
On the morrow, nothing was talked of in Paris but the ball which the aldermen of the city were to give to the king and queen, and in which their Majesties were to dance the famous La Merlaison– the favorite ballet of the king.

Eight days had been occupied in preparations at the Hotel de Ville for this important evening. —
在市政厅花了八天的时间进行了准备工作。 —

The city carpenters had erected scaffolds upon which the invited ladies were to be placed; —
城市的木匠们搭起了供应邀请来的女士们站立的脚手架; —

the city grocer had ornamented the chambers with two hundred FLAMBEAUX if white wax, a piece of luxury unheard of at that period; —
城市的杂货商用两百支白蜡烛点缀了房间,这在当时是前所未有的奢侈; —

and twenty violins were ordered, and the price for them fixed at double the usual rate, upon condition, said the report, that they should be played all night.

At ten o’clock in the morning the Sieur de la Coste, ensign in the king’s Guards, followed by two officers and several archers of that body, came to the city registrar, named Clement, and demanded of him all the keys of the rooms and offices of the hotel. —
上午十点,国王卫队的大尉拉科斯特先生和两名将军以及几名卫士前来找名叫克莱芒的城市登记员,并要求他交出市政厅所有房间和办公室的钥匙。 —

These keys were given up to him instantly. —
这些钥匙立即交给了他。 —

Each of them had ticket attached to it, by which it might be recognized; —
每一把钥匙上都附有一张标签,以便辨认; —

and from that moment the Sieur de la Coste was charged with the care of all the doors and all the avenues.

At eleven o’clock came in his turn Duhallier, captain of the Guards, bringing with him fifty archers, who were distributed immediately through the Hotel de Ville, at the doors assigned them.

At three o’clock came two companies of the Guards, one French, the other Swiss. The company of French guards was composed of half of M. Duhallier’s men and half of M. Dessessart’s men.

At six in the evening the guests began to come. —
民众开始进来。 —

As fast as they entered, they were placed in the grand saloon, on the platforms prepared for them.

At nine o’clock Madame la Premiere Presidente arrived. —
晚上九点,首席法官夫人到达。 —

As next to the queen, she was the most considerable personage of the fete, she was received by the city officials, and placed in a box opposite to that which the queen was to occupy.

At ten o’clock, the king’s collation, consisting of preserves and other delicacies, was prepared in the little room on the side of the church of St. Jean, in front of the silver buffet of the city, which was guarded by four archers.

At midnight great cries and loud acclamations were heard. —
午夜时分传来了喧闹的呼喊和欢呼声。 —

It was the king, who was passing through the streets which led from the Louvre to the Hotel de Ville, and which were all illuminated with colored lanterns.

Immediately the alderman, clothed in their cloth robes and preceded by six sergeants, each holding a FLAMBEAU in his hand, went to attend upon the king, whom they met on the steps, where the provost of the merchants made him the speech of welcome–a compliment to which his Majesty replied with an apology for coming so late, laying the blame upon the cardinal, who had detained him till eleven o’clock, talking of affairs of state.

His Majesty, in full dress, was accompanied by his royal Highness, M. le Comte de Soissons, by the Grand Prior, by the Duc de Longueville, by the Duc d’Euboeuf, by the Comte d’Harcourt, by the Comte de la Roche-Guyon, by M. de Liancourt, by M. de Baradas, by the Comte de Cramail, and by the Chevalier de Souveray. —
他的陛下身着盛装,与皇室的高贵成员一同前来,有苏瓦桑伯爵,长维尔公爵,讷修公爵,埃尔夫伯爵,阿卡图伯爵,拉鲁仙冈侯爵,连库尔侯爵,巴拉达侯爵,克拉迈侯爵,以及苏维雷近卫骑士。 —

Everybody noticed that the king looked dull and preoccupied.

A private room had been prepared for the king and another for Monsieur. —
为国王准备了一间私人房间,为阁下也准备了一间。 —

In each of these closets were placed masquerade dresses. —
每个小隔间里都摆放着化妆舞会服装。 —

The same had been done for the queen and Madame the President. —
为女王和女士们也是如此。 —

The nobles and ladies of their Majesties’ suites were to dress, two by two, in chambers prepared for the purpose. —
陛下的随从贵族和女士们要两两一组,到为此准备好的房间里换装。 —

Before entering his closet the king desired to be informed the moment the cardinal arrived.

