
Meanwhile, the cardinal looked anxiously for news from England; —
与此同时,红衣主教焦急地等待来自英国的消息; —

but no news arrived that was not annoying and threatening.

Although La Rochelle was invested, however certain success might appear–thanks to the precautions taken, and above all to the dyke, which prevented the entrance of any vessel into the besieged city–the blockade might last a long time yet. —
尽管罗切尔被围困,然而尽管胜利似乎是确定的–多亏了采取的预防措施,尤其是堤坝的建造,阻止了任何船只进入被围城市–封锁可能还会持续很长时间。 —

This was a great affront to the king’s army, and a great inconvenience to the cardinal, who had no longer, it is true, to embroil Louis XIII with Anne of Austria–for that affair was over–but he had to adjust matters for M. de Bassompierre, who was embroiled with the Duc d’Angouleme.

As to Monsieur, who had begun the siege, he left to the cardinal the task of finishing it.

The city, notwithstanding the incredible perseverance of its mayor, had attempted a sort of mutiny for a surrender; —
市长以其令人难以置信的坚持,曾试图进行一场投降的哗变; —

the mayor had hanged the mutineers. This execution quieted the ill- disposed, who resolved to allow themselves to die of hunger–this death always appearing to them more slow and less sure than strangulation.
市长绞死了叛乱者。 这一处决使那些不怀好意的人静下来,他们决定任由自己饿死–在他们看来,这种死法总比绞死慢且不确定。

On their side, from time to time, the besiegers took the messengers which the Rochellais sent to Buckingham, or the spies which Buckingham sent to the Rochellais. —
围城的人时不时捕获罗切尔人送往巴克汉姆的使者或者巴克汉姆派往罗切尔的间谍。 —

In one case or the other, the trial was soon over. —
或者在这两种情况下,审判很快就结束了。 —

The cardinal pronounced the single word, “Hanged!” —
主教发出单词:“绞刑!” —

The king was invited to come and see the hanging. —
国王受邀前来观看绞刑。 —

He came languidly, placing himself in a good situation to see all the details. —
他懒散地来到,站在一个好位置,以便看到所有的细节。 —

This amused him sometimes a little, and made him endure the siege with patience; —
这有时让他有点开心,使他耐心忍受围困; —

but it did not prevent his getting very tired, or from talking at every moment of returning to Paris–so that if the messengers and the spies had failed, his Eminence, notwithstanding all his inventiveness, would have found himself much embarrassed.

Nevertheless, time passed on, and the Rochellais did not surrender. —
然而,时间继续流逝,洛歇莱人没有投降。 —

The last spy that was taken was the bearer of a letter. —
最后一个被抓的间谍是一封信的传递者。 —

This letter told Buckingham that the city was at an extremity; —
这封信告诉巴基汉姆城市正处于极度危险之中; —

but instead of adding, “If your succor does not arrive within fifteen days, we will surrender,” it added, quite simply, “If your succor comes not within fifteen days, we shall all be dead with hunger when it comes.”

The Rochellais, then, had no hope but in Buckingham. Buckingham was their Messiah. —
因此,洛歇莱人除了巴基汉姆没有别的希望。巴基汉姆是他们的救世主。 —

It was evident that if they one day learned positively that they must not count on Buckingham, their courage would fail with their hope.

The cardinal looked, then, with great impatience for the news from England which would announce to him that Buckingham would not come.

