the fragility of the things of the earth. —
“我的英国马刚刚消失在一团尘土中,为我提供了一个地球上物事易逝性的生动表象。” —

Life itself may be resolved into three words: ERAT, EST, FUIT.”
“生活本身可以归结为三个字:ERAT, EST, FUIT。”

“Which means–” said D’Artagnan, who began to suspect the truth.

“Which means that I have just been duped-sixty louis for a horse which by the manner of his gait can do at least five leagues an hour.”

D’Artagnan and Athos laughed aloud.

“My dear D’Artagnan,” said Aramis, “don’t be too angry with me, I beg. Necessity has no law; —
“我亲爱的达达尼昂,”阿拉密斯说,“请不要太生我的气。必要情况下,法律就不再重要; —

besides, I am the person punished, as that rascally horsedealer has robbed me of fifty louis, at least. —
况且,我才是被惩罚的人,因为那个可恶的马贩子至少骗走了我五十卢易斯。 —

Ah, you fellows are good managers! You ride on our lackey’s horses, and have your own gallant steeds led along carefully by hand, at short stages.”

At the same instant a market cart, which some minutes before had appeared upon the Amiens road, pulled up at the inn, and Planchet and Grimaud came out of it with the saddles on their heads. —
与此同时,一辆刚刚出现在亚眠路上的市场车停在了客栈前,普朗谢和格里莫德头上扛着马鞍下了车。 —

The cart was returning empty to Paris, and the two lackeys had agreed, for their transport, to slake the wagoner’s thirst along the route.

“What is this?” said Aramis, on seeing them arrive. “Nothing but saddles?”

“Now do you understand?” said Athos.

“My friends, that’s exactly like me! I retained my harness by instinct. HOLA, Bazin! —
“我的朋友们,这就像是我!我本能地保留了我的马具。喂,巴兹兰! —

Bring my new saddle and carry it along with those of these gentlemen.”

“And what have you done with your ecclesiastics?” asked D’Artagnan.

“My dear fellow, I invited them to a dinner the next day,” replied Aramis. —
“我亲爱的朋友,我邀请他们去了次日的宴会,”阿拉米斯回答说。 —

“They have some capital wine here-please to observe that in passing. —
“这里有一些绝佳的酒——经过时请注意一下。 —

I did my best to make them drunk. Then the curate forbade me to quit my uniform, and the Jesuit entreated me to get him made a Musketeer.”

“Without a thesis?” cried D’Artagnan, “without a thesis? I demand the suppression of the thesis.”

“Since then,” continued Aramis, “I have lived very agreeably. —
“从那以后,”阿拉米斯继续说,“我过得很愉快。 —

I have begun a poem in verses of one syllable. —
我开始写了一个用单音节的诗歌。 —

That is rather difficult, but the merit in all things consists in the difficulty. —
那相当困难,但在所有事情中,难度就是优点。 —

The matter is gallant. I will read you the first canto. —
内容是豪迈的。我将读一读第一篇歌。 —

It has four hundred lines, and lasts a minute.”

“My faith, my dear Aramis,” said D’Artagnan, who detested verses almost as much as he did Latin, “add to the merit of the difficulty that of the brevity, and you are sure that your poem will at least have two merits.”

“You will see,” continued Aramis, “that it breathes irreproachable passion. —
“你会看到,”阿拉米斯继续说道,“它表达了无可指责的激情。 —

And so, my friends, we return to Paris? Bravo! I am ready. —
那么,我的朋友们,我们回到巴黎?太好了!我已经准备好了。 —

We are going to rejoin that good fellow, Porthos. So much the better. —
我们要去找那个好家伙波尔多斯。太好了。 —

You can’t think how I have missed him, the great simpleton. —
你们不知道我是多么想念他,这个大傻瓜。 —

To see him so self-satisfied reconciles me with myself. He would not sell his horse; —
看到他这么自鸣得意让我和自己和解了。他是宁可不卖他的马; —

not for a kingdom! I think I can see him now, mounted upon his superb animal and seated in his handsome saddle. —
就算换来一个王国!我觉得我现在就能看见他了,骑在他那匹华美的马上,坐在他那漂亮的马鞍上。 —

I am sure he will look like the Great Mogul!”

They made a halt for an hour to refresh their horses. —
他们停下一个小时给马休息。 —

Aramis discharged his bill, placed Bazin in the cart with his comrades, and they set forward to join Porthos.

They found him up, less pale than when D’Artagnan left him after his first visit, and seated at a table on which, though he was alone, was spread enough for four persons. —
他们发现他起来了,比达达尼离开他第一次访问时脸色好多了,坐在桌子旁,虽然他独自一人,但桌子上却铺满了四个人的食物。 —

This dinner consisted of meats nicely dressed, choice wines, and superb fruit.

“Ah, PARDIEU!” said he, rising, “you come in the nick of time, gentlemen. —
“啊,天啊!”他站起来说,“你们来得正是时候,先生们。 —

I was just beginning the soup, and you will dine with me.”