Half an hour after the entrance of the king, fresh acclamations were heard; —
国王入场半小时后,又传来了欢呼声; —

these announced the arrival of the queen. —
这是女王到达的欢呼声。 —

The aldermen did as they had done before, and preceded by their sergeants, advanced to receive their illustrious guest. —
市长们如前所做,由护卫先头带头,前往接纳尊贵的客人。 —

The queen entered the great hall; and it was remarked that, like the king, she looked dull and even weary.
女王走进了大厅; 大家都注意到她看起来像国王一样沉闷甚至疲倦。

At the moment she entered, the curtain of a small gallery which to that time had been closed, was drawn, and the pale face of the cardinal appeared, he being dresses as a Spanish cavalier. —
她走进的时候,一直闭着的一个小画廊的帘子被拉开,红衣主教的苍白脸庞露出来,他身着西班牙骑士的服装。 —

His eyes were fixed upon those of the queen, and a smile of terrible joy passed over his lips; —
他的目光一直盯着女王的眼睛,嘴角露出一丝可怕的喜悦。 —

the queen did not wear her diamond studs.

The queen remained for a short time to receive the compliments of the city dignitaries and to reply to the salutations of the ladies. —
女王留下一小段时间接受市政要员的恭维,并回答女士们的问候。 —

All at once the king appeared with the cardinal at one of the doors of the hall. —
突然间国王与红衣主教从大厅的一扇门走了出来。 —

The cardinal was speaking to him in a low voice, and the king was very pale.

The king made his way through the crowd without a mask, and the ribbons of his doublet scarcely tied. He went straight to the queen, and in an altered voice said, “Why, madame, have you not thought proper to wear your diamond studs, when you know it would give me so much gratification?”

The queen cast a glance around her, and saw the cardinal behind, with a diabolical smile on his countenance.

“Sire,” replied the queen, with a faltering voice, “because, in the midst of such a crowd as this, I feared some accident might happen to them.”

“And you were wrong, madame. If I made you that present it was that you might adorn yourself therewith. —
“你错了,亲爱的。如果我送你那个礼物是让你用来打扮的。 —

I tell you that you were wrong.”

The voice of the king was tremulous with anger. —
国王的声音带着愤怒的颤音。 —

Everybody looked and listened with astonishment, comprehending nothing of what passed.

“Sire,” said the queen, “I can send for them to the Louvre, where they are, and thus your Majesty’s wishes will be complied with.”

“Do so, madame, do so, and that at once; for within an hour the ballet will commence.”

The queen bent in token of submission, and followed the ladies who were to conduct her to her room. —
皇后低头表示顺从,跟随着将她带到房间的女士们。 —

On his part the king returned to his apartment.

There was a moment of trouble and confusion in the assembly. —
大厅里出现了一阵混乱和困扰。 —

Everybody had remarked that something had passed between the king and queen; —
每个人都注意到国王和皇后之间发生了些什么; —

but both of them had spoken so low that everybody, out of respect, withdrew several steps, so that nobody had heard anything. —
但是他们俩说话声音很低,因为尊重起见,其他人都退后几步,没人听到任何内容。 —

The violins began to sound with all their might, but nobody listened to them.

The king came out first from his room. He was in a most elegant hunting costume; —
国王先走出了他的房间。他穿着一套非常优雅的打猎服装; —

and Monsieur and the other nobles were dressed like him. —
而阁下和其他贵族也和他穿得一样。 —

This was the costume that best became the king. —
这是最适合国王的服饰。 —

So dressed, he really appeared the first gentleman of his kingdom.

The cardinal drew near to the king, and placed in his hand a small casket. —
红衣主教走近国王,递给他一个小盒子。 —

The king opened it, and found in it two diamond studs.

“What does this mean?” demanded he of the cardinal.

“Nothing,” replied the latter; “only, if the queen has the studs, which I very much doubt, count them, sire, and if you only find ten, ask her Majesty who can have stolen from her the two studs that are here.”

The king looked at the cardinal as if to interrogate him; —
国王目光如炬地盯着主教,仿佛在审问他; —

but he had not time to address any question to him–a cry of admiration burst from every mouth. —
但他没有时间向他提问——所有人都发出了一声赞叹。 —

If the king appeared to be the first gentleman of his kingdom, the queen was without doubt the most beautiful woman in France.

It is true that the habit of a huntress became her admirably. —
她的狩猎师的装扮着实让人钦佩。 —

She wore a beaver had with blue feathers, a surtout of gray-pearl velvet, fastened with diamond clasps, and a petticoat of blue satin, embroidered with silver. —
她戴着一顶带有蓝色羽毛的水獭帽,外套是灰珍珠天鹅绒,用钻石扣子系紧,下摆是蓝色缎子,镶有银色刺绣。 —

On her left shoulder sparkled the diamonds studs, on a bow of the same color as the plumes and the petticoat.

The king trembled with joy and the cardinal with vexation; —
国王为喜悦而颤抖,主教却感到恼火; —

although, distant as they were from the queen, they could not count the studs. —
尽管他们离皇后很远,无法数清别针的数量。 —

The queen had them. The only question was, had she ten or twelve?