The question of carrying the city by assault, though often debated in the council of the king, had been always rejected. —
攻占城市的问题,虽然在国王的议会中经常被讨论,但总是被否决。 —

In the first place, La Rochelle appeared impregnable. —
首先,洛歇莱看起来坚不可摧。 —

Then the cardinal, whatever he said, very well knew that the horror of bloodshed in this encounter, in which Frenchman would combat against Frenchman, was a retrograde movement of sixty years impressed upon his policy; —
然后枢机主教,无论他说什么,很清楚地知道,这场遭遇中的流血之惧,法国人反对法国人,是他政策上的一次退步,相当于六十年的倒退; —

and the cardinal was at that period what we now call a man of progress. —
而枢机主教当时正是我们现在称之为”进步派”。 —

In fact, the sack of La Rochelle, and the assassination of three of four thousand Huguenots who allowed themselves to be killed, would resemble too closely, in 1628, the massacre of St. Bartholomew in 1572; —
实际上,洛歇莱的洗劫以及三四千个信仰胡格诺派的人被杀害,会在1628年再次像1572年的圣巴托洛缪大屠杀一样; —

and then, above all this, this extreme measure, which was not at all repugnant to the king, good Catholic as he was, always fell before this argument of the besieging generals–La Rochelle is impregnable except to famine.

The cardinal could not drive from his mind the fear he entertained of his terrible emissary–for he comprehended the strange qualities of this woman, sometimes a serpent, sometimes a lion. —
枢机主教无法摆脱他对恐怖使者的恐惧–因为他了解到这个女人的奇异品质,有时是蛇,有时是狮子。 —

Had she betrayed him? Was she dead? He knew her well enough in all cases to know that, whether acting for or against him, as a friend or an enemy, she would not remain motionless without great impediments; —
她背叛了他吗?她死了吗?无论在哪种情况下,他都足够了解她,知道她无论是为他还是反对他,作为朋友或敌人,都不会在没有重大障碍的情况下静止不动; —

but whence did these impediments arise? That was what he could not know.

And yet he reckoned, and with reason, on Milady. —
然而,他相信,而且有理由相信,米莱迪会帮助他。 —

He had divined in the past of this woman terrible things which his red mantle alone could cover; —
他曾经在这个女人的过去揣测到了可怕的事情,而只有他的红袍才能掩盖; —

and he felt, from one cause or another, that this woman was his own, as she could look to no other but himself for a support superior to the danger which threatened her.

He resolved, then, to carry on the war alone, and to look for no success foreign to himself, but as we look for a fortunate chance. —
于是,他决定独自进行战斗,不期待别人的成功,而只把幸运的机会当作他追求的目标。 —

He continued to press the raising of the famous dyke which was to starve La Rochelle. —
他继续努力修筑著名的堤坝,以饿死La Rochelle。 —

Meanwhile, he cast his eyes over that unfortunate city, which contained so much deep misery and so many heroic virtues, and recalling the saying of Louis XI, his political predecessor, as he himself was the predecessor of Robespierre, he repeated this maxim of Tristan’s gossip: —
与此同时,他俯瞰着那个不幸的城市,那里满是深重的痛苦和众多英勇的美德,他想起了他的前任路易十一的说法,正如他自己是罗伯斯庇尔的前任一样,他重复着特里斯坦传闻的这一格言: —

“Divide in order to reign.”

Henry IV, when besieging Paris, had loaves and provisions thrown over the walls. —
亨利四世围困巴黎的时候,会把面包和粮食扔过城墙。 —

The cardinal had little notes thrown over in which he represented to the Rochellais how unjust, selfish, and barbarous was the conduct of their leaders. —
红衣主教会扔小纸条过去,告诉罗歇莱的人们,他们的领导人的行为是多么的不公,自私和野蛮。 —

These leaders had corn in abundance, and would not let them partake of it; —
这些领导人囤积了大量粮食,却不让百姓分享; —

they adopted as a maxim–for they, too, had maxims–that it was of very little consequence that women, children, and old men should die, so long as the men who were to defend the walls remained strong and healthy. —
他们奉行一种格言——因为他们也有格言——认为妇女、儿童和老人死去并不重要,只要守卫城墙的男人们保持强壮健康即可。 —

Up to that time, whether from devotedness or from want of power to act against it, this maxim, without being generally adopted, nevertheless passed from theory into practice; —
直到那时,无论是出于奉献或者是无力反对,这一原则,虽然没有被普遍接受,却从理论上转变为实践; —

but the notes did it injury. The notes reminded the men that the children, women, and old men whom they allowed to die were their sons, their wives, and their fathers, and that it would be more just for everyone to be reduced to the common misery, in order that equal conditions should give birth to unanimous resolutions.