“Oh, oh!” said D’Artagnan, “Mousqueton has not caught these bottles with his lasso. —
“哦,哦!”达达尼说,“马斯凯通用套索没有捕捉这些瓶子。 —

Besides, here is a piquant FRICANDEAU and a fillet of beef.”

“I am recruiting myself,” said Porthos, “I am recruiting myself. —
““我在招募自己,”波托斯说,”我在招募自己。 —

Nothing weakens a man more than these devilish strains. —
“没有什么比这些魔鬼般的紧张更能削弱一个人了。 —

Did you ever suffer from a strain, Athos?”

“Never! Though I remember, in our affair of the Rue Ferou, I received a sword wound which at the end of fifteen or eighteen days produced the same effect.”

“But this dinner was not intended for you alone, Porthos?” said Aramis.
“但这顿饭不只是为你一个人准备的,波托斯?” 阿拉米斯说。

“No,” said Porthos, “I expected some gentlemen of the neighborhood, who have just sent me word they could not come. —
“不,”波托斯说,”我原本期待一些附近的绅士,他们刚刚发了个消息说他们来不了。 —

You will take their places and I shall not lose by the exchange. —
你们将顶替他们,我也不会因此而吃亏。 —

HOLA, Mousqueton, seats, and order double the bottles!”

“Do you know what we are eating here?” said Athos, at the end of ten minutes.
“你们知道我们这里在吃什么吗?” 十分钟后,阿多斯问。

“PARDIEU!” replied D’Artagnan, “for my part, I am eating veal garnished with shrimps and vegetables.”
“这是什么?” 达达尼安回答说:”我在吃配有虾和蔬菜的小牛肉。

“And I some lamb chops,” said Porthos.

“And I a plain chicken,” said Aramis.

“You are all mistaken, gentlemen,” answered Athos, gravely; “you are eating horse.”

“Eating what?” said D’Artagnan.
“吃什么?” 达达尼安说。

“Horse!” said Aramis, with a grimace of disgust.
“马肉!” 阿拉米斯厌恶地说。

Porthos alone made no reply.

“Yes, horse. Are we not eating a horse, Porthos? And perhaps his saddle, therewith.”

“No, gentlemen, I have kept the harness,” said Porthos.

“My faith,” said Aramis, “we are all alike. One would think we had tipped the wink.”

“What could I do?” said Porthos. “This horse made my visitors ashamed of theirs, and I don’t like to humiliate people.”

“Then your duchess is still at the waters?” asked D’Artagnan.

“Still,” replied Porthos. “And, my faith, the governor of the province–one of the gentlemen I expected today–seemed to have such a wish for him, that I gave him to him.”

“Gave him?” cried D’Artagnan.

“My God, yes, GAVE, that is the word,” said Porthos; —
“我的上帝,是的,给了,那就是词儿,”波尔多斯说; —

“for the animal was worth at least a hundred and fifty louis, and the stingy fellow would only give me eighty.”

“Without the saddle?” said Aramis.

“Yes, without the saddle.”

“You will observe, gentlemen,” said Athos, “that Porthos has made the best bargain of any of us.”

And then commenced a roar of laughter in which they all joined, to the astonishment of poor Porthos; —
于是他们开始了一阵哄堂大笑,波尔多斯也加入其中,让他感到惊讶; —

but when he was informed of the cause of their hilarity, he shared it vociferously according to his custom.

“There is one comfort, we are all in cash,” said D’Artagnan.

“Well, for my part,” said Athos, “I found Aramis’s Spanish wine so good that I sent on a hamper of sixty bottles of it in the wagon with the lackeys. —
“嗯,就我而言,”阿多斯说,“我觉得阿拉密斯的西班牙酒味道太好了,我还额外寄了六十瓶给侍从们。” —

That has weakened my purse.”

“And I,” said Aramis, “imagined that I had given almost my last sou to the church of Montdidier and the Jesuits of Amiens, with whom I had made engagements which I ought to have kept. —
“而我,”阿拉密斯说,“我觉得我已经把几乎我最后一文钱都献给了蒙迪迪埃教堂和亚眠的耶稣会修士,我本该履行承诺的。 —

I have ordered Masses for myself, and for you, gentlemen, which will be said, gentlemen, for which I have not the least doubt you will be marvelously benefited.”

“And I,” said Porthos, “do you think my strain cost me nothing? —
“而我,”波托斯说,“你们以为我的伤害没花费吗? —

– without reckoning Mousqueton’s wound, for which I had to have the surgeon twice a day, and who charged me double on account of that foolish Mousqueton having allowed himself a ball in a part which people generally only show to an apothecary; —
–不算上莫斯奎通受伤,我每天要请医生两次,他因为那个愚蠢的莫斯奎通在身体一部分上中了子弹,要收双倍费用; —

so I advised him to try never to get wounded there any more.”