At that moment the violins sounded the signal for the ballet. —
就在那时,小提琴演奏了芭蕾的信号。 —

The king advanced toward Madame the President, with whom he was to dance, and his Highness Monsieur with the queen. —
国王走向大法官夫人,与她共舞,皇上阁下与皇后。 —

They took their places, and the ballet began.

The king danced facing the queen, and every time he passed by her, he devoured with his eyes those studs of which he could not ascertain the number. —
国王面对皇后起舞,每次经过她时,他都用眼睛贪婪地看着那些他无法弄清数量的别针。 —

A cold sweat covered the brow of the cardinal.

The ballet lasted an hour, and had sixteen ENTREES. The ballet ended amid the applause of the whole assemblage, and everyone reconducted his lady to her place; —
芭蕾持续了一个小时,有十六个小节。芭蕾在全体集会的掌声中结束,每个人都将他的女伴送回座位; —

but the king took advantage of the privilege he had of leaving his lady, to advance eagerly toward the queen.

“I thank you, madame,” said he, “for the deference you have shown to my wishes, but I think you want two of the studs, and I bring them back to you.”

With these words he held out to the queen the two studs the cardinal had given him.

“How, sire?” cried the young queen, affecting surprise, “you are giving me, then, two more: —
“怎么了,陛下?”年轻的皇后假装惊讶地说,“您给我,那么,另外两颗: —

I shall have fourteen.”

In fact the king counted them, and the twelve studs were all on

her Majesty’s shoulder.

The king called the cardinal.

“What does this mean, Monsieur Cardinal?” asked the king in a severe tone.

“This means, sire,” replied the cardinal, “that I was desirous of presenting her Majesty with these two studs, and that not daring to offer them myself, I adopted this means of inducing her to accept them.”

“And I an the more grateful to your Eminence,” replied Anne of Austria, with a smile that proved she was not the dupe of this ingenious gallantry, “from being certain that these two studs alone have cost you as much as all the others cost his Majesty.”

Then saluting the king and the cardinal, the queen resumed her way to the chamber in which she had dressed, and where she was to take off her costume.

The attention which we have been obliged to give, during the commencement of the chapter, to the illustrious personages we have introduced into it, has diverted us for an instant from him to whom Anne of Austria owed the extraordinary triumph she had obtained over the cardinal; —
刚才皇后已经回到她的房间,达达尼昂即将退下,当他感到自己的肩膀被轻轻触摸。 —

and who, confounded, unknown, lost in the crowd gathered at one of the doors, looked on at this scene, comprehensible only to four persons–the king, the queen, his Eminence, and himself.

The queen had just regained her chamber, and D’Artagnan was about to retire, when he felt his should lightly touched. —
这个场面,只有四个人–国王、将军阁下、红衣主教和他自己理解,本不可理解的胜利,正是他所欠安妮·奥地利女王这个超凡的胜利的人物,被困扰着,不知名,迷失在人群中站在其中的一个门口。 —

He turned and saw a young woman, who made him a sign to follow her. —
他转过身看见一个年轻女子,她示意他跟着她。 —

The face of this young woman was covered with a black velvet mask; —
这位年轻女子的脸上戴着一副黑色天鹅绒面具; —

but notwithstanding this precaution, which was in fact taken rather against others than against him, he at once recognized his usual guide, the light and intelligent Mme. Bonacieux.

On the evening before, they had scarcely seen each other for a moment at the apartment of the Swiss guard, Germain, whither D’Artagnan had sent for her. —
在前一天晚上,他们只在瑞士卫兵热尔曼的公寓里短暂见了一面,那时达达尼昂让她去找她。 —

The haste which the young woman was in to convey to the queen the excellent news of the happy return of her messenger prevented the two lovers from exchanging more than a few words. —
这位年轻女子急匆匆地赶赴皇后那里传达这个好消息,她的使者顺利归来的消息,使得这两位恋人无法交换更多的话语。 —

D’Artagnan therefore followed Mme. Bonacieux moved by a double sentiment–love and curiosity. —
达达尼昂因此跟随邦娜西太太,内心充满爱意和好奇心。 —

All the way, and in proportion as the corridors became more deserted, D’Artagnan wished to stop the young woman, seize her and gaze upon her, were it only for a minute; —
一路上,在走廊越来越空旷的时候,达达尼昂希望停下来,抓住这位年轻女子,凝视她,即使只有一分钟; —

but quick as a bird she glided between his hands, and when he wished to speak to her, her finger placed upon her mouth, with a little imperative gesture full of grace, reminded him that he was under the command of a power which he must blindly obey, and which forbade him even to make the slightest complaint. —
但她像一只快速飞翔的小鸟般在他的手间滑过,每当他想要跟她说话时,她的手指压在嘴上,夹杂着一种充满优雅的一点命令性手势,提醒他他受一个不得不盲目服从的权力支配,甚至不能发一丝怨言。 —