These notes had all the effect that he who wrote them could expect, in that they induced a great number of the inhabitants to open private negotiations with the royal army.

But at the moment when the cardinal saw his means already fructify, and applauded himself for having put it in action, an inhabitant of La Rochelle who had contrived to pass the royal lines–God knows how, such was the watchfulness of Bassompierre, Schomberg, and the Duc d’Angouleme, themselves watched over by the cardinal–an inhabitant of La Rochelle, we say, entered the city, coming from Portsmouth, and saying that he had seen a magnificent fleet ready to sail within eight days. —
但正当红衣主教看到他的计划已经开始见效,并为自己的行动而自我称赞时,一位从朗雪尔设法越过皇室封锁线的居民——天知道是如何设法的,考虑到巴松皮埃尔、肖姆贝尔和昂古莱姆公爵保持的密切监视,他们本身也受到红衣主教的监视——进入了这座城市,从朴茨茅斯而来,声称他看到一个华丽的舰队已经准备在八天内启航。 —

Still further, Buckingham announced to the mayor that at length the great league was about to declare itself against France, and that the kingdom would be at once invaded by the English, Imperial, and Spanish armies. —
同时,白金汉还向市长宣布,大同盟终将对法国宣战,英国、帝国和西班牙军队将立即入侵这个王国。 —

This letter was read publicly in all parts of the city. —
这封信在全城各处公开宣读。 —

Copies were put up at the corners of the streets; —
复制件被张贴在街角; —

and even they who had begun to open negotiations interrupted them, being resolved to await the succor so pompously announced.

This unexpected circumstance brought back Richelieu’s former anxiety, and forced him in spite of himself once more to turn his eyes to the other side of the sea.

During this time, exempt from the anxiety of its only and true chief, the royal army led a joyous life, neither provisions nor money being wanting in the camp. —
在此期间,摆脱了唯一真正首领的焦虑的皇家军队过着愉快的生活,营地中既不缺少粮食也不缺少资金。 —

All the corps rivaled one another in audacity and gaiety. —
各个军团互相比试勇敢和快乐。 —

To take spies and hang them, to make hazardous expeditions upon the dyke or the sea, to imagine wild plans, and to execute them coolly–such were the pastimes which made the army find these days short which were not only so long to the Rochellais, a prey to famine and anxiety, but even to the cardinal, who blockaded them so closely.

Sometimes when the cardinal, always on horseback, like the lowest GENDARME of the army, cast a pensive glance over those works, so slowly keeping pace with his wishes, which the engineers, brought from all the corners of France, were executing under his orders, if he met a Musketeer of the company of Treville, he drew near and looked at him in a peculiar manner, and not recognizing in him one of our four companions, he turned his penetrating look and profound thoughts in another direction.

One day when oppressed with a mortal weariness of mind, without hope in the negotiations with the city; —
有一天,厌倦了心灵的致命疲倦,失望于与这座城市的谈判; —

without news from England, the cardinal went out, without any other aim than to be out of doors, and accompanied only by Cahusac and La Houdiniere, strolled along the beach. —
失望于英格兰的消息,红衣主教走出了大门,没有别的目的,只是想出去走走,只有卡修萨克和拉乌迪尼埃尔陪同,沿着海滩漫步。 —

Mingling the immensity of his dreams with the immensity of the ocean, he came, his horse going at a foot’s pace, to a hill from the top of which he perceived behind a hedge, reclining on the sand and catching in its passage one of those rays of the sun so rare at this period of the year, seven men surrounded by empty bottles. —
将他的梦境的广大与海的广大相融合,他来到了一个小山上,在那儿他看到了一个在沙滩上躺着、身后有篱笆,身边被空空的瓶子围绕着的七个人,其中一个正捕捉着在这一年这个时候如此稀有的阳光中途经的光线。 —

Four of these men were our Musketeers, preparing to listen to a letter one of them had just received. —
这七个人中有四个是我们的火枪手,准备听取其中一人刚刚收到的一封信。 —

This letter was so important that it made them forsake their cards and their dice on the drumhead.