“Ay, ay!” said Athos, exchanging a smile with D’Artagnan and Aramis, “it is very clear you acted nobly with regard to the poor lad; —
“啊啊!”阿多斯与达达尼安和阿拉密斯互相一笑,“你确实对穷小子表现出了高尚的态度; —

that is like a good master.”

“In short,” said Porthos, “when all my expenses are paid, I shall have, at most, thirty crowns left.”

“And I about ten pistoles,” said Aramis.

“Well, then it appears that we are the Croesuses of the society. —
“好吧,看来我们是这个圈子里的克罗伊西斯。 —

How much have you left of your hundred pistoles, D’Artagnan.?”

“Of my hundred pistoles? Why, in the first place I gave you fifty.”

“You think so?”


“Ah, that is true. I recollect.”

“Then I paid the host six.”

“What a brute of a host! Why did you give him six pistoles?”

“You told me to give them to him.”

“It is true; I am too good-natured. In brief, how much remains?”

“Twenty-five pistoles,” said D’Artagnan.

“And I,” said Athos, taking some small change from his pocket, I–”

“You? Nothing!”

“My faith! So little that it is not worth reckoning with the general stock.”

“Now, then, let us calculate how much we posses in all.”


“Thirty crowns.”


“Ten pistoles.”

“And you, D’Artagnan?”


“That makes in all?” said Athos.

“Four hundred and seventy-five livres,” said D’Artagnan, who reckoned like Archimedes.
“四百七十五里弗,” 达达尼昂像阿基米德一样计算道。

“On our arrival in Paris, we shall still have four hundred, besides the harnesses,” said Porthos.
“我们到巴黎时,除了马具还有四百枚金币,” 波尔索说道。

“But our troop horses?” said Aramis.
“可是我们的军马呢?” 阿拉米斯说。

“Well, of the four horses of our lackeys we will make two for the masters, for which we will draw lots. —
“我们的四匹马中的两匹将留给我们的主人,我们将抽签决定。 —

With the four hundred livres we will make the half of one for one of the unmounted, and then we will give the turnings out of our pockets to D’Artagnan, who has a steady hand, and will go and play in the first gaming house we come to. There!”

“Let us dine, then,” said Porthos; “it is getting cold.”

The friends, at ease with regard to the future, did honor to the repast, the remains of which were abandoned to Mousqueton, Bazin, Planchet, and Grimaud.

On arriving in Paris, D’Artagnan found a letter from M. de Treville, which informed him that, at his request, the king had promised that he should enter the company of the Musketeers.

As this was the height of D’Artagnan’s worldly ambition–apart, be it well understood, from his desire of finding Mme. Bonacieux–he ran, full of joy, to seek his comrades, whom he had left only half an hour before, but whom he found very sad and deeply preoccupied. —
这是达达尼昂世俗抱负的顶点,除了他寻找波纳湖夫人的愿望之外,他兴高采烈地去找他离开仅半小时的伙伴们,但发现他们都很悲伤和深深地陷入沉思。 —

They were assembled in council at the residence of Athos, which always indicated an event of some gravity. —
他们聚集在阿多斯的住处,这总是表示发生了某件重大事件。 —

M. de Treville had intimated to them his Majesty’s fixed intention to open the campaign on the first of May, and they must immediately prepare their outfits.

The four philosophers looked at one another in a state of bewilderment. —
四位哲学家相互看着,一脸惊愕。 —

M. de Treville never jested in matters relating to discipline.

“And what do you reckon your outfit will cost?” said D’Artagnan.

“Oh, we can scarcely say. We have made our calculations with Spartan economy, and we each require fifteen hundred livres.”

“Four times fifteen makes sixty–six thousand livres,” said Athos.

“It seems to me,” said D’Artagnan, “with a thousand livres each– I do not speak as a Spartan, but as a procurator–”

This word PROCURATOR roused Porthos. “Stop,” said he, “I have an idea.”

“Well, that’s something, for I have not the shadow of one,” said Athos cooly; —
“嗯,这可是个事情,因为我一点也没有,”Athos冷静地说; —

“but as to D’Artagnan, gentlemen, the idea of belonging to OURS has driven him out of his senses. —
“但至于达达尼昂,先生们,加入我们这个想法把他逼疯了。 —

A thousand livres! For my part, I declare I want two thousand.”

“Four times two makes eight,” then said Aramis; —
“四乘两等于八,”然后Aramis说; —

“it is eight thousand that we want to complete our outfits, toward which, it is true, we have already the saddles.”

“Besides,” said Athos, waiting till D’Artagnan, who went to thank Monsieur de Treville, had shut the door, “besides, there is that beautiful ring which beams from the finger of our friend. —
“再说,”Athos说,在达达尼昂去感谢特雷维尔先生之后,等他关上门,“再说,我们朋友手指上那光芒四射的美丽戒指。 —

What the devil! D’Artagnan is too good a comrade to leave his brothers in embarrassment while he wears the ransom of a king on his finger.”