At length, after winding about for a minute or two, Mme. Bonacieux opened the door of a closet, which was entirely dark, and led D’Artagnan into it. —
最后,绕了一两分钟后,邦娜西太太打开了一个完全黑暗的壁橱的门,把达达尼昂带进去。 —

There she made a fresh sign of silence, and opened a second door concealed by tapestry. —
她再次示意保持安静,并打开了被挂毯掩盖的第二扇门。 —

The opening of this door disclosed a brilliant light, and she disappeared.

D’Artagnan remained for a moment motionless, asking himself where he could be; —
达达尼昂在一片相对黑暗中留下,思考着自己可能在哪里; —

but soon a ray of light which penetrated through the chamber, together with the warm and perfumed air which reached him from the same aperture, the conversation of two of three ladies in language at once respectful and refined, and the word “Majesty” several times repeated, indicated clearly that he was in a closet attached to the queen’s apartment. —
但很快,透过壁橱的一线光芒,以及从那个开口处传来的温暖芳香的空气,两三个讲着既尊敬又精致语言的女士们的谈话,还有几次重复的“陛下”这个词,清楚地表明他在一个与皇后公寓相连的壁橱里。 —

The young man waited in comparative darkness and listened.

The queen appeared cheerful and happy, which seemed to astonish the persons who surrounded her and who were accustomed to see her almost always sad and full of care. —
皇后显得开心快乐,这让围绕着她的人感到惊讶,因为他们习惯了看到她几乎总是忧伤和充满忧虑。 —

The queen attributed this joyous feeling to the beauty of the fete, to the pleasure she had experienced in the ballet; —
女王将这种愉悦的感觉归功于盛宴的美丽,以及她在芭蕾舞中所体验到的快乐; —

and as it is not permissible to contradict a queen, whether she smile or weep, everybody expatiated on the gallantry of the aldermen of the city of Paris.

Although D’Artagnan did not at all know the queen, he soon distinguished her voice from the others, at first by a slightly foreign accent, and next by that tone of domination naturally impressed upon all royal words. —
尽管达达尼昂一点也不认识女王,但他很快就可以从众人中分辨出她的声音,首先是由于轻微的异国口音,接着是那种自然印在所有王家话语中的统治感。 —

He heard her approach and withdraw from the partially open door; —
他听见她走近然后又离开半敞开的门; —

and twice or three times he even saw the shadow of a person intercept the light.

At length a hand and an arm, surpassingly beautiful in their form and whiteness, glided through the tapestry. —
终于,一只手和一只手臂通过挂毯缓缓掠过。 —

D’Artagnan at once comprehended that this was his recompense. —
达达尼昂立刻明白这是他的报酬。 —

He cast himself on his knees, seized the hand, and touched it respectfully with his lips. —
他跪下,抓住那只手,恭敬地吻了一下。 —

Then the hand was withdrawn, leaving in his an object which he perceived to be a ring. —
然后手被收回,留在他手中的是一个戒指。 —

The door immediately closed, and D’Artagnan found himself again in complete obscurity.

D’Artagnan placed the ring on his finger, and again waited; —
达达尼昂把戒指套在手指上,再次等待; —

it was evident that all was not yet over. —
显然一切还没有结束。 —

After the reward of his devotion, that of his love was to come. —
他的忠心得到回报之后,接下来要迎来的将是他的爱情的回报。 —

Besides, although the ballet was danced, the evening had scarcely begun. —
此外,尽管芭蕾舞已经跳完,晚宴却才刚刚开始。 —

Supper was to be served at three, and the clock of St. Jean had struck three quarters past two.

The sound of voices diminished by degrees in the adjoining chamber. —
声音逐渐减弱在相邻的房间里。 —

The company was then heard departing; then the door of the closet in which D’Artagnan was, was opened, and Mme. Bonacieux entered.

“You at last?” cried D’Artagnan.
“你终于来了?” 达达尼安喊道。

“Silence!” said the young woman, placing her hand upon his lips; —
“安静!” 年轻女子把手掌放在他的嘴上; —

“silence, and go the same way you came!”

“But where and when shall I see you again?” cried D’Artagnan.
“但是我何时何地可以再见到你?” 达达尼安喊道。

“A note which you will find at home will tell you. Begone, begone!”

At these words she opened the door of the corridor, and pushed D’Artagnan out of the room. —
这番话说完,她打开走廊的门,把达达尼安推出了房间。 —

D’Artagnan obeyed like a child, without the least resistance or objection, which proved that he was really in love.