The other three were occupied in opening an enormous flagon of Collicure wine; —
另外三人正忙着打开一大罐可莉库尔红酒; —

these were the lackeys of these gentlemen.

The cardinal was, as we have said, in very low spirits; —
大主教如我们所说的那样,心情非常低落; —

and nothing when he was in that state of mind increased his depression so much as gaiety in others. —
当他心情低落时,没有什么能像别人的快乐那样增加他的沮丧。 —

Besides, he had another strange fancy, which was always to believe that the causes of his sadness created the gaiety of others. —
此外,他还有另一个奇怪的想法,那就是总是相信他的忧郁引起了别人的快乐。 —

Making a sign to La Houdiniere and Cahusac to stop, he alighted from his horse, and went toward these suspected merry companions, hoping, by means of the sand which deadened the sound of his steps and of the hedge which concealed his approach, to catch some words of this conversation which appeared so interesting. —
向拉乌迪尼埃和卡厄萨克打了个停手的手势,他下了马,走向这些被怀疑的欢乐伙伴们,希望通过起沙减弱脚步声和用来掩饰他接近的篱笆,来捕捉到这个看起来非常有趣的对话的一些词语。 —

At ten paces from the hedge he recognized the talkative Gascon; —
从篱笆十步之远,他认出了健谈的加斯康; —

and as he had already perceived that these men were Musketeers, he did not doubt that the three others were those called the Inseparables; —
而且他已经注意到这些人是近卫军,他不怀疑其他三人是所谓的“四不像”; —

that is to say, Athos, Porthos, and Aramis.

It may be supposed that his desire to hear the conversation was augmented by this discovery. —
可以想象,他听对话的欲望因这一发现而增加。 —

His eyes took a strange expression, and with the step of a tiger-cat he advanced toward the hedge; —
他的眼神变得奇特起来,一步步像虎猫一样向篱笆靠近; —

but he had not been able to catch more than a few vague syllables without any positive sense, when a sonorous and short cry made him start, and attracted the attention of the Musketeers.

“Officer!” cried Grimaud.

“You are speaking, you scoundrel!” said Athos, rising upon his elbow, and transfixing Grimaud with his flaming look.

Grimaud therefore added nothing to his speech, but contented himself with pointing his index finger in the direction of the hedge, announcing by this gesture the cardinal and his escort.

With a single bound the Musketeers were on their feet, and saluted with respect.

The cardinal seemed furious.

“It appears that Messieurs the Musketeers keep guard,” said he. —
“看来,三位火枪手在戒备,” 他说。 —

“Are the English expected by land, or do the Musketeers consider themselves superior officers?”

“Monseigneur,” replied Athos, for amid the general fright he alone had preserved the noble calmness and coolness that never forsook him, “Monseigneur, the Musketeers, when they are not on duty, or when their duty is over, drink and play at dice, and they are certainly superior officers to their lackeys.”
“阁下,” 阿索斯回答道,因为在普遍的恐惧中,只有他保持着高贵的冷静,毫不动摇,” 阁下,火枪手们,当不值班时,或者当他们的任务完成时,会喝酒,掷骰子,而且他们肯定比他们的男仆更高级。”

“Lackeys?” grumbled the cardinal. “Lackeys who have the order to warn their masters when anyone passes are not lackeys, they are sentinels.”
“男仆?” 总教卡蒙正面有些不满地说。 “当接到通知主人有人经过的指令时,他们并不是男仆,他们是哨兵。”

“Your Eminence may perceive that if we had not taken this precaution, we should have been exposed to allowing you to pass without presenting you our respects or offering you our thanks for the favor you have done us in uniting us. —
“阁下可以明白,如果我们没有采取这项预防措施,我们可能会让阁下经过而没有向您呈上我们的敬意或为您结缘我们所作的恩惠.” —

D’Artagnan,” continued Athos, “you, who but lately were so anxious for such an opportunity for expressing your gratitude to Monseigneur, here it is; —
“达达尼昂,” 阿索斯继续说, “你,不久之前还如此渴望有机会向阁下表达感激之情,现在有了;” —

avail yourself of it.”

These words were pronounced with that imperturbable phlegm which distinguished Athos in the hour of danger, and with that excessive politeness which made of him at certain moments a king more majestic than kings by birth.

D’Artagnan came forward and stammered out a few words of gratitude which soon expired under the gloomy looks of the cardinal.

“It does not signify, gentlemen,” continued the cardinal, without appearing to be in the least swerved from his first intention by the diversion which Athos had started, “it does not signify, gentlemen. —
“没关系,先生们,”总教卡蒙继续说,一点也不被阿索斯发起的转移所改变他最初的意图,”没关系,先生们。 —

I do not like to have simple soldiers, because they have the advantage of serving in a privileged corps, thus to play the great lords; —
我不喜欢普通士兵,因为他们在特权部队服务的优势,像大人物一样;纪律对他们和对其他人一样。 —

discipline is the same for them as for everybody else.”

Athos allowed the cardinal to finish his sentence completely, and bowed in sign of assent. —
一直到达那时,从头到尾都要他们服从纪律。 —

Then he resumed in his turn: “Discipline, Monseigneur, has, I hope, in no way been forgotten by us. —
接着,他说:“主教大人,我希望我们没有忘记纪律。” —

We are not on duty, and we believed that not being on duty we were at liberty to dispose of our time as we pleased. —
我们不值班,我们认为既然不值班,我们可以自由支配自己的时间。 —

If we are so fortunate as to have some particular duty to perform for your Eminence, we are ready to obey you. —
如果我们有幸能为阁下执行某些特定任务,我们愿意服从您的命令。 —

Your Eminence may perceive,” continued Athos, knitting his brow, for this sort of investigation began to annoy him, “that we have not come out without our arms.”

And he showed the cardinal, with his finger, the four muskets piled near the drum, on which were the cards and dice.

“Your Eminence may believe,” added D’Artagnan, “that we would have come to meet you, if we could have supposed it was Monseigneur coming toward us with so few attendants.”

The cardinal bit his mustache, and even his lips a little.

“Do you know what you look like, all together, as you are armed and guarded by your lackeys?” —
“你们装束携带武器,并由仆人护卫,看起来像四个阴谋者。” —

said the cardinal. “You look like four conspirators.”

“Oh, as to that, Monseigneur, it is true,” said Athos; —
“我们确实在密谋,正如阁下有可能在前几天所看到的那样。 —

“we do conspire, as your Eminence might have seen the other morning. —
只不过我们的密谋对象是拉谢勒人。” —

Only we conspire against the Rochellais.”

“Ah, you gentlemen of policy!” replied the cardinal, knitting his brow in his turn, “the secret of many unknown things might perhaps be found in your brains, if we could read them as you read that letter which you concealed as soon as you saw me coming.”

The color mounted to the face of Athos, and he made a step toward his Eminence.

“One might think you really suspected us, monseigneur, and we were undergoing a real interrogatory. —
“One might think you really suspected us, monseigneur, and we were undergoing a real interrogatory. —

If it be so, we trust your Eminence will deign to explain yourself, and we should then at least be acquainted with our real position.”

“And if it were an interrogatory!” replied the cardinal. —
“如果这是一个询问!”红衣主教回答道。 —

“Others besides you have undergone such, Monsieur Athos, and have replied thereto.”

“Thus I have told your Eminence that you had but to question us, and we are ready to reply.”

“What was that letter you were about to read, Monsieur Aramis, and which you so promptly concealed?”

“A woman’s letter, monseigneur.”

“Ah, yes, I see,” said the cardinal; “we must be discreet with this sort of letters; —
“啊,是的,我明白了,”红衣主教说,“对于这类信件我们必须保持谨慎; —

but nevertheless, we may show them to a confessor, and you know I have taken orders.”

“Monseigneur,” said Athos, with a calmness the more terrible because he risked his head in making this reply, “the letter is a woman’s letter, but it is neither signed Marion de Lorme, nor Madame d’Aiguillon.”

The cardinal became as pale as death; lightning darted from his eyes. —
主教的脸色苍白如死,他的眼睛中闪过闪电。 —

He turned round as if to give an order to Cahusac and Houdiniere. Athos saw the movement; —
他转身似乎要下令给卡休萨克和胡丁尼埃。阿索斯看到了这个动作; —

he made a step toward the muskets, upon which the other three friends had fixed their eyes, like men ill-disposed to allow themselves to be taken. —
他向着火枪迈出一步,其他三个朋友都已经把目光投向火枪,好像他们并不打算轻易被俘虏。 —

The cardinalists were three; the Musketeers, lackeys included, were seven. —
主教派人只有三人;麻雀兵,包括仆人在内,共有七人。 —

He judged that the match would be so much the less equal, if Athos and his companions were really plotting; —
他判断,如果阿索斯和他的同伴真的在密谋,比赛将会更加不平等; —

and by one of those rapid turns which he always had at command, all his anger faded away into a smile.

“Well, well!” said he, “you are brave young men, proud in daylight, faithful in darkness. —
“哦,哦!”他说,“你们是勇敢的年轻人,在白天自豪,黑夜里忠诚。 —

We can find no fault with you for watching over yourselves, when you watch so carefully over others. Gentlemen, I have not forgotten the night in which you served me as an escort to the Red Dovecot. —
当你们如此细心地照看他人时,我们无法对你们有任何指责。先生们,我没有忘记你们当我的护卫到红鸽舍的那个夜晚。 —

If there were any danger to be apprehended on the road I am going, I would request you to accompany me; —
如果我所走的路上有什么危险,我会请求你们陪同我; —

but as there is none, remain where you are, finish your bottles, your game, and your letter. Adieu, gentlemen!”

And remounting his horse, which Cahusac led to him, he saluted them with his hand, and rode away.

The four young men, standing and motionless, followed him with their eyes without speaking a single word until he had disappeared. —
四个年轻人站立着,一动不动,默默地追随着他,直到他消失无影。 —

Then they looked at one another.

The countenances of all gave evidence of terror, for notwithstanding the friendly adieu of his Eminence, they plainly perceived that the cardinal went away with rage in his heart.

Athos alone smiled, with a self-possessed, disdainful smile.

When the cardinal was out of hearing and sight, “That Grimaud kept bad watch!” —
“格里莫多看得不够仔细!”波尔图斯大声说道,他很想把自己的坏情绪发泄在某人身上。 —

cried Porthos, who had a great inclination to vent his ill-humor on somebody.

Grimaud was about to reply to excuse himself. Athos lifted his finger, and Grimaud was silent.

“Would you have given up the letter, Aramis?” said D’Artagnan.

“I,” said Aramis, in his most flutelike tone, “I had made up my mind. —
如果他坚持要拿走这封信,我会一手递给他这封信,另一手将我的剑刺穿他的身体。” —

If he had insisted upon the letter being given up to him, I would have presented the letter to him with one hand, and with the other I would have run my sword through his body.”
“Would you have given up the letter, Aramis?” said D’Artagnan.

“I expected as much,” said Athos; “and that was why I threw myself between you and him. —
“我早就料到了,” 阿索斯说,”所以才挺身而出,站在你和他之间。 —

Indeed, this man is very much to blame for talking thus to other men; —
“的确,这个人说话这样对待别人实在有些过分; —

one would say he had never had to do with any but women and children.”

“My dear Athos, I admire you, but nevertheless we were in the wrong, after all.”

“How, in the wrong?” said Athos. “Whose, then, is the air we breathe? —
“怎么会错呢?” 阿索斯说。 “我们呼吸的空气隶属于谁呢? —

Whose is the ocean upon which we look? Whose is the sand upon which we were reclining? —
“我们所看到的大海是谁的?我们躺卧在上面的沙滩又是谁的? —

Whose is that letter of your mistress? Do these belong to the cardinal? —
“你的情人写给你的信又是谁的?这些都属于红衣主教吗? —

Upon my honor, this man fancies the world belongs to him. —
“天哪,这人以为整个世界都属于他。 —

There you stood, stammering, stupefied, annihilated. —
“当时你站在那里,结结巴巴,惊愕万分,像是被毁灭一般。 —

One might have supposed the Bastille appeared before you, and that the gigantic Medusa had converted you into stone. —
“人们会以为巴士底狱出现在你面前,巨大的美杜莎把你变成了石头。 —

Is being in love conspiring? You are in love with a woman whom the cardinal has caused to be shut up, and you wish to get her out of the hands of the cardinal. —
“恋爱就是密谋吗?你爱上了一位被红衣主教关押的女人,你想把她从红衣主教手中解救出来。 —

That’s a match you are playing with his Eminence; this letter is your game. —
“你在跟他主教玩棋局;这封信就是你的棋子。 —

Why should you expose your game to your adversary? That is never done. —
“你为什么要把你的计划暴露给对手?这是绝对不允许的。 —

Let him find it out if he can! We can find out his!”

“Well, that’s all very sensible, Athos,” said D’Artagnan.
“嗯,阿索斯,你说的都很有道理,” 达’Artagnan说。

“In that case, let there be no more question of what’s past, and let Aramis resume the letter from his cousin where the cardinal interrupted him.”

Aramis drew the letter from his pocket; the three friends surrounded him, and the three lackeys grouped themselves again near the wine jar.

“You had only read a line or two,” said D’Artagnan; “read the letter again from the commencement.”

“Willingly,” said Aramis.

“My dear Cousin, I think I shall make up my mind to set out for Bethune, where my sister has placed our little servant in the convent of the Carmelites; —
“我亲爱的表亲,我想我决定动身前往贝杜讷,我们的小仆人是我妹妹将她安置在加尔默罗修道院的地方; —

this poor child is quite resigned, as she knows she cannot live elsewhere without the salvation of her soul being in danger. —
这个可怜的孩子完全顺从,因为她知道如果不在那里生活,她的灵魂的拯救就会受到威胁。 —

Nevertheless, if the affairs of our family are arranged, as we hope they will be, I believe she will run the risk of being damned, and will return to those she regrets, particularly as she knows they are always thinking of her. —
不过,如果我们家的事情得到了安排,正如我们所希望的那样,我相信她将冒着被诅咒的风险,回到她所想念的人身边,特别是因为她知道他们始终在惦记着她。 —

Meanwhile, she is not very wretched; what she most desires is a letter from her intended. —
与此同时,她并不十分不快乐;她最渴望的是她未婚夫的一封信。 —

I know that such viands pass with difficulty through convent gratings; —
我知道这样的食物在修道院的铁栅门口很难传达; —

but after all, as I have given you proofs, my dear cousin, I am not unskilled in such affairs, and I will take charge of the commission. —
但终归,正如我已向您证明的,我亲爱的表亲,我在这方面并不乏经验,我将负责此事。 —

My sister thanks you for your good and eternal remembrance. She has experienced much anxiety; —
我的妹妹感谢您的善意和永恒的记忆。她经历了很多焦虑; —

but she is now at length a little reassured, having sent her secretary away in order that nothing may happen unexpectedly.

“Adieu, my dear cousin. Tell us news of yourself as often as you can; —
“再见,我亲爱的表亲。尽可能经常地告诉我们您的消息; —

that is to say, as often as you can with safety. I embrace you.

“Marie Michon.”

“Oh, what do I not owe you, Aramis?” said D’Artagnan. “Dear Constance! —
“哦,我欠你太多了,阿拉米斯。”达达尼安说。“亲爱的康斯坦斯! —

I have at length, then, intelligence of you. She lives; —
我终于得到了你的消息。她还活着; —

she is in safety in a convent; she is at Bethune! —
她安全地在一家修道院里;她在贝杜恩! —

Where is Bethune, Athos?”

“Why, upon the frontiers of Artois and of Flanders. —
“哦,就在阿图瓦和弗兰德的边境上。 —

The siege once over, we shall be able to make a tour in that direction.”

“And that will not be long, it is to be hoped,” said Porthos; —
“希望不会太久,”波托斯说; —

“for they have this morning hanged a spy who confessed that the Rochellais were reduced to the leather of their shoes. —
“因为今天早晨他们绞死了一个自认为的间谍,他坦白罗谢尔人已经把鞋子的皮都吃光了。 —

Supposing that after having eaten the leather they eat the soles, I cannot see much that is left unless they eat one another.”

“Poor fools!” said Athos, emptying a glass of excellent Bordeaux wine which, without having at that period the reputation it now enjoys, merited it no less, “poor fools! —
“可怜的傻瓜!”阿多斯说着,一口空下了一杯优质波尔多葡萄酒,尽管在那个时期它尚未享有现在的声誉,但它同样值得。 —

As if the Catholic religion was not the most advantageous and the most agreeable of all religions! —
“就好像天主教教派不是一切宗教中最优越最宜人的一样! —

All the same,” resumed he, after having clicked his tongue against his palate, “they are brave fellows! —
同样,”他在把头颈顶着憨厚后接着说,“他们是勇敢的家伙! —

But what the devil are you about, Aramis?” —
不过你到底在干什么,阿拉米斯?” —

continued Athos. “Why, you are squeezing that letter into your pocket!”

“Yes,” said D’Artagnan, “Athos is right, it must be burned. —
“是的,”达达尼安说,“阿多斯说得对,必须将它烧掉。” —

And yet if we burn it, who knows whether Monsieur Cardinal has not a secret to interrogate ashes?”

“He must have one,” said Athos.
“他一定有一种秘密,” 阿多斯说道。

“What will you do with the letter, then?” asked Porthos.
“那么你们打算怎么处理这封信?” 博索问道。

“Come here, Grimaud,” said Athos. Grimaud rose and obeyed. —
“来这里,格里莫,” 阿多斯说道。格里莫站起来,顺从地走过去。 —

“As a punishment for having spoken without permission, my friend, you will please to eat this piece of paper; —
“作为对未经允许讲话的惩罚,我朋友,请吃下这张纸; —

then to recompense you for the service you will have rendered us, you shall afterward drink this glass of wine. —
然后作为你将要帮助我们的报酬,你接着喝这杯酒。 —

First, here is the letter. Eat heartily.”

Grimaud smiled; and with his eyes fixed upon the glass which Athos held in his hand, he ground the paper well between his teeth and then swallowed it.

“Bravo, Monsieur Grimaud!” said Athos; “and now take this. —
“好极了,格里莫先生!” 阿多斯说道;”现在来接受这个。 —

That’s well. We dispense with your saying grace.”

Grimaud silently swallowed the glass of Bordeaux wine; —
格里莫默默地喝下了波尔多红酒; —

but his eyes, raised toward heaven during this delicious occupation, spoke a language which, though mute, was not the less expressive.

“And now,” said Athos, “unless Monsieur Cardinal should form the ingenious idea of ripping up Grimaud, I think we may be pretty much at our ease respecting the letter.”
“现在,” 阿多斯说道,”除非基督教红衣主教想到一个狡猾的主意来解剖格里莫,否则我认为信件方面我们可以比较放心。”

Meantime, his Eminence continued his melancholy ride, murmuring between his mustaches, “These four men must positively be mine.”